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Self-similarity and beyond: exact solutions of nonlinear problems PDF

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Preface Ihaveenjoyedfindingexactsolutionsofnonlinearproblemsforseveraldecades. Ihavealsohadthepleasureofassociationofalargenumberofstudents,postdoc- toral fellows, and other colleagues, from both India and abroad, in this pursuit. The present monograph is an attempt to put down some of this experience. Nonlinear problems pose a challenge that is often difficult to resist; each new exact solution is a thing of joy. InthewritingofthisbookIhavebeenmuchhelpedbymycolleagueProfessor V. Philip, and former students Dr. B. Mayil Vaganan and Dr. Ch. Srinivasa Rao. I am particularly indebted to Dr. Rao for his unstinting help in the preparation of the manuscript. Mr. Renugopal, with considerable patience and care, put it in LaTex form. My wife, Rita, provided invaluable support, care, and comfort as she has doneinmyearlierendeavours. Oursons,DeepakandAnurag,eachcontributed in their own ways. I am grateful to the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India for financial support. I also wish to thank Dr. Sunil Nair, Commissioning Editor,Chapman&Hall,CRCPress,forhispromptactioninseeingthisproject through. P.L. Sachdev ©2000 CRC Press LLC Contents 1Introduction 2First-OrderPartialDifferentialEquations 2.1LinearPartialDifferentialEquationsofFirstOrder 2.2QuasilinearPartialDifferentialEquationsofFirstOrder 2.3Reductionof u +unu +H(x,t,u )=0 t x 2.4InitialValueProblemfor u +g(u)u +λh(u)=0 t x 2.5InitialValueProblemfor u +uαu +λuβ =0 t x 3ExactSimilaritySolutionsofNonlinearPDEs 3.1ReductionofPDEsbyInfinitesimalTransformations 3.2SystemsofPartialDifferentialEquations 3.3Self-SimilarSolutionsoftheSecondKind 3.4Introduction 3.5ANonlinearHeatEquationinThreeDimensions 3.6SimilaritySolutionofBurgersEquationbytheDirectMethod 3.7ExactFreeSurfaceFlowsforShallow-WaterEquations 3.8AnExamplefromGasdynamics 4ExactTravellingWaveSolutions 4.1TravellingWaveSolutions 4.2SimpleWavesin1-DGasdynamics 4.3ElementaryNonlinearDiffusiveTravellingWaves 4.4TravellingWavesforHigher-OrderDiffusiveSystems 4.5MultidimensionalHomogeneousPartialDifferentialEquations 4.6SystemsofNonhomogeneousPartialDifferentialEquations 4.7ExactHydromagneticTravellingWaves 4.8ExactSimpleWavesonShearFlows 5ExactLinearisationofNonlinearPDEs 5.1Introduction 5.2CommentsontheSolutionofLinearPDEs 5.3BurgersEquationinOneandHigherDimensions ©2000 CRC Press LLC 5.4 Nonlinear Degenerate Diffusion Equation u =[f(u)u−1] t x x 5.5 MotionofCompressibleIsentropicGasintheHodographPlane 5.6 The Born-Infeld Equation 5.7 Water Waves up a Uniformly Sloping Beach 5.8 Simple Waves on Shear Flows 5.9 C-Integrable Nonlinear PDEs 6 Nonlinearisation and Embedding of Special Solutions 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Generalised Burgers Equations 6.3 Burgers Equation in Cylindrical Coordinates with Axisym- metry 6.4 Nonplanar Burgers Equation – A Composite Solution 6.5 Modified Burgers Equation 6.6 Embedding of Similarity Solution in a Larger Class 7 Asymptotic Solutions by Balancing Arguments 7.1 Asymptotic Solution by Balancing Arguments 7.2 Nonplanar Burgers Equation 7.3 One-Dimensional Contaminant Transport through Porous Media 8 Series Solutions of Nonlinear PDEs 8.1 Introduction 8.2 AnalysisofExpansionofaGasSphere(Cylinder)intoVacuum 8.3 Collapse of a Spherical or Cylindrical Cavity 8.4 ConvergingShockWavefromaSphericalorCylindricalPiston References ©2000 CRC Press LLC Chapter 1 Introduction Nonlinear problems have always tantalized scientists and engineers: they fascinate, but oftentimes elude exact treatment. A great majority of non- linear problems are described by systems of nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) together with appropriate initial/boundary conditions; these model some physical phenomena. In the early days of nonlinear sci- ence, since computers