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Preview Selected papers from the 13th COMPUMAG Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields Application Forum

COMPEL ISSN 0332-1649 The International Journal for Computation and Volume 21 Number 4 Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic 2002 Engineering Selected papers from the 13th COMPUMAG Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields Application Forum Guest Editor Professor F. Bouillault This issue is Paperformat InternetOnlinePublishing part of a COMPELincludesfourissuesin withArchive,ActiveReference comprehensive traditionalpaperformat.The Linking,KeyReadings, contentsofthisissuearedetailed Institution-wideLicence, multiple access below. E-mailAlertingServiceandUsageStatistics. information AccessviatheEmeraldWebsite: service http://www.emeraldinsight.com/ft Seep.499forfulldetailsofsubscriber entitlements. Access to COMPEL online _________________________ 499 CONTENTS Editorial advisory board ___________________________ 500 Abstracts and keywords ___________________________ 501 Introduction_______________________________________ 504 A current transformer modeling YannLe Floch,Christophe Gue´rin,Dominique Boudaud, Ge´rard Meunier andXavier Brunotte_____________________________________________ 505 Achieving the holy grail of seamless CAD data import into analysis software J. Oakley,C.P. Riley,S.Taylor andC.W. Trowbridge___________________ 512 Application of regularisation method of quasi-singular integrals to compute eddy-current distribution near cracks PhilippeBeltrame andNoel Burais _________________________________ 519 Design of photonic band gap optical fibers using finite elements S.Guenneau,S.Lasquellec, A. Nicolet andF.Zolla____________________ 534 Analysis of techniques to compare complex data sets CONTENTS D.E.Coleby and A.P.Duffy _______________________________________ 540 continued 3-D eddy current computation for a transformer tank HiroshiKanayama, Ryuji Shioya,Daisuke Tagami and Satoshi Matsumoto______________________________________________ 554 Integration of control loops in coupled field circuit model to study magnetic devices supplied by power electronic converter and their control G.Manot, Y. Lef`evre, H.Piquet andF.Richardeau____________________ 563 Calculation of winding losses using matrix modeling of high frequency transformer K.W.E. Cheng,K.F. Kwok,S.L.Ho andY.L.Ho______________________ 573 Eddy currents in thin plates modelled as surface regions Virgiliu Fireteanu,BernardPaya, JacquesNunsand TiberiuTudorache___ 581 Field and current flow analysis of the buried feeding line of the innovative electric transport concept STREAM P.Alotto, F.Delfino, G.Molinari,M.Rossi, V.Sicilianoand P.O. Ventura___________________________________________________ 591 Developments of an efficient global optimal design technique – a combined approach of MLS and SA algorithm S.L.Ho, Shiyou Yang,Peihong Ni andH.C. Wong ____________________ 604 Magnetic field around the aluminium electrolysis cells AugustinMoraru, AureliuPanaitescu, IleanaPanaitescuand Antoineta Soci__________________________________________________ 615 3D-FDTD characterization of an original low-loss silicon line AlexandreRichardson, Laurent Cirio,Laurent MartoglioandOdile Picon__ 624 A note from the publisher__________________________ 633 Index to volume 21, 2002 __________________________ 634 COMPEL EDITORIALADVISORYBOARD 21,4 ProfessorO.Biro ProfessorD.Lowther GrazUniversityofTechnology,Graz,Austria McGillUniversity,VilleSaintLaurent,Quebec, Canada ProfessorJ.R.Cardoso UniversityofSaoPaulo,SaoPaulo,Brazil ProfessorO.Mohammed FloridaInternationalUniversity,Florida,USA ProfessorC.Christopoulos 500 UniversityofNottingham,Nottingham,UK ProfessorG.Molinari UniversityofGenoa,Genoa,Italy ProfessorJ.-L.Coulomb Laboratoired’ElectrotechniquedeGrenoble, ProfessorA.Razek Grenoble,France EcoleSuperiordel’Electricite,GifsurYvette, France ProfessorX.Cui NorthChinaElectricPowerUniversity,Baoding, ProfessorG.Rubinacci Hebei,China UniversitadiCassino,Cassino,Italy ProfessorA.Demenko ProfessorM.Rudan Poznan´ UniversityofTechnology,Poznan´,Poland UniversityofBologna,Bologna,Italy ProfessorE.Freeman ProfessorM.Sever ImperialCollegeofScience,London,UK TheHebrewUniversity,Jerusalem,Israel ProfessorSong-yopHahn ProfessorJ.Tegopoulos SeoulNationalUniversity,Seoul,Korea NationalTechUniversityofAthens,Athens,Greece ProfessorDr.