Segmented Vortex Telescope and its Tolerance to Diffraction Effects and Primary Aberrations. Accepted Jan. 24th 2013 scheduled for for publication in the OE Vol. 52, No. 8. Juan P. Trevin˜o, Omar L´opez-Cruz, and Sabino Cha´vez-Cerda ∗ 3 1 0 January 29, 2013 2 n a J Abstract 8 WeproposethesegmentedLargeMillimeterTelescope(LMT/GTM),asthelargestspatiallightmodulator 2 capable of producing vortex beams of integer topological charge. This observing mode could be applied ] for direct exoplanet searches in the millimeter or submillimeter regimes. We studied the stability of the M vortex structure against aberrations and diffraction effects inherent to the size and segmented nature of the collector mirror. In the presence of low order aberrations the focal distribution of the system I . remains stable. Our results show that these effects depend on the topological charge of the vortex and h the relative orientation of the aberration with respect to the antenna axis. Coma and defocus show no p - large effects in the image at the focal plane, nevertheless the system is very sensitive to astigmatism. o Heat turbulence, simulated by random aberrations, shows that the system behaves in a similar way as r astigmatism dissociating the vortices. We propose the Segmented Vortex Telescope as a novel approach t s for the detection of giant planets outside circumstellar disks around nearby stars. Since our results are a applicable to other facilities with segmented surfaces, we suggest that this idea should be considered as [ a regular observation mode complementary to interferometric methods. 1 keywords: aberrations, astronomy, diffraction, millimeter waves, phase modulators, planets, spatial light v 4 modulators, telescopes. 3 4 1 Introduction scopes equipped with coronagraphs [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]. 6 Vortex fields have been recently introduced to in- . 1 In general, waves with phase singularities and a rota- crease the number of independent channels available 0 tional flow around the singularity are called vortices. to transmit data signals. By reshaping a common 3 Vortexfieldsariseinnature[1]andenjoyalargenum- parabolic antenna, a phase vortex can be induced on 1 : ber of technological applications. Vortex fields are a transmitted wave, creating a set of channels which v found in physical systems covering the widest range areindependenttothoseofaregularantenna[10,11]. i X of scales, from single photons to astronomical black The number of channels that can be transmitted us- r holes [2]. Applications of vortex fields have been ing a single frequency is, in principle, unbounded. a found in optics, acoustics, telecommunications, as- This application has the potential of revolutionizing tronomy, and other fields [3]. telecommunications. Inastronomy, lightvorticityhasattractedalotof In this work, by combining the ideas above, we attentionsinceithasshowntobeanelegantandeffi- explore the feasibility of turning the Large Millime- cient way to reject light from a bright source on axis, ter Telescope (LMT/GTM) [12] into a coronagraph allowing the study of its surroundings. Remarkable atmillimeterwavelengthsbyreshapingitssegmented results have been obtained by the direct imaging of collector mirror into a vortex generator. The main exoplanetary systems using ground-base optical tele- purpose is to investigate the potential of this system ∗Allauthors: InstitutoNacionaldeAstrof´ısica,OpticayElectr´onica,ApartadoPostal51/216,Puebla,M´exico72000. First authorcontactaddress: [email protected] 1 as a regular observational mode able to detect giant Generating a vortex at the exit pupil creates a exoplanets or giant proto-exoplanets outside circum- doughnut-like field distribution at the focal plane. stellar disks. Given the lower luminosity contrast of Such setup is the reverse of the signal transmission such objects in millimeter wavelengths, this device implemented in [10, 11]. The detection device cur- would be very suitable for this application. We have rently used at the LMT/GTM is a bolometer array investigatedthestabilityofthesystemagainstdiffrac- composed of 144 pixels [15]. The beam size is re- tion effects induced by the segmented nature of the duced before it reaches the bolometer array. This primarysurfaceandpossibledamagetoitssegments. wayifthevortexdistributionhadalargerradiusthan We took into account the effects of aberrations in- the bolometer array, a further beam reduction would herent to such large structure, as those produced by be necessary, however, this adjustment is straight- deformations on the primary mirror due to its