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Self-Organization and the Selection of Pinwheel Density in Visual Cortical Development 8 Matthias Kaschube1−4, Michael Schnabel1,2 and Fred Wolf1,2 0 0 2 n 1MaxPlanckInstituteforDynamicsandSelf-Organizationand2BernsteinCenterfor a ComputationalNeuroscience,Goettingen,Germany,3Lewis-SiglerInstituteforIntegrative J Genomicsand4JosephHenryLaboratoriesofPhysics,PrincetonUniversity,PrincetonNJ,USA 3 2 Self-organization of neural circuitry is an appealing framework for understanding cortical ] C development, yet its applicability remains unconfirmed. Models for the self-organization of N neural circuits have been proposed, but experimentally testable predictions of these models . have been less clear. The visual cortex contains a large number of topological point defects, o called pinwheels, which are detectable in experiments and therefore in principle well suited i b fortestingpredictionsofself-organization empirically. Here,weanalyticallycalculatetheden- - q sity of pinwheels predicted by a pattern formation model of visual cortical development. An [ important factor controlling the density of pinwheels in this model appears to be the pres- 1 enceofnon-locallong-rangeinteractions, apropertywhichdistinguishescortical circuits from v manynonlivingsystemsinwhichself-organizationhasbeenstudied. Weshowthatinthelimit 1 5 where the range of these interactions is infinite, the average pinwheel density converges to π. 6 Moreover, an average pinwheel density close to this value is robustly selected even for inter- 3 mediate interaction ranges, a regime arguably covering interaction-ranges in a wide range of . 1 different species. In conclusion, our paper provides the first direct theoretical demonstration 0 8 andanalysisofpinwheeldensityselectioninmodelsofcorticalself-organization andsuggests 0 toquantitativelyprobethistypeofpredictioninfuturehigh-precisionexperiments. : v i X 1 Introduction r a Neuronal circuits in the mammalian cerebral cortex are among the most complex systems in na- ture. The biological mechanisms that contribute to their formation in early brain development remain poorlyunderstood. However,it is unlikely thattheprecisearchitecture ofmature cortical circuits can be attributed to genetic prespecification, since the number of genes in the genome is insufficient[1]. Instead,dynamicalself-organization presumablyplaysamajorroleinshapingthe architecture of neuronal circuits in the cerebral cortex. Dynamical self-organization is most thor- oughlydescribedinnon-livingphysicalsystemsdrivenoutsideofthermodynamicequilibriumby external forcing. Whereas the emergence of structure is externally driven, the structures formed are primarily determined through interactions within the system itself[2, 3]. Neural circuits en- compass various positive and negative feedback loops, and these could well form the basis for cortical self-organization. However, evidence supporting this presumption is derived from theo- reticalconsiderations[4,5,6]ratherthanempiricalobservation. Modelsfortheself-organizationof 1 neuralcircuits have been proposed,but experimentallytestable predictions ofthesemodelshave beenlacking. The system of orientation columns in the visual cortex is a paradigmatic systemfor studying cortical developmentand the role of self-organization in this process. Most neuronsin the visual cortexrespondselectivelyto a particular orientationof an elongatedvisual stimulus. Whereas in columns perpendicular to the cortical surface, neurons prefer similar stimulus orientations, the preferredorientationvaries mostlysmoothly[7]and repetitivelyacross thecortical surface giving rise to a complex two-dimensional pattern called the map of orientation preference (Fig. 1a, b). Throughoutthecorticalmap,therearepoint-likeorientationsingularities[8,9,10]calledpinwheel centers[11]atwhichallstimulusorientationsarerepresentedincircular fashion. Numerousstud- ies are consistent with the hypothesis that orientation maps develop through activity-dependent self-organization. Theyformindarkrearedanimals[12],undersubstantialmanipulationofvisual input[13, 14], and even in auditorycortex