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Preview Semiconductors Subvolume B II-VI and I-VII Compounds; Semimagnetic Compounds

Ref. p. 45] Gemeral Introduction { Structure and Symmetry 1 General Introduction Semiconductor properties and their de(cid:12)nitions 0. Structure and Symmetry Intrinsic semiconductors are characterized by a single-electron energy spectrum in which, at zero temperature, the topmost occupied (or valence band) state is separated by an energy gap E from the lowest unoccupied (or conduction band) state [76A, 91S, 93I, 96K1, 96Y]. The g energy gaps of semiconductors range between zero and a few eV, thus covering the spectral range from the far-infrared to the near ultra-violet. The electronic properties of semiconductors can be modi(cid:12)ed by lattice defects. In particular impurities, which replace the host atoms, become e(cid:11)ective by creating electronic states in the energy gap from which carriers can be thermally excited to the conduction or valence band. The energy gap and the possibility to manipulate the electronic properties by doping are essential for the optic and electronic device applications of semiconductors. This characteristic single-particle spectrum of semiconductors is a consequence of closed-shell con(cid:12)gurationswhicharerealizedinavarietyofcrystalstructureswithatomiccoordinationdepend- ingonthevalenceelectrons. Aprominentexampleisthefour-foldortetrahedral coordination withcovalentbondsintheelement-IVsemiconductorsthatgiverisetothediamondstructure. But also its isoelectronic analogues,the III-V, II-VI, and I-VII compound semiconductors,form stable crystalstructureswithfour-foldcoordinationyetwithincreasingadmixtureofheteropolarbinding which can be quanti(cid:12)ed in di(cid:11)erent schemes [93G]. Tetrahedral coordination not only allows for cubiccrystalstructuresasinthediamondorzinc blendelatticesbutalsoforuniaxialstructures like the tetragonal chalcopyrite or the hexagonalwurtzite lattices. Besides in tetrahedral coordination closed-shell con(cid:12)gurations are possible in quite di(cid:11)erent atomic arrangements. They give rise to a variety of crystal structures covering almost all crystal classes. Among the elemental semiconductors, for example, Se and Te form trigonal lattices, P and S are found in orthorhombic and monoclinic phases, and B, As, and Bi prefer rhombohedral lattices. But also in the cubic and hexagonal crystal classes, besides the four-fold coordinated structures, one (cid:12)nds semiconductors in the rocksalt structure (e.g. PbS and MgO) with six-fold coordination, and in the CsCl structure (e.g. TlCl) with eight-fold coordination. Most of the physical properties of the semiconductors listed in the tables are influenced by or related to the symmetry of the underlying crystal structure. Therefore, a brief description of these structures, theirsymmetries,andsomegeneralconsequenceswithrespecttomaterialparametersshouldstand at the beginning of this volume. Landolt-Bo¨rnstein New Series III/41 2 Gemeral Introduction { Structure and Symmetry [Ref. p. 45 Crystal structures and Wigner-Seitz cells A crystal structure is the periodic arrangement of single atoms or groups of atoms attached to the points of a Bravais lattice. The Bravais lattice is de(cid:12)ned by lattice vectors Rn =n1a1+n2a2+n3a3 (1) withintegerni;i=1;2;3andprimitivetranslationsa1;a2,anda3 [57K2,76A,93I,96K1]. Inthree dimensions 14 di(cid:11)erent Bravais lattices can be realized. A mono-atomic lattice is obtained by attaching a single atom to each point of the Bravais lattice, it is completely characterized by the primitive translations. For a lattice with basis, with a group of atoms attached to each lattice point, in addition to the primitive translations the positions t of the atoms in the basis relative (cid:20) to the lattice point mustbe de(cid:12)ned. For agivenBravaislattice the whole spacecanbe thoughtto be (cid:12)lled without voids by identical volumes around each lattice point