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SELMER GROUPS OVER Zd-EXTENSIONS p KI-SENGTAN 3 1 0 Abstract. Consider an abelian variety A defined over a global field K and let L/K be a Zd- p 2 extension,unramifiedoutsideafinitesetofplacesofK,withGal(L/K)=Γ. LetΛ(Γ):=Zp[[Γ]] n denote the Iwasawa algebra. In this paper, we study how the characteristic ideal of the Λ(Γ)- a module XL, the dual p-primarySelmer group, varies when L/K is replaced by a intermediate J Zep-extension. 1 1 ] T 1. Main Results s:intro N Let A be a g-dimensional abelian variety defined over a global field K and let L/K be a Zd- p . h extension, unramified outside a finite set of places of K, with Gal(L/K) = Γ. For each finite at intermediate extension F/K of L/K, let Selp∞(A/F) denote the p-primary Selmer group (see m §2.5) and set [ Selp∞(A/L)=l−i→mSelp∞(A/F). F 2 v We endow Selp∞(A/L) (resp. Selp∞(A/F)) with the discrete topology and let XL (resp. XF) denote its Pontryagin dual group. The main aim of this paper is to study how the characteris- 7 0 tic ideal of XL over Λ(Γ) := Zp[[Γ]] (the Iwasawa algebra) varies, when L/K is replaced by an 9 intermediate Ze-extension L′/K. Our result has many applications. In particular, it leads to a p 3 structure theorem of Z , the Pontryagindual of lim Q /Z ⊗A(F) (see §1.6). . L −→F p p 5su:ns 0 1.1. Notation. LetS denotethesetofplacesofK ramifiedoverL/K. Foranalgebraicextension 2 F/K and a place w of F, let F denote the w-completion of F. If w is a non-archimedean place, w 1 letO , m andF (orO , m andF )denotetheringofintegers,themaximalidealandthe : w w w Fw Fw Fw v residue field of F . Also, denote q = |F |. We fix an algebraic closure K of K and let Ks ⊂ K w w w i denote the separable closure of K, and the same for K . X v ForanabeliangroupD,letD (resp. D )denotethep-primary(resp. p-divisible)partofD , r p div tor a the torsion subgroup. For a locally compact group G, let G∨ denote its Pontryagin dual group. In this paper, we always have G∨ =Hom (G,Q /Z ) as G will be either pro-p or p-primary. If cont p p O is the ring of integers of a finite extension Q of Q and G is an O-module, we endow G∨ with p the O-module structure by setting a·ϕ(g)=ϕ(a·g), a∈O, ϕ∈G∨, g ∈G. As O-modules, G is cofinitely generated if and only if G∨ is finitely generated, and denote corank (G):=rank (G∨). O O If G is a Z -module, write OG for O ⊗ G. Then we can identify (OG)∨ with OG∨ by p Zp introducing a non-degenerate pairing [ , ] : OG× OG∨ −→ Q /Z as follow. First choose a p p generator δ ∈ O of the different of the filed extension Q/Q and set Tr∗(x) =Tr (δ−1·x) for p Q/Qp x ∈ Q. If a ∈ Q/O is the residue class of some y ∈ Q modulo O, let T∗(a) ∈ Q /Z denote the p p residue class of Tr∗(y) modulo Z . Then Q:O×Q/O−→Q /Z given by Q(x,a):=T∗(xa) is a p p p non-degeneratepairing. Let<, >:OG×OG∨ −→Q/ObetheO-pairinggivenby<g,φ>=φ(g), Acknowledgement: Thisresearchwas supportedinpartbytheNational Science Councilof Taiwan,NSC97- 2115-M-002-006-MY2,NSC99-2115-M-002-002-MY3. 