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Draftversion September5,2012 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.04/21/07 SEMI-DYNAMICAL APPROACH TO THE SHOCK REVIVAL IN CORE-COLLAPSE SUPERNOVAE Hiroki Nagakura1,2, Yu Yamamoto3 and Shoichi Yamada2,3 1YukawaInstitute forTheoretical Physics,KyotoUniversity,Oiwake-cho,Kitashirakawa,Sakyo-ku,Kyoto,606-8502, Japan 2AdvancedResearchInstitute forScience&Engineering,WasedaUniversity,3-4-1Okubo,Shinjuku,Tokyo169-8555,Japanand 3DepartmentofScienceandEngineering,WasedaUniversity,3-4-1Okubo,Shinjuku,Tokyo169-8555, Japan Draft versionSeptember 5, 2012 Abstract 2 We develop a new semi-dynamical method to study shock revival by neutrino heating in core- 1 collapse supernovae. Our new approach is an extension of the steady state approach with the light 0 bulb approximation, which has been widely used in the supernova community for the investigation 2 of the criteria for successful supernova explosions. In this approach we get rid of the steady-state p conditionandtakeintoaccountdeviationsfromitinstead. Wehaveinmindthescenariothatnotthe e criticalluminositybutthecriticalfluctuationsgeneratedbyhydrodynamicalinstabilitiessuchasSASI S and neutrino-driven convection in the post-shock region determines the onset of shock revival. We 4 validate our new approachby some test calculations, confirming that it indeed captures the essential evolution of shock wave qualitatively. We then apply the method in various conditions to find that ] thereis acriticalfluctuationforshockrevival. The criticalfluctuationcanbe wellfitby the following E formula: fcrit ∼0.8×(Min/1.4M⊙)×{1−(rsh/108cm)},inwhichf denotesthenormalizedamplitude H of pressure perturbation. We also find that the critical fluctuation decreases with the shock radius, . whereas it increases with the mass of the central core. We discuss the possible implications of our h results for 3D effects on shock revival, which is currently controversialin the supernova community. p - Subject headings: supernovae: general—neutrinos—hydrodynamics o r t s 1. INTRODUCTION It was Burrows & Goshy (1993) who took the lead in a such an approach. They examined a sequence of steady [ Decades of research on core-collapse supernovae (CC- SNe)havenotaccomplishedfullunderstandingoftheex- accretion flows through a standing shock wave onto a 1 plosionmechanismyet. Thefundamentalquestioninsu- proto-neutron star to discuss the criterion for shock re- v pernova theory is how a shock wave propagates through vival. They varied the electron-type neutrino luminos- 6 the stellar core, mantle and envelope and finally dis- ity (Lνe) and mass accretion rate (M˙ ) as free parame- 9 rupt a star. It is widely recognized that the prompt ters and revealed that there is a critical luminosity for 5 shock wave, which is generated by core bounce, expe- a given mass accretion rate, which was defined to be 0 riences stagnation at r ∼ 100km owing to the energy the threshold, above which no steady shocked accretion . 9 lossesby photodissociationsofheavy elements as well as flow obtains. They argued that the critical luminos- 0 neutrino cooling and ram pressure of accreting matter. ity marks the trigger point for shock revival. This ap- 2 For successful explosions, the stalled shock wave needs proach was later extended to rotational configurations 1 re-invigoration one way or another. The most promis- byYamasaki & Yamada(2005)andlinearstabilityanal- v: ing energy source is neutrinos diffusing out of a proto- ysis was also applied (Yamasaki & Yamada 2007). The i neutron star. Only a percent of the total amount of latter authors pointed out that the critical luminosity X energy neutrinos are carrying is sufficient to given the could be smaller if one takes into account hydrodynam- r canonical explosion energy of supernova. Although it is ical instabilities such as radial overstabilization modes, a still unclear whether the energy transfer from neutrinos which were also observed in dynamical simulations (see to ejecta is indeed large enough, the neutrino heating e.g. Ohnishi et al. (2006)) as well as non-radial modes. is currently the most favored mechanism of CCSNe (see Althoughtheapproachcertainlyhaslimitationsinrepro- e.g. Kotake et al. (2012) for a recent review). ducing full complexity of explosion mechanism, the crit- Inthe the lastfiveyears,wehaveseensomeevermore ical luminosity has become one of the most useful mea- evolving multi-dimensional numerical simulations pro- suresforshock revivalandsome new analyseshavebeen duce explosion models (see e.g. Burrows et al. (2006); published in recent years (see e.g. Pejcha & Thompson Ott et al. (2008); Marek & Janka (2009); Suwa et al. (2012);Keshet & Balberg(2012)andreferencestherein). (2010); Takiwaki et al. (2012); Bruenn et al. (2010); The existence of the critical luminosity has been also Mueller et al. (2012). These results still have some dis- demonstrated in multi-dimensional numerical simula- crepancies among different groups, though, and how 3D tionswithsimplifiedtreatmentsofneutrinotransfersuch dynamics affects the outcome is remaining to be inves- as the gray or light bulb approximation (Ohnishi et al. tigated in detail. Although large-scale numerical simu- 2006; Iwakami et al. 2008; Murphy & Burrows 2008; lations are making a rapid