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Progress in Theoretical Computer Science Editor Ronald V. Book, University of California Editorial Board Erwin Engeler, ETH Zentrum, Zurich, Switzerland Gerard Huet, INRIA, Le Chesnay, France Jean-Pierre Jouannaud, Universite de Paris-Sud, Orsay, France Robin Milner, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland Maurice Nivat, Universite de Paris VII, Paris, France Martin Wirsing, Universitat Passau, Passau, Germany Thomas Streicher Semantics of Type Theory Correctness, Completeness and Independence Results Springer Science+ Business Media, LLC Thomas Streicher Fakultat fiie Mathematik uod Informatik Universitlit Passau Passau, Germany Library of Congress cataloging -in-publication data Streicher, Thomas, 1958- Semantics of type theory : correcb1ess, completeness, anei independence results I Thomas Streicher. p. cm. -- (Progress in theoretical computer science) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-4612-6757-7 ISBN 978-1-4612-0433-6 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4612-0433-6 1. Programming languages (Electronic computers) --Semantics. 2. Functional programming (Computer science) 3. Type theory. 1. Title. II. Series. QA76.7S82 1991 91-26116 005. 13--dc2O CIP Printed on aeid-free paper. © Springer Science+Business Media New York 1991 Originally published by Birkhlluser Boston in 1991 Softcover reprint of the hardcover Ist edition 1991 AH rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any formorby any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior permission of the copyright owner. Permission to photocopy for internal or personal use of specific clients is granted by Springer Science+Business Media, LLC for libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), provided that the base fee of $5.00 per copy, plus $0.20 per page is paid directly to CCC, 21 Congress Street, Salem, MA 01970, U.S.A. Special requests shou1d be addressed directly to Springer Science-t-Business Media, LLC, 675 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139, U.S.A. ISBN 978-1-4612-6757-7 Camera-ready text prepared in Macwrite by the Author. Printed and bound by Edwards Brothers, IDc., Ann Arbor, Michigan. 987654321 Table of Contents Introduction 1 Chapter 1 Contextual Categories and Categorical 43 Semantics of Dependent Types Chapter 2 Models for the Calculus of Constructions 112 and Its Extensions Chapter 3 Correctness of the Interpretation of the 156 Calculus of Constructions in Doctrines of Constructions Chapter 4 The Term Model of the 221 Calculus of Constructions and Its Metamathematical Applications Chapter 5 Related Work, Extensions and 265 Directions of Future Investigations Appendix Independence Proofs 281 by Realizability Models References 292 Index 296 Foreword Typing plays an important role in software development. Types can be consid ered as weak specifications of programs and checking that a program is of a certain type provides a verification that a program satisfies such a weak speci fication. By translating a problem specification into a proposition in constructive logic, one can go one step further: the effectiveness and unifonnity of a con structive proof allows us to extract a program from a proof of this proposition. Thus by the "proposition-as-types" paradigm one obtains types whose elements are considered as proofs. Each of these proofs contains a program correct w.r.t. the given problem specification. This opens the way for a coherent approach to the derivation of provably correct programs. These features have led to a "typeful" programming style where the classi cal typing concepts such as records or (static) arrays are enhanced by polymor phic and dependent types in such a way that the types themselves get a complex mathematical structure. Systems such as Coquand and Huet's Calculus of Con structions are calculi for computing within extended type systems and provide a basis for a deduction oriented mathematical foundation of programming. On the other hand, the computational power and the expressive (impred icativity !) of these systems makes it difficult to define appropriate semantics. Systems which contain a "type of all types" do not admit classical set-theoretical semantics. Models based on Scott's domain theory are not appropriate since ev ery domain contains at least a bottom element and thus every type is inhabited in every proposition as a proof. In his book Thomas Streicher tackles these semantical problems and pre sents an adequate categorical semantics of type theories. Based on Cartmell's work on contextual categories, he develops a "doctrine of constructions" where propositional types are closed under arbitrary products. This categorical struc ture is appropriate for the interpretation of type theoretical calculi and in partic ular for the "Calculus of Constructions". To show this Thomas Streicher derives correctness and completeness results and extends his framework to strong sums and identity types and proves some independence results. The work of Thomas Streicher is an excellent contribution to the seman tical treatment of type theories; it allows us to grasp the meaning of calculi of dependent types as much as possible from a non-constructive point of view. Martin Wirsing Passau, August 1991 vi Preface This book is based on the Ph. D. Thesis of the author written from 1986 to 1988. Its aim is to provide an understanding of the metamathematical properties of typed functional languages which can express concepts such as dependent and polymorphic types. Significant and well-known examples of such formalisms have been developed by Per Martin-wf , Jean-Yves Girard and Coquand and Huet. These calculi, originally introduced for giving a formal foundation of constructive mathematics, have got quite popular in Computer Science as well since the beginning of the eighties. The reason is that they can be understood and used as functional programming languages which allow one to denote and manipulate the so called "material" aspects of proofs, i.e. the algorithmic contents underlying constructive proofs. Therefore these calculi are most suitable for extracting programs