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Semiclassical Trace Formulas for Two Identical Particles Jamal Sakhr† and Niall D. Whelan Department of Physics and Astronomy, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4M1 (February 8, 2008) Semiclassicalperiodicorbittheoryisusedinmanybranchesofphysics. However,mostapplications of the theory have been to systems which involve only single particle dynamics. In this work, we develop a semiclassical formalism to describe the density of states for two noninteracting particles. This includes accounting properly for the particle exchange symmetry. As concrete examples, we study two identical particles in a disk and in a cardioid. In each case, we demonstrate that the semiclassical formalism correctly reproduces the quantumdensities. 0 0 0 I. INTRODUCTION acting electrons in the presence of a helium nucleus, has 2 been studied in [14]. We also mention the novel applica- n Semiclassicalphysics has experienced a resurgence of in- tions of semiclassical theory to mesoscopic physics [15]. a J terest, largely due to the work of Gutzwiller [1], Balian For example, orbital magnetism has been studied semi- 4 and Bloch [2] and Berry and Tabor [3]. (For recent re- classically for diffusive systems in [16] and for ballistic 2 views see [4,5].) These works showed that if we separate systems in [17,18]. For reviews see [19]. the density of states into smooth and oscillatory com- Ultimately, one would like to study an arbitrary num- D] ponents, then the oscillatory part is related to the dy- ber of interacting particles in any kind of potential. In namicsoftheunderlyingclassicalsystemviaperiodicor- the present work,we begin by exploring the structure of C bits. ThiscomplementstheearlierworkofWeyl,Wigner, thetraceformulafortwononinteractingparticlesinclud- . n Kirkwoodand others who showed that the smooth com- ing an examination of the decomposition into bosonic li ponent is related to the geometry of the classical phase and fermionic spaces. This sets the stage for the inter- n space. Actually,thetwocomponentsarerelatedinasub- acting N body problem to be explored in a subsequent [ − tleway[6,7]sincethecompletegeometryimpartsthefull publication [20]. The method employed here uses the 1 dynamics and vice-versa. fact that the two particle density of states is the auto- v Most of the theoretical work has concentrated on the convolution of the single particle density of states. Sub- 1 single particle density of states, however,there are some sequently, we decompose the semiclassical two particle 5 0 notable exceptions, namely [8–10]. In [8] the focus is on density of states into three distinct contributions, each 1 the average level density and its extension to systems of of which corresponds to specific dynamical properties of 0 identical particles. Specifically, the authors consider a the system. Of particular interest is the contribution 0 system of N fermions in one dimension. Their Weyl for- which corresponds to two particle dynamics. 0 mula for fermions works well for attractive two body in- Billiards have served as prominent model systems in / n teractions,butoverestimatesthequantumstaircasefunc- quantumchaos. Theycombineconceptualsimplicity(the li tionwhentherearerepulsivetwobodyinteractions. The model of a free particle in a box) while allowing the full n author of [9] develops a generalization of the canonical range of classical dynamics, from integrable to chaotic. : v periodic orbit sum for the special case of N interacting Therefore, as initial applications of the formalism, we Xi spinless fermions in one dimension. It is assumed the studytwononinteractingidenticalparticlesinadiskand periodic orbits are isolated and therefore it is most ap- in a cardioid. The former problem is integrable while r a plicable to fully chaotic systems. The author also con- the second is chaotic so these two examples provide a sidersasystemofnoninteractingfermionsandwritesthe direct test of the formalism in the two limiting cases of manybodyleveldensityasaconvolutionintegralinvolv- classicalmotion. In both cases, we find the semiclassical ing one body level densities. Finally, we mention [10] formalism does a good job of reproducing the quantum whichpresentsanexpansionof the periodic orbitsumin density of states. terms of the particle number using ideas from [8,9]. Similarly,mostoftheapplicationsofsemiclassicalthe- II. BACKGROUND THEORY ory have been to systems which involve only single par- ticle dynamics. Here, we mention some exceptions. The authorsof[11]extendthestudyofscars[12]toclassically A. Single Particle Semiclassical Theory chaotic few body systems of identical particles. A study of the eigenfunctions of an interacting two particle sys- In this section, we review the formalism for the semi- tem can be found in [13]. The semiclassical approach to classical decomposition of the single particle density of the helium atom, which can be understood as two inter- 1 states. Let ǫ be the single-particle energies so that where T (ǫ) is the period of the primitive orbit γ, corre- i γ { } the single particle density of states is sponding to Γ (i.e. Γ is an integer repetition of γ) and M˜ is the stability matrix of that orbit. Γ ρ (ǫ)= δ(ǫ ǫ ), (1) 1 i − i X B. Quantum Two Particle Density of States