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SEDIMENTOLOGY The Journal of the International Association of Sedimentologists edited by P. Haughton, P. Carling, A. Immenhauser, I. Montafiez Volume 52 2005 4; Blackwell Publishing Contents belt structures in unconsolidated sediments in Lake Lucerne (Switzerland) NUMBER 1 M. G. Kleinhans. Grain-size sorting in grainflows at the lee side of deltas 1 A. Gilli, F. S. Anselmetti, D. Ariztegui, M. Beres, J. A. C. A. L. Jackson, R. L. Gawthorpe, I. D. Carr and I. R. McKenzie and V. Markgraf. Seismic stratigraphy, Sharp. Normal faulting as a control on the strati- buried beach ridges and contourite drifts: the Late graphic development :of shallow marine syn-rift se- Quaternary history of the closed Lago Cardiel basin, quences: the Nukhul and Lower Rudeis Formations, Argentina (49°S) Hammam Faraun fault block, Suez Rift, Egypt E. S. Rasmussen and K. Dybkjer. Sequence strati- U. Sattler, A. Immenhauser, H. Hillgértner and M. Es- graphy of the Upper Oligocene—Lower Miocene of teban. Characterization, lateral variability and lateral eastern Jylland, Denmark: role of structural relief and extent of discontinuity surfaces on a Carbonate Plat- variable sediment supply in controlling sequence de- form (Barremian to Lower Aptian, Oman) velopment G. Warrlich, D. Bosence and D. Waltham. 3D and 4D Y. Hiroki and T. Terasaka. Wavy lamination in a controls on carbonate depositional systems: sedi- mixed sand and gravel foreshore facies of the Pleisto- mentological and sequence stratigraphic analysis of an cene Hosoya Sandstone, Aichi, central Japan attached carbonate platform and atoll (Miocene, Nijar A. Immenhauser, H. Hillgdrtner and E. Van Bentum. Basin, SE Spain) Microbial-foraminiferal episodes in the Early Aptian of P. Plink-Bjérklund. Stacked fluvial and tide-domi- the southern Tethyan margin: ecological significance nated estuarine deposits in high-frequency (fourth- and possible relation to oceanic anoxic event 1a order) sequences of the Eocene Central Basin, D. A. Vallini, B. Rasmussen, B. Krapez and I. R. Spitsbergen Fletcher and N. J. McNaughton. Microtextures, geo- chemistry and geochronology of authigenic xenotime: NUMBER 3 constraining the cementation history of a Palaeo- proterozoic metasedimentary sequence 429 T. Wang, W. Zhang, Z. Dong, J. Qu, Z. Jing, W. Wang D. B. Loope, J. A. Mason, H. Bao, R. M. Kettler and and J. Feng. The dynamic characteristics and migra- C. W. Zanner. Deformation structures and an alteration tion of a pyramid dune zone linked to deposition of volcanogenic sulphate in C. Portman, J. E. Andrews, P. J]. Rowe, M. R. Leeder and an ancient playa (Oligocene of Nebraska, USA) J. Hoogewerff. Submarine-spring controlled calcifica- C. Fraser, P. R. Hill and M. Allard. Morphology and tion and growth of large Rivularia bioherms, Late facies architecture of a falling sea level strandplain, Pleistocene (MIS 5e), Gulf of Corinth, Greece Umiujaq, Hudson Bay, Canada T. E. Gray, J. Alexander and M. R. Leeder. Quantifying S. Roth and J. J. G. Reijmer. Holocene millennial to velocity and turbulence structure in depositing sus- centennial carbonate cyclicity recorded in slope sedi- tained turbidity currents across breaks in slope ments of the Great Bahama Bank and its climatic im- Z. R. Nagy, I. D. Somerville, J. M. Gregg, S. P. Becker, plications K. L. Shelton and A. G. Sleeman. Sedimentation in an E. A. Gomez and C. L. Amos. Dewatering effects on actively tilting half-graben: sedimentology and strati- the erodibility of newly deposited cohesive beds by graphy of Late Tournaisian—Viséan (Mississippian, unidirectional currents Lower Carboniferous) carbonate rocks in south County G. H. Mack and R. D. Madoff. A test of models of Wexford, Ireland fluvial architecture and palaeosol development: Camp C. L. Johnson, E. K. Franseen and R. H. Goldstein. The Rice Formation (Upper Pliocene-Lower Pleistocene), effects of sea level and palaeotopography on lithofacies southern Rio Grande rift, New Mexico, USA distribution and geometries in