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Semirelativity in Semiconductors: a Review Wlodek Zawadzki∗ Instituteof Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Aleja Lotnikow 32/46, PL-02668 Warsaw, Poland An analogy between behavior of electrons in narrow-gap semiconductors (NGS) and relativistic electrons in vacuum is reviewed. Energy band structures ε(k) are considered for various NGS materials and their correspondence to the energy-momentum relationinspecial relativityis em- phasized. It is indicated that special relativity for vacuum is analogous to a two-band k·p 7 description for NGS. The maximum electron velocity in NGS is u ≃ 1×108cm/s, which corre- 1 sponds to the light velocity in vacuum. An effective mass of charge carriers in semiconductors 0 is introduced, relating their velocity to quasimomentum and it is shown that this mass depends 2 on electron energy (or velocity) in a way similar to the mass of free relativistic electrons. In Hg1−xCdxTealloysonecanreachvanishingenergygapatwhichelectronsandlightholesbecome n three-dimensional massless Dirac fermions. A wavelength λz is defined for NGS, in analogy to a the Compton wavelength in relativistic quantum mechanics. It is estimated that λz is on the J orderoftensofAngstromsintypicalsemiconductingmaterialswhichisexperimentallyconfirmed 4 intunnelingexperiments onenergy dispersioninthe forbiddengap. Statistical properties of the 2 electron gas in NGS are calculated and their similarity is demonstrated to those of the Juttner gasofrelativisticparticles. InterbandelectrontunnelinginNGSisdescribedandshowntobein ] close analogy to the predicted but unobserved tunneling between negative and positive energies i resultingfromtheDiracequationforfreeelectrons. c It is demonstrated that the relativistic analogy holds fororbital and spinproperties of electrons s in the presence of an external magnetic field. In particular, it is shown that the spin magnetic - l momentofbothNGSelectrons andrelativisticelectrons approaches zerowithincreasingenergy. r t This conclusionis confirmed experimentallyfor NGS. Electrons incrossedelectric andmagnetic m fields are described theoretically and experimentally. It is only the two-band description for NGS, equivalent to the Dirac or Klein-Gordon equations for free particles, that gives a correct . t account of experimental results in this situation. A transverse Doppler shift in the cyclotron a resonanceobserved incrossedfieldsinInSbindicates that thereexistsatimedilatationbetween m an oscillating electron and an observer. The phenomenon of Zitterbewegung (ZB, trembling - motion) for electrons in NGS is considered theoretically, following the original proposition of d Schro¨dinger for free relativistic electrons in vacuum. The two descriptions are in close analogy, n butthefrequencyofZBforelectronsinNGSisordersofmagnitudeloweranditsamplitudeorders o of magnitude higher making possible experimental observations in semiconductors considerably c more favorable. Finally, graphene and carbon nanotubes, as well as topological insulators are [ considered in the framework of relativistic analogy. These systems, with their linear energy- quasimomentum dispersions,illustratethe extreme semirelativisticregime. Experimental results 1 for the energy dispersions and the Landau quantizations in the presence of a magnetic field are v quoted and their analogy to behavior of free relativistic electrons is discussed. Approximations 7 andrestrictionsoftherelativisticanalogyareemphasized. Ontheotherhand,itisindicatedthat 6 invarioussituations itisconsiderablyeasiertoobservesemirelativisticeffects insemiconductors 0 thantherelativisticeffects invacuum. 7 0 . 1 I. INTRODUCTION field,spinmagneticmomentsofchargecarrierscomeinto 0 play, characterized by the corresponding spin g-factors. 7 Effective values of g∗ in semiconductors can be dramati- 1 Since the beginning of solid state physics, theoret- callydifferentfromthe free-electronvalueg =+2dueto v: ical description of movable electrons and holes used the effect of spin-orbit interactionand small energy gap, i physical quantities borrowed from free particles. In as first demonstrated by Roth et al. (1959). X practice it meant that the motion of electrons and r holes was described in analogy to free charged parti- However, the effects of periodic potential are not lim- a cles, with the free mass replaced by an effective mass ited to the effective values of m∗ and g∗, particularly in which reflected the influence of periodic lattice poten- narrowgapsemiconductors(NGS). Kane(1957)was the tial. A theoretical basis for the effective-mass approach first to show that, in the energy bands of narrow-gap was provided by Luttinger and Kohn (1955) followed material InSb, one deals with a nonquadratic ε(k) de- by Zak and Zawadzki (1966). It turned out, somewhat