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KARLM ARX SELECTED WORKS IN TWO VOLUMES Prepabryte hde MARX-ENGELS-LENIN MIoNsScToIwT UTE, UndterhE ed itoorfs hip V.A DORATSKY VOLI.I LONDON LAWRENCEA ND WISHART LIMITED Firpu�b-lti sihednB rit1a9i4n2 [Jeprinted - 1943. . Reprinted - 1945 Editor EEdnigtlCii.oPs n.hD, u TT ALLR IGHTISU :SEllYED Printid by Peny.Colourprint Ltd;, S.W.15. r .1 CONTENTS PAGE .'f .HHEI TSORYO FT HE COMMUNLIESATG UBEyF. rederick Enge• l•s • . • . _• • . • . .. • • • . 3 -' 1\!All&x.. ..-TnH EN eue_RheZieniitsBucynFh gre.e deErnigcekl2 s8 GERMANY: REvouJTAIND OCNo uNTER·REVOBLyKU aTrIOtN . Maraxn Fdr edeErnigce.kl s 39 . . . • . . • . 39 I.G ermanayt hli e Outbreaokf t heR evolut.i on 50 II.Th e PrussiSatna te �.·�I:I,ITh·.e. .O theGre rmanS tates 61 IVA�u stri.a . . . .. . . 66 V.T heV iennIan surrec.t ion 72 VI.T heB erliInn sur,rec.t ion 76 VII.Th e FrankfNoartti onAasls emb•l y 81 VIIIP.o leCsz,e chasn dG erman.s . . 86 · IXP.a n-Slavism-SThceh leswig-HoWlasrt ein 91 95 X.Th e PariRsi sing-tFhrea nkfoArsts embly. 100 XI. TheV iennIan surrect.i o. n . . . 106 XII.Th e Stormingo fV ienna-'fBheet·r ayoafl Vienna lH XIIITh.e PrussiaAns sembly-TNhaet ionAasls embly XIV.Th e RestoraotfiO ornd er-Diaentd C hamber 119 XV.T heT riumpohf P russi.a . . . 124 XVI.Th e Assembalnyd t heG overnmen•t s 128 XVII.I nsurrect.i .on . . . . . 132 'X-VIIIP.e ttTyr aders . . . . 137 XIXTh.e Closcief t heI nsurrec.t ion H2 ,, _ XX. TheL ateT riaalt C ologn.e . 147 ,<\nnREOsFsT HE CENTCRoAuLN CTIOL T HEC oMl\fUNIST ; ' L�E-AGUBEyK. arMla raxn Fdr edeErnigce.k l •s • • 15-l vi CONTENTS Page. THE CLASSST RUGGLIENSF RANC1E48 8-5B0yK. arMla rx1 69 IntroodnuB.cy Ft riedeErnigcekl s 169 THEC LASSST RUGGLIENSF RACNE 192 . • I.Fr om FebruatryoJ une1 84.8 192 IIF.r om June1 84t8oJ une1 31,8 4.9 221 lIIF.. roJumn e1 31,48 9t oM arch 101,8 5.0 258 IV.T heAb olition ofU niversSuafflm ge1,8 5.0 295 THEE IGHTEENTBRHU MAIORFEL ouiBsO NAPARBTEyK. arl Marx 311 • AuthoPrr'esf atcote h eS econEdd iti.o n 3J1 FrederEincgke lPsr'e fatcoet heT hi11Gde rmaEnd itio3n1 3 THEE IGHTEENBTRHU MAIORFEL ouiBsO NAPARTE 315 • SPEECAHT T HEA NNIRYSEAROYF T HEP eople'sB yP aper. . KarMla rx , . 427 . KarlM arx toF rederEincgke lAsp, r1i6l1, 8 5.6 429 ADDRESASN DP ROVISIORNUALLE OSF T HEW ORKINMGE N'S INTERNATIAOsNsAoLC IATBIyOKN a. rMla r.x 432 Addres.s . 432 ProvisiRounleaosl f t heA ssocia.t ion 442 THEC IVIWLA R INF RACNE.B yK arMla rx 1146 IntroduBycF trieodne Ernigcekl s 446 . I.F irAsdtd res0sft h eG eneraClo uncoinlth e Franco- PrussWiaarn 461 IIS.e coAnddd reosfts h eG enel.'Caolu nciolnth e Franco- PrussiWaanr 466 .tiDDREOSFST HEG ENERACLO UNCIOLF T HEI NTERNATIONAL" WORKINMGE N'SA ssoCIATOINO·TN heC ivWialr i n Franjc8 e7,1 475 LETTERTSO DR.K uGELMANONN THE PARICSo MMUNEB.y l\.arMla rx 528 Apr1i2l1, 8 71 528 I Apr1i7l1, 8 71 531 CONTENTS vii Page �:1.IBFATORNYO TE TOT heP easWaantr i nG erma,nByy. Fre�eErnigcekl• s• • • •: • • • • • 532 • €;I.t;IJ'IQUOEF T HEG oTHPAR OGRAMBMyKE a. rMlar x• • 550 ·,. ForeworBdy.F redeErnigcekls 550 • • • • • ci:KarMla rxt oW ilhelBmr ackeM,a y5 , 1. 