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Preview Self-Doping Induced Orbital-Selective Mott Transition in Hg2Ru2O7

Self-Doping Induced Orbital-Selective Mott Transition in Hg Ru O 2 2 7 L. Craco,1,2 M.S. Laad,2 S. Leoni,1 and H. Rosner1 1Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Chemische Physik fester Stoffe, 01187 Dresden, Germany 2Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Physik komplexer Systeme, 01187 Dresden, Germany (Dated: January 29, 2009) Pyrochloreoxidesarefascinatingsystemswherestrong,multi-orbitalcorrelationsinconcertwith geometrical frustration give rise to unanticipated physical properties. The detailed mechanism of theinsulator-metal transitions (IMT) underpinningthese phenomenais, however, ill-understood in general. Motivated thereby, we study the IMT in the pyrochlore Hg2Ru2O7 using LDA+DMFT. Incontrast to thewell-known examples of Mott transitions in TMO, we show that, in thenegative 9 0 charge-transfer situation characteristic of Hg2Ru2O7, self-doping plays a crucial role in the emer- 0 gence of an orbital-selective IMT. We argue that this mechanism has broader relevance to other 2 correlated pyrochlore oxides. n PACSnumbers: 71.28+d,71.30+h,72.10-d a J 9 I. INTRODUCTION showinganomalouslybroadPESlineshapes,withnohint 2 of FL quasiparticles, in the metallic phase. Given the ] The Mott-Hubbard insulator-metal transition (IMT) cubic pyrochlore structure for T > TMI, strong orbital el is by now recognized to play a central role in our un- (from t2g orbital degeneracy) and spin fluctuations are - derstanding of d- and f-band compounds.1 Understand- implied. How might strong scattering processes involv- r ing these fluctuations produce the observed nFL metal? t ing the complex interplay between strong, multi-orbital s What drives the AFI as T is lowered? A correlatedelec- (MO) electronic correlations, structural distortions, and . t strongly anisotropic, orbital-dependent hopping holds tronic structure study which can illuminate these issues a does not, to our best knowledge, exist. In this work we m the key to a consistent theoretical description of their study precisely these issues in part in Hg Ru O using unique responses. Adding geometric frustration to the 2 2 7 - the LDA+DMFT method.8 We focus on the mechanism d above results in a truly formidable problem. In geo- n metricallyfrustratedsystems,theexponentiallylargede- of the T-driven IM transition, and leave the issue of the o low-dimensional AF with a spin gap for future consider- generacy of classical ordered states inhibits emergence c ation. of conventional order, permitting new, complex ordered [ ground states to arise.2 In real systems, structural ef- 1 fects may partiallyremovethis huge degeneracy,making v II. MODEL AND SOLUTION the problem (counter-intuitively) somewhat simpler to 8 solve;3 however, in near-undistorted cases, near perfect 5 orbital degeneracy, and the consequent strong quantum Starting with the high-T cubic Fd¯3m structure found 6 4 orbital and spin fluctuations in a highly degenerate sys- byKleinet al.4 localdensityapproximation(LDA)band . tem underpin their physical behavior. structure calculations were performed using a (scalar 1 The recently discovered pyrochlore system, and fully-relativistic) full-potential local-orbital scheme 0 9 Hg2Ru2O7,4 is a particularly interesting case in (FPLO)9andalinearmuffin-tinorbitals(LMTO)scheme 0 this context. As temperature (T) is reduced, the in the atomic sphere approximation.10 In Fig. 1 we : anomalous (see below) non-Fermi liquid (nFL) metallic display our FPLO-LDA11 results for the one-particle v i statebecomesunstable,viaafirst-orderMotttransition, density-of-states (DOS). Clearly, the major contribution X toanantiferromagneticMott-Hubbardinsulator(AFI).5 to the DOS comes from Ru(4d),O(1)(2p) orbitals, but r External pressure (p) melts the AFI beyond a critical theO(2)(2p)orbitalsalsohavenoticeablespectralweight a pc = 6.0 GPa, resulting in a low-T correlated FL at the Fermi level (EF). As seen in Fig. 1, the influence behavior for T < T∗ = 13K. At ambient pressure, the of the spin-orbit coupling (SOC) in the cubic phase to IMT transition is accompanied by lowering of lattice the t2g states near EF is negligible. Further, we