wherethe subscript1indicatesthatitisasingleparticle density. Afundamentalpropertyofthequantumdensity of states is that it can be exactly decomposed into an Now suppose we have a system of two identical nonin- average smooth part and an oscillatory part [2] teracting particles. The total Hamiltonian is the sum of the single particle Hamiltonians and it follows that the ρ1(ǫ)=ρ¯1(ǫ)+ρ˜1(ǫ). (2) energiesofthecompositesystemarejustthesumsofthe single particle energies. The analogue of (1) is then There are various approachesfor calculating these quan- tities [5]. For example, in systems with analytic poten- ρ (E)= δ(E (ǫ +ǫ )). (7) tials,thesmoothpartmaybeobtainedfromanextended 2 − i j i,j Thomas-Fermicalculationwhichisanasymptoticexpan- X sion in powers of h¯. In billiard systems, where the par- Ausefulrelationisthatthetwoparticledensityofstates ticle is confined to a spatial domain by the presence of is the autoconvolution of the single particle density of infinitely steep potential walls, the smooth part may be states: obtained from the Weyl expansion. In two dimensional E billiardswithpiecewisesmoothboundariesandDirichlet ρ (E)= dǫρ (ǫ)ρ (E ǫ)=ρ ρ (E), (8) 2 1 1 1 1 boundary conditions, the first three terms of the Weyl Z0 − ∗ expansion is [21] as can be verified by direct substitution. In fact, this α α1/2 works even if the particles are not identical, where the ρ¯1(ǫ)= A L θ(ǫ)+ δ(ǫ)+ (3) full density is still the convolution of the two distinct 4π − 8π √ǫ K ··· (cid:18) (cid:19) single-particledensities. Thiswouldalsoapplytoasingle where α=2m/¯h2, is the area, is the perimeter and particleinaseparablepotential,whichismathematically A L equivalent. Ratherthanencumberthenotationtoexplic- 1 1 π2 θ2 = dlκ(l)+ − i (4) itly allow for this possibility, we defer this discussion to K 12π I 24π i θi Appendix A,where some formulasfornonidentical, non- X interacting particles are presented. is the average curvature integrated along the boundary We can decompose the two particle density of states withcorrectionsduetocornerswithanglesθ . Theoscil- i for a system of two identical particles into a symmetric lating part is obtained from semiclassical periodic orbit and an antisymmetric density, theory, and in particular the various trace formulas for ρ˜1(ǫ) of the form [5] ρ2(E)=ρS(E)+ρA(E). (9) 1 1 π ρ˜ (ǫ) A (ǫ)cos S (ǫ) σ . (5) We shall use the terms symmetric/antisymmetric and 1 Γ Γ Γ ≈ π¯h ¯h − 2 bosonic/fermionic interchangeably. Each partial density Γ (cid:18) (cid:19) X may be obtained using a projection operator onto the Γ denotes topologically distinct periodic orbits, S (ǫ) is Γ relevant subspaces resulting in the classical action integral along the orbit Γ. The am- plitude AΓ(ǫ) depends on energy, the period of the cor- 1 1 E ρ (E)= ρ (E) ρ . (10) respondingprimitiveorbit,thestabilityofthe orbit,and S/A 2 2 ± 2 1 2 (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:19) whether it is isolated or non-isolated. The index σ de- Γ pends on the topological properties of each orbit. For We seek semiclassical approximations to these quantum isolated orbits, it is just the Maslov index. For noniso- expressions, a topic which is pursued in the following latedorbits,theremaybeadditionalphasefactorsinthe sections. form of odd multiples of π/4 which we account for, in a slightabuseofnotation,byallowingσ tobehalf-integer. Γ III. SEMICLASSICAL CALCULATIONS FOR Inthecaseofnon-isolatedorbits,Γdenotesdistinctfam- THE TWO PARTICLE SYSTEM ilies of degenerate orbits. The amplitude of an isolated orbit is given by the Gutzwiller trace formula [1] Decomposing the single particle density into its smooth Tγ(ǫ) and oscillatory components as in (2) gives a decomposi- A (ǫ)= (6) Γ tion of the two particle density of states into three dis- det(M˜ I) Γ− tinct contributions, r(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 2 ρsc(E)=ρ¯ ρ¯ (E)+2ρ¯ ρ˜ (E)+ρ˜ ρ˜ (E). (11) ∞ i 2 1∗ 1 1∗ 1 1∗ 1 dǫAΓ1(ǫ)AΓ2(E−ǫ)exp ¯h(SΓ1(ǫ)+SΓ2(E−ǫ)) Z−∞ (cid:18) (cid:19) The first term is a smooth function of energy since the 2π¯h convolution of two smooth functions results in a smooth A (E )A (E E ) function. This is followed by a cross term and finally by ≈ Γ1 0 Γ2 − 0 s Υ(Γ1,Γ2,E) | | a purely oscillating term. The cross term is also an os- i π cillating function. At first,this may seemincorrectsince exp ¯h(SΓ1(E0)+SΓ2(E−E0))+iν4 (13) the convolution of a smooth function with an oscillating (cid:18) (cid:19) function usually yields a smooth function. As we will where show, the oscillatory nature of the cross term is due to ∂2S (ǫ) ∂2S (E ǫ) contributions from the end-points of the convolution in- Υ(Γ ,Γ ,E)= Γ1 + Γ2 − 1 2 ∂ǫ2 ∂ǫ2 tegral. Physically, the smooth term does not depend on (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:12)E0 (cid:12) dynamicssinceitcorrespondstotheWeylformulainthe ν =sign(Υ(Γ1,Γ2,E)). (cid:12) (14) (cid:12) full two-particle space. The cross term depends only on E is determined from the stationary phase condition single particle dynamics because it corresponds to the 0 situation where one particle is stationary and the other ∂S (ǫ) ∂S (E ǫ) particle is evolvingdynamically ona periodic orbit. It is Γ1 + Γ2 − =0 ∂ǫ ∂ǫ only the last term which contains two particle dynamics (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:12)E0 (cid:12) inthe sensethatboth particlesareevolvingdynamically =⇒TΓ1(E(cid:12)(cid:12) 0)=TΓ2(E−E0) (15) on periodic orbits. Hence, we will refer to the last term where we have used the fact that the derivative of the as the dynamical term. action with respect to energy is the period. E is the We find a general expression for ρ˜ ρ˜ (E) by sub- 0 stituting a generalized trace formula fo1r∗ρ˜11(E) and then eEneisrgthyeotfoptaarlteicnleerg1y,Eof−thEe0ciosmthpeoesinteersgyystoefmp.arTtihceles2adadnlde evaluating the resulting convolution integral using the energy E has a precise physical interpretation; Eq.