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Preview Seminars in Respiratory Medicine 1994: Vol 15 Table of Contents

SEMINARS IN RESPIRATORY MEDICINE—VOLUME 15, NUMBER 6, NOV.ZMBER 1994 CUMULATIVE TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME 15, 1994 Number 1, January 1994: Interstitial Lung Diseases: Part II Ganesh Raghu, M.D. Clinical Application of Pulmonary Function and Exercise Tests in the Management of Patients with Interstitial Lung Disease— H. Thomas Robertson, M.D. 1 Imaging of Interstitial Lung Disease—J. David Godwin, M.D., and Rose Marie Holt, M.D. 10 Bronchoalveolar Lavage in Interstitial Lung Disease—Gerald S. Davis, M.D. 37 Pathology of Interstitial Lung Disease-—-Bryan Corrin, M.D., F.R.C.Path. 61 Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: Current Clinical Concepts and Challenges in Management—J. Meier-Sydow, M.D., Steven M. Weiss, M.D., R. Buhl, M.D., M. Rust, M.D., and Ganesh Raghu, M.D. 77 Number 2, March 1994: Asthma RichardJ ].M artin, M.D., Guest Editor Time Out for Asthma: Rationale for a Comprehensive Evaluation—Robert J. Mason, M.D., Joel L. Katz, M.D., and Robert A. Bethel, M.D. 97 Asthma as an Inflammatory Disease—Sally E. Wenzel, M.D.7 106 Timely Thoughts on the Use of Systemic and Inhaled Corticosteroids in the Asthma Syndrome—William R. Beam, M.D. 117 Chronotherapy of Asthma: How to Use Standard Medications for Better Results—Richard J. Martin, M.D. 128 Current Status of Alternative Anti-Inflammatory Therapies in the Treatment of Asthma: Critical Appraisal— Gary R. Cott, M.D. 136 Childhood Asthma: Wheezing in Infants and Small Children—Susan M. Brugman, M.D., and Gary L. Larsen, M.D. 147 Vocal Cord Dysfunction: Masquerader of Asthma—Kenneth B. Newman, M.D., and Sherry N. Dubester, M.D. 167 Psychiatric Aspects of Asthma—Michael G. Moran, M.D. 168 Number 3, May 1994: Pulmonary Hypertension: Part I Norbert F. Voelkel, M.D., Guest Editor Effects of Mechanical Forces on Lung Vascular Remodeling—David J. Riley, M.D., Smita Thakker-Varia, Ph.D., George ]. Poiani, M.D., and Carol A. Tozzi, Ph.D. 175 Role of Endothelial-Derived Nitric Oxide in Normal and Hypertensive Pulmonary Vasculature—Stephen Archer, M.D., Vaclav Hampl, Ph.D., Zona McKenzie, M.D., Daniel Nelson, B.S., James Huang, Ph.D., Pamela J. Shultz, M.D., and E. Kenneth Weir, M.D. 179 Mediators of Acute and Chronic Pulmonary Hypertension (Part 1)— James R. Gossage, M.D., and Brian W. Christman, M.D. 190 Elastase, Remodeling of the Extracellular Matrix, and Pulmonary Hypertension—Marlene Rabinovitch, M.D. 199 Plexiform Lesions in Primary Pulmonary Hypertension May Represent an Abnormal Form of Angiogenesis— Rubin M. Tuder, M.D. 207 Vascular Remodeling in Primary Pulmonary Hypertension: What Role For Transforming Growth Factor-Beta?— Mitchell Botney, M.D. 215 Immunologic Disturbances in Primary Pulmonary Hypertension—Jane H. Morse, M.D., and Robyn J. Barst, M.D. 222 Acute Hemodynamic Effects of Iloprost in Primary (Unexplained) Pulmonary Hypertension—Bertron M. Groves, M.D., David B. Badesch, M.D., Kathleen Donnellan, R.N., Kristine Wynne, R.N., Alastair D. Robertson, Ph.D., Norbert F. Voelkel, M.D., William P. Dole, M.D., and John T. Reeves, M.D 230 Pulmonary Hypertension Resulting from Primary Pulmonary Amyloidosis—Eugene J. Sullivan, M.D., and Marvin I. Schwarz, M.D. 238 Number 4, July 1994: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Polly E. Parsons, M.D., Guest Editor Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Where Did We Start and Where Are We Now?