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Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies About the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You're Eating PDF

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Preview Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies About the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You're Eating

PRAISEF OR Seeds of Deception "Jeffrey Smith masterfdly combines the art of storytelling and inves- tigative reporting. The result is riveting, enlightening, and disturbing. The dangers of genetically modified foods are shocking-fortunately, Jeffrey's book tells us how to avoid them." - Jennifer Read Hawthorne Coauthor, Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul "J effi-eyS mith's lucid, informative, and tightly argued expost of genet- ically modified foods lays bare the blockbuster food safety issue of the 2lStc entury. Although Americans slept as the biotech industry quietly kidnapped our food supply, Europe sent the miscreants-typified by Monsant-packing. Mr. Smith presents a roadrnap of insensitivity by America's food giants and a blueprint of action to stop them from wreaking further havoc. Every American should read this book." - James S. Turner, Esq. Author, The Chemical Feast: The Nader Report on the Food and Drug Administration "Seeds of Deception is the first book to make a convincing case for the existence of a genuine conspiracy on the part of the biotechnology industry to suppress free speech, debate and even scientific dialogue about the safety and value of GMOs. In doing so, Jeffky Smith paints a vivid and disturbing picture of governmental passivity and scientific neglect of urgent problems associated with genetically engineered agri- culture. By putting together over a dozen episodes of interference and collusion against activists who have questioned the wisdom of proceeding unabated with this collective, non-consensual experiment with our food, Smith shows how industry proponents have done them- selves and a whole generation of consumers a massive disservice in the name of corporate profits and short-term private gain." - Marc Lapp&,P h.D. Co-Director, The Center for Ethics and Toxics (CETOS) "Lies, distortion, and deception are commonplace tools to market GM foods. Seeds of Deception is a must read if you are to protect yourself and your family fi-om the deadly greed of a few ruthless companies. The threat to our hture is real and present, this book could save your life." - Howard E Lyman Author, Mad Cowboy "To get 'up to speed' on the subject of genetically modified foods, there's no better book than Seeds of Deception. Jefiey Smith deals with the science as well as the deception in a pleasing, surefooted way." - Jim Diamond, M.D. Chair, Sierra Club Genetic Engineering Committee "Seeds of Deception is a major event in informing the public about the safety or (more precisely the lack of it) of genetically modified foods, which are hailed to be one of the most important scientific develop- ments of our age. In contrast to the bland assurances fi-om official prop- aganda, the book lays bare the concerted machinations of the biotechnology industry, the media, politicians, and the regulatory authorities, all united in their effort and using any means to allay the rightll concerns and fears of the public about this unpredictable and unsafe technology. A particular strength of the book-and this will be hated by the pro-GM lobby-is that it uses a very colorll but easily understandable language to describe what is usually regarded as 'high' science. My greatest compliment is that even though I am a scientist I got some special insights into the workings of the recombinant DNA technology fi-om Jefiey Smith's enjoyable presentation." - Arpad Pusztai, Ph.D. Leading Expert on Safety Research Conducted on GM Foods "This is a book that every American should read. In a highly acces- sible story format, Seeds of Deception provides a compelling and powerll indictment of industry and government agencies that have conspired to hide the dangers of genetically engineered foods. After reading the truth about these foods, consumers will avoid eating them; food company executives will want them out of their products; and the government, hopemy, will put an end to this outrageous experiment." - Larry Bohlen Director of Health and Environment Programs, Friends of the Earth "There is mounting evidence that genetically modified foods are unsafe. This book, which is the best written on the subject, is essential reading for food activists and concerned consumers." - Ronnie Cummins National Director, Organic Consumer's Association, Coauthor, Genetically Engineered Food: A Self-Defense Guide for Consumers "This is a brilliant book which combines shrewd dissection