heterozoan carbonates, J. M. Ketzer, L. F. De Ros and N. Dani. Kaolinitic south-eastern Spain meniscus bridges as an indicator of early diagenesis in S. J. Beavington-Penney, V. Paul Wright and A. Racey. Nubian sandstones, Sinai, Egypt — discussion Sediment production and dispersal on foraminifera- dominated early Tertiary ramps: the Eocene El Garia NUMBER 2 Formation, Tunisia G. Nichols and B. Thompson. Bedrock lithology con- 219 A.P. Stroeven, P. Stroeven and J. J]. M. Van Der Meer. trol on contemporaneous alluvial fan facies, Oligo- Microfabric analysis by manual and automated Miocene, southern Pyrenees, Spain stereological procedures: a methodological approach to D. B. Finkelstein, L. M. Pratt, T. M. Curtin and S. C. Antarctic tillite Brassell. Wildfires and seasonal aridity recorded in B. C. Yang, R. W. Dalrymple and S. S. Chun. Sedi- Late Cretaceous strata from south-eastern Arizona, mentation on a wave-dominated, open-coast tidal flat, USA south-western Korea: summer tidal flat — winter shore- M. Rajchl and D. Uliény. Depositional record of an face avulsive fluvial system controlled by peat compaction G. B. Dunbar and P. J. Barrett. Estimating palaeo- (Neogene, Most Basin, Czech Republic) bathymetry of wave-graded continental shelves from R. J. Schindler and A. Robert. Flow and turbulence sediment texture structure across the ripple—dune transition: an experi- M. Schnellmann, F. S. Anselmetti, D. Giardini and J. A. ment under mobile bed conditions McKenzie. Mass movement-induced fold-and-thrust 651 B. Makaske and H. J. T. Weerts. Muddy lateral ac- 945 P. Nielsen, P. Muchez, W. Heijlen, A. E. T. Fallick, cretion and low stream power in a sub-recent confined E. Keppens, D. Weis and R. Swennen. Columnar channel belt, Rhine-Meuse delta, central Netherlands calcites as testimony of diagenetic overprinting at the K. Seelos and F. Sirocko. RADIUS - rapid particle boundary between Upper Tournaisian dolomites and analysis of digital images by ultra-high-resolution limestones (Belgium): multiple origins for apparently scanning of thin sections similar features P. Y. Collin, J. P. Loreau and P. Courville. Depositional NUMBER 4 environments and iron ooid formation in condensed sections (Callovian—Oxfordian, south-eastern Paris 683 M. R. Leeder, T. E. Gray and J. Alexander. Sediment basin, France) suspension dynamics and a new criterion for the D. T. Wright and D. Wacey. Precipitation of dolomite maintenance of turbulent suspensions — short paper using sulphate-reducing bacteria from the Coorong D. J. Went. Pre-vegetation alluvial fan facies and Region, South Australia: significance and implications processes: an example from the Cambro-Ordovician 1009 D. A. Smith and K. F. Cheung. Transport rate of cal- Rozel Conglomerate Formation, Jersey, Channel Is- careous sand in unidirectional flow lands 1021 M. E. Donselaar and J. M. Schmidt. Integration of M. R. Wells, P. A. Allison, G. J. Hampson, M. D. Piggott outcrop and borehole image logs for high-resolution and C. C. Pain. Modelling ancient tides: the Upper facies interpretation: example from a fluvial fan in the Carboniferous epi-continental seaway of Northwest Ebro Basin, Spain Europe E. C. Turner and B. Jones. Microscopic calcite den- P. V. Villard and M. Church. Bar and dune develop- drites in cold-water tufa: implications for nucleation of ment during a freshet: Fraser River Estuary, British micrite and cement Columbia, Canada 1067 V. Vandeginste, R. Swennen, S. A. Gleeson, R. M. El- P. L. Corcoran. Recycling and chemical weathering in lam, K. Osadetz and F. Roure. Zebra dolomitization as tectonically controlled Mesozoic—Cenozoic basins of a result of focused fluid flow in the Rocky Mountains New Zealand Fold and Thrust Belt, Canada A. Eliassen and M. R. Talbot. Solution-collapse brec- N. L. Jackson, K. F. Nordstrom and D. R. Smith. In- cias of the Minkinfjellet and Wordiekammen Forma- fluence of waves and horseshoe crab spawning on tions, Central Spitsbergen, Svalbard: a large gypsum beach morphology and sediment grain-size character- palaeokarst