were not available, attempts were made to reduce thesystemofPDEstoODEsbytheso-called“similaritytransformations.” The ODEs could be solved by hand calculators. The scenario has since changed dramatically. The nonlinear PDE systems with appropriate ini- tial/boundary conditions can now be solved effectively by means of so- phisticated numerical methods and computers, with due attention to the accuracy of the solutions. The search for exact solutions is now motivated by the desire to understand the mathematical structure of the solutions and, hence, a deeper understanding of the physical phenomena described by them. Analysis, computation, and, not insignificantly, intuition all pave the way to their discovery. The similarity solutions in earlier years were found by direct physical and dimensional arguments. The two most famous examples are the point explosion and implosion problems (Taylor (1950), Sedov (1959), Guderley (1942)).Simplescalingargumentstoobtainsimilaritysolutions,illustrating also the self-similar or invariant nature of the scaled solutions, were lucidly given by Zel’dovich and Raizer (1967). Their work was greatly amplified by Barenblatt (1996), who clearly explained the nature of self-similar solu- tionsofthefirstandsecondkind.Moreimportantly,Barenblattbroughtout manifestlytheroleofthesesolutionsasintermediateasymptotics;theseso- lutionsdonotdescribemerelythebehaviourofphysicalsystemsundercer- tain conditions, they also describe the intermediate asymptotic behaviour ofsolutionsofwiderclassesofproblemsintherangeswheretheynolonger depend on the details of the initial/boundary conditions, yet the system is still far from being in a limiting state. ©2000 CRC Press LLC The early investigators relied greatly upon the physics of the problem to arrive at the similarity form of the solution and, hence, the solution itself. This methodology underwent a severe change due to the work of Ovsyannikov (1962), who, using both finite and infinitesimal groups of transformations, gave an algorithmic approach to the finding of similar- ity solutions. This approach is now readily available in a practical form (Bluman and Kumei (1989)). A recent direct approach, not involving the use of the groups of finite and infinitesimal transformations, may be found even more convenient in the determination of similarity solutions; the fi- nalresultsviaeitherapproachare,however,essentiallythesame(Clarkson and Kruskal (1989); Hood (1995)). So the reduction to ODEs (if the PDEs originallyinvolvedtwoindependentvariables)isaroutinematter,butthen the ODEs have to seek their own initial/boundary conditions to be solved and used to explain some physical phenomenon. On the other hand, given a mathematical model, one must use both algorithmic and dimensional approaches suitably to discover if the problem is self-similar, solve the re- sulting ODEs subject to appropriate boundary conditions, and prove the asymptotic character of the solution. Since, in the process of reduction to self-similarform,thenonlinearityisfullypreserved,theself-similarsolution provides important clues to a wider class of solutions of the original PDE. Asamathematicalmodelismademorecomprehensivetoincludeother effects and extend its applicability, it may lose some of its symmetries, and the groups of infinitesimal or finite transformations to which the model is invariant may shrink. As a result, the self-similar form may either cease to exist or may become restricted. A simple example is the system of gasdy- namic equations in plane geometry. As soon as the spherical or cylindrical geometry term is included in the equation of continuity, there is a diminu- tion in the scale invariance (Zel’dovich and Raizer (1967)). Therefore, one mustrelinquishtheself-similarhypothesisandassumeamoregeneralform of the solution; that is, one must go beyond self-similarity. In the gasdy- namic context, several problems in nonplanar geometry, such as flow of a