8.7 5• 552 �·C'RIToIFQT UHEEG oTHPAR OGARMME 554 • • • . • • ;:f'rederEincgke ltsoA �gusBte heMl,a rc1h8 '.12887,. 5 • 584 ;:;:FrederEickn geltsoK arlK autskFye,b ru2a3r1,y8 9• 1 596 LE.'.I'TOENRT SH E STRUGGTLHEEP RFOOLRE TAPlUAARNT Y. ByK arMla raxn Fdr edeErnigce.kl • s• • • 602 KarMla rxt oF rederick ENnogvelesm,4b ,1e r8 6. 4 602 KarlM arxt oD r.K ugelmanFne,b ru2a3r1,y8 6.5 606 KarlM arxt oD rK.u gelmanOnc,t o9b,e1 r68 6. . 611 KarlM arxt oF rederEincgke lSse, pteerm1 b1Z,8 67 613 • KiarMla rx toF rederEincgke lMsa, rc5h,1 689• , • • 614 KarlM arxt oA .B oltNe,o vem2b3e1,r78 .• l. . . 616 FrederEincgke ltso F riedrCiucnho J, anua2r41y,8 27 619 • Frederick Etno'Ag uegluss Bte heJl,u n20e, 1837 • • • 621 FrederEincgke ltsoF .riedSroirogheS ,e epmtbe1r2( 17), 1784. . . . . . . . . . • . . • • •6 2•3 • KarMl arxt oF riedrSiocrhg Oe,c tboe1r9 1,8 .7 7.. . • 624 FrederEincgke ltsoJ ohanPnh iliBpepc keJru, l1y,1 897.6 25 Marxa ndE ngeltsoB eheLli,e bkneBdhrta,c kaen dO thers (CircLueltat,reS re)ptem1b78e9r• ,. . � 626 ·F rederEincgke ltso A ugusBtelb el,N ovem1b4e1,r78 9. 634 FrederEincgke ltsoE duarBde rnsteiOnc,tb oe2r5,1, 8 816 35 • FrederEincgke ltsoE duarBde rnsteNino,v em3b0e1,r8 8613 7 FrederEincgke ltsoA ugusBte heOl cto2b8e1,r8 82 638 .• • • FrederEincgke ltsoJ dhaPnhni li.pBpe ckJeru,n1 e51 ,88 5 639 LETTEORNSI RELABNyDK .a rMla raxn dFr edeErnigce.kl 64s.0 FrederEincgke ltso K arlM arxM, ay2 31,8 5. 6. .. 640 KarlM arxt oD r.K ugelmanNno,v em2b9e1,r68 9. .. 642 KarlM arxt oS iegfrMieeyde r andV oKgatrA,lp r9i,1 l8 07.6 45 CONTENTS Page THEB RITIRSuLHE I NI NDIBA.yK arMla r.x 649 THE FUTURREE SULTOSF BRITIRSULHE I NI NDIBA.yK arl Marx 657 LETTETRO KA RL KA.UTSKOYN T HEC OLONIEBSy.F rederick EngeNlos-v,e mbe1r88 2 665 12, . ON RussIBAy.K arMla raxn dFr edeErnigcekl s 667 . K;arlM arxt oF riedrich SSeotpregem,b2 e7,1r 787. 667 OnS ociaClo nditiionnR su ssiBay.F redeErnigcekl s6 69 NAMEI NDEX 687 FREDERICKE NGELS . THHEI STOROYF THEC OMMUNISLTE AGUE 1 WITtHh es entenocnte h eC ologCnoem munisitn1s 8 5t2h,ec urtain falolnsth efi rspte rioodft hei ndependmeonvte menotft heG er· Il1all workerTso.d ayt hipse rioidsa lmosfto rgottYeenti; t l asted from1 83t6o 1 85a2n dw,i tthh ei ncreased noufmG beerrmsa n �oi:Jcerasb roa.dt,h meo vem�td evelopienad l mosatl lc ivilised countrNioersi .s t haatl lT.h ep resent-day international workers• movemenitsi ns ubstanac dei reccotn tinuaotfit ohneG erman . Th1.i sw orokf E ngef1osr mtsh ien tdruoctitootn h teh ierddi t(i1o8n8 5) ofM arx·'psa mphElreitt hiilulbuendrge enKn o mmunisteZUn Kporlonz eB [RevelaabtoituohtnCe so logCnoem munTirsita Tlhli.ts r itaolo pk lace in1 852a fttehred efeoaftt h e Revoo.fl 1u8t4i8ao,nn d w asc ontrbiyvt ehde Prussg!oavne rnmenitno rdetros upprtehsews o rkemrosv'e meanntda ,b ove altlh,e C ommunLeiasgtu eI.n· connewcittithoh