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Selection of carbon catalysts for the industrial manufacture PDF

16 Pages·2013·0.36 MB·English
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Preview Selection of carbon catalysts for the industrial manufacture

Selection of carbon catalysts for the industrial manufacture of phosgene Chris Mitchell Huntsman Polyurethanes Acknowledgements • The teams in the Huntsman laboratories in the Netherlands and Belgium Willem van der Borden Klaas van der Velde Mark Smit Remy Scheringa Khalid Ahrika • Don Jones for the preparation of the Aspen Custom Model Polyurethanes Introduction • Phosgene used industrially in the manufacture of polyurethanes, polycarbonates, pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals. • Gas phase reaction of chlorine with an excess of carbon monoxide over an activated carbon catalyst • Highly exothermic process with peak temperatures reaching over 500oC • Issue with catalyst lives in different plants • Focus on the evaluation of commercially available catalysts - Chemviron - Donau Carbon - DuPont - Norit - Pica Polyurethanes Reaction Thermodynamics 1 1 H 109.55kJmol1 S 136.94JmolK       1 0.8 n o si er 0.6 v n o c m u ri b 0.4 uili q 1 bar.a E 2 bar.a 4 bar.a 0.2 6 bar.a 0 0 200 400 600 800 Temperature (°C) • Thermodynamics limits conversion at high temperatures Polyurethanes Lab Scale Catalyst Testing PI NRV-x= Non Return Valve Purge line N MFC-x= Mass Flow Controller 2 Oxygen & moisture V-x = (Three-way) valve 2.5 bar trap TR = Temperature recording NRV-1 PR = Pressure recording PI = Pressure indicator PR To == CNhitrloorgineen ((CN2l)) V-3 Filter V-1 Pluinrege 2 fume hood = Carbon monoxide (CO) = Mixture Cl/CO MFC-1 2 reduce == PPhhoossggeennee//CCOO/N Cl2 valve TR == NScarOuHbb/He2rO fu (m10e% e2wxh/wau)st 9 bar 5. g/ k 5 0.4 reduce MFC-2 CO valve ar b 0 Oven 5 1 L/ FTIR 0 Gas cell 1 Scrubber TR TR V-2 NRV-2 MFC-3 Mixing PI chamber TR Polyurethanes Lab Scale Catalyst Testing Temperature Ramp Experiments 350 3.5 300 3.0 250 2.5 ) T inlet v C) v/ ° T outlet % ure ( 200 CO 2.0 on ( at COCl2 ati per 150 1.5 ntr m e c e n T o C 100 1.0 50 0.5 0 0.0 09:36 09:48 10:00 10:12 10:24 10:37 10:49 11:01 11:13 11:26 11:38 Time • Reaction “lights off”’ as temperature increases • Comparison of catalysts at low temperature/conversion Polyurethanes Lab Scale Catalyst Testing Measurement of Catalyst Activity 1111111.......6666666 1111111.......4444444 CCCCCCChhhhhhheeeeeeemmmmmmmvvvvvvviiiiiirrrrrriooooooronnnnnnn SSSSSS Sooooooollllllcccccclcaaaaaaarrrrrrbbbbbbrb 222222 200000008888888CCCCCCC DDDDDD DMMMMMMM 1111111))))))) CCCCCChhhhhheeeeeemmmmmmvvvvvviiiiiirrrrrroooooonnnnnn SSSSSSoooooollllllccccccaaaaaarrrrrrbbbbbb 222222000000888888CCCCCC DDDDDDRRRRRR------PPPPPP -------ggggggg 1111111 DDDDDooooonnnnnaaaaauuuuu SSSSSuuuuupppppeeeeerrrrrsssssooooorrrrrbbbbbooooonnnnn KKKKK4444400000 -------nnnnnnn 1111111.......2222222 mimimimimimimi DDDDuuuuppppoooonnnntttt IIIIPPPPCCCC ol ol ol ol ol ol ol NNNooorrriiittt RRRBBB444CCC mmmmmmm 1111111 mmmmmmm NNoorriitt RRXX33eexxttrraa ((((((( e e e e e e e Picatal G201 atatatatatatat n rn rn rn rn rn rn r 0000000.......8888888 ooooooo atiatiatiatiatiatiati mmmmmmm rrrrrrr 0000000.......6666666 E = 47 kJmol-1 ooooooo a e fe fe fe fe fe fe f nnnnnnn eeeeeee ggggggg 0000000.......4444444 sssssss ooooooo hhhhhhh PPPPPPP 0000000.......2222222 0000000 22222225555555 33333330000000 33333335555555 44444440000000 44444445555555 55555550000000 55555555555555 RRRRRRReeeeeeeaaaaaaaccccccctttttttooooooorrrrrrr TTTTTTTeeeeeeemmmmmmmpppppppeeeeeeerrrrrrraaaaaaatttttttuuuuuuurrrrrrreeeeeee (((((((°°°°°°°CCCCCCC))))))) • Wide spread of catalyst activity is observed • Synthetic carbon DuPont IPC shows significantly lower activity Polyurethanes Lab Scale Catalyst Testing Measurement of Catalyst Effectiveness Factor 1.6 1.4 Donau Supersorbon K40 - crushed ) 1 -g Donau Supersorbon K40 - pellets 1 • Effectiven-nes1s.2 factor () measured using string of mi full size col atalyst particles m 1 m ( e at • Approximon rate0.s8 to a series of CSTRs at low conversion ati m 0.6 r o e f n e • Direct comsg p0a.4rison of same mass of full size particles o h P and crushed0 .2catalyst 0 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Reactor Temperature (°C) • Effective diffusivities within catalyst pores calculated from measured effectiveness factors Polyurethanes Characterisation of plant catalyst Mercury porosimetry • Increase in pores between 10 and 100nm in diameter • Burn out of pores by oxidation - CTC or CO formation (trace O levels typically 50-500ppm in Cl ) 2 2 2 Polyurethanes Catalyst Oxidative Stability Temperature Programmed Oxidation with 2500ppm O 2 1.E-08 OO 22 HHee 1.E-09 575°C 100ml/min He (torr) 44 wwaayy 550°C 0.25 ml/min O 4 EEXXTTRRAACCTTIIOONN vvaallvvee 2 4 = z m/ e 1.E-10 500°C 0.1g catalyst s n po FFUURRNNAACCEE (250-300m) s e S r 450°C M 1.E-11 400°C 00..55%%vv//vv CCOO 00..55%%vv//vvCCOO 22 350°C CCaalliibbrraattiioonn ggaass CCaalliibbrraattiioonn ggaass 1.E-12 0 5 10 15 2EE0XXTTRRAACCTTIIOONN Time (hrs) MMAASSSS SSPPEECCTTRROOMMEETTEERR • Temperature ramped to 575oC and held for 3 hours • Temperature stepped down at 3 hour intervals – 550, 500, 450, 400, 350oC Polyurethanes

Polyurethanes. Introduction. • Phosgene used industrially in the manufacture of polyurethanes, polycarbonates, pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals.
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