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Security improvement of using modified coherent state for quantum cryptography Y. J. Lu,∗ Luobei Zhu,† and Z. Y. Ou‡ Department of Physics, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis 402 N Blackford Street, Indianapolis, In 46202 (Dated: February 1, 2008) Weakcoherentstatesasaphotonsourceforquantumcryptographyhavelimitinsecuredatarate and transmission distance because of the presence of multi-photon events and loss in transmission line. Two-photon eventsin acoherent statecan betakenout byatwo-photoninterference scheme. Weinvestigatethesecurityissueofutilizingthismodifiedcoherentstatein quantumcryptography. A4dBimprovementin securedatarateoranearly two-fold increasein transmission distance over the coherent state are found. With a recently proposed and improved encoding strategy, further 5 improvement is possible. 0 0 PACSnumbers: PACSNumber: 03.67.Dd,42.50.Dv,42.50.Ar 2 n I. INTRODUCTION a two-photon quantum interference phenomenon to re- a duce and eventually cancel the two-photon events from J a coherent state. Although it cannot take out all the 0 The ultimate securityof quantumcryptographystems multi-photon events, it does take out the most dominat- 3 from the non-cloning theorem[1] of quantum mechanics, ing multi-photonevents –two-photonevents. This mod- which is applied to a single quantum system. In other 1 ified coherent state (MCS) has the advantages of high words,quantuminformationcanonlybesharedbetween v data rate, well defined direction and wave-length inde- 5 two parties, the one (Alice) who creates it and the one pendence for practical application in quantum cryptog- 7 (Bob) who receives it. Therefore, in the implementa- raphy. 1 tion in optical communication, the ideal source is a sin- 1 gle photonsourcewith informationcarriedby individual 0 photons. So far a weak coherent state from a laser is A new quantum cryptography protocol(SARG04) was 5 closest to a single photon source for quantum cryptog- recently proposed[16] against the photon number split- 0 / raphy. The experimental realization[2] of the first pro- ting attack for weak coherent state. Such a scheme h posed quantum cryptography protocol, known as BB84 relies on a smarter encoding scheme that is based on p protocal[3],involvedaheavilyattenuatedthermalsource nonorthogonal states and requires at least two or more - t (whichisworsethanalaserintheaspectofmulti-photon photons for Eve to recover the data. Thus Eve needs at n events). However,theexistenceofmultiplephotonevents least three photons to use the photon number splitting a u foraweakcoherentstate,eventhoughveryrare,posesse- attack. If we use this protocol on the modified coherent q rious problem for the security of the protocol. An eaves- state, we will make a three-photon interference effect to : dropper (Eve) can in principle use the so-called photon cancelthethree-photontermsothatEvecanonlyrelyon v i number splitting attack to tap the information without the 4-photon or higher order terms to apply the photon X being noticed. Recent analysis by Lu¨tkenhaus[4] on the number splitting attack. So the modified coherent state r security of quantum cryptography by a weak coherent stillhasadvantageoveraweakcoherentstateinthisnew a state puts limit on the data rate and transmission dis- protocol. tance for secure key distribution. Significantprogresshasbeenmadeinproducingsingle Becauseoftheexistenceofthemulti-photonterms,the photon states[5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]. But so far modified coherent state has similar security problems as these sources are fluorescence-based and have small ef- the coherent state. But the influence of those higher ficiency. Furthermore, because the emission depends on order terms will be smaller. The security problem of the energy structure, it has a fixed wavelength and a finite coherent state was investigated by Lu¨tkenhaus [4] and time response for high repetition rate. So they are lim- Brassard et al[17]. In the following, we will apply the ited for practical applications. Recently a new scheme same line of argumentof Ref.[4]to look for the optimum was proposed[14] and realized[15] for producing a pho- secure data rate and transmission distance for a given ton source with same single photon rate as a coherent transmissionlossanddarkcountsofthedetectorsforthe state but less two-photon events. The scheme relies on modified coherentstate in both BB84 protocolin Ref.[3] andthenewSARG04protocolinRef.[16]. Todothat,we need to find the probability P for multi-photon event m and the probability P to detect any photon in such a ∗currentlywithPhotonicsIndustries International, Bohemia,NY s †AlsowithCarmelHighSchool,Carmel,IN state. We will startin the following with the description ‡Electronicaddress: [email protected] of the modified coherent state. 2 II. GENERATION OF THE MODIFIED where Hn is the nth-order Hermite polynomial and COHERENT STATE (MCS) ζ µ cosh(ζ ), ν sinh(ζ ), or µ2 =1+ ν 2. ≡ | | ≡ ζ | | | | The modified coherent state is just a coherent state | | without the two-photon or three-photon terms. It can More specifically to our interest, we list be generated by mixing a coherent state with a two- photon state from parametric down-conversion. There 1 ν∗ 1 C = exp( α2 α2), aretwotypes ofmixing. The firstone is toinject the co- 0 √µ 2µ − 2| | herent state into an optical parametric amplifier with a α C = C , smallgain. ThisistheschemefirstproposedbyStolerto 1 0µ produce light source with sub-Poisonian statistics. The C ν α 2 0 C = + , second one mixes the two fields with a beamsplitter. In 2 √2h− µ (cid:16)µ(cid:17) i practice the first method is more direct and simpler to C 3να α 3 0 C = + , implement. In the following calculation, the results are 3 √6h− µ2 (cid:16)µ(cid:17) i moreorlesssame. Wewillconsideronlythefirstmethod. C ν 2 να2 α 4 0 moFdoer csaimsephliecritey. oIfnarregaulimtye,ntth,iswecowrriellspoonnlydstrteoa,tfosrinegxle- C4 = √24h3(cid:16)µ(cid:17) −6 µ3 +(cid:16)µ(cid:17) i, ample,asingletemporalmodeofpulsesoflight. Wewill From the above, we easily find the probability for concentrate on the probabilities of detecting photons in multi-photon event as each pulse. The data rate discussed below will be the probability per pulse. In CW case, we will consider the P =1 C 2 C 2. (6) m 0 1 −| | −| | averagephotonnumber(= α2forcoherentstate,seebe- low) rather than the intens|ity| as our parameter. So the This quantity is minimized when detection time does not appear as a separate parameter α2 =µν (7) but is included in the averagephoton number. However, we do require the detection time be much smaller than with a minimum value of the coherence time of the field to ensure the single mode approximation. 1 ν P =1 1+ | | e−(µ−|ν|)|ν|. (8) In an optical parametric amplifier, the interaction m − µ(cid:16) µ (cid:17) Hamiltonian is given by Noticethatthetwo-photonprobabilityP = C 2 iszero 2 2 Hˆ =j¯hξ∗aˆ2/2+h.c., (1) under this condition. This results from a |two|-photon interference effect between the coherent state and the whereξisproportionaltotheamplitudeofthepumpfield spontaneous parametric down-conversion, i.e., interfer- and the nonlinear conversion coefficient of the nonlinear ence between the two-photon amplitude µν/√2 of para- medium. metric down-conversion and the two-photon amplitude With the injectionof a coherentstate,the initial state α2/√2 of a coherent state. is simply a coherent state α and the output state be- | i For SARG04 protocol, we need to minimize the prob- comes ability for events of three or more photons. This proba- Ψ = ˆ α (2) bility is given by out | i U| i with Pm′ =1−|C0|2−|C1|2−|C2|2, (9) ˆ =exp1(ζ∗aˆ2 ζaˆ†2). (3) which is minimized when U 2 − α2 =3µν (10) ζ isproportionaltoξ. Asamatteroffact,theabovestate is simply the two-photon coherent state or the squeezed with a minimum value of coherent state first discussed by Yuen[18]. In order to 1 ν 2ν find the probability of photon number, we expand the P′ =1 1+ | | 1+ | | e−3(µ−|ν|)|ν|. (11) above state in the photon number state base and obtain m − µ(cid:16) µ (cid:17)(cid:16) µ (cid:17) from Ref.