1 2 KI-SENGTAN for g ∈ G, φ ∈ G∨. Then define [α,β] = T∗(< α,β >). Let e ,...,e be a Z -basis of O. If 1 m p β = e ⊗φ , φ ∈G∨, satisfies [OG,β]=0, then for all x∈O, g ∈G, i i i i P 0=[x⊗g,β]=T∗(x· ei⊗<g,φi >)=Q(x, ei⊗<g,φi >). i i X X Since Q is non-degenerate, e ⊗ <g,φ >=0, and hence <g,φ >=0 for all g. Consequently, i i i i φ =0 for every i, whence β =0. Similarly, if α∈OG satisfies [α,OG∨]=0, then α=0. i If G is a Γ-module, let ΓPacts on G∨ by γϕ(g) := ϕ(γ−1g). The identification (OG)∨ = OG∨ depends on the choice of δ. However, it alters neither the O-module structure nor the Γ-module structure (if exists) on (OG)∨. Letµpm denotethepmthrootofunityandwriteµp∞ = mµpm regardedasadiscretesubgroup × of Qp. Let Γ denote the group of all continuous characteSrs from Γ to µp∞ and let Gal(Qp/Qp) act on it via the action on µp∞. Thus, Γ=Γ∨ as topologicalgroups, while Gal(Qp/Qp) acts non- triviallyonΓbbuttriviallyonΓ∨. Ifω ∈ΓwiththeimageIm(ω)=µ ,writeO =Z [µ ]⊂Q . pm ω p pm p IfO containsO andGisanO-modulebwithacontinuousactionofΓ,write(fortheω-eigenspace) ω b G(ω) :=b{g ∈G | γg =ω(γ)·g}. For a finitely generatedΛ(Γ)-module W, let χ (W) denote its characteristicideal (see §2.1). Λ(Γ) Denote Γ′ = Gal(L′/K), Λ(Γ′) = Z [[Γ′]]. Our result also covers the d = 1 case in which Γ′ = 0, p Λ(Γ′)=Zp, and we define χΛ(Γ′)(W)=χZp(W), the usual characteristic ideal of Zp-module. Let A[pm] denote the kernel of the multiplication by pm on A viewed as a sheaf on the flat topology of K and denote A[p∞]= A[pm]. In particular, A[p∞](K)= A(K) . Let At denote m p the dual abelian variety. su:localcondition S 1.2. A local condition. It is well knownthat if K is a number field, then the following question has an affirmative answer (see below). IsX finitelygeneratedover Λ(Γ)? L In general, the answer could be obtained via the following local criterion. p:iwasawa Proposition 1.2.1. The Iwasawa module X is finitely generated over Λ(Γ) if and only if at each L place v ∈S, the local cohomology group H1(Γ ,A(L )) is cofinitely generated over Z . v v p The proof, based on results in [Tan10], is given in §3.5. The condition of the proposition holds if K is a number field (Corollary 2.4.2), or if at every ramified place, A has either good ordinary reduction or split-multiplicative reduction [Tan10, Theorem 5]. However, if char.(K)=p and the reduction of A at a place v ∈S is an abelianvariety without non-trivial p-torsionpoints, then the condition fails to hold (Theorem 3.6.1). su:desda 1.3. The specialization data. For the rest of this paper except §3.6, we shall assume that every v ∈ S is either good ordinary or split-multiplicative, and hence X is finitely generated L over Λ(Γ). Also, for simplicity, we assume that char.(K) = p, if K is not a number field. Write Θ =χ (X ). ExtendthecanonicalmapΓ−→Γ′tothecontinuousZ -algebrahomomorphism L Λ(Γ) L p (the specialization map) pL/L′ :Λ(Γ)−→Λ(Γ′). Then the following question arises: WhatistherelationbetweenpL/L′(ΘL)andΘL′? To illustrate our answer, some simplification and notation are in order. First, by choosing a sequence L′ ⊂ L′′ ⊂ ··· ⊂ L(i) ⊂ ··· ⊂ L(d−e) ⊂ L with each Gal(L(i)/K) ≃ Ze−1+i, we can p write pL/L′ = pL′′/L′ ◦···◦pL(i+1)/L(i) ◦···◦pL/L(d−e), and hence answer the question for pL/L′ by answeringthat for everyp . Therefore, without loss of generality, we may assume that L(i+1)/L(i) e=d−1. WeshallmakesuchassumptionandthenfixatopologicalgeneratorψofΨ:=Gal(L/L′). SELMER GROUPS OVER Zd-EXTENSIONS 3 p 1.3.1. The global factor. Let K′/K be a Z -extension and let σ be a topological generator of the p Galoisgroup. Ifǫ ,...,ǫ areeigenvalues,countedwithmultiplicities, oftheactionofσ onthe Tate 1 l module T A[p∞](K′). Then the product l (1−ǫ−1σ) ⊂ Z [[Gal(K′/K)]] is nothing but the p j=1 j p characteristic ideal of T A[p∞](K′) over Z [[Gal(K′/K)]], and in particular, the ideal p p Q l wK′/K := (1−ǫ−j1σ)(1−ǫ−j1σ−1) j=1 Y is independent of the choice of σ (See Proposition 2.3.5). If K′/K is a Ze-extension with e ≥ 2, p set wK′/K =(1). d:glfactor Definition 1.3.1. Define the Λ(Γ′)-ideal wL′/K ifd≥2; ̺L/L′ =(|A[p∞](|KA)[pT∞A]([Kp∞)|]2(L)div|2 ifd=1. 