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Semidefinite representation of convex hulls of rational varieties 0 1 0 2 Didier Henrion1,2 y a M June 1, 2010 1 3 ] C Abstract O . h Using elementary duality properties of positive semidefinite moment matrices t a and polynomial sum-of-squares decompositions, we prove that the convex hull of m rationally parameterized algebraic varieties is semidefinite representable (that is, [ it can be represented as a projection of an affine section of the cone of positive 2 semidefinite matrices) in the case of (a) curves; (b) hypersurfaces parameterized v by quadratics; and (c) hypersurfaces parameterized by bivariate quartics; all in an 1 2 ambient space of arbitrary dimension. 8 1 . 1 1 Introduction 0 9 0 : Semidefinite programming, a versatile extension of linear programming to theconvex cone v i of positive semidefinite matrices (semidefinite cone for short), has found many applica- X tions in various areas of applied mathematics and engineering, especially in combinatorial r a optimization, structural mechanics and systems control. For example, semidefinite pro- gramming was used in [5] to derive linear matrix inequality (LMI) convex inner approxi- mations of the non-convex semi-algebraic stability region, and in [6] to derive a hierarchy of embedded convex LMI outer approximations of non-convex semi-algebraic sets arising in control problems. It is easy to prove that affine sections and projections of the semidefinite cone are convex semi-algebraic sets, but it is still unknown whether all convex semi-algebraic sets can be modeledlikethis, orinotherwords, whetherallconvexsemi-algebraicsetsaresemidefinite representable. Following the development of polynomial-time interior-point algorithms to solve semidefinite programs, a long list of semidefinite representable semi-algebraic sets and convex hulls was initiated in [9] and completed in [1]. Latest achievements in the field are reported in [7] and [4]. 1 LAAS-CNRS, University of Toulouse, France 2 Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic 1 In this paper we aim at enlarging the class of semi-algebraic sets whose convex hulls are explicitly semidefinite representable. Using elementary duality properties of positive semidefinite moment matrices and polynomial sum-of-squares decompositions – nicely re- cently surveyed in[8] – we prove that the convex hull of rationallyparameterized algebraic varieties is explicitly semidefinite representable in the case of (a) curves; (b) hypersurfaces parameterized by quadratics; and (c) hypersurfaces parameterized by bivariate quartics; all in an ambient space of arbitrary dimension. Rationally parameterized surfaces arise often in engineering, and especially in computer- aided design (CAD). For example, the CATIA (Computer Aided Three-dimensional In- teractive Application) software, developed since 1981 by the French company Dassault Syst`emes, uses rationally parameterized surfaces as its core 3D surface representation. CATIA was originally used to develop Dassault’s Mirage fighter jet for the French air- force, and then it was adopted in aerospace, automotive, shipbuilding, and other indus- tries. For example, Airbus aircrafts are designed in Toulouse with the help of CATIA, and architect Frank Gehry has used the software to design his curvilinear buildings, like the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao or the Dancing House in Prague, near the Charles Square buildings of the Czech Technical University. 2 Notations and definitions LetPm denotetheprojectiverealplaneofdimensionm,whereeachelementx = [x ,x ,···,x ] 6= 0 1 m 0 belongs to an equivalence class [x /x , ···,x /x ] in Rm, the affine real plane of dimen- 1 0 m 0 sion m, with x = 0 representing the hyperplane at infinity. Let Pm denote the oriented 0 + projective real plane with non-negative first entry x . See [13] for an introduction to 0 oriented projective geometry, and its connection with standard projective geometry. Let R[x] denote the ring of forms (homogeneous polynomials) in variables x ∈ Pm, with coefficients in R, and ζ (x) = [xd, xd−1x , xd−1x , ···,xd−2x2, ···,xd ] ∈ Ps(m,d)[x] d 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 m denote a basis vector of m-variate forms of degree d, with s(m,d) = (m+d)!