Semantic Mapping with Mobile Robots ANDRZEJ PRONOBIS Doctoral Thesis in Computer Vision and Robotics Stockholm, Sweden 2011 TRITA-CSC-A 2011:10 Computer Vision and Active Perception ISSN-1653-5723 School of Computer Science and Communication ISRN-KTH/CSC/A--11/10--SE KTH Royal Institute of Technology ISBN 978-91-7501-039-7 SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden Copyright © 2011 by Andrzej Pronobis except where otherwise stated. Tryck: AJ E-print AB iii Abstract After decades of unrealistic predictions and expectations, robots have fi- nallyescapedfromindustrialworkplacesandmadetheirwayintoourhomes, offices, museums and other public spaces. These service robots are increas- ingly present in our environments and many believe that it is in the area of service and domestic robotics that we will see the largest growth within the next few years. In order to realize the dream of robot assistants perform- inghuman-liketaskstogetherwithhumansinaseamlessfashion,weneedto providethemwiththefundamentalcapabilityofunderstandingcomplex,dy- namic and unstructured environments. More importantly, we need to enable them the sharing of our understanding of space to permit natural cooper- ation. To this end, this thesis addresses the problem of building internal representations of space for artificial mobile agents populated with human spatial semantics as well as means for inferring that semantics from sensory information. More specifically, an extensible approach to place classification is introduced and used for mobile robot localization as well as categorization andextractionofspatialsemanticconceptsfromgeneralplaceappearanceand geometry. Themodelscanbeincrementallyadaptedtothedynamicchanges in the environment and employ efficient ways for cue integration, sensor fu- sion and confidence estimation. In addition, a system and representational approachtosemanticmapping ispresented. Thesystemincorporatesandin- tegratessemanticknowledgefrommultiplesourcessuchasthegeometryand generalappearanceofplaces,presenceofobjects,topologyoftheenvironment aswellashumaninput. Aconceptual map isdesignedandusedformodeling and reasoning about spatial concepts and their relations to spatial entities and their semantic properties. Finally, the semantic mapping algorithm is built into an integrated robotic system and shown to substantially enhance theperformanceoftherobotonthecomplextaskofactiveobjectsearch. The presentedevaluationsshowtheeffectivenessofthesystemanditsunderlying componentsanddemonstrateapplicabilitytoreal-worldproblemsinrealistic human settings. Keywords: spatialunderstanding,semanticmapping,placerecognition, place categorization, mobile robotics. iv Acknowledgments Therearemanypeoplewhohavesupported,encouragedandinspiredmethrough- outthisthesis. Ihaveworkedwithandwassurroundedbyanumberofgreatpeople who contributed in many ways to this research and deserve special mention. First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude to Patric Jensfelt, my main advisor, for his supervision, great engagement and guidance. Thank you for supporting my ideas and all aspects of my work, for rich and inspiring discussions and great collaboration, and last but certainly not least for your friendship, un- derstanding and great sense of humor. I owe many thanks to Barbara Caputo for givingmetheopportunitytoexploretheexcitingfieldofcomputervision,introduc- ing me to research in general, as well as hosting me in her group at IDIAP during my internship. Thank you for your good advices, endless enthusiasm, supervision and great help. I am also very grateful to Henrik I. Christensen for inspiring me to pursue my research in the direction of robotics as well as for his support and sharing with me his vision of AI. Many thanks go to Stefan Carlsson, Jan-Olof Eklundh and Danica Kragic for their valuable advices and encouragement during the years spent at KTH. This thesis has been made possible with the help and cooperation of Alper Aydemir and Kristoffer Sjöö as well as Adrian Bishop, Moritz Göbelbecker, Marc Hanheide,LuoJie,ÓscarMartínezMozos,MuhammadMuneebUllah,LiXingand Hendrik Zender, and all the great people involved in the CoSy and CogX projects. Kristoffer and Alper, I will never forget our coding nights and the Turkisk peppar! Furthermore, my thanks go to our administrative staff: Jeanna Ayoubi and Friné Portal. You were always very kind, helpful and patient. It was a pleasure to share doctoral studies and life with wonderful people like Babak, Oscar, Niklas, Mattias and Pedro among others who become close friends. Special thanks go to my dearest friend Babak for being a part of my family and a person I can always count on. And thanks for insightful discussions and excellent proof reading! Babak, Marianna, Mattias, Niklas, Oscar and Pedro thanks for