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ss.oo THE SELECTED WRITI:\GS OF Salvatore Quasimodo Winnefrt hoeX obePlr ize foLriI nal ure1,9 5 9 FnrTEDA '>llT RA'>SIr.rA- F:Rno :-.1 TilEI TAI.IIAn '> DR ALLEN MANDELBAUM Qt SAI.\'ATOR'EA SI:\IOiislo On eo f the mosti mportanatn d interiesnt�p oets ofo urt imen.o to nlyf ort hei ntrinsit 111eroifht i s\ ·erbsuet b ecausoef the spiritduea,l· elopmreenftl ectienhd i s writinTgh.i s\ ·olumceo,n tainisneg­ lectiomnasd e by the poeth imself workingc loselwyi tht he translator, presentas m ajorp ortioonf h isp oetrY andt woi mportanptr osees says. Quasimodo'"s· orkh as beenw ell knO\i\n'I ltla lsyi ncteh el �J:Ww'hse,n he achin·ead r eputatiaosna poeto f theH ermetiScc hoolT.h e war" ·aas cruciatli mei nh isc areears a writer andi mpellehdi m tog iYes eriocuosn ­ sideratitoont her oleo ft hep oeta, considerawthioinc hn oto nlye xpressed itseilnfa changoef s tylbeu ti nd irect affirmatiionn sp rosew orks.Q uasi­ modo's" Discourosne P oetrya·n·d h is (wntinouneb da cfhl ajJ) (continued frum front flap) essayo n Danter etiectth espereo ccu­ pations. Q The NobelP rizcei tedu asimodo "fohri sly ricalp oetrwyh ichw ithc las­ i sicaflre expresstehse t argice xperi­ enceo f lifien our time.H"e ret he readewri llf indt hew riitngso f an excepitonal poetw ho bringtso "the word"a n extraordinintarenys iyt and concentratainodn w ho achievae sf u­ siono fs ounda ndm eaninwgh icha re trulcyl assic. .\LI.E;\;� lA:\OELl\1B AbUri ngssp ecial qualificattioot nhsed itticulatn d de­ mandign task oft ramlatitnhgi vse rse. In addition to beingp rofoundly Q d steepedi nt hew orkso f uasim o o he k hasa n exceptionnaolw ledgeo ft he writigns of the otherg reat Italian poetsi,nc ulding thec ontmeporaries EugenioM ontalea nd GiuseppUen ­ garetti. h The greamte riotf is translation is thaitt s howsa deepr espeacntd s ensi­ ti'\iyt tot hep oet'wso rda,n d int rans­ latintgh atw ord litaelryl recaptures in anothelra ng·uaignes,o faars i ti s possibtloed os o,t her icahn da llusi\'e Q beautyo f theo riginal. uasim odo's poetriys p resendt oen facing pageisn Italiaannd Englsih. Photograpwha:x portrabiyt, \LI.\'Z(', reprodbuyc peerdmi ssioofn VanniS cheiwiller jackdeesti gbny :\IARSIILAnL:L FARRAR,S TRAUSA ND CUDAHY 101F ift.h\ venuNee,w York3 ,I\' .Y . TheS elecWtreidt inogfs SalvatQourae simodo E D I T E D A N D T R A N S L A T E D AllMeann delbaum P R o M T a £ IT A L I AB Ny F AR R A R , S T R A U S & C U DAHY N E W Y O R K Copyri©g ht19541,9 60b yA rnoldMoo ndndorEid itore LibraorfyC ongrecsast alcoargd n umbe6rcr- 9231 FirsAtm ericaPnr inti1n9g6,0 Manufactuirnet dh eU .S.PAu.b lishseidm ultaneously inC anadbay A mbassadoBroo ks,L td.T,o ronto Designbye dM arshaLlele CONTENT S Thep agneu mberasf tetrh ep oemt itlreesf etrot