1.3.2. Local factors at unramified places. d:badunram Definition 1.3.2. For each v, let Π denote the group of the connected components of the closed v fiber (over F ) of the N´eron model of A/K and let π denote the Z -ideal (|ΠGal(Fv/Fv)|). v v v p v 1.3.3. Local factors at good ordinary places. Suppose that A has good ordinary reduction A¯ at v. Then eigenvalues of the Frobenius endomorphism F : A¯ −→ A¯ over F are, counted with v v multiplicities, α ,...,α ,q /α ,...,q /α , 1 g v 1 v g where α ,...,α are eigenvalues of the (twist) matrix u of the action on the Tate module of A¯[p∞] 1 g by the Frobenius substitution Frob ∈Gal(F /F ) ([Maz72, Corollary 4.37]). v v v d:goodord Definition 1.3.3. Suppose A has good ordinary reduction A¯ at v and L′/K is unramified at v with the Frobenius element [v]L′/K ∈Γ′. Define g g fL′,v := (1−α−i 1·[v]L′/K)× (1−α−i 1·[v]−L′1/K)⊂Λ(Γ′). i=1 i=1 Y Y 1.3.4. Local factors at split multiplicative places. Suppose A has split multiplicative reduction at v. This meansthereis arankg latticeΩ ≃Z×···×Zsitting insidethe torusT =(K×)g sothat v v T/Ω is isomorphic to the rigid analytic space associated to A (see [Ger72]). In particular, v ee::ddeesspplliitt (1) A(K )≃(K×)g/Ω . v v v Rg ConsiderthecompositionΩ −→(K×)g −→v (Γ )g whereR :K× −→Γ isthelocalreciprocity v v v v v v map, and extend it Z -linearly to p ee::mmccrrvv (2) Rv :Zp⊗ZΩv // (Γv)g. d:splitmul Definition 1.3.4. Define wv =χZp(coker[Rv]). su:maint 1.4. The main theorem. Here is our main theorem. Recall that Ψ=Gal(L/L′). t:compatible Theorem 1. Suppose d≥1 and assume the above notation. Then we have ΘL′ ·ϑL/L′ =̺L/L′ ·pL/L′(ΘL), where ϑL/L′ := vϑv with each ϑv an ideal of Λ(Γ′) defined by the following conditions: (a) Suppose v 6∈S. If Ψ 6=0, then ϑ =π ; otherwise, ϑ =(1). Q v v v v 4 KI-SENGTAN (b) Suppose v ∈S and A has good ordinary reduction at v. If v is unramified over L′/K, then ϑv =fL′,v; otherwise ϑv =(1). (c) Suppose v ∈S and A has split-multiplicative reduction at v. Then Λ(Γ′)·w , if Γ′ =0; v v ϑ = (σ−1)g, if Ψ ≃Z and Γ′ is topologically generated byσ; v  v p v (1), otherwise. Theproofwillbecompletedin§5.2. Thetools,localandglobal,fortheproofwillbeestablished in §2, §3, and §4. See §1.5 for the application of the theorem to the Iwasawa Main Conjecture. Here is an immediate application. t:otr09 Theorem 2. Suppose char.(K)=p and L contains the constant Z -extension of K. Then X is p L torsion over Λ(Γ). See [MaRu07] for examples of non-torsion X in the number field case, while examples in L characteristic p can be found in [LLTT13, Appendix]. Proof. LetFq denotetheconstantfieldofK andletL0 =KFqp∞ betheconstantZp-extensionover K with Γ0 = Gal(L /K) topologically generated by the Frobenius substitution Frob : x 7→ xq. 0 q Thetheoremisalreadyprovedin[OTr09]fortheL=L case. ThismeansΘ 6=0. Byrepeatedly 0 L0 applying Theorem 1 (d−1 times), we deduce p (Θ )·w =Θ · ϑ . L/L0 L L0/K L0 v v Y Since Γ0 6= 0, for all v, the factor ϑ equals one of (1), (Frobdeg(v)−1)g, or f . In particular, v v L0,v ϑ 6=0, for all v. Therefore, p (Θ )6=0, and hence Θ 6=0. (cid:3) v L/L0 L L su:imc 1.5. The Iwasawa main conjecture. Possibly, Theorem 1 could be useful for determining an explicit generator of χ (X ). Assume that an explicitly given element θ′ ∈ Λ(Γ) is already Λ(Γ) L L known to be a generator of the characteristic ideal of a submodule X′ of X , and we want to see L L if actually ee::aaccttuuaallllyy (3) Θ =(θ′ ). L L In addition, assume that there exists an intermediate Ze-extension L of L/K such that Θ , the p 0 L0 characteristic ideal of X over Λ(Gal(L /K)), is explicitly given. Then by applying Theorem 1, L0 0 we can obtain an explicit expression of p (Θ ) in terms of Θ and other factors. Thus, by L/L0 L L0 checking the explicit expressions, we would be able to determine if ee::aabbllee (4) p (Θ )=(p (θ′ )). L/L0 L L/L0 L The point is that Equations (3) and (4) are indeed equivalent. To see this, we only need to write Θ =(θ′ ·θ′′), for someθ′′ ∈Λ(Γ) L L and observethat θ′′ is a unit ofΛ(Γ) if and only if its image p (θ′′) is a unit of Λ(Gal(L /K)). L/L0 0 In the function field case, L could be taken to be the constant Z -extension, since an explicit 0 p expressionofΘ isalreadygivenin[LLTT13](forsemi-stableA). Wecanalsoapplythetheorem L0 in the reverse direction: if (3) is already known then we can use the theorem together with (4) to determine an explicit expression of Θ . In [LLTT13] this method is used in the case where L0 char.(K)=p and A is a constant ordinary abelian variety. SELMER GROUPS OVER Zd-EXTENSIONS 5 p su:zero 1.6. The zero set of Θ and the structure of X0. Our theory is useful for determining the L L Λ(Γ)-modules structures of YL :=(l−i→mSelp∞(A/F)div)∨, F Z :=(lim(Q /Z )⊗A(F))∨, L −→ p p F and XL0 :=( (Selp∞(A/L)Gal(L/F))div)∨ F [ as well. In general, we have the surjections X0 ////Y //// Z due to the maps L L L (Qp/Zp)⊗A(F)(cid:31)(cid:127) //Selp∞(A/F)div resF // (Selp∞(A/L)Gal(L/F))div . The above inclusion is from the Kummer exact sequence, it is an isomorphism if the p-primary partoftheTate-ShafarevichgroupofAoverF isfinite. Thus,ifthisholdsforallF thenZ =Y . L L In contrast, by the control theorem (see e.g. [Tan10, Theorem 4]) if L/K only ramifies at good ordinary places then the restriction map res is surjective for every F, and hence Y =X0. F L L 1.6.1. The zero set. The structures of X0, Y and Z are related to the zero set of Θ . For L L L L θ ∈Λ(Γ) define the zero set ∆ :={ω ∈Γ | p (θ)=0}, θ ω where p : O Λ(Γ) −→ O is the O -algebra homomorphism extending ω : Γ −→ O×. Note ω ω ω ω ω that for eachω ∈Γ, the eigenspace (OωSelp∞(Ab/L))(ω) is cofinitely generatedoverOω as it is the Pontryagindual of the finitely generated O -module OX /ker[p ]·X . ω L ω L b d:rs Definition 1.6.1. For each ω ∈Γ, denote s(ω):=corankOω(OωSelp∞(A/L))(ω). We have the inclusions b ((OωSelp∞(A/L))(ω))div ⊂((OωSelp∞(A/L)ker[ω])div)(ω) ⊂(Oω (Selp∞(A/L)Gal(L/F))div)(ω), F [ where the left term is just the p-divisible part of the term. Hence, ee::nneewwss (5) s(ω)=corankOω(Oω (Selp∞(A/L)Gal(L/F))div)(ω). F [ t:root Theorem 3. A character ω ∈Γ is contained in △ if and only if s(ω)>0. ΘL This theorem is proved in §5.3. Let θ ∈ Λ(Γ) be an element vanishing on ∆ . By this, we b ΘL meanthatpω(θ)=0foreveryω ∈∆ΘL. SincetheOωΛ(Γ)-structureof(OωSelp∞(A/L))(ω)factors through OωΛ(Γ) pω //Oω ,wemusthaveθ·(OωSelp∞(A/L))(ω) =pω(θ)·(OωSelp∞(A/L))(ω) =0 for every ω ∈ ∆ΘL. On the other hand, Theorem 