pendence, where ε is the electron energy and ℏk is the counter-intuitively, that the effective masses m∗ of elec- absolute value of quasimomentum. This feature, called tronsinsemiconductorsareconsiderablysmallerthanthe band’s nonparabolicity, also results from small value of free electron mass. In the presence of external magnetic the gap and can be quite well described by a so called two-bandmodel of interacting conduction and light-hole bands. ItwasremarkedbyKeldysh(1963),Wolff(1964), Zawadzkiand Lax(1966),Aronov and Pikus(1966)that ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] the two-band (or two-level) model of the k p theory · 2 is analogous to the Dirac equation for relativistic elec- band’s extremum (we take k=0 for simplicity). It then trons in vacuum. For over 50 years this analogy be- follows from Eq. (1) that the LK amplitudes satisfy the tween the behavior of electrons in narrow gap semicon- eigenvalue equations ductors and that of relativistic electrons in vacuum has been traced for various physical situations, culminating pˆ2 +V (r) u =ε u (4) 0 l0 l0 l0 inrecentyearswiththediscoveriesofgrapheneandtopo- (cid:20)2m0 (cid:21) logicalinsulators. The present article reviews this effort, where ε is the energy of the l’th band at k = 0. The see also Zawadzki(1970, 1997). l0 amplitudes u are orthonormal We describe various “semirelativistic” effects for elec- l0 trons in semiconductors and indicate corresponding fea- 1 tures for relativistic electrons with appropriate refer- ul′0 ul0 =δl′l (5) Ωh | i ences. We mention cases in which, in contrast to obser- vations in semiconductors, relativistic effects in vacuum whereΩisthevolumeoftheunitcellandtheintegration have not been observed. Some of the basic derivations is over Ω. One proves that the LK functions represent a for semiconductors are given without going into details, complete set, with l running over all energy bands. This others are simplified in order to make basic ideas more means that one can expand the Bloch state for the nth easily accessible. Limitations of the relativistic analogy bandintermsoftheLKfunctions(indexnisomittedon are emphasized. An effort has been made to quote the both sides) important semiconductor work on the subject. The review is organized as follows. First, we intro- Ψk = cl(k)uik·rul0(r) (6) duce the relativistic analogy and follow its consequences l X for semiconductor electrons in absence of external fields. where the sum runs over all the bands l. One performs Next,semiconductorelectronsareconsideredinthepres- the elementary operations following from Eqs. (1) and ence of a magnetic field and in crossedelectric and mag- (6), and uses Eq. (4). Multiplying both sides by u∗ /Ω netic fields. In the third part we describe separately l′0 forl′ =1,2,3,...andintegratingoverΩ,oneobtainsthe graphene, carbon nanotubes, and topological insulators, k p theory in the form astheyarecharacterizedbyreduceddimensionalitiesand · possessquite specialproperties. Thereviewis concluded ℏ2k2 ℏk by a discussion. εl0 ε+ δl′l+ pl′l cl =0 (7) − 2m m l (cid:20)(cid:18) 0(cid:19) 0 (cid:21) X wherel′ =1,2,3,...andthemomentummatrixelements II. BAND STRUCTURES IN SEMICONDUCTORS. are RELATIVISTIC ANALOGY 1 We begin by considering charge carriers in semi- pl′l = ul′0 pˆ ul0 . (8) Ωh | | i conductors in the absence of external fields. In this case one can use for their description the k p theory Equation (7) represents the k p theory for the ener- (Luttinger and Kohn,1955). Wepresentither·einasim- giesεn(k)andtheexpansioncoeffi·cientscnl fortheBloch ple form neglecting spin effects, in order to come across stateΨnk. Thephenomenologicalparametersareεl0 and with the basic idea. The initial eigenvalue equation for pl′l. Ifallthe bandsareincluded,set(7)containsnoap- an electron in a periodic potential reads proximations. It can be seen that, apart from the free-electron term pˆ2 ℏ2k2/2m , the structure of Eq. (7) looks very much like +V (r) Ψ=εΨ (1) 0 0 2m theDiracequation(DE):ithasband-edgeenergiesonthe (cid:20) 0 (cid:21) diagonaland quasiomomenta ℏk off the diagonal(in DE where pˆ is the momentum operator, m is the free elec- 0 one deals with the momenta). This similarity provides tronmass,V (r)istheperiodicpotentialofacrystallat- 0 the basis for the relativistic analogy. tice and ε is the energy. It is well known that solutions Initsfull form(7),the k p matrixhasinfinite dimen- of Eq. (1) are the Bloch functions · sions, so finding its complete solutions is not a practi- Ψnk =eik·runk(r) (2) cal task. Following Luttinger and Kohn (1955) one can separate the energy bands by using second-orderpertur- in which ℏk is the quasimomentum and unk(r) is the bation theory and show that, in the parabolic ε(k) ap- periodic Bloch amplitude for the n’th energy band. The proximation, each band is characterized by an effective BlochstatesareexpandedintermsoftheLuttinger-Kohn mass. However,one can take a different route, first indi- (LK) functions cated by Kane (1957). Namely, one can neglect distant χlk =eik·rul0(r) (3) bandsandfindapproximatesolutionsforafinitenumber ofbandsseparatedbysmallenergygaps. Thisprocedure where u are the periodic LK amplitudes given by the correspondstothe perturbationtheoryfornearlydegen- l0 Bloch amplitudes taken at the k value corresponding erateenergylevels. The simplestapproximationwithout 3 spinisthetwo-bandmodel(ortwo-levelmodel)forInSb- respectively, the LK amplitudes type materials in which one takes into account at k = 0 the conduction level of s-like symmetry and the valence u =iS, (9) 10 triple-degeneratelevelofp-likesymmetry,separatedfrom each other by the energy gap ε . This approximation is u =(X iY)/√2, u =Z, u =(X +iY)/√2. g 20 30 40 − justified if the gap ε is distinctly smaller than energy (10) g separations from other bands. We choose the zero of en- ergy in the middle of the gap. Thus, at k = 0, one has Taking into accountsymmetry of the momentum matrix for the conduction and valence levels ε /2 and ε /2, elements,oneobtainsthereducedk pmatrixintheform g g − · ε′+ε /2 Cℏk Cℏk Cℏk c g − z + 1 −  Cℏk ε′ ε /2 0 0 c  + g 2 − − =0 , (11)  Cℏk 0 ε′ ε /2 0 c   z − − g  3   Cℏk− 0 0 ε′ εg/2c4   − −      where C = ( i/m ) S pˆ X is a real number, ε′ = ε 0 x − h | | i − ℏ2k2/2m and k = (k ik )/√2. One solves set (11) 0 ± x y ± and obtains four energy roots ε 2 ℏ2k2 21 ε′ = g +ε (12) 1,2 ± 2 g2m∗ (cid:20)(cid:16) (cid:17) 0(cid:21) ε′ = ε /2, (13) 3,4 − g 1 2C2 = . (14) m∗ ε 0 g The roots ε′ correspond to the conduction and light- 1,2 hole bands, while ε′ correspond to two heavy-hole 3,4 bands. It turns out that 1/m∗ of Eq. (14) is usually 0 muchlargerthan1/m , so thatone canneglectthe free- 0 electron term in Eq. (12) and put ε′(k) ε(k) and ε′ ε /2. In this approximation we hav≃e finally for 3,4 ≃ − g the conduction and light-hole bands ε 2 ℏ2k2 12 g ε = +ε (15) 1,2 ± 2 g2m∗ (cid:20)(cid:16) (cid:17) 0(cid:21) where m∗, given by Eq. (14), is the effective mass of 0 electrons and light holes. In the above model the result- ing bands are spherical, i.e. the energy depends on the absolute value of k, not on its direction. Equation (15) presents an important result. First, for not too large k values one can expand the square root and take the first two terms. This gives ε1,2 = (εg/2+ FIG. 1 Energy versus quasimomentum for the two-band ℏ2k2/2m∗), which is the standard parabolic ap±proxima- model of a semiconductor (schematically). For the Dirac tion to th0e conduction and light-hole bands. Second, for equation the gap is 2m0c2 and the “bottom of the band” sufficientlylargekvaluesonecanneglectthefirsttermin mass is m0. the square root and obtain ε = (ε /2m∗)1/2ℏk. This 1,2 ± g 0 linear k approximationis valid for not too large k values since it is known that, near the Brillouin zone bound- andthis is our essentialpoint, formula (15) has the “rel- aries, the ε(k) dependence must be horizontal. Third, ativistic” character. The energy-momentum relation re- 4 sulting from the Dirac equation for relativistic electrons in vacuum is (Dirac, 1958) 1 2m c2 2 p2 2 ε= 0 +2m c2 . (16) 0 ±"(cid:18) 2 (cid:19) 2m0# It is seen that the dispersion relations (15) and (16) have identical forms with the following correspondence 2m c2 ε (17) 0 g → m m∗ (18) 0 → 0 p ℏk (19) → The correspondenceexpressedin Eqs.(15) and (16) is illustrated in Fig. 1. Energy gaps in semiconductors are manyordersofmagnitudessmallerthan2m c2 1MeV 0 andtheeffectivemassesm∗areconsiderablysma≃llerthan 0 m . Expression (19) suggests that the quasimomentum 0 of semiconductor electrons corresponds to the momen- FIG. 2 Band structures of mixed crystals Hg1−xCdxTe for tum of electrons in vacuum. We emphasize that, while increasing composition x which change from the “reversed” band ordering in HgTe to the “straight” ordering in CdTe the quasimomentum has indeed many properties of the momentum, this is not always the case, as we will show (schematically). For zero interaction gap between Γ8 and Γ6 bands one deals with linear ε(k) dispersions and three- below in the description of Zitterbewegung. The quasi- dimensional “massless” electrons and light holes. momentum appearsfor electronsin solidsinstead ofmo- mentum because in the presence of a periodic potential the Bloch states are characterized by this quantity, see that the relativistic analogy has a rather formal charac- Eq. (3) and Zawadzki (2013). ter. Still, it leads to many physical similarities. One can use the same procedure for HgTe-type Ternary alloys Hg Cd Te offer an interesting possi- 1−x x of materials: α-Sn, HgSe, HgS, in which the p-like bility which also can be interpreted in terms of the rela- triple-degenerate level is above the s-like level, see tivistic