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Seismic Safety Evaluation of Concrete Dams. A Nonlinear Behavioral Approach PDF

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Preview Seismic Safety Evaluation of Concrete Dams. A Nonlinear Behavioral Approach

C H A P T E R 1 Challenges of High Dam Construction to Computational 1 Mechanics Chuhan Zhang Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing O U T L I N E 1.1 Background 4 1.1.1 Hydropower Development 4 1.1.2 Transbasin WaterTransfer 4 1.1.3 BuildingHighDamsforPowerDevelopmentandWaterTransfer 7 1.2 Building more Bridges betweenComputationalMechanics and Large Dam Engineering 9 1.2.1 Introduction 9 1.2.2 Key Issues for Safety Evaluation of Large Dams and Power Plants 10 StressandStabilityofDamFoundationsunderNormal ExternalLoads 10 EarthquakeBehaviorofDameFoundationeReservoir System 12 MechanicalPropertiesofMassConcreteforDams 14 High-VelocityFlowandEnergyDissipationforHigh Dams 15 1Computationalmechanics,WCCMVIinconjunctionwithAPCOM’04,September5e10, 2004,Beijing,China.(cid:1)2004TsinghuaUniversityPress&Springer. SincetheoriginalpaperwaspublishedinWCCMVIin2004,someoftheengineering projectshavebeencompletedorsomeindexhavebeenchanged,thustheirinformationand datahavebeenupdatedinthisversion. SeismicSafetyEvaluationofConcreteDams 3 Copyright(cid:1)2013TsinghuaUniversityPress.Published http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-408083-6.00001-5 byElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved. 4 1. CHALLENGESOFHIGHDAMCONSTRUCTIONTOCOMPUTATIONALMECHANICS ScientificandTechnicalProblemsofHydropower PlantsandUndergroundStructures 17 NewlyDevelopedTypesofDam:RollCompacted ConcreteDamsandConcreteFaceRockfillDams 18 1.3 Research Examples Completed bythe NationalLaboratory of HighDams and Large Structures at Tsinghua 20 1.3.1 SeismicResponseofArchDamsConsideringCanyonRadiation Damping and JointOpening 21 1.3.2 Nonlinear FractureAnalysis of Arch Dams 24 1.3.3 Failure Analysis of Arch Dam Foundations 32 1.4 Conclusions 38 References 39 1.1 BACKGROUND 1.1.1 Hydropower Development Chinaisoneoftherichestcountriesintheworldinhydropowerpotential, with an exploitable capacity of 540(cid:1)103MW. However, the developed capacityiscurrentlyis46%,farlowerthanthatoftheUSA,Japan,Canada andmanyhydropower-richEuropeancountries[1](Fig.1.1). As hydropower is a green and renewable energy resource, its devel- opment in China is a crucial strategy for supporting rapid economic growth, while improving environmental conditions which arebecoming a serious problem, partly as a result of coal power development. In the coming three decades, 13 hydropower bases (Fig. 1.2), mainly in south- west China, including the upper reaches of the Yangtze and Lanchang Riversandtheirbranches(Jinsha,YalongandDaduRivers),areplanned to be developed with a total capacity of 278(cid:1)103MW, 51% of the total hydropower potential of the nation. As an example of cascade develop- ment, Fig. 1.3 shows the development plan of Yalong River. As the most developed regions are concentrated in the east Yangtze Delta and south Pearl River coast, where there is a serious shortage of energy resources, transmitting hydroelectricity from the west to the east (and south) is an important task in theyearsahead. 