Semi-analytical model of the contact resistance in two-dimensional semiconductors Roberto Grassi,1,∗ Yanqing Wu,2 Steven J. Koester,1 and Tony Low1 1Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Minnesota, 200 Union St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA 2Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center and School of Optical and Electronic Information, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China (Dated: January 27, 2017) Contact resistance is a severe performance bottleneck for electronic devices based on two- dimensionallayered(2D)semiconductors,whosecontactsareSchottkyratherthanOhmic. Although 7 thereisgeneralconsensusthattheinjectionmechanismchangesfromthermionictotunnelingwith 1 gate biasing, existing models tend to oversimplify the transport problem, by neglecting the 2D 0 transport nature and the modulation of the Schottky barrier height, the latter being of particu- 2 lar importance in back-gated devices. In this work, we develop a semi-analytical model based on Bardeen’s transfer Hamiltonian approach to describe both effects. Remarkably, our model is able n toreproduceseveralexperimentalobservationsofametallicbehaviorinthecontactresistance,i.e., a a decreasing resistance with decreasing temperature, occurring at high gate voltage. J 6 2 Introduction— 2D layered semiconducting materials, of the metal µ (see the schematic band profile in Fig. 1b such as transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) and for an n-type device). Transport occurring at energies ] l black phosphorus (BP), have many interesting electri- above(below)E isgenerallyreferredtoas“thermionic” l 1 a cal and optical properties [1–7], but tend to form Schot- (“tunneling”). However, in the presence of a back gate, h tky barriers (SB) at the interfaces with metal contacts, the subband edge and thus the SB height are expected - s resulting in a large contact resistance that severely de- to be modulated by the vertical electric field. When E1 e grades the device performance [8–10]. is lower than the bulk band edge at the interface with m Thermionic emission [11] is commonly assumed when the metal, even the electrons traversing the junction at t. extracting the SB height from temperature-dependent energies above E1 see a tunneling barrier in the vertical a current measurements of field-effect transistors (FETs). (i.e., z) direction and a new transport regime arises. m In [12], it was pointed out that this procedure is correct In this paper, we present a semi-analytical model of - only at the gate voltage corresponding to the flat-band thecontactresistancetomultilayer2Dsemiconductorsin d condition. Considering an n-type device, for example, this“verticaltunneling”regime. Themodelisbasedona n o abovetheflat-bandvoltage,theconductionbandedgein triangularbarrierapproximationoftheverticalpotential c the channel is higher than at the interface with the con- profile in the semiconductor underneath the contact. 2D [ tact, hence electrons traversing the channel see a larger transport is separated into a sequence of two 1D mech- barrier than the SB height. Below the flat-band voltage, anisms: (i) quantum tunneling through the SB at the 1 v tunneling starts to contribute and the thermionic emis- metal-to-semiconductor interface, followed by (ii) semi- 8 sion theory loses validity. As a result, this can lead to classical “diffusive” transport across the semiconductor 5 unphysical negative SB heights [13, 14]. Furthermore, (the source of scattering being the in- and out-tunneling 7 experiments show that, as opposed to the insulating be- across the SB). The model is benchmarked against nu- 7 havior of a SB contact, the two-terminal resistance [15] merical solutions of the 2D quantum transport problem 0 as well as contact resistance [16] can decrease with de- andemployedtostudythedependenceofthecontactre- . 