when rewired to be driven by visual inputs[15]. More- over, an analogy between cortical developmentand pattern formation appears plausible. Like in othersystemswherepatternformation has been observed[2, 3], the orientation map arises prob- ablyfromaninitially non-selectivestate,itexhibitsatypicalperiodicityandaspatialextensionat leastanorderofmagnitudelargerthanthebasicperiodicitylength. The conditions under which orientation maps can arise through self-organization have been thoroughlyinvestigated theoretically[16, 17, 18]. A recent and highly promising approach stress- ing the analogy to pattern forming systems showed that pinwheels can be stabilized by activity- dependentlong-range interactions [19]. A phenomenological order parameter field model based ontheSwift-Hohenbergequation[20]wasproposedinwhichorientationmapsarisefromasuper- criticalbifurcationofTuring-type.Inthisclassofmodels,thestabilizingnonlinearityincludesonly keyfeaturesofvisualcorticalorganizationandisconstraintbybiologicallyplausiblesymmetryas- sumptions. The model exhibits multiple structurally distinct quasiperiodic attractors resembling orientationmapsinthevisualcortex. The qualitative similarity of solutions of this model to orientation maps in the visual cortex appears promising. However, it is unclear at present weather the model accounts for aspects of corticalorganizationalsoquantitativelyandwhetherthisresemblanceisnotjustsuperficial. Com- paringdirectlyorientationmapsin themodeland thevisualcortexwouldbedifficult, becauseof the large number of possible map structures. Instead, it will be virtually unavoidable to take a statisticalapproachtothisquestions. Asdiscreteentities,pinwheelscanbedetected,countedand localizedwithhighaccuracy. Here,wecalculate inthemodeltheaveragedensityofpinwheelsin thelimitofinfiniteinteractionrange. Weshowthatthisdensityisrepresentativeforalargeregime of intermediate interaction ranges covering the estimated ranges in various mammalian species. Therefore,thequantitypinwheeldensityappearsparticularlywellsuitedfortestingforsignatures oflong-rangedominatedself-organizationinexperiment. Inthefollowing,webrieflydescribethe systemoforientationpreferencesinthevisualcortexandpresentthelong-rangeself-organization modelforitsactivity-dependentdevelopment. 1.1 Orientation preferencemaps Inthevisualcortex,asinmostareasofthecerebralcortex,informationisprocessedina2-dimensio- nal (2D) array of functional modules, called cortical columns [21, 22]. Individual columns are groups of neurons extending vertically throughout the entire cortical thickness that share many functionalproperties. Orientationcolumnsinthevisualcortexarecomposedofneuronspreferen- 2 Figure1: Patternsoforientationcolumnsandlong-rangehorizontalconnectionsintheprimaryvi- sualcortexoftreeshrewvisualizedusingopticalimagingofintrinsicsignals(modifiedfrom[23]). a,Activity patternsresultingfromstimulation withvertically andobliquely orientedgratings,re- spectively. Whitebarsdepicttheorientationofthevisualstimulus. Activatedcolumnsarelabeled dark gray. The used stimuli activate only columns in the primary visual area V1. The patterns thusendattheboundarybetweenareasV1and V2. b, Thepatternoforientationpreferencescal- culatedfromsuchactivitypatterns. Theorientationpreferencesofthecolumnsarecolorcodedas indicatedbythebars. Apartofthepatternoforientationpreferencesisshownathighermagnifi- cation. Twopinwheelcentersofoppositetopologicalchargearemarkedbyarrows. c,Long-range horizontalconnectionsextendoverseveralmillimeters parallel tothecortical surface (treeshrew, superimposedon the orientation preference map). White symbols indicate locations of cells that werefilledbyatracer(biocytin);labeledaxonsareindicatedbyblacksymbols. tially respondingto visual contoursof a particular stimulus orientation [7]. In a plane parallel to thecorticalsurface,neuronalselectivitiesvarysystematically,sothatcolumnsofsimilarfunctional propertiesformhighlyorganized2Dpatterns,knownasfunctionalcorticalmaps(Fig. 1a,b). Experimentally,thepatternoforientationpreferencescan be visualized usingoptical imaging methods[8, 9]. Optical imaging ofintrinsic signals is based on thefact