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Progress in Probability and Statistics Volume 15 Series Editor Murray Rosenblatt Seminar on Stochastic Processes, 1987 E. <;mlar, K.L. Chung, R.K. Getoor, Editors 1. Glover, Managing Editor 1988 Birkhauser Boston . Basel E. <;'mlar K.L. Chung Civil Engineering Department Department of Mathematics Princeton University Stanford University Princeton. NJ 011544 Stanford. CA 94305 U.S.A. U.S.A. R.K. Getoor J. Glover (Managing Editor) Department of Mathematics Department of Mathematics University of California University of Florida La Jolla. CA 92093 Gainesville. FL 3261 I U.S.A. U.S.A. ISSN: OX92·063X CIP·Titelaufnahme der Deuhchen Bibliothek Seminar on Stochastic Processes: Seminar on Stochastic Processes Birkhiiuser. Bis 6. 1986 mit d. Erscheinungsorten Boston. Basel. Stuttgart WG 27:15 DBN 55.092348.9 5259/01 bg 7. 1987 ( 198X) (Progress in probability and statistics: Vol. 15) ISBN-13: 978-1-4684-0552-1 e-ISBN-13: 978-1-4684-0550-7 DOl: 10.1007/978-1-4684-0550-7 NE: GT WG: 27 DBN 88.0\0688.3 87.12.21 5259/02" bg ~~. Birkhauser Boston. 1988 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1988 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced. stored in a retrieval system. or transmitted. in any form or by any means. electronic. mechanical. photocopying. recording or oth erwise. without prior permission of the copyright owner. Permission to photocopy for internal or personal use. or the internal or personal use of specific clients. is granted hy Birkhiiuser Boston. Inc .. for libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC). provided that the base fee of $0.00 per copy. plus $0.20 per page is paid directly to CCc. 21 Congress Street. Salem. MA 01970. U SA. Special re4uests should be addressed directly to Birkhauser Boston. Inc .. 675 Massachusetts Avenue. Cambridge. MA 02139. U.S. A. 3381-2/88 $0.00 + .20 ISBN-13: 978-1-4684-0552-1 Text prepared by the authors in camera-ready form. 987654321 Dedication Seven has always been an auspicious number in the Orient. As the ancients would explain it, it is the five planets and the sun and the moon. It gives my oriental mind a certain pleasure to note that this seminar, the seventh in the series, brought us together to be with Professors Kai Lai Chung and Gilbert Agnew Hunt for a few days in the seventieth year of their distinguished lives. In fact, the idea of holding these seminars was hatched here, seven years ago, during a visit by Professor Chung. I remember well his stories of the late forties in probability in Princeton and of the events of those days presaging the roles the two classmates were to play in the now well-known tale of probabilities and potentials. Their fundamental contributions have inspired us all, pointed the way, and established the standards. This series of seminars rings with the clearest expressions of our acknowl edgement of our indebtedness to their pioneering spirits. This volume is dedicated to them as a further token of our appreciation and in affectionate tribute to their leadership. Princeton, 1987 Erhan (tnlar FOREWORD The 1987 Seminar on Stochastic Processes was held at Princeton University, March 26 through March 28, 1987. It was the seventh seminar in a continuing series of meetings which provide opportunities for researchers to discuss current work in stochastic processes in an informal and enjoyable atmosphere. Previous seminars were held at Northwestern University, Evanston; University of Florida, Gainesville: and University of Virginia, Charlottesville. The success of these seminars has been due to the interest and enthusiasm of probabilists in the United States and abroad. Many of the participants have allowed us to pUblish the results of their re search in this volume. The editors hope that the reader will be able to sense some of the excitement present in the seminar by reading these articles. This year's invited participants included M. Aizenman, B. Atkinson, R. M. Blumenthal, C. Burdzy, D. Burkholder, R. Carmona, K. L. Chung, M. Cranston, C. Dellacherie, J. D. Deuschel, N. Dinculeanu, E. B. Dynkin, P. Fitzsimmons, R. K. Getoor, J. Glover, R. Gundy, P. Hsu, G. A. Hunt, H. Kaspi, F. Knight, G. Lawler, P. March, P. A. Meyer, J. Mitro, J. Neveu, E. Pardoux, M. Pinsky, L. Pitt, A. O. Pittenger, Z. Pop-Stojanovic, P. Protter, M. Rao, T. Salisbury, M. J. Sharpe, S. J. Taylor, E. Toby, S. R. S. Varadhan, R. Williams, M. Weber, and Z. Zhao. The seminar was made possible through the generous support of the Office of Naval Research (Grant No. N00014-87-G-0138) and Princeton University, and we are grateful for their support. Erhan Cinlar was host during the meeting. The pleasant and stimulating ambience of this meeting (and of several past meetings) was due to his efforts, and we extend our thanks to him. J. G. Gainesville, 1987 TABLE OF CONTENTS B. W. Atkinson Homogeneity for Two-Sided Discrete Markov Processes J. K. Brooks and Regularity and the Doob-~eyer 21 N. Dinculeanu Decomposition of Abstract Quasimartinqales C. Dellacherie Autour des Ensembles Semi-Polaires 65 N. Dinculeanu Vector Valued Stochastic Processes III: 93 Projections and Dual Projections P. J. Fitzsimmons On a Connection Between Kuznetsov 123 Processes and Ouasi-Processes R. K. Getoor and More about Capacity and Excessive ~1easures 135 J. Steffens J. Glover, W. Hansen Caoacities of Symmetric Markov Processes 159 and M. Rao I. W. Herbst and Sobol ev Spaces, Kac-Requl ari ty and the 171 Z. Zhao Feynman-Kac