1 Secure Real-Time Monitoring and Management of Smart Distribution Grid using Shared Cellular Networks Jimmy J. Nielsen∗, Herve´ Ganem†, Ljupco Jorguseski‡, Kemal Alic§, Miha Smolnikar§, Ziming Zhu¶, Nuno K. Pratas∗, Michal Golinski‡, Haibin Zhang‡, Urban Kuhar§, Zhong Fan¶, Ales Svigelj§ ∗Department of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University, Fredrik Bajers vej 7, 9220 Aalborg, Denmark †Gemalto, 6 rue de la Verrerie, Meudon 92197, France ‡TNO, Department of Network Technology, Anna van Buerenplein 1, 2595 DA Den Haag, The Netherlands 7 §Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana SI-1000, Slovenia 1 0 ¶Toshiba Research Europe Ltd., Telecommunications Research Laboratory, Bristol, BS1 4ND, UK 2 Emails: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], n a [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], J [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] 3 1 ] (cid:70) I N . s c [ Abstract—Theelectricityproductionanddistributionisfacingtwomajor significant increase in the load on the power grid. By 1 changes.First,theproductionisshiftingfromclassicalenergysources using only conventional grid management systems the v suchascoalandnuclearpowertowardsrenewableresourcessuchas electricalgridcapacityisunderquestion.Reinforcingthe 6 solar and wind. Secondly, the consumption in the low voltage grid is grid all the way to the user is an option, though it is 6 expectedtogrowsignificantlyduetoexpectedintroductionofelectrical expensive, especially when other more convenient and 6 vehicles. The first step towards more efficient operational capabilities 3 is to introduce an observability of the distribution system and allow cheaper alternatives are on the horizon. The shift from 0 for leveraging the flexibility of end connection points with manageable a mainly unidirectional power flows towards a fully . consumption, generation and storage capabilities. Thanks to the ad- bidirectional paradigm can be used as an advantage, 1 0 vanced measurement devices, management framework, and secure allowing installation of additional DERs within existing communicationinfrastructuredevelopedintheFP7SUNSEEDproject, 7 infrastructure. However, this requires a precise monitor- the Distribution System Operator (DSO) now has full observability of 1 ing of the distribution grid that provides reliable and theenergyflowsatthemedium/lowvoltagegrid.Furthermore,thepro- : v sumersareabletoparticipatepro-activelyandcoordinatewiththeDSO accurateinformationonitsstatustoenabledynamicgrid i and other stakeholders in the grid. The monitoring and management management of the future [1]. X functionalitieshavestrongrequirementstothecommunicationlatency, While the benefits and the necessity of a smart dis- ar reliabilityandsecurity.Thispaperpresentsnovelsolutionsandanalyses tribution grid are clear, the communication solution oftheseaspectsfortheSUNSEEDscenario,wherethesmartgridICT supporting it is not straightforward. Today, Distribution solutionsareprovidedthroughsharedcellularLTEnetworks. System Operators (DSOs) are increasingly using IEC 61850 based communications for high-level monitoring, Index Terms—smart grid, real-time monitoring, security architecture, cellularnetworks,lowlatency,reliablecommunication. management and control on high-speed LAN/optical fibernetworks[2].However,whenthescopeisextended downwardstolowvoltageinfrastructure,theavailability 1 INTRODUCTION ofsuchhigh-endcommunicationsolutionsisusuallynot In industrialized countries typical consumers are ex- anticipated. Within the SUNSEED project1, a promising pected to become electricity producers due to the on- approach is considered where the already deployed cel- going widespread deployment of distributed genera- lular networks (primarily LTE) are used to provide the tion and energy storage elements, commonly called smart distribution grid communication infrastructure. Distributed Energy Resources (DER). A consumer that In this paper the focus is on the security framework produces energy is called a prosumer. In addition to the and network performance requirements to enable the introduction of DERs, gradual replacement of conven- incorporation of various measurement and control de- tionalinternalcombustionenginevehicleswithElectrical Vehicles (EVs) is expected in the near future, causing a 1.www.sunseed-fp7.eu 2 vices, which together allow for the establishment of or serial line protocol). Within the SUNSEED grid management services based on time and privacy project the devices were designed in exactly sensitive data. the same form factor as the µPMU, reusing the The specific contributions of this paper relate to the applicationandconnectivityboardsandintroducing smart grid services introduced in the following section. a measurement and control board. A 1 s reporting