that the optical properties differ in active vs. lessactive partsofthecortex[24]. Thisis utilized torecordpatternsofactivity fromlightreflectance. Inatypicalexperiment,theactivitypatternsE (x)producedbystimulation k withagratingoforientationθ arerecorded. Herex= (x,y)representsthelocationofacolumnin k thecortex. Usingthe activity patternsE (x), a field ofcomplex numbers z(x) can be constructed k thatcompletelydescribesthepatternoforientationcolumns: z(x) = ei2θk E (x). (1) k k X Thepatternoforientationpreferencesϑ(x)isthenobtainedfromz(x)asfollows: 1 ϑ(x)= arg(z). (2) 2 3 Typical examples of such activity patterns E (x) and the patterns of orientation preferences de- k rived from them are shown in Fig. 1a, b. Numerous studies confirmed that the orientation pref- erence of columns is an almost everywhere continuous function of their position in the cortex. The domains formed by neighboring columns with similar orientation preference are called iso- orientationdomains[25]. 1.2 Pinwheels At many locations the iso-orientation domains are arranged radially around a common center [9,10]. Aroundthesepinwheel[11]centers,stimulusorientationsarerepresentedincircular fash- ion. Such an arrangement had been previously hypothesizedon the basis of electrophysiological experiments[26,27]andtheoreticalconsiderations[28]. Theregionsexhibitingthiskindofradial arrangementweretermedpinwheels[11]. Thecentersofpinwheelsarepointdiscontinuitiesofthe field ϑ(x) where the mean orientation preference of nearby columns changes abruptly. They can becharacterizedbyatopologicalcharge 1 q = ϑ(x)ds (3) i 2π ∇ ICj which indicates in particular whether the orientation preference increases clockwise around the center of the pinwheel or counterclockwise. Here, C is a closed curve around a single pinwheel j center at x . Since ϑ is a cyclic variable within the interval [0,π) and up to isolated points is a i smoothfunctionofx,q canonlyhavethevalues i n q = (4) i 2 where n is an integer number [29]. If its absolute value q is 1/2, each orientation is represented i | | once in the vicinity of a pinwheel center. Pinwheel centers with a topological charge of 1/2 ± are simple zeros of z(x). In experiments only pinwheels that had the lowest possible topological charge q = 1/2 are observed. This means there are only two types of pinwheels: those whose i ± orientationpreferenceincreasesclockwiseandthosewhoseorientationpreferenceincreasescoun- terclockwise. This organization has been confirmed in a large number of species and is therefore believedtobeageneralfeatureofvisualcorticalorientationmaps[30,31,32,33,23,34]. 1.3 Hypercolumn andpinwheeldensity The pattern of preferred orientations is roughly repetitive [7, 21]. The column spacing Λ, i.e. the spacingbetweenadjacentiso-orientationdomainspreferringthesamestimulusorientation,istyp- ically in therange of 1mm. The column spacing Λ determinesthe size of thecortical hypercol- ∼ umn,whichisconsideredtobethebasicprocessingunitofthevisualcortex[7,22,35]. Wedefine the size of a hyper column by Λ2. The pinwheel density is defined as the number of pinwheels per unit area Λ2. Thus, by this definition, the pinwheel density is independent of the spacing of columnsanddimension-less. 1.4 Intra-corticalconnectivity Visual cortical neurons are embedded in densely connected networks [36]. Besides a strong con- nectivityverticaltothecorticalsheetbetweenneuronsfromdifferentlayerswithinacolumn,neu- 4 ronsalsoformextensiveconnectionshorizontaltothecorticalsurfacelinkingdifferentorientation columns. Theseconnections extendfor several millimeters parallel tothe cortical surface and are thereforecalledlong-rangehorizontalconnections. AsshowninFig. 1bfortheexampleofthetree shrew,theseconnectionsareclusteredprimarilyconnectingdomainsofsimilarorientationprefer- ence. Theyhave beenobservedin various mammals [37, 23, 38, 12]and repeatedlyhypothesized toplayanimportanttoroleinvisualprocessingtaskssuchascontourintegration. 