own forward. This configuration was first explored as a weight or by temperature variations on its 50 meters means to reject light form bright sources by opening diameter surface and its surroundings [13]. a window to observe incoherent background. In prin- ciple, the achievable contrast depends on the vortex order and the size of a field stop located at the focal 2 Optical Vortices and Phase plane. Fortwoincoherentsources,theachievablecon- Modifying Devices trast could be of the order of 105, so it is possible to detect Super-Jupiters as we will see below. Although notcommoninnature, forapairofcoherentsources, A vortex coronagraph is created by placing a phase bothonaxisandoffaxissourceswillcomeacrossthe modifying device at the focal plane of an optical sys- same vortex. However, some basic rules can be given tem [4, 6, 7, 8, 9]. At a relayed pupil plane most for the detection of secondary sources [5]. of the radiation from on axis sources is concentrated in a sharp ring that can be easily filtered away by means of a stop known as Lyot stop. This setup is 3 The Vortex collector mirror usefulbecauseitallowstofilteroutlightfromonaxis sources. Radiation from off axis sources remains al- An optical vortex is a wavefield with an azimuthally mostunchangedwhenitgoesthroughthesystem. In varying phase factor of the form eimϕ. The number this way it is possible to explore the vicinity of very m (cid:54)= 0 must take only integral values and is known bright objects and even to produce images of objects as the topological charge of the vortex. The argu- dimmer and angularly close to the primary one. ment mϕ in the exponential represents an azimuthal For telescopes at millimeter wavelengths, any linear variation of the phase which generates a he- component intended to be implemented at the focal lical wavefront. The corresponding Poynting vector plane poses a technical challenge, since any element fieldfollowshelicaltrajectoriesaswell. Thesekindof at this plane will attenuate the already low intensity wavefields are known to carry Orbital Angular Mo- signals. Additionally, detection devices need to be mentum (OAM) [3, 17]. As a consequence, part of kept at low temperatures to maximize their sensitiv- theradiationinthecenterofthebeamisdrivenaway ity [14], so any additional element absorbs some of from the propagation axis and a dark core is created the incident radiation and requires cooling which im- at its center. plies a higher cost of the entire system. Therefore, A Cassegrain telescope like the LMT/GTM is de- a vortex phase mask at the focal plane would not be scribed by a complex pupil function whose mathe- thebestoptionforradioandmillimetersignals,hence maticalrepresentationincludesinformationaboutthe we explore the possibility to locate the vortex on the optical power and aberrations of the system. If the primary surface. vortexisintroducedattheexitpupilofthetelescope, The LMT/GTMhas aCassegraindesign thatop- the mathematical expression of the field in this plane eratesatmillimeterwavelengths[12]. Ourproposalis is toreshapethesegmentedprimarysurfacetoproduce vortices at the working wavelengths of this telescope, (cid:26) (cid:18)r2(cid:19)(cid:27) U (r,ϕ)=T (r,ϕ) exp −ik eikW(r,ϕ)eimϕ, which are 1.1, 1.4 and 2.1, mm. [15, 16]. The inde- 0 0 2f pendentcontrolofthesegmentsintheprimarymirror (1) can be configured to produce integral order vortices where W(r,ϕ)is theaberrationfunction andf isthe at such wavelengths. focaldistanceofthemirror. Thewavenumberisgiven 2 by k = 2π/λ for the wavelength λ, while m is an in- feasible to implement our study to the current size of teger defining the topological charge of the vortex. the primary, hence we have adjusted our simulations Thecomparativesizesbetweentheworkingwave- to the current diameter (see Fig. 1). Considering the lengthsandthegapsoftheLMT/GTMaresuchthat full 50m aperture is straightforward. diffraction effects can be neglected. However, diffrac- Currently, each segment of the primary mirror tion effects caused by gaps between segments have in the LMT/GTM is controlled by three actuators been investigated here including different gap sizes withamaximumdisplacementof5,200µm. Thetotal and configurations. wavefront error of the LMT/GTM design is of 75µm The field U at planes approaching the neighbor- rms which means (cid:15) < λ/20 at 1.5mm. The collector hood of the focal plane z =f− is obtained by a Fres- alone should have a 55µm rms error which represents neldiffractionintegral, whileatthefocalplanez =f (cid:15) ≈ λ/18 at one millimeter. For longer wavelengths theintegraltransformsintotheFrounhoferdiffraction