(15) method of stationary phase. Using (5), the dynamical 0 saysthattheenergiesofthetwoparticlesarepartitioned term can be written as so that the periods of both periodic orbits are the same. 1 E In other words, at E0, we have orbits which are periodic ρ˜ ρ˜ (E) dǫA (ǫ)A (E ǫ) 1∗ 1 ≈ (π¯h)2 Γ1 Γ2 − inthe full twoparticle phasespacesince after the period ΓX1,Γ2Z0 T both particles return to their initial conditions. 1 π 1 π The next integral has the same stationary phase con- cos S (ǫ) σ cos S (E ǫ) σ . (12) ¯h Γ1 − Γ12 ¯h Γ2 − − Γ22 dition as the first integral and is its complex conjugate. (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) The third integral is To evaluate this asymptotically, we should include all critical points in the integration domain. Specifically, ∞ i dǫA (ǫ)A (E ǫ)exp (S (ǫ) S (E ǫ)) this integral has a stationary phase point within the in- Γ1 Γ2 − −¯h Γ1 − Γ2 − Z−∞ (cid:18) (cid:19) tegration domain and finite valued endpoints. We shall (16) show that the stationary phase point corresponds to the situation where both particles are evolving dynamically and has no stationary phase point since setting the first with the energy partitioned between the two particles in derivativeoftheactiontozeroyieldsthestationaryphase a prescribed way. The endpoint contributions must be condition evaluated at energies such that one of the particles has alloftheenergywhiletheotherhasnoenergy. However, T (E )= T (E E ). (17) Γ1 0 − Γ2 − 0 this contradicts our assumption that both particles are evolving — this is the definition of the dynamical term. The trace formula only involves orbits with positive pe- Moreover, if we were to evaluate this contribution, the riod,soweignorethispossibility. Thelastintegralisthe result would be meaningless since it involves using the complex conjugate of the third and will also be ignored. traceformulaatzeroenergywhereitisknowntofail. So Adding the contributions from the first two integrals, we shall omit the contributions from the endpoints; this we arrive at the two particle trace formula: is discussed more fully in section IVD and in Appendix 2 A (E )A (E E ) B, as well as in reference [22]. ρ˜1∗ρ˜1(E)≈ (2π¯h)3/2 Γ1 Υ0(ΓΓ,2Γ ,E−) 0 Hence, we evaluate the integral in (12) using only the ΓX1,Γ2 | 1 2 | stationary phase point. To leading order, we can extend 1 p π π cos (S (E )+S (E E )) (σ +σ ) +ν . (18) the integration limits over an infinite domain. Writing ¯h Γ1 0 Γ2 − 0 − Γ1 Γ2 2 4 the cosine functions as complex exponentials yields four (cid:18) (cid:19) integrals; the first is This result possesses the intuitive properties that, other than factors arising from the stationary phase analysis, 3 the actions and Maslov indices are additive and the am- ∂SΓ(ǫ) √2mLΓ ¯h√α T (ǫ)= = = L . (19) plitudes are multiplicative. We note that this saddle- Γ ∂ǫ 2√ǫ 2√ǫ Γ point analysis fails for the simplest problem in physics, the harmonic oscillator, where Υ = 0. This is because The parameter α = 2m/¯h2 already appeared in Eq. (3); the two-particle harmonic oscillator has a higher degree it will recur often. For example, in all final expressions, of symmetry than we are accounting for here. This is a the energy occurs with α; this is a result of the scaling nongeneric property specific to the harmonic oscillator. property(thequantityαEhavingtheunitsof1/length2.) We also stress that we have made no assumption about In the theoretical development, it will be convenient to the stability or structure of the orbits. They can be iso- retainα and use it to keep trackof relative ordersin the lated, stable or unstable or come in families. There are semiclassical expansions (since it contains ¯h). However, alsoproblemswithcoexistingisolatedorbitsandfamilies, once we have the final expressions, we are free to set it such as those of the equilateral triangle billiard [23,5]. to unity for the purposes of numerical comparisons. Note that the overall h¯ dependence is not multiplica- We alsomentionthatforbilliards,itis commonto ex- tive but picks up an additional factor of h¯1/2 from the press the density of states in terms of the wave number stationary phase integral. For isolated orbits, the ampli- k, where ǫ=k2/α so that ρ(k)=2kρ(ǫ)/α. This is con- tudesAareindependentofh¯ andtheexpression(18)has venient since k is conjugate to the periodic orbit lengths a1/¯h3/2prefactorasopposedtothe1/¯hintheamplitude L. Therefore, many of our results will be quoted as a of the single particle trace formula. The fact that the h¯ functionofk,althoughitshouldbe stressedthatallcon- dependence is different implies that the periodic orbits volution integrals must be done in the energy domain. ofthefullsystemcomeincontinuousdegeneratefamilies