1.5 Activity-dependentdevelopment Innormaldevelopment,orientationcolumnsfirstformataboutthetimeofeyeopening[39,13,12] whichfortheferretisapproximatelyatpostnatalday(PD)31. Thisisjustafewdaysafterneurons firstrespondtovisualstimuli. Asubsetofneuronsshoworientationpreferencefromthattimeon, buttheadultpatternisnotattaineduntilsevenweeksafterbirth[40]. Roughlyclusteredhorizontal connectionsare presentby around PD 27 [41]. Many lines ofevidence suggestthat theformation of orientation columns is a dynamical process dependent on neuronal activity and sensitive to visual experience [17, 42]. This is suggested not only by the time line of normal development, butalsoreceivessupportfromvariousexperimentsmanipulating thesensoryinputtothecortex. Mostintriguingly,whenvisualinputsarerewiredtodrivewhatwouldnormallybecomeprimary auditorycortex,orientation selectiveneuronsand a patternoforientationcolumns evenforms in thisbrainregionthatwouldnormallynotatallbeinvolvedintheprocessingofvisualinformation [15, 42]. This observation suggests that the capability to form a system of orientation columns is intrinsic to the learning dynamics of the cerebral cortex given appropriate inputs. Moreover, thecomparisonofdevelopmentunderconditionsofmodifiedvisualexperiencedemonstratesthat adequatevisualexperienceisessentialforthecompletematurationoforientationcolumnsandthat impairedvisualexperience,aswithexperimentallyclosedeye-lids[13,12]orbyrearingkittensin astripedenvironmentconsistingofasingleorientation[14],cansuppressorimpairtheformation oforientationcolumns(butseealso[43]). Viewed from a dynamical systemsperspective, the activity-dependentremodeling of the cor- ticalnetworkisaprocessofdynamical patternformation. Inthispicture,spontaneoussymmetry breaking in the developmental dynamics of the cortical network underlies the emergence of cor- tical selectivities such as orientation preference [16]. The subsequent convergence of the cortical circuitry towards a mature pattern of selectivities can be viewed as the development towards an attractorofthedevelopmentaldynamics[18]. Thisisconsistentwiththeinterpretationofcortical development as an optimization process. In the following, we will briefly describe a model [19] thatisbasedonthisview. 1.6 Modelingcortical self-organization Self-organizationhasbeenobservedtorobustlyproducelargescalestructuresinvariouscomplex systems. Often, the class of patterns emerging depends on fundamental system properties such as symmetries rather than on system specific details. Pattern formation can therefore often be describedbyabstractmodelsincorporatingthesepropertiesonly. ForsystemsundergoingaTuring typeinstability,canonicalmodelequationsareoftheSwift-Hohenberg[20,2]type ∂ z = F[z] t = L z+N [z]+N [z]+ (5) SH 2 3 ··· 5 wherethelinearpartis L = r k2+ 2 2 (6) SH − c ∇ and z(x,t) is a complex scalar field. If the bifurc(cid:0)ation pa(cid:1)rameter r < 0, the homogeneous state z(x) = 0 is stable. For r > 0, a pattern with wavelength close to Λ = 2π/k emerges. The lowest c order nonlinearities N and N are quadratic and cubic in z, respectively. The form of these non- 2 3 linearities determines the class of the emerging pattern, i.e. whether hexagons, rotating stripes, spiralwaves,oranothertypeofpatternemerges. Followingthis paradigm, we adopteda modeloftheform Eq. (5)with nonlinearities derived fromkeyfeaturesofthevisualcortex(following [19,44]). Asin experimentalrecordings,orienta- tioncolumnsarerepresentedbyacomplexfield[28,18] z(x) = z(x) ei2ϑ(x) (7) | | where ϑ is the orientation preference and z a measure of selectivity at location x = (x,y) in the | | map. The factor 2 in the exponent accounts for the π-periodicity of stimulus parameter orienta- tion. Constructing the nonlinearity of the model relies on the following assumptions. The model includestheeffectsoflong-rangeintracorticalconnectionsbetweencolumnswithsimilar orienta- tion preference (Fig. 1c). Unlike many non-living systemsin which interactions are purely local, long-range interactions are an important and distinctive feature of neuronal circuits in the cortex andparticularlyintheprimaryvisualcortex. Further,basedonthespatialhomogeneityofcircuits acrosscortex,itisassumedthatthedynamicsissymmetricwithrespecttotranslations, F[Tˆ z] = Tˆ F[z] with Tˆ z(x) = z(x+y), (8) y y y androtations cos(β) sin(β) F[Rˆ z] = Rˆ F[z] with Rˆ z(x) = z x (9) β β β sin(β) cos(β) (cid:18)(cid:20) − (cid:21) (cid:19) ofthecorticalsheet. Thismeansthatpatternsthatcanbeconvertedintooneanotherbytranslation orrotationofthecorticallayersbelongtoequivalentsolutionsofthemodel,Eq. (5),byconstruc- tion. Itisfurtherassumedthatthedynamicsissymmetricwithrespecttoshiftsinorientation F[eiφz]= eiφF[z]. (10) Thus,twopatternsarealsoequivalentsolutionsofthemodel,iftheirlayoutoforientationdomains isidentical,butthepreferredorientationsdiffereverywherebythesameconstantangle. Solutions shallcontain representationsofall stimulusorientations. Forsimplicity, couplingstoothervisual cortical representations such as ocular dominance or retinotopy are neglected. Considering only leadingordertermsuptocubicnonlinearitiesanonlinearityfulfillingtheserequirementsisgiven by N [z(x)] = 0 2 N [z(x)] = (1 g) z(x)2z(x)+ 3 − | | 1 (g 2) d2yK (y x) z(x)z(y)2 + z¯(x)z(y)2 , (11) σ − − | | 2 Z (cid:18) (cid:19) 6 withlong-rangeinteractionsmediatedthroughconvolutionswithaGaussian 1 − x2 Kσ(x) = 2πσ2e 2σ2 (12) with range σ. The second parameter 0 g 2 controls local and nonlocal interactions. The ≤ ≤ first term is the only strictly local term consistent with the required symmetries, the second non- localtermrepresentsthesimplestnon-localtermthatissymmetricwithrespecttotheseandwith respecttopermutations N (u,v,w) = N (w,u,v). (13) 3 3 Here the non-linear operator is written in a trilinear form as introduced in [19, 44]. This addi- tional symmetry implies that all two-orientation solutions, for instance real valued solutions, of the model, are unstable, which in turn guarantees that all stimulus orientations are represented. One should note that in this model the spatial range of the nonlinearity σ is a control parameter independentof the wavelength Λ. The patterns selected for different ratios σ/Λ are displayed in Fig. 2b. It can also be derived as an approximation to a model for the combined development of orientationpreferenceandlong-rangehorizontalconnections[44]. ThemodelasdefinedinEq. (5- 13)isvariational. ItisconsistentwithsynapticmodelsbasedonHebbianplasticity,e.g. [17,45,46]. Itis theonly modelknowntotheauthorsthat exhibits stable aperiodicsolutionsdominatedby a singlespatialscaleΛ. Thesesolutionsresembleorientationmapsobservedinthevisualcortex. In thefollowing,wediscussthestructureofthesesolutionsandthephasediagramofthemodel. 1.7 Weaklynonlinear analysis Solutions of the model close to the bifurcation point r = 0 are known in closed form, derived by means of a perturbation method called weakly nonlinear stability analysis[47, 2]. When the dy- namicsisclosetoafinitewavelengthinstability,theessentialFouriercomponentsoftheemerging patternarelocatedonthecriticalcircle. Solutionsareplanformpatterns z(x) = A eikjx (14) j j X composedofafinitenumberofFouriercomponentswithwavevectorsonthecriticalcircle, k = j | | k . Bysymmetry,thedynamics ofamplitudes A of aplanform are governedby amplitude equa- c i tions A˙i = Ai gij Aj 2Ai fijAjAj−A¯i− (15) − | | − j j X X − wherej denotestheindexofthemodeantiparalleltomodej. TheformofEq. (15)isuniversalfor modelsofacomplexfieldz satisfyingsymmetryassumptions(8-10). Allmodeldependenciesare included in the coupling coefficients g and f and may be obtained from F[z] by multiscale ex- ij ij pansion[47,2]. Denotingtheanglebetweenthewavevectorsk andk byαandδ theKronecker i j ij delta,thecoefficientsread[19,44] 1 g = 1 δ g(α) ij ij − 2 (cid:18) (cid:19) fij = 1 δij δi−j f(α) (16) − − (cid:0) (cid:1) 7 a n = 1 b g 1 n = 2 i = 0 i = 1 n = 3 n = 1 2 3 4 5 i = 0 i = 3 n = 5 σ/Λ n = 15 i = 0 i = 200 i = 611 Figure2: a,Essentiallycomplexplanformswithdifferentnumbersn = 1,2,3,5,15ofactivemodes: The patterns of orientation preferences θ(x) are shown. The diagrams to the left of each pattern display the position of the wavevectors of active modes on the critical circle. For n = 3, there are two patterns; for n = 5, there are four; and for n = 15, there are 612 different patterns. b, Phasediagramofmodel. Ifnon-localinteractionsare dominant(g < 1)andlong-ranging(σ large comparedtoΛ),quasiperiodicplanformsareselected. Reproducedfrom[44]. where g(α) = g+2(2 g)exp σ2k2 cosh