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Selected Works of Zhou Enlai: Volume 2 PDF

558 Pages·1989·106.994 MB·Foreign Languages Press
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SELECTED WORKS OF Z H O U ENLAI V(>lume II WORKERS OF ALL COUNTRIES, UNITE! SELECTED WORl(S OF ZHOU ENLAI Volume II FOREIGN LANGUAGES PRESS BEIJING First Edition 1989 The present volume is the authorized English translation of the first Chinese edition of the Selected Works of Zhou Enlai, Volume II, published in November 1984 by the People's Publishing House, Beijing Hard Cover: ISBN 0-8351-2251-4 Paperback: ISBN 0-8351-2252-2 Hard Cover: ISBN 7-119-00948-6 Paperback: ISBN 7-119-00949-4 Copyright 1989 by Foreign Languages Press, Beijing, China Published by Foreign Languages Press 24 Baiwanzhuang Road, Beijing 100037, China Printed by Foreign Languages Printing House 19 Chegongzhuang Xilu, Beijing 100044, China Distributed by China International Book Trading Corporation 21 Chegongzhuang Xilu, Beijing 100044, China P.O. Box 399, Beijing, China Printed in the People's Republic of China CONTENTS THE PRESENT FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC SITUATION AND RELATIONS BETWEEN DIFFERENT ASPECTS OF THE ECONOMY OF NEW CHINA (December 22-23, 1949) 11 On the State Financial and Economic Plans 12 On Relations Between Different Aspects of the Economy 18 SPEECH AT A NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGHER EDUCATION (June 8, 1950) 25 I. Principle of Education Under New Democracy II. Unity of Theory and Practice 27 III. Unity and Reform 29 CONSTRUCTION AND UNITY (August 24, 1950) 31 STRIVING TO CONSOLIDATE AND EXPAND THE PEOPLE'S VICTORY (September 30, 1950) 41 Great Victories in the People's War of Liberation 41 Foreign Policy of the People's Republic of China 43 Consolidating the People's Democratic Dictatorship and Pre- paring for Agrarian Reform 47 Centralization of Finance and Rehabilitation of the Economy 52 Training Cadres and Raising Educational Levels 56 RESISTING U.S. AGGRESSION, AIDING KOREA AND DEFENDING PEACE (October 24, 1950) 59 TAKE EFFECTIVE MEASURES TO IMPLEMENT THE MARRIAGE LAW AND PROTECT WOMEN'S LEGAL RIGHTS (September 26, 1951) 65 ON THE REMOULDING OF INTELLECTUALS (September 29, 1951) 69 I. The Question of Standpoint 71 II. The Questoin of Attitude 77 TWO DOCUMENTS ON IMPROVING THE WORK IN OLD BASE AREAS (1951-1952) 5 6 ZHOU ENLAI I. Do Not Forget the Places We Came from (October 9, 81 1951) TT. Vigorously Promote Economic and Cultural Develop- ment i nOld Base Areas (January 28, 1952) 84 THE MOVEMENT AGAINST THE "THREE EVILS", AND THE NA- TIONAL BOURGEOISIE (January 5, 1952) 90 OUR FOREIGN POLICIES AND OUR TASKS (April 30, 1952) 94 PROBLEMS CONCERNING THE CHINESE NATIONAL BOURGEOISIE (June 19, 1952) 103 THE GENERAL LINE FOR THE TRANSITION PERIOD (September 8, 1953) 114 FIVE PRINCIPLES FOR PEACEFUL COEXISTENCE (December 31, 1953) u8 STRENGTHEN PARTY UNITY AND OPPOSE BOURGEOIS IN- DIVIDUALISM (February 10, 1954) 129 BUILDING PHYSICAL FITNESS FOR THE MOTHERLAND (February 21. 