progress toward sufficient re- Nordhaus et al.2010;Hanke et al.2011). Thereisawide ality, we believe that phenomenologicalapproaches such consensus at present that multi-dimensional effects such asproposedinthispapercanstillplayanimportantand as the standing accretion shock instability (SASI) (see complimentary role for extracting key physical elements e.g. Blondin et al. (2003); Foglizzo et al. (2007)) and from the complex and non-linear dynamics in CCSNe. neutrino-driven convection (see .e.g. Murphy & Meakin 2 Nagakura et al. (2011); Murphy et al. (2012) and references therein) re- bilities, e.g., radialover-stabilizingoscillations in spheri- duce the critical luminosity. This is mainly because the cal symmetry and SASI in multi-D (Ohnishi et al. 2006; advection time scale tends to be longer owing to tur- Ferna´ndez2012). Inthispaperwetakeastandpointthat bulent motions, which then leads to longer heating and the onset of shock revival is determined by the neutrino providesafavorableconditionforshockrevival. Inaddi- luminosity and mass accretion rate as well as fluctua- tion, the instabilities push the shock wave outward and tions by the instabilities. Our semi-dynamical approach expandsthegainregion. Hencetheexplorationofmulti- dealswiththe transitionfromthe quasi-steadyaccretion dimensionalneutrino-heatingmechanismiscurrentlythe to the re-expansionof shock wave as well as the ensuing main topic of main-stream researchon CCSNe. outward propagations of shock wave in 1D. Before go- In particular, 3D dynamics will be one of the central ing into detail, we first describe the essence of this new issues. Nordhaus et al. (2010) found in their 2D and approach. 3D experimental simulations that the critical luminos- The semi-dynamical model begins with an addition ity is monotonically reduced with increasing spatial di- of perturbation to the steady accretion shock by hand. mensions,i.e.,3Ddynamicsprovidesthe conditionsthat Thentheshockwavestartstomove. Wefollowthesubse- aremostfavorableforshock revival. On the other hand, quentshockmotionsnotby hydrodynamicalsimulations Hanke et al. (2011) obtained in their similar computa- but by the integration of a simplified equation of mo- tions the results that are at odds with those presented tion, which is base on the local Riemann problem. By by Nordhaus et al. (2010): they found no significantdif- local we mean that our formulation considers only the ference in the critical luminosity between their 2D and neighborhood of shock wave, which enable us to avoid 3D models. The reason of the difference is not clear at simulations. This local approximation is found to be in the moment, since they made different simplifying as- good agreement with the results of full dynamical sim- sumptions and employed different numerical techniques. ulations near the shock wave (see Section 2.1.2, 2.2 and In this paper, we address the condition for shock re- Appendix B). vival again by a simplified phenomenological approach. The model calculations are computationally very We do not discuss the critical luminosity, however. In- cheap, by virtue of which we can investigate long-term steadwe propose to introduce the third parameter, fluc- (& 1s) evolutions of shock wave for a large number of tuations, and discuss the critical fluctuation for shock models with different backgrounds so that we could ob- revival. In so doing we make an attempt to construct a tain the critical fluctuation amplitudes for shock revival semi-dynamical model to approximately describe shock very efficiently. Another benefit for the semi-dynamical motions that are induced by fluctuations. This is an approach is that it can study finite fluctuation ampli- extension of the commonly-employed steady-state ap- tudes, which is in sharp contrastto linear stability anal- proach. One of the drawbacks in the latter approach ysis,inwhichthestabilityisconsideredonlyforinfinites- is that by definition it cannot handle the temporal evo- imalperturbations. Westressthateveniftheshockwave lution of shock wave and, consequently, cannot address islinearlystable,largeenoughperturbationsmaytrigger the fate of revived shock wave if it indeed revives at the shock revival, which we will see is really the case in the criticalluminosityinthefirstplace. Thesemi-dynamical later section. approach can remove these drawbacks and demonstrate that there is a threshold of fluctuation amplitudes for a 2.1. Details of the semi-dynamical model givencombinationofneutrinoluminosityandmassaccre- The actual calculations of shock motions in our semi- tion rate, beyond which shock revival occurs and a con- dynamical approach consist of a couple of steps, which tinuous outward propagation of the revived shock wave we will describe more in detail in the following section follows,whichwethinkisthenewcriterionforsuccessful (see also Figure 1). explosions. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we 2.1.1. Step 1: preparation of steady shocked accretion flows describe the semi-dynamical model. We conduct several The first step is a preparation of initial conditions, calculationsforvalidationandthenapplythemodelsys- which are assumed to be steady and spherically sym- tematicallytovariousconditionsintheshock-stagnation metric. The procedure to obtain such flows is ex- phase in Section 3. Based on these results we give the actly the same as in Ohnishi et al. (2006) (see also criticalfluctuationamplitudes forshock revival. Finally, Yamasaki & Yamada (2005)) and the details are given we discuss the possible implications of the new criterion in Appendix A. forthemulti-dimensionalneutrinoheatingmechanismin supernova theory and give conclusions in Section 4. 