of the true nature of GM technology, a devastating critique of the health and envi- ronmental hazards of GM crops, and scarifjmg examples of the manipu- lation of both science and the media by the biotech industry. What is so exciting about this book is that it is no dry text of scientific exegesis-it positively fizzes with the human drama of the cabals and conspiracies behind the scenes which have littered the history of Big Biotech in its h t i c efforts to get itself accepted. It is meticulously documented and powerfdy written, somewhere between a documentary and a thriller." - Michael Meacher Former UK Environment Minister "I have seen firsthand how Monsanto and the FDA have resorted to scientific deceit of the highest order to market genetically engineered (rbGH) milk. With captivating style and a flair for describing science in clear, accurate language, Seeds of Deception unveils the distortions, ornis- sions, and lies for all to see. It is a powerfd antidote to this global charade." - Samuel S. Epstein, M.D. Professor Emeritus Environmental and Occupational Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health; Chairman, Cancer Prevention Coalition "The revelations in this book are being made public at a pivotal time in the global GMO debate, and could tip the scales against the biotech industry. The evidence refutes U.S. science and safety claims, and under- mines the basis of their WTO challenge. It also presents a compelling argument that nations may use to ban GM foods altogether." - Andrew Kimbrell Director, Center for Food Safety Seeds of Deception Exposing Industry and Government Lies about the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You're Eating by Jeffrey M. Smith Paperback edition, 6&p rinting Copyright O 2003 Jeffrey M. Smith All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission, except in che case of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews. For information or individual orders, contact: Yes! Books, P.O. Box 469, Fairfield, IA 52556, (888) 717-7000 wwwseedsofdeception .com Distributed to the book trade by Chelsea Green Publishing, P.O. Box 428, White River Junction, VT 05001, (800) 639-4099 www.chelseagreen. com Cover Illustration: George Foster Text Formatting: Sharon A. Dunn, Treefrog Graphics Library of Congress Control Number: 2003106320 ISBN: 0-9729665-8-7 Printed in Canada on partially recycled paper, TRADEMAARCKK NOWLEDGEMENTS: StarLinkBi s a registered trademark of Aventis Crop Science. Roundupma nd Roundup Ready@a re registered trademarks of Monsanto Company. NutraSweeP is a registered trademark of NutraSweet Property Holding, Inc. Quest@is a registered trademark of Vector Tobacco Ltd. Company. Seeds of Deception Exposing Industry and Government Lies about the Safety of the Genetical ly Engineered Foods You 're Eating Jeffrey M. Smith RO. Box 469 Fairfield, Iowa 52556 (888) 71 7-7000 I deeply appreciate the contributions that so many people made to this book-as reviewers, as sources, as moral support. I name only a few here. Andrea Smith, Rick Smith, Morton Smith, Nancy Tarascio, Robynn Smith, Arpad Pusztai, Ph.D., Michael Hansen, Ph.D., Brian Stains, Bill Crist, Steve Druker, Barbara Keeler, Helen Whybrow, Margo Baldwin, Pete Hardin, Joe Cummins, Ph.D., Robert Roth, Jane Akre, Steve Wilson, Ignacio Chapela, Ph.D., James Turner, Bill Freese, Betty Hof'fing, Barbara Reed Stitt, Gerald Gleich, M.D., Phillip Hertzman, M.D., Rick North, Ronnie Cummins, Jeff Peckman, Joe Mendelson, Craig Winter, Bill Lashmett, Howard Vlieger, Samuel S. Epstein, M.D., David Schubert, Ph.D., Robert Cohen, Larry Bohlen, Dick Kaynor, Britt Bailey, John Kremer, and Carol Kline. FOREWORbDy Frances Moore Lapp6 .............................................................. iii PREFACbEy Arran Stephans v Chapter 1: A LESSONFR OM OVERSEAS 5 Chapter 2: WHATC OULDG O WRONG--A PARTIALLI ST 47 Chapter 3: SPILLEDM ILK... .............. ....... ...... ....... ....... ............ ....... .... ..... ......... .. .... ........... .............. 77 Chapter 4: DEADLEYP IDEMIC lo7 Chapter 5: GOVERNMEBNYT T HE INDUSTRY, FORT HE INDUSTRY 127 Chapter 6: ROLLINGTH E DICEW ITH ALLERGIE....S... ................................................ 159 Chapter 7: MUSCLINTGH E MEDIA... . ....... ..... .. .......... .............. ............ ............ .... .,. ... ........ 18 3 , ,, Chapter 8: CHANGINYGO URD IET 231 Chapter 9: WHATY OUC AND O 249 Appendix A: GM FOODSA T A GLANC.E.... ...........................................................................2. 67 Appendix B: ENZYME&S A DDITIVES .. ............................................... 268 ABOUTT HE AUTHOR.... ........................................................................................... 289

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