sharingmygreatpassionforclimbingandinspiringmetotrynewthingsandreach newgoals,especiallytofinishSvenskKlassiker. Thatwasabsolutelyfantastictime together! Babak, Njupeskär was just the beginning! The time at CVAP would not have been the same without: Ahmad, Alessan- dro, Alireza, Arnaud, Carl-Henrik, Christian, Dan, Elin, Gareth, Gert, Hedvig, Heydar, Javier, Jeannette, Jorge, Josephine, Kai, Magnus, Miroslav, Mårten, Re- naud, Omid, Sagar, Simone, Yasemin, Vahid. There are many more, former and current members of CVAP that have influenced my life in positive ways. The time spent in Switzerland would not have been as amazing without my climbing and skiing buddies: Ganga, Ferran, Petr and Stano and other great people: Bogdan, Chris,Constantin,Danil,Elisa,Francesco,Ghita,Guillermo,Hamed,Kate,Niklas, Radu, Roger, Tatiana, Tristan and Vincent. Thank you all! v Special thanks go to my Polish friends: Anna J. & Marcin, Anna P. (Dzi- ubasek 1), Grześ (Dziubasek 2), Krzyś & Gabrysia & VaNTa Junior :-), Maciej & Fredrik, Pit & Dominika and Zygi for being always next to me and deeply in my heart. When we meet it feels like we never split! Krzyś, Grześ, Zygi, you’re the best climbing mates! Lastly, and most importantly, I want to thank my family. My parents for constant love, support and always being for me. Kocham Was drodzy Rodzice! Finally, my Marianka who gave me strength to always move forward, through all the ups and downs of the PhD time. Thank you for giving it all meaning to me and making my world so rich, beautiful and complete. Andrzej Pronobis Stockholm, May 2011 ThisworkwassupportedbytheVRprojectCOMPLEX,theEUFP7ProjectCogX and the SSF through its Centre for Autonomous Systems. vi List of Papers The thesis is based on the following papers: [A] AndrzejPronobis,BarbaraCaputo,PatricJensfelt,andHenrikI.Chris- tensen. A realistic benchmark for visual indoor place recognition. Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS), 58(1):81–96, January 2010. [B] Andrzej Pronobis, Jie Luo, and Barbara Caputo. The more you learn, thelessyoustore: Memory-controlledincrementalSVMforvisualplace recognition. Image and Vision Computing (IMAVIS), Special Issue on Online Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning Techniques for Computer-Vision: TheoryandApplications,28(7):1080–1097,July2010. [C] Andrzej Pronobis and Barbara Caputo. Confidence-based cue integra- tion for visual place recognition. In Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS’07), San Diego, CA, USA, October 2007. [D] Andrzej Pronobis, Oscar M. Mozos, Barbara Caputo, and Patric Jens- felt. Multi-modal semantic place classification. The International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR), Special Issue on Robotic Vision, 29(2-3):298–320, February 2010. [E] Andrzej Pronobis, Kristoffer Sjöö, Alper Aydemir, Adrian N. Bishop, andPatricJensfelt. Representingspatialknowledgeinmobilecognitive systems. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Intel- ligent Autonomous Systems (IAS-11), Ottawa, Canada, August 2010. [F] Andrzej Pronobis and Patric Jensfelt. Understanding the real world: combining objects, appearance, geometry and topology for semantic mapping. Technical Report TRITA-CSC-CV 2011:1 CVAP319, Kung- liga Tekniska Högskolan, CVAP/CAS, May 2011. The paper contains contributions described in the following submissions: • Andrzej Pronobis and Patric Jensfelt. Understanding the real world: combining objects, appearance, geometry and topology for semantic mapping. In ICRA 2011 Workshop on Semantic Percep- tion, Mapping and Exploration, Shanghai, China, May 2011. • Andrzej Pronobis and Patric Jensfelt. Hierarchical multi-modal place categorization. In European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR’11), Örebro, Sweden, September 2011. (Submitted). vii [G] MarcHanheide,CharlesGretton,RichardW.Dearden,NickA.Hawes, Jeremy L. Wyatt, Andrzej Pronobis, Alper Aydemir, Moritz Göbel- becker, and Hendrik Zender. Exploiting probabilistic knowledge un- der uncertain sensing for efficient robot behaviour. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJ- CAI’11), Barcelona, Spain, July 2011. viii In addition to papers [A]-[G], the following papers have also been produced in part by the author of the thesis: [1] AndrzejPronobis,BarbaraCaputo,PatricJensfelt,andHenrikI.Chris- tensen. A discriminative approach to robust visual place recognition. In Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on In- telligent Robots and Systems (IROS’06), Beijing, China, October 2006. [2] Jie Luo, Andrzej Pronobis, and Barbara Caputo. SVM-based transfer of visual knowledge across robotic platforms. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Vision Systems (ICVS’07), Bielefeld, Germany, March 2007. [3] Jie Luo, Andrzej Pronobis, Barbara Caputo, and Patric Jensfelt. In- cremental learning for place recognition in dynamic environments. In Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intel- ligent Robots and Systems (IROS’07), San Diego, CA, USA, October 2007. [4] Andrzej Pronobis, Oscar M. Mozos, and Barbara Caputo. SVM-based discriminative accumulation scheme for place recognition. In Proceed- ings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Au- tomation (ICRA’08), Pasadena, CA, USA, May 2008. [5] Muhammad Muneeb Ullah, Andrzej Pronobis, Barbara Caputo, Jie Luo, Patric Jensfelt, and Henrik I. Christensen. Towards robust place recognition for robot localization. In Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE In- ternationalConferenceonRoboticsandAutomation(ICRA’08),Pasadena, CA, USA, May 2008. [6] Heydar Maboudi Afkham, Alireza Tavakoli Targhi, Jan-Olof Eklundh, andAndrzejPronobis. Jointvisualvocabularyforanimalclassification. In Proceedings of the 2008 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR’08), Tampa, FL, USA, December 2008. [7] Andrzej Pronobis and Barbara Caputo. COLD: COsy Localization Database. The International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR), 28 (5):588–594, May 2009. [8] Andrzej Pronobis, Kristoffer Sjöö, Alper Aydemir, Adrian N. Bishop, and Patric Jensfelt. A framework for robust cognitive spatial map- ping. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR’09), Munich, Germany, June 2009. ix [9] AndrzejPronobis,LiXing,andBarbaraCaputo. OverviewoftheCLEF 2009 robot vision track. In Carol Peters, Barbara Caputo, Julio Gon- zalo, Gareth J. F. Jones, Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, Henning Müller, and Theodora Tsikrika, editors, Multilingual Information Access Eval- uation Vol. II Multimedia Experiments, volume 6242 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 110–119. Springer, 2010. [10] AndrzejPronobis, HenrikChristensen, andBarbaraCaputo. Overview of the ImageCLEF@ICPR 2010 Robot Vision track. In Devrim Ünay, ZehraÇataltepe,andSelimAksoy,editors,Recognizing Patterns in Sig- nals, Speech, Images and Videos,volume6388ofLecture Notes in Com- puter Science, pages 171–179. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2010. [11] Andrzej Pronobis, Marco Fornoni, Henrik I. Christensen, and Barbara Caputo. The Robot Vision track at ImageCLEF 2010. In Working Notes for the CLEF 2010 Workshop, Padua, Italy, 2010. ISBN 978-88- 904810-0-0. [12] Andrzej Pronobis and Barbara Caputo. The robot vision task. In HenningMüller,PaulClough,ThomasDeselaers,andBarbaraCaputo, editors, ImageCLEF, volume 32 of The Information Retrieval Series, pages 185–198. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010. ISBN 978-3-642- 15181-1. [13] Li Xing and Andrzej Pronobis. Multi-cue discriminative place recog- nition. In Carol Peters, Barbara Caputo, Julio Gonzalo, Gareth J. F. Jones,JayashreeKalpathy-Cramer,HenningMüller,andTheodoraTsikrika, editors, Multilingual Information Access Evaluation Vol. II Multimedia Experiments,volume6242ofLecture Notes in Computer Science,pages 315–323. Springer, 2010. [14] AndrzejPronobis,PatricJensfelt,KristofferSjöö,HendrikZender,Geert- Jan M. Kruijff, Oscar M. Mozos, and Wolfram Burgard. Semantic modelling of space. In Henrik I. Christensen, Geert-Jan M. Kruijff, and Jeremy L. Wyatt, editors, Cognitive Systems, volume 8 of Cogni- tive Systems Monographs, pages 165–221. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010. ISBN 978-3-642-11694-0. [15] Kristoffer Sjöö, Hendrik Zender, Patric Jensfelt, Geert-Jan M. Krui- jff, Andrzej Pronobis, Nick Hawes, and Michael Brenner. The ex- plorer system. In Henrik I. Christensen, Geert-Jan M. Kruijff, and Jeremy L. Wyatt, editors, Cognitive Systems, volume 8 of Cognitive Systems Monographs, pages 395–421. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010. ISBN 978-3-642-11694-0. x [16] Jeremy L. Wyatt, Alper Aydemir, Michael Brenner, Marc Hanheide, NickHawes,PatricJensfelt,MatejKristan,Geert-JanM.Kruijff,Pierre Lison, Andrzej Pronobis, Kristoffer Sjöö, Alen Vrečko, Hendrik Zen- der, Michael Zillich, and Danijel Skočaj. Self-understanding & self- extension:a systems and representational approach. IEEE Transac- tions on Autonomous Mental Development (TAMD), Special Issue on Representations and Architectures for Cognitive Systems, 2(4):282–303, December 2010. [17] Alper Aydemir, Kristoffer Sjöö, John Folkesson, Andrzej Pronobis, and Patric Jensfelt. Search in the real world: Active visual object search based on spatial relations. In Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Interna- tional Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA’11), Shanghai, China, May 2011. [18] KristofferSjöö,AndrzejPronobis,andPatricJensfelt. Functionaltopo- logical relations for qualitative spatial representation. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR’11), Tallinn, Estonia, June 2011.