1 creasing temperature at high gate voltage. The origin sistance on vertical electric field and temperature. We 0 of this metallic behavior is debated and not yet clarified show that, when the SB height is sufficiently lowered 7 [12, 17]. by the vertical electric field, contact resistance shows a 1 : Recently, a model for SB FETs has been proposed in metallic behavior with temperature, as observed in ex- v [18]andappliedtoextracttheSBheightandbandgapof periments. The model predicts a smooth transition from i X BP devices. This model assumes one-dimensional trans- a thermionic-like regime at low electric field, where the r port and a bias-independent SB height. However, in a tunneling barrier is almost transparent, to a true verti- a typical geometry with a top contact to a multilayer 2D cal tunneling regime at high electric field. In the former semiconductor as in the sketch of Fig. 1a, transport is case, the extraction method of the SB height based on inherently 2D. To be precise, due to quantization, the thermionic emission theory can still be applied. SB height Φ to a 2D semiconductor should be defined Model—Weconsiderasingleplanarjunctionoflength 1 as the difference between the edge E1 of the first en- Lx between a metal and a multi-layer 2D semiconductor ergy subband in the semiconductor and the Fermi level with thickness a (Fig. 1a). A vertical electric field is created inside the semiconductor by the presence of a back gate. Let x and z be the longitudinal and vertical directions, respectively. The device is uniform in the y ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] direction. We focus on the portion of the semiconductor 2 𝐴′ densityofstatesattheFermilevel. Withinthisnon-self- consistent approximation, which is valid at low carrier 𝐿 (a) 𝑥 concentration,themagnitudeoftheverticalelectricfield metal F inthesemiconductorissimplyproportionaltothevolt- ageV appliedbetweenthebackgateandthetopmetal: 𝑥 G V F = G , (1) a+((cid:15) /(cid:15) )t 𝑎 𝐼 semicon. s ox ox wheretheworkfunctionsofthetwometalsaretakentobe equal, t is the back oxide thickness, and (cid:15) and (cid:15) are ox s ox 𝑡𝑜𝑥 oxide the dielectric constants of the semiconductor and oxide, respectively. back gate Due to vertical confinement, the energy spectrum in 𝑧 the semiconductor splits into a set of discrete 2D sub- 𝐴 bands. Within a triangular well approximation, the sub- band edges E (i positive integer) can be computed as i [22] (b) 𝐸 𝑐 (cid:18) (cid:19) |ζ | metal semic. oxide E =−qF a− i , (2) i k F 𝑧 𝐸1 where the energy reference is taken at the top of the 𝜇 Φ1 barrierinFig.1b,q istheelementaryelectriccharge,the wavevector k is defined as 𝑞𝐹𝑎 F 𝑉0 (cid:18)2m qF(cid:19)1/3 k = z , (3) F (cid:126)2 𝑎 and ζ are the zeros of Airy’s function, i.e., Ai(ζ ) = 0, i i which can be approximated as [23] FIG. 1: (a) Cross-section of the device structure under con- sideration. The path of the current flow is also indicated (cid:20)3π (cid:21)2/3 schematically. (b) Triangular barrier model of the conduc- ζi ≈− 8 (4i−1) . (4) tion band edge profile along the cut line A–A(cid:48) in (a). The top of the barrier is taken as the energy reference. F is the We limit the discussion to the case E < 0. Indeed, the i verticalelectricfieldinthesemiconductor. TheSBheightΦ1 subband description looses validity above the barrier. istheenergydifferencebetweenthefirstsubbandedgeE in 1 We assume that transport within the semiconductor the semiconductor and the Fermi level of the metal µ. can be described by a set of decoupled 1D Boltzmann’s transport equations [24], one for each subband, where the tunneling from the metal to the semiconductor and covered by the metal (contact region) assuming that the vice versa is included as a scattering mechanism. The uncoveredpart(channel)simplyactsasa“reflectionless” correspondingrelaxationtimeτ ,orinverseoftheproba- i contact or semi-infinite lead [19]. A current can flow as bilityratethatanelectronoriginallyinthek-spacestate indicated in Fig. 1a. (k ,k ) of the i-th subband tunnels into the metal, is x y We neglect hole transport and discuss only injection computed according to Bardeen’s transfer Hamiltonian of electrons from the metal to the conduction band of theory [25–27], which has been recently applied to de- the semiconductor. A simple single-valley effective mass scribetunnelinginverticalheterostructuresof2Dmateri- Hamiltonian,withthesamevaluesoftheeffectivemasses als[28,29]andelectron-holebilayertunnelFETs[30,31]. m inthemetalandinthesemiconductor,isadopted. In the limit of large L , we get x,y,z x Such effective mass model has been shown to provide an √ (cid:40) amcuclutrilaatyeerdeBsPcri[p20ti]o.nFoorftthheecoauset-ooff-mplualnteilaqyuearnTtiMzaDtiso,nonine τ1i = 0h1,2(cid:126)m2z Ai(cid:48)k2F2(ζi)4 −E−i(VE0i−V0)e−2γ0, oVt0h<erwEiise<0 should employ a more fundamental tight-binding model (5) [21]. Whereas the form of the equations will be differ- where h is Planck’s constant, (cid:126) = h/(2π), γ is defined 0 ent, the general trends are not expected to change sig- as nificantly. The bulk band edge profile is assumed to be 2 uniform along the x direction and is approximated with γ = ζ3/2, (6) 0 3 0 a triangular barrier along the z direction, as shown in E Fig. 1b, where the value of the band edge in the metal ζ =−k i =k a−|ζ |, (7) V is chosen low enough so that it provides significant 0 FqF F i 0 3 and Ai(cid:48)(ζ ) is the derivative of Airy’s function evaluated i at ζ , which can be approximated as [23] i 1 (cid:20)3π (cid:21)1/6 |Ai(cid:48)(ζ )|≈ √ (4i−1) . (8) i π 8 Note that τ is independent of both k and k . The i x y tunnelingcurrentiscomputedfromthex-dependentdis- tributionfunction of eachsubband, which is obtainedby solving Boltzmann’s transport equation with τ as the i scattering relaxation time and with appropriate bound- ary conditions. In particular, we assume that the elec- trons are backscattered at the left end of the contact re- gion. Differentiating the tunneling current with respect (a) totheappliedbiasV andtakingthelimitV (cid:28)k T/q D D B (k is Boltzmann’s constant and T the temperature) B gives us the low bias conductance G or inverse of con- tact resistance (per unit width). We obtain the semi- analytical expression 2q2 (cid:90) ∞ (cid:18) ∂F (cid:19) G= dεT(ε) − 0 , (9) h ∂ε −∞ (cid:114) (cid:18) (cid:19) m k T µ−ε F (ε)= y B F , (10) 0 2π(cid:126)2 −1/2 k T B where ε is the total energy for electrons with k =0 and y F the Fermi-Dirac integral of order −1. The total −1/2 2 transmission function T is defined as (b) (cid:88) T(ε)= T (ε), (11) i i FIG. 2: Tunneling rate of the first (i = 1) and second (i = 2) subband, computed from (5) and plotted as a function of withthetrasmissionprobabilityT ofeachsubbandgiven i electric field F at fixed semiconductor thickness a=5 nm in by (a), and as a function of a at fixed F = 0.1 V/nm in (b). (cid:40) The other parameter values are: mz =0.4m0 (m0 is the free T (ε)= 0, ε<Ei , (12) electron rest mass) and V0 =−0.5 eV. i 1−e−2λLix, ε>Ei whereλi =|vx|τi isthemeanfreepathrelatedtotunnel- In order to benchmark the proposed model, we solve (cid:112) ingand|v |= 2(ε−E )/m isthelongitudinalcarrier numerically the 2D Schr¨odinger equation with open x i x velocity. In the Supporting information, we provide a boundary conditions using the Green function (GF) detailed derivation of the model. method [19] and assuming the same non-self-consistent Results— In Fig. 2 we plot the tunneling rate 1/τ triangular potential profile as in Fig. 1b. Details on the i of the first two subbands as a function of electric field GF calculation can be found in the Supporting infor- and semiconductor thickness. The