Thereafter, we present the requirements, design choices period was considered for devices deployed at and proposed solutions for the smart grid communi- major grid buses and important prosumer locations cation and security architecture. Next, we consider the to support state estimation, while a request- performanceofsharedcellularLTEnetworksasapartof response mechanism was considered to support asmartgridsystem.Specifically,westudytheachievable Demand-Response services described in section 2.2. latency and reliability of the LTE based smart grid Smart Meters (SMs) for standard billing measurement, communication.Finally,wesummarizeourfindingsand assumedtobedeployedateachprosumer.Basedon outlinethefuturestepsoftheSUNSEEDproject,namely 1minor15minreportinginterval.Inthefuture,the with respect to the large scale field trial that will be SMs may be used for power measurements as well, deployed until 4th quarter of 2016. howeverthisrequireslowerreportingintervals,e.g., down to 1 s like the PMC devices. 2 SMART GRID MANAGEMENT SERVICES Regardlessofthechallengesthatneedtobeaddressed the main benefits of making the grid highly observable 2.1 StateEstimation can be summarised as follows: To achieve reliable and accurate knowledge on the • Disturbances on lower voltage level can be locally grid condition, the Distribution System State Estimation detected, cleared, and eliminated before they affect (DSSE) is of key importance. The benefit of the state other parts of the system. estimation is that it can take into account all types of • DSOs will be able to identify grid model deficits, available measurements, thus reducing the investment and allow them to construct accurate models suit- costs into required measurement infrastructure. Further, able for detailed analysis and planning work. DSSE provides estimation of grid state also on the grid • DSO will be able to analyse how installed and nodes where measurement devices are not located. As planned generation will affect the grid, enabling the measurement locations are placed all the way down short, medium and long term planning. totheprosumerlevel,thesharedcellularnetworksseem • Continuous grid observation will pave the way for toserveasanefficientandviablesolutionforcommuni- the real-time grid control. cating between measurement devices and the back-end system. In general the DSSE performance depends on location density, type, accuracy, and reporting interval 2.2 Demand-Response of the available measurement infrastructure in the grid, Thesmartdistributiongridenablesadvancedfeaturesin such as: demandmonitoring,analysisandresponse.Importantly, Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) are dedicated de- themonitoringandcontrolactivitieswillnotonlyreside vices with common time reference provided by a in operation centers but can also be distributed across very high precision clock, which allow for time- the whole grid by enabling control of consumption synchronized phasor (that is, synchrophasor) esti- and production flexibility in consumer and prosumer mations at different locations. Combining high pre- locations. Having both sides of the distribution grid cision and high sampling rate (up to 50/60 Hz) participating in demand-response can lead to a win- measurements of voltage or current phasors on all win outcome. The DSO benefits from efficient network 3 phases from multiple PMUs allow for a compre- controlandtheconsumersbenefitfromoptimiseduseof hensiveviewonthestateoftheentiregridintercon- energy.Forexample,consumersatthedemandsidewill nection.Fig.1depictsafullyembeddedmicroPMU be able to manage their own consumption by changing (µPMU) prototyped within the SUNSEED project the normal electricity consumption patterns over time. thatenables3-phasevoltage/currentsynchrophasor Both centralised and decentralised approaches are seen measurements at medium/low voltage of the dis- in the literature [3], [4]. Decentralised techniques usu- tribution grid. Besides dedicated measurement cir- ally have reduced computational complexity, however cuitryandsignalprocessingitalsofeaturesaLinux- undesired communication overhead may be expected. enabled application processor, LTE, Ethernet and We notice that the quality of service (QoS) requirement low-power radio communication interfaces, secure for demand-response is relatively relaxed compared to element, and a GPS-based reference clock. DSSE, with the measurements interarrival time in the Power Measurements and Control (PMC) devices order of minutes to hours, and the data transmission allow for 3-phase power quality measurements latency requirements around 1 s [5]. The communica- (such as real/reactive/apparent power, frequency, tion burden can be further reduced with the use of voltage, current, total harmonic distortion) and approximated information in