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Seismic Migration: Imaging of Acoustic Energy by Wave Field Extrapolation: B. Practical Aspects PDF

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FURTHER TITLES IN THIS SERIES 1 F.A. VENING MEINESZ THE EARTH'S CRUST AND MANTLE 2 T. RIKITAKE ELECTROMAGNETISM AND THE EARTH'S INTERIOR 3 D.W. COLLINSON, K.M. CREER and S.K. RUNCORN METHODS IN PALAEOMAGNETISM 4 M. BATH MATHEMATICAL ASPECTS OF SEISMOLOGY 5 F.D. STÄCEY and S.K. BANERJEE THE PHYSICAL PRINCIPLES OF ROCK MAGNETISM 6 L. CIVETTA, P. GASPARINI, G. LUONGO and A. RAPOLLA PHYSICAL VOLCANOLOGY 7 M. BATH SPECTRAL ANALYSIS IN GEOPHYSICS 8 O. KULHANEK INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL FILTERING IN GEOPHYSICS 9 T. RIKITAKE EARTHQUAKE PREDICTION 10 N.H. RICKER TRANSIENT WAVES IN VISCO-ELASTIC MEDIA 11 W.L. PILANT ELASTIC WAVES IN THE EARTH 12 A.J. BERKHOUT SEISMIC MIGRATION Imaging of acoustic energy by wave field extrapolation 13 V.C. DRAGOMIR, D.N. GHITAU, M.S. MIHAILESCU andM.G. ROT ARU THEORY OF THE EARTH'S SHAPE 14A A.J. BERKHOUT SEISMIC MIGRATION Imaging of acoustic energy by wave field extrapolation B. Practical aspects Developments in Solid Earth Geophysics 14B SEISMIC MIGRATION IMAGING OF ACOUSTIC ENERGY BY WAVE FIELD EXTRAPOLATION B. PRACTICAL ASPECTS A.J. BERKHOUT Department of Seismics and Acoustics Delft University of Technology Delft, The Netherlands ELSEVIER Amsterdam — Oxford — New York — Tokyo 1984 ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHERS B.V. 1 Molenwerf P.O. Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands Distributors for the United States and Canada: ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHING COMPANY INC. 52, Vanderbilt Avenue New York, N.Y. 10017 ISBN 0-444-42431-8 (Vol. 14B) ISBN 0-444-41799-0 (Series) © Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., 1984 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo- copying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V./Science & Technology Division, P.O. Box 330, 1000 AH Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Special regulations for readers in the USA — This publication has been registered with the Copyright Clearance Center Inc. (CCC), Salem, Massachusetts. Information can be obtained from the CCC about conditions under which photocopies of parts of this publication may be made in the USA. All other copyright questions, including photo- copying outside of the USA, should be referred to the publisher. Printed in The Netherlands To Mabel, Carina and Martin VII PREFACE In volume Ά' an extensive treatment is given on the theoretical aspects of migration. However, I appreciate that the somewhat 'heavy' mathematics in volume 'A' is not easily accessible for every geophysicist. In addition, technical and economical limitations may require some significant deviations from what theory prescribes. Both afore mentioned reasons initiated the creation of volume 'Β'. In this volume I have explained the important aspects of migration largely without mathematical arguments and I have spent ample time on user-oriented problems and practical examples. Particularly, the choice of migration technique in relation to the geological problem to be solved, received much attention. My frequent interaction with the staff of GeoQuest International Inc. on the many practical problems with seismic migration, was essential for my appreciation of the many pitfalls in migrating different types of real seismic data. Particularly, I am very greatful to Don Larson for the many fruitful discussions on matters related to implementation and application of migration software. Thanks are also due to the management of GeoQuest for allowing me to use some of their migration examples. I am indebted to many friends, colleagues and students for their assistance. In particular the comments of Cees Wapenaar during the proof-reading were very helpful. I also would like to thank Thijs de Graaff who generated all pre-stack migration examples and Peter Mesdag who helped me with some of the illustrative examples on migration arteffects. III I am very greatful to Hanneke Mulder who designed the lay-out, typed the manuscript and coordinated all activities with the drawing and photographi department. Without her help I would never have kept the deadline. Many thanks are due to Bram de Knegt of the drawing department, who spent many extra hours to advice us on the illustrations and to prepare the hundreds of figures. Finally, I would like to thank Ron Suiters and Cees Overweel of the photographic department for their professional support. Dr. A.J. Berkhout Delft, September 1984 1 IINNTTRROODDUUCCTTIIOONN UUnnttiil l ttooddaayy, ,thteh ecocommmmerecricailalyl lyavaavialailbaleb letectehcnhiqnuiqesu eisn isneissemisicm idcatad ata aaccqquuiissiittiioonn aanndd pprroocceessssiinng gaarer estsitlli llgrgeraetaly tldyetdeertmerinmeidn ebdy bthye thCMeP CMpPripncriinpcle iple aanndd ttiimmee sseerriiees smmetehtohdosd. s.ThTish isalasol soapapplipesl ietos ttohe thmeorem orreecernectley ntdleyvedleovpeeldo ped 3-D techniques which are largely a straightforward extension of the 2-D 3-D techniques which are largely a straightforward extension of the 2-D oonneess. . MMaannyy wweell llknknoowwn nprporcoecdeudruerse sanadn dprporcoecsessess eshavhea vbeeebne ernefrinefedi netod taolmaolsmt ost ultimate perfection, but it should be mentioned