nia sl plo ssimbelteh oodfs polipcreo vocawterieeom np loyMeadr.xc amoeu wt ithhi psa mphlaegta inst these contpeomlpitmcieebt lheow dhsi cwhe reem ployuendd etrh el eader­ shiopft hec hioeffp oliSctei,e bbeyrd ,i reicnts truocftt ihoekn i ngM.a rx · declares: "Inth e persoofnt hea ccustehder, e volutiproonlaertyad riisaatr,m ed, confrotnhteer du licnlga srseepsr esebnytt ehde jurya;c cutshweeed r e �erefo:re condemnedc a·mbbeee cfaoturhesij esu rtyh.e y · ..". R heninsohb ilaintdRy h enibsohu rgeoistihee viewrri dt'ihcgu't i lty' joinetdh eci rnuy t tebreytd he French boaufrtgDeeeroc iesmib2ee:'r O nly theftc ann ows avper operotnyl;py e rjurreyl,i gion; only bastardy, the familoyn;l y disoorrddeerr!,' ·'·.. .T huss uperstfiatiiitonhut sh ej uryw,h icwha ss tirlilf ien RheniPsrhu sswiaass, h attefroerde vIetrw .a sr ealitsheadt thie sa jury courotft..h ep rivilcelgaesdsi enss,t ittuobt reidd ogvee r 11tahpeis n t he lawb yt heb readotfJ:ih o urgeois con.s (c"Mi aernRi:ce,e v.e laatbio·ou nts ·. . the ·C oloCgonme·m unTirsi)ta l. Inr egatrodt hitsr isaelae l sMoa rxa ndE ngelGse,r m:a nyRevolutjon QndC ounter-RcehvaopXXl.,u itnit oh.nep ,r esveonltu me.. Engelisn't rodutcott ihoeRn e velaatbiootunhtsCe o logCnoem munist Triiasol fi ndepe.ni dmepnotrtaann.dci eso fg reiantt erIetsg ti.va e ssk etch oft hhei stoofrb yo tthh eG ermaann dt hien ternatwioornkaelmr osv'e ment and·d escritbheers o loef M·a rxa·n dE ngeilnst hec reatoifoa n m ilitant proletraarritatynh, eC ommuniLseta gue.-Ed. a 4 FREDERICEKN GELS movemenotf t hatti mew,h icwha st hefi rsitn ternnawalto irokers' movemaetna ltl a,n dw hicbhr oughttot hef ormea nyo ft hose who tookt hel eadirnogl ien t heI nternatiWoonrakli ng Men's AsscoiatioAnn.d1 t heth eoretipcrailn ciptlheastt h eC ommunist League hiands criobne di tsb anneirn T heC ommunMiasnti ­ /e s2t oof 1 84c7o nstittuotdeat yh es trongienstte rnatbioonnda l oft hee ntiprreo letarian moovfbeo mtehEn utr opaen dA merica.I Up ton owt herhea sb eeno nlyo� e �ains ourcfeo ra coherent 1, histoorfyt hamto vemenTth.i si st hes o-calBlleadc Bko okT, he CommusntCi onspiroaftc hiNeei sn eteCeenntthub ryW ye,r muth andS tiebBeerr,l itnw,o p art1s,8 5a3n d1 854Th.i sc rudceo m­ pilatwihoinc bhr istwlietsdh e liberfaatles ificaftaibornisc,a btye d twoo ft hem ostp itifpuoll icsec oundroeflo su rc entursyt,i ll servaesst hef inaslo urcteo dafyo ra lln on-communwirsitt ings aboutth apte riod. WhatI am ablteo g ivhee rise onlay s ketacnhd t himso reover onlyi ns of ara st heL eague iist sceolnfc ernoendl;y w hati s absolutely nefcoerus nsdaerrys tantdhienR ge velatI ihoopnes . thaIt s halble a llowteod- worukp t her icmha tericaoll lecbtye d Marxa ndm yselofn t heh istoorfyth atg lorioyuosu thfpuelr iod oft hei nternatwioornkaelr mso'v ement. In1 83t6h em oste xtremceh,i efplryo letaerlieamne notfst he democratic-repsuebclriecta nO utlawsw'h iLcewhaa gsfu oeu,n ded hy Germanr efugeiensP ariisn 1834s,pl iotff andf 0rmed then ew