out of constructive proofs. As a matter of fact these calculi support an ontology of mathematics which is radically different from the kind of Platonistic, non-constructive mathematics which has essentially formed the way of thinking of most mathematicians and (theoretical) computer scientists. Therefore it may be fruitful to study these calculi from a semantical point of view, i. e. to analyse the world of constructivism by relating it to mathematical structures which can be understood from a purely classical, non-constructive point of view. Now, if one has correctness and completeness results for such calculi w.r.t. some notions of semantics in a classical meta-theory then one can say that, at least from the denotational point of view, one has grasped the meaning of such calculi as far as it is possible from a non-constructive point of view. So we can vii say that our aim is to explain the conceptual world of constructivism from a non-constructive classical point of view. In order to do this we have organized this book as follows. In the introduction we provide some motivation for theories of dependent types by discussing the intuitive semantics of constructive reasoning. We give a survey of the theories of dependent types which have been developed in the last thirty years. The most important concepts studied in these theories are introduced and their informal semantics is described by showing the rules governing their use. Furthermore we discuss the methodology of extracting functional programs from constructive proofs represented in theories of dependent types and discuss possible extensions to incorporate Scott's fixpoint semantics into the framework of theories of dependent types. In Chapter 1 we describe a notion of model for calculi of dependent types originating from the Ph.D.Thesis of John Cartmell, see [Cartl], [Cart2], called contextual categories. In this framework we define the notion of a doctrine of constructions which is a contextual category with some additional structure. As there is not so much material on contextual categories which can be easily accessed I have proved a lot of technical lemmas that should help in formulating and proving theorems in the following chapters. We furthermore repeat John Cartmell's definition of a product of a family of types in the framework of contextual categories and relate it to the more traditional (in the sense of categorical logic) notion of right adjoint to a pullback functor using partial adjoints instead of total ones. Our original contribution (i. e., material not contained in Cartmell's work) is the definition of a doctrine of constructions which is a contextual category C together with products of families of types and a generic object Proof of level 2 over an object Prop (of level 1) which represents in a 1-1 way a class of families of types, closed under arbitrary products viii of families indexed over arbitrary types. In Chapter 2 we describe two classes of models for the notion of a doctrine of constructions: realizability models and domain theoretic retract models, where the emphasis is on realizability models. Realizability models carry much more structure than is needed to verify that they are instances of the notion of a doctrine of constructions. In particular they allow the interpretation of strong sum types and identity types. In this chapter we also give a definition of a more liberal notion of model where types are only considered up to isomorphism and not up to equality <this definition is related to independent work of Hyland and Pitts, see [HyPi]). In the domain-theoretic models we have two other properties: the collection of types can be considered as objects of a type Type of all types and all endofunctions have (least) fixpoints. These structures are models of L. Cardelli's polymorphic A-calculus with Type E Type, see [Card). But in domain theoretic retract models every type is inhabited, i. e. contains the bottom element, and therefore every proposition has a proof. For this reason, domain theoretic retract models are not very interesting insofar as they represent the proofs of an inconsistent logical system, i.e. a system in which every proposition has a proof. In Chapter 3 we describe the Calculus of Constructions as a formal system, define an interpretation w.r.t. any doctrine of constructions and prove a correctness theorem. Our variant of the Calculus of Constructions differs strongly from the formulation of Coquand and Huet in the following aspects: - In the original formulation of Coquand and Huet there is only one uniform notation [x:EtlE2, which -depending on the context - can have the following meanings: (llx:E1)E2 or (Ax:E1)E2 or (V'x:E1)Proof(E2) ix or even (V'x:Proof(El))Proof(E2) . Of course, although this notation is rather economical it causes a lot of confusion to the non-initiated reader ; therefore we have introduced the type constructor ProofL) and different notations for products of families of types, functional abstraction and universal quantification. - We have given explicit rules for handling contexts and equality between contexts. - We have provided structural rules which are left implicit in the formulation of Huet and Coquand. - Instead of untyped application App(t,s) we use typed application App([x:A]B, _ , _) as otherwise one runs into problems when trying to define the interpretation of application terms w.r.t. an arbitrary doctrine of constructions. The interpretation function is an a priori partial, inductively defined function on presequents (i.e. sequents which have not yet been proven correct). That the interpretation function is defined for all provably correct sequents is proven as part of the Correctness Theorem. Furthermore the Correctness Theorem states that things which are provably equal get the same interpretation in any doctrine of constructions. In Chapter 4 we construct a term model. Interpretation in the term model validates just those judgments which are derivable in the calculus. Thus we can prove a completeness theorem. Relying on confluence and strong normalization of J3Tl-reduction for the Calculus of x

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