—Thomas L. Petty, M.D. 243 Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Does It Really Exist?—Alpha A. Fowler, M.D. 250 Epidemiology of the Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome—Leonard D. Hudson, M.D. 254 Pathogenetic Aspects of the Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome—Michael E. Hanley, M.D., and John E. Repine, M.D. 260 Fluid and Hemodynamic Management in Acute Lung Injury—Michael A. Matthay, M.D., and V.C. Broaddus, M.D. 271 Mechanical Ventilation and the Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome—Marc Moss, M.D., and Polly E. Parsons, M.D. 289 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Potential Therapeutic Interventions—Gordon R. Bernard, M.D. 300 Fever in Late Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Etiology, Pathophysiology, and Diagnostic Evaluation— G. Umberto Meduri, M.D. 308 Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome: Pathogenesis and Approach to Therapy—Roy C. St. John, M.D., and Paul M. Dorinsky, M.D. 325 Outcome in Survivors of the Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome—David H. Ingbar, M.D., and Christine H. Wendt, M.D. 335 Number 5, September 1994: Cystic Fibrosis Stanley B. Fiel, M.D. Evolving Demographics of Cystic Fibrosis—Stanley B. Fiel, M.D., Stacey FitzSimmons, Ph.D., and Daniel Schidlow, M.D. 349 Genotype Defect: Its Effect on Cellular Function and Phenotypic Expression—Garry R. Cutting, M.D. 356 Pathophysiology of Pulmonary Disease in Cystic Fibrosis—Bruce C. Marshall, M.D. 364 Unusual! Manifestations of Cystic Fibrosis—William Sexauer, M.D., Daniel Schidlow, M.D., and Stanley B. Fiel, M.D. 375 The Aging Cystic Fibrosis Patient: Presentations and Problems—Wylie Burke, M.D., Ph.D., and Moira L. Aitken, M.D. 385 Pathophysiology of Gastrointestinal Complications of Cystic Fibrosis —Drucy Borowitz, M.D. 391 Reproductive Issues in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis—Robert M. Kotloff, M.D. 402 Heart—Lung and Lung Transplantation for Cystic Fibrosis: World Experience—M. Tamm and T. Higenbottam 414 Alternate Therapies for Cystic Fibrosis—jJanine Mylett, M.D., Larry Johnson, M.D., and Michael Knowles, M.D. 426 Aerosol Therapy in Cystic Fibrosis: DNase, Tobramycin—Susan G. Marshall, M.D., and Bonnie W. Ramsey, M.D. 434 Cystic Fibrosis: Strategies for Gene Therapy—j/ames M. Wilson, M.D., Ph.D. 439 Cystic Fibrosis in the Year 2000—Beryl J. Rosenstein, M.D. 446 Number 6, November 1994: Pulmonary Hypertension: Part II Norbert F. Voelkel, M.D., Guest Editor Mediators of Acute and Chronic Pulmonary Hypertension: Part 2—/ames R. Gossage, M.D., and Brian W. Christman, M.D. 453 Pulmonary Intravascular Inflammation in Sepsis and Liver Disease—Shih-Wen Chang, M.D. 463 Sickle Cell Disease and the Pulmonary Circulation—Michael B. Kirkpatrick, M.D., and Johnson Haynes, Jr., M.D. 473 Current Therapeutic Options in Severe Pulmonary Hypertension—David B. Badesch, M.D., and Bertron M. Groves, M.D. 482 How Effective Is the Treatment with High-Dose Nifedipine for Primary Pulmonary Hypertension?