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Securing Energy, Fueling Growth Enhancing India’s hydrocarbon footprint Supplement to: ® Contents 2 Building a world-class E&P company in India —in the words of the CEO 4 The path to success 8 Building energy security 12 Mangala: From sand to oil 14 Black gold flows across the desert 16 Pioneering initiatives in technology application 18 Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) in Rajasthan 20 Alkaline-surfactant-polymer (ASP) flooding 22 Recognized excellence in HSE 24 An oil company that also explored for water 26 The Barmer Basin development 29 Delving deeper in Rajasthan 30 Exploring beyond India’s borders 32 Growing through the drill bit 34 An attractive proposition for the world’s community of vendors COMMISSIONED BY: VP, Custom Publishing Copy Editor Cairn India Limited Roy Markum Ron Bitto 3rd & 4th Floors, [email protected] [email protected] PennWell Corporate Headquarters Vipul Plaza, Sun City Editor in Chief Art Director 1421 S. Sheridan Rd., Sector 54, Gurgaon Denise Allen Zwicker Meg Fuschetti Tulsa, OK 74112 122 002, India [email protected] Production Manager Co-Editors Shirley Gamboa Vendor Management Team, Circulation Manager Cairn India Tommie Grigg 2 cairn india limited Building a world-class E&P company in India —in the words of the CEO When we entered India in 1994 our goal was to create a severance and patience. We drilled 13 dry wells before the 14th revealed a bil- world-class operation. The majors had looked at Asia lion-barrel oil field worth US$100 billion in general, but they left India out. On the other hand, at today’s prices. The discovery aside, we believed that India had a lot to offer in oil and gas. putting it into production required us to bring a great deal of innovative technol- ogy to India. For example, in just two We began with a single field producing ap- we produce outstanding results. Here are years, we built the world’s longest con- proximately 3,000 barrels per day. Today, a just three examples: tinuously heated pipeline, a first for any couple of decades later, we are producing ◆ Our first offshore field, Ravva, was essen- oil independent, and it has not been re- close to 220,000 barrels per day—almost tially a redevelopment project. Everyone peated since. 30 percent of India’s domestic crude oil else assumed that it would produce no production. When we reach our goal of more than 100 million barrels of oil. But, We couldn’t have achieved these mile- 300,000 barrels per day, our contribution under Cairn’s care, it already has pro- stones without our suppliers, who brought to India’s energy security will be even more duced more than 250 million barrels— us the technology we needed. The role of significant. and at one of the lowest operating costs the entire vendor and supplier community It’s been a fascinating journey thus far, and in the world. has been enormous for Cairn. They are our partners. there’s so much still ahead of us. ◆ At Cambay, on the west coast of India, we found and developed a greenfield Now we have reached a certain level of Cairn has built its success on project in just 28 months. It’s the fast- success and laid a solid foundation for a steadfast commitment est discovery-to-delivery project an even more exciting future. We have to learning. We do, we ever achieved in India. world-class assets in our portfolio. We learn, we adapt and ◆ Our record-breaking success have built a world-class talent pool. We at Rajasthan was due to per- have the funds to deploy—US$3 billion over the next three years—to begin the next phase of Cairn India’s growth. We are looking for the execution partners to achieve our very ambitious goal of creat- ing energy security for India. In this next phase of growth we are scouting worldwide for the technology that will con- tinue to improve our recovery factor. Our business objective is to be able to op- erate our fields within a wide crude oil price range. The route to that objective is greater productivity. We are focused on discovery and recovery technology and cost efficiency. P. Elango, CEO cairn india ltd. Typically, the big fields—the elephants— come first. Then come the smaller finds. We see opportunity in tight reservoirs and PRODuCInG ASSETS small pools and we need the latest tech- nology to unlock this potential. Rajasthan (RJ-On-90/1) We will be drilling at least 450 wells by fis- ◆ Key fields in rajasthan: mangala, Bhagyam and aishwariya. cal year 2016, including 100 exploration ◆ development area (da) 1 comprises the mangala, aishwariya, and appraisal wells, onshore and offshore. Saraswati and raageshwari oil and gas fields, and produces ap- And we’re developing facilities to bring this proximately 161,000 boepd; da 2 comprises the Bhagyam field and new oil and gas into production quickly. For produces approximately 25,000 boepd. that, we need cross-sector technology: part- ◆ Block current production: approximately 186,000 boepd. ners who have achieved these goals time ◆ raageshwari: commenced production in march 2012. and again around the world. ◆ Saraswati: began production in may 2011. Approximately 78 percent of India’s basins ◆ Bhagyam: started production in January 2012. are still under explored. Cairn is engaged in constant dialogue with the government to ◆ Over the next three years cairn plans to spend US$3 billion. open these opportunities, including shale gas. Ravva (PKGM-1), Andhra Pradesh The policy environment in India has improved ◆ Block current production: approximately 28,000 boepd. significantly in recent years—and even in the past few months. The government of India ◆ Produced more than double the initial estimates of crude oil and has defined a clear vision to achieve energy natural gas. self-sufficiency by 2030, so the opportunity ◆ example of how technology can play a central role in accessing for us is very large. new reserves. Cairn wants to lead the way in building re- ◆ toward the end of 2013, commenced drilling of “high value, high risk” lationships with the best providers of tech- exploration prospect in High Pressure High temperature (HPHt) nology—both service and equipment. As environment. we demonstrate greater efficiency through Cambay (CB/OS-2), Gujarat technology, our partners will find multiple opportunities—not only with Cairn, but also ◆ Block current production: approximately 10,300 boepd. with all the companies in India. ◆ example of optimal asset use. We are ready to deploy the best technol- ◆ tolling and processing of Oil & natural Gas corp. ltd.’s north ogy the world can offer. We have the re- tapti gas. source base. We have the money to invest. ◆ application of advanced geophysical tools transformed the block We have people who understand the tech- from a predominantly gas field to an oil field. nology. Now we just need solution provid- ◆ advanced reservoir modeling studies resulted in incremental re- ers to help us achieve our vision. coverable volumes from the reservoir zones. ◆ infill drilling campaign commenced in fiscal year 2013. 4 cairn india limited The path to success As Cairn approaches its 20th birthday, we take this opportunity to look back with a bit of nostalgia at its early days. Operating oil and gas companies en- Industries Limited, another private player in tered the Indian exploration and produc- India, announced a mega-discovery also in tion arena in the early 1950s. By the be- deepwater in the Krishna-Godavari basin. ginning of the 1990s, a few thousand wells In 2004, Cairn discovered Mangala, the had been drilled by oil majors in Asia, but largest onshore discovery of hydrocarbons India did not figure prominently in that in India in two decades. These discoveries RAVVA FACTS total. However, efforts by India’s National in a short span of time attracted a number Oil Companies (NOCs)—Oil and Natural of large and small foreign oil companies. ◆ Block current produc- Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) and Oil tion: approximately 28,000 Today the Government of India conducts India Limited (OIL)—resulted in some im- boepd. road shows promoting its New Exploration portant discoveries. ONGC discovered the ◆ cumulative production is Licensing Policy (NELP) offering a num- Bombay High Offshore field during the ear- more than double its initial ber of its oil and gas fields for develop- ly 1970s, which continues to be the largest estimates. ment by both Indian and foreign operating oil field in India today. oil and gas companies. Over the last two ◆ example of how technol- When India opened up its economy to at- decades, the government has progressive- ogy can play a central tract foreign investments in the early ly made investment in the Indian hydrocar- role in accessing new re- 1990s, the oil and gas industry also start- bon industry more attractive, leading to en- serves. ed looking up. The Ravva oil field discov- hanced presence of global players. British ◆ ravva’s field-direct op- ered by ONGC in 1987, was offered for Petroleum and British Gas currently part- erating cost is one of re-development to Command Petroleum, ner with Reliance in its upstream opera- the lowest among cairn a small Australian independent, and the tions. The goal is to secure energy for India india’s peers. Production Sharing Contract (PSC) was and make it less dependent on crude im- signed in 1994. Cairn Energy Plc, an in- ports for its rapidly growing economy. The dependent Scottish oil and gas explora- Indian Government recently started allow- (Command Petroleum) to India in 1994. tion and production company, headquar- ing exploration in developed fields, there- Ravva means “diamond” in Sanskrit and tered in Edinburgh, took over Command by paving the way for early monetization of Telugu and identifies the shape of this Petroleum. Cairn successfully redevel- discoveries. amazingly productive field. oped the Ravva field to produce 50,000 bopd, and had its first deepwater gas At Cairn, Ravva In 1994, the JV comprising Command find in the Krishna-Godavari basin (KG- changes everything Petroleum, later acquired by Cairn Energy DW1) off southern India. The compa- The Ravva field was the game changer. Plc, Videocon Petroleum, ONGC, and Ravva ny followed up with gas discoveries in the Oil (Singapore) was formed to develop the Situated off the east coast of India, Ravva Cambay basin in north-west India in early Ravva field. is the cash cow that attracted Cairn 2000. Following Cairn’s success, Reliance CAIRn InDIA lIMITED ◆ cairn energy Plc acquired controlling stake in command Petroleum ltd. in 1996. ◆ the acquisition was completed and name changed from command Petroleum to cairn energy india Pty. ltd. in 1997. ◆ cairn successfully concluded an initial public offering of its indian business in January 2007. it held the majority shares in cairn india ltd. ◆ august 2010 saw the announcement of a sharehold- er-level transaction between cairn energy and Vedanta resources Plc. ◆ the Vedanta Group acquired a controlling interest in cairn india in december 2011. 