predicted tunneling mation. Fig. 3 shows the plot of the total transmission rate goes to zero at small F or a because the Bardeen function T(ε) computed with the analytical expression model does not account for the above-the-barrier regime in (11)–(12) and with GF for different sets of parameter at E > 0. At high electric field or large semiconductor values. The two models are in good general agreement. i thickness, the exponential term in (5) is dominating. In The transmission function increases by one at each en- this regime, an increase of F or a results in a decrease ergy corresponding to a subband edge E , indicating a i of the scattering rate 1/τ . This can be understood by resonant tunneling regime, and shows a decaying behav- i noting that, since both k and k are conserved in the ior between two successive subband edges. Indeed, dif- x y tunnelingprocess, anelectroncantunnelfromthemetal ferent energies correspond to different k states. Since x tothesemiconductoronlyifitsverticalenergyisequalto the length of the contact L is finite and the transfer x E . However,accordingto(2),E shiftstolowerenergies length or average distance traveled by an electron in the i i withincreasingF ora. Becauseofthatshift,thetunnel- semiconductor before tunneling into the metal is equal ing distance, which is equal to |E |/(qF) at the vertical to the mean free path λ = |v |τ , the probability of es- i i x i energy E , becomes longer as F or a increase. capingintothemetalislargerforthestatesclosertothe i 4 ((aa)) (b) (c) FIG. 3: Comparison between the transmission function vs. energy from the model in (12) (lines) and from GF (symbols) for different values of (a) contact length L , (b) semiconductor thickness a, and (c) electric field F. Other parameter values are: x m =0.2m , m =0.4m , V =−0.5 eV. x 0 z 0 0 subband edge which have smaller velocity. As shown in function shifts to lower energy with increasing F (com- Fig. 3, increasing the contact length tends to raise the pare the plots at F = 0.08 and 0.1 V/nm in Fig. 4b), transmission probability of each single subband to unity more contribution to the integral in (9) comes from the because the ratio L /λ between the contact length and energy range where ∂(−∂F /∂ε)/∂T <0 and eventually x i 0 the average distance before tunneling increases, which leads to ∂G/∂T <0. means that the electrons have more chances to enter the The model in (9) allows for an analytical solution in contact. The shift of E to lower energy as a or F in- twolimitingcases. Inordertosimplifythediscussion,we i crease is clearly seen from the shift of the transmission assume that only the first subband contributes to trans- peaks in Fig. 3b and c, respectively. This is accompa- port. Note that the energy range relevant for transport nied by a narrowing of the peaks, which is related to the goes from E to few k T’s above E or µ, whichever is 1 B 1 decrease of 1/τ discussed above. maximum. If L (cid:29) λ in this energy range, it follows i x 1 that T (ε) ≈ 1 (i.e., an almost transparent barrier) and It should be noted that, with reference to the generic 1 (9) simplifies to subband of index i, our model predicts no vertical tun- neling contribution at energies below E (see Eq. 12). i 2q2 This process could be possible in the case of a realis- G≈ F (E ). (13) h 0 1 tic band bending between the channel and the contact region. However, since tunneling is decreasing exponen- If, in addition, Φ = E −µ (cid:29) k T, then (13) further 1 1 B tially with the tunneling distance, the effect would be reduces to concentrated at the contact edge. Therefore, if E is suf- i (cid:18) (cid:19) Φ ficientlyclosetothemetalFermilevelµ,thecontribution G∝T1/2exp − 1 , (14) from energies below Ei (lateral tunneling) is negligible kBT compared to energies above E (vertical tunneling) be- i which is the expression of the