the neighbourhood-wide control of end connection points (via on/off relays consumption scheduling as proposed in [6]. In this way, 3 Fig. 1: Illustration of µPMU that has been developed for the SUNSEED project. the scheduling is done by the individual consumers communicating nodes. With communications being while their actual consumption is observed by the SMs IP based, this type of data protection is largely and the PMC units. independent from the communication channel (3G, 4G, Wi-Fi, PLC, ...) and is in most cases focused on 3 COMMUNICATION AND SECURITY ARCHI- protection of TCP communication. Application level security addressing the protection of TECTURE the payload carrying the applications data as de- Theroleofthesecurityframeworkistoprotectthesmart scribed below. grid assets against unfriendly attacks. An assessment of From the security standpoint, the primary high level potential attacks scenarios has resulted in the identifica- goalofthearchitecturedescribedhereistoprovideend- tion of four high level security objectives: to-end data protection at the transport level for commu- • Insure availability of the services offered by the nicationbetweenthemonitoringdevicesandthevarious smartgrid(resiliencetocyberattackstoinsurefunc- smart grid applications and services that access this tionality). data. End-to-end security in its simplest form consists • Insure privacy of communications within the smart in implementing point-to-point security, typically at the grid (avoid spying). transport level for every segment in the communication • Prevent damage to equipment or infrastructures path from source to destination. Every such segment (resilience to cyberattacks to insure equipment or is therefore protected using different credentials and a infrastructures safety). rekeying operation is typically needed at each transiting • Avoid fraud (for specific equipment located in sub- node, which should therefore be trusted. Optionally, it scribers premises). should be possible to add an extra layer of security The attacker profiles taken into account are typically: enabling the ciphering of application data all the way • A cyberterrorist trying to gain information, disrupt from source to destination (using a group traffic en- the functioning of the SUNSEED services or lead to cryption key). In this case the data will remain opaque a malfunction of the infrastructures by compromis- while moving through transit nodes, possibly reducing ingeitheradevice,acommunicationlinkoracloud the trust level required for these nodes. platform. Fig. 2 describes the proposed communication and • A subscriber trying to alter the functioning of the securityarchitecture.DataoriginatingfromµPMU,PMC smart grid services to lower its costs or increase its or SM devices is published to a data sharing platform, revenues. possibly transiting through a gateway or aggregator The protection of data communications taking place using popular publish/subscribe protocols such as Ex- in the smart grid system is key to meet the security tensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) [7] or objectives, and different levels of protection may coexist Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) [8]. At at different levels of the communication protocol stack: the other end of the chain, applications subscribe to the Network access level security targets the protection of published data to perform specific tasks upon receiving the access network. This includes for example the the data. use of SIM cards to authenticate with 3G or 4G Anothersecurityrequirementaddressedbythisarchi- wireless networks but also the deployment of VPN, tecturerelatestothecapabilitytomanagetheauthoriza- firewalls, etc. tion rights defining how software entities may interact Transport level security primarily aims at protecting and exchange data. For optimal consistency and to min- point-to-point data communication between two imize the risk of security holes resulting from human 4 Measurements Topology µPMU µPMU Data storage(s) MQTT MQTT Agent Agent Telco network Weather Phasor Phasor measurem. measurem. eNodeB PPhhaassoorr mmeeaassuurreemmeennttss Core Publish/subscribe servers (XMPP/MQTT) IP Security platform PMC PMC MQTT MQTT Agent Agent eNodeB Secure elements Power Power measurem. measurem. management platform PPoowweerr QQuuaalliittyy MMeeaassuurreemmeennttss Authorization server eNodeB PMC PMC FPAI Agent FPAI Agent & driver & driver SM concentrator Services Interface Interface unit unit PLC DSSE Demand Response Reporting & visualisation Forecasting Energy Energy SM SM SM Device Device Analytical platform DDeemmaanndd--RReessppoonnssee ddeevviicceess ccoonnttrrooll SSmmaarrtt mmeetteerrss Fig. 2: SUNSEED communication and security architecture. errors, this is best achieved using a centralized