2.1.2. Step 2: addition of perturbations 2. SEMI-DYNAMICALMETHOD Aftersettingupthesteadyshockedaccretionflows,we put some radial perturbations, which are not necessar- We are interested in the phase at severalhundred mil- ily small, to the initial conditions. Although the actual liseconds after bounce, in which the prompt shock wave formofperturbationisratherarbitrary,wechooseinthis is stalled and matter flows through the almost steady study to give a finite velocity to the standing accretion shock and accretes onto a proto-neutron star. Neutri- shock wave by adjusting post-shock quantities so that nos are emitted from the neutrino sphere and heat up the Rankine-Hugoniotrelationwouldbe satisfiedfor the the gain region. The location of quasi-steady stagnated shockwaveisdeterminedbytheneutrinoheatingandthe given shock velocity, vsh(t0). In this expression, t0 de- notes the initial time. rampressureofaccretingmatter. The onsetofshockre- vivalisdeterminednotbythenon-existenceofsteadyac- 2.1.3. Step 3: displacement of shock wave cretion flows but by some sort of hydrodynamical insta- 3 Fig. 1.— Schematic pictures of individual steps in the semi-dynamical model. The horizontal axis in each panel denotes the radius whereastheverticalaxisrepresentsthedensity. Seethetextformoredetailedexplanations ofeachstep. 4 Nagakura et al. Theshockmotionsinducedbytheinitialperturbations go back to Step 3 and repeat the following steps for the arecalculatedinafinitedifferencefashion. Supposethat next time step. The iteration is terminated when the the shock location rsh(tn) and velocity vsh(tn) are given designated time is reached. at tn. Then the shock location at the next time tn+1is given by 2.2. Miscellaneousness rsh(tn+1)=rsh(tn)+vsh(tn)×∆t, (1) In this study we fix the neutrino luminosity, mass ac- cretionrateandmassofacentralobjectduringthetime where ∆t = tn+1 −tn is the interval between the two evolution for simplicity. It should be stressed, however, successivetimes. Inthis studyweset∆t=10−4s,which that the semi-dynamical model can handle the time de- is sufficiently short. The initial time corresponds to n= pendenceoftheseparameterswithnodifficulty. Itisalso 0. If the shock velocity at tn+1 is obtained somehow, important to note that the only difference between our then the procedure is iterated until a designated time is model and full (1D) hydrodynamical simulations is how reached. to obtain the hydrodynamicalquantities just behind the 2.1.4. Step 4: determination of shock velocity – setting up shock wave. Hence the accuracy of our model depends entirely on how good the approximation of local steady Riemann problem – flowsis. As willbe demonstratedin§3 andAppendix B, Howtoobtainthenewshockvelocityvsh(tn+1)attn+1 it looks fine in general. Since the post-shock flows are is the most important part of this model. The idea here subsonic,they arealwaysaffected by the physicalcondi- is similar to the one of the Godonov scheme in numeri- tions of inner regions in principle. This will be particu- cal hydrodynamics: a Riemann problem is set up at the larlysoiftherelaunchedshockwaveisagainstalled. On beginningofeachtimestepandtheevolutionduringthe thecontrary,iftheshockcontinuestopropagateoutward subsequent interval is determined by the solution of the briskly without stagnation, we expect that our approxi- Riemann problem. In our model, we consider a certain mation will work reasonably well. Riemann problem at the new shock location rsh(tn+1) and solve it to find the velocity of the forward shock 3. RESULTS that exists always in the solution (see Step 5). In this section we apply the semi-dynamical method In order to set up the Riemann problem, we need to to shock revivalin the post-bounce supernova cores. We specify hydrodynamical quantities on both sides of the first study the characteristics of solutions and observe discontinuity located at rsh(tn+1). The upstream quan- the existence of the critical fluctuations. Then we inves- tities are easily obtained from the unperturbed steady tigatethedependenceofthecriticalfluctuationforshock accretion flow. The downstream quantities are not so revivalonsomekeyparameters,whichisourmainresult easy to obtain. In this model we assume that the down- in this paper. streamflowbetweenrsh(tn)andrsh(tn+1)is steady. We solve Eqs. (A1)-(A4) for steady flows from rsh(tn) to 3.1. Characteristics of shock evolutions rsh(tn+1)toobtainthehydrodynamicalquantitiesatthe latter point and use them for the Riemann problem. We first investigate the evolutions of shock wave, ini- The post-shock flows are not steady. Since they are tially adding perturbations of different amplitudes to subsonic, it takes the advection time plus sound cross- the fiducial background model, which is characterized ing time between the shock and the proto-neutron star by the following conditions: L52 = 5, M˙sun = 1 and to reacha steady state. Inthe shockrevivalphase,how- Min = 1.4M⊙ (see section 2.1.1). Here