system istics on a sandy estuarine beach T. Serra, M. Soler, R. Julia, X. Casamitjana and J. Co- 1109 R. J. Ryan, A. M. O'’Beirne-Ryan and M. Zentilli. lomer. Behaviour and dynamics of a hydrothermal Rounded cobbles that have not travelled far: in- plume in Lake Banyoles, Catalonia, NE Spain corporation of corestones from saprolites in the South S. Pochat, J. V. D. Driessche, V. Mouton and F. Guillo- Mountain area of southern Nova Scotia, Canada cheau. Identification of Permian palaeowind direction Y. Kuriyama, N. Mochizuki and T. Nakashima. In- from wave-dominated lacustrine sediments (Lodéve fluence of vegetation on aeolian sand transport rate Basin, France) from a backshore to a foredune at Hasaki, Japan D. Paphitis and M. B. Collins. Sand grain threshold, in D. J. Topping, D. M. Rubin and J. C. Schmidt. Reg- relation to bed ‘stress history’: an experimental study ulation of sand transport in the Colorado River by R. S. Pyrce and P. E. Ashmore. Bedload path length changes in the surface grain size of eddy sandbars over and point bar development in gravel-bed river models multi-year timescales D. Goossens. Quantification of the dry aeolian de- position of dust on horizontal surfaces: an experi- NUMBER 6 mental comparison of theory and measurements V. Manzi, S. Lugli, F. R. Lucchi and M. Roveri. Deep- 1155 F. E. Burns, S. D. Burley, R. L. Gawthorpe and J. E. water clastic evaporites deposition in the Messinian Pollard: Diagenetic signatures of stratal surfaces in the Adriatic foredeep (northern Apennines, Italy): did the Upper Jurassic Fulmar Formation, Central North Sea, Mediterranean ever dry out? UKCS J. Horppila and L. Nurminen. Effects of calculation G. H. Mack and D. M. Stout. Unconventional dis- procedure and sampling site on trap method estimates tribution of facies in a continental rift basin: the Plio- of sediment resuspension in a shallow lake cene—Pleistocene Mangas Basin, south-western New Mexico, USA C. Colombié and A. Strasser. Facies, cycles, and NUMBER 5 controls on the evolution of a keep-up carbonate plat- form (Kimmeridgian, Swiss Jura) 915 P. Le Guern and E. Davaud. Recognition of ancient 1229 B. Jones, R. W. Renaut and K. O. Konhauser. Genesis of carbonate wind deposits: lessons from a modern ana- large siliceous stromatolites at Frying Pan Lake, logue, Chrissi Island, Crete Waimangu geothermal field, North Island, New Zealand C. Mangili, A. Brauer, A. Moscariello and R. Nau- B. Badenas, M. Aurell and D. R. Grécke. Facies analysis mann. Microfacies of detrital event layers deposited and correlation of high-order sequences in middle—outer in Quaternary varved lake sediments of the Pianico- ramp successions: variations in exported carbonate Séllere Basin (northern Italy) on basin-wide 5'°C.a: (Kimmeridgian, NE Spain) B. Jones, R. W. Renaut, R. Bernhart Owen and H. Tor- M. Vriend and M. A. Prins. Calibration of modelled fason. Growth patterns and implications of complex mixing patterns in loess grain-size distributions: an dendrites in calcite travertines from Lysuhdll, Sne- example from the north-eastern margin of the Tibetan fellsnes, Iceland Plateau, China J. D. S. Paz, D. F. Rossetti and M. J. B. Macambira. An T. Tamura and F. Masuda. Bed thickness character- Upper Aptian saline pan/lake system from the Brazi- istics of inner-shelf storm deposits associated with a lian equatorial margin: integration of facies and iso- transgressive to regressive Holocene wave-dominated topes shelf, Sendai coastal plain, Japan C. M. S. Scherer and E. L. C. Lavina. Sedimentary R. M. Briant, M. D. Bateman, G. Russell Coope and P. L. cycles and facies architecture of aeolian—fluvial strata Gibbard. Climatic control on Quaternary fluvial sedi- of the Upper Jurassic Guard Formation, southern mentology of a Fenland Basin river, England Brazil M. R. Tomkins, T. E. Baldock and P. Nielsen. Hin- J. G. Venditti, M. Church and S. J. Bennett. On the dered settling of sand grains transition between 2D and 3D dunes Author Index

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