man- heterogeneous platforms. As a result, client applications agement interface avoiding the need to configure access need only to authenticate with the authorization server rights in a disparate way in many different platforms. to dynamically receive credentials granting them access Onthataspect,thechoicewasmadetouseastandalone to multiple heterogeneous platforms. This results not authorization server supporting a delegated authoriza- only in enhanced security, but also in a great simplifi- tion scheme. The implementation is based on the User- cation of authentication and authorization management. Managed Access (UMA) [7] profile of the widely used The Authorization rights granted to requesting clients Oauth [7] protocol. The authorization server is, in this are negotiated using the Oauth protocol and material- context, the place holding the description of the access ized as etokens possibly carrying credentials. The idea control policies to all access controlled ”resources” in is to distribute dynamically to every client application the ecosystem. For example µPMU devices may publish (located in the µPMU or PMC devices or in remote theirdataonspecificinformationtopicsusingtheMQTT cloud servers) the set of credentials required to perform protocol, and it is certainly necessary to define which the tasks it should perform with a given work flow software entity may publish or subscribe on a specific scenario.Forexample,aclientapplicationimplementing topic. The ”information topic” is then modeled as an a historical data archive may need to subscribe to the ”access controlled resource”. The delegated authoriza- µPMU information topics via the MQTT protocol and tion scheme, insures a dynamic life cycle management then store the received data in an archival database. of the access controlled resources in the authorization This client application should then dynamically receive server, by enabling the resources’ servers (for example credentials enabling both the reception of information the publish/subscribe brokers), in charge of enforcing and its storage in the archival database. access control, to register and delegate the management Another structural security choice relates to the deci- of access control for their resources to the authorization sion to protect the credentials stored in the µPMU and serverviatheUMARESTAPI.Thisdelegatedauthoriza- PMC devices via the use of embedded secure elements, tion scheme is one of the two main structural security similar to the ones used for manufacturing embedded choices made in the proposed architecture. It opens UICCs [9] in cellular IoT devices. Commercially avail- the possibility to achieve a centralized access control able secure elements provide a credible protection for management for resources located in many dispersed credentials stored inside their memory, which are meant 5 to be used in place and cannot be read back, thereby 4 CELLULAR NETWORK PERFORMANCE significantly complicating the setup of attacks involving The existing LTE cellular networks carry various types credential stealing and/or device cloning. oftraffic,e.g.mobilebroadbandtraffic,andareexpected to additionally serve the traffic originated by many IoT The protection of communications relies upon the use applications including the smart grid applications such of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol involving as DSSE and demand-response. In this section the focus bothPublicKeyInfrastructure(PKI)clients’andservers’ is on the uplink of LTE cellular network that carries the certificates. Client certificates are dynamically generated reports from the installed measurement devices (µPMU, in an initial security bootstrapping process between the µPMU and PMC devices and the authorization server. PMC, and SM) towards the publish-subscriber servers. On the device, the PKI private and public keys are When the (shared) existing LTE cellular networks are dynamicallygeneratedwithinthesecureelement.While used to facilitate this measurement collection, from a the public key is sent out and serves as the starting communicationperformancepointofviewtherearetwo point to generate the client certificate, the private key possible bottlenecks that can have detrimental effects: will remain securely stored inside the secure element (a) Thebottleneckintherandomaccessphase,i.e.when which exposes an API, enabling clients to request the a large number of smart grid devices would like on chip execution of cryptographic primitive operations to randomly or periodically transmit their measure- such as signing or ciphering. mentreports.Here,eachdeviceneedstogothrough the steps in the Access Reservation Protocol (ARP). In order to simplify deployment, secure elements are Due to the large number of smart grid and non- pre-personalized at manufacturing