we define L52 ≡ ever,thistimescaleislongerthanthetypicaltimescales Lν/(1052erg/s) and M˙sun ≡ −M˙ /(1M⊙/s) with Lν, M˙ of variations in the shock radius, which means that the and Min denoting the neutrino luminosity, mass accre- steady state is never realized over the entire post-shock tion rate and mass of a central object, respectively. In region. On the other hand, we find in hydrodynami- this fiducial modelthe standing shockwaveis locatedat cal simulations that the post-shock flows are approxi- rsh =1.5×107cm. mately steady in the vicinity of the shock wave (see Ap- Figure2showsthreerepresentativeevolutionsofshock pendixB).Byvirtueofthisapproximation,wecanavoid radius(left panel)andvelocity(rightpanel). Asdemon- hydrodynamical simulations in the entire region and in- strated in the left panel, the shock wave either settles stead treat the shock motion alone. downat a new position (red line) or keep going outward (green and blue lines). The green line is in fact a divid- 2.1.5. Step 5: determination of shock velocity – solving ing line of the two cases. These lines correspond to dif- Riemann Problem – ferent initial shock velocities, with the green and black Now that the Riemann problemhas been constructed, lines having larger initial shock velocities. We refer to we can obtain the new shock velocity, based on the so- the initial perturbation for the green line as the critical lution of the Riemann problem. The bottom panels in shockvelocity. The value of the criticalshock velocity is Figure 1 show the schematic pictures of two possible so- vsh(crit) =1.65×109cm/s in this case. lutions of the Riemann problem. In the current situa- Asisevidentfromtherightpanel,the out-goingshock tion, the solution always contain a forward shock wave, wave is decelerated initially in all cases. The red line, i.e., the right-going shock wave in Figure 1, which we which is given half the critical shock velocity initially, regardas the displaced shock wave. The left-going wave remain decelerated until the shock wave comes to a halt can be either a rarefaction wave (left panel) or a shock at t ∼ 40ms. In the case of the green and blue lines, wave (right panel). Regardless, we adopt the velocity of thelatterofwhichisgiventwicethecriticalshockveloc- the right-going shock wave as the new shock velocity at ity at the beginning, however, the shock wave begins to tn+1, i.e, vsh(tn+1). This closes a single time step. We accelerate at some point of time (t ∼ 0.2s for the green 5 Fig. 2.— The evolutions of shock wave for the fiducial background model. The left panel shows the shock radii as a function of time whereastherightpanelpresentsthecorrespondingshockvelocities. Threelineswithdifferentcolorsineachpanel correspondtodifferent shockvelocities addedinitially. Seethetextformoredetails. line and t ∼ 0.01s for the blue line) and keep propagat- Nagakura & Takahashi (2010)). It is also expected that ing outward up to the end of calculation. It is also clear the greater the imbalance of the momentum fluxes is, thattheshockwaveevolvesfasterforlargerinitialshock the stronger the deceleration or acceleration will be. velocities among models that do not fizzle out. We apply this criterion to the shock deceleration at The deceleration is efficient until the shock wave rsh .108cm. reaches rsh ∼ 108cm (see Figure 2). In fact, it seems We show in Figure 3 the momentum fluxes just ahead that the shock waves that cannot make this distance of and behind the shock wave if it were dislocated up to fail to revive and vice versa. The shock deceleration in the specified position by the initial perturbation. The the early phase of shock revival is consistent with the three panels correspond to different background mod- factthatthe fiducialbackgroundmodelislinearlystable els (cf. Figure 10 in Nobuta & Hanawa (1994)). The against radial perturbations. Note that the linear sta- horizontalaxis denotes the radius normalizedby the un- bility of spherically symmetric shocked accretion flows perturbed shock radius rsh(0), whereas the vertical axis can be judged by the Nakayama’s criterion (Nakayama expressesthemomentumfluxnormalizedbythevalueat 1994, 1996), which states that such flows are linearly rsh(0). The red (green) lines give the momentum fluxes stable if the post-shock matter is decelerated (see also justbehind(aheadof)attheshockwave. Thepost-shock Yamasaki & Yamada (2007)). We confirm that this is momentum-flux is calculated by extending the steady indeedthe case forthe fiducialmodel employedhere. Of post-shockflow upto the perturbed shock front. On the the three models shown in Figure 2, the failed case (red other hand, the pre-shock momentum flux is obtained line) has relatively small initial perturbations, to which by assumingthat the pre-shockflow is unaffected by the linearanalysiswillbeapplicable. Totheothertwocases, perturbation. which are given rather large perturbations, linear analy- The left panel of Figure 3 corresponds to the fiducial sis may not be applicable. We think, however,the cause backgroundmodel. Asis clearfromthe figure,the exact of the shock deceleration can be understood in the same momentumbalanceissatisfiedattheoriginalshockloca- way at least qualitatively. It is then nice that the semi- tion whereas the pre-shock momentum flux overwhelms dynamical model is