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Semiconducting (Half-Metallic) Ferromagnetism in Mn(Fe) Substituted Pt and Pd Nitrides PDF

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Preview Semiconducting (Half-Metallic) Ferromagnetism in Mn(Fe) Substituted Pt and Pd Nitrides

Semiconducting (Half-Metallic) Ferromagnetism in Mn(Fe) Substituted Pt and Pd Nitrides Abdesalem Houari∗ Laboratoire de Physique Th´eorique, D´epartement de Physique, Universit´e de B´ejaia, B´ejaia, Alg´erie Samir F. Matar CNRS, Universit´e de Bordeaux, ICMCB, 87 avenue du Docteur Albert Schweitzer, 33600 Pessac, France Volker Eyert† 1 Center for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism, 1 Institut fu¨r Physik, Universita¨t Augsburg, 86135 Augsburg, Germany 0 2 (Dated: January 11, 2011) n Using first principles calculations as based on density functional theory, we propose a class of so a farunexploreddilutedferromagneticsemiconductorsandhalf-metals. Here,westudytheelectronic J properties of recently synthesized 4d and 5d transition metal dinitrides. In particular, we address 9 Mn-andFe-substitutioninPtN2 andPdN2. Structuralrelaxation showsthattheresultingordered compounds, Pt0.75(Mn,Fe)0.25N2 and Pd0.75(Mn,Fe)0.25N2, maintain the cubic crystal symmetry ] of the parent compounds. On substitution, all compounds exhibit long-range ferromagnetic order. i c While both Pt0.75Mn0.25N2 and Pd0.75Mn0.25N2 are semiconducting, Fe-substitution causes half- s metallic behavior for both parent materials. - l r PACSnumbers: 71.15.Mb,71.15.Nc,71.20-b,75.10.Lp,74.25.Ha,73.43.Cd mt Keywords: . t a Being known since the beginning of the 20th century, (OsN ,RuN andRhN )havebeenalsoobtainedandare 2 2 2 m transition metal nitrides are considered as an exciting shown to crystallize in marcasite type structure10,11. - class of materials due to a wide range of technologi- Platinumdinitridehasbeenpredictedtohaveexcellent d cal applications. Traditionally, the great advantages of n mechanical properties. The calculated hardness (bulk these compounds concern their hardness and refractory o modulus, shear modulus and other elastic constants) nature1,2. However,much attention is currently directed c shows that it is harder than many known hard mate- [ towards their electronic, magnetic, and optical proper- rials like TiN and SiC13,14. The electronic properties of 1 ties, where fascinating applications are expected. Many PtN2 are also very interesting. Contraryto other transi- v efforts, experimental as well as theoretical, have been tion metal nitrides, which are almost all metallic, PtN2 5 made to study the transition metal nitrides3–6. Until isfoundtobe semiconducting,andthiscouldmakeitan 3 recentlynoneofthe noblemetalnitridesorthe platinum importantmaterialforoptoelectronicapplications. Band 6 group nitrides were known. The first synthesis of plat- structurecalculationsasbasedondensityfunctionalthe- 1 inum nitride (Pt-N), under extreme conditions of pres- ory and the local density approximation(LDA) show an 1. sureandtemperature,wasreportedonlyfewyearsago7,8. indirect band gap of ∼ 1.5 eV, which is probably some- 0 Lateron, several other nitrides of different elements (Ir, whatsmallerthantheexperimentalvalueduetotheten- 1 Os, Ru and Pd) were also obtained9–11. dency of the LDA to underestimate the band gap13–15. 1 : Therewasadebateaboutthecrystalstructureandthe In general, pyrite-type compounds have attracted at- v stoichiometry of platinum nitride. While a zinc-blende tention since long. The dinitrides AN (A=C,Si,Ge) i 2 X structure was first proposed, Crowhurst et al. demon- were devised in assumed pyrite-type structures leading r stratedthatthisnitridecrystallizesneitherinzinc-blende to compounds with peculiar properties, such as the ex- a (PtN:mononitride)norinfluorite(PtN : dinitride)type treme hardness obtained for CN with a bulk modulus 2 2 structures, which are highly unstable at the synthesis of 405GPa. For these systems characterized as wide conditions (P =50GPa and T =2000K)8. Instead, the band gap semiconductors, strong hybridization of the authorsrevealedthatthecoumpoundisadinitride,hence N 2p states with the A p states results in a depression PtN , and the ground state structure is a cubic pyrite of the optical band gap along the C, Si, Ge series16,17. 