1.1.2 Transbasin Water Transfer ThequantityofChina’swaterresourceranksnumbersixafterBrazil, Russia,Canada,theUSAandIndonesia,withanaverageannualrunoff I.GENERALINTRODUCTION 5 1.1. BACKGROUND FIGURE1.1 Hydropowerpotentialandcurrentproduction(1999). of 2800(cid:1)103m3. However, the distributions in space and time season are extremely uneven. As shown in Fig. 1.4, the runoff in depth varies from 2000e3000mm in the south to 50e300mm in northern China. With the rapid growth in the economy, water shortages have become North main stream of Yellow R. Northeast of China Upstream of Yellow R. YalongR. Upper steam of JinshaR. DaduR. Yangtze R. Xiangxi Minzhegan Nu R. Wu R. LancangR. Hongshui R. FIGURE1.2 TwelvehydropowerbasesinChina. I.GENERALINTRODUCTION 6 1. CHALLENGESOFHIGHDAMCONSTRUCTIONTOCOMPUTATIONALMECHANICS FIGURE1.3 CascadedevelopmentplanoftheYalongRiver. abottleneckinthesustainabledevelopmentoftheeconomy.TheYellow River has been subjected to seasonal water interception for years, and overpumping of groundwater in northern China has caused serious environmental problems. To alleviate this problem, the central governmenthasdecidedtotransferwaterfromtheYangtzeRiverbasin to north and north-western China. As shown in Fig. 1.5, three main routes starting from the upstream to downstream reaches of the Yangtze River to the Yellow River and northern China are planned and construction will start with a total water quantity of 40(cid:1)109m3. The FIGURE1.4 Meanannualrunoffindepth. I.GENERALINTRODUCTION 7 1.1. BACKGROUND FIGURE1.5 Routesofsouth-to-northwatertransferproject. total cost is around 300 billion RMB. The project is scheduled for completion in 40 years [2]. 1.1.3 Building High Dams for Power Development and Water Transfer To accomplish the goals of hydropower development and transbasin water transfer, construction of a series of high dams up to 250e300m in heightisbeingplannedorhasstarted.Meanwhile,thereisaneedtobuild largeundergroundstructureseitherfortheinstallationofpowergenera- torsorforconveyingwaterfromsouth-westtonorthernChina.Thesehigh dam projects also serve other purposes, such as flood control and river navigation. As shown in Fig. 1.2, most of these projects are located in south-westChinaandpossessthefollowingnaturalconditions(Table1.1): (1) complicated geological conditions need to be treated carefully to provide satisfactory foundations and abutments for carrying tens of million tonnes of thrust loads from the reservoir; (2) seismically active environmentsandhighseismicityduetoregionaltectonicfaults(Fig.1.6) in the regions require safety evaluation and analysis of earthquake behavior of high dams: strengthening measures for high dams to resist designearthquakes(0.2e0.32g)areusuallynecessary;(3)extraordinarily large flood overflow through the dams and tunnels causes a serious problem of energy dissipation: taking the Xiluodu arch dam as an I.GENERALINTRODUCTION 8 1. CHALLENGESOFHIGHDAMCONSTRUCTIONTOCOMPUTATIONALMECHANICS TABLE1.1 CharacteristicParametersoftheMainDamsinChina Dam Design height Reservoir Installation flood Design Dam River (m) (108m3) (MW) (m3/s) PGA(g) Jinping-I YalongR. 305 79.88 3,600 6,900 0.20 Xiaowan LancangR. 294.5 150 4,200 20,700 0.31 Baihetan JinshaR. 277 191 14,000 40,000 0.325 Xiluodu JinshaR. 285.5 92.7 13,860 502,000 0.32 Wudongde JinshaR. 265 74.05 8,700 0.27 Laxiwa YellowR. 250 7.77 4,200 6,000 0.23 Ertan YalongR. 240 58 3,300 23,900 0.20 Goupitan WuR. 232.5 64.54 3,000 27,500 0.116 Longtan HongshuiR. 216.5 299.2 6,300 0.161 Dagangshan DaduR. 210 7.3 2,600 8,320 0.56 Sanxia YangtzeR. 181 450.5 22,500 69,800 0.1 Longyangxia YellowR. 