1954) 139 TURNING CHINA INTO A POWERFUL, MODERN, SOCIALIST, IN- DUSTRIALIZED COUNTRY (September 23, 1954) 142 SPEECHES AT THE PLENARY SESSION OF THE ASIAN-AFRICAN CONFERENCE (April 19, 1955) 155 Main Speech 155 Supplementary Remarks 162 ON QUESTIONS CONCERNING INTELLECTUALS (January 14, 1956) 166 ECONOMIC WORK SHOULD BE CONDUCTED IN A PRACTICAL WAY (February 8, 1956) 195 TWO TALKS ON THE KUNQU OPERA FIFTEEN STRINGS OF COINS (April and May 1956) 197 Talk on April 19 197 Talk on May 17 199 TAIWAN WILL BE LIBERATED (June 28, 1956) 206 CONTINUE TO EXERCISE DICTATORSHIP AND AT THE SAME TIME TO BROADEN DEMOCRACY (July 21, 1956) 210 THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FIRST FIVE-YEAR PLAN AND THE FUNDAMENTAL TASKS OF THE SECOND FIVE-YEAR PLAN (September 16, 1956) 217 PROBLEMS OF POLICY FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (November 10, 1956) 233 CONTENTS 7 REPORT ON THE QUESTION OF THE BOUNDARY LINE BETWEEN CHINA AND BURMA (July 9, 1957) 245 QUESTIONS RELATING TO OUR POLICIES TOWARDS CHINA'S NATIONALITIES (August 4, 1957) 253 I. Two Types of Chauvinism 253 II. Regional Autonomy for the Nationalities 259 III. Prosperity and Social Reforms Among All Our Na- tionalities 268 IV. The Right of the Nationalities to Self-government and National Identity 275 LETTER TO CHENG YANQIU (November 13, 1957) 279 IMPROVE THE POLITICAL QUALITY OF THE ARMY (December 24, 1957) 280 CURRENT TASKS FOR THE REFORM OF THE CHINESE LANGUAGE (January 10, 1958) 287 PASS ON KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE TO FUTURE GENERA- TIONS (April 29, 1959) 301 THE COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL AND THE CHINESE COM- MUNIST PARTY (July 14 and 15, 1960) 306 ON INVESTIGATION AND STUDY (March, May 1961) 320 The Importance of Conducting Investigation and Study and Seeking Truth from Facts (March 19, 1961) 320 Report on an Investigation in Handan Prefecture, Hebei Province (May 7, 1961) 321 REMARKS AT A RECEPTION FOR HIRO SAGA, PU JIE, PU YI AND OTHERS (June 10, 1961) 323 TALK AT A JOINT MEETING OF PARTICIPANTS IN A FORUM ON LITERATURE AND ART AND PARTICIPANTS IN A CONFERENCE ON FILM SCENARIOS (June 19, 1961) 331 Introduction 331 I. Material and Mental Production 337 II. Class Struggle and the United Front 341 III. Whom to Serve? 346 IV. Laws Governing the Development of Literature and Art 351 V. Preserving and Creating 354 8 ZHOU ENLAI VI . Leadership VII. Modern Drama SPEAK THE TRUTH, MAKE GENUINE EFFORTS, DO REAL WORK AND STRIVE FOR PRACTICAL RESULTS (February 3, 1962) 361 ON THE QUESTION OF INTELLECTUALS (March 2, 1962) 366 I. Definition and Role of Intellectuals 366 II. The Process of Growth oflntellectuals in Contemporary China 368 III. How to Unite with Intellectuals 377 IV. Self-remoulding of Intellectuals 381 READJUSTMENT OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY AND OUR CUR- RENT TASKS (March 28, 1962) 383 NEW DEVELOPMENT OF THE PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC UNITED FRONT (April 18, 1962) 401 GET A CLEAR UNDERSTANDING OF THE SITUATION AND KEEP THE INITIATIVE IN OUR HANDS (May 11, 1962) 416 THE KEY TO BUILDING A POWERFUL SOCIALIST COUNTRY IS TO MODERNIZE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (January 29, 1963) 427 LEARN FROM LEI FENG (March 6, 1963) 432 COMBAT BUREAUCRATISM (May 29, 1963) 433 MEET THE TEST IN FIVE DOMAINS (May 29, 1963) 439 EIGHT PRINCIPLES FOR ECONOMIC AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO OTHER COUNTRIES (January 15, 1964) 446 COMPLETE PROHIBITION AND