thermionic emission the- cause of the large surface-to-edge ratio of the contact. ory for a 2D system [32]. The prefactor is T1/2 instead Fig. 4a plots G, obtained by numerically computing of T3/2 because we are considering the low bias limit the energy integral in (9) and resolved for the first two V (cid:28)k T/q. Expression(14)impliesthattheSBheight D B subbands, as a function of F and temperature T. It Φ canbeextractedfromtheslopeofln(G/T1/2)vs1/T. 1 can be seen that G is a non-monotonic function of the On the other hand, if L (cid:28) λ in most of the energy x 1 electric field. This is consistent with our previous ob- windowfortransport, onecanderive(seeSupportingin- servations: the transmission probability reduces with formation) increasing F because the tunneling distance increases. √ Fig. 4a shows that, at high electric field before the sec- G≈ 2q2 mxmy Lxf (E ), (15) ondsubbandstartstocontributesignificantly,thederiva- h (cid:126) τ 0 1 1 tive ∂G/∂T is negative, i.e., contact resistance decreases with decreasing temperature. This has to do with the wheref (E)={exp[(E−µ)/(k T)]+1}−1 istheFermi- 0 B factor −∂F /∂ε, which is plotted in Fig. 4b. It can be Dirac function. Fig. 4c compares the Arrhenius plot of 0 proved that its derivative with respect to temperature G/T1/2 computed with the rigorous model in (9) and changessignattheenergyε ≈µ+0.857k T,whichhas the approximated expressions in (13) and (15). E is 0 B 1 only a weak temperature dependence (ε = −0.243 and calculated according to (2) in all three cases. Similar 0 −0.228 eV at T = 100 and 300 K, respectively) and ap- Arrhenius plots are commonly used to extract the SB pearsasacrossoverpointinFig.4b. Asthetransmission height in experiments [13, 14, 16, 33]. For the chosen 5 (a) (b) (c) (d) FIG. 4: (a) Conductance G vs. vertical electric field for different temperatures at µ = −0.25 eV. The contributions of the first (i = 1) and second (i = 2) subband are separated. (c) Plot of −∂F /∂ε vs. energy for different temperatures at 0 µ=−0.25 eV. Superimposed are the spectra of the transmission function at the two electric field values indicated by arrows in (a). (c) Arrhenius plot of G/T1/2 at different electric field values, computed from the rigorous model in (9) (symbols) and the approximated expressions in (13) (dashed lines) and (15) (solid lines). (d) SB height Φ vs. electric field, extracted 1 from the average slope of the Arrhenius plot with symbols in (c) assuming thermionic emission (symbols), compared with the actual values from (2) (line). Other parameters values are: m = 0.2m , m = m , m = 0.4m , V = −0.5 eV, a = 5 nm, x 0 y 0 z 0 0 L =50 nm. x set of parameter values, approximation (13) is valid up effectofscatteringwouldbe, foreachsubband, ashorter to F ≈ 0.08 V/nm. At higher electric field, the trans- transfer length and a transmission probability that does missionfunctionbecomesincreasinglypeakedaroundthe saturate to unity in the limit of a long contact length. subband edge (see Fig. 4b) and (15) becomes a better In the regime when only one subband is populated, the approximation. A positive slope, or metallic behavior, is model could also be extended to include self-consistent predicted at high electric field similar to what has been electrostatics using the variational approach in [34]. reported in experiments [13, 14]. In Fig. 4d, we plot the SB height obtained by fitting the data of the rigorous Conclusions— In summary, we have demonstrated model in (9) with the thermionic expression (14), com- that the metallic behavior of the contact resistance ob- paredwiththeactualvalueofΦ =E −µfrom(2). Itis served in recent experiments can be explained by taking 1 1 seenthattheextractionmethodbasedonthethermionic intoaccountthemodulationoftheverticaltunnelingdue emission theory can provide good results at low electric to the SB