2 structure. Lateron, these authors succeeded in synthe- Pyrite-type disulfides have also been of considerable in- sizing IrN and PdN , where the first one is found to terest for different reasons18. Semiconducting FeS has 2 2 2 be in the monoclinic baddeleyite structure9. Yet, PdN , found widespread attention for its application in photo- 2 which could by synthesized at high pressures but was voltaic energy conversion19. ZnS is a diamagnetic insu- 2 not stable at ambient conditions, was proposed to also lator. Substitution of Zn for Fe in iron pyrite has thus crystallize in the pyrite structure. In a recent theoreti- been used to tune the optical band gap in order to en- calinvestigationitwasshownthattetragonaldistortions hance the response to the solar spectrum20. While FeS 2 maystabilizePdN atambientpressure12. Othernitrides is a van Vleck paramagnet, metallic CoS displays long- 2 2 2 range ferromagnetic order. In contrast, NiS is an anti- projected densities of states as arising from the FPASW 2 ferromagnetic insulator, where the insulating behaviour calculations. However, for the Mn-substituted systems has been attributed to the presence of strong electronic the LDA results bear some ambiguity. To be specific, correlations. we obtain semiconducting behavior for Pd Mn N , 0.75 0.25 2 Ourpresentworkisfocusedespeciallyontheelectronic whereas Pt0.75Mn0.25N2 is at the verge of being a semi- and magnetic properties of substituted PtN and PdN . conductorbutdisplaysa smallbandoverlap. Inorderto 2 2 We demonstrate that substitution of the non-magnetic check these findings, we additionally performed a set of 4d-and5d-transitionmetalionsby the magnetic 3d-ions calculationsbasedontheGGA25. Theyresultedinsemi- MnandFemayleadtosemiconductingandhalf-metallic conducting ferromagnetic ground states for both com- ferromagnetism, respectively. poundswithindirectbandgapsof0.17eVand0.42eVfor Pt Mn N and Pd Mn N , respectively. The In our investigation, we first consider Mn-substitution 0.75 0.25 2 0.75 0.25 2 correspondingpartial densities of states (DOS) are illus- in PtN and PdN . For the latter compound, we as- 2 2 trated in Figs. 1 and 2. The spectrum falls essentially sumed a cubic pyrite crystalstructure as for PtN . This 2 assumption is based on the fact that experimentally PdN is actually synthesized in cubic pyrite structure 2 4 at high pressure conditions, even though it is not sta- ble at ambient pressure9. Replacing one of the four 2 Pt and Pd by magnetic Mn leads to Pt Mn N 0.75 0.25 2 and Pd0.75Mn0.25N2, respectively. To check if the cu- V) 0 btuicmsymmomleecturlyarisdmynaainmtaicisnerdelaoxnaMtionn-suhbasstbiteuetniopne,rafoqrumaend- S (1/e -2 using the Siesta ab initio simulation package with norm- DO -4 MMnn--33dd--te2g conserving pseudopotentials21,22. Both atomic positions Pt-5dg andcellshapewereincludedintherelaxationprocess. As -6 N aresult,neitherPt Mn N norPd Mn N dis- 0.75 0.25 2 0.75 0.25 2 -8 play any deviations from cubic symmetry and the atoms remain nearly at the positions of the pure compound. -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 In particular, the internal nitrogen parameters are al- (E - EV) (eV) mostunchangedafterMn-substitutioninbothPtN and 2 PdN . The changes in the nitrogen positions are within 2 0.07˚A. To be specific, in PtN the internal nitrogen pa- FIG. 1: (Color online) Partial DOS of Pt0.75Mn0.25N2. Here rameter changes from 0.415 (a2s given in Ref. 8) to 0.416 