the error decreases. The secondary mirror is a hy- integral given by perbolic surface with a diameter of 2,570mm which represents a central obscuration of less than 10% the (cid:90) π (cid:90) ∞ U (ρ,θ)=C T (r,ϕ)eikW(r,ϕ)eimϕ radius of the exit pupil. The secondary has six de- f 0 −π 0 grees of freedom. (cid:26) (cid:27) Tocreateavortexofordermatthecollectormir- 2π exp i rρcos(ϕ−θ) rdrdϕ, (2) ror, the reflected converging wave must have an ad- λf ditional azimuthal phase mϕ. For this reason, the where C is a complex constant related to the ampli- collector must have a linear azimuthal deformation tude of the field. For a continuous mirror and in with a maximum of mλ/2 additional to its parabolic the total absence of aberrations, the field at the fo- profile. For every ring, each one of the N junctions cal plane is radially symmetric and it reduces to the between sectors should be displaced by mλ n, where 2 N Hankeltransformofordermofthetransmissionfunc- n = 0,1,...N, and N is the number of segments in tion T (r). In the general case that we will study the corresponding ring. The maximum possible dis- 0 here a 2D Fourier transfrom will be necessary as the placement of the segments allows for the creation of circular symmetry of T may be broken by arbitrary anm=5vortexatλ=2mm. However,ifthedesired 0 aberrationsordiffractioneffectsduetolargegapsand vortex order and corresponding wavelength required damaged panels. For non symmetric cases, we eval- a maximum displacement larger than the maximum uate numerically equation (2) by means of a Fast possible for a single segment, there is an option of Fourier Transform algorithm. In order to calibrate creating a multiple pitch vortex, as shown in Fig 2. ournumericalsimulationweevaluatedfirstthem=0 This configuration gives the same reflected wavefront caseandothercasesforwhichanalyticalsolutionsare but the physical displacements required are smaller. available, with known parameters. For other values It is worth mentioning that these calculations are of m we also checked the phase of the focal field for independent of the number of segments in the collec- consistency. tor mirror because the surface produced has a ramp- like profile in the azimuthal direction, which in turn produces a true spiral wavefront. Deforming the pri- 4 Reshaping the LMT/GTM marysurfaceoftheLMT/GTMasproposedheredoes Primary Surface notinduceaberrations,itreshapesthewavefrontinto a convergent helicoid affected by diffraction due to In the original design the collector mirror of the segmentgaps. Therigidityofthecollectormirrorseg- LMT/GTM has a 50m diameter and a radius of cur- mentsmightcauseerrorswhenachievingthevalueof vatureof35m. Itiscomposedby180panelsarranged m,howeverthesurfaceaccuracyisbelowtheerrorthe in five rings. The innermost ring is formed of twelve systemtolerates(approximately5%)andtheycanbe segments, the second ring has 24, and the remain- neglected. This procedure to produce vortices might ing three are composed by 48 panels. The length of be compared to a step spiral phase mask [18] with N each panel is 5m and the corresponding angular ex- steps. The latter approximates the ideal spiral wave- tentdependsontheringwherethesegmentislocated. front by superposing N plane waves with a relative Currently, only the first three inner rings are opera- retardation. Thisapproximationcausesadependence tional, the corresponding diameter is of 32m. It is on N for such device, as opposed to the deformation 3 of the primary segmented mirror studied here. differently. Vortexdissociationisclearlyappreciatedifweob- servethephaseofthefield,butitcouldbedifficultto 5 Stability analysis to diffrac- see with intensity detectors because the phase infor- tive perturbations mationislostandvorticesmanifestaslocalminimma. Howeverwemightdefineacriteriontodeterminevor- As mentioned before, in the LMT/GTM the gaps tex dissociation depending on the contrast resolution are sufficiently small compared to the wavelengths at of the detection device. which the system operates, nevertheless we present The vortex dissociation effect is also observed for simulations to evaluate the diffraction effects that damaged segments as small as ϕ ∼ 10◦ which is a would appear for larger gaps. We split the problem very small value for the angular extent of the real to study radial and angular gaps separately. LMT/GTM segments. In this case the vortex struc- We first evaluate pupils formed from several con- tureisunstablebecausesymmetryisbroken(Fig.5). tinuousringshavingavariableseparation. Thetrans- The focal distribution can be recovered to some ex- mittance