analogy. CdTe has the “straight” band ordering Groves and Paul (1963). One obtains solutions of this of InSb-type while HgTe has the “inverted” band order- problem by simply replacing ε by ε , where ε is pos- g 0 0 ing. By producing ternary alloys of these two materials − itive. In this case the relativistic analogy still holds for indifferentchemicalproportionsonecangocontinuously the conduction and light-hole bands. It is seen that, as from one band structure to the other. In particular, one far as the nonparabolicityof the bands is concerned, the canreachthesituationinwhichtheenergyseparationbe- role of ε is now played by ε , often called “the interac- g 0 tween s-like and p-like levels, i.e. the interaction gap, is tion gap”. The main difference from the previous case exactly zero, see e.g. Dornhaus and Nimtz (1976). This is that now at k = 0 the conduction band is degenerate occurs for x = 0.165 at 300K. The two-band model with two heavy-hole bands. For this reason the HgTe- describes this case very well. For ε = 0 the first term g type materials are often called zero-gapsemiconductors. underthesquarerootinEq.(15)vanishes. Inthesecond Wearenowinapositiontoenumerateapproximations termthegapcancelsout,seeEq.(14),andthedispersion andrestrictionsnecessarytousethesemirelativisticanal- becomes ogy of Eqs. (17) – (19). As to approximations, we have neglecteddistantbandskeepingonlyones-likeandonep- ε(k)= Cℏk (20) ± like level. This results in the two-bandmodel, the heavy holes also appearing but not being a part of the picture. i.e. it is linear in k. In terms of the relativistic analogy WehavealsoneglectedthefreeelectronterminEq.(15). thismeansthatonedealswiththe “extremerelativistic” Astorestrictions,thetwo-bandmodelisvalidfornottoo situation. The transition from straight band ordering to large k values, approximatelyup the inflection points on the inverted one in the HgCdTe system is illustrated in the complete ε(k) curve. Second, the sphericity of the Fig. 2. bands described in Eq. (15) is related to the fact that in In narrow gap lead chalcogenides PbTe, PbSe, PbS III-V InSb-like and II-VI HgTe-like materials the band andtheirternaryalloystheconductionbandminimaand extrema of our interest occur in the center of the Bril- valencebandmaximaareatthe Lpointsofthe Brillouin louinzone (the Γ point). Inother materials,for example zone. Asaconsequence,the ε(k)dispersionrelationsare in IV-VI lead chalcogenides, this may not be the case. not spherical but spheroidal, the complete bands having Finally, as we show below, in semiconductors one does cubicsymmetry. However,thetwo-bandk p description · not deal in reality with relativistic electron velocities, so is still valid for not too high electron energies. Choosing 5 the zero of energy in the middle of the gap one has, see oftheenergywithrespecttoquasimomentum,seebelow. Dimmock and Wright (1964) However, we show that a considerably more useful defi- nitionofthe massm∗ comesfromarelationbetweenthe ε 2 ℏ2k2 ℏ2k2 21 electronvelocityv andits quasimomentumℏk. Thus we ε= g +ε ⊥ + k , (21) define the “velocity” effective mass ±" 2 g 2m∗⊥0 2m∗k0!# (cid:16) (cid:17) mˆ∗v=ℏk, (23) where m∗ and m∗ effective masses describe the band ⊥0 k0 ellipsoids. One can obtain the spherical description in where mˆ∗ is generally a tensor. There is k by performing a transformation of k and k compo- ⊥ k ∂ε 1 dεk 1 dε nents, see Aronov and Pikus (1966). v = = i = k δ , (24) i ∂ℏk ℏdk k ℏkdk j ij TernaryalloysofPbSnSeandPbSnTealsoofferapos- i j X sibility of going through zero energy gap, see Strauss (1967), Nimtz and Schlicht (1983). As follows from wherethe summationisoverthe coordinates: j =1,2,3. Eq. (21), in this situation one also deals with the linear On the other hand, there is dispersionε(k). Since in leadsalts the band structure in each material depends strongly on the temperature, one vi =ℏ kj(m∗)−ij1 (25) can reach vanishing gaps as functions of T. j X We conclude this section by remarking that the band descriptions of Eqs. (15) and (20) offer better approxi- in which (m∗)−ij1 is the inverse mass tensor. Comparing mationstorealε(k)dispersionsthanmayappearatfirst Eqs. (24) and (25) one obtains glance,seeZawadzki and Kol odziejczak(1964). Suppose 1 dε one deals with a spherical energy band of an almost ar- (m∗)−1 = δ , (26) bitrary form ε(k) having a minimum at the k=0 point. ij ℏ2kdk ij This occurs, for example, when one takes into account where δ is the Kronecker delta. This means that the ij more bands in the k p theory. In this situation one can inversetensorofthe effective massfora sphericalenergy expand quite general·ly the k2(ε) dependence in a power band is a scalar. As a consequence, Eq. (26) becomes series of energy 1 1 dε k2(ε)=λ0+λ1ε+λ2ε2+λ3ε3+... . (22) m∗ = ℏ2kdk. (27) It is seen that, taking the first two terms of this expan- The constitutive