consistent with linear stability. the post-shock momentum flux as the shock wave is dis- The shock deceleration and its strength may be un- located outward. In this case,as already mentioned, the derstood yet another way. Nobuta & Hanawa (1994) shockwavewilltendtobepulledbacktotheoriginalpo- claimed that the stability of standing shock wave can sition, i.e, the shock wave will experience deceleration. be understood by the momentum flux balance between We also note that the strength of deceleration differs the pre- and post-shock flows. Of course they are ex- among the background models. The middle and right actly equal to each other for the initial standing shock panels of Figure 3 correspond to the cases either with wave. If the shock wave is slightly dislocated from the a higher neutrino luminosity or with a lower mass ac- original position, then the balance is shifted and the cretion rate than the fiducial case. In both cases, the shock wave will be either pulled back or pushed fur- unperturbedshockwavesarelocatedatlargerradiithan ther. The former occurs if the momentum flux in the in the fiducial model. As is evident in these panels, the pre-shockflow is largerthanthat inthe post-shockflow. momentum flux imbalance between the pre- and post- This implies the stability of shock wave. The latter shock flows is smaller than in the fiducial model. This case corresponds to instability, on the other hand. Note indicates that the pull back force that decelerates the that this stability criterion is consistent with that of shock wave wanes with the original shock radius. This Nakayama’s(seee.g. Nagakura & Yamada(2008,2009); isveryimportantinanalyzingthecriticalfluctuationfor 6 Nagakura et al. Fig. 3.—Momentumfluxesjustaheadofandbehindtheshockwaveifitweredislocatedtothepositionspecifiedbythethehorizontal axis. Theshockradiusisnormalizedbythe originalradiusrsh(0). Thevertical axisdenotes themomentum flux normalizedbythe value at rsh(0). The redsolid line gives the post-shock value whereas the green dotted line presents the pre-shock value. The left panel shows themomentumfluximbalanceforthefiducialbackgroundmodelwhereastheothertwopanelsrepresentdifferentbackgroundmodelswith the neutrino luminosity and mass accretion rate displayed in each panel. Both models have larger shock radii initially than the fiducial model: rsh(0)=9.8×107cmforthemodelinthemiddlepanel whereasrsh(0)=6.4×107cmforthemodelintherightpanel. shock revival in the next section. rangeof107cm.r .6×107cm. Thisisthemostimpor- tant region in discussing shock revival, since it roughly 3.2. The Critical Fluctuation correspondstothetypicallocationofthestagnatedshock In the previous section, we show the existence of the wave. Theaboveresultssuggestthatthecriticalfluctua- critical shock velocity for the fiducial model, i.e., if the tionismainlydeterminedbytheshocklocationandthat shock velocity administered initially is larger than this the neutrino luminosity and mass accretion rate do not value, the shock continues to propagate outward even if directlydictateshockrevival;instead,theyareindirectly theneutrinoluminosityissmallerthanthecriticalvalue. importantinthesensethattheydeterminetheinitiallo- In this subsection, we perform a larger number of calcu- cation of standing shock wave. The reason why large lationsfor different backgroundmodels, determining the radii of standing shock wave are advantageous for shock critical shock velocity for each model, and then we ana- revival can be understood from the momentum-flux im- lyze their property in detail. balance. As explained in § 3.1 and Figure 3, the pull We prepare the unperturbed steady accretion flows as back force exerted on the shock wave is weakened with follows: we fix the mass of a central object to Min = the radius of standing shock wave and hence relatively 1.4M⊙; in one sequence we vary mass accretion rate smallfluctuations aresufficientforshockrevivalatlarge with a fixed neutrino luminosity (the red line in the left distances. panelofFigure4)whereaswefixthemassaccretionrate It is interesting to note that Yamasaki & Yamada andchangetheneutrinoluminosityinanotherseries(the (2005)observedalmosttheidenticalshockradiusforvar- greenlineinthesamefigure). Notethatineachsequence ious models at their critical points, which suggests that of background models the location of shock wave (rsh) theshocklocationistheimportantquantitytodetermine correspondsone-to-oneto the free parameter,i.e., either the critical point. Murphy & Burrows (2008) conducted the mass accretionrate (for the redline) or the neutrino experimental simulations in multi-dimensions and found luminosity (for the green line). that the larger neutrino luminosity induces the greater Having in mind that the initial perturbations are gen- amplitude of shock oscillations, which is also consistent erated by the hydrodynamical instabilities in reality, we withourinterpretation,sincethehighneutrinoluminosi- refertothedimensionlessperturbationinthepost-shock ties result in large shock radii and the pull back force pressure, which is defined to be acting on the shock wave is then weak. We next vary the mass of central object to see the de- f ≡(p−p )/p , (2) 0 0 pendence of our findings on the change. The results are as the fluctuation hereafter. In this expression p and p0 