Semiclassical description of anisotropic 2 1 0 magnets for spin S = 1 2 n a J Khikmat Kh. Muminov; Yousef Yousefi 4 Physical-Technical Institute named after S.U.Umarov 1 Academy of Sciences of Republic of Tajikistan ] el Aini Ave 299/1, Dushanbe, Tajikistan - r e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] t s . t a m Abstract - d Inthis paper,nonlinearequations describingone-dimensional non- n o Heisenberg ferromagnetic model are studied by use of generalized co- c herent states in a real parameterization. Also dissipative spin wave [ equation for dipole and quadruple branches is obtained if there is a 1 small linear excitation from the ground state. v 0 2 0 1 Introduction 3 . 1 In the past decades, magnets with spin value s = 1 have been studied com- 0 2 2 pletely. There are dipoles, quadruples and higher order branches that affect 1 the behavior of magnet crystal. However, the only necessary tool for de- : v scribing the behavior of this kind of magnets is dipole branch effect and the i X order branches are not necessary. This results in linear approximation for r describing the magnet behavior. a Indeed, only dipole branch effect has been used for describing magnets with spin value s 1, and the effect of quadrupole and higher order branches ≥ have been ignored. Recently, however, due to the new developments in math- ematics and technology and also due to the great potential of quadrupole branch in description of nano particles, its important role cannot be ig- nored.[1]. Using the effects of both dipole and quadrupole branches results in a non- linear approximation. The use of higher order multipole effects yields more accurateapproximatioms which demand morecomplicated equations. Inthis paper, only the effect of quadruple branch for Hamiltonians described by equation (1) is considered. Study of isotropic and anisotropic spin Hamilto- nian with non-Heisenberg terms are complicated due to quadruple excitation 1 dynamics[2,3,4]. Anti ferromagneticpropertyofthisexcitationinstatesnear the ground, proves the existence of it. The effect of this calculation has been studied by Dzyaloshinskii [5]. The results obtained through the quadrupole excitation in nano particles Fe and Mn are more in line with numerical 8 12 calculations and laboratory results [6,7]. In classical physics term, the number of parameters required for a full macroscopic description of the magnet behavior is equal to 4s , where s is the spin value. Also real-parameterized coherent states based on related group is used to obtain classical equation of motion and to describe multi- pole dynamics [8,9]. Here Heisenberg ferromagnets with anisotropic term as described by equation (1) are considered: ~ ~ Hˆ = J (SˆSˆ +δSˆzSˆz) (1) − X i i+1 i i i Here Sˆx,Sˆy,Sˆz are the spin operators acting at a site i, and δ is the i i i anisotropy coefficient. This Hamiltonian is related to a one-dimensional fer- romagnetic spin chains and the coefficient J is positive. In order to calculate the effect of quadrupole excitation, first, the clas- sical equivalent of Hamiltonian (1) is obtained and then by analyzing such equation for small linear excitation from the ground states, the spin wave solution is found. this process requires following steps: 1- Obtaining coherent states for spin s=1 which are coherent states of SU(3) group. 2- Calculating the average values of spin operator. 3- Obtaining classical spin Hamiltonian equation using previously calcu- lated values. 4- Computing Lagrangian equation by use of Feynman path integral over coherent states and then computing classical equations of motion. 5- For finding nonlinear equations of magnet behavior, it is necessary to substitute resulted Hamiltonian in classical equations of motion. Solutions of these nonlinear equations result in soliton description of magnet that is not interested here. 6- Calculating ground states of magnet and then linearizing the nonlinear equations around the ground states for small excitation. 7- At the end, calculating spin wave equation and dispersion equation. In what fallows, the mathematical descriptions of the above steps are presented: 2 Theory and Calculation In quantum mechanics, coherent states are special kind of quantum states that their dynamics are very similar to their corresponding classical system. 