secreLte agueo f the JustT.h e parenLte aguei n whihcw erel efotn lsyl eepy-heaedleedm enat lsaJ a cOIDVUeSn edey soonf elals leaelpt ogetwhheern;i n1 84t0h ep olisccee ntoeudta fews ectiionnG se rmaniyt,w ash ardleyv ean s hadoowf i tfso rmer selfT.h en ewL eaguoen,t heo thehra ndd,e velopceodm paratively ·rapidOlryi.g inaitl wlays a Germaonu tlioeftr h eF rencwho rker- 1T heI nternatiWoonrakli nMge n'Ass sociaitsit ohneo fficiatli tolfet he FirsItn ternatifoonuanld,ei dn Londoni n1 864. {ItIsn augurAadl dress andS tatutaerseg iveinn t hep resevnotl ume, 432p-.e ts eqO,n theF irst Internatisoeneaa llst oh el etteorfMs an andE ngeltsoK ugelmanSno,r ge, Rolte;C unoan dB eheiln t hep resevnot lume.-Ed. 3 SeeV olumIe oft hper eseendt ition.-Ed. HISTORYO F THE COMMUNISTL EAGUE 5 communislmni kedw ithr ecoelcltioonfsB abouivsm1 thawta :; takinsgh apien P ariast a boutth itsi mec;o mmuniotfyg oods wasd emandeadst hen ecesscaornys equeonf"c eeq uayl;i"Tt he aimsw eret hosoeft heP arisisaenc rseotic etioefst het imev,i z., halpfr oapgandaas sociahtailocfno ,n spiraPcayr;i sh,o wever, beinagl wyasr egardaestd h ec entrpaoli notfr 'e vuotlionaarcyt ion, althho utghep reparaotfio ocnc asiopnuatls cihnGe esr manwyas byn om eanesx cludSeidn.c heo,w evePra,r irse maintehded ecisive battlegrtohuenL de,a guaet t hatti mew asn ota ctaullym uch moret hatnh eG ermabnr ancohft heF rencshe crseocti etiesepse,­ cialtlhyeS oeideetsSe a.i s2o lnesd Bblyna quia ndB arbewsi,t h whicah closceo nnec-twiaosmn a intainTehdeF. r encwhe nti nto actioonn M ay 12, 183;93 t hes ectioofnt sh eL eagumea rched witthh ema ndt huwse rei nvolvientd h ec ommond efeat. Of theG ennanKsa,r lS chappe ra·n dH einriBcahu ewre re arrestLeodu;i Psh ilip4p eg'osv ernmecnotn tenittesde lf with expelltihnegma ftear f airlloyn igm prisonmBeontthw. e ntt o London. Schcaapmpefe rro mW eilbuirngN assaaun dw hilae studeonftf oresattrG yi essienn1 832w asa membeorf t hec on­ spiraocryg aniseGde obryBg u chne5 rh;et oopka ritn t hes torm- 1B abouvisTmh.et heoroyf t heF renccho mmunisGtr,a cchBuasb euf (1760-9d7u)r,i ntgh ·ep erioofdt hefi rsFtr ench bourgeois revolution. Babeuf wasa tt heh eado ft hes.o -calCloends piorafc tyh eE qual(s1 795-9T6h)e. communisomft heB ahouvihsatd·s a c rudeeq ualitacrhiaarna cter. Babeufu'tso ap-i"equalitcaormimaunn i"s-marisienst hep erioodft he overthrooffw e udalaisnmdi sa resu"lotf t heu ndevelospteadt uorfet he proletairtisaeatln fdo ft hel acokf t hem atericaoln ditifoonris tl.si beration., (Marx).-Ed. 2T heS ocieotfyt heS easonAs c.o mmunissetc rseotc ieotryg anibsyed Blanqiuni1 837w,h icwha so fa conspiratcohrairaaelcr .t-Ed. 3T hei :nsurrecotfiM oany 1128, 39w,a so rganibsye d tSheo cieotfy theS easonTsh.e m unicipal bwuaislo dcicnugp iepdr,o vai sigoonevarln m,,nt. proclaiamneddB lanqwuais e lectceodm manrd-ein-chSiienfct.eh eyw ere notl inkewdi tht hem asso ft hep eoplteh,eh .a ndfuolfc onspirators were speedily bryot uhtepe odl iacned t heN ationGaula rd.