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Select Concepts in the Terminology of Hadith Masters - Ar/Eng translation of Nukhbatul-Fikr PDF

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Preview Select Concepts in the Terminology of Hadith Masters - Ar/Eng translation of Nukhbatul-Fikr

Nukhbat al-Fikar fī Muṣṭalaḥ ‘Ahl al-‘Athar or Select Concepts in the Terminology of Hadith Masters : Abūl-Faḍl ‘Aḥmad bin `Alī bin Muḥammad bin ‘Aḥ- by mad bin Ḥajar al-`Asqalānī (d.852AH) : Translati on, Layout & Design by Ustadh Abu Najm bin al-Iskandar 19th Shawwal 1438 This work is licensed under a Creati ve Commons Att ributi on-NonCommercial-NoDerivati ves 4.0 Internati onal License. 5 Introducti on Al-‘Imām, al-Ḥāfi ẓ, ‘Aḥmad bin `Alī bin Ḥajar al-`Asqalānī, may Allah have mercy on him, said: All praise is due to Allah who never ceases being knowledgeable and able; and may the prayers of Allah be upon our master Muhammad whom He sent to all mankind as a giver of glad ti dings and as a warner; and [may the prayers of Allah be] upon the people of Muhammad and his Compan- ions; and may many salutati ons [of Allah be upon them all]. As for what follows: The works regarding the nomenclature of the experts of Propheti c narra- ti ons have been increased, expanded and abridged, so some of the broth- ers asked for me to summarize for them the important aspects of that. Thus, I answered their request hoping for inclusion in that road. ﺮِ َﻜﻔِ ْﻟا ﺔِ ﺒَ ﺨْ ُﻧ تنُ ْ ﻣَ يﺬِ ﱠﻟا ﻪِ ﱠﻠِﻟ ﺪُ ﻤْ ﺤَ ْﻟا :ﱃَ ﺎﻌَ َﺗ ﻪُ ﱠﻠﻟا ﻪُ ﻤُ ﺣَ ﺮْ َﻳ - نيﱡ ِ ﻼَ ﻘَ ﺴْ ﻌَ ْﻟا ﺮٍ ﺠَ ﺣَ ﻦِ ْﺑ ﲇﱢ ِ ﻋَ ﻦُ ْﺑ ﺪُ ﻤَ ﺣْ َأ :ﻆُ ﻓِ ﺎﺤَ ْﻟا مُ ﺎﻣَ ﻹِ ْ ا لَ ﺎَﻗ ، اﺮً ﻳﺬِ َﻧوَ ايرً ﺸِ َﺑ سِ ﺎﻨﱠ ﻟا ﱃَ ِإ ﻪُ َﻠﺳَ رْ َأ يﺬِ ﱠﻟا ﺪٍ ﻤﱠ ﺤَ ﻣُ ﺎَﻧﺪِ ﱢﻴﺳَ ﲆَ ﻋَ ﻪُ ﱠﻠﻟا ﲆﱠ ﺻَ وَ ، اﺮً ﻳﺪِ َﻗ ماً ﻴِﻠﻋَ لْ ﺰَ َﻳ ﻢْ َﻟ ﺪُ ﻌْ َﺑ ﺎﻣﱠ َأ .