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Peter A. Markowich Christ ian A. Ringhofer Christ ian Schmeiser Semi. conducto r Equations Springer-Verlag Wien N e w \ f a r k Semiconductor Equations P. A. Markowich C. A. Ringhofer C. Schmeiser Springer-Verlag Wien New York Peter A. Markowich Fachbereich Mathematik Technische Universitat, Berlin Christian A. Ringhofer Department of Mathematics Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA Christian Schmeiser Institut fur Angewandte und Numerische Mathematik Technische Universitat, Wien, Austria This work is subject to copyright. Al l rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically those of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustration, broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machine or similar means, and storage in data banks. © 1990 by Springer-Verlag Wien Typeset by Asco Trade Typesetting Ltd., Hong Kong Printed in Austria by Novographic, Ing. W. Schmid, A-1238 Wien Printed on acid-free paper With 33 Figures Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data. Markowich, Peier A., 1956- Semiconductor equations Peter A. Markowich, Christian Ringhofer, Christian Schmeiser. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references. I S B N 0-387-82157-0 (U.S.) 1. Semiconductors Mathematical models. I. Ringhofer, Christian, 1957- . II . Schmeiser, Christian, 1958- . I I I . Title. TK7871.85.M339. 1989. 621.381'52—dc20 ISBN 3-211-82157-0 Springer-Verlag Wien-New York ISBN 0-387-82157-0 Springer-Verlag New York-Wien Preface In recent years the mathematical modeling of charge transport in semi- conductors has become a thr iv ing area in applied mathematics. The drift diffusion equations, which constitute the most popular model for the simula- t ion of the electrical behavior of semiconductor devices, are by now mathe- matically quite well understood. As a consequence numerical methods have been developed, which allow for reasonably efficient computer simulations in many cases of practical relevance. Nowadays, research on the drift diffu- sion model is of a highly specialized nature. I t concentrates on the explora- t ion of possibly more efficient discretization methods (e.g. mixed finite elements, streamline diffusion), on the improvement of the performance of nonlinear iteration and linear equation solvers, and on three dimensional applications. The ongoing miniatur izat ion of semiconductor devices has prompted a shift of the focus of the modeling research lately, since the drift diffusion model does not account well for charge transport in ultra integrated devices. Extensions of the drift diffusion model (so called hydrodynamic models) are under investigation for the modeling of hot electron effects in submicron MOS-transistors, and supercomputer technology has made it possible to employ kinetic models (semiclassical Boltzmann-Poisson and Wigner- Poisson equations) for the simulation of certain highly integrated devices. The focus of this book is the presentation of the hierarchy of semiconductor models ranging from kinetic transport equations to the drift diffusion equa- tions. Particular emphasis is given to the derivation of the models and the physical and mathematical assumptions used therefore. We do not go into the mathematical technicalities necessary for a detailed analysis of the models but rather sacrifice rigour for the sake of conveying the basic prop- erties and features of the model equations. The mathematically interested reader is encouraged to consult the references for in-depth investigations of specific subjects. We address applied mathematicians, electrical engineers and solid state phy- sicists. The exposition is accessible to graduate students in each of the three fields. In particular, we hope that this book w i l l be useful as a text for advanced graduate courses in this area and we urge students to work the vi Preface problems, which can be found at the end of each chapter, for a deeper penetration of the material. We are grateful to our colleagues U . Ascher, J. Batt, F. Brezzi, P. Degond, P. Deuflhard, D . Ferry, W. Fichtner, L . Gastaldi, P. Kasperkovitz, N . Kluks - dahl, D . M a r i n i , H . Neunzert, F. Nier, R. O 'Mal ley, F. Poupaud, T. Seidman, S. Selberherr, H . Steinriick, P. Szmolyan, and T. Taylor for many hours of stimulating discussions. I n particular we are indebted to A. Arno ld , N . Mauser, P. Pietra, and R. WeiB for reading large parts of the manuscript. We thank U . Schweigler for skillfully typing a por t ion of the manuscript. We are indebted to the Centre des Mathematiques Appliquees of the Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, and to the Inst i tut fur Technische Elek- t ron ik of the Technische Universitat Hamburg-Harburg where a part of the manuscript was wri t ten. The first and the th i rd author acknowledge support from the "Osterreichischer Fonds zur Forderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung" under the grant numbers P6771 and P4919, respectively. The second author acknowledges support by the Nat iona l Science Foundation, U S A under grant no. P M S 880-1153. Paris, 1989 Peter A. M a r k o w i c h Christ ian A. Ringhofer Fachbereich Mathemat ik Department of Mathematics Technische Universitat Berlin Arizona State University StraBe des 17. Juni 136 Tempe, A Z 85287, U S A D-1000 Berlin 12 Christian Schmeiser Inst i tut fiir Angewandte und Numerische Mathemat ik Technische Universitat Wien Wiedner HauptstraBe 8-10 A-1040 Wien, Austria Contents In t r o d u c t i o n 1 K i n e t i c T r a n s p o r t M o d e l s for Semiconduc to rs 3 1.1 Int roduc t ion 3 1.2 The (Semi-)Classical Liouvi l le Equation 4 Particle Trajectories 5 A Potential Barrier 5 The Transport Equation 8 Particle Ensembles 8 The Ini t ia l Value Problem 9 The Classical Hami l ton ian 11 The Semi-Classical Liouvi l le Equation 12 Magnetic Fields 16 1.3 The Boltzmann Equation 16 The Vlasov Equation 17 The Poisson Equation 21 The Whole Space Vlasov Problem 23 Bounded Position Domains 24 The Semi-Classical Vlasov Equation 25 Magetic Fields—The Maxwel l Equations 26 Collisions—The Boltzmann Equation 28 The Semi-Classical Boltzmann Equation 30 Conservation and Relaxation 32 L o w Density Approx imat ion 33 The Relaxation Time Approx imat ion 34 Polar Optical Scattering 35 Particle-Particle Interaction 36 1.4 The Quantum Liouvi l le Equation 36 The Schrodinger Equation 37 Tunneling 38 Particle Ensembles and Density Matrices 40 Wigner Functions 41 viii Contents The Quantum Transport Equat ion 42 Pure and Mixed States 44 The Classical L i m i t 48 Nonnegat ivi ty of Wigner Functions 50 A n Energy-Band Version of the Quan tum Liouvi l le Equation 52 1.5 The Quantum Boltzmann Equat ion 57 Subensemble Density Matrices 58 The Quantum Vlasov Equat ion 60 The Poisson Equat ion 63 The Quantum Vlasov Equat ion on a Bounded Position D o m a i n 65 The Energy-Band Version of the Quan tum Vlasov Equation 65 Collisions 67 1.6 Applications and Extensions 68 Mult i -Va l l ey Models 69 Bipolar M o d e l 71 Tunnel ing Devices 75 Problems 77 References 80 2 F r o m K i n e t i c t o F l u i d D y n a m i c a l M o d e l s 83 2.1 Int roduc t ion 83 2.2 Small Mean Free Path—The Hi lber t Expansion 85 2.3 M o m e n t Methods—The Hydrodynamic M o d e l 90 Derivat ion of the Dri f t Diffusion M o d e l 91 The Hydrodynamic Mode l 92 2.4 Heavy D o p i n g Effects—Fermi-Dirac Distr ibut ions 94 2.5 H i g h Field Effects—Mobil i ty Models 95 2.6 Recombination-Generation Models 98 Problems 101 References 102 3 T h e D r i f t D i f f u s i o n E q u a t i o n s 104 3.1 Int roduc t ion 104 3.2 The Stationary Dr i f t Diffusion Equations 108 3.3 Existence and Uniqueness for the Stationary Dri f t Diffusion Equations 110 3.4 Forward Biased P-N Junctions 116 The Equ i l ib r ium Case 118 The No n - E q u i l i b r i u m Case 125 Asymptot ic Val id i ty in the One-Dimensional Case 129 Velocity Saturation Effects—Field Dependent Mobil i t ies 130 3.5 Reverse Biased P-N Junctions 133 Moderately Reverse Biased P-N Junctions 134 Contents ix P-N Junctions Under Extreme Reverse Bias Condit ions 