andinallsubsequentfigures,t2gandegorbitalsarereferredto arotatedcoordinatesystemwiththeCartesian axespointing after the relaxation of the substituted system. along themetal-nitrogen bonds. In a second step, full potential augmented spherical wave(FPASW)calculationswerecarriedout23,24inorder toaddresstheelectronicpropertiesofallcompoundsun- 3 derstudy. Tostartwith,werecalculatedtheequilibrium lattice constant. From non-spin polarized LDA calcula- 2 tions, we obtained a lattice parameter of aNM = 4.79˚A 1 for Pt Mn N . Taking into account spin polariza- 0.75 0.25 2 tion led to a slightly larger value of a = 4.82˚A, with V) 0 FM e the ferromagnetic state being more stable than the non- S (1/ -1 magnetic one. It is important to note that the values O obtained for the lattice constant of Pt Mn N re- D -2 Mn-3d-t2g 0.75 0.25 2 Mn-3d-eg semble that of PtN2, which is a = 4.80˚A, and confirm -3 Pd-4d the molecular dynamics result. To conclude from both N -4 sets of calculations, not only the cubic symmetry is pre- -5 served after Mn-substitution, but even the lattice con- -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 stant is almost not affected. The negligible changes of (E - E ) (eV) V the structure can be understood from the fact that only one out of four Pt atoms is replaced and thus the plat- inum network is affected by the substitution only to a FIG. 2: (Color online) Partial DOS of Pd0.75Mn0.25N2. small degree. Motivated by these findings, we decided toperformthecalculationsforPd0.75Mn0.25N2 usingthe in four parts. While the low-energy range from −9 to same lattice constant as for PdN2, i.e. a = 4.75˚A (see −6eV and from −8 to −4eV for Pt0.75Mn0.25N2 and also the discussion below). Pd Mn N , respectively, is dominated by the N 2p 0.75 0.25 2 Subsequently, the electronic structures of the Mn- states, the upper valence band is formed mainly by the substituted compounds were analyzed in terms of the t manifolds of the transition metal d states. For the 2g 3 spin-minority bands, the situation is slightly more com- netic calculations are illustrated in Figs. 3 and 4. The plicated. WhereasthePd4dandPt5dstatesarefullyoc- cupiedandfoundinthe sameenergyrangeastheir spin- majority counterparts, the Mn 3d t2g states experience 6 strongexchangesplitting. Asaresult,theMn3dt spin- 2g 4 down states form the lower conduction band of this spin channelandamagneticmomentof3µB isfoundatthese 2 atoms. In contrast, spin polarizations of Pd, Pt, and N V) e are negligible. Finally, the remaining conduction band S (1/ 0 states can be attributed to the transition metal d states O -2 D othfeegNs2ypmsmtaettersy,.wSeinficnedthaecloantstiedrefroarbmleσa-dtmypixetbuorendosfbwoitthh -4 FFee--33Pddt---t5e2dgg types of states in the lower valence and upper conduc- -6 N tionband. Thisadmixtureismuchsmallerforthe bands between −6 and +1eV and −4 to +2eV, respectively, -8 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 whichareoft symmetry andformlessstrongπ bonds. 2g (E - E ) (eV) F In passingwe mentionthe albeit smallband gaps,which make both Mn-substituted compounds semiconducting. Yet,wenotethatLDAandGGAunderestimatetheopti- FIG. 3: (Color online) Partial DOS of Pt0.75Fe0.25N2. calbandgap,whichmightthus be considerablylargerin reality. In order to check this, we performed additional GGA+U calculations for Pt Mn N . While there 0.75 0.25 2 4 were no qualitative changes, both the exchange splitting oftheMn3dt statesandtheopticalbandgapincreased 2g considerably. 