ABBYY Recognition Server 4 Open API Open API Overview The Open API is a component of ABBYY Recognition Server. It can be installed onto any computer in the network. ABBYY Recognition Server provides two types of Open API for integration with external systems: a COM-based API and a Web Services API. The COM-based API uses RPC technology, and can be used for integration with other systems in the local area network. In case of the COM-based API you need to install required components of ABBYY Recognition Server on the computer where the client application is installed. See Distribution of Applications Using the ABBYY Recognition Server Com-based API Library for details. The Web service API enables communication with remote systems via HTTP, and therefore allows for remote integration over the Internet. In case of the Web services API you do not need to install any components on the client computer. To generate WSDL description, connect to http://<ServerName>/Recognition4WS/RSSoapService.asmx?WSDL Note: The Recognition Server Web Service may require very complex configuration, if it is installed on the same computer with Microsoft Office SharePoint Server. It is not recommended to install them on the same computer. The Web Service will not work if ASP.NET is not installed on your computer. When installing Microsoft .Net Framework ASP.NET is copied on the computer but not installed. You should install it manually by running: C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\vX.X.XXX\aspnet_regiis.exe -i (specify the appropriate version instead of vX.X.XXX). This section will provide detailed descriptions of the Open API objects, their properties, and methods. These objects allow you to create XML Tickets, manage jobs, analyze XML Results, and specify preprocessing, recognition and export parameters. ABBYY Recognition Server 4 Open API Recognition Languages Below is the list of internal names of the recognition languages that are supported in ABBYY Recognition Server 4. Availability of a recognition language depends on whether you have the corresponding modules installed. ABBYY Recognition Server provides its own system dictionaries for the languages that have built-in dictionary support. The Languages property of the RecognitionParams object specifies a collection of recognition languages. Elements of this collection must be internal names from the first column. Internal name Recognition language Full dictionary support available Abkhaz Abkhaz Adyghe Adyghe Afrikaans Afrikaans Agul Agul Albanian Albanian Altaic Altaic Arabic Arabic + ArmenianEastern Armenian (Eastern) + ArmenianGrabar Armenian (Grabar) + ArmenianWestern Armenian (Western) + Awar Avar Aymara Aymara AzeriCyrillic Azerbaijani (Cyrillic) AzeriLatin Azerbaijani (Latin) Bashkir Bashkir + Basque Basque Belarusian Belarussian Bemba Bemba Blackfoot Blackfoot Breton Breton Bugotu Bugotu Bulgarian Bulgarian + Buryat Buryat Catalan Catalan + Chamorro Chamorro Chechen Chechen ChinesePRC* Chinese Simplified ChineseTaiwan* Chinese Traditional Chukcha Chukchee Chuvash Chuvash Corsican Corsican CrimeanTatar Crimean Tatar Croatian Croatian + Crow Crow Czech Czech + Danish Danish + Dargwa Dargwa Dungan Dungan Dutch Dutch (Netherlands) + DutchBelgian Dutch (Belgium) + English English + EskimoCyrillic Eskimo (Cyrillic) EskimoLatin Eskimo (Latin) Esperanto Esperanto Estonian Estonian + Even Even Evenki Evenki Faeroese Faeroese Fijian Fijian Finnish Finnish + French French + Frisian Frisian Friulian Friulian GaelicScottish Scottish Gaelic Gagauz Gagauz Galician Galician Ganda Ganda German German + + GermanNewSpellingGerman (new spelling) GermanLuxembourg German (Luxembourg) Greek Greek + Guarani Guarani Hani Hani Hausa Hausa Hawaiian Hawaiian Hebrew Hebrew + Hungarian Hungarian + Icelandic Icelandic Ido Ido Indonesian Indonesian + Ingush Ingush Interlingua Interlingua Irish Irish Italian Italian + Japanese* Japanese Kabardian Kabardian Kalmyk Kalmyk KarachayBalkar Karachay-Balkar Karakalpak Karakalpak Kasub Kasub Kawa Kawa Kazakh Kazakh Khakas Khakas Khanty Khanty Kikuyu Kikuyu Kirgiz Kirghiz Kongo Kongo Korean* Korean KoreanHangul* Korean (Hangul) Koryak Koryak Kpelle Kpelle Kumyk Kumyk Kurdish Kurdish Lak Lak Lappish Sami (Lappish) Latin Latin Latvian Latvian + LatvianGothic Latvian Gothic Lezgin Lezgi Lithuanian Lithuanian + Luba Luba Macedonian Macedonian Malagasy Malagasy Malay Malay (Malaysian) Malinke Malinke