or by replica of this volume obtained from translations by lattice vectors Rn. There is no unique way to de(cid:12)ne this volume or primitivecell(orunit cell). AspecialchoicereflectingthesymmetryoftheBravaislatticeisthe Wigner-Seitzcell. Itisobtainedbyconsideringthevolumearoundalatticepointwhichiscloser to this one than to any other lattice point. The Wigner-Seitz cell is enclosed by the symmetry planes of the lines connecting a lattice point with its nearest and next nearest neighbors. c b a g a b Fig. 0.1. Crystal axes a;b, and cand themeaning of lattice parameters. Another choice of the unit cell is that of a parallelepiped spanned by three independent vectors a;b, and c which de(cid:12)ne the crystal axes. With respect to these the lattice is characterized by lattice parameters which are the lengths a;b, and c and the angles (cid:11);(cid:12), and γ between pairs of these vectors (see Fig. 0.1). Depending on the lattice parameters the Bravais lattices fall into seven lattice systems (Fig. 0.2), which can be distinguished also by their symmetry. The seven lattice systems are: (1) cubic with a=b=c and (cid:11)=(cid:12) =γ =90(cid:14), (2) tetragonal with a=b6=c and (cid:11)=(cid:12) =γ =90(cid:14), (3) orthorhombic with a6=b6=c and (cid:11)=(cid:12) =γ =90(cid:14), (4) monoclinic with a6=b6=c and (cid:11)=γ =90(cid:14) 6=(cid:12), (5) triclinic with a6=b6=c and (cid:11)6=(cid:12) 6=γ, (6) trigonal with a=b=c and (cid:11)=(cid:12) =γ <120(cid:14) but not 90(cid:14), (7) hexagonal with a=b6=c and (cid:11)=(cid:12) =90(cid:14) and γ =120(cid:14). Landolt-Bo¨rnstein New Series III/41 Ref. p. 45] Gemeral Introduction { Structure and Symmetry 3 c b a simple cubic body - centered cubic face - centered cubic c b a simple tetragonal body - centered tetragonal c b a simple orthorhombic one - face - centered body - centered orthorhombic all - face - centered orthorhombic orthorhombic c b a simple monoclinic one - face - centered monoclinic c c b b a c a b a triclinic trigonal hexagonal rhombohedral Fig. 0.2. The14 Bravais lattices and theirunit cells spanned by thevectors a;b, and c. Landolt-Bo¨rnstein New Series III/41 4 Gemeral Introduction { Structure and Symmetry [Ref. p. 45 ForsomeoftheselatticesystemsmorethanoneBravaislatticeispossibleleadingtothe14Bravais lattices shown in Fig. 0.2. Their primitive translations a1;a2, and a3, which in some cases are identical with the vectors a;b, and c spanning the unit cell, are given here with their Cartesian coordinatestogetherwiththenamesandfrequentlyusedabbreviationsfortheselattices. Forsome of them a notation is in use also which refers to the lattice type of a representative species [58P]: 1. simple cubic (sc): the three primitive translations are parallel to the cubic crystal axes, they are orthogonalto each other and have the length of the elementary cube: a1 =a(1;0;0); a2 =a(0;1;0); a3 =a(0;0;1) 2. body-centered cubic(bcc;A2): thethreeprimitivetranslationspointtothreeofthebody- centers around an edge of the elementary cube: a1 =a=2(−1;1;1); a2 =a=2(1;−1;1); a3 =a=2(1;1;−1) 3. face-centered cubic (fcc;A1): the three primitive translations point to three of the face- centers nearest to an edge of the elementary cube: a1 =a=2(0;1;1); a2 =a=2(1;0;1); a3 =a=2(1;1;0) 4. simple tetragonal (st): correspondsto the simple cubic lattice but with di(cid:11)erent lengthof a3: a1 =a(1;0;0); a2 =a(0;1;0); a3 =c(0;0;1) 5. body-centered tetragonal (bct;A5): corresponds to the body-centered cubic lattice but with di(cid:11)erent length of the third Cartesian coordinate: a1 =(−a=2;a=2;c=2); a2 =(a=2;−a=2;c=2); a3 =(a=2;a=2;−c=2) 6. simple orthorhombic: corresponds to the simple cubic lattice but with di(cid:11)erent lengths of the three primitive translations: a1 =a(1;0;0); a2 =b(0;1;0); a3 =c(0;0;1) 7. one-face centered orthorhombic: two of the primitive translations point to two face- centers in the base-plane, the third one is orthogonalto this plane: a1 =(a=2;b=2;0); a2 =(a=2;−b=2;0); a3 =(0;0;c) 