gasintovacuumorapistonmotionleadingtostrongconvergingshock, are solved by assuming an infinite series in one of the independent variables, time, say, with coefficients depending on a similarity variable (Nageswara Yogi (1995); Van Dyke and Guttman (1982)). This results in an infinite (instead of finite) system of ODEs with appropriate boundary conditions; the zeroth order term in the series is the (known) solution in planar ge- ometry. The series, of course, must be shown to converge in the physically relevant domain. The infinite system of ODEs, in a sense, reflects loss of some symmetry and, hence, greater complexity of the solution. Anotherwaytoovercomethelimitationsimposedbyinvariancerequire- mentistoexactlylinearisethePDEsystemwhenpossible,orchoosea“nat- ural” coordinate system such that the boundaries of the domain are level lines. The linearisation process immediately gives access to the principle ©2000 CRC Press LLC of linear superposition and, hence, the ease of solution associated with it. Hodograph transformations for steady two-dimensional gasdynamic equa- tionsandHopf-ColetransformationfortheBurgersequationarewell-known examples of exact linearisation. Linearisation, of course, imposes its own constraints,particularlywithregardtoinitialand/orboundaryconditions. An example of natural coordinated is again from gas dynamics where the shocktrajectoryandparticlepathsmaybechosenaspreferredcoordinates. The transformedsystem isnonlinear, but has its owninvariance properties leading to new classes of exact solutions of the original system of PDEs (Sachdev and Reddy (1982)). There is yet another way of extending the class of similarity solutions. This is to embed the similarity solutions, suitably expanded, in a larger family; this family is obtained by varying the constants and introducing an infinite number of unknown functions into the expanded form of the similarity solution. These functions are then determined by substituting the assumed form of the solution into the PDEs and, hence, solving the resulting (infinite) system of ODEs appropriately. Thus, the similarity solution becomes a special (embedded) case of the larger family. What is the role and significance of the extended family of solutions must of course becarefullyexamined(Sachdev,Gupta,andAhluwalia(1992);Sachdevand Mayil Vaganan (1993)). This embedding is analogous to that for nonlinear ODEs(see,forexample,Hille(1970)andBenderandOrszag(1978)forthe solution of Thomas-Fermi equation). Exactasymptoticsolutionscanalsobebuiltupfromthe(known)linear solutions(Whitham(1974)). Theschemeorformofthenonlinearsolutions is chosen such that they extend far back (in time, say) the validity of the linearasymptoticsolution. Forexample,forgeneralisedBurgersequations, the exact solution of the planar Burgers equation for N wave neatly moti- vates the form of the solution for the former (Sachdev and Joseph (1994)). In exceptional circumstances, a “composite” solution may be written out whichspanstheinfinitelylongevolutionoftheNwave, barringafiniteini- tial interval during which the initial (usually discontinuous) profile loosens its gradients (Sachdev, Joseph, and Nair (1994)). The activist approach to nonlinear ODEs (Bender and Orszag (1978); Sachdev (1991)) suggests how one may build up large time approximate solutions of nonlinear PDEs by a balancing argument. For this purpose, oneintroducessomepreferredvariables,thesimilarityvariableandtimefor instance, into the PDE and looks for possible solutions of truncated PDE made up of terms which balance in one of the independence variables. The simpler PDE thus obtained is usually more amenable to analysis than the originalequation. Theapproximatesolutionsodeterminedcanbeimproved bytakingintoaccounttheneglectedlowerorderterms. Usually,afewterms inthisanalysisgiveagooddescriptionoftheasymptoticsolution(Grundy, Sachdev, and Dawson (1994); Dawson, Van Duijn, and Grundy (1996)). ©2000 CRC Press LLC