time. Each of them smart grid devices within the LTE cell, the random comes with a unique identifier (which is used also to accessattemptstoset-uptheindividualconnections identify the device), and these identifiers are initially might collide resulting in failed random access at- provisioned in a secure element management platform tempts. along with root secrets. No software, or configuration (b) The bottleneck in the communication phase (that is, operation needs to be performed when deploying the aftersuccessfullyfinishingtherandomaccessphase) secure elements. They are to be considered as any other when a large number of smart grid devices would electroniccomponentandjustneedtobesolderedonthe like to push their measurement data towards smart circuit board of the devices to secure. A bootstrap pro- grid applications. Since many uplink messages are cesswilloccurtransparentlyuponthefirstconnectionof contending for the limited LTE uplink resources thedevicetoanIPnetwork,resultinginthepossibilityto themaximumdelaythatsomemeasurementreports remotelymanagethecredentialsstoredinsidethesecure might experience (for example due to the waiting element from a remote web interface. time until a device is granted an UL transmission resource) could exceed the requirements of smart Finally, particular attention was given to ease the use grid applications such as DSSE. of the proposed security mechanisms by application de- In the following section we analyse the achievable velopers that are often requesting simple to use security LTE uplink delay of SM, PMC and µPMU devices. solutions. They want reasonable assurance that their Hereafter, we consider specifically the bottlenecks in application will provide robust data protection without the random access phase and describe a proposal for having to dive into the details of the cryptographic ensuring reliable random access. The analyses are based operations. The use of TLS to protect data communi- on simulation models described in references [10], [11], cations is a good example. TLS in its most common [12]. implementation involves the use of server certificates, enabling servers to be authenticated by clients. Clients In particular, we investigate and quantify the perfor- may also be authenticated using client certificates, but mance of LTE for different possible deployment scenar- the complexity involved in generating and distributing iosintermsofthenumberofdevices,theirtype,andthe those has greatly limited the use of such authentication amountofreservedLTEuplinkphysicalradioresources, methods. A very common demand from application as configured by the LTE cellular network operator for developers is to simplify the process of obtaining the supporting the smart grid data traffic. For the following credentials they need, whatever their form. In many studies, we consider the ratio R between the number of cases,thosecredentialsthemselvesarenotevenhandled µPMU devices over the number of PMC/SM devices. in the developer’s code, but rather passed to third party The PMC and SM devices are considered jointly, since libraries or modules that the developer may be using. their uplink traffic patterns are similar. We consider ratiosofR=1/10andR=1/3,wheretheformerrepresents In addition to ensuring the security of communicated a scenario with moderate DER penetration where not information in the smart grid, another cornerstone is to too many µPMU devices are needed, whereas the latter ensure reliable and timely delivery of the information represents a heavy DER penetration. The measurement through the used cellular networks, which is considered report sizes from the PMC/SM and µPMU devices are in the following section. assumed to be 70 Bytes and 560 Bytes, respectively, as 6 theµPMUdevicesreportmoredetailedpowermeasure- As the number of devices increases, the maximum ments.Weassumethatthereportingintervalofalltypes uplink delay remains constant with zero waiting time, of measurement reports is 1 s, as motivated in sec. 2. onlyforwhenthewholebandwidth(10MHzor50PRBs in this case) is reserved for the smart grid data. As the number of available PRBs is decreased to 20 or 6 PRBs, 4.1 MaxUplinkLTEDelayforSmartGridDataTraffic whichismorerealisticinsharednetworks,themaxdelay The analysis in this section is focused on the radio rapidly increases due to the waiting time incurred at part of the LTE uplink transmission, i.e., between the the devices until they get a scheduling grant for uplink end-node and the LTE base station. This is because it transmission. The only exception here is the max delay is assumed that this is the most critical part of the for the µPMU in Fig. 3a where the max delays for 50 end-to-end path between the measurement device and PRBs and 20 PRBs are equal and stays constant up to thesmart-gridpublish-subscribeserverandapplications, 