3 says if ω 6∈ ∆ΘL then (OωSelp∞(A/L))(ω) is finite. Thus, θ·(OωSelp∞(A/L))(ω) is always finite for all ω ∈Γ. For each finite intermediate extension F of L/K, denote Γ(F) := Gal(F/K) and choose O so that it contains Oω for every ω ∈ Γ(F) := Hom(Γ(F),µp∞)bregard as a finite subgroup of Γ. Consider the elements e := ω(g)−1·g ∈O[Γ(F)], ω ∈Γ(F), which are |Γ(F)|-multiples ω γ∈Γ(F) of idempotents. Multiplying any finitbe O[Γ(F)]-module W by e ’s, we can form a homomorphisbm P ω b W(ω) −→W ω∈MΓb(F) 6 KI-SENGTAN of finite kernel and cokernel. In particular, by taking W =((OSelp∞(A/L))Gal(L/F))∨ and by the duality, we have a homomorphism ee::aammoorrpphhiissmm (6) OSelp∞(A/L)Gal(L/F) −→ (OSelp∞(A/L))(ω) ω∈MΓb(F) of finite kernel and cokernel. Then by multiplying both sides of (6) by θ we see that ee::tthheettaazzeerroo (7) θ·(Selp∞(A/L)Gal(L/F))div =0 as the left-hand side of the equality is finite and p-divisible. By [Grn03, Proposition 3.3] (see [Tan10, Corollary 3.2.4] and the discussion in §3.3 of the paper for the characteristic p case), if res :H1(F,A[p∞])−→H1(L,A[p∞])Gal(L/F) L/F denote the restriction map, then ee::kkeerrrreessllff (8) |ker res |<∞, L/F and (cid:2) (cid:3) ee::ccookkeerrrreessllff (9) |coker res |<∞. L/F Then (7) and (8) imply θ·Selp∞(A/F)div =(cid:2)0 as it i(cid:3)s also finite and p-divisible. We have proved: c:vanishingtheta Corollary 1.6.2. If θ ∈ Λ(Γ) vanishes on ∆ΘL, then θ annihilates (Selp∞(A/L)Gal(L/F))div, Selp∞(A/F)div and (Qp/Zp)⊗A(F), for all F. Hence θ·XL0 =θ·YL =θ·ZL =0. 1.6.2. A theorem of Monsky. Now we recall a theorem of Monsky ([Mon81, Lemma 1.5 and The- orem 2.6]). A subset T ⊂ Γ is called a Z -flat of codimension k > 0, if there exist γ ,...,γ ∈ Γ p 1 k expandable to a Zp-basis of Γ and ζ1,...,ζk ∈µp∞ so that b T =T :={ω ∈Γ | ω(γ )=ζ ,i=1,...,k}. γ1,...,γk;ζ1,...,ζk i i Theorem 4. (Monsky) If θ ∈Λ(Γ) is non-zero, tbhen ∆θ 6=Γ and is a finite union of Zp-flats. Note that for a given θ ∈ Λ(Γ), if T ⊂ ∆θ then σT ⊂ ∆bθ for all σ ∈ Gal(Qp/Qp), as ∆θ is invariant under the action of the Galois group. Also, if T ⊂ ∆ with ζ ∈ O then γ −ζ divides γ,ζ θ θ in OΛ(Γ), and vice versa (see [LLTT13, Lemma 3.3.3] and its proof). In this case, γ −σζ also divides θ. d:simple Definition 1.6.3. An element f ∈Λ(Γ) is simple, if there exist γ ∈Γ−Γp and ζ ∈µp∞ so that f =f := (γ−σζ). γ,ζ σ∈Gal(YQp(ζ)/Qp) If ζ is of order pn+1 and t = γ − 1, i = 1,...,d, where γ ,...,γ is a Z -basis of Γ, then i i 1 d p f is nothing but the polynomial p−1(t +1)ipn that is irreducible in Z [t ]. Hence, a simple γ1,ζ i=0 1 p 1 element is irreducible in Λ(Γ) = Z [[t ,...,t ]]. Obviously, ∆ = σT . In particular, two pP1 d fγ,ζ σ γ,ζ simple elements f and g divide each other if and only if ∆ = ∆ . On the other hand, if T = f g S T , k ≥2,then wecanfindtworelativelyprime simple elements bothvanishing onT, γ1,...,γk;ζ1,...,ζk for example, f and f . γ1,ζ1 γ2,ζ2 SELMER GROUPS OVER Zd-EXTENSIONS 7 p 1.6.3. The structure of X0. If W is a torsion Λ(Γ)-module then θ := χ (W) 6= 0 and there L Λ(Γ) exists an pseudo-isomorphism m ee::MMssiimm (10) ι:(Λ(Γ)/(f1b1))a1 ⊕···⊕(Λ(Γ)/(flbl))al ⊕ Λ(Γ)/(ξi)−→W. j=1 M where a ,...,a , b ,...,b are positive integers, f ,...,f areallthe relatively prime simple factorsof 1 l 1 l 1 l θ, and ξ ,...,ξ ∈ Λ(Γ) are not divided by any simple element (l = 0 or m = 0 is allowed). The 1 m product φ=f ·····f vanishes on every codimension