shownintherightpanelofFigure4. Thistimeweinves- standforthe post-shockpressuresfor the perturbedand tigatethesequenceofsteadyaccretionlows,inwhichthe unperturbed flows, respectively. The value of the fluc- massaccretionrateisfixed(M˙sun =1)andtheneutrino tuation that corresponds to the critical shock velocity is luminosity is varied. The result would not be changed called the critical fluctuation. Figure 4 shows the criti- if the sequence with the fixed neutrino luminosity were calfluctuations fcrit as a function ofthe initial radius of studied. The red line in the figure represents the criti- shock wave (rsh) for the two series of background mod- cal fluctuations for Min =1.4M⊙ (identical to the green els mentioned above. The critical fluctuation for each line in the left panel of Figure 4) whereas the green line background model is obtained by many trials of semi- denotes the critical fluctuations for Min = 1.2M⊙. Al- dynamical calculations with various initial shock veloci- though the difference between the two cases is not so ties. large, the critical fluctuation for Min = 1.4M⊙ is sys- AswecanseefromtheleftpanelofFigure4,the criti- tematicallylargerbyseveralpercentagepointsthanthat calfluctuationbecomessmallerwiththeshockradius. It for Min =1.2M⊙ for the same initial shock radius. This isinterestingthatthetwolinesarealmostidenticalinthe 7 Fig. 4.— The critical fluctuations as a function of the initial shock radius. The horizontal axis denotes the original shock radii in the unperturbed steady accretion flows, whereas the vertical axis represents the normalized critical fluctuations, which is defined by Eq. (2). Intheleftpaneltheredlinerepresentsthesequence withafixedneutrinoluminosity(L52=5)whereasthegreenlinecorrespondstothe serieswithafixedmassaccretionrate(M˙sun=1). ThemassofthecentralobjectissettoMin=1.4M⊙. Intherightpanel,ontheother hand,wecomparetheresultsfordifferentmassesofthecentralobject. TheredlinerepresentsthemodelwithMin=1.4M⊙ whereasthe greenlinecorrespondstothemodelwithMin=1.2M⊙. Thistimethemassaccretionrateisfixed(M˙sun=1)andtheneutrinoluminosity isvaried. is mainly attributed to the fact that gravity is stronger ties. The equation of motion of the shock wave is mod- for the heavier central object, which then leads to the eled in a finite difference manner, setting up a Riemann greater ram pressure. The result clearly demonstrates problem at each time step. In so doing the post-shock that larger masses of the central core are negative for flows are approximated by locally steady flows, which shockrevival,whichisconsistentwiththeanalysisbased areindeedobservedinhydrodynamicalsimulations. The on the critical luminosity by Keshet & Balberg (2012). method is very efficient in conducting a large number of We find that the results given in Figure 4 can be ap- model calculations of the long-term shock evolution. proximated by As a result, we have demonstratedthat there is a crit- ical fluctuation for a given steady accretion flow, above Min rsh fcrit ∼0.8×( )×{1−( )}. (3) whichtheshockcansustainoutwardpropagations,lead- 1.4M⊙ 108cm ing hopefully to a successful supernova explosion. Vary- This simple analytic formula will be useful in analyz- ing the neutrino luminosity or mass accretion rate for ing the onset of explosion in full dynamical simulations, different massed of a central object, we have obtained since the fluctuation f can be easily estimated at each a simple fitting formula for the critical fluctuation as a timestep. Notethatp isobtainedfromthevaluesofhy- function of the initial shock radius and mass of central 0 drodynamical quantities just ahead of the stalled shock object (see Eq. (3)). According to our results, the crit- wavebyusingtheRankine-Hugoniotrelationforvsh =0. ical fluctuation decreases with an increase in the shock Weexpectthatifthefluctuationf atacertaintimestep radius and/or decrease in the mass of central object. In in a simulationdoes not exceedfcrit estimated this way, particular,we have found that the initial shock radius is the shock wave does nothing but oscillations around the the key parameter for shock revival. average position. It should be noted that in our models the neutrino The critical fluctuation given by Eq. (3) might be a luminosities are all sub-critical and there is a steady conservativeestimate,sinceweignorethetimeevolution shocked accretion flow for a given pair of neutrino lumi- of mass accretion rate in this analysis. Since the mass nosityandmassaccretionrate. Infact,evenifthe shock accretion rate becomes smaller with time in reality, the wave is stagnated around rsh ∼ 107cm, in which case rampressureatshockfront,whichisoneofthemainob- the neutrino luminosity is much smaller than the criti- stacles for shock propagation, should be smaller, which cal value, a large enough fluctuation can put the shock would likely help the shock wave move outward. In fact, wave into a sustained outward propagation. We have we confirm in another series of semi-dynamical calcula- hence concluded that although the neutrino luminosity tionsthatdecreaseinthemassaccretionratecaninduce and mass accretion rate are important in determining shock revival (see Appendix C). the initial locationof stagnatedshock wave,it is the dy- namical fluctuations that have direct leverage on shock 4. SUMMARYANDDISCUSSIONS revival. Based on our findings in this paper, we now discuss In this paper, we have developed a new approach to possible implications for the neutrino heating mecha- shockrevivalinthe neutrinoheatingmechanismincore- nism in multi-dimensional hydrodynamics. According collapse supernova theory. The semi-dynamical model to the recent results of 3D core-collapse simulations by takes into account the temporal evolution of shock wave Takiwaki et al. (2012), the maximum residency time of induced by fluctuations in the hydrodynamicalinstabili- 8 Nagakura et al. Fig. 5.