Kaiden and Alicia Moore, originally from North Carolina, were enjoying a life full of love and passion. As a young, beautiful, and upwardly mobile professional couple who had made their home in New York City, they were busy balancing their careers with the demands of a new marriage —- which as fate would have it, included an unexpected bundle of joy.
They got pregnant on their honeymoon, and so began the first book of the Moore Family Saga, Seed on Fire —- a sexy, romantic suspense novel.
Their relationship will forever be changed by a series of nightmarish events that threaten their love and the life of their unborn child.
Will their commitment to each other be enough to cope with the challenges?
Come and join them as they await the birth of their son, Miles Aridio Moore.
Start the Moore Family Saga now!
"She mixes romance, adventure, and suspense through a cast of complex and interesting characters."
"I loved the family...