equality (23) with the scalareffective sion, one obtains the standard parabolic description of mass m∗ takes the form an energy band. However, taking the first three terms and solving the resulting quadratic equation for the en- m∗v=ℏk. (28) ergy one obtains an ε(k) relation of the type given by Bywritingdownthethreecomponentsoftheaboveequa- Eq. (15). The conclusion of this reasoning is that the tion, squaring them , adding and taking the square root firstnonparabolicapproximationtoanyε(k)dependence ofboth sides, one shows thatthe relation(28) holds also is always of the relativistic type. Also the linear ε(k) for the absolute values of velocity and quasimomentum, dispersions are accounted for by taking λ = λ = 0 0 1 i.e. and λ = 0. Thus, the above two-band formulas are 2 6 just special cases of the general rule. It is clear that the m∗v =ℏk (29) above phenomenological expansion is valid also for two- dimensional and one-dimensional systems. The above velocity mass appears in the cyclotron reso- nance and, most important, in the transport theory. On the other hand, the mass relating force to acceleration: III. CONSEQUENCES OF BAND STRUCTURE F=Mˆ∗a, is given by We now follow the first physical consequences of the 1 ∂2ε (M∗)−1 = . (30) semirelativistic ε(k) relation given by Eq. (15). ij ℏ2∂k ∂k i j The mass M∗ is less useful than the mass m∗ defined A. Effective Mass above. In particular, it is not a scalar for a spherical energy band. We begin with the important concept of the effective We cannowdetermine the maximumelectronvelocity mass of charge carriers. In standard textbooks on semi- in energy bands described by the two-level model. One conductors,the effective mass of electrons or holes is de- can use Eq. (15), calculate the velocity from Eq. (24) fined by a relation between force and acceleration. This andtakeitslimitforlargek values. Butasimplerwayis leads to the inverse mass given by the second derivative to use directly the correspondence of Eqs. (17) and (18) 6 and obtain the same result. According to relativity, the maximum electron velocity is c. We can write c= 2m0c2/2m0 21 →(εg/2m∗0)21 =u. (31) Clearly, one (cid:0)obtains the s(cid:1)ame for the light holes. The maximum velocity u in a material can be estimated by using experimentally determined values of ε and m∗. It g 0 turns out that the resulting value is u 108cm/s. Fur- ≃ ther,thisvalueisverysimilarforvarioussemiconducting materials. Thus u is about 300 times smaller than the light velocity c indicating that we do not deal in semi- conductorswithtrulyrelativisticvelocities. Thevalueof u is reasonable since typical electron velocities in semi- conductors are of the order of 107cm/s. By using u one can write the dispersion relation (15) in the form 1 ε= (m∗u2)2+u2(ℏk)2 2 , (32) FIG. 3 Electron effective mass in InSb versus free electron ± 0 density,asmeasuredatroomtemperaturebyvariousauthors. whichisevenmorer(cid:2)eminiscentofthere(cid:3)lativisticformula Solidline,calculatedforthetwo-bandmodel,representsmass (16), with u replacing c and ℏk replacing p. It is known values at the Fermi energy. The latter, counted from the that in special relativity one also defines the mass by bandedge,isindicatedontheupperabscissa. AfterZawadzki the relation between velocity and momentum: p = mv. (1974). This velocity mass is a scalar and it depends on the ve- locity (or energy). The relativistic increase of the elec- Combingthis withEq.(34)andusingthe definition (29) tron mass with growing velocity has been observed in for the effective mass m∗, we obtain many experiments, see e.g. Guye and Lavanchy (1915), Rogers et al.(1940),Kaplan(1955). Objectionsconcern- m∗v(1 v2/u2)=ℏk, (37) ing the use of velocity-dependent mass in the theory of 0 − relativityhavebeenexpressedintheliterature,assucha from which it follows massdoesnothavepropertransformationproperties,see e.g. Ginzburg (1979). However, in semiconductors the m∗ =m∗(1 v2/u2)−21, (38) energy-dependent effective mass is an important physi- 0 − cal quantity. which is in direct analogy with the relativistic formula One can determine an explicit form of the velocity quoted above. mass within the two-band model. Calculating dε/dk = Now we give a few experimental examples for the ε ℏ2k/(ε2m∗) and using Eq. (31) for u, we get g 0 energy-dependent effective masses of electrons in semi- conductors which illustrate their semirelativistic behav- m∗(ε)=m∗(2ε/ε )=ε/u2. (33) 0 g ior. At low temperatures the mass is usually measured Thusthemassisproportionaltotheenergycountedfrom at the Fermi energy within the band. As a consequence, the middle of the gap. It then follows oneoftenplotsthemassasafunctionoftheelectronden- sity which determines the Fermi energy. Figure 3 shows ε=m∗u2. (34) the effective masses of electrons in InSb, as measured byvariousauthors,plottedversustheelectrondensityn. This formula is in a direct analogy with the famous rela- tion of special relativity: E = mc2. In both expressions ThecorrespondingvaluesoftheFermienergy,ascounted fromthe conductionband edge, areindicated onthe up- theenergyisgivenbythevelocitymassmultipliedbythe per abscissa. It is seen that the experimental values are square of maximum velocity. in good agreement with the predictions of the two-band In the theory of relativity one often quotes the depen- model. Somewhat too high experimental values at low denceofthemassonvelocity: m(v)=m (1 v2/c2)−1/2. 