Formula F. B. Knight On Invertibility of Martinaale 193 Time Chanqes J. Neveu Multiplicative Martingales for 223 Spatial Branchinq Processes Z. R. Pop-Stojanovic Energy and Potentials 243 T. S. Salisbury Brownian Bitransforms 249 R. J. Williams On Time-Reversal of Reflected 265 Brownian Motions R. Wu and M. Liao Remarks on Harmonic Functions and 277 Invariant Measures of Markov Processes Z. Zhao Green Functions and Conditioned Gauqe 283 Theorem for a 2-Dimensional Domain Z. R. Pop-Stojanovic Correction 295 HOMOGENEITY FOR TWO-SIDED DISCRETE MARKOV PROCESSES by BRUCE W. ATKINSON 1. INTRODUCTION. We consider here three types of homogeneity for Markov processes indexed by the integers with random times of birth and death, and which take values in a countable state space S. The measures on the path space corresponding to such processes are sigma-finite but not necessarily probability measures. However, via the Radon-Nikodym theorem, no difficulty arises in extending the definitions of cond itional expectation and conditional independence. Before describing the main results of this paper, it will be nec essary to make some definitions. (L1) DEFINITIONS Let a, b be distinct elements not in S. 0 (a) W ~functions w Z + S V ta,bj : there exists n G Z with wen) G S, w(m) a ~ w(k) a ¥ k < m, and w(m) = b ~ w(k) b ¥ k> m}. (b) For n G Z, define x(n) W ~ S U ta,bJ by x(n) (w) wen). (c) For n G Z, define Qn W ~ W by Qn(w)(m) = w(m+n). (d) A non-negative measure P on (W, O(x(n), n G Z)) is called a two sided process if P(x(n) = i)<- ¥ i G Z. (Note: All processes in this paper are two-sided and so we will drop the implicit prefix "two sided" from now on.) zJ (e) A process P is called Markov if there exists a family ~p : n G n of substochastic matrices on S so that whenever m, n G Z, m ~ 1, and iO' i1,o •• ,im G S, then m-1 (1.2) P(x(n+k) = ik ' 0 ~ k~ m) P(x(n) io)J:foPn+k(ik,ik+1)· I 2 (Note: (1.2) is equivalent to the standard definition stating that the past and future are conditionally independent given the present.) It is easy to show that such a Markov process P is also Markovian in the following spatial sense: Let I be a finite interval of at least 3 integers with endpoints m, n where m < n. Let 10 = ~ k : m < k< nJ ( the interior of I), and let IC = Z-I the exterior of I). Then, relative to P, c(x(k), k 6 10) and c(x(k), k 6 IC) are conditionally independent given c(x(m),x(n)) on ~x(m),x(n) 6 S~o The first type of homogeneity we consider relates to the spatial Markov property described above. (1.3) DEFINITIONo A Markov process is homogeneous if for every interval of at least 3 integers, I, the distribution of the process evaluated on 10 given the values (in S) at the 2 endpoints depends only on the length of 1. It turns out that (1 3) follows from the above definition restric 0 ted to intervals of just 3 integers. If I has just 3 integers then 10 simply represents the middle integer, and the conditional distribution of the process evaluated at the middle integer given the values (in S) at the endpoints we shall call the local characteristics in accord with the terminology from Markov random field theory. Thus the technical definition given in (2.1) will only deal with intervals of 3 integers, £. where we denote the local characteristics with The other 2 definitions of homogeneity considered here are temp oral in nature. A process is called homogeneous in the forward time direction if for any integer n, the distribution of the process eval uated on tn+1, n+2, ••• ) given the value (in S) at time n is independent of n. A similar definition describes processes which are homogeneous in the backward time directiono A Harkov process whic1.is homogeneous in both time directions is called a two-sided Markov chain, and these have been studied extensively in [1] We now briefly describe the main 0 results, In section 2 it is shown that if P is Harkov and homogeneous and 3 P(x(n) i, x(n+1) = j) > 0 IJ n 6 Z, i, j 6 S, then there is a. positive matrix p, not necessarily substochastic, a family of measures~n n ' n 6 ZJ, and a family of functions ~h ,n 6 zj, all strictly positive, so n that 0.4) P(x(n) (1 5) P(x(n+k) The argument is a modification of one found in 6 where Gibbs states are studied. Indeed, if we also demand that P be a probability and that x(n) 6 S IJ n 6 Z, P-a.s., then P is an example of a Gibbs state spec ified EY p. With this as motivation we say that a process P is spec 1 ified EY p if there are non-negative families fn'"n' n6 Z~ and hn' n 6 z} so that (1.4) and (1.5) hold. It is shown that such a P is Markov and homogeneous; see (2.15). ( In [6J it is shown that extreme Gibbs states are probability measures which satisfy (1.4) and (1.5) for positive p, nn' and hn.) In (2.16)we state that the local characteristics for a process P specified by p are equal to p(i,j)p(j,k)[p2(i,k)]-1", which is quite similar to Theorem of [6]. Indeed, in (6) it is mentioned that such a form for the local characteristics follows from the equivalence of homogeneous Markov random fields and nearest neighbor Gibbs states; also see [5]. The proof given here is easier becausewe started with the assumption that the process was Markovian in the traditional sense, whereas a general Markov random field need not be a Markov process. Now let P be specified by p. Then IJ n 6 Z and j 6 S we have 1:i6S~n(i)p(i,j)hn+1 (j) = ~i6SP(x(n) = i, x(n+1) = j) ~ P(x(n+1) = j) = TIn+1 (j)hn+l (j). Thus Similarly,

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