8. body-centered orthorhombic: corresponds to the body-centered cubic lattice but with three di(cid:11)erent lengths of the Cartesian coordinates: a1 =(−a=2;b=2;c=2); a2 =(a=2;−b=2;c=2); a3 =(a=2;b=2;−c=2) 9. all-face centered orthorhombic: corresponds to the face-centered cubic lattice but with three di(cid:11)erent lenghts of the Cartesian coordinates: a1 =(0;b=2;c=2); a2 =(a=2;0;c=2); a3 =(a=2;b=2;0) 10. simple monoclinic: correspondstothesimple orthorhombiclatticebutwitha1 anda2 not being orthogonalto each other 11. one-face centered monoclinic: correspondsto the one-face centeredorthorhombiclattice but with a1 and a2 not being orthogonalto each other 12. triclinic: thethreeprimitivetranslationshavedi(cid:11)erentlengthsandincludepairwisedi(cid:11)erent angles 13. trigonal: the three primitive translations have the same lengths and include pairwise the same angle <120(cid:14) but not 90(cid:14) 14. hexagonal: two of the primitive translations have the same length and include an angle of 120(cid:14), the third one is orthogonalto them: a1 =a(1=2;−1=2;0); a2 =a(1=2;1=2;0); a3 =(0;0;c): Landolt-Bo¨rnstein New Series III/41 Ref. p. 45] Gemeral Introduction { Structure and Symmetry 5 Crystal symmetries Due to the periodic arrangementof the atoms the crystalstructure is invariantunder translations by lattice vectors Rn (which form the translation group) but also under rotations, reflections, and- in some cases- under inversion(point group) [57K2,63K].Eachcrystalstructure that can be realized in three dimensions belongs to one of the 32 possible point groups or crystal classes. Elements of the translation group and of the point group can be combined to form symmetry operations of the space group. The space group is called symmorphic if these are all possible spatial symmetry operations of the crystal structure; it is called non-symmorphic if elements of the point group(e.g. the inversionin the diamond structure)combined with translations di(cid:11)erent fromEq.(1)leavethe crystalinvariant. There are73symmorphicand157non-symmorphicspace groups. Two notations are in use for the space groups and point groups: the Schoenflies and the International(full andshort) notations [63K,93I] (the notations for the 32 point groups are given in Table 0.1). In contrast to the Schoenflies notation the International notation uses symbolic expressions for the symmetry operations. Table 0.1. The 32 point groups in International and Schoenflies notation (from [63K]). International International Schoen- Schoen- flies flies Short Full Short Full 1. 1 1 C1 17. (cid:22)3 (cid:22)3 C31(S6) 2. (cid:22)1 (cid:22)1 C1(S2) 18. 32 32 D3 3. 2 2 C2 19. 3 m 3 m C3v 4. m m C3(C1h) 20. (cid:22)3 m (cid:22)3 m2 D3d 2 5. 2/m m C2h 21. 6 6 C6 6. 222 222 D2(V) 22. (cid:22)6 (cid:22)6 C3h 6 7. m m 2 m m 2 C2v 23. 6/m m C6h 2 2 2 8. m m m m m m D2h(Vh) 24. 622 622 D6 9. 4 4 C4 25. 6 m m 6 m m C6v 10. (cid:22)4 (cid:22)4 S4 26. (cid:22)6 m 2 (cid:22)6 m 2 D3h 4 6 2 2 11. 4/m m C4h 27. 6/mmm m m m D6h 12. 422 422 D4 28. 23 23 T 13. 4 m m 4 m m C4v 29. m 3 m2 (cid:22)3 Th 14. (cid:22)4 2 m (cid:22)4 2 m D2d(Vd) 30. 432 432 O 15. 4/mmm m4 m2 m2 D4h 31. (cid:22)4 3 m (cid:22)4 3 m Td 16. 3 3 C3 32. m 3 m m4 (cid:22)3 m2 Oh Electronic or vibrational eigenstates of the crystal Hamiltonian are classi(cid:12)ed by exploiting the crystal symmetry [78M]. As far as translational symmetry is concerned this is done by using the concept of Brillouin zones and of the reciprocal lattice [57K2, 75J, 76A, 96K1]. The latter is Landolt-Bo¨rnstein New Series III/41 6 Gemeral Introduction { Structure and Symmetry [Ref. p. 45 de(cid:12)ned by reciprocal lattice vectors Gm =m1b1+m2b2+m3b3 (2) with integer m ;i=1;2;3, and primitive reciprocal lattice vectors i a (cid:2)a b =2(cid:25) j k (3) i a1(cid:1)(a2(cid:2)a3) where i;j;k, are cyclic permutations of 1,2, and 3. The Wigner-Seitz cell of the reciprocal lattice isthe (cid:12)rst Brillouin zone (Fig. 0.3). As thereciprocallattice isde(cid:12)nedbythe Bravaislattice in realspace,there areas manydi(cid:11)erent Brillouinzones asBravaislattices. The primitive reciprocal lattice vectors for the 14 Bravais lattices can be obtained by applying Eq.