0 − densities result from the fact that, at the room temper- Wecanderiveananalogousformulafortheeffectivemass ature, the electron gas is not degenerate, so the average ofcarriersinasphericalenergybandwithinthetwo-band model. Equation (15) gives: v =(u2/ε)ℏk , from which measured masses are higher than those at the Fermi en- i i ergy. At the highest densities n = 1019cm−3 the Fermi one easily gets energy is about 0.5eV above the band edge while the v2ε2/u4 =(ℏk)2. (35) gap value at 300K is around 0.18eV, so that one is well within the nonparabolic (or semirelativistic) regime. On the other hand The situation is qualitatively similar for electrons in v2ε2 (ℏk)2v2 GaAs. This material is a medium-gap semiconductor, u2 =m∗02v2+ u2 . (36) having εg 1.5eV. As the electron density n increases ≃ 7 FIG. 4 Electron effective mass in HgSe versus free electron density. The solid line is calculated for the “inverted” band model. AfterKonczykowski(1974),seealsoZawadzki(1974). from1016 to1020cm−3,theelectroneffectivemassm∗ at the Fermienergyincreasesfrom0.065m to 0.13m , see 0 0 Pfeffer and Zawadzki (1990). This example illustrates the fact that, what matters for the semirelativity is not FIG.5 Band-edgeelectroneffectivemassatT =4.2Kversus so much an absolute value of the gap, but rather the ra- the interaction gap in Hg1−xCdxTe alloy system. At x = tio of electron energy above the band edge to the gap 0.165 the mass goes to zero. The value of ε0 = 300meV − value. Electrons in any material will exhibit semirel- corresponds to HgTe. After Guldner et al. (1977), see also ativistic properties if excited sufficiently high into the Rigaux (1980). band. The situation is quite similar for the “inverted” band structure of HgTe-type semiconductors, as discussed above. Figure 4 illustrates the increase of electron mass in HgSe. In this materialone cannot reach electron den- sities below 2 1017cm−3. × It is seen that, indeed, in agreement with Eq. (39), the As we mentioned above, in HgCdTe one can have a mass is linear in n1/3, i.e. it is proportional to k. vanishing interaction gap, see Fig. 1. For the result- ing “ultrarelativistic” linear ε = uℏk dependence, see Eq. (20), one obtains from Eq. (29) the effective mass As we mentioned before, in lead chalcogenides and m∗ =ε/u2 =ℏk/u. (39) their mixed crystals the bands are ellipsoidal and one deals with transverse and parallel effective masses, see It follows that for ε = 0 the mass vanishes. Thus, at Eq. (21). It follows from formula (21) that both masses thebandedgeonedealswiththree-dimensional“massless dependonthe energythesameway. Itisimportantthat fermions”. However, as the energy increases the mass is alsointhis caseonecandefinethe effectivemassesrelat- nonzero. From Eq. (39) we obtain again the relation ing electron velocity to its quasimomentum (Zawadzki, ε = m∗u2. For the vanishing gap the mass is a linear 1974; Z´ukotyn´ski and Kolodziejczak, 1963). In order to function of quasimomentum ℏk. This relation can be follow the energy dependence of the masses one defines directly verified. the density-of-states effective mass m∗ =42/3(m2m )1/3, d ⊥ k Equation (39) indicates that the effective mass at the see Zawadzki (1974). Figure 7 shows the concentration band edge is proportional to the interaction gap ε (or dependence of m∗ masses in PbS and PbTe, as mea- g d ε ). Figure5showstheelectronmassm∗inHg Cd Te sured by various authors. The straight lines are cal- 0 0 1−x x at T = 4.2K versus the interaction gap going through culated for the spheroidal two-band model. It is seen zero for chemical composition x 0.165. On the other that the latter describes the data very well. Similar ≃ hand, Fig. 6 illustrates dependence of the mass on the agreement is obtained for PbSe (Zawadzki, 1974). This wave vector k for HgCdTe in the zero-gap situation, as demonstrates that the semirelativity generalized to the given by Eq. (39). For the degenerate electron gas the spheroidal bands works for the narrow-gap lead chalco- electron density is n=(1/3π2)k3, so that k =(3π2n)1/3. genides. 