Wemayrevertandsaythatwheneversimilaritysolutionsexist,their existencetheorygreatlyassistsintheunderstandingoftheoriginalPDE system.Thesesolutionsalsohelpinthequantitativeestimationofhow thesolutionsofcertainclassesofinitial/boundaryvalueproblemsevolvein time(Sachdev(1987)). Theroleofnumericalsolutionofnonlinearproblemsindiscoveringthe analyticstructureofthesolutionneedhardlybeemphasised;veryoften thenumericalsolutionthrowsmuchlightonwhatkindofanalyticform onemustexplore.Besides,understandingthevalidityandplaceofex- act/approximateanalyticsolutioninthegeneralcontextcanbegreatly enhancedbythenumericalsolution.Inshort,theremustbe acontinu- ousinterplayofanalysisandcomputationifanonlinearproblemistobe successfullytackled. Theapproachesoutlinedintheabovegobeyondself-similarity,but theexactsolutionstheyyieldarestillgenerallyasymptoticinnature;these solutions,perse,satisfysomespecial(singular)initialconditionsbutevolve tobecomeintermediateasymptoticstowhichsolutionsofacertainlarger butrestrictedclassofinitial/boundaryvalueproblemstendastimegoes toinfinity(Sachdev(1987)). Chapter2dealswithfirst-orderPDEs,illustratingwiththehelpof manyexamplestheplaceofsimilaritysolutionsinthegeneralsolution. Exactsimilaritysolutionsviagrouptheoreticmethodsandthedirectsim- ilarityapproachofClarksonandKruskal(1989)arediscussedinChapter 3,whiletravellingwavesolutionsaretreatedinChapter4.Exactlineari- sationofnonlinearPDEs,includingviahodographmethods,isdealtwith inChapter5.InChapter6,constructionofmoregeneralsolutionsfrom specialsolutionsofagivenorarelatedproblemisaccomplishedvianonlin- earisationorembeddingmethods.Chapter7usesthebalancingargument for nonlinear PDEs to find approximate solutions of nonlinear problems. The concluding chapter expounds series solutions for nonlinear PDEs with the help of several examples; the series are constructed in one of the inde- pendent variables, often the time, with the coefficients depending on the other independent variable. The approach in the present monograph is entirely constructive in na- ture; there is very little by way of abstract analysis. The analytic and numerical solutions are often treated alongside. Most examples are drawn fromrealphysicalsituations,mainlyfromfluidmechanicsandnonlineardif- fusion. Theideaistoillustrateandbringoutthemainpoints. Tohighlight the goals of the present book we could do no better than quote from the lastchapteronexactsolutionsinthebookbyWhitham(1974),“Doubtless much more of value will be discovered, and the different approaches have added enormously to the arsenal of ‘mathematical methods.’ Not least is the lesson that exact solutions are still around and one should not always turn too quickly to a search for the (cid:15).” ©2000 CRC Press LLC Chapter 2 First-Order Partial Differential Equations 2.1 Linear Partial Differential Equations of First Order Themostgeneralfirst-orderlinearPDEintwoindependentvariablesxand t has the form au +bu =cu+d (2.1.1) x t where a,b,c,d are functions of x and t only. We single out the variable t (often “time” in physical problems) and write the first-order general PDE in the “normal” form u +F(x,t,u,u )=0. t x Thegeneralsolutionofafirst-orderPDEinvolvesanarbitraryfunction. In applications one is usually interested not in obtaining the general solution of a PDE, but a solution subject to some additional condition such as an initial condition (IC) or a boundary condition (BC) or both. A basic problem for first-order PDEs is to solve u +F(x,t,u,u )=0,x∈R,t>0 (2.1.2) t x subject to the IC u(x,0)=u (x),x∈R (2.1.3) 0 where u (x) is a given function. (The interval of interest for x may be 0 finite.) This is called a Cauchy problem; it is a pure initial value problem. It may be viewed as a signal or wave at time t = 0. The initial signal or wave is a space distribution of u, and a “picture” of the wave may be obtainedbydrawingthegraphofu=u (x)inthexu-space. ThenthePDE 0 ©2000 CRC Press LLC

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