Thus, we shall write rather than isolated trajectories, which in turn implies ρsc(k)=(ρ¯ ρ¯ )(k)+2(ρ¯ ρ˜ )(k)+(ρ˜ ρ˜ )(k). that there exists a continuous symmetry in the problem 2 1∗ 1 1∗ 1 1∗ 1 [24]. This is an important point which we will address (20) in a companion paper [20]. (It was also noted in [17].) Nonetheless, it may be helpful to give a brief explana- Here,itisunderstoodthateachofthefunctionsinbrack- tion here. Imagine the full phase space periodic orbit Γ ets is firstevaluated in the energy domain andthen con- consists of particle 1 on a periodic orbit Γ with energy verted to the k domain through the Jacobian relation 1 E and particle 2 on a distinct periodic orbit Γ with above. This will always be the case when the argument 0 2 energy E E . We can define t=0 to be when particle is k, so that we will not always write brackets around 0 − 2 is at some prescribed point on Γ . Keeping particle 2 thevariousfunctions. Intermsofthewavenumberk,the 2 fixed, we can change the position of particle 1 on Γ to decomposition (10) becomes 1 generate the initial condition of a distinct but congru- 1 1 k ent periodic orbit in the full phase space. Continuous ρ (k)= ρ (k) ρ . (21) time translation of the initial condition on Γ generates S/A 2 2 ± √2 1 √2 1 (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:19) a continuous family of congruent periodic orbits in the full phase space. Since the time translational symmetry can be characterized by a single independent symmetry A. Smooth Term parameter,the h¯ dependenceis 1/√¯h strongerthan O for a system with isolated periodic(cid:16)orbits(cid:17)[24,5]. The smooth part is defined by the convolution integral E ρ¯ ρ¯ (E)= dǫρ¯ (ǫ)ρ¯ (E ǫ), (22) IV. TWO PARTICLE QUANTUM BILLIARDS 1∗ 1 1 1 − Z0 whereρ¯ is givenby the Weylexpansion. The expansion As an application of the formalism developed in section 1 in (3) is taken only to order h¯0. Hence, after expanding III, we consider the quantum billiard problem. Billiards theintegrandin(22),itisformallymeaninglesstoinclude are two dimensional enclosures that constrain the mo- terms that are (1/¯h) since there are corrections of the tion of a free particle. Classically, a particle has elastic O same order in h¯ that have not been calculated. Ignoring collisionswith the walls anddepending on the geometric these terms and performing the necessary integrations, properties of the domain, the dynamics are either regu- the smooth term is found to be lar or chaotic. For the noninteracting problem, the two particles move independently of each other. In a billiard α2 2 α3/2 α 2 α system,classicalorbits possesssimple scalingproperties. ρ¯1∗ρ¯1(E)≈ 16Aπ2E− 8πA2L√E+ 64Lπ + 2AπK. For instance, the action of an orbit Γ, S (ǫ) =√2mǫL Γ Γ (23) and the period of the orbit is 4 L L B. Cross Term Γ1 = Γ2 (27) √E √E E 0 0 − We next convolve ρ¯ term by term with ρ˜ . Asymp- 1 1 which implies totically,eachconvolutionintegralreceivescontributions from the upper and lower endpoints. However, we shall E L2 E E L2 only include one ofthese,namely the endpointforwhich 0 = Γ1 , − 0 = Γ2 (28) E L2 +L2 E L2 +L2 the trace formula is not evaluated at zero energy. As in Γ1 Γ2 Γ1 Γ2 sectionIII, we neglect the other endpoint for reasonsex- and plained in IVD and Ref. [22]. This is also discussed in Appendix B, where we evaluate the various integrals for √2m L2 +L2 5/2 Υ(Γ ,Γ ,E)= Γ1 Γ2 . (29) the cross term exactly using isolated billiard orbits and 1 2 −4E3/2 L2 L2 showexplicitlythatanappropriateasymptoticexpansion (cid:0) Γ1 Γ2(cid:1) of the exact expression leads to consistent results. Clearly ν = 1. We then substitute these results into − After convolution, we find the area term involves the (18)to obtainthe two particletraceformulafor billiards integral 4E3/4 Re EdǫA (E ǫ)exp i α(E ǫ)L iσ π . ρ˜1∗ρ˜1(E)≈ √¯hα1/4(2π¯h)3/2 Γ Γ Γ (Z0 − (cid:16) p − − 2(cid:17)) LΓ1LΓ2 A (E )A (E E ) (24) L2 +L2 5/4 Γ1 0 Γ2 − 0 ΓX1,Γ2 Γ1 Γ2 π π The lower endpoint ǫ = 0 corresponds to the physically cos √(cid:0)αE L2 (cid:1)+L2 (σ +σ ) . (30) Γ1 Γ2 − Γ1 Γ2 2 − 4 meaningful situation while the upper endpoint is spuri- (cid:16) q (cid:17) ous in the sense mentioned aboveanddiscussedindetail Ifthesingleparticleperiodicorbitsarenotisolated,then below. Hence, to leading order, we can remove the am- onemustmakedirectuseofthecorrespondingsinglepar- plitudefactorfrominsidetheintegral,Taylorexpandthe ticle amplitudes in (5) evaluated at the appropriate en- argument of the exponential and extend the upper limit ergies. We willshowanexplicitexampleofthis whenwe to infinity. This leads to analyze the disk billiard. Note the amplitudes A typi- Γ callyhaveanenergydependencesoonecannotmakeany α A π π IA(E)≈ 4πA2 TΓ cos √αELΓ−σΓ2 − 2 . (25) general statements about the energy dependence of this XΓ Γ (cid:16) (cid:17) term except that the greater the dimensionality of the periodic orbit families, the greater the energy prefactor. Bysimilarlogic,theperimetertermandcurvatureterms For example, for the disk, it turns out to be E1/4. are If the single particle periodic orbits are isolated, the I (E) √αL AΓ cos √αEL σ π π amplitudes are given by (6), which for billiards is L Γ Γ ≈−8π3/2√¯h √TΓ − 2 − 4 XΓ (cid:16) (cid:17) √α¯h L π A (ǫ)= γ . (31) I (E) K A cos √αEL σ . (26) Γ 2√ǫ K ≈ π¯h Γ Γ− Γ2 det