THOROUGH DESTRUCTION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS (October 17, 1964) 448 SPEECH AT A CONFERENCE ON HARNESSING THE HUANGHE RIVER (December 18, 1964) 450 MAJOR TASKS FOR DEVELOPING THE NATIONAL ECONOMY (December 21, 1964) 458 RURAL HEALTH WORK.AND FAMILY PLANNING (November 1, 1965) 462 AFFORESTATION: A PROJECT OF VITAL AND LASTING IM- PORTANCE (February 23, 1966) 465 EXPAND PRODUCTION AND REBUILD OUR HOMES (March 10, 1966) 468 ON PROTECTING CADRES (1966-1974) 470 A List of Cadres Who Should Be Protected (August 30, 1966) 470 CONTENTS 9 We Should Respect Soong Ching Ling (September 1, 1966) 471 Wages Should Not Be Reduced for Cadres Who Are Under Criticism (September 18, 1966) 472 Li Baohua and Li Renzhi Must Be Released (November 14, 1966) 472 On Liu Lantao's Release from Kuomintang Prison (Nouvem- ber 24, 1966) 472 Wang Enmao Should Be Made a Deputy to the Ninth Na- tional Party Congress (January 12, 1969) 473 Xu Haidong Should Join the Presidium of the Ninth Na- tional Party Congress (March 31, 1969) 473 Tao Zhu Should Be Hospitalized (April 5, 1969) 474 Leading Members of Democratic Parties Should Not Be Subjected to Criticism and Denunciation (May 4, 1969) 474 Hua Luogeng Should Be Protected (March 4, 1970) 475 On the Death of Zhang Linzhi (July 31, 1970) 475 Fascist Methods of Interrogating Cadres Must Be Abolished (December 18, 1972) 476 On the List of Person to Attend the National Day Reception (September 29, 1974) 477 COMMENTS CONCERNING ECONOMIC WORK (1966-1973) 479 The Workers' Petition Must Not Interfere with Production (November 28, 1966) 479 Let the People Store Up Material Wealth (May 3, 1967) 480 Railways and Waterways Must Not Be Cut (May 31, 1967) 481 Unite to Protect Harbour Traffic (October 2, 1967) 482 Measures for Checking Violence (1968) 482 Rational Rules and Regulations Should Continue Force 1n Problems of Quality Should Be Put on the Agenda (December 15, 1971, and January 21, 1972) 484 Remedy the Economic Damage Caused by Lin Biao and Company (February 26, 1973) 485 10 ZHOU ENLAI Attention Should Be Paid to Preventing Waterlogging and Combating Drought (May 14, 1973) 488 INSTITUTIONS OF CULTURE, EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND TECH NOLOGY SHOULD RESUME THEIR NORMAL FUNCTIONS (1970-19 489 Don't Reject a Book Simply Because of the Author's Political Background (September 17, 1970) 489 0 n the Te a ch i n g of Fore i g n Languages (November 20, 1970) 490 Spread Knowledge of History and Publish More Books (April 12, 1971) 493 Ultra-Left Ideas Undermine Art (April 9, 1972) 494 On Improving Meteorological Work (July 30, 1972) 495 Pay Attentoin to the Study of Basic Sciences and to Theoret- ical Research (September 11, 1972) 496 Certain Students May Enter Universities Immediately After Graduation from Secondary School (October 14, 1972) 497 Learn from the Strong Points of Foreign Countries (February 26, 1973) 497 THE GATE TO FRIENDLY CONTACTS BETWEEN CHINA AND THE UNITED STATES HAS FINALLY BEEN OPENED (February 21, 1972) 499 THE CHINESE AND JAPANESE PEOPLES SHOULD LIVE IN FRIEND- SHIP FROM GENERATION TO GENERATION (September 25, 1972) 501 MARCHING TOWARDS THE SPLENDID GOAL OF THE FOUR MODERNIZATIONS (January 13, 1975) 504 NOTES 505

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