-IngK.Hameyer ProfessorW.Trowbridge KatholiekeUniversiteitLeuven,Leuven-Heverlee, VectorFieldsLtd,Oxford,UK Belgium ProfessorT.Tsiboukis ProfessorN.Ida AristotleUniversityofThessaloniki,Thessaloniki, UniversityofAkron,Akron,USA Greece ProfessorA.Jack DrL.R.Turner TheUniversity,NewcastleUponTyne,UK ArgonneNationalLaboratory,Argonne,USA ProfessorA.Kost ProfessorDr.-IngT.Weiland TechnischeUniversitatBerlin,Berlin,Germany TechnischeUniversitatDarmstadt,Darmstadt, Germany ProfessorT.S.Low NationalUniversityofSingapore,Singapore ProfessorK.Zakrzewski PolitechnikaLodzka,Lodz,Poland COMPEL:TheInternationalJournal forComputationandMathematicsin ElectricalandElectronicEngineering, Vol.21No.4,2002,p.500. #MCBUPLimited,0332-1649 A current transformermodeling difficulty to evaluate accurately integrals for Abstracts and YannLe Floch,Christophe Gue´rin, thecurrentdensitynearthecrack.Infact,due keywords Dominique Boudaud, Ge´rard Meunier to the singular kernel of a dyadic Green function, the integration is quasi-singular. A andXavier Brunotte specificregularisationalgorithmisdeveloped Keywords Electrical circuits, to overcome this problem and applied to Transient flow,Nonlinearity, Magneticfields represent eddy current distribution between Thispaperpresentsthemodelingofacurrent two cracks. 501 transformer by various methods with the FLUX3D software. The technique used is Design ofphotonic bandgap optical based on the finite element method coupled fibers using finite elements with electric circuits. A magnetic scalar S.Guenneau, S.Lasquellec, A. Nicolet potential reduced versus T formulation 0 and F.Zolla (Tf2f) taking into account the electric 0 circuits with an air-gap is used for this Keywords Edgeelements, purpose. The air-gap is described either by a Electromagnetism thin volume region or bya surface region. Inthispaper,westudyanewclassofoptical fibers to be utilized in future optics and Achieving theholygrail ofseamless optoelectronics. These so-called photonic CADdataimportintoanalysissoftware band gap (PBG) waveguides can be classified into a fundamentally different way J. Oakley,C.P. Riley,S.Taylor and to all optical waveguides and possess C.W. Trowbridge radically different guiding properties due to Keywords Computational methods, PBG guidance, as opposed to guidance by Electromagnetics, Computer software,CAD total internal reflection. One of the difficulties in electromagnetic modelling has been the lack of standard Analysis oftechniques tocompare CAD data to enable direct import of data complexdata sets into analysis software. Many solid modelling D.E. Coleby andA.P.Duffy standardshavebeenproposedovertheyears, butduetothemanyseparateinterestsinvolved Keywords Validation, Datacapture, and differing geometrical requirements, a Correlation analysis definitive standard has been elusive. Recently This paper analyses a number of techniques theACISbasedSATformathasgainedfavour that can be used to compare complex data andcanbeproducedbymanyproprietaryCAD sets,suchasthosearisingfromelectromagnetic drawing packages. This paper exemplifies a simulationandexperimentation.Thetechniques modern electromagnetic analysis tool that is assessed are: correlation, several reliability abletodirectlyimportSATformatdata. factors and feature selective validation. The study examines the performance of each Application ofregularisation method technique for data comparison. The paper ofquasi-singular integrals tocompute provides a comprehensive summary of the eddy-current distributionnear cracks techniques and compares their performance andcommentsontheiruseinthevalidationof PhilippeBeltrame andNoel Burais numericalmodellingcodesandmodeldesigns. Keywords Eddycurrents, Non-destructive testing, Evaluation 3-D eddy current computation for a Forthincracks,ineddycurrenttesting(ECT), transformer tank the field-flaw interaction is equivalent to a Hiroshi Kanayama, RyujiShioya currentdipolelayeronitssurface.Thedipole Daisuke TagamiandSatoshi Matsumoto densityisthesolutionofanintegralequation