6 cairn india limited The initial production sharing contract (PSC—called a production-sharing agree- CAMBAy FACTS ment in other countries) estimated that the ◆ Block current production: field would produce 100 million barrels approximately 10,300 boepd. of oil. Cairn, through efficient reservoir management and use of technology, has ◆ cairn transformed the produced more than 250 million barrels block from a predominantly to date. The PSC committed to 35,000 gas field to an oil field. bopd, but the joint venture maintained pro- ◆ cairn’s technology-driven duction at 50,000 bopd for almost 9 years. approach has almost dou- With a continuing focus on technology, the bled production. joint venture has kept Ravva’s costs among the lowest in the world. Cairn is currently drilling a technically chal- lenging, high-pressure, high-temperature covery of the Lakshmi field in 2000 and oil producer, setting a field record of more well that is more than 4 kilometers deep the production of first gas. In the next 16 than 10,500 bopd in 2009. and targets late Oligocene prospects. Cairn months the nearby Gauri field was also The joint-venture partners own an 82-acre is expecting positive results soon. brought online. onshore processing facility at Suvali in the The joint venture, led by Cairn, initiated district of Surat, Gujarat, long known as Gulf of Cambay new studies of the reservoir and discov- India’s chemical hub. The plant is certified Cairn’s second foray in India was in the ered an oil leg. Using advanced geophys- to ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 stan- turbulent waters of the Gulf of Cambay, ical tools, they successfully converted the dards and has the capacity to process 150 on India’s west coast, at CB/OS-2 block. predominantly gas field into a profitable mmscfd of natural gas and 10,000 bopd Just 28 months passed from the dis- of crude oil. Cairn India timeline JAnuARy JAnuARy JunE AuGuST 1998 2000 2004 2007 2008 2009 ravva cambay mangala cairn india cairn awarded commenced satellite gas discoveries— (rajasthan, limited listed an exploration production discoveries. lakshmi, Gauri, india) discovery, on the Bombay license from from the ambe. considered to Stock exchange the Sri lanka mangala field be the largest and the national government. in rajasthan, onshore oil Stock exchange india. discovery in india of india. in more than two decades. cairn india limited 7 Cairn India timeline JunE OCTOBER APRIl JunE AuGuST DECEMBER 2010 2011 2012 2012 2012 2013 World’s longest discovery in made one of the ravva field Signed a farm- rajasthan (approximately Sri lanka; first largest onshore produced more in agreement Block exceeds 600 km) in 30 years. oil discoveries in than 249 million with PetroSa 200 mmboe continuously established the KG Basin. barrels of crude to explore in the of cumulative heated and a working and sold 309 Orange basin, on production. insulated pipeline petroleum billion cubic feet the west coast of operational. system in frontier of gas—more South africa. mannar Basin. than double the initial estimates. 8 cairn india limited Building energy security Energy is a fundamental requirement for economic “With access to adequate funds, Cairn is well positioned to finance the next phase development. Therefore, energy security is even more of exploration and development through in- important in the developing world than it is in developed ternal accruals. With planned spend of over countries. US$3 billion by fiscal year 2016, along with probable capital expenditure required for developing our new discoveries, we look India, one of the fastest-growing large several steps to promote oil and gas pro- forward to encouraging partnership with economies, needs energy supplies to fuel duction, including regulatory changes.” our existing and prospective suppliers.” its growth. As of early 2014, the republic imports approximately 80 percent of its oil Regulatory changes Cairn’s Senior Manager of Corporate needs. Without new and substantial do- spur development Communi cations Chirag Shah said, “We mestic discoveries, imports are projected “Regulatory changes, such as the roll out of have been engaging more effectively with to increase to 90 percent by 2030. This policy enabling oil exploration in Develop- the Government of India through industry represents a significant transfer of wealth ment Areas in February 2013 and transpar- associations in India. Industry associations from India to the oil exporting nations. ent gas pricing policy which will be effec- like the Association of Oil & Gas Operators, “India is spending approximately $140 tive from April 2014, are likely to encourage the Confederation of Indian Industries billion annually importing oil,” said Sunil more investments in hydrocarbon explora- and the Federation of Indian Chambers of Bohra, Cairn’s Deputy CFO. “It has been tion and development, including develop- Commerce and Industry engage in focused one of the biggest factors contributing to ing assets that were uneconomical earlier,” consultations with the Indian government.” current account deficit. The Government of Bohra continued. Cairn made the largest onshore discov- India, cognizant of the matter, has initiated ery in the world in 2004 at the world-class “Cairn is well positioned to be the customer of choice for oil field service companies who want to enter India. With its proven track record, large capital expenditure plans and willingness to adopt new technology, Cairn offers exciting opportunities.” — T.K. Venkatesan, Director of Procurement and Supply Chain Management

Telugu and identifies the shape of this amazingly productive field. es by children, entertainment and snacks to get the .. the next growth story for Cairn. The fields now geoscientists, out of three wells as part of Phase 1, Cairn
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