ob- symmetry from (high-T) cubic to (low-T) a lower, serve strong hybridization between Ru(4d) − O(1)(2p) hitherto precisely unknown, type: depending upon its orbitals, and between O(2)(2p) − Hg(6s) orbitals, but precise type, either AF or dimer order may be possible.6 weak mixing between these two sets. These important The high-T >T∗ state in Hg Ru O is an anomalous findings will be exploited below to study the physics 2 2 7 nFL: the dc resistivity, ρ(T)≃T for T >TMI =108 K4 of Hg2Ru2O7using a multi-orbital Hubbard model in- volving only the d-band sector. At one-particle level, at ambient pressure, and deviates from the FL form for T > T∗ beyond p . The uniform spin susceptibility is the corresponding model Hamiltonian reads, Hband = c Curie-Weiss like for T > TMI, indicating a strong local Pk,a,σǫkad†kaσdkaσ +Pi,a,b=1,2∆b(npi,b −ndi,a), where a moment scattering regime. The nFL character is also labels the diagonalized combination of (e′ ,e′ ,a )12 g1 g2 1g borne out from the recent photoemission (PES) data,7 the t orbitals, ∆ (b = 1,2) are the pd charge trans- 2g b 2 fer (CT) terms involving two Ru − O(1),(b = 1) and b=2 bandchannelhasappreciablysmallerDOSaround Ru − O(2),(b = 2) channels. Clearly, neither an AFI E in the LDA results. In a DMFT-like approxima- F Mott-HubbardinsulatornoranFLmetalcanbeexpected tion, with negligible one-particle hybridization between atthislevel,thisrequiringareliabletreatmentofstrong, theb=1,2bands,theintersiteMadelungtermwillpush d-shell electronic correlations. This part reads, this small spectral weight away from E , to lower- and F higher energy (notice that the O-2p bands will be split by U zhn i, where z is the co-ordinationnumber of the pd d Hint =UXndia↑ndia↓+U′ X ndiandia′−JH X Sia·Sia′ lattice, and hence quite large). This will already occur i,a i,a,a′ i,a,a′ at the level of LDA+Hartree approximation. We then expect that the correlated spectral function will be dom- with a,a′ = e′ ,e′ ,a . Given the larger spatial ex- g1 g2 1g inated by the d-bands over an appreciable range about tent of 4d-orbital vis-a-vis their 3d counterpart, we also E . Correlation effects in Hg Ru O via LDA+DMFT include a Madelung term, H = U nd np F 2 2 7 M pdP<i,j>,a,b i,a j,b are studied below, subject to this caveat; we will show in our calculations (see below). In Tl Mn O , the IMT 2 2 7 that this is indeed a good approximationa posteriori, in (from a paramagnetic insulator (PI) to a ferromagnetic the sense that our LDA+DMFT results with the above metal (FMM)) is seemingly driven by the Tl(6s) states caveatshow very good quantitative agreementwith one- crossingE acrossT ,13 for instance. This canoccurvia F c particlespectroscopyandkeythermodynamicandtrans- aT-dependentCTfromtheTMd-statestotheO(2)−Tl port data in Hg Ru O . 2 2 7 hybridizedstates. Inviewofthegenericrelevanceofself- The full many-body Hamiltonian reads H = H + dopinginTM4dpyrochlores,13,14thistermisanessential band H +H . We solve this model within MO dynamical int M part. In the low-T phase, this will involve CT processes mean field theory (MO-DMFT) developed and used for involving the O(2p) −Hg(6s) channel (second term of a range of TMO with good success.8 We use the MO- H ) across the IMT, as we describe below. band iteratedperturbationtheory(IPT)asanimpurity solver in the DMFT selfconsistent procedure. Though not 60 ell) tRouta 4ld HHgg 55dd SnoO CSOC nmuamnyeraicdavlalynteaxgaecst: i(tliiksevQalMidCfo,rNTR=G,0,Dw-DheMreRQGM),Citchaans- c t V / 40 e2g Hg 6s not be used. NRG/DDMRG are extremely prohibitive es / e g ftourratlhirnepeuotrsbaittalLDmAodleelvs,ele.veAnswshitohwonutineleecatrrlioenricwostrrku,1c5- stat20 DMFT(MO-IPT)genericallygivesverygoodsemiquanti- S ( tative agreement with PES/X-ray absorption (XAS) ex- O D periments for TMOs.15,16 For Hg2Ru2O7, DMFT(MO- m) 0 O(1) 2p O(2) 2p IPT) has to be extended to treat the second CT chan- o nel described above. Given the complexity of the at 8 V / problem, we choose the following strategy to solve H s / e 6 awbitohvien: DFoMrFthTe(MhiOgh-I-PTTp)havseer,siwone (uis)edsolevaerlHiebra,nfdor+tHecihnt- e 4 at nical details see Ref. 15. (ii) As indicated by ex- st S ( 2 periment on the related Tl2Ru2O7 system,14 we study O the effect of Ru(4d)−O(2)(2p)−Hg(6s) CT processes D 0 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 by incorporating this CT channel selfconsistently into Energy (eV) Energy (eV) the LDA+DMFT(MO-IPT) procedure: given the small Ru(4d)−O(2)(2p) hybridization, the O(2)(2p)−Hg(6s) FIG. 1: (Color online) LDA band structure for cubic channel acts like a scattering (non-hybridizing) channel Hg2Ru2O7. O(1) (O(2)) denotes Oxygen ions nearest to Ru for the Ru−t bands in the impurity model of MO- (Hg). 