with a hyperstrong kernel. The variation of Keywords Eddy currents, COMPEL:TheInternationalJournal Domain decomposition method, A-method forComputationandMathematicsin coil impedance and eddy current distribution ElectricalandElectronicEngineering, is directly obtained from this density by a Alargescalecomputationofthree-dimensional Vol.21No.4,2002, Abstractsandkeywords. surface integration. There is a numerical eddy current problems is considered; their #MCBUPLimited,0332-1649 COMPEL numbers of degrees of freedom are near one alternativemethodtothefiniteelementandis million. A parallel computing using the afilamentapproach.Experimentalresultsand 21,4 Hierarchical Domain Decomposition Method computation results using the proposed (HDDM)is introduced tocompute large scale method arefoundto havegood agreement. problems. Atransformer model is considered as a numerical example, and HDDM is Eddy currents inthinplates modelled applicable to themodel. as surface regions 502 Virgiliu Fireteanu,Bernard Paya, Integration of controlloops incoupled Jacques NunsandTiberiu Tudorache field circuitmodelto studymagnetic Keywords Finite elementmethod, devicessupplied by powerelectronic Numerical methods, Modelling, converter andtheir control Eddy currents, Surface formulation G.Manot, Y. Lef`evre, H.Piquet and Thispaperanalyses theconditionsforwhich F.Richardeau the results of eddy currents computation in Keywords Modelling, Magnetic fields, thin regions modelled by surface regions are Control concordantwiththoseobtainedusingvolume Inthispaper,wepresentamethodtotakeinto finiteelements.Theconceptsofgeometrically account feedback control in software thin or thick region, electromagnetically thin developed from coupled field circuit models. orthickregion,2Dor3Dproblem,transverse The implementation of control loops is done or longitudinal flux problem are used to in a software which is able to simulate characterise the limits of the surface model. electromagnetic devices associated with The computation of eddy currents in sheets power electronic circuits having a time heatedintransversefluxinductorsandofthe dependent topology. The control strategy is eddy current losses in metallic casing of an implemented in a discrete-time version and inductionfurnacehighlightsthesurfacefinite can manage all controllable electronic element applicability. switches by means of different electric or magnetic quantities calculated during the Field andcurrent flowanalysis of the simulation (flux, currents, voltages, ...). buried feedingline oftheinnovative Electrical systems involving magnetic electric transport conceptSTREAM devices, power electronic converters and P. Alotto,F.Delfino, G.Molinari, M.Rossi, their control devices can be similated in V. SicilianoandP.O. Ventura presence of phenomena such as eddy currents or saturation of the magnetic Keywords Electrical machines, Transport, material. 3D, Finite elementsimulation STREAMistheacronymofanewconceptof Calculation ofwinding losses using masstransitsystemdesignedanddevelopedby matrixmodeling ofhigh frequency AnsaldoTrasportiS.p.A.toprovideanefficient transformer solution to rubber-tyred transportation problems in urban areas. One of STREAM’s K.W.E. Cheng,K.F. Kwok,S.L.Ho and most distinctive feature is the power supply Y.L.Ho system,whichusesamagneticliftcontactline Keywords Eddycurrent loss, Transformer, embedded in the road surface to deliver Filament traction power and to provide operating and Calculation of the winding losses of high controlinformation.Inthispaperthefieldand frequency transformer based on one- the current flow analyses of this buried dimensional field analysis is normally feeding track are presented and discussed. inapplicable for complex winding Analyses are aimed at determining the configurations. This paper presents a matrix highest values of accessible voltages on the modeling method which can produce a ground under different environmental and generalized mechanism to solve the AC operating conditions. Results provided by a winding losses. The transformer is modeled numerical simulation of the 3D model in a matrix connected filament. This is an representing the feeding track allow us to identify the most critical