ايرً ﺜِ َﻛ ماً ﻴِﻠﺴْ َﺗ ﻢَ ﱠﻠﺳَ وَ ﻪِ ﺒِ ﺤْ ﺻَ وَ ﺪٍ ﻤﱠ ﺤَ ﻣُ لِ آ ﲆَ ﻋَ وَ : ﺾُ ﻌْ َﺑ ﻲﻨِ َﻟَﺄﺴَ َﻓ ، تْ ﴫَ ِ ُﺘﺧْ اوَ ﺖْ َﻄﺴِ ُﺑوَ ، تْ َثرُ َﻛ ﺪْ َﻗ ﺚِ ﻳﺪِ ﺤَ ْﻟا ﻞِ ﻫْ َأ حِ ﻼَ ﻄِ ﺻْ ا ﰲِ ﻒَ ﻴِﻧﺎﺼَ ﱠﺘﻟا نﱠ ﺈِ َﻓ ﻚِ ِﻟﺎﺴَ ﻤَ ْﻟا ﻚَ ْﻠِﺗ ﰲِ جِ ارَ ﺪِ ْﻧﻻِ ا ءَ ﺎﺟَ رَ ؛ﻪِ ِﻟاﺆَ ﺳُ ﱃَ ِإ ﻪُ ُﺘْﺒﺟَ َﺄَﻓ ، ﻚَ ِﻟذَ ﻦْ ﻣِ ﻢﱠ ﻬِ ﻤُ ْﻟا ﻢُ ﻬُ َﻟ ﺺَ ﺨﱢ َﻟُأ نْ َأ نِ اﻮَ ﺧْ ﻹِ ْ ا I (Ibn Ḥajar) say: Al-Khabar, or the Report 1) There can be an unspecifi ed number of routes for it; or 2) A specifi c [number of routes] over two; or 3) Two [routes]; or 4) One [route]. First is al-Mutawāti r, or the “report en masse”; the one which is useful for al-`Ilm al-Yaqīn, or “Defi nite Knowledge,” and fulfi lling its conditi ons. The second is al-Mash’hūr, or the “Famous Report”; and it is that which is wide- spread. The third is al-`Azīz, or the “Strong Report”; and it is not a conditi on for authenti ci- ty, contrary to those who allege so. The fourth is al-Gharīb, or the “Unique Report”. Each of them, except the fi rst [category] is considered ‘Āḥad, or a type of Singular Report. Among them are accepted and rejected reports due to the requisite suspension of deriving conclusions from them pending investi gati on into the circumstances of their narrators- except for the fi rst category that is. There can occur in them what amounts to al-`Ilm an-Naẓrī, or “Speculati ve Knowledge,” by means of external proofs, according to the preferred view. َ لُ ﻮُﻗﺄَﻓ ﺪٍ ﺣِ اﻮَ ﺑِ وْ َأ ،ماَ ﻬِ ﺑِ وْ َأ ،ينِ ْ ﻨَ ْﺛﻻِ ا قَ ﻮْ َﻓ ﺎَبمِ ﴫِ ْ ﺣَ ﻊَ ﻣَ وْ َأ ، ينٍ ﱠ ﻌَ ﻣُ دٍ ﺪَ ﻋَ ﻼَ ﺑِ قٌ ﺮُ ُﻃ :ﻪُ َﻟ نَ ﻮﻜُ َﻳ نْ َأ ﺎﻣﱠ ِإ ﱪُ َ ﺨَ ْﻟا ﻪِ ﻃِ وﴩُ ُ ﺑِ ﻲﱢ ﻨِ ﻴﻘِ َﻴْﻟا ﻢِ ْﻠﻌِ ْﻠِﻟ ﺪُ ﻴﻔِ ﻤُ ْﻟا :ﺮُ ِﺗاﻮَ َﺘﻤُ ْﻟا :لُ وﱠ َﻷْ ﺎَﻓ يٍ ْأرَ ﲆَ ﻋَ ﺾُ ﻴﻔِ َﺘﺴْ ﻤُ ْﻟا ﻮَ ﻫُ وَ ،رُ ﻮﻬُ ﺸْ ﻤَ ْﻟا :نيِ ﺎﱠﺜﻟاوَ ﻪُ ﻤَ ﻋَ زَ ﻦْ ﻤَ ِﻟ ﺎًﻓﻼَ ﺧِ ﺢِ ﻴﺤِ ﺼﱠ ﻠِﻟ ﺎًﻃﴍْ َ ﺲَ ْﻴَﻟوَ ، ﺰُ ﻳﺰِ ﻌَ ْﻟا : :ﺚُ ِﻟﺎﱠﺜﻟاوَ ﺐُ ﻳﺮِ ﻐَ ْﻟا :ﻊُ ﺑِ اﺮﱠ ﻟاوَ دٌ ﺎﺣَ آ – لِ وﱠ َﻷْ ا ىﻮَ ﺳِ - ﺎﻬَ ﱡﻠُﻛوَ لِ وﱠ َﻷْ ا نَ ودُ ﺎﻬَ ِﺗاوَ رُ لِ اﻮَ ﺣْ َأ ﻦْ ﻋَ ﺚِ ﺤْ َﺒْﻟا ﲆَ ﻋَ ﺎﻬَ ﺑِ لِ ﻻَ ﺪْ ﺘِ ﺳْ ﻻِ ا ﻒِ ﱡﻗﻮَ َﺘِﻟ ؛دُ ودُ ﺮْ ﻤَ ْﻟاوَ لُ ﻮُﺒﻘْ ﻤَ ْﻟا ﺎﻬَ ﻴﻓِ وَ رِ ﺎَﺘﺨْ ﻤُ ْﻟا ﲆَ ﻋَ ﻦِ ِﺋاﺮَ ﻘَ ْﻟﺎﺑِ يﱠ ﺮِ َﻈﻨﱠ ﻟا ﻢَ ْﻠﻌِ ْﻟا ﺪُ ﻴﻔِ ُﻳ ﺎﻣَ ﺎﻬَ ﻴﻓِ ﻊُ ﻘَ َﻳ ﺪْ َﻗوَ CCaatteeggoorriieess ooff NNaarrrraatiti oonnss Al-Gharābah, “Uniqueness” Then there is the Gharābah, or “Uniqueness”, which can be either in the root of the chain of narrati on or not. The fi rst [in the root of the chain] is called al-Fard