function of such a pupil is represented as tent if the opposite segment is darkened since some a sum of circ functions. Given the linearity of the symmetry is recovered. We can see in the figure that Fourier transform, the focal field of this multiple ring form=4theoriginalprofileisrecoveredintheverti- pupil is a sum of the corresponding Fourier trans- calsection. Thecaseform=2isnotfullyrecovered, forms. For any value of m, the effect on the focal howeverthehorizontalsectionremainswiththesame distribution is very similar to what happens with a profile but a lower contrast. simple annular pupil: the focal distribution shrinks Next,weexaminewhenmanyoppositesectorsare radially,andthemainmaximumdecreasesrelativeto lostorobscuredasshowninFig.6. Atransversesec- the secondary maximum as the radius of central ob- tion of the amplitude at the focal plane shows that scuration increases(Fig. 3). Thiseffect isinterpreted although the maximum decreases, the profile of the as having an increase of resolution of the system but central dark area caused by the vortex remains un- a contrast decrease. For different values of m the changed. The same effects happen for the second maximumfieldamplitudevaluesdropalmostlinearly or third rings composed of more segments. In these as the size gap increases. Nevertheless, the profile outer rings there is a larger number of segments that appears to be a scaled version of the original one, contribute to the focal field, and although the ob- therefore the resulting distribution can be always ap- scuredproportionmightbehigh,theoppositereflect- proximated by a power law rm in the vicinity of the ing sectors reconstruct a more symmetrical pattern. vortex core. If the missing panels are considered to be radial Nextwewillconsiderthecaseinwhichacomplete as shown in the figure, the maximum field amplitude sector of angle ϕ is lost or darkened. For topological decreases linearly for m = 0, but for larger values of charges m > 1 an obscured sector causes the vortex m, the behavior departs slightly from linearity. In all to dissociate and generate m dark regions in the fo- cases the drop is proportional to the non-reflecting cal image. The topological charge of a vortex must area. be preserved along propagation, therefore these dark We have analyzed diffraction effect due to gaps regionsareassociatedtoindividualvorticeswithuni- size and found out that the central annular field is tarycharge. Ingeneral,vorticeswithoppositecharge stable up to a ten to one ratio between the panel and might cancel each other upon propagation while vor- the gap. In the LMT/GTM the real proportion is ticeswiththesamechargemighttravelalongsideeach much smaller than the aforementioned ratio, for this otherforlongdistances. Detailedinformationonvor- reason, the effect can be neglected. tex propagation might be found in [19, 20]. In the We now consider the effects of damaged panels. case presented here vortex dissociation happens as We model this situation by leaving out randomly se- the m order phase singularity separates into m first lecting panels (Fig. 7). We observe again that the order singularities as shown in Fig. 4. A similar ef- basic vortex structure due to the azimuthal phase is fect happens when the system is illuminated by two maintained. Similarsituationsinvolvingpartiallyob- separate coherent sources [5]. However, the relative structed optical vortices have shown that this type position of the dark regions due to the existence of of fields are stable upon propagation [21]. Even the multiple sources and that due to aberrations behave absence of a complete ring, which is a special case of 4 concentric ring pupil was considered. It can be seen sal sections of the focal distribution of amplitude to thatthiscanhavesmalleffectsontheexpectedimage show how the zeros are separated depending on the (Fig. 7). value of A . For larger values of astigmatism the a radiation distribution is deformed into a set of in- tensity lobes related to Hermite-Gaussian modes. It 6 Stability analysis under aber- is known that Hermite-Gaussian modes can be con- rations verted to and from Laguerre-Gaussian (L-G) modes by means of an astigmatic mode converters. The lat- ter are a type of vortex wavefields [25]. The system’s So far we have analyzed how robust the segmented response to aberration of coma (W = r3cosφ) was vortex telescope can be considering diffraction per- morestablesincenovortexdissociationwasobserved turbations due to gaps between panels or assuming foraberrationcoefficientsA <0.35whilethecritical damages of the collector surface. We now draw the c value for a 0.8 