conditions and to is referring to a magnetostatic shield with Abstracts and verifythesafetyandreliabilityofthesystem. double walls, designated to protect the keywords electronic data acquisition equipment when Developments ofanefficient global is used in this environment. As introduction, optimal design technique – a combined some features are presented and discussed approach ofMLS and SAalgorithm for three models used in the field calculation of magnetically polarised bodies and the S.L.Ho, Shiyou Yang,Peihong Ni and algorithm of iterative calculation in spaces 503 H.C. Wong with sparse magneticbodies. Keywords Surfaces, Model, Simulation, Algorithms, Optimization A new response surface model (RSM), the 3D-FDTD characterization ofan movingleastsquares(MLS)approximation,is original low-loss silicon line proposed for reconstructing the objective/ Alexandre Richardson, LaurentCirio, constraint functions for the design Laurent Martoglioand OdilePicon optimization of electromagnetic devices. The reconstructed functions are then combined Keywords Microstructures, Silicon with the simulated annealing (SA) algorithm A numerical and experimental analysis of to develop a computationally efficient an original inverted microstrip transmission technique to obtain the global solutions. The line on standard Silicon substrate for newmethodhas:theˆintelligence¤toarrange telecommunication applications is proposed. the sample points, i.e. intensify the sample Simulations have been made using a time points in regions where a local optimum is domain method such as Finite-Difference- likely to exist; the flexibility in dealing with Time-Domain method (FDTD) to obtain irregular sample points; the self-adaptive results on a large frequency band. However, ability to regulate the parameters of the the main difficulty of the FDTD is due to MLS models. Detailed numerical examples the absorbing boundary conditions (ABC) aregiven tovalidate theproposed technique. which must be perfectly matched to the inhomogeneous media with losses. Indeed, Magnetic field around thealuminium thefinedimensionsprescribedbythestudied electrolysis cells circuit lead to a long computational time. To reduce the FDTD grid but also to simulate AugustinMoraru, AureliuPanaitescu, inhomogeneous medium with losses, an IleanaPanaitescu, AntoinetaSoci efficient and broadband ABC has to be Keywords Magnetic fields,Magnetostatics implemented because classical ones are not Twomagnetostatic applications arereported, suitabletosimulatealossysubstrate.Forthis related to the magnetic field around the reason, a specific uniaxial perfectly matched aluminium electrolysis cells. The first layers (UPML) is proposed. We compare exhibits the magnetic field created by the numerical results obtained with FDTD, HP current carrying parts in the cell Momentum and experimental ones to show neighbourhood, by taking into account the the validation of the method applied to lossy influence of the magnetic bodies. The second media. COMPEL Introduction 21,4 The 13th COMPUMAG Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic 504 Fields (July 2-5, 2001) was complemented – during the day immediately after the Conference – by a TEAM Workshop and Application Forum. The aim of the forum was to encourage and facilitate discussion on application problems in numerical simulations of electromagnetic devices. The TEAM Workshop andApplicationForumwereheldinaverypleasantplace:theVVFofEvian. TEAMistheacronymfor‘‘TestingElectromagneticAnalysisMethods’’and wasestablishedtovalidatetheeffectivenessofnumericaltechniques,basedon developed benchmark problems. Existing ‘‘open’’ problems, as well as newly proposedones,werediscussedduringtheTEAMWorkshopinEvian. TogetherwiththeTEAMWorkshop,anApplicationForumwasorganized. Duringanoralandapostersession,25papersrelatedtoindustrialapplications of the numerical field computation were presented. Only papers dealing with numerical methods were considered. The objective of the forum was to show the impact of electromagnetic computation on the design of new industrial devices. Theauthorsofacceptedpaperswereinvitedtosubmitanextendedversion for possible publication in COMPEL. These extended versions underwent a