one Z -flat of ∆ . By the above argument, 1 l p θ we can find two products ε=g ·····g and ε′ =g′ ·····g′ , relatively prime to φ and to each 1 m 1 m′ other,ofsimpleelementssothatbothεandε′ vanishoneveryZ -flatof∆ ofcodimensiongrater p θ than 1. Then both φε and φε′ vanish on ∆ . Note that ι is actually injective as its domain of θ definition contains no non-trivial pseudo-null submodule (see §2.1). If X is torsion then by taking W =X in (10) we obtain the exact sequence L L ee::xxllssiimm (11) 0 // li=1(Λ(Γ)/(fibi))ai ⊕ mj=1Λ(Γ)/(ξi) // XL //N //0, for some pseudo-nulLl N. Let φε and φε′ beLas above. Let ∼ denote pseudo-isomorphism. t:x0 Theorem 5. Suppose X is torsion over Λ(Γ) and assume the above notation. Then both φε L and φε′ annihilate XL0, YL, ZL and (Selp∞(A/L)Gal(L/F))div, Selp∞(A/F)div, (Qp/Zp)⊗A(F) for all finite intermediate extension F of L/K. Moreover, X0 is pseudo isomorphic to X /φ·X . L L L Namely, if a ,...,a are as in (11), then 1 l XL0 ∼(Λ(Γ)/(f1))a1 ⊕···⊕(Λ(Γ)/(fl))al. Proof. The first assertion follows from Corollary 1.6.2. Consequently, φ·X0 is pseudo-null, being L annihilated by relatively prime ε and ε′. Thus, X0 ∼ X0/φ·X0. By taking W = X0 in (10) we L L L L obtain the exact sequence 0 // li=1(Λ(Γ)/(fi))ci ι // XL0 // M //0, forsomenon-negativeintegersLc1,...,cl andsomepseudo-nullM. Bycomparingthisexactsequence with (11) using the fact that Λ(Γ)/(φ,ξ ) is pseudo-null, we see that X /φX ∼X0 if and only if i L L L c =a for each i. We shall only show c =a , as the rest can be proved in a similar way. i i 1 1 Firstchooseaξ ∈Λ(Γ)thatannihilatesM andisrelativelyprime toφ. LetE denotethe field ω O Q and via Λ(Γ) pω // O ⊂E we consider the map ι :=E ⊗ ι for an ω p ω ω ω ω Λ(Γ) ω ∈∆ −(∆ ∪···∪∆ ∪∆ ∪∆ ∪···∪∆ ). f1 f2 fl ξ ξ1 ξm NowtheE -vectorspaceE ⊗ M =0asitisannihilatedbyp (ξ)6=0. Similarly,asp (f )6=0 ω ω Λ(Γ) ω ω i for i≥2, E ⊗ Λ(Γ)/(f )=0 . On the other hand, as p (f )=0, E ⊗ Λ(Γ)/(f )=E . ω Λ(Γ) i ω 1 ω Λ(Γ) 1 ω Also, ker[ιω] = 0 as it is annihilated by pω(ξ). Therefore, ιω is an isomorphism between Eωc1 and E ⊗ X0. Hence ω Λ(Γ) L rank O ⊗ X0 =dim E ⊗ X0 =c . Oω ω Λ(Γ) L Eω ω Λ(Γ) L 1 Then we deduce s(ω−1)=c by using (5) together with the fact that 1 (Oω (Selp∞(A/L)Gal(L/F))div)(ω−1) =(OωXL0/ker[pω]XL0)∨ ≃(Oω⊗Λ(Γ)XL0)∨. F [ Similarly, by tensoring the exact sequence (11) with E , we get a =s(ω−1), whence a =c . (cid:3) ω 1 1 1 By Theorem 5 there are non-negative integers a′,...,a′, a′′,...,a′′ with a′′ ≤ a′ ≤ a , so that 1 l 1 l i i i YL ∼(Λ(Γ)/(f1))a′1 ⊕···⊕(Λ(Γ)/(fl))a′l and ZL ∼(Λ(Γ)/(f1))a′1′ ⊕···⊕(Λ(Γ)/(fl))a′l′. 8 KI-SENGTAN su:algfun 1.7. Algebraic functional equations. Let ♯ : Λ(Γ) −→ Λ(Γ), x 7→ x♯, denote the Z -algebra p isomorphism induced by the involution γ 7→ γ−1, γ ∈ Γ. For each Λ(Γ)-module W, let W♯ denote the Λ(Γ)-module with the same underlying abelian group as W, while Λ(Γ) acting via the isomorphism ♯. For a simple element f we have (Λ(Γ)/(f))♯ = Λ(Γ)/(f). Thus, if X is torsion, L the we have the functional equations X0♯ ∼ X0, Y ♯ ∼ Y and Z♯ ∼ Z as well. Taking the L L L L L L projective limit over F of the dual of 0 //Selp∞(A/F)div // Selp∞(A/F) //X(A/F)p/X(A/F)div // 0, where X(A/F) denote the Shafarevich-Tate group, we obtain the exact sequence // // // // 0 a X Y 0, L L L where a :=lim(X(A/F) /X(A/F) )∨. L ←− p div F Then by using the Cassels-Tate pairing on each X(A/F) ×X(At/F) , one can