Description:Parables are an extremely overlooked and forgotten source of knowledge, wisdom, creativity, mental and spiritual sharpening, and food for the soul. Vastly different than today's society, most ancient cultures have a rich and long tradition of parables, or parable-like literature. These were to pass knowledge, wisdom, and maturity from one generation to the next.For the ancients knew—as you also know—that mere information is not enough for what we all want to do and to become. Just as food is not enough for sustenance—rather, one must also chew it, and absorb it into one's being.Our society has tons and tons of food stored in computers, libraries, our neighbors' experiences, etc. But few eat this food. Most just glance, look, and admire this food from afar.This collection is for you to eat, not merely admire. By really enjoying and absorbing these parables, you will think new thoughts, hear new things, and see in a different way.Welcome to a new journey.