TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan #8wh 7'mansI.epidS,oc,Jaymn 58 (2):165-171,Marcb2007 Seed predation on the dipterocarp Neobalanocarpus heimi i(Dipterocarpa cbeyae) the clearwing moth Elynanthedo nnautica (Lepidopt eSreas,iida ei)n Peninsular Malaysia Tbtsuro HosAKA*'), YintakaARiTA2 )and Laurence G. KiRToN") i/ Laboratory of Tropical Forest Resources and Enyironments, Division ot' Foresls and Biomaterials Scienee G,raduat eSchoo lof Agricultur Key,oto Universit Kyy,oto ,606-8502 Japan M ZoologicalLaboratories,FacultyofAgriculture,Meijo University, Tempaku-ku, Nagoya, 468-S502 Japan ;e-mail: [email protected] i' Forest Research Institu tMeal aysia, 52109 Kepong, Selangor. Malaysia Abstract Although sesiids have been considered one ot' the major seed predato rosf dipterocarp trees in Southeas Atsia ,litt hlaes becn documente drcgarding thci rmudc of predation ,We investi- gatcd the mode of sccd prcdati obny S.vnanthed onnautica (Meyric k!,932) (Sesiid uone )IVeo- batanocatpt h{esimi i(Dipterocarpace aae t)r,ee species tha tproduces high-qualit ytimber, at Pasoh Forest Reserve in Negeri Sembilan, Peninsular Malaysja. In tota], ten individual sof S. nautica emerged from 283 seeds of various sizes. All S. nauti(/a were found in mature seeds that had the ability to germinate (seeds)3 g.)0, suggesting that S. nautica feed son mature seeds. The lengt hof time fo rS. nautica to emcrge from thc secd varied from 13 to 42 days (31. 3days on average). Time to adult eclosion was not dependent on seed weight. The biologica ladaptation of S. nautica to mast fruiti nofg dipteroca ripn sSoutheas Atsia is discussed, Key words Dipterocarpaccae ,mast fruitin gN,eobatanocarpus heimii ,seed predation ,5),nanthedon nautlca. Introduction Neobalanocai7)us heimii (King A)shton (Dipterocarpac ekanoew)n, locall yas Chengal, is an endemic tree species of Peninsular Malaysia and south Thailand (Appana h& Turnbull, 1998) ,lt is one of the dominant emergent tree species in lowland dipteroca rfpbres tin these areas, and its heavy ,hard wood provide sthe best-known timber in Peninsular Malaysia (Eloua r&d Blanc ,2003) . However, demand fbr it stimber has resulted in high logging pressure for this tree species, and it now grows only in restricted areas and is categorized as vulnerable in the IUCN Red List of 711ireate n5ePdeci eIsn,formatio onn the reproduction of N, heimi iis therefore required for it sappropri ate management and conservation. Seeds play an importan trole in plan treproduction. However, the causes of seed loss for N. heimi ihave not been studied sufficiently. Elouard and Blanc (2003 r)eported that seed loss befbre germinatio nis mainly caused by predatio nby insect ssuch as moths of the genera Assara,Caterema(botPhyralidae), Andrioplecta([rbrtricidae), beetles and and scolytid of the genera Coccotimpes and Pbecitips (bot hColeopter aS:colytidae )T,hey noted that the main frui fteeder was a moth of the genus Assara. Sesiid s(Lepidopt eSersas:idae )are one of the major seed predator sof dipteroca rtprees in SoutheastAsia(Chey2,002;Nakagawa 2003;Robinson 1994,2001;Tby, et al,, et al,, 1988), Siynanthedon nautica (Meyric 1k9,32) (Lepidopt Seersai:idae h)as also been record- ed as aseed predato rof fV. heimi i(Robins eotn al., 2001) .This species is a small (al aexr- "Corresponding author, e-mail: hesaka@kais, NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic LMbirabrryary Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 166 Tetsuro HosAKA, Yutaka ARtTA and Laurcnce G. KTRToN t ttt ttt t tt l., t /tt 3A Figs 1-3. IVbohatanocarptt sheimii and S})nanthe ndauotinca, 1, Mature frui tofN. heimii .2. Pupal shcll ef S, naittica protruding from the calyx of an N. heimii frui tand an adult S. nav{tica. 3. Adultg of S. nautica: (A) malc, (B) female. panse 17 mm), wasp-mimicking moth with transparen twings and a black-and-yellow striped abdomen (Fig s3A, B), Sesiids are distribute dworldwide, and more than 150 specieg are