al-Muṭlaq, or “Absolutely Unique” [chain of narrati on]. The second [not in the root of the chain] is called al-Fard an-Nisbī, or “Relati vely Unique”; and the use of the term “unique” for this category is rare. A report of singular chains through a narrator of `Adl, or “integrity,” Tām aḍ-Ḍabṭ, or of “consummate precision,” Mutt aṣil as-Sanad, or via a “conti nuously connected chain of narrators,” without hidden defect [lit. not Mu`allal] or abnormality [Shādh- dh], is a Ṣaḥīḥ, or “authenti c report,” on its own merit, bi-Dhāti hi. It diff ers in its grade by however much it diff ers from these characteristi cs. Consequently, Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī takes precedence, then Muslim, then whatever meets both of their conditi ons. If [a narrator’s] precision is less [than consummate], then [the narrati on] is Ḥasan, or “fair”, on its own merit, or bi-Dhāti hi; and by means of a number of routes it can become authenti c. If the two [descripti ons, i.e. Ṣaḥīḥ and Ḥasan] are combined, then it is due to inde- cision regarding the narrator whereof a singularity [takes place in the chain]; other- wise [the two descripti ons are combined] with respect to two chains of narrati on. The Ziyādah, or “additi on” [to the text of the narrati on], by the narrators of either of the two [authenti c or fair narrati on] is acceptable as long as [the additi on] does not contradict someone more trustworthy. If [the additi on] is contradictory to [what] someone more preferred [transmitt ed], then the preferred [transmission] is termed al-Maḥfūẓ, or the “Preserved Report”; and its opposite is termed ash-Shādhdh, or the “Abnormal Report”; and [if the contradictory additi on] contains any weakness, then the preferred report is termed al-Ma`rūf,, oorr tthhee ““GGoooodd RReeppoorrtt””;; wwhhiillee iittss ooppppoossiittee iiss tteerrmmeedd aall--MMuunnkkaarr, or the ““BBaadd RReeppoorrtt””.. ﻻَ وْ َأ ، ﺪِ ﻨَ ﺴﱠ ﻟا ﻞِ ﺻْ َأ ﰲِ نَ ﻮﻜُ َﺗ نْ َأ ﺎﻣﱠ ِإ :ﺔُ َﺑاﺮَ ﻐَ ْﻟا ﻢﱠ ُﺛ ﻪِ ْﻴَﻠﻋَ ﺔِ ﱠﻳدِ ﺮْ ﻔَ ْﻟا قُ ﻼَ ْﻃِإ ﻞﱡ ﻘِ َﻳوَ ، ﻲﱡ ﺒِ ﺴْ ﻨﱢ ﻟا دُ ﺮْ ﻔَ ْﻟا :نيِ ﺎﱠﺜﻟاوَ . ﻖُ َﻠْﻄﻤُ ْﻟا دُ ﺮْ ﻔَ ْﻟا :لُ وﱠ َﻷْ ﺎَﻓ . ﻪِ ِﺗاﺬَ ِﻟ ﺢُ ﻴﺤِ ﺼﱠ ﻟا ﻮَ ﻫُ : ذﱟ ﺎﺷَ ﻻَ وَ ﻞٍ ﱠﻠﻌَ ﻣُ ِيرْ ﻏَ ، ﺪِ ﻨَ ﺴﱠ ﻟا ﻞِ ﺼِ ﱠﺘﻣُ ، ﻂِ ْﺒﻀﱠ ﻟا مﱢ ﺎَﺗ لٍ ﺪْ ﻋَ ﻞِ ﻘْ ﻨَ ﺑِ دِ ﺎﺣَ ﻵْ ا ﱪُ َ ﺧَ وَ فِ ﺎﺻَ وْ َﻷْ ا هِ ﺬِ ﻫَ تِ وُ ﺎﻔَ َﺘﺑِ ﻪُ ُﺒَﺗرُ تُ وَ ﺎﻔَ َﺘَﺗوَ ماَ ﻬُ ُﻃﴍْ َ ﻢﱠ ُﺛ ، ﻢٍ ِﻠﺴِ ﻣُ ﻢﱠ ُﺛ ، يﱢ رِ ﺎﺨَ ُﺒْﻟا ﺢُ ﻴﺤِ ﺻَ مَ ﺪﱢ ُﻗ ﻢﱠ َﺛ ﻦْ ﻣِ وَ ﺢُ ﺤﱠ ﺼَ ُﻳ ﻪِ ﻗِ ﺮُ ُﻃ ةِ َثرْ ﻜَ ﺑِ وَ ، ﻪِ ِﺗاﺬَ ِﻟ ﻦُ ﺴَ ﺤَ ْﻟﺎَﻓ :ﻂُ ْﺒﻀﱠ ﻟا ﻒﱠ ﺧَ نْ ﺈِ َﻓ ﻦِ ْﻳدَ ﺎﻨَ ﺳْ ِإ رِ ﺎَﺒﺘِ ﻋْ ﺎﺒِ َﻓ ﻻﱠ ِإوَ ، دُ ﺮﱡ ﻔَ ﱠﺘﻟا ﺚُ ْﻴﺣَ ﻞِ ﻗِ ﺎﻨﱠ ﻟا ﰲِ دِ دﱡ َﱰﱠ ﻠِﻠَﻓ ﺎﻌَ ﻤِ ﺟُ نْ ﺈِ َﻓ ﻖُ َﺛوْ َأ ﻮَ ﻫُ ﻦْ ﻤَ ِﻟ ﺔً َﻴﻓِ ﺎﻨَ ﻣُ ﻊْ ﻘَ َﺗ ﻢْ َﻟ ﺎﻣَ ﺔٌ َﻟﻮُﺒﻘْ ﻣَ ماَ ﻬِ ﻳوِ ارَ ةُ دَ ﺎَﻳزِ وَ ، فُ وﺮُ ﻌْ ﻤَ ْﻟا ﺢُ ﺟِ اﺮﱠ ﻟﺎَﻓ ﻒِ ﻌْ ﻀﱠ ﻟا ﻊَ ﻣَ وَ . ذﱡ ﺎﺸﱠ ﻟا ﻪُ ُﻠﺑِ ﺎﻘَ ﻣُ وَ ، ظُ ﻮﻔُ ﺤْ ﻤَ ْﻟا ﺢُ ﺟِ اﺮﱠ ﻟﺎَﻓ ﺢَ ﺟَ رْ َﺄﺑِ ﻒَ ِﻟﻮﺧُ نْ ﺈِ َﻓ ﺮُ ﻜَ ﻨْ ﻤُ ْﻟا ﻪُ ُﻠﺑِ ﺎﻘَ ﻣُ وَ Al-Fard an-Nisbī, or the Relati vely Solitary Report The relati vely solitary report, if in agreement with another report, is termed Mutā- bi’, or a “Follow-Up Report.” If another text [for the narrati on] is found that resembles it, then it is termed a Shāhid, or a “Testi fying Report.” Following up the routes for that [narrati on] is termed al-‘I`ti bār, or the “Consider- ati on.” Al-Maqbūl, or the Accepted Report If the report is free from that which contradicts it, then it is termed al-Muḥkam, or “In Eff ect.” If [a report] is contradicted by something similar [in grade], if it is pos- sible to reconcile [the confl icti ng reports], then it is termed Mukhtalif al-Ḥadīth, or “Variant Narrati ons.” If it is not [possible to reconcile the narrati ons] and the later report is established [as authenti c], then it is termed an-Nāsikh, or the “Abrogati ng Report”; and the other is termed al-Mansūkh, or the “Abrogated Report.” Otherwise, Tarjīḥ, or “scholarly preference” [is exercised between the two reports], then Tawaqquf, or “Suspension” [of acti ng upon either of the two reports]. Al-Mardūd, or the Rejected Report The rejected report can be either due to someone dropped from the chain of nar- rati on or an impugnment regarding a narrator.

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