2g DMFT. This enables us to treat this extra channel by combining the MO-IPT solution for (i) with the exact The d above should be understood as appropriate, aσ DMFT solution of a Falicov-Kimball model (FKM) for RuO cell-centered, combinations of the Ru-4d and O- 6 (ii),17 in a selfconsistent way. 2p orbitals, computed within LDA. Similarly, the b = 2 channel is to be understood as a band of hybridized O- 2p and Hg-6s orbital states. Because of the negligible III. LDA+DMFT RESULTS AND DISCUSSION one-particle mixing (hybridization) between the b = 1,2 channels,we approximatethe full problemof three Ru-d bandscoupledtotheb=2bandchannelbyreplacingthe We now describe our LDA+DMFT results. We start latterbya“reservoir”,whoseonlyfunctionistosimulate withthe(cubic)pyrochlorestructureathigh-T,withthe the self-doping process arising from the negative charge correspondingLDADOSastheinputfortheMO-DMFT transfer situation that obtains in Hg Ru O . Of course, calculation with total 4d occupation, n = 3. Further, 2 2 7 t this is an approximation. It is, however,a goodone: the we work in the (LMTO)18 representation in which the 3 one-particle density matrix is diagonal in the t orbital tionseeninthea orbitalDOSgivesrisetounquenched 2g 1g index, so that G(0)(k,ω) = δ G(0)(k,ω). We choose localmomemtsco-existingwith“itinerant”(butincoher- U =5.5 eV, J =αβ1.0 eV, andαUβ′ ≃αα(U −2J )=3.5 eV ent as derivedabove)e′g carriersnaturally gives a Curie- H H Weiss form of the spin susceptibility, which is also ob- for the Ru−4d shell, along with U ≃1.5 eV, as repre- pd served right up to the IMT. We have also estimated the sentative values for Hg Ru O . We believe that U, J 2 2 7 H γ-co-efficient of the metallic specific heat from the real do not vary much for 4d-TMO pyrochlores,and, in fact, U =5.0 eV was found for the CT insulator Cs AgF .19 partofΣα(ω)(notshown)asγ/γLDA =4.25: thisseems 2 4 to be in the range estimated in Ref 4. Actually, the noticeable T dependence of γ above T 4 is additional MI 0.8 evidenceofdisorderedlocalmomentsinthe“bad”metal, 0.0 and further supports our picture. a 1g −0.5 Im e ’ 0.6 −1.0 σΣ(ω g minestuallator 3.0 ) PES (130K) ω) −0.6 −0.3 0.0 0.3 0.6−1.5 ω) 2.0 ρ( σ0.4 ω (eV) units) ρ(total1.0 rb. 0.0−4.0 −2.0 ω0 (.0eV) 2.0 4.0 a 0.2 ( y sit n e nt I 0.0 −6.0 −4.0 −2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 ω(eV) 0.0 FIG. 2: (Color online) t2g-resolved LDA+DMFTdensitiesof −6.0 −4.0 ω (eV−)2.0 0.0 statesforHg2Ru2O7inthehigh-T nFLphase,forU =5.5eV and JH = 1 eV. Notice the orbital selective nature of the metal, as well as the nFL character in the orbital resolved self-energies (see inset). FIG. 3: (Color online) Theoretical PES spectra (LDA+DMFT DOS convoluted with instrumental res- olution) in the nFL metallic and insulating phases of Hg2Ru2O7. In the LDA+DMFT calculation, the total t2g A. Metallic Phase electron density changes from < nt >= 3.0 (metallic) to < nt >= 2.6 (insulating). The theoretical result shows very goodagreementwithexperimentalPESresultinthemetallic In Fig. 2, we show the correlated many-particle spec- phase, taken from Ref. 7 up to 2 eV binding energy. The tral function for the metallic phase of Hg Ru O . The inset shows the total spectral function. 