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Selected Papers from the 8th Annual Conference of Energy Economics and Management PDF

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Selected Papers from the 8th Annual Conference of Energy Economics and Management Edited by Leixun Yang, Xinye Zheng and Zhan-Ming Chen Printed Edition of the Special Issue Published in Energies www.mdpi.com/journal/energies Selected Papers from the 8th Annual Conference of Energy Economics and Management Selected Papers from the 8th Annual Conference of Energy Economics and Management SpecialIssueEditors LeixunYang XinyeZheng Zhan-MingChen MDPI•Basel•Beijing•Wuhan•Barcelona•Belgrade Special Issue Editors Leixun Yang Xinye Zheng National Natural Science Foundation Renmin University of China of China China China Zhan-Ming Chen Renmin University of China China Editorial Office MDPI St. Alban-Anlage 66 4052 Basel, Switzerland ThisisareprintofarticlesfromtheSpecialIssuepublishedonlineintheopenaccessjournalEnergies (ISSN1996-1073)from2017to2019(availableat:https://www.mdpi.com/journal/energies/special issues/cseem) Forcitationpurposes,citeeacharticleindependentlyasindicatedonthearticlepageonlineandas indicatedbelow: LastName, A.A.; LastName, B.B.; LastName, C.C.ArticleTitle. JournalNameYear, ArticleNumber, PageRange. ISBN978-3-03921-457-0(Pbk) ISBN978-3-03921-458-7(PDF) (cid:2)c 2019bytheauthors. ArticlesinthisbookareOpenAccessanddistributedundertheCreative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license, which allows users to download, copy and build upon publishedarticles,aslongastheauthorandpublisherareproperlycredited,whichensuresmaximum disseminationandawiderimpactofourpublications. ThebookasawholeisdistributedbyMDPIunderthetermsandconditionsoftheCreativeCommons licenseCCBY-NC-ND. Contents AbouttheSpecialIssueEditors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii Preface to ”Selected Papers from the 8th Annual Conference of Energy Economics and Management” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .ix GuangfangLuo,JianjunZhang,YonghengRao,XiaoleiZhuandYiqiangGuo CoalSupplyChains: AWhole-Process-BasedMeasurementofCarbonEmissionsinaMining CityofChina Reprintedfrom:energies2017,10,1855,doi:10.3390/en10111855 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 YeDuan,NanLi,HailinMuandShusenGui Research on CO2 Emission Reduction Mechanism of China’s Iron and Steel Industry under VariousEmissionReductionPolicies Reprintedfrom:energies2017,10,2026,doi:10.3390/en10122026 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 ShiyunXu,YingYang,KaixiangPeng,LinlinLi,TasawarHayatandAhmedAlsaedi WideAreaCoordinatedControlofMulti-FACTSDevicestoDampPowerSystemOscillations Reprintedfrom:energies2017,10,2130,doi:10.3390/en10122130 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Bongsuk Sung and Woo-Yong Song Does Dynamic Efficiency of Public Policy Promote Export Prformance? Evidence from Bioenergy Technology Sector Reprintedfrom:energies2017,10,2131,doi:10.3390/en10122131 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 ChiZhang,ZhengningPuandJiashaFu TheRecurrenceIntervalDifferenceofPowerLoadinHeavy/LightIndustriesofChina Reprintedfrom:energies2018,11,106,doi:10.3390/en11010106 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 LinZhang,ShanGuo,ZezhouWu,AhmedAlsaediandTasawarHayat SWOT Analysis for the Promotion of Energy Efficiency in Rural Buildings: A Case Study ofChina Reprintedfrom:energies2018,11,851,doi:10.3390/en11040851 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Zhan-MingChen,LiyuanWang,Xiao-BingZhangandXinyeZheng TheCo-MovementandAsymmetrybetweenEnergyandGrainPrices:EvidencefromtheCrude OilandCornMarkets Reprintedfrom:energies2019,12,1373,doi:10.3390/en12071373 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 ZiruFeng,TianCai,KangliXiang,ChenxiXiangandLeiHou EvaluatingtheImpactofFossilFuelVehicleExitontheOilDemandinChina Reprintedfrom:energies2019,12,2771,doi:10.3390/en12142771 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 v About the Special Issue Editors Liexun Yang received his Doctorate in Management Science from Xi’an Jiaotong University in2001.HeisViceDirector-GeneraloftheDepartmentofManagementSciencesofNationalNatural ScienceFoundationofChina(NSFC).HewasVisitingScholarattheKennedySchoolofGovernment atHarvardUniversityin2004andVisitingProfessoroftheCollegeofManagementatNationalSun Yat-senUniversity(NSYSU,Taiwan,China). Hehaspublished4monographsandover50journal papersabouttechnologyprojectmanagement,informationmanagement,researchpolicy,andother relatedareas. Hiscurrentresearchinterestsincludepublicpolicy,projectevaluationandselection, andresearchpolicy. Xinye Zheng received his Doctorate in Economics from Georgia State University in 2006. He is ProfessorandDeanoftheSchoolofAppliedEconomics, RenminUniversityofChina. Heisalso Director of the Energy and Resource Strategy Research Center of the National Development and Strategy Research Institute of Renmin University of China, and Vice President of the Economic ResearchInstituteofthe“BeltandRoad”ofRenminUniversityofChina. Hewasselectedforthe Cultural Masters (“four batches”) talent program organized by Central Propaganda Department and “New Century Excellent Talents Support Program” organized by the Ministry of Education. Hisresearchfieldsincludeenergyeconomics,industrialorganization,andpubliceconomics.Hehas publishedmorethan60papers, anEnglishmonographand8booksinChinese. Hehasprovided decision-makingconsultingservicesformanydepartmentsofChinesegovernmentandalsowrote columnsfornewsmediasuchasChinaEnergyNewsandChinaBusinessNews,andbeenwidely interviewed,coveringCCTVnewsbroadcasts,focusinterviews,CCTVEnglishchannels,NHKJapan, tonamebutafew. Zhan-MingChenreceivedhisDoctoratefromCollegeofEngineering,PekingUniversity,in2011and BS/BEcfromtheDepartmentofMechanicsandEngineeringScience/ChinaCenterforEconomics Research,PekingUniversity,in2006.HeisnowAssociateProfessorandAssistantDeanoftheSchool ofAppliedEconomics,RenminUniversityofChina. Dr. Chen’scurrentresearchfocusesonenergy economicsandpolicy.Hehaspublishedover70peer-reviewedpaperswithanh-indexof29andover 2800citations. vii Preface to ”Selected Papers from the 8th Annual Conference of Energy Economics and Management” This volume is a collection of eight papers selected from the 8th Annual Conference of Energy Economics and Management held in Beijing, China on 22–24 September 2017. Withover500participants,theconferencewasoneoftheleadingconferencesinChinaforpresenting novel and fundamental advances in energy economics and management. The purpose of this conferenceisforscientists,scholars,engineers,andgraduatestudentsfromuniversitiesandresearch institutes to present ongoing research activities in order to exchange research ideas in the area of energyeconomicsandmanagement. Selectedpaperscoverdifferentaspectsofthebroadspectrum ofenergyeconomicsandmanagementatbothmacro-andmicrolevels, includingbuildingenergy efficiency, industrial energy demand, public policy to promote new energy technology, power system control technology, emission reduction policies in energy-intensive industries, emission measurementsofcities,energypricemovement,andtheimpactofnewenergyvehicles. LeixunYang,XinyeZheng,Zhan-MingChen SpecialIssueEditors ix

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