8 ∗2 FIG. 7 Density-of-states mass m in PbS and PbTe at d T = 77K versus free electron density n2/3. Experimental data taken by various authors, straight lines calculated for thegeneralized two-band model. After Zawadzki (1974). FIG. 6 Electron effective mass in Hg0.9Cd0.1Te at T = 300Kversuselectrondensityn1/3 demonstratinglinearvaria- tion of the mass with quasimomentum, see Eq. (39). This corresponds to the “extreme relativistic” regime. After Galazka and Sosnowski (1967), see also Zawadzki (1974). B. Dispersion in the Gap One of important physical quantities in the rela- tivistic quantum mechanics for electrons is the Comp- ton wavelength λ = ℏ/m c = 3.8 10−3˚A, see e.g. c 0 × Bjorken and Drell (1964). There exists a corresponding quantityλ inthe two-bandk p descriptionofelectrons z · in NGS whichis defined with the use of relativisticanal- FIG. 8 Energy versus imaginary wave vector squared in ogy (Zawadzki, 1997, 2005b): the forbidden gap of InAs. Experimental data are after Parker and Mead (1968), solid line is a theoretical fit after λz = mℏ∗0u =ℏ(cid:18)m∗02εg(cid:19)21 . (40) aEnqd. (u41=).1.3T3h×e a1d08jucsmte/ds.pAarfatemreZtearwsaadrzekiλ(z20=054b1)..5angstrom In NGS one can have m∗ 5 10−2m and since u csi/z3a0b0le, olennegtohbtfoarinssemλzico≃n0d2≃u×cto1×r0n4λacno≃str05u0ct˚Au.resT.his is≃a LEeqt. (u4s1)codnessicdreibretshtehecacsoenkdxuc=tionkyan=d l0ig.htFohrolekz2ba≥nd0s., The dispersion relation(15) can be rewritten in terms For k2 < 0, that is for imaginary values of k = iκ , z z z of u and λz in the form, see Zawadzki (2005b) this equation describes the dispersion in the forbidden energy gap. The length λ can be determined experi- 1 z ε(k)= ℏu λ−2+k2 2 . (41) mentally. The gap region is classically forbidden, but ± z (cid:0) (cid:1) 9 it can become accessible through one-dimensional quan- tum tunneling. Figure 8 shows the dispersion in the gap of InAs obtained from tunneling experiments with double Schottky barriers. The solid line in Fig. 8 in- dicates the fit obtained using Eq. (41). The value of λ is determined directly by k for which the energy z z0 vanishes: λ−2 = k2 . This gives λ = 41.5˚A and z z0 z u = 1.33 108cm/s, in good agreement with the above × estimations. Similar experiments were carried in GaAs and general picture of the dispersion in the gap is sim- ilar to that shown in Fig. 8, see Padovaniand Stratton (1966), Conley and Mahan (1967), Pfeffer and Zawadzki (1990). FIG. 9 Mean internal energy and mean specific heat of the Coming back to the relativistic electrons in vacuum, nondegenerate electron gas calculated for a nonparabolic en- one obtains from Eq. (16) the dispersion analogous to ergy band versus β =k0T/εg. For β =0 the “classical” val- Eq. (41) ues of 3/2 are obtained. After Zawadzki and Ko lodziejczak (1964), see also Zawadzki (1974). 1 E = c ℏ2λ−2+p2 2 . (42) ± c For energies in the gap,(cid:0) i.e. for p2(cid:1) < 0, it takes the computed numerically without much difficulty. In par- z one-dimensional form similar to that shown in Fig. 8, ticular,atT =0onedealswiththe completedegeneracy properly scaled. To our knowledge, there have been no of the electron gas, so that ∂f0/∂ε=δ(ε ζ), where δ − − attempts to investigate this relation for relativistic elec- is the Dirac delta function. The integral (44) is then re- trons in vacuum. ducedtoonepointatε=ζ. Thisgiveskζ =(3π2)1/3n1/3. The above relation was used in Fig. 6 to show that the effectivemassinHgCdTeforvanishingenergygapispro- IV. STATISTICAL PROPERTIES OF ELECTRON GAS portional to k. However, we shall be interested here in the nondegen- Description of statistical and thermodynamic prop- erateelectrongasobeyingtheMaxwell-Boltzmann(MB) erties of carriers in the relativistic-like energy bands statistics. In this limit there is f0 = ∂f0/∂z. Let us − of narrow-gap and middle-gap semiconductors requires calculateinternalenergyoftheelectrongasUMB forthis a specialized mathematical formalism, as reviewed by situation (Zawadzki, 1974; Zawadzkiand Kol odziejczak, Zawadzki (1974). Here we present limited results which 1964). Carrying integration by parts one obtains can be directly compared to those for the relativistic Juttner gas, see Ju¨ttner (1911), Synge (1957), Arzeli`es U = 2 f εd3k =nk T z d , (45) (1968). We begin with the simplest calculation of a MB (2π)3 0 0 dz Z (cid:18) (cid:19) three dimensional electron concentration n in an arbi- trary spherical energy band ε(k). It is assumed that where, in general, an average value is defined as A¯ = the electrons are governed by the Fermi-Dirac statistics A / 1 and the differenciation acts on the k3(ε) func- h i h i f =[exp(z η)+1]−1,wherez =ε/k T andη =ζ/k T tion. For nonparabolic bands described by Eq. (15) the 0 0 0 are the redu−ced energy and the reduced Fermi energy, internal energy becomes respectively. We have U 3 1D1/2(β) MB = k T 1 , (46) n=(1/3π2) 1 , (43) n 2 0 0D3/2 h i 0 where in general where nDm are the generalized Fermi integrals, see l Zawadzki et al. (1965) ∞ ∂f A = 0 Ak3(ε)dε. (44) ∞ h i − ∂ε Z (cid:18) (cid:19) nDm(β)= exp( z)zn(z+βz2)m(1+2βz)ldz. (47) 