[18, 19] Similar to the two-photon case, when condition in ∞ Eq.(10) is satisfied, three-photon probability P = C 2 3 3 Ψ out = ˆ α = Cn n , (4) is zero as a result of three-photon interference. It is| no|t | i U| i | i nX=0 easy to understand how a three-photon effect can arise fromparametricdown-conversionwithonlyevennumber with of photons. What happens is that a two-photon event C = 1 ν n2 exp ν∗α2 |α|2 H α , (5) fromparametricdownconversioncombineswith a single n √n!µ(cid:16)2µ(cid:17) (cid:16)2µ − 2 (cid:17) n(cid:16)√2µν(cid:17) photon event in coherent state to form a three-photon 3 event with an amplitude of 3/2µνα. This amplitude . -1 interferes with another three-pphoton event directly from ate the coherent state with an amplitude of α3/√6. Com- n R o plete cancellation occurs when the two amplitudes are ati -2 equal leading to Eq.(10). unic (c) m To evaluate the photon detection probability P , we m s o notice that in practice, photodetection usually has non- of C -3 unitefficiency. Thiswillreducethesignallevel. Weneed g 10 (a) (b) to calculate the photon detection probability under this Lo -4 non-ideal condition. The non-unit efficiency is modelled 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 asabeamsplitter oftransmissivityη. We maystartwith n or |a |2 the photon number probability for single mode case as [19] FIG.1: Communicationrateasafunctionof(a)|α|2forBB84 (aˆ′†aˆ′)n with coherent state, (b) ν for BB84 with modified coherent P = : exp( aˆ′†aˆ′): , n D n! − E state, and (c) ν for SARG04 with modified coherent state. The overall efficiency is η = - 9.45 dB, which corresponds to where :: denotes normal ordering and aˆ′ = √ηaˆ + a transmission distance of 5 km in KTH15. √1 ηaˆ with aˆ in the vacuum. More specifically for 0 0 − the case of no photon: In the above equation, the parameter ρ is given by P = :exp( aˆ′†aˆ′): . 0 h − i P P s m ρ= − , (18) Then a simple calculation leads to P s P0 = :exp( ηaˆ†aˆ): , (12) which is the probability of detection events originating h − i fromthedesirablephotonevents. Thecompressionfunc- where the average is over the state in Eq.(2). Then the tion τ(e) is given by photon detection probability is simply e e Ps =1−P0. (13) τ(e)=log2(cid:20)1+4ρ −4(ρ)2(cid:21). (19) From the appendix, we have The function h(e) is the Shannon entropyfunction given exp ηx2(µ−|ν|) ηy2(µ+|ν|) by P = h− µ+|ν|(1−η) − µ−|ν|(1−η)i (14) 0 µ2 ν 2(1 η)2 h(e)= elog e (1 e)log (1 e). (20) −| | − − 2 − − 2 − p with x+iy αe−iϕ/2 (eiϕ ν/ν ). The function f(e) characterizes the performance of the With the≡condition in ≡Eq.(7|)|for minimum multi- error correction algorithm. photon events, we have the signal probability In order to simulate the communication rate, we need the values of P , P , e, and f(e). For BB84 protocol s m exp ηµν (µ ν )/(µ+ ν (1 η)) with the modified coherent state, Pm and Ps are given P =1 h− | | −| | | | − i,(15) in Eqs.(7) and (15), respectively. However, due to the s − µ2 ν 2(1 η)2 existence of dark count of any photodetectors, Bob’s de- −| | − or p tectioneventscanbecontributedfromasignalthatorig- inates from Alice’s transmission, and a dark count that exp 3ηµν (µ ν )/(µ+ ν (1 η)) originates from Bob’s photodetectors. Therefore, after Ps′ =1− h− | µ|2 −ν| 2|(1 η)2| | − i(16) taking into accountthe dark counts ofthe detectors, the −| | − signal probability Ps has to be modified as p for condition in Eq.