— Radii of standing shock waves in unperturbed steady accretion flows. In the left panel, we vary the mass accretion rate for fixedneutrinoluminositieswhereasintherightpanel,wefixthemassaccretionrateandchangetheneutrinoluminosityforeachline. accreting matter in the gain region is longer in 3D than almost constant as long as |M˙sun| & 1 whereas it grows in 2D owing to the extra degree of freedom in motion. rapidlyfor|M˙sun|.0.5. Asimilartrendisevidentinthe This leads to longer neutrino heating, which then may right panel if one replaces the mass accretion rate with result in larger average radii of stagnated shock wave in theneutrinoluminosity. Thismayimplythenthatifthe 3D than in 2D. According to our findings in this paper, average shock radius is already in this rapidly changing the larger shock radius means a smaller critical fluctu- regime, the shock radius of the two competing factors ation for shock revival. In this sense at least 3D mod- will be more important and 3D hydrodynamics may be els are more favorable for successful explosions. How- more advantageous for shock revival. If the shock wave ever, the dynamical fluctuations generated in SASI or is stagnatedat a rather smallradius, on the other hand, neutrino-driven convections may be smaller in 3D than the larger fluctuations in 2D will be more important to in 2D, since the free energy of turbulence could be dis- provide more favorable conditions for shock revival. tributed over a larger number of oscillation modes in In spite of its simplicity the semi-dynamical approach 3D (Nordhaus et al. 2010; Burrows et al. 2012). In fact, wehaveemployedinthispapercancapturetheessential the sloshingmodes,whicharealwaysobservedmarkedly features of the shock dynamics such as linear stability. in 2D axisymmetric simulations, are not so remarkable Alltheresultswehaveobtainedareofqualitativenature in 3D with non-axisymmetric modes being dominant. andthe criticalfluctuationswillbe somewhatchangedif These two factors (the initial shock location and the more realistic treatments of hydrodynamics and micro- amplitude of fluctuations in hydrodynamical instabili- physics are incorporated. We believe, however, that the ties) compete with each other and make it difficult to existenceofthecriticalfluctuationanditsqualitativede- unravel the net effect of 3D hydrodynamics, the fact pendence onthe shockradius andmass ofcentralobject that may lead to the current controversy between dif- will not be changed. It is true that there are some limi- ferent groups (Nordhaus et al. 2010; Hanke et al. 2011; tationstothesemi-dynamicalapproachinthispaper. In Takiwaki et al. 2012). additionto the fact that it is 1D, some features in shock Although it is beyond the scope of this paper to set- dynamics, such as the evolution after re-stagnation,cer- tle the dispute on the 3D effect, we can add some more tainly cannot be described, since the locally steady ap- considerations that may be useful. Figure 5 shows the proximation will not be valid. More detailed compari- locations of standing shock wave in unperturbed steady sonwithmulti-Dhydrodynamicalsimulationswillreveal accretion flows as a function of mass accretion rate (left both the merit and demerit of the approach, which will panel)orneutrinoluminosity(rightpanel). Intheformer be the issue of our forth coming paper. the neutrino luminosity is fixed whereas the mass accre- tionrate is fixed inthe latter. As shownclearlyfor both cases in this figure, the location of standing shock varies This work was supported by Grant-in-Aid for the Sci- very rapidly as the mass accretion rate (left panel) or entific Research from the Ministry of Education, Cul- neutrinoluminosity(rightpanel)exceedsacertainvalue. ture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan Forinstance,thebluelineintheleftpanel,forwhichthe (21540281, 24244036, 22540297, 24740165) and HPCI neutrinoluminosityisfixedatL52 =5,showsthatrsh is Strategic Programof Japanese MEXT. APPENDIX APPENDIX A:CONSTRUCTION OF STEADYSHOCKEDACCRETION FLOWS In this section, we present details in the construction of unperturbed, spherically symmetric, steady accretion flows in Step 1 of §2.1.1. We solve the following ordinary differential equations from the shock front (rsh) to the neutrino 9 Fig. 6.