Strehl ratio is A =0.21. attention to the presence of aberrations e.g. Seidel c or balanced aberrations [22, 23]. Typically, the at- A system with randomly damaged panels and a mospheric turbulence is modeled by a distribution of Seidelaberrationcombinedshowsthattheeffectsob- aberrations. For the LMT/GTM, in addition to at- served are closer to those produced by aberration mospheric turbulence, gravitational effects cause de- alone. The dark region at the focal plane dissoci- formations of the collector mirror and also tempera- ates for aberration coefficients similar to those with- turefluctuationsacrossits50metersdiametersurface out segment loss. Fig. 9 shows the collector mirror causeaberrations[13]. Forthisreason,weanalyzethe with obscured panels and Ac = 0.15 along with the focal distribution of the vortex telescope given Sei- focal image and transverse section. The image shows del and balanced aberrations and also random phase vortex dissociation and small diffraction effects. aberrations. For the large area of the collector mirror it is ex- We introduce the wave aberration of the system pected that inhomogeneities of air density caused by as a factor eikW(r,ϕ), with W(r,ϕ) = A Φ (r,ϕ) and atmosphericfluctuationsorheatturbulence,willgen- j j Φ could be either a Seidel or a balanced (Zernike) erateahighorderrandomaberrationoftheincoming j aberration [22, 23]. The aberration coefficient A is wavefront. The thermal design of the LMT/GTM al- n given in units of the wavelength λ. We used Seidel lows to evaluate and compensate deformations of the sphericalaberration, SeidelandZernikeastigmatism, primary due to heat turbulence [13]. However, the and finally Seidel and Zernike coma. Different aber- small fluctuations might not be possible to compen- rationcoefficientswereselectedtoevaluatethestabil- sate. Inordertoinvestigatetheinfluenceofthistype ity of the central vortex structure at the focal plane of perturbation on the system, we produced a sur- as in the previous cases. The aberration coefficients face with random distributions of various frequencies were chosen according to acceptable Strehl ratio cri- (Fig. 10). Each case was modeled for Seidel aber- teria [24] selecting coefficients A ≤0.30. Symmetric rations and the aberration free case. In each case i aberrations such as defocus or first and second order we found out vortex dissociation for a phase aberra- spheres cause variations in the contrast of the focal tion of a quarter wavelength measured peak to peak image. Nevertheless the central profile of dark re- (Fig. 11). The sensitivity of the system to this type gions remains the same in the sense that a power law of aberration requires a careful calibration and wave- fit in the radial variable is still possible in the vicin- front compensation of the system. ity of the vortex core. If the symmetry is broken by Sincetheantennafollowsobjectsinthesky,astig- aberrations, the vortex dissociates in a similar way matismcausedbydeformationofthecollectormirror as with perturbations due to diffraction. Astigmatic due to gravity, is constantly changing. If we wanted aberration given by W = r2cosφ generated visible to distinguish between the presence of aberrations vortex dissociation for low values, A = 0.03. Nev- and double coherent sources, we might have to an- a ertheless, the proportion of the inner maxima to the alyze the behavior of the dark regions as the antenna mainringwasabout5%. Wesetthisproportionhere scans a given object in the sky. Aberrations caused to define a visible dissociated vortex. Vortex disso- by changes in the antenna position would cause the ciation occurs in an angle π/4 from the astigmatism dark regions to move as the antenna moves. On the axis,andasectionperpendiculartothiskeepstherm other hand, if the dark regions remain unchanged as power law profile. The simulations include transver- the scanning goes on, it would mean that there is a 5 double source. More precise schemes are being inves- the case of stellar systems with multiple components tigatedbyourgroupatthemoment,andareportwill (starsandplanets),thismodecanincreasetheresolu- be developed. tion up to 0.5(cid:48) at 1.1mm, which can only be attained withinterferometricarrays. Moreover, thehighmap- pingspeeds(0.55deg2/hr/mJy2 forLMT/GTMwith 7 Astronomical Application AzTEC) of large single dish telescopes make them more efficient than interferometric arrays. Therefore, Consider the LMT/GTM working at 1.1 mm, at this we suggest that future large millimeter single dish wavelength the field of view is 1.5(cid:48) (minutes of arc) telescope should consider SVT as an