2 These states are obtained by act of weil-Heisenberg group operator on vac- uum state. Vacuum state of SU(3) group is (1,0,0)T and coherent state is introduced as [10]: ψ = D21(θ,φ)e−iγSˆze2igQˆxy 0 | i | i = C 0 +C 1 +C 2 (2) 0 1 2 | i | i | i where D1/2(θ,φ) is wigner function and Qxy is quadruple moment which is written in the following form: 0 0 1 i Qˆxy = 0 0 0 (3) 2 1 0 0 − Coefficients C to C computed from these equations: 0 2 C = eiφ(e−iγsin2(θ/2)cosg +eiγcos2(θ/2)sing) 0 sinθ C = (e−iγcosg eiγsing) 1 √2 − C = e−iφ(e−iγcos2(θ/2)cosg +eiγsin2(θ/2)sing) (4) 2 Two angles, θ and φ , determine the direction of classical spin vector in spherical coordinate system. The angle γ determines the direction of quadruple moment around the spin vector and parameter g shows change of magnitude of spin vector. In order to obtain the classical equivalent of Hamiltonian (1), the clas- sical equivalent of spin vector and their corresponding products should be computed. So consider: ~ S~ = ψ Sˆ ψ (5) h | | i as classical spin vector, and also consider: 1 4 Qij = (SˆSˆ +Sˆ Sˆ δ I) (6) i j j i ij 2 − 3 components of quadruple moment. Spin operators can be commute in different lattices; so ψ SˆiSˆj ψ = ψ Sˆi ψ ψ Sˆj ψ (7) h | n n+1| i h | n| ih | n+1| i where ψ = ψ ψ . n n+1 | i | i | i 3 The average spin values in SU(3) group are defined as [11]: S+ = eiφcos(2g)sinθ S− = e−iφcos(2g)sinθ Sz = cos(2g)cosθ S2 = cos2(2g) (8) classical Hamiltonian can be obtained from the average calculation of Hamiltonian(1)overcoherentstates. TheclassicalcontinuouslimitofHamil- tonian in SU(3) group is: dx δ H = J (cos2(2g)+ (cos2θ +sin(2g)cos(2γ)sin2θ) cl − Z a 2 0 a2 0((θ2 +φ2sin2θ)cos2(2g)+4g2sin2(2g))) (9) − 2 x x x The above classical Hamiltonian is substituted in equation of motion that obtained fromthe Lagrangian, andthe result is classical equations of motion. 1 φ = δcosθ(sec(2g) cos(2γ)tan(2g))+a2cos(2g)(θ cscθ +φ2cosθ) ω t − 0 xx x 0 1 δ θ = sin(2θ)sin(2γ)tan(2g) a2φ cos(2g)sinθ ω t 2 − 0 xx 0 1 δ g = sin(2γ)sin2θ t ω −2 0 1 γ = (4cos(2g) δ(cos(2γ)(cot(4g) cos(2θ)csc(4g))+cos2θsec(2g))) t ω − − 0 1 +(cos(2g)(8g2 2θ2 + φ2( 3+cos(2θ)) θ cotθ)+4g sin(2g))a2 x− x 2 x − − xx xx 0 (10) These equations describe nonlinear dynamics of non-Heisenberg ferromag- netic chain completely. Solutions of these equations are magnetic solitons that are not studied in this paper. Inthispaper, onlythelinearizedformofequation(10)forsmallexcitation fromthegroundstatesisconsidered. Tothisend, first, classicalgroundstates must be calculated. therefore in above Hamiltonian only non-derivative part is taken into account: dx δ H = J (cos2(2g)+ (cos2θ +sin(2g)cos(2γ)sin2θ)) (11) 0 − Z a 2 0 4 It is necessary to calculate derivative of equation (11) with respect to all variables to find out minimum of H . As a result, if δ < 0, ground states are 0 at these points: π π δ θ = ,γ = , sin2g = | |, δ < 4 (12) 0 2 2 4 | | In this paper, only dispersion of spin wave in neighborhood of the ground states is studied. For this purpose, small linear excitations from the ground states, as shown in eq. (13), are defined: π θ θ → 2 − 2γ π +γ → 2g g +g (13) 0 → In this situation, the linearized classical equations of motion are: 1 φ = δ(secg +tang )θ+a2cosg θ ω t 0 0 0 0 xx 0 1 θ = a2φ cosg ω t − 0 xx 0 0 1 δ g = γ t ω −2 0 1 δ γ = 2(2sing + )g +4a2g sing ω t − 0 cosg 0 xx 0 0 0 (14) Consider functions θ, φ , γ and g as plane waves to obtain dispersion equation: φ = φ ei(ωt−kx) +φ¯e−i(ωt−kx) 0 0 θ = θ ei(ωt−kx) +θ¯e−i(ωt−kx) 0 0 g = g ei(ωt−kx) +g¯e−i(ωt−kx) 0 0 γ = γ ei(ωt−kx) +γ¯e−i(ωt−kx) 0 0 (15) Substitution of these equations in eq. (14), then: ω2 = ω2k2a2(δ(1+sing )+k2a2cos2g ) 1 0 0 0 0 0 4δ ω2 = ω2[2sing k2a2 +δ( 2sing )] (16) 2 0 0 0 sin2g − 0 0 These equations are dispersion equations of spin wave near the ground states in SU(3) group. 5 3 Conclusions Inthispaper,describingequationsofone-dimensionalanisotropicnon-Heisenberg Hamiltonians are obtained using real-parameter coherent states. It was in- dicated that both dipole and quadruple excitations have different dispersion if there is small linear excitation from the ground state. Inaddition, itwasindicatedthatforanisotropicferromagnets, themagni- tude of average quadruple moment is not constant and its dynamics consists of two parts. One part is rotationaldynamics around theclassical spin vector (γ = 0) and the other related to change of magnitude of quadruple moment t 6 (g = 0). t 6 References [1] E. L. Nagaev, Sov. Phys. Usp. 25, 31 (1982); E. L. Nagaev, Magnets with Nonsimple Exchange Interactions [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow (1988). [2] Kh. O. Abdulloev, Kh. Kh. Muminov, Phys. Solid state 36 (1), Jan (1994). [3] B. A. Ivanov, A. Yu. Galkin, R. S. Khymyn and A. Yu. Merkulov, arXiv:0711.4285v1, 27 Nov (2007). [4] Yu. A. Fridman, O. A. Kosmachev, and B. A. Ivanov, arXiv:0907.4520v1, 26 Jul (2009 ). [5] I. E. Dzyaloshinskii, Sol, St. Comm. 82, 579 (1992). [6] G. Bellessa, Europhy. Lett. 42, 722, (1999). [7] M. S. 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