/(m!d!)−1. Lety = [y ] ∈ Ps(m,2d) beareal-valuedsequence indexed inbasisζ (x), withα ∈ Nm α |α|≤2d 2d and |α| = α . A form x 7→ p(x) = pTζ (x) is expressed in this basis via its coefficient vector p ∈PPsk(m,k2d). Given a sequence y ∈ P2ds(m,2d), define the linear mapping p 7→ L (p) = y pTy, and the moment matrix M (y) satisfying the relation L (pq) = pTM (y)q for all d y d p,q ∈ Ps(m,d). It has entries [M (y)] = L ([ζ (x)ζ (x)T] ) = y for all α,β ∈ Nm, d α,β y d d α,β α+β |α| + |β| ≤ 2d. For example, when m = 2 and d = 2 (trivariate quartics) we have s(m,2d) = 14. To the form p(x) = x4 −x x x2 +5x3x we associate the linear mapping 0 0 1 2 1 2 L (p) = y −y +5y . The 6-by-6 moment matrix is given by y 00 12 31 y ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 00   y y ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 10 20  y y y ∗ ∗ ∗  M (y) =  01 11 02  2  y y y y ∗ ∗   20 30 21 40   y y y y y ∗   11 21 12 31 22   y y y y y y  02 12 03 22 13 04 2 where symmetric entries are denoted by stars. See [8] for more details on these notations and constructions. Finally, given a set Z, let convZ denote its convex hull, the smallest convex set containing Z. 3 Convex hulls and moment matrices Let Z = conv{ζ (x) ∈ Ps(m,2d) : x ∈ Pm} m,d 2d + + and Y = {y ∈ Ps(m,2d) : M (y) (cid:23) 0}. m,d + d Theorem 1 If m = 1 or d = 1 or d = m = 2 then Z = Y . m,d m,d Proof: The inclusion Z ⊂ Y follows from the definition of a moment matrix since m,d m,d M (ζ (x)) = ζ (x)ζ (x)T (cid:23) 0. d 2d d d The converse inclusion is shown by contradiction. Assume that y∗ ∈/ Z and hence m,d that there exists a (strictly separating) hyperplane {y : p(y) = 0} such that pTy∗ < 0 and pTy ≥ 0 for all y ∈ Z . It follows that polynomial x 7→ p(x) = pTζ (x) is m,d 2d globally non-negative. Since m = 1 or d = 1 or d = m = 2, the polynomial can be expressed as a sum of squares of polynomials [8, Theorem 3.4] and we can write p(x) = q2(x) = (qTζ (x))2 = ζ (x)TPζ (x) for some matrix P = q qT (cid:23) 0. Pk k Pk k d d d Pk k k Then Ly(p) = pTy = trace (PMd(y)) = PkqkTMd(y)qk. Since Ly∗(p) < 0, there must be an index k such that qTM (y∗)q < 0 and hence matrix M (y∗) cannot be positive k d k d semidefinite, which proves that y∗ ∈/ Y . (cid:3) m,d In the above definitions we used projective spaces, which have the property of being compact, hence closed. If we use affine spaces, Theorem 1 is not correct in this form. Indeed, when m = 1 and d = 2, the sequence y∗ = [1,1,1,1,2] belongs to Y but not to m,d Z , as recalled in [8, Example 5.10]. Theorem 1 becomes correct however by replacing m,d the convex hull by its closure in the definition of set Z . m,d 4 Rational varieties InprojectivespacePn,arationalvarietyistheimageofPm throughapolynomialmapping. Define the linear map A : y ∈ Ps(m,2d) 7→ Ay ∈ Pn characterized by a matrix A ∈ Rn×s(m,2d). A rational variety is defined as V = A{ζ (x) ∈ Ps(m,2d) : x ∈ Pm} = {Aζ (x) ∈ Pn : x ∈ Pm}. m,d 2d 2d Theorem 1 identifies the cases when the convex hull of this rational variety is exactly semidefinite representable. That is, when it can be formulated as the projection of a linear section of the semidefinite cone. 3 Corollary 1 If m = 1 or d = 1 or d = m = 2 then convV = {Ay ∈ Pn : M (y) (cid:23) 0, y ∈ Ps(m,d)}. m,d + d + Proof: Since conv V = conv (A(ζ (x))) = A(conv (ζ (x))) = A(Z ), the result m,d 2d 2d m,d (cid:3) readily follows from Theorem 1. The case m = 1 corresponds to rational curves. The case d = 1 corresponds to quadrati- cally parameterized rational hypersurfaces. The case d = m = 2 corresponds to hypersur- faces parameterized by bivariate quartics. All these rational varieties live in an ambient space of arbitrary dimension n > m. In all other cases, the inclusion conv V ⊂ A(Z ) is strict. For example, when d = m,d m,d 3, m = 2, the vector y∗ ∈ P27 with non-zero entries + y∗ = 32, y∗ = y∗ = 34, y∗ = y∗ = 43, y∗ = 30, y∗ = y∗ = 128, y∗ = y∗ = 28 00 20 02 40 04 22 60 06 42 24 issuch thatM (y∗) ≻ 0but L∗(p∗) < 0fortheMotzkin formp∗(x) = x6−3x2x2x2+x4x2+ 3 y 0 0 1 2 1 2 x2x4 which is globally non-negative. In other words, y∗ ∈ A(Z ) but y∗ ∈/ convV . 1 2 m,d m,d 5 Examples 5.1 Trefoil knot The space trigonometric curve V = {v ∈ R3 : v (α) = cosα+2cos2α,v (α) = sinα+2sin2α,v (α) = 2sin3α,α ∈ [0,2π]} 1 2 3 is called a trefoil knot, see [2] and Figure 1. Using the standard change of variables x2 −x2 2x x cosα = 0 1, sinα = 0 1 x2 +x2 x2 +x2 0 1 0 1 and trigonometric formulas, the space curve admits a rational representation V = {v ∈ P3 : v (x) = (x2 +x2)3, v (x) = (x2 +x2)(3x4 −12x2x2 +x4), 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 v (x) = 2x x (x2 +x2)(5x2 −3x2), v (x) = 4x x (x2 −3x2)(3x2 −x2), x ∈ P} 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 3 0 1 0 1 0 1 as the image of the projective line P through a sextic mapping, i.e. n = 3, m = 1 and d = 3 in the notations of the previous section. By Corollary 1, the convex hull of the trefoil knot curve is exactly semidefinite repre- sentable as convV = {Ay ∈ P3 : M (y) (cid:23) 0, y ∈ P6} + 3 + with 1 0 3 0 3 0 1   3 0 −9 0 −11 0 1 A =  0 10 0 4 0 −6 0     0 12 0 −40 0 12 0  4 Figure 1: Tube plot of the trefoil knot curve, whose convex hull is exactly semidefinite representable with 3 liftings. and y ∗ ∗ ∗ 0   y y ∗ ∗ M (y) = 1 2 3  y y y ∗  2 3 4    y y y y  3 4 5 6 where symmetric entries are denoted by stars. The linear system of equations v = Ay can be solved by Gaussian elimination to yield the equivalent affine formulation: convV = {v ∈ R3 : 1(3+v +2u −4u ) ∗ ∗ ∗  6 1 1 3  1 (10v +v +48u ) 1 (3−v −20u −2u ) ∗ ∗ 112 2 3 2 18 1 1 3 (cid:23) 0, u ∈ R3}  1 (3−v −20u −2u ) 1 (6v −5v +96u ) u ∗   18 1 1 3 224 2 3 2 1   1 (6v −5v +96u ) u u u  224 2 3 2 1 2 3 which is an explicit semidefinite representation with 3 liftings. 5.2 Steiner’s Roman surface Quadraticallyparameterizablerationalsurfacesareclassifiedin[3]. Awell-knownexample is Steiner’s Roman surface, a non-orientable quartic surface with three double lines, which is parameterized as follows: 2x 2x 2x x V = {v ∈ R3 : v (x) = 1 , v (x) = 2 , v (x) = 1 2 , x ∈ R2} 1 1+x2 +x2 2 1+x2 +x2 3 1+x2 +x2 1 2 1 2 1 2 see Figure 2. 5 Figure 2: Two views of Steiner’s Roman surface, whose convex hull is semidefinite repre- sentable with 2 liftings. In projective coordinates, the surface becomes V = {v ∈ P3 : v (x) = x2+x2+x2, v (x) = 2x x , v (x) = 2x x , v (x) = 2x x , x ∈ P2} 0 0 1 2 1 0 1 2 0 2 3 1 2 which the image of the projective plane P2 through a quadratic mapping, i.e. n = 3, m = 2 and d = 1 in the notations of the previous section. By Corollary 1, its convex hull is exactly semidefinite representable as convV = {Ay ∈ P3 : M (y) (cid:23) 0, y ∈ P5} + 1 + with 1 0 0 1 0 1   0 2 0 0 0 0 A =  0 0 2 0 0 0     0 0 0 0 2 0  and y ∗ ∗ 00   M (y) = y y ∗ . 1 10 20  y y y  01 11 02 The linear system of equations v = Ay can easily be solved to yield the equivalent affine formulation: 1−u −u ∗ ∗ 1 2   convV = {v ∈ R3 : 1v u ∗ (cid:23) 0, u ∈ R2} 2 1 1  1v 1v u  2 2 2 3 2 which is an explicit semidefinite representation with 2 liftings. 6 5.3 Cayley cubic surface Steiner’s Roman surface, studied in the previous paragraph, is projectively dual to Cay- ley’s cubic surface {v ∈ P3 : detC(v) = 0} where v ∗ ∗ 0   C(v) = v v ∗ . 1 0  v v v  2 3 0 The origin belongs to a set delimited by a convex connected component of this surface, admitting the following affine trigonometric parameterization: V = {v ∈ R3 : v (α) = cosα , v (α) = sinα , 1 1 2 2 v (α) = cosα sinα −cosα sinα , α ∈ [0,π], α ∈ [−π,π]}. 