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Secure Cloud Storage in Android Devices PDF

110 Pages·2017·3.79 MB·English
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Secure Cloud Storage in Android Devices PPaauulloo AAlleexxaannddrree CCaarrvvaallhhoo RRiibbeeiirroo Master’s Degree in Network and Information Systems Engineering DDeeppaarrttaammeennttooddeeCCiiêênncciiaaddeeCCoommppuuttaaddoorreess 2017 Orientador SSéérrggiiooCCrriissóóssttoommoo,ProfessorAuxiliar, FFaaccuullddaaddeeddeeCCiiêêcciiaassddaaUUnniivveerrssiiddaaddeeddooPPoorrttoo Coorientador RRuuiiPPrriioorr,ProfessorAuxiliar, FFaaccuullddaaddeeddeeCCiiêêcciiaassddaaUUnniivveerrssiiddaaddeeddooPPoorrttoo Todasascorreçõesdeterminadas pelojúri,esóessas,foramefetuadas. OPresidentedoJúri, Porto, / / Dedicado aos meus pais, à minha namorada Filipa Crespo e ao meu avô Manuel Veloso de Carvalho. iii Acknowledgments I would first like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisors, Prof. Rui Prior and Prof. Sérgio Crisóstomo, for all of their support, time and advice. They always allowed this paper to be my own work, but steered me in the right direction whenever I needed it. I would also like to thank my friends for all the good moments during this years. Finally, I must express my very profound gratitude to my parents and to my girlfriend for providing me with unfailing support and continuous encouragement throughout my years of study and through the process of researching and writing this thesis. This accomplishment would not have been possible without them. Thank you. v Abstract Digital data storage is essential nowadays. We store all types of data in our devices, either locally or using cloud storage services. Cloud services have several advantages, such as data sharing among devices, space saving in local storage, and data preservation in case of devices hardware failure. However, they also pose some risks, which users often do not realize, such as temporary or permanent unavailability or loss of confidentiality of the stored files. This work consists on the development of a secure file storage system based on public cloud services that mitigate the mentioned risks by combining the use of multiple cloud providers with redundancy mechanisms and cryptographic techniques. The system ensures that, even if one provider is hostile or goes out of business, there is no loss of data or confidentiality. vii

the development of a secure file storage system based on public cloud services that mitigate the .. MAC Message Authentication Code . Introduction. Figure 1.2: Mobile users vs Desktop users. [10]. We developed a solution for Android, that is the most used Operative System (OS) for smartphones.
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