178 274 1,280 7,040 0.237 PGA:peakgroundacceleration. FIGURE1.6 Peakgroundacceleration(PGA)zonationmapofChina. I.GENERALINTRODUCTION 9 1.2. BUILDINGMOREBRIDGESBETWEENCOMPUTATIONAL example,thedesignfloodof50,200m3/smustbeconsideredforoverflow through spillways and orifices inside the 285.5m high dam and four abutment tunnels, with a total energy of 95,200MW being dissipated downstream; (4) two large underground powerhouses, 32m(cid:1) 75.6m(cid:1)444minsize,mustbeexcavatedtoaccommodatethe13,860MW power generators and auxiliary facilities. Usually, rather high in situ stresses within the heterogeneous and anisotropic rock media need be consideredforthestabilityofslidinganddeformationofthesurrounding rock due to excavation unloading; the above-mentioned engineering difficulties must be solved to ensuresafety and economy of the projects. Thegreatchallengespresentedbytheserecord-highdamconstructionsto damengineersandscientistsprovideawideareaforthedevelopmentand application of modern computational mechanics and experimental mechanics,aswellasexperienceindamdesignandconstruction. 1.2 BUILDING MORE BRIDGES BETWEEN COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS AND LARGE DAM ENGINEERING 1.2.1 Introduction Nowadays,threemaintypesofhighdamareconsideredtobethemost promisingdamstructuresintheworld,namely,thedoublecurvaturearch dam, rolled compacted concrete (RCC) dam and concrete facing rockfill (CFR)dam.Inthepastdecadeworldrecord-heightarchdamseXiaowan, 292mhigh;RCCdamLongtan,216mhighandCFRdamShuibuya,233m high have been built and the Jinping arch dam, 305m high, will be completedby2014insouth-westChina.Intheeconomicaldesignandsafety evaluation of these large dams and hydropower stations, engineering mechanicsisfacingagreatchallengeinfindingtherightanswerstoprac- tical problems that are encountered. Continuous, homogeneous and isotropic media have tobeextended to considerdiscontinuous, heteroge- neous and anisotropic ones; in many cases material and geometrical nonlinearitiesorelastoplasticity,damageandfracturemechanicsneedtobe considered. For considering the randomness of material parameters and loading input, stochastic and reliabilityanalysismay benecessary;multi- phase media interaction requires the damereservoirefoundatione sediment complex system to be taken into account. To study the damage andruptureprocessofdamandfoundationmaterial,macroemicroscopic mechanics may be applied. Following the rapid development of digital computers and numerical algorithms, finite element, finite difference, boundaryelement,infiniteelementanddiscreteelementmethods,etc.,are widely used in modeling the damefoundationereservoir system under I.GENERALINTRODUCTION 10 1. CHALLENGESOFHIGHDAMCONSTRUCTIONTOCOMPUTATIONALMECHANICS static conditions (reservoir water, temperature, seepage, etc.), dynamic loadingsandfloodoverflowconditions. 1.2.2 Key Issues for Safety Evaluation of Large Dams and Power Plants Stress and Stability of Dam Foundations under Normal External Loads The methods used to determine arch damefoundation stability have a long history, from the archecantilever trial load method for dams and rigidbodylimitequilibriumforfoundationstofiniteelement(FE)analysis (elasticity or elastoplasticity) (Fig. 1.7). Currently, geological defections includingfaults,seamsandjointsinrockabutmentscanbeconsideredin FEanalysisandexperimentaltests(Fig.1.8).Yetdesigncriteriaandspec- ification in many countries remain at the semi-empiricaletheoretical stages. For instance, the archecantilever trial load method [3] is still preferredbyengineersasastresscriterionforarchdams,andthegravity methodofstrengthofmaterialsisatypicaltoolforanalysisofgravitydams FIGURE 1.7 Design and research methods for dams. USBR: United States Bureau of Reclamation;FEM:finiteelementmethod.(References:USBR[3],HowellandJaquith[4], Londe[5],Clough[6],Cloughetal.[7],Zienkiewicz[8],Kawai[9],Bazantetal.