known from Southeas tAsia. Larvae of this family are often stem, bark ,or root borers . The Iarvae of S, natttica, however, develop in the seed or imits of Dipterocaivus grandceorus, Hopea heimii ,FinTz;shoJ ?daensij7or Sah,onea spp,, and IV .heimii (Robinso ent al,, 2001). However, litt lheas been documented regarding thc mode of predatio nby sesi- ids ,includin gS, nautica. Here, we report predatio nof N. heimi iseeds by S. nautica, focus- ing on the relation of predatio tno seed size. Materials & methods Fruit sof N, heimii were sampled in a 50-ha and a 40-ha permanent plot in Pasoh Forest Reserye (2e59' 1N0,2018'E; 75-150 m a.s.1.), Pcninsula Mralaysia. Pasoh Forest Reserve is locate dapproximately 70 km southeust of Kuala Lumpur, thc capital of Ma]aysia, and is a lowland dipteroca rfpores tin which there are numerous young and mature N. heimi itrees. In the 50-ha permanent plet ,158 stems21O cm in diamete rwere recorded for N. heimii ,of which 60 reached 100 cm in diamete r(Kochummen ,1997) ,making it the second most abundant dipteroca rsppecies in the plot. Fruit sof N. heimi iare hard ,heavy (aroun d1O g when full ydeveloped) g.reen ,and hold a single seed (Fi g1,), Unlike most other dipterocar pfruits t,hey lack wings, Therefore, they fa1 1beneath the mother tree, NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Chengal Seed Prcdation by the Sesiid S}rnanthe dnaoutnica 167 The fruiti nbgehavio rof N. heimii differ sfrom that of most other dipterocar pisn two re- spects. First ,N. heimii bears flower sand fruit aslmost annually (Marzal jetn aal,, 2003), Dipterocarps in Southeast Asia are known for their unique mast fruiti npghenology; thcy do not frui tevery year ,but superannually (2 -to 10-year intervals )and synchronous]y among dilferen tspecies (Appana h19,93). Thus, N, heimi ifiower sand fruit msore frequent] tyhan other dipterocarps ,Second, the frui dtispersa pleriod of N, heimi iis much longe rthan that of other dipterocarp sS.eeds of N. heimi imature, i ,e, become germinable 6, months after flowering ,and mature seeds continue to be disperse dfor more than 1 year (Nait oet al,, 2005) .In contrast, seeds of most other dipterocar pdsispers esynchronously within 1-2 months of maturity. The unique fruiti nbgehavio rcharacteristics of N, heimi iallow seeds to be collected at almost any time of the year. Fruits sampling was carried out from August to October 2002, during a mast fruitin gperiod in Pasoh (c fNumata et al., 2003), and in July 2003, outside of the mast fruitin gperiod. Green, newly falle nffuit sof various sizes were collected from beneath the canopies of nine Ai ,heimi imother trees .Thc fruit wsere maintained in a laborato riyn Simpang Pertang ,a town near Pasoh Forest Reserve ,for observation of emerging insects. Sampled fruit wsere sorted by size. Fruit sof similar size were weighed tegether (S5 fruits), and the mean weight of similar-sized fruit swas used as an estimate of individua iffuit weight. The fruit wsere placed in a plast ibcox (17 5× 120 ×37 mm) line dwith wet paper to rear the insect sB,ecause Ai .heimi ifruit asre acorn-like, we hereafte rrcfer to them as seeds fruit tmd regard weight as seed weight. The rearing boxes were chccked almost every day. The number of adult insect asnd time to emergence were recorded, The number of seeds that germinate d(i e.. when the radicle ex- tended from the pericar pw)as also counted to determine the germinatio rnate, Because ma- ture seeds of N. heimi ireadily germinat ein 1 week without dormancy when they fa11 w,e expect the obtained germinatio nrate to reflect the germjnatio nrate under natural conditions or ln a nurscry. Results In total ,283 seeds were collected, and 108 seeds germinate din the rearing boxes ([[la L1)b,le Seed weight ranged from O.36 to 12.7 g. 