—Marius M. Hoeper, M.D., Thomas Wilke, Tobias Welte, M.D., Hans-Willi M. Breuer, M.D., FCCP, and Thomas O.F. Wagner, M.D. 490 Nitric Oxide in Treatment of Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn—/ohn T. Reeves, M.D., John P. Kinsella, M.D., and Steven H. Abman, M.D. 495 Heart—Lung and Lung Transplantation in Pulmonary Hypertension—A. Yazdani Butt, M.B., M.R.C.P., and Tim W. Higenbottam, M.D., F.R.C.P. 508 Plexogenic Pulmonary Arteriopathy in a Case of Adenocarcinoma of the Prostate with Tumor Emboli to the Lungs— Stephen J. Pfister, M.D., and Rubin M. Tuder, M.D. 516 Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma of the Left Atrium: A Rare Cause of Postcapillary Pulmonary Hypertension— Carlos E. Girod, M.D. 522 Cumulative Table of Contents, Volume 14, 1993 527 Author Index 529 SEMINARS IN RESPIRATORY MEDICINE—VOLUME 15, NUMBER 6, NOVEMBER 1994 AUTHOR INDEX Abman, Steven H., 495 Hampl, Vaclav, 179 Petty, Thomas L., 243 Aitken, Moira L., 383 Hanley, Michael E., 260 Pfister, Stephen J., 516 Archer, Stephen, 179 Haynes, Johnson, Jr., 473 Poiani, George J., 175 Higenbottam, Tim W., 414, 508 Badesch, David B., 230, 482 Hoeper, Marius M., 490 Rabinovitch, Marlene, 199 Barst, Robyn J., 222 Holt, Rose Marie, 10 Raghu, Ganesh, 77 Beam, William R., 117 Huang, James, 179 Ramsey, Bonnie W., 434 Bernard, Gordon R., 300 Hudson, Leonard D., 254 Reeves, John T., 230, 495 Bethel, Robert A., 97 Repine, John E., 260 Borowitz, Drucy, 391 Ingbar, David H., 335 Riley, David J., 175 Botney, Mitchell, 215 Robertson, Alastair D., 230 Breuer, Hans-Willi M., 490 Johnson, Larry, 426 Robertson, H. Thomas, 1 Broaddus, V.C., 271 Rosenstein, Beryl J., 446 Brugman, Susan M., 147 Katz, Joel L., 97 Rust, M., 77 Buhl, R., 77 Kinsella, Jokn P., 495 Burke, Wylie, 383 Kirkpatrick, Michael B., 473 Schidlow, Daniel, 349, 375 Butt, A. Yazdani, 508 Knowles, Michael, 426 Schwarz, Marvin I., 238 Kotloff, Robert M., 402 Sexauer, William, 375 Chang, Shih-Wen, 463 Shultz, Pamela J., 179 Christman, Brian W., 190, 453 Larsen, Gary L., 147 St. John, Roy C., 325 Corrin, Bryan, 61 Sullivan, Eugene J., 238 Cott, Gary R., 136 Marshall, Bruce C., 364 Cutting, Garry R., 356 Marshall, Susan G., 434 Tamm, M., 414 Martin, Richard J., 128 Thakker-Varia, Smita, 175 Davis, Gerald S., 37 Mason, Robert J., 97 Tozzi, Carol A., 175 Dole, William P., 230 Matthay, Michael A., 271 Tuder, Rubin M., 207, 516 Donnellan, Kathleen, 230 McKenzie, Zona, 179 Dorinsky, Paul M., 325 Meduri, G. Umberto, 308 Voelkel, Norbert F., 230 Dubester, Sherry N., 161 Meier-Sydow, J., 77 Moran, Michael G., 168 Wagner, Thomas O.F., 490 Fiel, Stanley B., 349, 375 Morse, Jane H., 222 Weir, E. Kenneth, 179 FitzSimmons, Stacey, 349 Moss, Marc, 289 Weiss, Steven M., 77 Fowler, Alpha A., 250 Mylett, Janine, 426 Welte, Tobias, 490 Wendt, Christine H., 335 Girod, Carlos E., 522 Nelson, Daniel, 179 Wenzel, Sally E., 106 Godwin,J . David, 10 Newman, Kenneth B., 161 Wilke, Thomas, 490 Gossage, James R., 190, 453 Wilson, James M., 439 Groves, Bertron M., 230, 482 Parsons, Polly E., 289 Wynne, Kristine, 230

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