actually prove p p the pseudo-isomorphisms a♯ ∼ a and X♯ ∼ X . The proof is given in [LLTT13], in which the L L L L content of Theorem 5 actually plays a key role. 1.7.1. a is torsion. Thefollowingisprovedin[LLTT13]byusingTheorem3,whileifeveryv ∈S L is a good ordinary place, then it can be proved by the control theorem. t:a1 Theorem 6. The module a is finitely generated and torsion over Λ(Γ). L su:when 1.8. When is X torsion? For convenience, call an intermediate extension M of L/K simple, M if Gal(M/K)≃Zc, for some c. For such M, by repeatedly applying Theorem 1, we deduce p ee::dd--cc (12) p (Θ )·̺=Θ ·ϑ, L/M L M where ̺6=0 and ϑ is a product of local factors obtained from those ϑ ’s in Theorem 1. It is easy v to see that ϑ6=0 unless M is fixed by the decomposition subgroupΓ of some split-multiplicative v place v ∈S. Thus, the following theorem is proved by taking T={LΓv | v ∈S is a split-multiplicative place}. t:nontor Theorem 7. Suppose X is non-torsion. If L/K only ramifies at good ordinary places, then X L M is non-torsion, for every simple intermediate extension M. In general, there is a finite set T consisting of proper simple intermediate extensions of L/K, such that X is non-torsion unless M M ⊂M for some M ∈T. j j By (12), if Θ = 0, then p (Θ ) = 0. Put T := {ω ∈ Γ | ω(γ) = 1, for all γ ∈ M L/M L M Gal(L/M)}, the Z -flat of codimension d−c determined by M. Then p (Θ ) = 0 if and only p L/M L if T ⊂ ∆ , or equivalently, T ⊂ T for some j if ∆ = ν bT . Let M be the maximal M ΘL M j ΘL j=1 j j simple intermediate extension of L/K, so that T ⊂ T . Then the following theorem is proved Mj j S by setting T={M | j =1,...,ν}. j Theorem 8. Suppose X is torsion. Then there is a finite set T consisting of proper simple L intermediate extensions of L/K, such that for each simple intermediate extension M outside T, X is torsion. M Hence, if d = 2 and X is non-torsion (resp. torsion), then X is non-torsion (resp. torsion) L M for almost all intermediate Z -extensions M. p SELMER GROUPS OVER Zd-EXTENSIONS 9 p su:mw 1.9. The growth of s . Let K denote the nth layer of L/K and write I for the kernel of n n n Λ(Γ) ////Zp[Γ(Kn)]. Then Selp∞(A/L)Gal(L/Kn) is the Pontryagin dual of XL/InXL, whence cofinitely generated over Z . Let s denote its corank. Theorem 9 below gives an asymptotic p n formula of s . The following lemma as well as its proof is by I. Longhi. Denote E = Q (µ ), n n p pn E =pn(d−2), for d≥2; E =1, for d=1. Let J be an ideal of Λ(Γ). n n Lemma 1.9.1. (Longhi) If J =(fm ) for some positive integer m and δ :=[Q (ζ):Q ] then l:longhi γ,ζ ζ p p ee::aassssyyttoottiiccff (13) rankZpΛ/(In+J)=δζ ·pn(d−1) for n≫0. If J =(f), f not divided by any simple element, or (f,g)⊂J, for some relatively prime f, g, then ee::aassssyyttoottiiccffgg (14) rankZpΛ/(In+J)=O(En). Proof. Write Γ =Γ(K ) and V :=E ⊗ (Λ/I ). Then n n n n Zp n rank Λ/(I +J)=dim E ⊗ Λ/(I +J) =dim (V /JV ). Zp n En n Zp n En n n One has a decomposition of E -vector spaces (cid:0) (cid:1) n V =⊕ V(ω). n ω∈Γbn n Moreover dim V(ω) =1 because V ≃E [Γ ] is the regular representation. Obviously En n n n n 0 if p (J)=0 JV(ω) = ω n (Vn(ω) if pω(J)6=0. Denote ∆ ={ω ∈Γ | p (J)=0}. Then J ω dim (V /JV )=|{ω ∈Γ :p (J)=0}|=|∆ ∩Γ |=|∆ [pn]| bEn n n n ω J n J (the last equality comes from Γ = Γ[pn]). Here G[pn] denotes the pn torsion subgroup of G. n b b Monsky’stheoremyields∆ = T ,wheretheT ’sareZ -flats. Besides,by[Mon81,Lemma1.6], J j j p b b S |T [pn]|=pn(d−kj) for n≫0, j where k denotes the codimension of T . If J =(fm ), then every T is of codimension 1. Hence j j γ,ζ i dim (V /(fm )V )=|∆ [pn]|=δ ·pn(d−1) for n≫0. En n γ,ζ n (fγm,ζ) ζ To show the second assertion we observe that every T should be of codimension greater than 1, i because if some T =T , then ∆ ⊂∆ , whence f divides all elements of J. Thus, j γ;ζ fγ,ζ J γ,ζ dim (V /JV )=|∆ [pn]|=O(E ). En n n J n (cid:3) t:mw Theorem 9. There exists a non-negative integer κ such that 1 (15) s =κ pnd+O(pn(d−1)). n 1 X is torsion if and only if κ =0, in this case there exists a non-negative integer κ such that L 1 2 ee::kkaappppaa22 (16) s =κ pn(d−1)+O(E ). n 2 n X0 is pseudo-null if and only if s =O(E ). L n n 10 KI-SENGTAN Proof. Suppose W is a finitely generatedΛ(Γ)-module. Then (10) givesrise to the exactsequence 0 // li=1(Λ(Γ)/(fibi))a1 ⊕ mj=1Λ(Γι)/(ξi) // W // M //0 for some pseudo-nulLl M. Then we tensor tLhe exact sequence with E ⊗ Λ(Γ)/I . Since M is n Zp n annihilatedbysomerelativelyprimef andg,bothM/I M andTor (Λ(Γ)/I ,M)arequotients n Λ(Γ) n of some direct sums of finite copies of V /(f,g)V . Hence, formulae (13) and (14) imply n n ee::aassssyyttoottiiccww (17) rankZpW/InW =dimEnEn⊗Zp W/InW = δipn(d−1)+O(En), i X where δ = δ if f = f . If X is torsion, then we take W = X to prove (16). In this case, i ζi i γi,ζi L L X0 is pseudo-null if and only if l =0 (see Theorem 5) which means δ =0. L i i Suppose X is non-torsion. Then ∆ = Γ, whence by Theorem 3, s(ω) > 0 for all ω. Since L ΘL P (6) is of finite kernel and cokernel, we have b rankZpXL0/InXL0 =corankZp(Selp∞(A/L)Gal(L/Kn))div ≥pnd. By (17), X0 is non-torsion, and hence not pseudo-null. Let x ,...,x ∈ X form a basis of the L 1 κ1 L vector space generatedby X over the field of fractions of Λ(Γ). Then we have an exact sequence L // // // // 0 Λ(Γ)·x X W 0, i i L where W is a torsion Λ(Γ)-moduPle. Then we tensor the exact sequence with En⊗ZpΛ(Γ)/In. (cid:3) Remark 1.9.2. By a similar argument, one can prove that: (1) There exists a finite number of Z -flats T ,...,T so that s(ω)=κ for each ω 6∈ T . (2) If X is torsion, then for each Z -flat p 1 l 1 i i L p T ⊂ ∆ , there is a finite number of proper Z -flats T′,...,T′ ⊂ T so that s(ω) is a constant for ΘL p S 1 ν each ω ∈T − T′. (3) There is a bound of s(ω) for all ω ∈Γ. i i Also, Theorem 9 generalizes [MaRu03, Proposition 1.1], as we have s = rankA(K ) if L/K n n only ramifies aSt good ordinary places andX(A/K ) is finiteb. n p 2. preliminary s:pre In this section, we assume that Γ ≃ Zd, with d ≥ 0, except in Lemma 2.1.1 and Lemma p 2.3.1, where we assume d ≥ 1. If d = 0, we set Λ(Γ) = Z ; otherwise, Gal(L/L′) = Ψ ≃ Z is p p topologically generated by ψ. Let F denote a finite intermediate extension of L/K. su:char 2.1. The characteristic ideal. Let W be a finitely generated Λ(Γ)-module. Recall that W is pseudo-null if and only if there are relatively prime elements f ,...,f , n ≥ 2, in Λ(Γ) so that 1 n f ·W =0 for every i. If W is non-torsion over Λ(Γ), then i χ (W)=0. Λ(Γ) If W is torsion, then there exist irreducible ξ ,...,ξ ∈Λ(Γ), and a pseudo-isomorphism 1 m φ: m Λ(Γ)/ξriΛ(Γ) // W, i=1 i [Bou72, §4.4, Theorem 5]. In this caLse, the characteristic ideal is m χ (W)= (ξ )ri 6=0. Λ(Γ) i k=1 Y Denote m [W]= Λ(Γ)/ξriΛ(Γ). i i=1 M

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