[10],Bazant [11],Cundall[12],ShiandGoodman[13].) I.GENERALINTRODUCTION 11 1.2. BUILDINGMOREBRIDGESBETWEENCOMPUTATIONAL FIGURE 1.8 Experimental model and finite element modeling of Jinping dam and foundation. [14].Rigidbodylimitequilibrium[5]iscommonlyusedforcheckingthe stability of dam foundations and abutments. Although these traditional methodsgenerallyprovidealowerboundofgrosssafetyfactors,theyfail togiverealisticstructuralbehaviorsunderworkingconditions.Therefore, building more bridges with modern computational numerical methods suchaselastoplasticitymethods,damageandfractureanalysis(including strain-basedgradientmethods)andeffectivediscontinuousproceduresto damengineeringisimperative. The following topics areoutlined for further study: (cid:129) simulationofstructuralbehaviorofthecompleteprocessstartingfrom concrete pouring to normal operation of dams (cid:129) modeling of elastoplasticity deformation and stability conditions for damefoundationsystems (cid:129) stability against wedgesliding of arch dam foundations (cid:129) stability against upward slidingof archdamabutments (cid:129) couplingofseepageflowwithstressfieldsinthefoundationandeffects on dameabutmentstability (cid:129) thermal stresses due to internal hydration heatand environmental temperatures (cid:129) fractureprediction at the upstreamheel,singularity, meshsensitivity andfractureprocessof arch dams (cid:129) theory andmethods of shape optimization for arch dams [15] (cid:129) randomness of materialparametersand reliability analysisfordams (cid:129) couplingofcontinuumanddiscontinuummediaforsimulationofthe rockmass of dam foundations (cid:129) isotropicand anisotropic behavior, damage localizationand strain- gradientmodelsforconcrete andjointedrocks (cid:129) back-analysis methods for rockparameters (cid:129) discontinuous mechanics for ruptureanalysis:simulation offailure processof damefoundationsystems. I.GENERALINTRODUCTION 12 1. CHALLENGESOFHIGHDAMCONSTRUCTIONTOCOMPUTATIONALMECHANICS Earthquake Behavior of DameFoundationeReservoir System Theimportanceofseismicsafetyevaluationofexistinghighdamsand dams to be built is well recognized owing to the catastrophic conse- quences of dam failure during strong earthquakes. The prototype performance of concrete dams during earthquakes was discussed by Hansen and Roehm [16]. Among the earthquake damage to high dams, the following accidents may be noted: severe damage to the Lower San FernandodamandconstructionjointopeninginthePacoimaarchdamin the 1971 San Fernando earthquake [17]; large-scale slope slide in the Miyun Baihe main dam (China) near Beijing during the 1976 Tangshan earthquake [18]; severe cracking of the Hsingfengjiang dam [19] and Koynadam[20]duetoreservoir-triggeredearthquakesin1962and1967, respectively; and a rupture and movement of 8m in the Shih-Kang concrete dam spillway during the Chi-Chi earthquake in 1999 (Taiwan) (Fig. 1.9). Many other examples of cracking and damage during strong earthquakes have also been reported from other countries, including Japan (1995, 2000), Iran (1990) and Mexico (1985) [21]. Although more precise knowledge and sophisticated numerical tools forearthquakeanalysiswithrespecttolargedamsappeartobeavailable, realisticearthquakebehavioranddamagemechanismsoflargedamsare still far from clear [22,23]. The current state of practice is that the design maximumcredibleearthquake(MCE)isrepresentedbythepeakground acceleration (PGA) and corresponding response spectrum, while the safety check for dams is controlled by the maximum principal tensile stressesusingalinearelasticapproach.However,itisreportedthatpeak accelerations of over 2g at the crest of the Pacoima archdam during the 1994 Northridge (USA) earthquake and 2.1g on the crest of the Kasho FIGURE1.9 RuptureoftheShih-KangconcretedamduringtheChi-Chiearthquake. I.GENERALINTRODUCTION

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