Semidefinite Programming and Approximation Algorithms for NP-hard Problems: A Survey Sanjeev Arora Princeton University Arora: SDP + Approx Survey NP-completeness Thousands of problems are NP-complete (TSP, Scheduling, Circuit layout, Machine Learning,..) Pragmatic Researcher “Why the fuss? I am perfectly content with approximately optimal solutions.” (e.g., cost within 10% of optimum) Good news: Possible for a few problems. (“Approximation Algorithms”) Bad News: NP-hard for many problems. (“PCPs”) Arora: SDP + Approx Survey Talk Outline • Defn of approximation and example • SDP and its use in approximation • Understanding SDPs <-> high dimensional geometry • Faster algorithms (multiplicative update rule) • Limitations of SDPs: local vs global issues • Connections (a) metric spaces (b) avg case complexity (c) unique games conjecture • Open problems Arora: SDP + Approx Survey Approximation Algorithms MAX-3SAT: Given 3-CNF formula !, find assignment maximizing the number of satisfied clauses. An "-approximation algorithm is one that for every formula, produces in polynomial time an assignment that satisfies at least OPT/" clauses. (" >= 1). Good News: [KZ’97] An 8/7-approximation algorithm exists. Bad News: [Hastad’97] If P ! NP then for every # > 0, an (8/7 -#)-approximation algorithm does not exist. (Similar results for many other problems…) Arora: SDP + Approx Survey Good news (for me) Status of many basic problems is still unresolved: • Vertex Cover • Sparsest Cut and most graph partitioning problems • Graph coloring • Random instances of 3SAT My feeling: Interesting algorithms remain undiscovered; semidefinite programming (SDP) may be helpful. SDP = Generalization of linear programming Graph Vector Representation Arora: SDP + Approx Survey Example: 2-approximation for Min Vertex Cover G= (V, E) Vertex Cover = Set of vertices that touches every edge “LP Relaxation” most Claim: Value at least OPT/2 Proof: On Complete Graph K , n Proof: “Rounding” OPT = n-1 but setting all x = 1/2 i gives feasible LP soln Arora: SDP + Approx Survey General Philosophy… Interested in: NP-hard Minimization Problem Value = OPT Write tractable relaxation value= Round to get a solution of cost = Approximation ratio = Integrality gap Arora: SDP + Approx Survey Main Idea in SDP: “Simulate” nonlinear programming Nonlinear program for Vertex Cover Homogenized SDP relaxation: New variable intended to stand for Arora: SDP + Approx Survey How do you understand these vector programs? Ans. Interesting geometric analysis Arora: SDP + Approx Survey Understanding SDPs <--> Understanding phenomena in high-dimensional geometry Vertex Cover SDP computes c-approximation for c < 2 iff following is true Vertices: n unit vectors Edges: almost-antipodal pairs Rn Every graph in this family has an independent set of size Thm [Frankl-Rodl’87] False. Arora: SDP + Approx Survey SDP rounding: The two generations First generation: *Uses random hyperplane as in [GW]; * Edge-by-edge analysis Max-2SAT and Max-CUT [GW’94] ;Graph coloring [KMS’95]; MAX-3SAT [KZ’97]; Algorithms for Unique Games;.. Second generation: Global rounding and analysis Graph partitioning problems [ARV’04], Graph deletion and directed partitioning problems [ACMM’05], New analysis of graph coloring [ACC’06] Disproof of UGC for expanding constraints [AKKSTV’08] (Similarly, two generations of results showing limits on performance of SDPs) Arora: SDP + Approx Survey 1 s t Generation Rounding: Ratio 1.13.. for MAX-CUT [Goemans- Williamson’93] G = (V,E) Find that maximizes capacity . Quadratic Programming Formulation Semidefinite Relaxation [DP ’91, GW ’93] Arora: SDP + Approx Survey Randomized Rounding [GW ’93] Rn v 2 v 1 v Form a cut by partitioning v ,v ,...,v 6 1 2 n around a random hyperplane. v v v 3 5 i SDP OPT $ ij v j Old math rides to the rescue... Arora: SDP + Approx Survey Fact 1: No rounding algorithm can produce a better solution out of this SDP [Feige-Schectman] “Edges between all pairs of vectors making an angle 138 degrees.” Fact 2: If P NP then impossible to get 1.09-approximation by any efficient algorithm [Hastad’97] Fact 3: If “unique games conjecture” is true, it is impossible to get a better than 1.13-approximation.[KKMO’05] (i.e., algorithm on prev. slide is optimal) Arora: SDP + Approx Survey 2 nd Generation: for c-balanced separator G= (V, E); constant c >0 1 -1 Goal: Find cut s.t. each side contains at least c fraction of nodes and minimized SDP: “Triangle inequality” Angle subtended by the line joining two of them on the third is non-obtuse; “ “ condition. Arora: SDP + Approx Survey Rounding algorithm for -approximation [ARV’04] 1. Pick random hyperplane S 2. Remove points in “slab” of width T 3. Remove any pair (i, j) that lie on opp. sides of slab but 4. Call remaining sets S, T. Do BFS from S to T according to distance 5. Output level of BFS tree with least # of edges. T S Arora: SDP + Approx Survey Geometric fact underlying the analysis (restatement of [ARV04] “Structure Theorem” by [AL06]) Vertices: unit vectors satisfying “triangle inequality” If then no graph in this family is an “expander.” (“expander” : |%(S)|! &(|S|) ) Edges: Proof is delicate and difficult Arora: SDP + Approx Survey Issue of Running Time Solving SDPs with m constraints takes time. m =n3 in some of these SDPs! Next few slides: Often, can reduce running time: O(n2) or O(n3). [AHK’05], [AK’07] Main idea: “Primal-dual schema.”Solve to approximate optimality; using insights from the rounding algorithms. “Multiplicative Weight-Update Rule for psd matrices” Arora: SDP + Approx Survey Classical MW update rule (Example: predicting the market) 1$ for correct prediction 0$ for incorrect • N “experts” on TV • Can we perform as good as the best expert ? Thm[Going back to Hannan, 1950s] Yes. Arora: SDP + Approx Survey Weighted Majority Algorithm [LW’94] “Predict according to the weighted majority” • Maintain a weight for each expert. Initially • At step t, if expert i’s prediction was incorrect, Claim: Expected Payoff of our algorithm Similar algorithms discovered in a variety of areas: decision theory, learning theory (“boosting”), cryptography (“hardcore sets”), approx soln of LPs,.. (see survey [A, Hazan, Kale]) Arora: SDP + Approx Survey