4000devicesperLTEcell(i.e.thesetwocurvesoverlap). which are typically connected through high-speed net- If the maximum delay requirement for the real-time work infrastructure as indicated in Fig. 2. application is for instance 1 s then in order to achieve In LTE the uplink radio resources are organized thisrequirementfore.g.upto4000devicesperLTEcell, in time-frequency blocks, also called physical resource theoperatorisrequiredtoreserve50PRBs(orawhole10 blocks (PRBs), with duration of 0.5 ms and 12 consecu- MHz LTE carrier), which might not be an economically tiveOFDMAfrequencysub-carriers.Theshortestuplink viable solution. For a more realistic amount of reserved radio transmission duration is 1 ms, also known as resources(forexample6PRBs)theachievablemaximum Transmission Time Interval (TTI), which consists of two delay is 6s or 3s for R=1/3 or R=1/10, respectively. consecutivePRBsinthetimedomain.ThePRBallocation per individual device and per TTI (or per block of 4.2 GuaranteedReliabilityofRandomAccessinLTE TTIs) is done by the scheduler located in the eNB. The assumed scheduling approach for this analysis is fair When a measurement device wants to transmit a report, fixed assignment (FFA) [13] where in every TTI a device itwillneedtochangestatefromidletoconnectedinthe israndomlyselectedfromanumberofdeviceswillingto LTE network, through the ARP [14]. This procedure has transmit and it is allocated a fixed number of PRBs per several steps in which failures can occur, especially in device. Depending on the signal-to-Interference-plus- caseofpreamblecollisions[12].Thecollisionprobability noise ratio (SINR) as experienced by the device on the increases with the number of active devices [11]. This allocated PRBs an appropriate modulation and coding meansthatinatraditionalLTEnetwork,alargenumber scheme is selected for the transmission. This, in turn of accessing devices can cause unacceptable delays for determines the amount of data (in bits) that can be themissioncriticaltrafficofDSSEanddemand-response transferred, and finally the number of TTIs needed to applications,wherecertainreliabilityrequirementsexist. transmit the measurement report by the devices. Addi- Since all random access requests are treated equally in tionally, as there is a limited number of reserved uplink legacy LTE, there is no way to favorise certain types of LTE radio resources (such as a limited total number of traffic. PRBs) for the transmission of the measurement reports, Estimation Phase Serving Phase not all active devices in the LTE cell can begin their transmission within one TTI. As a consequence, a num- ber of active devices have to wait until they receive an uplink transmission grant, resulting in a certain amount Serving RAOs for µPMU Serving RAOs for PMC/SM Serving RAOs for Best Effort ofwaitingtime.ThenthemaximumuplinkLTEdelayis Estimation Estimation RAO µPMU RAO PMC/SM the sum of the transmission time and the waiting time. Fig. 4: Proposed contention frame layout for µPMU, Formoredetailsregardingtheanalysisofthemaximum PMC/SM and best effort traffic. uplink LTE delay the reader is referred to reference [10]. In order to quantify the maximum LTE uplink delay, monte-carlo system level simulations were performed For mission critical traffic, we propose an alternative foranurbanenvironmentwithincreasednumberoftotal approach to random access in LTE, which allows to smart grid devices per LTE cell. reserve sufficient Random Access Opportunitys (RAOs) In Fig. 3a and Fig. 3b the maximum LTE delay results toensureacertainlevelofsuccessprobability(reliability) are presented for R=1/10 and R=1/3, respectively, for in the random access procedure [11]. Instead of serving fixed number of 2 PRBs assigned per device. It can be all accessing devices equally, as in the legacy LTE ARP, seenthatevenforverysmalltotalnumberofdevicesthe the modified approach that is described in detail in maximum uplink LTE delay is about 20 ms and 200 ms, reference [11] allows to create prioritized traffic classes respectively.Thisistheintrinsicdelayoftransmittingthe for which the probability of successfully accessing the measurement report (including any re-transmissions), network can be guaranteed. The principle of this ap- since for low number of devices the waiting time is proach is illustrated in Fig. 4, where the prioritized practically zero. traffic classes µPMU, PMC/SM and Best Effort (ordered 7 101 6 PRBs 101 6 PRBs 20 PRBs 20 PRBs 50 PRBs 50 PRBs ]s ]s [ y 100 [ y 100 a a le le d d x x a a m m 10-1 10-1 10-2 10-2 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Active population Active population (a) R=1/10 (moderate DER penetration) (b) R=1/3 (heavy DER penetration) Fig. 3: PMC/SM (dashed line) and µPMU (solid line) maximum delay. by most important first) that are