that most basic principles ultimate perfection, but it should be mentioned that most basic principles aarree llaarrggeelly y uunnttoouucchheedd: : ** ddaattaa ggaatthheerriinng gaarroouunnd da acocommmmono nmmid idpopionti nt(CM(CPM Pprpirnicnicpilpe)l e) ** vveelloocciittyy aannaallyyssisi sono nCMCMP Pggaaththeersr s ** NNMMOO ccoorrrreeccttiioonn aanndd CCMMPP ssttaacckkiinngg * deconvolution * deconvolution ** ttiimmee mmiiggrraattiioonn. . IIt t isi simimpoprotratnat nttot oreraelailziez ethtaht awthwatheavteerv efrurftuhrert hererfirneefmineenmts enatrse abrreoubgrhot ught iinnttoo tthhe eeexxisisttiinng gseseisismmic icprporcoecsessisnign gsosfotwftawrea, ret,he thvealvidaliityd itoyf tohef tChMeP CMP pprriinncciipplel e ddeetteerrmmiinnees sththe euultlitmimatae tequqaulaitlyi tyof otfhe thfeinfail narlesruelst. ulFti.guFreig ular e 1a sshhoowwss aa ttyyppiiccaal l ccoonnffigiguuraratitoino nwwhehreer ethteh eCMCPM Pprpinricnipcliep leapapplipesl iewsewll: elal : a subsurface with plane reflecting boundaries. The 'CMP smearing' for a plane subsurface with plane reflecting boundaries. The 'CMP smearing' for a plane rreefflleeccttoor r wwiitht hddipi pananglge leα aanadn dhohmoomgoegneenoeuos uosvoevrbeurbrudredn ecnanc abne bseimspimly ply ffoorrmmuullaatteedd bbyy ((ffiigg. . l1bb): ): M = AX2sinacoso/4L , ((11)) 0 wwhheerree Δ~ΧX eeqquuaalsl sthteh eoofffsfest etanadn dL LoQ tthhee lleennggtthh oof fthteh ezezreor-oo-foffsfest etrarya. yF.orF or eexxaammppllee,, ffoor raa mmaaxxiimmuumm oofffsfest etof of202000 00m, ma, daipd iapngalne gloef 4o5f° 4aSond aan dzearoz-ero ooffffsseet t rraayy oof f1010000 0m mthteh eCMCPM Psmsemaerainrgi ngis igsivgeinv ebny bAyL =~ L50=0 SOmO. m. 2 Figure la: Ray configuration in a CMP gather for plane reflectors. Figure lb: Lateral smearing in a CMP gather for a plane reflector and a homogeneous overburden. Figure 2a shows a typical situation where the CMP principle largely fails. For comparison, the rays of the related CDP gather are shown in figure 2b. In chapter II we will see that NMO-corrected CDP gathers can be elegantly generated by means of shot record migration. We may expect that shot record migration will play a very important role in future seismic processing (2D and 3D). 3 common midpoint " AL * Figure 2a: Ray configuration in a CMP gather for a situation where the CMP principle largely fails. common depth point Figure 2b: Ray configuration in a CDP gather for the situation of figure 2a. If we call seismic inversion the process to obtain a detailed and un- distorted depth image of the subsurface then the entire seismic processing philosophy should be centered around inversion which, almost needless to 4 say, ought to be at least two-dimensional. As a consequence, all processing techniques that aim at a nice-looking time picture may be very valuable but they solve only part of the problem. Generating agreeable time sections is typically a "hang-up" from the sixties. In those years time domain process- ing and statistical filtering were considered to be the ultimate techniques to solve our problems. The generation of results in terms of a geologically oriented depth image was often very remote. Let us illustrate the above with an example: Seismic migration is generally approached from a time series point of view. The migration operator is considered as some 'time variant filter* which eliminates diffractions and corrects dips. The user should provide processing-oriented velocities (such as stacking velocities as a function of time). The output consists of a time section. It is this type of thinking that kept the industry a long time from develop- ing proper depth migration techniques. Fortunately there is an increasing awareness that migration defines a multi-dimensional inversion process which requires the specification of a macro acoustic model of the subsurface; its output represents a detailed, high resolution, subsurface image in terms of reflectivity as a function of depth. In conclusion, we may state that the seismic industry has developed in the past sophisticated data acquisition and processing techniques based on the CMP principle and (statistical) filtering methods which are polished up to great perfection; so far they have solved many seismic problems up to satisfaction. This applies to both 2-D and 3-D techniques. However, looking at the significant heavier demands we have to face in the near future on accurate structural delineation (also in complicated situations) and high spatial resolution, new principles should be utilized in order to solve also the problems of tomorrow successfully. One of the most important needs in seismic techniques is an alternative for the CMP nucleus. CMP methods cannot generate results with a high lateral resolution; in addition they largely fail in structurally complicated situations. The solution to this problem is given by full pre-stack migrat- ion, which can be elegantly formulated in terms of recursive pre-stack downward continuation of common source point gathers ('shot records') into

Seismic Migration has been widely acclaimed by reviewers: one described it as ``undoubtedly excellent for geophysicists who require a thorough understanding of migration methods'', while another commented: ``Professor Berkhout leads his readers quickly to all essential points. The systematic treatme
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