2 2 7 dynamicalspectralweighttransfer(SWT) overlargeen- ergy scales, characteristic of strong, local correlations is Using the LDA+DMFT result, we also compare explicitly manifest. More interestingly, the metal has an (Fig. 3) our computed PES lineshape, with very recent orbital selective (OS) character: the a DOS is almost work from the RIKEN-SPring 8 group.7 Given our re- 1g “Mott” localized, even as the e′ DOS develops a pre- striction to the t −Ru(4d) bands in the MO-DMFT g 2g cursor of a low-energy pseudogap, characteristic of an (Hg(d),O(2p) bands will start contributing at higher incoherent metal behavior. This is further corroborated binding energies, as seen from LDA), good quantitative by examining the orbitaldependent self-energies (Σ(ω)), agreement with experiment is evident up to −2.0 eV, see inset in Fig. 2. Clearly, the e′ (imaginary part of) lending strong support to our theoretical work. Addi- g Σ(ω) shows quasi-linear frequency dependence near the tionally, we predict that an intense peak will be seen Fermienergy(|ω−E |<0.3eV),whileImΣ (ω)shows around 0.4−0.5 eV in X-ray absorption (XAS) studies, F a1g quadratic behavior. This describes a nFL metal, with a as in Tl Ru O .21 2 2 7 linear-in-T quasiparticle damping rate. Within DMFT, Infact,theLDA+DMFTspectralfunctionsshowthat, this is also the transport relaxation rate,20 since vertex atlowenergythefullMOproblemismappedontoanef- corrections drop out in the computation of the conduc- fective FKM-like model15, since the bad-metal is of the tivities in this limit. The dc resistivity is then given by orbital-selective type. There, the problem in the local ρdc(T) ≃ (m∗/ne2)ImΣe′g(ω = T) ≃ AT, in accord with limit corresponds to itinerant (but incoherent) e′g car- the linear-in-T resistivity observedexperimentally inthe riers scattering off (Mott) localized a electronic states. 1g “high-T”metallicphase. Moreover,theselectivelocaliza- Theresultingproblemispreciselythe“X-rayedge”prob- 4 lem in DMFT.22 We now understand the structure of Fig. 2. Hence, the IMT is an OS Mott transition. Im- the self-energies, and the nFL behavior, as an interest- portantly, however, notice that the self-doping process ing manifestation of the Anderson OC caused by this leading to fractional d-orbital occupation is a crucial in- X-ray-edge mapping. Building upon this understanding, gredient. Thus,incontrasttootherOScases,15 theIMT using DMFT, we predict that, for T >T : (a) the op- inHg Ru O is drivenby the self-doping inthe negative MI 2 2 7 tical conductivity will show a low-energy pseudogapped CT situation, ∆ = (ǫ −ǫ )=(-2.8eV+1.3eV)=-1.5eV. 2 p2 d form, characteristic of an incoherent (nFL) metal. Po- Along with the microscopic elucidation of the nFL be- larised optical studies should indicate the OS-character havior,the agreement with PES in the nFL metal phase of the nFL state, and, (b) given the local version of the up to ω ≃ −2.0 eV (Fig. 3) constitutes strong evidence Shastry-Shraiman relation,23 the electronic Raman line- in favor of our mechanism for the IMT in Hg Ru O . 2 2 7 shape should show a continuum response, cut off by a Quantitative comparison with PES in the low-T phase pseudogap feature at low energy. requires an extension of our approach to include short- ranged (intersite) orbital and spin correlations charac- teristic of pyrochlores. This requires a cluster-DMFT B. Insulating Phase analysis, presently a forbidding prospect. Nevertheless, observation of a Curie-Weiss spin susceptibility right up to the IMT,6,24 along with the excellent agreement with Now, we turn to a description of the insulating phase. PES in the nFL, justifies the use of DMFT to describe A naive search for the instability of the nFL to a Mott- Hubbard insulating state, where U,U′ were increased to the IMT. unphysical values, nevertheless turned out to be unsuc- WeemphasizethatthisisanewpicturefortheIMTin cessful. This is a clear indication of involvement of ad- correlatedsystems. Incontrasttothe earlyTMO,which ditional, electronic-cum-structural effects in driving the are Mott-Hubbard insulators (Udd > ∆ in the Zaanen- IMT.The observedstructuralchangeacrossT 4,5 sup- Sawatzky-Allen scheme),25 the Ru(4d) − O(1)(2p) CT MI ports this reasoning. From the LDA orbital assignment, channel, along with the Madelung term, are important it is clear that an additional structural change necessar- in Hg Ru O . In the DMFT context, the importance 2 2 7 ily involves partial occupation of the two-fold degener- of the CT energy in the late-TMO is recognized.26 Our ate e′ orbitals. Starting from the nFL-metal derived work is the first of its kind showing its relevance for the g above, this can only occur via a T-dependent change IMT in a MO pyrochlore system. Further, it is likely in the “self-doping” process.14 As in Tl Ru O , this T- to be