0 l − Z 0 In order to obtain Eq. (43) one writes d3k = k2dksinθdθdϕ, integrates over the angles θ and ϕ, and Hereβ =k T/ε characterizesthedegreeofnonparabol- 0 g integratesoverdkbypartsnoticingthatatk =0thereis icity. For β = 0 one deals with a parabolic band and in ε=0 and at k = there is f =0. It turns out that all this case D integrals can be expressed by the Γ special 0 ∞ statisticalpropertiesoftheelectrongascanbeexpressed function. It can then be easily verified that one obtains bytheintegrals(44)withreasonablybehavingA(ε)func- U /n = (3/2)k T, which is a well known result for a MB 0 tions. Since ∂f /∂ε is nonzero only in a limited range nondegenerate electron gas. However, for a nondegen- 0 − of energies around the Fermi level, integrals (44) can be erate gas in which electrons have a nonparabolic ε(k) 10 dispersion this is not the case. Figure 9 shows the cal- in which ε is the energy and x denote the classical ± culated mean internal energy as a function of β. With turning points for which q(x ) = 0. The transverse ± increasing β, i.e. growing nonparabolicity, the mean in- momentum components p and p have been omitted. y z ternalenergyincreasesfrom(3/2)k T to 3k T. The cor- Changing the variables s = (ε eEx)/(ε /2) and using 0 0 g − responding mean specific heat at a constant volume is ε /2=m∗u2 one obtains g 0 C = ∂U/∂T and it also increases from (3/2)k to 3k . v 0 0 It is known that the relativistic nondegenerate electron 2 1 ε 2 +1 πm∗2u3 gasinvacuumhasidenticalstatisticalpropertiestothose P exp g 1 s2ds = 0 . ≃ −ℏu e E 2 −  e Eℏ presented above: its mean internal energy per electron | | (cid:16) (cid:17) −Z1 p | | at high temperatures is not (3/2)k0T but 3k0T and its   (50) mean specific heat per electron at a constant volume is IfwedefinethecriticalelectricfieldE bythecondition cr not(3/2)k0but3k0,seeSynge(1957),Kubo(1965). The P 1, we obtain eEcrλz (π/2)εg, where, as before, reasonforthis similarityisthe correspondenceofdisper- λ ≃= ℏ/m∗u. The physica≈l meaning of E is that it z 0 cr sion relations indicated above. gives the potential drop equal to the gap over the dis- tance λ . Taking ε =0.2eV and λ =20˚A one obtains z g z E 106V/cm. This is close to operating fields for cr V. INTERBAND TUNELLING semic≃onductor tunnel diodes (Calawa et al., 1960). The above reasoning can be transposed to the tun- The phenomenon of tunneling between valence and neling in the frame of the Dirac equation for electrons conductionbands canalso be interpretedinterms ofthe andpositrons, see e.g. Akhiezer and Berestetskii(1981), relativistic analogy. We begin by reproducing the sim- Greiner and Reinhardt(1994). Figure10isstillvalidfor plestsemiclassicalcalculationforaconstantelectricfield this case. Using the relativistic analogy, i.e. replacing within the framework of the two-band model of a semi- ε /2bym c2, m∗ bym andubyc,the transitionprob- g 0 0 0 conductor. Figure 10 shows the space dependence of the ability is potential energy V(x)=eEx and the corresponding en- ergy gap between +(εg/2)+V(x) and −(εg/2)+V(x). P πm02c3 . (51) The electron-hole pair creation results from the electron ≃ − e Eℏ tunnelingfromthefilledvalencebandthroughtheclassi- (cid:18) | | (cid:19) cally forbidden region. The probability of such a tunnel The condition for the critical field is now eE λ cr c process is described semiclassically by (π/2)2m c2, which means that E should cause the po≃- 0 cr tential drop of 2m c2 over the distance λ . This gives 0 c 2 x+ E (relat) 1016V/cm, which is not accessible in ter- P ≃exp −ℏZx− q(x)dx!, (48) recsrtrial con≃ditions. This shows the power of relativistic analogy: thephysicsissimilarforrelativisticelectronsin where the imaginary momentum is, cf. Eq. (41) vacuum and two-band electrons in semiconductors but the parameters involved are much more “user friendly” 1 1 ε 2 2 in semiconductors. q(x)= g (ε eEx)2 , (49) u 2 − − (cid:20)(cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:21) VI. ELECTRONS IN MAGNETIC FIELD We begin this section by considering properties of rel- ativistic electrons in vacuum in the presence of a mag- netic field andthen proceedwith the relativistic analogy describingmagneticbehaviorofelectronsinsemiconduc- tors. In order to find eigenenergies of relativistic elec- trons in a uniform magnetic field H z one has to solve k the Dirac equation for the problem. This can be done analytically taking the vector potential A=[ Hy,0,0], − seeRabi(1928), Johnson and Lippmann(1949),Strange (1998). The result is E(n,p , )= z ± = m c2 2+2m c2 D(n,p ) 1ℏω 21 , (52) 0 0 z c ± ± 2 (cid:26) (cid:20) (cid:21)(cid:27) FIG. 10 Interband electron tunneling in a constant electric (cid:0) (cid:1) fieldwithinthetwo-bandmodelofasemiconductor(schemat- D(n,p )=ℏω n+ 1 +p2/2m , (53) ically). z c 2 z 0 (cid:18) (cid:19)

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