lowering with increasing electric field in back- field values, where the tunneling barrier is almost trans- gated devices. To the best of our knowledge, this trans- parent. In the high-field regime, a fitting based on (15) port regime has not been discussed before. The model would provide a more physical result. also suggests a non-monotonic behavior of the contact Weconcludebynotingthatthemodelpresentedinthis resistancewithrespecttoverticalelectricfieldandsemi- workcanbeeasilyextendedtoaccountforafinitecarrier conductorthickness. Oursemi-analyticalmodelprovides mobility in the semiconductor by introducing an addi- areasonabledescriptionofcontactresistancein2Dsemi- tional relaxationtime τ (and acorrespondingmeanfree conductorsandcouldbeusefulforcontactengineeringin s path λ =|v |τ ) related to elastic scattering. The main future 2D electronics. s x s [1] K.Novoselov,D.Jiang,F.Schedin,T.Booth,V.Khotke- tionalAcademyofSciencesoftheUnitedStatesofAmer- vich, S. Morozov, and A. Geim, Proceedings of the Na- 6 ica 102, 10451 (2005). [18] A. V. Penumatcha, R. B. Salazar, and J. 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We consider a simple effective mass Hamiltonian (cid:126)2 mx 0 0 H=− 2 ∇·mˆ−1∇+Ec(z)=T +Ec(z), mˆ = 0 my 0 , (S1) 0 0 m z where the values of the effective masses m are taken to be the same in the metal and in the semiconductor and x,y,z the conduction band edge profile E (z) is modeled as a triangular barrier (F > 0 is the magnitude of the vertical c electric field, see Fig. S1a): V , z <0 0 E (z)= −qFz, 0<z <a (S2) c ∞, z >a NotethatthisisdifferentfromtheFowler-Nordheimfield-emissionproblem[S1]becauseofthepresenceofthehard wall at z = a. Suppose that an electron is launched from z < 0 towards the interface. The electron wavefunction will be totally reflected at z = a, resulting in a reflection coefficient, measured as the ratio between the probability currents of reflected and incident waves, identically equal to one at all energies. Does it mean that the tunneling probabilityiszero? TheBardeenTransferHamiltonianmethod[S2–S4]providesawaytoovercomethisdifficulty: the tunnelingprocessacrossthebarrieristhoughtofasascatteringeventbetweenstateslocalizedondifferentsidesofthe junction and the corresponding transition probability is computed through Oppenheimer’s version of time-dependent perturbation theory [S5]. More precisely, H is taken as the perturbed Hamiltonian acting in the time interval 0 < t < t . For t < 0, the P unperturbed Hamiltonian must be identified with an Hamiltonian H that approximates well the true Hamiltonian L H on the metal side of the junction but whose eigenfunctions decay in the semiconductor. We take H =T +E (z) L cL with E (z) a potential step (Fig. S1b): cL (cid:26) V , z <0 E (z)= 0 (S3) cL 0, z >0 For t>t , one must choose a different unperturbed Hamiltonian H which, conversely, approximates well H on the P R semiconductor side of the junction but whose eigenfunctions decay in the metal. We take H = T +E (z) with R cR E (z) a triangular well (Fig. S1c): cR (cid:26) −qFz, z <a E (z)= (S4) cR ∞, z >a 𝐸 𝐸 𝐸 𝑐 𝑐𝐿 𝑐𝑅 𝑧 𝑧 𝜓 (𝑧) 𝑧 𝑅 𝜓 (𝑧) 𝐿 𝑉 0 (a) 𝑎 (b) (c) FIG.S1: EnergybandprofilesofthedifferentHamiltonians: (a)E (z),(b)E (z),(c)E (z). Thewavefunctionscorresponding c cL cR to the cases (b) and (c) for motion normal to the junction are also represented schematically. 