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Carla G. Spinillo, Petrônio Bendito & Stephania Padovani [Eds.] Selected Readings on Information Design communication, technology, history and education [electronic edition] Curitiba SBDI | Brazilian Society of Information Design 2009 ISBN 978-85-89879-06-4 Catalogação na Fonte: Universidade Federal do Paraná . Biblioteca de Ciências Humanas e Educação. Selected readings on information design: communication, technology, history and education / Editores: Carla Spinillo; Petrônio Bendito; Stephania Padovani - Curitiba: Sociedade Brasileira de Design da informação, 2009. 202 p. ISBN 978-85-89879-06-4 1.Desenho – comunicação. 2. Desenho – campanhas publicitárias. 3. Tecnologia da informa- ção – desenho. 4. Tecnologia da informação – educação. 5. Sinais e símbolos na comunicação visual. I. Spinillo, Carla. II. Bendito, Petrônio. III. Padovani, Stephania. CDD 20. ed. 745.2 CDU 1987 7.05 ________________________________________________________________________________________ Sirlei do Rocio Gdulla CRB-9ª/985 Foreword This book comprises a selection of 12 papers presented at the third Information Design International Conference, promoted by the Brazilian Society of Information Design - SBDI in 2007, together with the papers by keynote speakers: Bob Jacobson, Heiner Jacob and Mônica Moura. Here, papers are published as chapters, and in the language they were originally written, i.e., English or Portuguese (with abstract in English). This book is divided into four parts which embrace the diversity of themes covered by the papers: (1) Information Systems and Communication; (2) Experiential and Interaction Design; (3) Information Design, Theory and Methods; and (4) Information Design and Education. In the first part of the book, authors discuss information systems in printed and digital media about communication for readers/users. Issues regarding information visualization are presented by Müller et al., in their chapter on medical glyphs, as well as by Spitz and Gamba Junior when discussing images in an anti-smoking campaign in Brazil. With a particular focus on users, Mont’Alvão and Rodrigues’ chapter brings out research results on the representation of information for the elderly in vehicles, whereas Azevedo analyses the depiction of warnings in manual instructions in her research based chapter. Following, the second part of this publication presents issues on designing for users’ (sensorial) experience and interaction in digital media. Initially, Robert (Bob) Jacobson brings his views on experience design versus information design, and Search shares experiences on cross-cultural communication. The chapters by Telma et al., and by Souto introduce concepts and description of digital/web appliances from interactive information design perspective. Theoretical and methodological aspects of information are addressed in the third part of the publication. Shiraiwa et al. discuss aspects on today information design from semiotic perspective, whereas Agner as well as Amstel raise issues on methods and methodology applied to digital era in their respective chapters. In the fourth and final part of this publication, Education is the theme that brings the chapters together. Jacob presents students’ works on wayfinding in Köln International School of Design in Germany, and Coutinho and Ferreira discuss children’s drawing in a cross-cultural study in France and Brazil. Education in computer mediated learning and in hypermedia are the main concerns in Campello’s chapter as well as in Moura’s who also brings to discussion the relevance of cultural aspects in education. We hope the selection of papers/chapters in this book not only entertains our readers, but also contributes to thinking information design as a fertile ground for research and reflection. Curitiba, Brazil, 2009 Carla G. Spinillo, Petrônio Bendito & Stephania Padovani [Editors] Carla G. Spinillo, PhD Department of Design, Sector of Human Sciences, Letters and Arts, The Federal University of Paraná Rua Gal. Carneiro 460, Edf. D. Pedro I, 8o andar, Centro, Curitiba - PR | 80060-150 | Brazil Petrônio Bendito, PhD Department of Visual and Performing Arts, Purdue University 532 W. Wood st., West Lafayette, IN | 47902 | USA Stephania Padovani, PhD Department of Design, Sector of Human Sciences, Letters and Arts, The Federal University of Paraná Rua Gal. Carneiro 460, Edf. D. Pedro I, 8o andar, Centro, Curitiba - PR | 80060-150 | Brazil © SBDI 2009 | Printed in Brazil www.sbdi.org.br [email protected] SBDI | The Brazilian Society of Information Design is a scientific association intended for all researchers, academics and professionals interested in analogical and digital information and communication systems, information management and production, which are aimed at the optimization of visual information acquisition and information management processes. The publisher makes no representation, expressed or implied, with regard to the accuracy of information contained within this book, and cannot accept any legal responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions that may occur. Graphic Design Graphic Design for this edition Evelyn Azevedo Patricia Fujita Jury procedure for selecting the papers The selection procedure for this publication was conducted by a jury of three referees who are also the book editors and had the mission of assuring the quality of the publication. They were: Dr Carla G. Spinillo (Federal University of Paraná); Dr Petrônio Bendito (Purdue University) and Dr Stephania Padovani (Federal University of Paraná). The process was initiated with the designation of the papers which reached the highest scores by the referees of the 3rd Information Design International Conference. The papers were then reviewed by the jury/editors, on whom the final choice of papers fell. As a result, 12 out of 98 papers presented at the conference were selected for this publication, together with those by the invited presenters, Heiner Jacob, Mônica Moura and Robert Jacobson. Editorial acknowledgments We would like to express our thanks to authors for their contributions. Special thanks goes to Patricia Fujita for her dedication and hard work. We are also grateful to Universidade Positivo for funding the printed version of this publication. Contents List of contributors 10 Part 01 Information systems and communication 11 Introduction 12 Chapter 01 Dispositivos de informação em veículos: Como atender aos motoristas idosos? 13 Cláudia Mont’Alvão, Bruno Rodrigues Chapter 02 Sinais de advertência em manuais de instrução: Um estudo analítico 22 Evelyn Rodrigues de Azevedo Chapter 03 Medical glyphs in personalized medicine 35 Heimo Muller, Doris Ulrich, Michael Kalkusch, Fritz Wiesinger Chapter 04 Design & campanhas anti-tabagismo: As novas imagens e advertências a serem impressas nos maços de cigarro no Brasil 45 Rejane Spitz, Nilton G. Gamba Junior Part 02 Experiential and interaction design 61 Introduction 62 Chapter 05 From information design to designing for experience 63 Robert Jacobson Chapter 06 Digital storytelling for cross-cultural communication in global networking 77 Patricia Search Chapter 07 Conceitos de administração, arquitetura e jogos de computador aplicados ao design de museu virtual 85 Talita C. Pacheco Telma, Rafael Dubiela, César Kohl, Maristela Mitsuko Ono, André Luiz Battaiola Chapter 08 Describing how links are displayed in government websites: An analysis of accessibility and usability topics 98 Virgínia Tiradentes Souto

contributes to thinking information design as a fertile ground for research and reflection. Curitiba, Brazil Department of Design, Sector of Human Sciences, Letters and Arts, The Federal University of Paraná. Rua Gal. Socrates, Aesops and the computer: Questioning and storytelling with multimedi
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