relevant for the con- may,however,inspirethedevelopmentofMachineType sidered smart grid communication system are shown. Communication (MTC) protocols for the upcoming 5G Each of the µPMU and PMC/SM traffic classes have standards. a dedicated Estimation Slot in the Contention Frame, 5 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE STEPS in which the corresponding devices must activate a random preamble to access the network. This enables With the increasing penetration of Distributed Energy the eNodeB to estimate the number of accessing devices Resources (DER) the smart grid needs more and deeper andtodimensionthefollowingservingphasestosatisfy monitoring and control to maintain stable operation. the required reliability. Next, the devices will activate In this paper, we have considered shared cellular LTE a preamble randomly within the corresponding serving networksastheunderlyingICTinfrastructuretosupport phase, to start the ARP. Any remaining RAOs in the the smart grid. Specifically, we highlighted the security contention frame will be available for best effort traffic. and communication requirements such as for example Thedurationofthecontentionframeissetashalfofthe end-to-endsecurity,dynamiccredentialdistribution,and shortestlatencydeadline,toensurethatthealldeadlines highly reliable low latency uplink communication. Fur- can be fulfilled. ther, we outlined the solutions that were considered in The allocation of resources for increasing number of the SUNSEED project for tackling the communication µPMU and PMC/SM devices in an LTE cell is shown relatedchallengesofensuringsuccessfuloperationofthe in Fig. 5a. The plot shows that as the number of active future smart grids. devices increases, first the RAOs available for best effort In the last year of the SUNSEED project (until Jan. traffic run out. Hereafter, the RAOs for PMC/SM traffic 31st, 2017) the suitability of the LTE cellular network are sacrificed to favorise the more important µPMU for facilitating the smart grid monitoring and control traffic. Finally, the total number of devices becomes too functions will be tested via a large field trial in Slovenia large to also support µPMU traffic. consisting of four planned areas with total number of For comparison, in Fig. 5b we show the achievable 42 µPMU devices, 5 PMC devices, 22 PLC concentrators reliability of the legacy LTE ARP, calculated using the and 563 SMs as follows: collision probability model in reference [12]. Assuming Kromberk area withLTEcoverageof10µPMUdevices, thatthearrivalofµPMUandPMC/SMtrafficoccursina 1 PMC device, 6 PLC concentrators and 116 SMs. traditional best effort manner, the reliability of all traffic Bonifika area with LTE coverage of 7 µPMU devices, 2 in legacy LTE will drop below the required reliability of PMC devices, 5 PLC concentrators and 535 SMs. both µPMU and PMC/SM, at an earlier point than with Razdrto area with UMTS coverage (due to lack of LTE ourproposedscheme.Noticethattherequiredreliability coverage) of 17 µPMU devices, 2 PMC devices, 7 of µPMU can be supported with the proposed scheme PLC concentrators and 10 SMs. for 3 times as many active devices as legacy LTE for Kneza area as illustrated in Fig. 6 with LTE coverage the R=1/10 scenario. This does not hold for the R=1/3 of 3 µPMU devices and 2 PLC concentrators as scenariowherealargerfractionofdevicesrequire99.9% well as satellite links (due to lack of coverage of reliability, since it requires more RAOs to ensure 99.9% any cellular network in this mountainous region) reliability than 95% reliability. covering 5 µPMU devices, 2 PLC concentrators and Unfortunately,theproposedschemeforguaranteedre- 2 SMs. liability random access cannot be easily implemented in For more details, the reader is referred to the project today’scellularnetworks,sinceitrequireschangestothe deliverablesavailableviatheprojectweb-pageat:www. LTE protocol in both devices and eNodeB. The scheme sunseed-fp7.eu. 8 1 0.9999 7PMU for R=1/10 0.9 PMC/SM for R=1/10 7PMU for R=1/3 PMC/SM for R=1/3 0.8 Legacy e 0.999 lba0.7 7PMU (of required) R=1/10 lia PMC/SM (of required) R=1/10 v Best effort (of total) R=1/10 a0.6 sOAR fo0.5 7PBPMesMCt U/eS f(fMoofr (tr oe(foq rfu etiroqetudai)rl) ef ofdor) r R fRo=r=1 R1/3/=31/3 ytilibaileR 0.99 n0.4 o itc arF0.3 0.9 0.2 0.1 0 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Active Population #104 Active Population #104 (a) Availability of random access resources when the active (b)Achievedreliabilityofproposedschemecomparedtolegacy population increases. LTE random access. Fig.5:Assumptionsforresultplots:12preambles,1sintervaland1slatencydeadlineforbothµPMUandPMC/SM. Reliability: µPMU=99.9%, PMC/SM=95%. ACKNOWLEDGMENT [12] G. C. Maduen˜o, J. J. Nielsen, D. M. Kim, N. K. Pratas, Cˇ. 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