'Ien aclult S. nautica emerged from the seeds, of which three emerged from seeds collected during the mast fruiti npgeriod and seven emerged from those collected outside of the mast fruiting Some (Coleopte?rNaan:ophyinae), period. weevils scolytids, and species of moths from other genera (tilss Laarmoar,ia, Andrioplecta, and Stathmopoda) also emerged from the seeds, The mean time from seed collection to the emergence of adult S, nautica was about 1 month (mean±SE=3L3 ±O.8 days) and ranged from 13 to 42 days .This variation Table 1. Numbcr of Neobatanocatpu hseimi iseeds sampled, number of seeds that eerminated, and number of Syminihed onanutiua Lhat emerged fi'oi nimmature (S2. 9g in wei.ght) and mature ?3.0 g in weighO seeds. Secdmaturity SampledGerminated S. natttica emerged Immuture (g2. 9g) I06i77283 o108108 o1010 Mature C)3. 0g) Total NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 168 TetsuroHosAKA,YutakaARiTA LaurenceG.KiRToN and ATUomxe1Rg.6o-es.RNtsRojigoo8&tsEokoxo=o=tro-m - 0.3 100 e..gfi&g・ 80 O,2 60 gg=o'EoS,g oo - O,1 D- S. nautica 20 -Sced gcrrmnaton o o IA r9:・Ntootot w 4ts. ttOhOtO O-Dta " ou lv N111 UJ 4ts. ttntd a" o・Le.b o b b io io b io lo Seed (g) weight Fig. 4. Frequency of emergence of Synanthedon nautica adults from seeds of Neobalartocatpt{s heimii and the proportio nof seeds that .oerrninated for each seed weight elass. may have been due to difTerenc eisn the timing of when seeds fe1 1from the mother trees. Thus, insects tha temerged from smaller seeds that had been dispersed earlier may have taken longer fOr emergence than those from large rseeds that had been dispersed later. However, the time to emergence seemed not dependent on seed weight Or=O.045x+31.7, where x: days for emergence, y: seed weight [g] r,2=0.0003. P=0.96). The pupal shell could be seen protrudin fgrom the pericar pof the seed after adult eclosion (Fig 2.). Usually, one aduJt moth emerged from each infested seed. The larvae did not con- sume the whole cotyledon, but only part of the seed. Therefbre, seeds that had been at- tacked could sometimes still germinate, However, none of the germinatin gseeds that had been attacked completed elongation of the radicle; each seed died befbre the radicle reached itsfu11length.Therefore, byS. had predation nat{tica a gerious negative etlect on seed via- bility.The seeds were divided into ten classes based on seed weight; each class was composed of ten or more seeds, The frequenc yof emergence of S. nautica from the seeds and the pro- portio nof seeds that genninate dare shown in Fig. 4. 0nly seeds that were in the 3,O-3. 9g or heavier weight classes gcrminated, Thus, we delined seeds that wejghed at leas t3.0 g as mature, and seeds that weighed les sthan 3.0 g as immature (i e.. seeds that dropped prema- turely before they were sufficiently develope dto germinate). Seeds were up to four times large rthan 3.0 g, and the germination rate increage dwith seed size, reachjng more than 80% when seed weight exceeded 7.0 g. S.vnanthedon nautica emerged only from mature seeds, Although the number of seeds that were collected and the number of adult moths that emerged were small, the proportion of seeds from which S. nautic'a emerged was gignificantly highe rin mature seeds than in im- mature seeds (Fishe rex'acst test, P=O,O08; [[lab l1e) ,The highes trate ef emergence, O.28 moths per seed, occurred in the heavies steed weight class (29. g0). NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Chengal Seed Predation by the Sesii dSynanthedon nautica 169 Discussion Slynanthedo nna"tica emerged only from mature seeds, i .e. seeds that weighed23.0 g at the time of collection. Naito et at. (2005 )h,owever ,ghowed that more than 30% of seeds that weighed Iess than 2.5 g germinated in a nursery. This dilieren cien the minimum weight of seeds that could germinate may reflect the fac tthat there was some yariation in mature seed weight among mother trees or that the condition of our germination test was insuMcien tfor the smaller mature seeds. In any case, S, nautica emerged only from 1arger ,developed seeds, and two possibl eexplanations could account for this. One is that