M˜ I XΓ (cid:16) (cid:17) r(cid:12) (cid:16) Γ− (cid:17)(cid:12) Note that all amplitudes and periods in (25) and (26) (cid:12) (cid:12) In this case, the Gutzwille(cid:12)r amplitudes a(cid:12)re evaluated at are evaluated at the system energy E. Recall α 1/¯h2 ∝ E0 andE E0,soweagainmakeuseof(28). Aftersome so thatafter convolutionthe sequence is anexpansionin − algebra and simplification, we find powers of √¯h and not in powers of h¯ as for the original Weyl series (3). We also note that the first correction to α3/4 IA may be of the same order as IK (as happens for the ρ˜1∗ρ˜1(E)≈ (2π)3/2E1/4 disk [25]) and should be included if this is the case. We L L (L2 +L2 )−1/4 then have ρ¯ ρ˜ IA+IL+IK. γ1 γ2 Γ1 Γ2 ∗ ≈ ΓX1,Γ2 det M˜Γ1 −I det M˜Γ2 −I r C. Dynamical Term cos √α(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)E (cid:16)L2Γ1 +L2Γ2(cid:17)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)−(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(σΓ(cid:16)1 +σΓ2)π2(cid:17)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)− π4 . (32) In this section, we derive a general expression for the (cid:16) q (cid:17) dynamicaltermthatisvalidforanybilliardproblem. To Note the E−1/4 prefactor which implies that the ampli- this end, the first task is to determine the saddle energy tudedecaysweaklywithenergy. Thisisthesameprefac- from the stationary phase condition. Inserting (19) into tor that occurs in the single particle disk problem. This (15) yields isnotacoincidence,butarisesfromthefactthatinboth 5 problemstheperiodicorbitscomeinoneparameterfam- the fixed particle has all the energy. In addition, upon ilies. Also, one must be careful to distinguish between inspection of this endpoint contribution, we find a func- L , the length of a periodic orbit and L , the length tion which is not oscillatory in energy and therefore has Γ γ of the corresponding primitive periodic orbit. In general thesameasymptoticstructureasthesmoothterm. How- L =n L wheren istherepetitionindexofthatorbit. ever, the smooth term already completely describes the Γ Γ γ Γ average behaviour of the two particle density of states and any further contributions with the same structure D. Spurious Endpoint Contributions must be spurious. These situations are further examples of a general sit- As mentioned above, when confronted with convolution uation described in Ref. [22] where it was shown that integrals, it is natural to analyse them asymptotically. when integrating over the trace formula to obtain phys- This involves identifying the critical points and doing ical quantities, one should include all critical points ex- appropriate expansions in their neighbourhoods. In our cept onesat whichthe trace formulais evaluatedatzero work, these critical points are either stationary phase energy. Such contributions should simply be ignored as points or endpoints. The power of semiclassical meth- spurious. In [22], the application was to thermodynamic ods is that each critical point can be given an immedi- calculations, but the principle is precisely the same. In ate physical interpretation. For example, the stationary Appendix B, we show the result of evaluating the cross phase point in the dynamical term is found to be that term exactly for isolated orbits. An asymptotic analysis energy such that the two particles have the same period ofthis resultleadsto twotermswhichwecanidentify as so that the motion is periodic in the full two-particle coming from the two endpoints. One has the form used phasespace. Thisisintuitivelyreasonable. However,the in this paper while the other is clearly spurious. same integral also has endpoints with finite valued con- tributions. Wecoulddoanasymptoticcalculationinthe vicinity of these points, but we can argue immediately V. TWO PARTICLE DISK BILLIARD that the result is spurious and not physically meaning- ful. In this section, we apply our results to the problem of Recall the trace formulas are asymptotic in h¯ which two identical noninteracting particles moving in a two typically also means asymptotic in energy. At the end- dimensionaldisk billiardofradiusR. Quantummechan- points, one of the trace formulas is evaluated at small ically,this problemisa simple extensionofthe onebody energywhereit is knownto be invalid. Alternatively,we problem. Nevertheless, the spectrum has some interest- cansubstituteforthetraceformulaanyexpressionwhich ing features which we discuss below. isasymptoticallyequivalenttoitandexpectallmeaning- ful results to be invariantto leading order. If we do this, we will find the endpoint contribution changes while the A. Quantum Mechanics stationaryphasecontributionremains invariant,to lead- ing order. For the disk billiard, a general two particle state can be A further argument is that the structure of the end- written as point contribution will be incorrect. Typically, it will be a sinusoid with an argument which does not depend on m1 n1,m2 n2 = m1 n1 m2 n2 (33) | i | i⊗| i energy, but only depends on the properties of one of the where the azimuthal quantum numbers m , m = orbits. Hence,itwillhavethesameasymptoticstructure 1 2 0, 1, 2,... and the radial quantum numbers n , n = asthe crossterm. However,weknowthatthe crossterm ± ± 1 2 1,2,3,.... We shall also use a more compact notation completely describes all