(3) to the primitive translations a1;a2, and a3. It turns out (and is to be expected from the fact, that the reciprocal lattices follow the same mathematicalrule as the Bravaislattices), that the geometryof the recip- rocal lattices repeats that of the Bravais lattices (e.g. the reciprocal lattice of the face-centered cubic Bravais lattice is a body-centered cubic lattice and vice versa). Thus the Brillouin zones in Fig. 0.3 can be looked at also as being the Wigner-Seitz cells of the 14 Bravais lattices. k k z z R L T S G D X P S Z ky M F kx L D D H G S G ky k N simple cubic x k z body - centered cubic L L U G D Q S X k S Z y W K k x face - centered cubic Landolt-Bo¨rnstein New Series III/41 Ref. p. 45] Gemeral Introduction { Structure and Symmetry 7 k k z z Z U R U Z V S A T L N V G W T D S ky G D X X S S Y ky kx M k x body - centered tetragonal (c>a) simple tetragonal k k z z Z B T B T Z A A G L H ky R L ED H ky U R E D Y S G C Y G S D Q C kx X D S kx S simple orthorhombic one - face centered orthorhombic k k z z Z A Z B R L S H L D E S X G Y k G S G C y D D k x kx X T k y all - face - centered orthorhombic body - centered orthorhombic Landolt-Bo¨rnstein New Series III/41 8 Gemeral Introduction { Structure and Symmetry [Ref. p. 45 k z k z Z A E C L D G G L A Y B k Y y k y k x k x simple monoclinic one - face - centered monoclinic k k z z Z F B A S R L H L A G S' D U D S D CY ky P T S G ky k K T' M x k x trigonal (c>a) (rhombohedral) hexagonal Fig. 0.3. The Brillouin zones of the 14 Bravais lattices with points and lines of high symmetry. Not shown is theBrillouin zone of thetriclinic lattice. Classi(cid:12)cationofeigenstateswithrespecttotranslationalsymmetryisunequivocalforwavevectors k belonging to the (cid:12)rst Brillouin zone. For a given wave vector further classi(cid:12)cation is possible due to point group operations that leave k invariant and de(cid:12)ne the group of the wave vector. Evidentlythe centerofthe Brillouinzone,k=(0;0;0)orΓpoint,is invariantunderalloperations of the crystal point group. Points and lines of high symmetry, i.e. with groups of the wave vector k containing more elements than just the identity, are denoted by capital Greek (Roman) letters if they are inside (on the surface) of the (cid:12)rst Brillouin zone as shown in Fig. 0.3. The crystal eigenstates at a given k can be classi(cid:12)ed according to the irreducible representations of the group of the wave vector, which for the 32 possible point groups are given in [63K]. Landolt-Bo¨rnstein New Series III/41 Ref. p. 45] Gemeral Introduction { Structure and Symmetry 9 Semiconductors with tetrahedral coordination As a special case of crystal structures those of semiconductors with tetrahedral coordination (to which all those of volumes LB41A and LB41B belong) are presented here in detail. Of these the cubic structures derive from the face-centered cubic (fcc or A1) Bravais lattice with the lattice constant a (see Fig. 0.2). By attaching to each lattice point Rn a base of two atoms at a t1 =(0;0;0) and t2 = (1;1;1) (4) 4 one obtains a crystal structure consisting of two interpenetrating fcc lattices (Fig. 0.4), which is the diamond structure (A4), if both atoms in the base are identical (as for the element-IV semiconductors), or the zinc blende structure (B2), if the basis consists of two di(cid:11)erent atoms (as for compound semiconductors of the III-V, II-VI, and I-VII family). The Wigner-Seitz cell of these structures (which is the Brillouin zone of the body-centered cubic Bravais lattice, Fig. 0.3) contains two atoms. Evidently diamond and zinc blende structure have the same translation group as they derive from the same Bravais lattice. The point group of the diamond structure (O in the Schoenflies notation, m3m in the International (short) notation [63K, 93I]) consists h of 48 elements, half of them (including the inversion) interchange the two interpenetrating fcc lattices and are elements of the space group only in combination with a translation t2 −t1, i.e. the space group O7(Fd3m) of the diamond structure is nonsymmorphic. These nonsymmorphic h symmetry operations and the corresponding elements of the point group are missing in the zinc blendestructure. Therefore,itsspacegroupT2(F(cid:22)43m)issymmorphicandthepointgroupT ((cid:22)43m) d d consists of 24 elements. Fig. 0.4. Diamond lattice (if all atoms shown are equal),zincblendelattice(ifthetwointerpenetrating fcc lattices are occupied by di(cid:11)erent atoms). The a lattice constant a is indicated. A di(cid:11)erent way of looking at semiconductor crystal structures with tetrahedral coordination is that of stacking sequences. Along the body diagonal(or [111]direction) the zinc blende structure correspondsto a repeated stacking sequence ABC (or 3C in the Ramsdell notation [47R], where 3 referstothenumberoflayersandCtothecubiccrystalstructure)ofthreebilayers,eachconsisting of the two di(cid:11)erent base atoms. The A, B, and C layers di(cid:11)er by their projection onto the plane perpendicular to the cubic [111]direction [93I, 96K1,97W1]. The shortest stacking sequence that leads to a crystal structure with tetrahedral coordination is AB or 2H (Ramsdell notation) which formsthe wurtzite structure (B4). Itisa hexagonallattice withacrystalaxiscorrespondingto the cubic [111] direction (Fig. 0.5). It derives from the hexagonal close-packed structure (hcp or A3)consistingoftwopinterpenetratinghexagonalBravaislatticeswithabasisoftwoidenticalatoms at(0,0,0)and(a=2; 3a=6;c=2). The wurtzite structureis made up oftwohexagonalclose-packed Landolt-Bo¨rnstein New Series III/41 10 Gemeral Introduction { Structure and Symmetry [Ref. p. 45 structures with a basis t1 =(0;0;0) and t2 =(0;0;c=2) (5) occupied by di(cid:11)erent atoms,thus the Wigner-Seitz cell contains 4 atoms. Assuming ideal tetrahe- dronsin thepwurtzite structure the lattice constantsa andc wouldbe relatedto eachother by the ratio c=a= 8=3. In realized crystal lattices of the wurtzite type deviations from this ideal ratio are observed. The space group of the wurtzite structure C64v(P63mc) is nonsymmorphic, half of thesymmetryoperationsarecombinedwiththe nonprimitivetranslationt2−t1. The pointgroup is C6v(6mm) and consists of 12 elements. The Brillouin zone of the wurtzite structure is that of the hexagonalBravais lattice (Fig. 0.3). Besidestheshorteststackingsequences,AB(2H)leadingtothewurtzitestructureandABC(3C) leading to the zinc blende structure, some compound semiconductors (e.g. SiC and ZnS) are realized in a variety of crystal structures with longer stacking sequences (e.g. 4H, 6H or 15R, where R stands for rhombohedral), known as polytypes. Polytypism is connected with ground state energies that di(cid:11)er only slightly for the di(cid:11)erent crystal structures. A list of polytypes and their stacking sequences is presented in Section 1.5 (SiC). c Fig. 0.5. Wurtzite lattice, composed of two inter- penetrating hexagonal close-packed lattices occupied bydi(cid:11)erent atoms. Thelattice constants a andc are a indicated. Another variety of crystal structures with tetrahedral coordination is realized in ternary semi- conductors deriving from the III-V family by replacing the four group-III atoms of a tetrahedron by each two atoms of the neighboring group-II and group-IV elements. It is the chalcopyrite structure, which derives from the body centered tetragonal Bravais lattice with a basis of four atoms (Fig. 0.6). Usually the c=a ratio deviates slightly from the ideal one of c=a=2. The space groupof the chalcopyritestructure is D21d2(I(cid:22)42d), the correspondingpoint groupD2d (or (cid:22)42m) has 8 elements. The reciprocal lattice is a tetragonalface centered lattice. Landolt-Bo¨rnstein New Series III/41

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