134 The One-Dimensional Problem 135 The Two-Dimensional Case 141 3.6 Stability and Condi t ioning for the Stationary Problem 143 3.7 The Transient Problem 148 3.8 The Linearization of the Transient Problem 149 3.9 Existence for the Nonlinear Problem 153 Asymptotic Expansions for the Transient Dri f t Diffusion Equations 156 3.10 Asymptotic Expansions on the Diffusion Time Scale 157 3.11 Fast Time Scale Expansions 162 The Case of a Bounded In i t i a l Potential 163 Fast Time Scale Solutions for General In i t i a l Data 165 Problems 171 References 172 4 Devices 175 4.1 Int roduc t ion 175 Static Voltage-Current Characteristics 176 4.2 P - N Diode 180 The Depletion Region in Thermal Equi l ib r ium 181 Strongly Asymmetric Junctions 185 The Voltage-Current Characteristic Close to Thermal Equi l ib r ium 188 H i g h In jec t ion—A Mode l Problem 191 Large Reverse Bias 192 Avalanche Breakdown 195 Punch Through 197 4.3 Bipolar Transistor 198 Current Gain Close to Thermal Equ i l ib r ium 199 4.4 P I N - D i o d e 202 Thermal Equi l ib r ium 203 Behaviour Close to Thermal Equ i l ib r ium 206 4.5 Thyris tor 208 Characteristic Close to Thermal Equ i l ib r ium 210 Forward Conduct ion 212 Break Over Voltage 215 4.6 M I S Diode 218 Accumulat ion 221 Deplet ion—Weak Inversion 222 Strong Inversion 223 4.7 M O S F E T 225 Derivat ion of a Simplified Mode l 228 A Quasi One-Dimensional Mode l 230 Computa t ion of the One-Dimensional Electron Density 231 X Contents Computa t ion of the Current 233 4.8 G u n n Diode 235 Bulk Negative Differential Conduct ivi ty 237 Traveling Waves 238 The Gunn Effect 240 Problems 242 References 243 A p p e n d i x 245 Physical Constants 245 Properties of Si at Room Temperature 245 Subject I n d e x 246 Introduction Semiconductor device modeling spans a wide range of areas in solid state physics, applied and computat ional mathematics. The involved topics range from the most basic principles of kinetic transport in solids over statistical mechanics to complicated bifurcation problems in the mathematical de- scription of certain devices and to numerical methods for part ial differential equations. This book tries to give an overview of the involved models and their mathematical treatment. I t addresses, on one hand, the engineer and the physicist interested in the mathematical background of semiconductor device modeling. O n the other hand it can be used by the applied mathematician to familiarize himself (herself) w i th a field which has immediate and techno- logically relevant applications and gives rise to a whole variety of interesting mathematical problems. The scope of semiconductor device modeling is clearly interdisciplinary. Quanti tat ive answers are needed to describe de- vices and these answers can be obtained from a variety of different physical models. We start from the most basic physical principles for kinetic transport of charged particles. Then we discuss a hierarchy of simplified model equations culminat ing in the drift diffusion equations which are the most widely used model today. I n order to make this book accessible to as wide a range of readers as possible the emphasis has been placed on concepts, and mathematical details have been replaced by references to the corresponding literature. In the first Chapter the classical and quantum mechanical transport models in ensemble phase space and single particle phase space are discussed. Furthermore it is shown how the quantum mechanical models can be incorporated into the classical transport picture via the so called semi- classical models. The solution of transport equations in phase space is a very complex task. Therefore, simplified equations for integral quantities, such as particle and energy densities, are frequently used. These simplified equa- tions are part ial differential equations in position space only. The derivation of these equations, i.e. the hydrodynamic models and finally the drift diffu- sion equations, is the subject of Chapter 2. Chapter 3 is devoted to a

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