newpeerreviewprocessinaccordancewiththerulesofCOMPEL.Aselection of13papershavebeenacceptedandarepresentedinthisissue. COMPEL:TheInternationalJournal forComputationandMathematicsin ElectricalandElectronicEngineering, Vol.21No.4,2002,p.504. #MCBUPLimited,0332-1649 Thecurrentissueandfulltextarchiveofthisjournalisavailableat http://www.emeraldinsight.com/0332-1649.htm A current transformer A current transformer modeling modeling Yann Le Floch 505 Cedrat Recherche, Meylan, France Laboratoire d’Electrotechnique de Grenoble, Saint Martin d’H`eres, France Christophe Gue´rin Cedrat Recherche, Meylan, France Dominique Boudaud Schneider Electric, Grenoble, France Ge´rard Meunier Laboratoire d’Electrotechnique de Grenoble, Saint Martin d’H`eres, France, and Xavier Brunotte Cedrat Recherche, Meylan, France KeywordsElectricalcircuits,Transientflow,Nonlinearity,Magneticfields AbstractThispaperpresentsthemodelingofacurrenttransformerbyvariousmethodswiththe FLUX3Dsoftware.Thetechniqueusedisbasedonthefiniteelementmethodcoupledwithelectric circuits.AmagneticscalarpotentialreducedversusT formulationðT f2fÞtakingintoaccount 0 0 theelectriccircuitswithanair-gapisusedforthispurpose.Theair-gapisdescribedeitherbyathin volumeregionorbyasurfaceregion. 1. Introduction The study deals with a current transformer used in a low voltage circuit breaker made by Schneider Electric (see Plate 1). FLUX3D software allows us to take into account nonlinear transient magnetic problems coupled with electriccircuits.Thissoftwareenablestomodelinaneffectivewaythecurrent transformers by introducing a thin volume air-gap. This solution can be used when modeling simple devices such as the current transformer presented in this paper. When modeling more complex devices, difficulties due to the geometricaldescriptionandthemeshingofthethinvolumeair-gapscanoccur. Wewouldthenliketomodelthethinvolumeair-gapinanotherwaybyusing shell elements which are surface elements with a thickness. Thus, a new COMPEL:TheInternationalJournal version which allows us to take into account electric circuits and surface air- forComputationandMathematicsin ElectricalandElectronicEngineering, gapshasbeendeveloped.Wewilldescribetheimprovementsobtained,thanks Vol.21No.4,2002,pp.505-511. to the introduction of a surface air-gap with the electric circuits. qMCBUPLimited,0332-1649 DOI10.1108/03321640210437761 COMPEL 21,4 506 Plate1. Thecurrenttransformer usedforthemodeling 2. Description of the current transformer The transformer is constituted by a magnetic core surrounded by two secondary coils connected in series. The finite element modeling (in time stepping and circuit equations) represents 1/8th of the device (see Figure 1). The simulated curves correspond to a primary sinusoidal excitation ðI ¼ 0 11;137Aandf ¼ 50HzÞandapurelyresistiveload.Thetotalsimulationtime (40ms) corresponds to the transient mode of the sensor. 3. Formulation: T f2f 0 The present formulation ðT f2fÞ (Biro et al., 1993; Meunier et al., 1998) to 0 treat couplings between electric circuits and magnetic devices is shown in Figure 2. Figure1. Descriptionofthe currenttransformer In magnetic circuit (V): A current t transformer H ¼ 2gradðfÞ B ¼mH modeling In air and in air-gap (V ) 0 507 X H ¼ I t 2gradðfÞ B ¼mH k 0k 0 k¼1;m where m is the number of inductors. t iscalculatedintheV regionwithaunitcurrentintheinductork,suchas: 0k 0 t £n ¼ 0 on G ¼ V >V 0k t 0 With this assumption, the relation between current and voltage is (Piriou and Razek, 1992): Z ›B U ¼ R I þ t · dV k k k 0k ›t V0 To compute t , we have two solutions. The first solution is to use edge 0k elements, which is natural in order to take into account the surface condition t £n ¼ 0 on G. The other one is to compute nodal t . For this purpose, we 0k 0k compute t in the air (V ) such as 0k 0 t ¼ h 2gradðdfÞ 0k 0k k whereh isthemagneticfieldduetoaunitcurrentintheinductork,calculated 0k with Biot and Savart’s formula (nodal value) in the air (V ),df the reduced- 0 k total increment (Simkin and Trowbridge, 1979; Luong et al., 1996) calculated with a unit current in the inductor k such as: gradðdfÞ£n ¼ h £n on k 0k G ¼ V >V : t 0 Figure2. FormulationT f2f 0 configuration

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