regular obser- and a beam size of 5(cid:48)(cid:48) (seconds of arc) with a point- vational mode, which would guide follow up observa- ing accuracy is 1(cid:48)(cid:48). The specified final surface accu- tions with interferometric arrays. racyof70µm,thisresultsinanAntennaEfficiencyof 46% at this wavelength. In the mm regime the con- 8 Conclusions trast between the luminosity of a solar-like host star (T ∼ 6000 K) and a Super-Jupiter (T ∼ 1700 eff S−J K, R ∼ 1.5R , see e.g. [26]) becomes WehaveinvestigatedthepropertiesoftheLargeMil- S−Jupiter Jupiter of the order of 103, while in the optical regime the limeter Telescope as the largest spatial electromag- contrast could be several times higher, ∼ 108. How- netic wavefront light modulator capable of producing ever, cold dust in circumstellar disks becomes the vortexbeamsofintegertopologicalchargeatselected dominant source of radiation at 1 mm, hence the wavelengths. We studied its stability against diffrac- contrast between a face-on circumstellar disk (mean tion and aberration perturbations. T ∼ 50K, see below for average size) e.g., [27] Diffraction caused by gaps between segments and Disk andaSuper-Jupitercouldbeaslargeas10−6. These by possible mechanical damages of the LMT/GTM are rough figures under the assumption that the host panelsisnotcriticalsincethemainfeaturesofthevor- star, the circumstellar disk, and the planet emit as tex structure at the focal plane remain unaffected by black bodies. the segmented nature of the telescope even in highly The mode of the diameter distribution of circum- perturbed cases. stellar disks [28] is about 300 AU (1 Astronomical Regarding to aberrations, for small values of de- Unit= 149,597,870.691 km). A disks of about this focus and coma, the focal distribution of the system size, would appear unresolved at 60 pc (1 parsec= remains stable. As expected, we observed that the 206265 AU); hence we can use LMT/GTM in the system is very sensitive to astigmatism. Non-radially SVT mode as a coronagraph to search for exoplan- symmetric aberrations cause the vortex to dissociate ets orbiting around star-circumstellar disks systems into m vortices, and as a result, dark zones appear at distances larger than 60 pc. The LMT/GTM’s in the focal distribution. The values at which this fieldofviewwouldcoverseparationslargerthan5000 happensdependonmandontherelativeorientation AU from the host star. Guided by previous observa- of the aberrations. The dark zones of a single source tions [29], we found that exoplanetary systems have always appear perpendicular to the aberration axis. shownawidevarietyofconfigurations. Massiveplan- For aberrations with random wavefront distribu- ets have been found to orbit their host stars at wide tion, simulating heat turbulence, the system shows orbits, ranging from several hundreds to over a thou- a high sensitivity which must be taken into account sand AU, from their host stars [30]. A comprehen- since even single sources produce vortex dissocia- sive survey for massive planets at wide orbits could tion generating similar focal distributions as those helptoimposeconstraintsontheoriginofexoplanets produced by two coherent sources. In general, sin- and their relation with the environment [31]. Super- gle sources produce multiple dark regions at the fo- Jupiter have properties similar to low mass brown cal plane when the symmetry of the system is bro- dwarf, hence LTM/GTM working as SVT could also ken either by diffraction or by the presence of non- help to study the frequency of brown dwarfs in mul- symmetric aberrations. tistellar systems. 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Heisleading a Mexican team of scientists and engineers to build a single-antenna experiment to search for the signs oftheformationofthefirststarsintheuniverseusingthe21cmhyperfinetransitionofneutralhydrogen as a tracer. • SabinoCh´avez-Cerda: IsafulltimeresearcheratInstitutoNacionaldeAstrof´ısica,OpticayElectr´onica intheOpticsdepartment. HeobtainedhisPhDdegreefromtheImperialCollegeandhasbeenrecently appointed as Fellow of the Optics Society of America. His main research fields are propagation of non diffractive fields and rigorous mathematical physics aspects of optics. 9 Figures Figure 1: A: Complete setup with five rings as originally designed. Segments in black are currently not active. B:ThecollectormirroroftheLMT/GTMgeneratesawaveftontwiththisshape. Thelinescorrespond tothegapsbetweenthetelescopesegments. C:Frontviewofthetransmittancefunctionofthecurrentthree rings of the collector. Figure 2: Multiple pitch mirror for the segmented vortex telescope. 10