3 1 2 2 1 1 2 This is the boundary of the LMI region convV = {v ∈ P3 : C(v) (cid:23) 0} + which is therefore semidefinite representable with no liftings. This set is sometimes called a spectrahedron, a smoothened tetrahedron with four singular points, see Figure 3. Figure 3: Convex connected component of Cayley’s cubic surface, semidefinite repre- sentable with no liftings. Using the standard change of variables x2 −x2 2x x cosα = 0 i , sinα = 0 i , i = 1,2 i x2 +x2 i x2 +x2 0 i 0 i we obtain an equivalent rational parameterization V = {v ∈ P3 : v (x) = (x2 +x2)(x2 +x2), v (x) = (x2 −x2)(x2 +x2), 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 1 0 2 v (x) = 2x x (x2 +x2), v (x) = 2x (−x +x )(x2 +x x ), x ∈ P2}. 2 0 2 0 1 3 0 1 2 0 1 2 7 which is the image of the projective plane P2 through a quartic mapping, i.e. n = 3, m = 2 and d = 2 in the notations of the previous section. By Corollary 1, its convex hull is exactly semidefinite representable as convV = {Ay ∈ P3 : M (y) (cid:23) 0, y ∈ P14} + 2 + with A of size 4-by-15 and M (y) of size 6-by-6, not displayed here. It follows that convV 2 is semidefinite representable as a 6-by-6 LMI with 11 liftings. We have seen however that convV is also semidefinite representable as a 3-by-3 LMI with no liftings, a considerable simplification. It would be interesting to design an algorithm simplifying a given semidefinite representation, lowering the size of the matrix and the number of variables. As far as we know, no such algorithm exists at this date. 6 Conclusion The well-known equivalence between polynomial non-negativity and existence of a sum- of-squares decomposition was used, jointly with semidefinite programming duality, to identify the cases for which the convex hull of a rationally parameterized variety is exactly semidefinite representable. Practically speaking, this means that optimization of a linear function over such varieties is equivalent to semidefinite programming, at the price of introducing a certain number of lifting variables. If the problem of detecting whether a plane algebraic curve is rationally parameterizable, and finding explicitly such a parametrization, is reasonably well understood from the theoretical and numerical point of view – see [11] and M. Van Hoeij’s algcurves Maple package for an implementation – the case of surfaces is much more difficult [12]. Up to our knowledge, there is currently no working computer implementation of a parametriza- tion algorithm for surfaces. Since an explicit parametrization is required for an explicit semidefinite representation of the convex hull of varieties, the general case of algebraic varieties given in implicit form (i.e. as a polynomial equation), remains largely open. Finally, we expect that these semidefinite representability results may have applications when studying non-convex semi-algebraic sets and varieties arising from stability condi- tions in systems control, in the spirit of [5, 6]. These developments are however out of the scope of the present paper. Acknowledgments ThefirstdraftbenefitedfromtechnicaladvicebyJean-BernardLasserre, MoniqueLaurent andJosefSchicho. IamgratefultoGeertWoutersformentioningreference[13]onoriented projective geometry, and to Bernd Sturmfels for pointing out an error in the coefficients of my original lifted LMI formulation of the trefoil curve when preparing paper [10]. 8 References [1] A. Ben-Tal, A. Nemirovskii. Lectures on modern convex optimization. SIAM, 2001. [2] E. Brieskorn, H. Kn¨orrer. Plane algebraic curves. Translated from the German by J. Stillwell. Birk¨auser, 1986. [3] A. Coffman, A. J. Schwartz, C. Stanton. The algebra and geometry of Steiner and other quadratically parametrizable surfaces. Computer Aided Geometric Design 13:257-286, 1996. [4] J. W. Helton, J. Nie. Sufficient and necessary conditions for semidefinite repre- sentability of convex hulls and sets. SIAM J. Optim. 20(2):759-791, 2009. [5] D. Henrion, M. 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