-Ed. - 4L ouiPsh ilip0p7e7 3-185K0i)n.go fF ranced;u rintgh e" Julmyo n­ archy" he reptrheeis netnetreeodsf tt hse b ankiangn dfi nanciaarli stocracy. TheJ ulyR evolutoifo1 n8 30b roughhti mt ot M thronet;h eF ebruary Revolutoifo1 n8 48o verthhriemw. -Ed. 5 Thisr efetros t hea ttempattr evolutiopnraorpya ganamdoan :: the 'Iesspieaans anutnsd ertabkyet nh eG erma·pn oetG,e orBgu chne(r1 8::' l-37). in1 834t,go ethewri tht hep rieWseti ditgh,e l eadoefrt heH essilani berals, 6 FREDERICEKN GELS ingo ft heF rankfoprotl icset ati1o onn Apri3l, 1 833es,c.a ped abroad"'ainnFd e brua1r8y 3j4o ineMda zzineix'pse dittiooS na ­ v�y.O2:f gigantsitca turrees,o launtdee nergeatliwca,y rse adtyo imperbiolu rgeeoxiiss teanncdel ifhee,w asa modeelx amploef a professiroenvaoll utiosnuacrhay s p layead r oline the' th·i r tiesI.n s pitoef a certacilnu msinoefst sh oughhte,w asb y no meanisn capaobfla e betttheero retuincdaelr stanadsii nspg r,o ved by hisd evelopmfernotm " demagoguteo"C 3o mmunisatn,d h e heltdh eanl lth em orer igidtlowy h ath eo ncec amet or ecognise. Precisoenlt yh aatc couhnits r evolutiopnaasrsyio ofnt egno tt he betteofrh isu nderstandbiunthg e, a lwayasf terwasradwsh is mistaakned o penlayc knowledigte.Hd e wasf ullay m an and what he,dhoanesf ort hef oundionfgt heG erman wormkoevres·' mentw ilnlo tb ef orgotten. HeinriBcahu efrr omF ranconwiaas a shoemakear l;i vely, alerwti,t tlyi ttfleel lowwh,o slei ttbloed yh,o wevearl,s coo ntained muchs hrewdnaensdsd etermination. ArriveidnL ondonw,h·e reS chappewrh,o hadb·e ena corn· positionrP arinso,w t rietdoe arnh isl iviansga teachoefr l a·n :,t_ guagetsh,e byo tshe tto w orkg atheruipnt gh eb roketnh rdesaa nd madeL ondotnh ec entrofet heL eagueT.h eyw erej oineodv er Biichner tfhoSeuoc nidefetodyHr u maRni ghwthsi,cc ha rroinea dg itation amontgh ep easa"nPtesac.et ·o t hec ottaWgaerst !o t hep alacessu!c"h wasG eorBgi ichner'sT hesm loovgeamnew.na tsh ,o wevseurp,p rebsys ed thgeo vernmaetnt th vee rbye ginning.-Ed. 1T hea ttaocntk h Fer ankpfoolritsc tea 'wtaisao nnu nsucceaststfeumlp t ata p utsocnth h pea rotfa grouopfr adieclaelm e(natbsofi ufttp ye rsons), mostsltyu deTnhtesp .o lihcaedb eefno rewaorfnt ehdep utspclha nned a11:aitnhsFete derDaiel(t B undeshtaavgii)nt gss e ssiionFn rs!\Il kfoanrdt , utilitsheaedt temtpoit n tenrseipfrye smseiavseua rgeasi tnhsbeto urgeois­ libemroavle meinnGt e rmany.-Ed. 2 Mazzine?xsp edittoSi aovnow ya so neo ft huen succersesvfoullu tion­ arye xpediotrigoannsbi yste hdiI st albioaunr geois-rreepvuoblluitciaonn ary fotrh eu nificaotfiI otnaa lnyd i tlsi beraftrioAomun s tarnidat hep apal yoke.-Ed. . . 8 Thiwsa st hnea maep plbiyet dh Gee rniang overnmaeuntth orities to three presenotfla itbievarenasddl e mocriadteifracos m t htew enttiote hse fortoifet sh el as,ct e ntuIrny1 .8 1a9 ,s peccioamlm iswsaisoa np pointed lo invest"idgeamtaeg iongtirci giunae lstl"h Gee rmasnt ates.-Ed.

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