S. nautica adults may lay eggs only on o]der seeds. In this case, no adult moths would emerge from imma- ture seeds because they would have been aborted before could have been lai don them in the canopy. The other possibili its ythat S. nautica adults do lay eggs on young seeds, but 1arva ein immature aborted seeds cannot develo psufficient]y to survive to the adult stage. Dissection of immature seeds would be required to detennin eif this is the case and to shed furthe lrigh ton the timing of oviposition in S. napttica. One of the most discusse dquestion sabout seed predator sof dipterocar piss how they sur- vive during long non-fruiting period s(Janze n1,974; [Iby ,l991) .However, for the seed predator S. naettica, its host, N. heimii ,fruit salmost every year. Furthermore N,. heimi iis abundant in Pasoh Forest Reserve and can retain it sseeds for more than 1 year after fiower- ing. Although we examined additional seeds from 12 Shorea species (S .ac"minata, S, bracteo- lata,S.das)phyZtaS,.hopeijblia,S,tepidoiaS,.IeprosutaS,. S, S. macropteur, multij7ora, maxwelliana, S. ovatis, S. parvijioli aan,d S, paucijlova) and thre eDipterocarpu sspecies (D. crinittis, D. cornutus, and D, costutatus) durin gthe mast-fruiting period of 2001-2002, S. navttica was not found in seeds of any of these species. Thus, the populatio nof S. nautica in Pasoh Forest Reserve, and possibly in the rest of Peninsula Mralaysia, is probabl ymain- tained by the continuous availability of N, heimi iseeds, which is a rare case among diptero- carp seed predators. A questio nof intere sits how S, nautica population sare sustained in regions where N, heimi idoes not occur, such as Borneo. The holotyp eof S, natttica in the Natura lHistory Museum of London was collected from Borneo (Meyri c1k932) .It remains to be discov- ered whether the species has alternative host sthat produce fruit aslmost annually lik eN. heimii in these regions or whether the adult moths have a prolonged lifespa nthat enables them to survive until the next mast-fruiting event, Further studies of the biology of S. nauti- ca in such regions are required to resolve this question. Acknowledgments We are gratefu 1to Dr Abdul Rahim Nik and Dr Nur Supardi of the Fores tResearch Institute of Malaysia (FRIM )fbr permission to conduct this research in Pasoh. Specia lthanks are due to Dr rfakakazu YUmoto (Resear Icnhstitut oef Humanity and Nature), Dr Naoya Osawa (Kyot Uoniversity a)n,d Dr Tbshinor iOkuda (Hiroshi mUaniversit yf)or their kind support, Dr AkihiroKonuma (NationIansltituteforAgro-Environmental Sciences)D,r Masatoshi Yasuda (Forest ranyd Forest Products Research Institute ),Ms Ybko Naito (Kyoto University)Ms, YO-yun Chen (GeorgiUnaiversity)D,r 1-FangSun (SmithsonTiraonpical Research Institute )a,nd their Malaysian assistants provided us with much infbrmatio onn N, heimiiinPasoh. The field insect havebeen work and rearing could not completed without the kind assistance of FRIM staff in Pasoh and Mr Mohd Widradul. 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K【RT・N) ス カシバ ガは東南アジアの フ タバ ガキ科樹木にとっ て重要な種了食昆虫の 1つ と考えられてい るが, バそのガ食キ科害)のの実.種態子はに殆対どす報る告S.vさnaれnthてedいonな nいaut、ic著a 者(スらカはシ,優.バ良.ガ材科で)の知食ら害れのる実1>態kohをa,l半ano島e,aマrpレ“sー heシimアi.iネ {フグタリ セン ビラ ン州の Pasoh森林保護区におい て調査した.落ド後問もない 様々 な発育段階の種子言【283個 tかよicらりaの,得1成0ら個虫れ体が,κの羽.化She.iすnamtitるtiiのcまa成でが熟は得種1ら3子−れ4を2た加日. S害(,平 nすau均tiるc3a種1.3はで目いあ)つるとれこばもとら発がつ芽分き能がか力あっ のっ.たあた.まがるた成,こ,熟種れ種子と子を種(拾了種・っの子て重重かさ3,ら0と gのS以, 聞IZC上I.uに)− 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic LLiibrbarryary Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegiroaollogical SSoooiceityety ooff JJaapapnan Chenga lSeed Predatio bny the Sesiid∫ynanthedon nauti (/’a l71 は相関関係は見出されなかっ た.東南アジアにおけるフ タバ ガキ科の 一斉結実現象に対するS. nautica O)適応につ い て考察した. (Acccpted November 2,2006) Publishe bdy the Lepidoptcrologica lSociety of Japan, 5−20,Motoyokoyama 2,Hachioji,Tokyo ,192−0063 Japan 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic LLiibrbarryary Service