2 The second substitution that we considered was the replacementofPtandPdbyiron,leadingtothe ordered V) 0 e compoundsPt Fe N andPd Fe N . Ourpro- 1/ cedure was th0e.7s5am0e.25as2for Mn-s0u.7b5stit0u.2t5ion2. Molecu- OS ( -2 D lar dynamics relaxations using the Siesta code (with the Fe-3d-t 2g same calculations details cited above)w were performed Fe-3d-eg -4 Pd-4d includingrelaxationofboththeatomicpositionsandthe N cell shape. As in the Mn-case we found that the cubic symmetryisnotbrokenonFe-substitutionandthateven -6 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 the internal nitrogenparameterremainedessentially un- (E - E ) (eV) changed. F For the FPASW calculations performed in a second stepinordertoaddresstheelectronicandmagneticprop- FIG. 4: (Color online) Partial DOS of Pd0.75Fe0.25N2. erties, we followed the procedure already adopted for PdN and used the lattice constants of the pure systems 2 gross features of the partial densities of states are the also for the substituted materials. In this case, our pro- same as for the Mn-substituted compounds. Differences cedure wasjustified by anadditionalrecalculationofthe areduetothesmallermagneticmomentsoftheFeatoms, equilibrium lattice constant for Pd0.75Fe0.25N2. As a re- which lead to reduced exchange splittings of the 3d t2g sult, values of a = 4.742˚A and a = 4.749˚A were NM FM states. As a consequence, the respective spin-majority obtainedas arising fromnon-spinpolarizedand spin po- bands are shifted to higher energies as compared to the larized calculations, respectively. The latter value is al- d states of the Pt and Pd matrix. In addition, the Fe most identical to the value of a=4.75˚A of pure PdN . 2 spin-minoritybandsareshiftedtolowerenergiesascom- Again, the LDA results bear some ambiguity as they pared to the Mn-systems due to the increased electron led to half-metallic behavior for Pd0.75Fe0.25N2 but count. As a result, the semiconducting behavior is lost metallicityofbothspinchannelsforPt0.75Fe0.25N2. Yet, andametallicspin-downchannelfound. Again,thesere- the spin-majority density of states at the Fermi energy sultswerequalitativelyconfirmedbyadditionalGGA+U was found to be very small. The problemcould againbe calculations, which revealed an increase of the exchange resolvedbyGGAcalculations,whichrenderbothsubsti- splitting of the Fe 3d t states as well as the band gap 2g tuted materials half-metallic. Both compounds exhibit of the spin-majority channel. stable magnetic order with magnetic moments of 2.0µB Inpassing,wementionadditionalspinpolarizedcalcu- located almost completely at the iron atoms. lations,whichwereperformedPt Mn N inorderto 0.75 0.25 2 The electronic structure and partial DOS of the two check for long range antiferromagnetic order. For these compounds as arising from the spin-polarized ferromag- calculations, we used a tetragonalstructure arising from 4 doubling the cubic cell along the c axis. As a result, netic order results with magnetic moments of 3µ and B an antiferromagnetic and again semiconducting solution 2µ ,whicharewelllocalizedattheMn-andFe-sites,re- B was found albeit with a total energy, which by about 7 spectievly. While Mn-substitution leads to semiconduct- mRy/f.u. higher than that of the ferromagnetic ground ing behavior, introduction of iron causes the substituted state. compounds to be half-metallic. Our results still await Insummary,basedonourfirstprinciplesinvestigation experimental confirmation. weproposetheexistenceofsofarunexploreddilutedfer- romagnetic semiconductors and half-metals. These ma- terialsarisefromsubstituting magnetic 3dions (Mn, Fe) in the non-magnetic dinitrides PtN and PdN . Accord- 2 2 Acknowledgments ingtomoleculardynamicscalculations,theorderedcom- poundsA B N ,whereA=Pt,PdandB=Mn,Fe, 0.75 0.25 2 preserve the cubic pyrite structure of their parent com- ThisworkwassupportedbytheDeutscheForschungs- pounds. On substitution, stable long-range ferromag- gemeinschaft through TRR 80. ∗ Corresponding authors: gew. Chem. Int.Ed. 46, 1136 (2007). [email protected] 12 D. Aberg, B. Sadigh, J. C. Crowhurst and A. F. Gon- † [email protected] charov, Phys.Rev. Lett.100, 095501 (2008). 1 S. T. Oyama, Introduction to the chemistry of transition 13 R. Yu, Q. Zhan and X. F. Zhang, Appl. Phys. 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