such contributions and any fur- N ,N = m n ,m n where N denotes a pair of in- ther contribution with the same structure must be spu- 1 2 1 1 2 2 | i | i tegers (m,n). We can immediately write down the wave rious. numbers of the two particle system as Similarly, when we evaluate the cross term, we have twoendpointcontributions. Atoneofthese,weareeval- 2 2 uating the trace formula at some finite energy, which is k = ZN1 + ZN2 , (34) reasonable. This endpoint corresponds to orbits which N1N2 s R R (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) areperiodicinthefullphasespaceandinwhichonepar- ticle evolves on a single particle periodic orbit with all where ZN denotes the nth zero of the mth Bessel func- theenergy,whiletheotherremainsfixedatsomepointin tion Jm(z). The set of all two particle states is given by phase space with zero energy. At the other endpoint, we N1,N2 . {| i} are evaluating the trace formula at zero energy, which is The spectrum is highly degenerate. A typical state problematic. This correspondsto the contradictorysitu- N1,N2 is8-folddegeneratesincewecanreversethesign | i ationinwhichtheevolvingparticlehaszeroenergywhile of either m1 or m2 or interchange the two particles and 6 the resultant state has the same energy. However, if ei- B. Semiclassical Density of States ther m or m is zero or if N = N then the state is 1 2 1 2 4-fold degenerate. If m1 = m2 = 0 and N1 = N2, then We first review the semiclassical decomposition of the 6 thestateis2-folddegeneratewhereasifm1 =m2 =0and single particle density of states. The smooth part of the N1 =N2,thenthestateisnondegenerate. Iftheparticles densityofstatesmaybeobtainedusingthegeneralresult are in distinct states, the degenerate multiplets divide for two dimensional billiards (3). In fact, many higher evenlybetweenthesymmetricandantisymmetricspaces. order terms have been calculated [7]. But, for our pur- However,ifthe particlesareinthe samestate, N1 =N2, poses,itsufficestousethefirstthreetermsasin(3)with itissomewhatlesstrivial. IfN1 =N2 andm1 =m2 =0, =πR2, =2πR and =1/6. there is a 4-fold degenerate set of states: mn,m6 n , ATheosciLllatingpartoftKheleveldensitycanbeobtained | i mn, mn , mn, mn and mn,mn . The first usingtraceformulasforsystemswithdegeneratefamilies |− − i | − i |− i two states belong to the symmetric space. From the sec- of orbits. The periodic orbit families may be uniquely ondtwo states, we can constructone symmetric and one labelled by two integers (v, w) where v is the number of antisymmetric combination. (This is analogous to cou- verticesand w is the winding number aroundthe center. plingtwospin1/2statestoconstructa3-foldsymmetric The two integers must satisfy the relation v 2w. The S = 1 state and a nondegenerate antisymmetric S = 0 length of an orbit with vertex number v an≥d winding state.) If N1 = N2 and m1 = m2 = 0, this yields the number w is given by Lvw = 2vRsin(πw/v). With this state 0n,0n , which is singly degenerate and belongs notation,the traceformulafor the oscillatingpartofthe | i to the symmetric space. density of states is [26] α3/4 L3/2 vw vw 8 ρ˜1(ǫ)≈ 2√2πǫ1/4 D v2 k) 6 Xvw π π ρ(24 cos √αELvw−3v2 + 4 (36) 2 (cid:16) (cid:17) where the sum goes from w = 1 and v = 2w 8 4 6 8 and the degeneracy factor , w··h·i∞ch accounts for··n·e∞g- vw D 6 ative windings, is 1 for v = 2w and 2 for v > 2w. Com- k) (s4 paring (36) with the general form (5), we identify ρ 2 √2πα3/4¯h L3/2 vw vw A (ǫ)= D 8 4 6 8 vw 4v2ǫ1/4 6 1 (k)a4 σvw =3v− 2 (37) ρ 2 Adding the smooth and oscillating terms gives the semi- 0 classical approximation to the single particle density of 2 4 6 8 10 k states which we denote by ρsc(ǫ). 1 Toevaluatethesemiclassicalapproximationtothetwo FIG.1. (Top)Thequantumdensityofstatesfortwoiden- particle density of states, we must evaluate the smooth, tical particles in the disk billiard. (Middle) Bosonic density cross and dynamical terms. The smooth term can be ofstates. (Bottom)Fermionicdensityofstates. Ineachcase, taken from Eq. (23) to be theheights indicate the degeneracy of thestate. α2R4 α3/2R3 3π+4 The quantum density of states ρ¯1 ρ¯1(E) E √E+ αR2. ∗ ≈ 16 − 4 48 (cid:18) (cid:19) ρ (k)= δ(k k ) (35) (38) 2 − N1N2 NX1,N2 The arguments of the previous section and in particular and the corresponding symmetric and antisymmetric Eqs. (25) and (26) lead to the cross term densities are shown in Fig. 1 as a function of the wavenumberk. Notethatinthisfiguresomeofthepeaks α5/4R2E1/4 √Lvw vw π ρ¯ ρ˜ (E) D cos Φ have different degeneracies in the symmetric and anti- 1∗ 1 ≈ 4√2π v2 vw− 2 symmetric densities, as discussed above. Xvw (cid:16) (cid:16) (cid:17) π π 1 R2 χ cos Φ + + χ2 cosΦ (39) − 2 vw vw− 4 3 2L2 vw vw r (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:18) vw(cid:19) (cid:19) 7 where Φ = √αEL 3vπ/2 + π/4 and χ = we found only two sets of two peaks which were not re- vw vw vw − √L /(αE)1/4R. We have also included the first cor- solved. TheseareshowninFig.4. Obviously,usingmore vw rection to the area term, I (E) which appears in the orbits will produce better results, but this increases the A third term above [25]. The dynamical term can be ob- computation time because of the quadruple sum in (40). tained using (30). Noting that Γ in (30) corresponds to (Although one can reduce the computational overhead i the pair of integers (v ,w ), the result is by limiting the sum to orbits whose amplitude exceeds i i some prescribed threshold [25]). α5/4E1/4 2 L2 ρ˜ ρ˜ (E) Di i L−3/2 1∗ 1 ≈ 4√2π v1wX1,v2w2 Yi=1 vi2 ! 