2 It is assumed that prior to the perturbation the electron wavefunction coincides with an eigenfunction ψ of H . L,α L SincethisisnotaneigenstateofH,theelectronwavefunctionwillevolveduringthetimeinterval0<t<t according P tothetime-dependentSchr¨odingerequation. Ift issufficientlylarge,theprobabilitythattheelectronissubsequently P found in the eigenstate ψ of H at t>t , is, to first order and per unit t , R,β R P P 2π P = |(cid:104)ψ |H−H |ψ (cid:105)|2δ(E −E ) , (S5) αβ (cid:126) R,β L L,α L,α R,β where E and E are the eigenvalues corresponding to the initial state ψ and final state ψ , respectively, L,α R,β L,α R,β and δ is Dirac’s delta function [S5]. The conservation of energy is related to the perturbation being constant in time. In (S5), it is assumed that each set of eigenfunctions ψ and ψ is discrete and orthonormal. We consider L,α R,β a rectangular domain with finite sides L and L in the plane parallel to the junction and prescribe the periodic x y boundary conditions ψ (x = 0,y,z) = ψ (x = L ,y,z), ψ (x,y = 0,z) = ψ (x,y = L ,z). L,α/R,β L,α/R,β x L,α/R,β L,α/R,β y In addition, we consider a finite length L of the metal region in the z direction with the hard-wall boundary z condition ψ (x,y,z = −L ) = 0. This way, both energy spectra are discrete and the corresponding eigenfunctions L,α z normalizable. Later,wewilltakethelimitasL ,L ,L gotoinfiniteinordertorecoverthecontinuouscase. Itshould x y z be noted that, contrary to the standard time-dependent perturbation theory [S6], the matrix element in (S5) must be computed between eigenstates of different Hamiltonians. Also, the perturbation Hamiltonian must be evaluated with respect to the initial Hamiltonian. The validity of (S5) rests on the assumption that the two sets of eigenstates of H and H are “almost orthogonal” to each other, in particular that (cid:104)ψ |ψ (cid:105) (cid:28) 1 [S5]. Similary, one has for L L R,β L,α the probability rate of the inverse transition 2π P = |(cid:104)ψ |H−H |ψ (cid:105)|2δ(E −E )=P , (S6) βα (cid:126) L,α R R,β L,α R,β αβ where the last equality follows from the delta function and the Hermiticity of the various Hamiltonians. From (S2)-(S4) we get (cid:26) H , z <0 H= L (S7) H , z >0 R whichmeansthatH satisfiestheseparabilitypropertyofBardeen’smodelHamiltonian, i.e., thatH−H (cid:54)=0onlyin L regions of space where H−H ≡0 [S2] 1. Since H−H ≡0 for z <0, the matrix element in (S5) can be written as R L (cid:90) Lx (cid:90) Ly (cid:90) ∞ (cid:104)ψ |H−H |ψ (cid:105)= dx dy dzψ∗ (H−H )ψ R,β L L,α R,β L L,α 0 0 −∞ (cid:90) = ψ∗ (H−H )ψ d3r, (S9) R,β L L,α ΩR where r=(x,y,z) and Ω ={r;0<x<L ,0<y <L ,0<z <∞}. Noting that H−H ≡0 for z >0, we can get R x y R the symmetric expression (cid:90) (cid:104)ψ |H−H |ψ (cid:105)= (cid:2)ψ∗ (H−H )ψ −ψ (H−H )ψ∗ (cid:3)d3r R,β L L,α R,β L L,α L,α R R,β ΩR (cid:90) = (cid:2)ψ∗ (T −E )ψ −ψ (T −E )ψ∗ (cid:3)d3r. (S10) R,β L,α L,α L,α R,β R,β ΩR Due to the delta function in (S5), we are only interested in the case E =E , for which L,α R,β (cid:90) (cid:104)ψ |H−H |ψ (cid:105)= (cid:2)ψ∗ Tψ −ψ Tψ∗ (cid:3)d3r. (S11) R,β L L,α R,β L,α L,α R,β ΩR 1 Bardeen’s theory is often introduced by writing the Hamiltonian in the form H = HL+HR+HT, with HT being the “transfer” Hamiltonian, despite the fact that Bardeen himself did not make use of such decomposition in its original paper [S2]. In our case, we getfrom(S7) (cid:26) HT = −−HHLR,, zz<>00 (S8) butthisHamiltoniandoesnotcorrespondtoeitheroftheperturbationHamiltoniansthatappearin(S5)or(S6). Seealsothediscussion in[S4]. 3 Applying Green’s theorem, we finally get (cid:90) (cid:104)ψ |H−H |ψ (cid:105)=−i(cid:126) n·J d2r, (S12) R,β L L,α βα ΣR where Σ is the surface of Ω , n is the unit vector normal to Σ pointing in the outward direction, and R R R J =−i(cid:126)mˆ−1(cid:2)ψ∗ ∇ψ −ψ ∇ψ∗ (cid:3) (S13) βα 2 R,β L,α L,α R,β is the matrix element of the probability current density operator between the states ψ and ψ . L,α R,β Letusnowstarttopickupalltheingredientsthatweneedtocalculate(S12). Theeigenfunctionsandcorresponding eigenvalues of H are [S6] L 0, z <−L 1 z ψL,α(r)≡ψL(kL;r)= (cid:112) ei(kxLx+kyLy)b× cos(kzz+ϕ), −Lz <z <0 (S14) LxLy cos(ϕ)e−κz, z >0 (cid:32) (cid:33) (cid:126)2 k2 k2 E ≡E (k )= xL + yL +E , (S15) L,α L L 2 m m z x y (cid:126)2k2 E =V + z , (S16) z 0 2m √ z −2m E κ= z z , (S17) (cid:126) ϕ=arctan(κ/k ), (S18) z wherek =(k ,k ,k )anditisassumedthatE <02. Becauseoftheperiodicboundaryconditions,thetransverse L xL yL z z components of the wavevector are quantized as k =2πl/L , k =2πm/L (l,m integers). As for k , the allowed xL x yL y √ z valuesaretherootsofthetranscendentalequationsk L −π(n−1/2)=ϕintheinterval0<k < −2m V /(cid:126). For z z z z 0 large L , we have k ≈πn/L (n positive integer). The constant b can be obtained from the normalization condition z z z (cid:20)(cid:90) 0 (cid:90) ∞ (cid:21) |b|2 (cid:18) 1(cid:19) L 1=|b|2 cos2(k z+ϕ)dz+cos2(ϕ) e−2κzdz = L + ≈|b|2 z , (S19) z 2 z κ 2 −Lz 0 (cid:112) where only the leading term in L has been kept. Thus, up to an unimportant phase, b= 2/L . z z The solutions of the eigenvalue problem of H are [S7] R (cid:26) 1 Ai(ζ), z <a ψR,β(r)≡ψR,i(k(cid:107)R;r)= (cid:112)L L ei(kxRx+kyRy)c× 0, z >a (S20) x y (cid:32) (cid:33) (cid:126)2 k2 k2 E ≡E (k )= xR + yR +E , (S21) R,β R,i (cid:107)R 2 m m i x y (cid:18) (cid:19) |ζ | E =−qF a− i , (S22) i k F (cid:18) (cid:19) E ζ =−k z+ i , (S23) F qF (cid:18)2m qF(cid:19)1/3 k = z , (S24) F (cid:126)2 where k =(k ,k ), Ai is Airy’s function and ζ are its zeros, which can be approximated as (i positive integer) (cid:107)R xR yR i [S8] (cid:20)3π (cid:21)2/3 ζ ≈− (4i−1) . (S25) i 8 2 WelimitthediscussiontothecaseEz <0because(S5)loosesvalidityif(cid:104)ψR,β|ψL,α(cid:105)isnotasmallnumber. 4 The constant c can be obtained from the normalization condition (cid:90) a |c|2 (cid:90) ∞ 1=|c|2 Ai2(ζ)dz = Ai2(ζ)dζ, (S26) k −∞ F ζi wherethelastintegralcanbeevaluatedusingintegrationbypartsandthefactthatAiisasolutionofAiry’sequation Ai(cid:48)(cid:48) =ζAi (the prime symbol indicates derivative with respect to ζ): (cid:90) ∞ (cid:90) ∞ (cid:90) ∞ Ai2(ζ)dζ =− 2Ai(ζ)Ai(cid:48)(ζ)ζdζ =− 2Ai(cid:48)(ζ)Ai(cid:48)(cid:48)(ζ)dζ =Ai(cid:48)2(ζ ). (S27) i ζi ζi ζi √ Therefore, c= k /|Ai(cid:48)(ζ )|, in which we can use the approximated expression [S8] F i 1 (cid:20)3π (cid:21)1/6 |Ai(cid:48)(ζ )|≈ √ (4i−1) . (S28) i π 8 The surface Σ in (S12) is made up of six faces. By inserting (S14) and (S20) into (S12), it can be shown that the R integrals over the two faces at x = 0 and x = L , as well as the integrals over the two faces at y = 0 and y = L , x y cancel out each other exactly 3. The integral over the face at z = ∞ is also zero because ψ is vanishingly small. L,α We are only left with the integral over the face at z =0: √ (cid:126)2 (cid:114) 2 k (cid:20) d d (cid:21) (cid:104)ψ |H−H |ψ (cid:105)= F cos(ϕ) Ai(ζ) e−κz−e−κz Ai(ζ) R,β L L,α 2m L |Ai(cid:48)(ζ )| dz dz z z i z=0 1 (cid:90) Lx 1 (cid:90) Ly × ei(kxL−kxR)xdx ei(kyL−kyR)ydy L L x 0 y 0 √ (cid:126)2 (cid:114) 2 k =− F cos(ϕ)[κAi(ζ )−k Ai(cid:48)(ζ )]δ δ , (S29) 2m L |Ai(cid:48)(ζ )| 0 F 0 kxL,kxR kyL,kyR z z i where E ζ ≡ζ(z =0)=−k i =k a−|ζ | (S30) 0 FqF F i and δ is Kronecker’s delta function. Conservation of transverse momentum is a consequence of the translational symmetry along x and y. Combined with energy conservation, it implies that E = E and thus ζ = (κ/k )2. z i 0 F Assuming ζ (cid:29)1 (which is consistent with (cid:104)ψ |ψ (cid:105)(cid:28)1), we can substitute in (S29) the asymptotic expressions 0 R,β L,α e−γ0 Ai(ζ0)≈ 2√πζ1/4 , (S31) 0 ζ1/4e−γ0 Ai(cid:48)(ζ )≈− 0 √ , (S32) 0 2 π where γ =(2/3)ζ3/2 [S8], to get 0 0 √ (cid:104)ψR,β|H−HL|ψL,α(cid:105)=−2(cid:126)m2z(cid:114)L2z |Ai(cid:48)k(ζFi)|cos(ϕ)(cid:104)κ+kF(cid:112)ζ0(cid:105)2√eπ−ζγ01/4δkxL,kxRδkyL,kyR 0 √ =− (cid:126)2 (cid:114) 2 kF 2kz κ e−√γ0δ δ . (S33) 2mz Lz |Ai(cid:48)(ζi)|(cid:112)kz2+κ22 π kxL,kxR kyL,kyR Finally, plugging (S33) into (S5), we obtain 1 (cid:18) (cid:126)2 (cid:19)2 2π k2 4k2κ P = F z e−2γ0δ δ δ(E −E ) . (S34) αβ h 2mz Lz Ai(cid:48)2(ζi)kz2+κ2 kxL,kxR kyL,kyR L,α R,β 3 Forexample,Jx,βα(x=Lx,y,z)−Jx,βα(x=0,y,z)∝ei(kxL−kxR)Lx−1=0becauseoftheperiodicboundaryconditions.