— Comparison of the radial profiles of density (left panel) and pressure (right panel) between the hydrodynamical simulation modelandthesteadyaccretionflow. Seethetextfordetails. sphere for electron-type neutrinos (rνe): 4πr2ρv =M˙ , (A1) dv 1dp GMin v + + =0, (A2) dr ρdr r2 d e p dρ QE v ( )− v = , (A3) dr ρ ρ2 dr ρ dYe v =QN. (A4) dr Intheaboveexpressions,ρ,p,T,eandYe denotethemassdensity,pressure,temperature,energydensityandelectron fraction, respectively. Other symbols, r, v, G, M˙ , Min, stand for the radius, fluid velocity, gravitational constant, massaccretionrateandmassofa centralobject,respectively. Here Newtoniangravityis assumedandthe self-gravity of accreting matter is neglected. Interactions between neutrinos and matter are encapsulated in QE and QN, the expressions of which are adopted from Eqs. (16) and (17) in Ohnishi et al. (2006). We employ the equation of state (EOS) by Shen et al. (2011), which is based on the relativistic mean field theory. At the shock surface, we impose the Rankine-Hugoniot relation for the standing shock wave. The pre-shock flow is assumed to be a free fall with the entropy per baryon of s = 3kB and electron fraction of Ye = 0.5. Here kB is the Boltzmann constant. At the inner boundary or the neutrino sphere (rν), on the other hand, the following relation is assumed: 7 Lν = σTν44πrν2, (A5) 16 whereLν,σandTν denotetheneutrinoluminosity,Stefan-Boltzmannconstantandneutrinotemperature,respectively. Wefurtherassumethattheneutrinoluminositiesforelectron-typeneutrinos(Lνe)andanti-neutrinos(Lν¯e)areidentical (and denoted as Lν). We ignore other types of neutrinos, which play only a minor role in matte heating. For all the models investigated in this paper, the neutrino temperatures are fixed to Tνe = 4MeV and Tν¯e = 5MeV, the typical values in the post-bounce phase. Note that given Lν, the neutrino spheres (rνe and rν¯e) are uniquely determined in this prescription. Once the shock radius (rsh), mass of the central object (Min), neutrino luminosity (Lν) and mass accretion rate (M˙ ) are specified, a steady post-shock accretion flow is uniquely obtained as a solution of Eqs. (A1)-(A4). Imposing further that the density at the inner boundary be ρ = 1011g/cm3, we determine the shock radius rsh. The results given in Figure 5 are also obtained this way. APPENDIX B:VALIDITY OF THELOCAL APPROXIMATION Thesemi-dynamicalmodelassumesthatthepost-shockflowsarelocallysteadyneartheshockwave. Asmentionedin thetext,thereliabilityoftheapproachdependscriticallyonthevalidityofthisassumption. Hereweshowacomparison with a result of hydrodynamical simulations by Yamamoto et al. (2012), which may support our assumption. The hydrodynamical models employ the so-called light-bulb approximation. We pick up a model of their computations, which has following parameters: L52 = 5, M˙sun = 0.53 and Min = 1.4M⊙. We adopt the same values for these parameters also in the semi-dynamical model in this comparison. 10 Nagakura et al. Fig. 7.— The time evolutions of shock radius (left) and velocity (right) after reducing the mass accretion rate by 1%. In the upper panels, the background models have the same neutrino luminosity (L52 =5) but different mass accretion rates, whereas the background modelsforthelowerpannelshavetheidenticalmassaccretionrate(M˙sun=1)butdifferentneutrinoluminosities. We take a snap shot from the hydrodynamical data and compare it with the corresponding steady post-shock configuration. For that purpose we need to extract the shock velocity in the hydrodynamical simulation. We first identify the pre- and post- shock states and then calculate the shock velocity from the momentum flux balance. Althoughthe numericaldiffusion indynamicalsimulations makesit difficult to identify the pre- andpost-shockstates very accurately, we decide to adopt the hydrodynamical quantities at the points, where the density gradient starts to change rapidly. Although this is a rather crude treatment, it is sufficient for the present purpose. Figure6 showsthe results ofcomparison. The leftpanelin this figuredisplaysthe density distributions whereasthe rightpanelgivesthepressuredistributions. TheredlineslabeledasSDrepresentthesteadyflowwhereasthegreenline with the label FD gives the results of the dynamical simulation. The shock velocity calculated from the momentum balance is ∼ 1.3×109cm/s in this case, which exceeds the critical shock velocity obtained by the semi-dynamical approach and, in fact, lead to shock revival in the dynamical simulation. As shown in this figure, the density and pressure distributions near the shock front are almost identical with those of the steady accretion flow. We hence confirm at least in this case that the approximation of local steadiness is good. APPENDIX C: SHOCK EVOLUTIONS INDUCEDBY THEREDUCTION OF MASSACCRETION RATE Although we fix the mass accretion rate for simplicity in this paper, it is a function of time in reality and is an important factor to induce motions of stagnated shock waves. In this appendix, we consider the shock evolution induced by the reduction of mass accretion rate imposed initially by hand instead of taking fully into account the time-dependent mass accretion rate. Aftersettingupasteadyaccretionflow(Step1),weartificiallyreducethemassaccretionrateinthepre-shockregion by a certain fraction. This naturally leads to a Riemann problem at the standing shock wave and induces its motion without perturbations to the shock velocity. The subsequent steps in the semi-dynamical method are completely the same as before (Section 2). Note that the change of M˙ is given only at the beginning and it remains constant afterwards. It is also assumed that the neutrino luminosity and mass of a central object (Min =1.4M⊙) are constant in this study.

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