12 600 π π cos(cid:16)√αEL12−3(v1+v2) 2 + 4(cid:17) (40) scl(k)2 240000 ρ where we defined L = L w , = w and L = 0 i vi i Di Dvi i 12 L2+L2. −200 1 2 600 4 5 6 p k) 400 cl ( 200 ss ρ 0 −200 10 600 4 5 6 k) 400 m scl (a 200 er ρ 0 T 0 ss −200 Cro 3 4 k5 6 7 k s Di −10 FIG.3. (Top)Thefirst fewpeaksofthesemiclassical den- sity of states (20). (Middle) Semiclassical approximation to thebosonicdensityofstates. (Bottom)Semiclassicalapprox- imation to the fermionic density of states. In each case, the circlesandstarsrepresenttheappropriatelevelsequencesob- −20 2 4 6 8 10 tained from EBK quantization and quantum mechanics, re- k spectively. Note the positions of the peaks more closely re- producethe EBK spectrum. FIG.2. The cross term (39) of thesemiclassical density of states for two identical particles in the disk billiard. In this As an additional test, we want to determine whether case, we truncate the sum in (39) at wmax =50,vmax =100. (20) gives the correct degeneracies. We could do this The circles indicate the level sequence of theone body prob- by integrating the area under each of the peaks. How- lem obtained from EBK quantization. Note the kinks that ever, a simpler procedure is to do a Gaussian smoothing occur at these positions. by convolving ρsc(k) with an unnormalized Gaussian of 2 variance σ: C. Numerics ∞ ρsc(k) G (k)= dk′ρsc(k′)G (k k′) (41) 2 ∗ σ 2 σ − Fornumericalpurposes,wetakeα=h¯ =1andR=1so Z0 the single-particleenergiesarejustthe squaresofthe ze- where rosofBesselfunctions. Sincewecanonlyincludeafinite number of orbits, the periodic orbit sums must be trun- Gσ(k)=exp( k2/2σ2). (42) − cated. As a representative case, we truncate the sum and σ is the smoothing width. The reason for this is in (39) at w = 50,v = 100 (see Fig. 2) and use max max that if the variance σ of the Gaussian is larger than the the same limits to truncate the quadruple sum in (40). intrinsic width of a peak in the semiclassical spectrum, This is a relatively small set of orbits, yet it does very then each peak acts like dδ(k k ) with respect to the well in reproducing the peaks of the quantum density of − n Gaussian. Thus, the integral in (41) becomes dG (k states. As an illustration, we show the first few peaks of σ − k ) or d at k = k . Of course, this is invalid when the (20) in Fig. 3. We calculated the semiclassicaldensity of n n spacingbetweentwoadjacentpeaksissmallerthanabout states (20) on the interval 0 k 11. After doing so, ≤ ≤ σ. Some examples are discussed in the next section. 8 12 k) 10 (σ 8 G 800 800 * 6 k) 4 sclρ(2 02 600 600 12 k) 10 4 6 8 (σ 8 G sclρ(k)2 400 sclρ(k)2400 cl (k) * 246 200 200 sρs 0 12 k) 10 4 6 8 (σ 8 0 0 G * 6 k) 4 −200 −200 sclρ (a 02 7.1 7.3 7.5 7.7 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 2 4 6 8 10 k k k FIG.4. Two sets of two peaks in the semiclassical density FIG.5. (Top)Thesmoothedsemiclassicaldensityofstates of states (20) that are not resolved. (Left) The middle peak obtained from numerical convolution of (20) with (42). Note isnotresolved intothetwopeaksatk=7.4163 (correspond- theartifactsofthesingleparticleEBKspectrumwhichoccur ing to the quartet {|01,±12i,|±12,01i}) and k = 7.4423 at the positions marked by an “X”. (Middle) The smoothed (corresponding to the octet {|±11,±31i,|±31,±11i}). semiclassical bosonic densityof states obtained from numeri- The corresponding EBK quartet and octet energies occur cal convolution of (21) (with the+ sign) and (42). (Bottom) at k = 7.3831 and k = 7.3932 respectively. Note that The smoothed semiclassical fermionic density of states ob- ∆kEBK = 0.0101 and ∆kQM = 0.026 so that the spac- tained from numerical convolution of (21) (with the - sign) ing of the two unresolved levels is smaller in the semi- and (42). In each case the sequence of dots represent the classical spectrum than in the quantum mechanical spec- corresponding EBK spectrum and σ=0.0125. trum. (Right) The middle peak is not resolved into the two peaks at k = 9.4641 (corresponding to the quartet {|±11,03i,|03,±11i}) and k = 9.4829 (corresponding D. Discussion to the octet {|±31,±12i,|±12,±31i}.) The correspond- ing EBK quartet and octet energies occur at k = 9.4359 In[26],itwasnotedthatthetraceformulareplicatesthe and k = 9.4456 respectively. Here, ∆kEBK = 0.0097 and single particle EBKspectrum obtainedfromtorus quan- ∆kQM =0.0188. tisationmorepreciselythanitduplicatestheexactsingle particle quantum spectrum. After inspection of Figs. 3 Wealsostudiedthesymmetriseddensitiesbyusingthe and5,we noticethe sameeffect inthe twoparticlespec- expression (21) for both the quantum and semiclassical trum. This property of the trace formulas also accounts densities and convolving as above. The periodic orbit for the unresolved peaks in the semiclassical spectrum. sums in the oscillating parts of the one and two body When the spacing of two levels of the EBK spectrum is densities were truncated in the standard manner as be- verysmall,ourtruncatedtraceformulasmaynotresolve fore. The result of this numerical procedure is shown in them, regardlessof the spacing of the correspondinglev- Fig. 5. Clearly, the semiclassical approximations repro- els in the quantum spectrum (cf. Fig.4). duce the correct degeneracies of the quantum spectrum Comparing Figs. 1 and 5, we observe generally good as well as the approximate positions. agreement between the quantum and semiclassical spec- tra. Still, there are some apparent inconsistencies, for example, the two tall peaks in Fig. 5. These are the two sets of unresolved levels in Fig. 4, in each case an octet and a quartet. The reason for the discrepancy is the level spacings are smaller than the smoothing width σ, in contradiction to the assumption above, so that the peak height does not equal the degeneracy. In fact, the peak heights observed are rather close to 12 since the octets and quartets are very nearly degenerate on the scale of σ and act almost like a 12-fold degenerate set. 9 It is notperfectly 12 due to the fact that the degeneracy Gutzwiller amplitudes are computed using the standard is not perfect. However, we also observe that the inte- prescription for the stability of free flight billiards (see, grated weight under the peak is consistent with a set of for example, [4].) 12energylevels. OtherinconsistenciesinFig.5occurfor thesamereason. Ofcourse,overallimprovementscanbe made by including more orbits. As well, the artifacts of *2a: 5.195 3a: 6.584 4a: 7.102 *4b: 9.237 5a: 10.38 the single particle spectrum (some examples are marked by an “X” in Fig. 5) which arise from errors in the cross term, presumably decrease when corrections to the sin- gle particle trace formula are incorporatedinto the cross 6a: 10.94 7a: 11.26 *6b: 11.84 5b: 11.98 *8b: 13.33 term. These preliminary numerical findings support our analyticalresults,whichwenowtestin the ratherdiffer- ent context of a chaotic billiard. *10b: 14.21 6c: 14.22 7b: 15.26 7c: 17.22 *8c: 19.09 VI. TWO PARTICLE CARDIOID BILLIARD In this section, we study the problem of two identical noninteracting particles evolving in the cardioid billiard, FIG.6. Some of theshorter periodic orbits of thecardioid which is fully chaotic [27]. Since the billiard has a re- in thefull domain. Thelabel of each orbit includesthenum- flectionsymmetry,allthequantumstatesareeithereven berofreflectionsandalsoaletterindextofurtherdistinguish it. The two orbits *8b and *10b reflect specularly near the or odd (this symmetry should not be confused with the cusp, contrary to appearances while the orbit 4a misses the symmetric/antisymmetric symmetry due to particle ex- cusp. From [29]. change.) In the subsequent analysis, we will exclusively usethe oddspectrum. Thereasonforthisistoavoidthe In the quantum mechanical analogue (44), ρ (k) is additional complication of diffractive orbits which strike 2 the quantum two particle density of states ρ (k) = thevertex. Classically,theseorbitsareundefinedandare 2 δ(k k ) where the superindex I denotes the pair therefore not included in the standard Gutzwiller the- I − I ory. Studiesofdiffractiveeffectsintraceformulascanbe Pof integers (i,j) and kI = ki2+kj2. In (44), we sub- foundin[28,29]. Thelatterreferenceexploresthespecific tract the smooth average paqrt and the part which con- applicationto the cardioidandshowsthatdiffractive or- tains single particle dynamics. Using = 3π/4, = 6, A L bits are important in describing the even spectrum but and =3/16 in (23), the smooth term is K are largely absent from the odd spectrum. We could proceed as before by doing an explicit semi- ρ¯ ρ¯ (E) 9 α2E 9 α3/2√E+ 9 + 9 α. 1 1 classicalanalysisofeachterminthedecompositionofthe ∗ ≈ 256 − 16π 16π 128 (cid:18) (cid:19) twoparticlesemiclassicaldensityofstates(11). However, (45) we can simplify the analysis by removing single particle dynamics from the discussion. That is, we will focus ex- The cross term is given by the general expressions (25) clusivelyonthose quantummechanicalandsemiclassical and (26). quantities that inherently describe two particle dynam- ics. More specifically, we compare the Fourier transform of the dynamical term A. Numerics for the Unsymmetrised Cardioid F˜sc(L)= ρ˜ ρ˜ (k) (43) 2 F{ 1∗ 1 } As before, we take α = 1 and use a standard sized car- dioid as in [29] to obtain the single particle spectrum. with its quantum mechanical analogue which we define In this section, we numerically compare the two particle to be quantum mechanics with the two particle semiclassics. F˜qm(L)= ρ (k) ρ¯ ρ¯ (k) 2ρ¯ ρ˜ (k) . (44) We do this bymaking adirectcomparisonofthe Fourier 2 F{ 2 − 1∗ 1 − 1∗ 1 } transformsin the reciprocalspace of orbitlengths, L. In The integral operator will be defined precisely below. this space, we expect peaks at lengths which correspond F Inthesemiclassicaltransform(43),weuse(32)expressed to the Euclidean lengths of the full periodic orbits of the in terms of the wavenumber. Here, Γ1 and Γ2 are peri- two particle system. For instance, if the full orbit Γ is odic orbits in the fundamental domain (i.e. the half- comprisedofparticle1travellingontheorbitΓ andpar- 1 cardioid.) Orbit properties are discussed in [30,29] and ticle 2 traversing a distinct orbit Γ , we expect a peak 2 some representative orbits are shown in Fig. 6. The sta- at L = L2 +L2 . In the event that both particles bility matrices in the denominators of the single particle Γ Γ1 Γ2 q 10

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