he Englitsrha nslatTihoenI .t alitaenxi tso n tfhaec ipnagg e. Discoounro ester y, p 3 ' And suddnley iste vegn,i [ n1o -91 429 2 ] NEW P 0 EMS( 9136-1942] TheM agpiLea uhgsB,l aUcpko tnh Oer anTgree es19, StreoefAt g riguemn,t2 1 TheG entlHeil l,2 3 TheR ainA'lsr aedWyi thU s,2 5 The TSaclhlo on2e7r , OnT heB ankosf t hLea mbr2o9, Elegosf rot hDea cneCru man3i5, DelphWiocm an3,7 HorsoefMs o ona ndo fV olacnoe3s9, AgaianG reeRni ve4r1, TheS rcawnFyl owAelrra edyFl ies4,3 BefotrheSe t uaeto fH arDiealC arretto,45 NowD ayB reak4s7 , AnE venitnhgSe,n wo, 49 WhatS eeYko uS,he pheorftd h Aei r,5 1 ImitaotfiJ oony5 ,3 VergoefP ubert55y , [1932-1936) ERATO AND APOLLYON SonogfA pollyo5n9, Apolly6o1n , TheAn apo6,3 InY our LiSghhitp wIr 6e5c k, OftaeR ni vie6r7a , UlyssIsels6e'g, Sardinia,71 DeaHde ron7,3 Quarries75, Insomn7i7a , Ont hHei lolft h"eT erreB iahner,'' 7g FoMry H umaSnm el8l1, Int hJeu sHtu man Ti83m e, Oft hSeni neorfM yths,8 5 SUNKEN OBOE [193o-129)3 ToM yE art8hg, Word9,1 Woods S9l3e ep, MinoCru rv9e5, Metamorpinh tohsUeern s othfe S aint, 97 My PatiDeayn,t9 9 Wheret hDee aSdt aOnpde n-Ey10ed,1 Green D1ri0f3t , FirDsaty ,1 05 Seed,1 07 Lamentatoifao Fnr iainr anI kon1,09 Comrad1e1,1 RepoosfGe r sas,11 3 Tot hNei ght,1 15 WithoMuetm oyr ofD eath1,1 7 Sunken O1b19o e, TheW ateDrec ompoDsormeisc e1,2 1 Int hAen cient oLfthi egT hitd e1s3,2 OfY ounWgo manB enBtac kA monthge F lower1s52, Islan1d2,7 Prayteor tRhaein ,1 92 Amen ftohrSe un daiyn Al bis1,3 1 WATERS AND LANDS [1920-1929] And SuddeIntlE'yvse ning13,5 Winda tT ind� 137 Deawdater14,1 Ancient Win1t43e r, GrioeffT hinTghsa ItKn ow Not,14 5 TheD ea,d 147 Avidly IS treMtyc Hhan d, 149 Daayf tdeary , [ 143 9- 416 9] Onth eW illoBwr anch15e3s , Pehraptsh Hee atr,1 55 0 MyS weAenti mal1s5,7 ToP ilgMrei,m 159 Mano f MTyi me1,6 1 Lette16r3, TheW all1,6 5 OfA nohteLra zasru,1 67 DayA ftDeary ,16 9 Isncripotnai T oonm bP ehraps1,7 1 Frothme F ortorfeUs psp eBrer gamo1,7 3 MilaAnu,g u1s9t4 3,1 75 January1 9,1 944,1 7 7 The Ferry17 ,9 Liifnseo td rea[m 91,4 6 -19 4 8 ] Lamefnotthr e uStoh1,83 Epitapfho Bri cen eDtot1i8,5 Dilaogu1e87, ColooufRr asi ann dI ron1,9 1 AlmoasM ta driga1l93, ThanaAtthoasn oast,1 95 LettTeoMr y M othe1r9,7 Thfea lasntedr guree en, [1 9 4 9 -19 5 ]5 TheD eaGdu ita2r0s1, TheF alasnedT rueG reen2,0 3 Ina D istCatiny,t 205 HowL onagN ihgt,2 09 NeaarS aracTeonw efro,Hr i Ds eaBdro the2r1,1 Lau:dA pr2i9l,1 945, 213 Aushcwitz, 217 Thei ncompaeraarbtl[h e,1 5 -91 9 55 8] VisiIbnlvei,s i2b23l e, TheI ncompaEraatrbh,l 2e2 5 Todatyh Tew etny-FoifrM satcr h,2 27 InT hiCsi ty2,29 Myceane,2 31 Tot he NMeowo n2,3 3 AnA nswe2r3,5 OthAenrs ewr,2 37 ToM y Fatehr,2 39 A CoppAemrp hor2a4,3 CrookNeaudtr e2,4 5 AnO pen Ar2c47 h , Dante25,1

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