(10). P P¯ =P +P P P , (21) s s s d s d → − where P is the dark count distribution and is simply d III. OPTIMUM SECURE TRANSMISSION equal to the dark counts per slot. Similarly, the error RATE rate is also resulted from the signal and the dark count, and can be modelled by Next we evaluate the secure transmission rate based on the formulism from Ref.[4]. The communication rate cP +P /2 s d e= , (22) per slot (pulse) for a certain error rate e is given by P¯ s Ps where c is a constant and characterizes a baseline signal R= ρ(1 τ(e))+f(e)h(e) . (17) 2 (cid:20) − (cid:21) error rate. Typical system should have a value of c less 4 than 2%. The total detection efficiency η can be sep- APPENDIX A: CALCULATION OF EQ.(14) arated into the channel transmission and the quantum efficiency ofBob’sphotodetectors. Forfiber communica- The average in Eq.(12) is over the state in Eq.(4). To tions, the transmission in the quantum channel is given do this we first convert Eq.(12) in the normal ordering by . Overall Efficiency h (dB) -10 -15 -20 η =10−(al+L)/10, (23) -1 c where a is the loss coefficient of the fiber channel mea- Rate -2 m sured in dB/km, l is the length of the fiber, and L is the u -3 m loss in the receiver Bob’s detection. pti O -4 We evaluate the communication rate as a function of of the free parameters ν(µ = √1+ν2) for MCS in BB84 g 10 -5 (a) (b) (c) andSARG04or α2 forcoherentstate,usingparameters Lo taken from the c|as|e KTH15 in Ref.[4]. The dark counts -6 0 20 40 60 80 per slot is P = 2 10−4. The baseline signal error Distance (km) d × rate is set to be c = 0.01. The loss coefficient a of the fiber channelis 0.2dB/km,andthe receiverloss is 1dB. FIG.2: Optimumrateas afunction oftransmission distance The quantum efficiency of the photodetectors is η = d for: (a) BB84 with coherent state; (b) BB84 with modified 0.18. The total detection efficiency is then η = ηcηd. coherent state; (c) SARG04 with modified coherent state. For MCS in BB84, P and P are given in Eqs.(8) and m s (15) while for SARG04 protocol with MCS, P and P m s arefromEqs.(11)and(16),respectively. Fig.1showsthe form into one without normal ordering from Ref.[20]: communicationratesasafunctionof α2 atl =5kmfor | | theBB84protocolwithcoherentstateorasafunctionof P = :exp( ηaˆ†aˆ): = exp[ ln(1 η)aˆ†aˆ)] . (A1) 0 ν for the modified coherent state in BB84 protocol and h − i h − − i the SARG04 protocol. As can be seen, there is a clear Next we convertEq.(A1) into anti-normalordering form maximumonthecommunicationratecurveasafunction from Ref.[20] again: of the adjustable parameter ν or α2. | | Nextweconcentrateontheoptimalrateaswevarythe P = e−ln(1−η) exp[(1 e−ln(1−η))β∗β] 0 transmission distance l, then obtain the resulting curves hA{ − }i 1 η as shown in Fig.2. The overall efficiency η is plotted = α ˆ† exp[ β∗β] ˆ α . (A2) 1 ηh |U A{ −1 η }U| i in the top axis of Fig.2 for reference. The curve (a) is − − a simple repeat of Ref.[4] for a weak coherent state in Then we insert the closure relation: BB84. Curves (b) for MCS in BB84 and (c) for MCS in SARG04 have significant improvement over (a). At zero 1 d2β β β =1 (A3) transmission distance, we find a 4 dB increase in secure π Z | ih | data ratefrommodified coherentstate overthe coherent stateintheBB84. Afurther6dBincreaseinsecuredata between ˆbn and ˆb†m in (β∗mβn) = ˆbnˆb†m in Eq.(A2) rate is resulted from MCS with SARG04 protocol. Note and we have A that each curve features a cutoff transmission distance. Modified coherent state has nearly two-fold increase in P = 1 d2β 1 exp( η β 2) β ˆ α 2. (A4) 0 transmissiondistanceoverthecoherentstateinBB84. A π Z 1 η −1 η| | |h |U| i| − − further nearly two-fold increase in transmission distance is found with SARG04. 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