more broadly generic to pyrochlore TMOs; recall 2 2 7 dependence could be provided by electronic coupling to that, in Tl Mn O , the PI-FMM13 transition is driven 2 2 7 theRu−Ostretchingphononmode,whichisexperimen- by the shift of the Tl(6s) band through EF across Tc. tally observed to split below T .14 This would imply a This is readily rationalized in our picture, in terms of MI structural change setting in below T , whose precise the “switching on” the Mn(3d)−O(2)(2p)−Tl(6s) CT MI nature is hitherto unknown. channel across Tc in Tl2Mn2O7.13 Motivated by this observation, we argue that this re- ThecorrelationbetweentheCTprocessdetailedabove sulting change in the Ru(4d)→ O(2)(2p) CT leads to a and the IMT is also visible in a whole family of 4d py- partial4doccupation,inducesorbitalorder,andlifts the rochlores, A Ru O , with A = Pb, Bi, Y.21 The low- 2 2 7 e′g degeneracyviaastructuraldistortion. WithinDMFT, T magnetic ordering in the Mott-Hubbard insulating this will reduce the orbital-dependent hoppings, driving phase(s) may, however, be quite different, being sensi- large SWT from low- to high energy, and stabilize the tively dependent on the nature of the structural change second,Mott-Hubbardinsulating,solutionofthe DMFT across the IMT, as well as on spin state. For example, equations. This is indeed seen in the LDA+DMFT cal- the spin S = 1 system, Tl Ru O , shows a very similar 2 2 7 culation, as we show below. Motttransition;however,the low-T phaseis foundto be Basedonthisreasoning,weexploretheMott-Hubbard a Haldane spin chain.27 In Hg Ru O , the half-integer 2 2 7 insulating phase of Hg2Ru2O7by searching numerically spin S = 3/2 rules out the Haldane analogy. If the low- for the instability of the first (metallic) solution found T magnetic structure corresponds to having Ru chains, above to the second, insulating solution of the DMFT as in Tl Ru O , one would have an AF ground state 2 2 7 equations in the quantum paramagnetic phase. The with gapless spin excitations. Observation of the spin- DMFT(MO-IPT) equations are solved with U,U′,Upd, gapin the uniform spin susceptibility in Hg2Ru2O7 may and nt = 2.6. We vary nt in trial steps, and look for a therefore point to the relevance of the spin-orbit cou- criticaln(c) whichstabilizesthePIsolutionoftheDMFT pling in the insulating phase: this will induce Ising-like t equations. As discussed above, and indeed seen in the anisotropy in an S =3/2 Heisenberg chain and generate inset of Fig. 3, partial occupation of the 4d − e′ or- a gap to spin excitations.28 More experimental work is g bitalsleadstoremovalofthe orbitaldegeneracy,andthe also called for to pinpoint the specific factors affecting corresponding modification of orbital orientation gives this issue. Giventhe structuraldistortionnecessarilyac- rise to a reduced intersite one-electron overlap. Within companyingthe IMTcausedbylifting ofthee′ degener- g MO-DMFT, this triggers the Mott-Hubbard insulating acy in Hg Ru O , more detailed theoretical work awaits 2 2 7 state via large SWT on a scale of 5.0 eV, as seen in more precise characterization of the low-T structure of 5 Hg Ru O . We planto addressthe issue ofmagnetic or- as well as with the linear-in-T resistivity and mass en- 2 2 7 der and its associated excitation spectrum in the low-T hancement in the metallic phase. In stark contrast to (insulating) phase of Hg Ru O in a future work. the better known examples1 of Mott transitions in 3d- 2 2 7 transition metal compounds, our results imply a new mechanism for MIT in the 4d pyrochlore-based electron IV. CONCLUSION systems (like Hg Ru O ). Namely, a negative charge- 2 2 7 transfer associated self-doping drives an orbital-selective Inconclusion,we haveperformedLDA+DMFT calcu- MIT at low temperatures via the Mott-Hubbard route. lations to demonstrate the role of multi-orbital electron- Our study should be more generally applicable to MO electron interactions on the electronic structure of a re- pyrochloresystems,and,inparticular,toTl2Mn2O7,ex- cently discovered pyrochlore system, Hg Ru O . This hibiting Mott-Hubbard transitions14,21,24,29 as functions 2 2 7 system exhibits a first-order temperature dependent of suitable “tuning parameters”. 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