σ2k2cos(α) − − c c 1 f(α) = g(α) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (17) 2 arecalledangle-dependentinteractionfunctions. StationarysolutionsofEq. (15)aregivenbyfamilies ofplanforms[19,44] n−1 z(x) = A ei(ljkjx+φj) (18) j | | j=0 X ofordernwithwavevectors jπ jπ k = k cos ,sin (19) j c n n (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:19) distributed equidistantly on the upper half of the critical circle and binary values l = 1 deter- j ± miningwhetherthemodewithwavevectork orwithwavevector k isactive. Theseplanforms j j − cannot realize a real valued function and are called essentially complex planforms (Fig. 2). For theseplanforms the third term in Eq. (15) vanishes and the effective amplitude equations for the activemodesreducetoasystemofLandauequations A˙ = A g A 2A (20) i i ij j i − | | j X 8 withstationarysolutionsEq. (18)withamplitudesofequalmodulus −1/2 A = g (21) i ij | |   j X   and an arbitrary phaseφ independentofthemode configurationl . Ifthedynamics is stabilized i j bylong-rangenonlocalinteractions(g < 1,σ > Λ),largenplanformsaretheonlystablesolutions. Inthislong-rangeregime,theorderofplanformsgrowsas n 2πσ/Λ, (22) ∼ approximately linear with the interaction range. For a given order n, different planforms are de- generatedinenergy. ThisisaconsequenceofthepermutationsymmetryEq. (13). Thissymmetry also implies that the relevant stable solutions are essentially complex planforms which in turn guaranteesthatallstimulusorientationsarerepresented. 2 Calculation of pinwheel density 2.1 Largerange limitof interactions: Planformanisotropy First,wecalculate theaverage pinwheeldensityρ for an ensembleofplanforms, Eq. (18), with a l fixedsetofwavevector directionsl = (l0,l1,...,ln−1) butarbitrary phasesφj in thelimit n . → ∞ Here, and until notedotherwise, shall denoteaverage over phasesφ . In this limit, z and local j hi linearfunctionalsofzhaveGaussianstatisticssuchthatthedensityofpinwheelsisdeterminedby thesecondorderstatisticsofthefield. Second,weevaluatetheexpectationvalueofρ overallsets l ofl. Forlargeσ,togoodapproximationgii 1andgij gandhence Ai 1/√ng. Planforms(18) ≈ ≈ | |≈ simplifyto n−1 2 z(x) = ei(ljkjx+φj) (23) n r j=0 X where for later convenience the constant √2g was absorbed into z(x). Pinwheels are the zeros of thefieldz(x). ThenumberofpinwheelsinagivenareaAisobtainedby N = d2xδ(z(x))J(z(x)), (24) ZA whereδ(x)denotesDirac’sdeltafunctionand ∂R(x)∂I(x) ∂R(x)∂I(x) J(z(x)) = (25) ∂x ∂y − ∂y ∂x (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) istheJacobian ofthefield (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) z(x) = R(x)+iI(x) (26) split here for later convenience into its real and imaginary part. Averaging Eq. (24) over the ensembleofphasesφ reads j N = d2x δ(z(x))J(z(x)) (27) h i h i ZA 9 implyingthat ρ = δ(z(x))J(z(x)) (28) l h i is the expectation value of the pinwheel density for a fixed set of l. This expectation value only dependsonlocalquantities,namelyonthefield,Eq. (23),anditsspatialderivatives n−1 2 z(x) = i l k ei(ljkjx+φj) (29) j j ∇ n r j=0 X such that knowledge of the joint probability density p(z, z) is sufficient to evaluate Eq. (28). ∇ Owingtothecentrallimittheorem,thisprobabilitydensitybecomesGaussianinthelargenlimit. Eq. (28)isthendeterminedbythefirstandsecondorderstatisticsofz and z. Furthermore,since ∇ theirstatisticsisthesameateachlocationx,itissufficienttoevaluateEq. (28)forz(0), z(0). The ∇ spatialdependencyisthusomittedinthefollowing. TheaverageinEq. (28)isgivenbyanintegral overthejointprobabilitydensity p(v) = 1 e−12vTC−1v (30) (2π)3√detC ofcomponents v = (R,I,∂ R,∂ I,∂ R,∂ I) . (31) x x y y withcovariancematrixC whichshallbeanalyzedinthefollowing. First,thediagonalelementsofC areevaluated. Using(18)and(26),theauto-correlationsofthe fieldare n−1 2 R2 = cosφjcosφj′ n j,j′=0 (cid:10) (cid:11) X (cid:10) (cid:11) = 1 (32) fortherealpartand n−1 2 I2 = sinφjsinφj′ n j,j′=0 (cid:10) (cid:11) X (cid:10) (cid:11) = 1 (33) fortheimaginarypart. Forthespatialderivativesoneobtains n−1 2 (∂xR)2 = ljlj′kxjkxj′ sinφjsinφj′ n D E j,Xj′=0 (cid:10) (cid:11) n−1 1 = k2 (34) n xj j=0 X 10

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