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ecrei& OF N A rre&id^ti {pman Smart Rules For Capturing His Heart HAMMOND McKINNEY Author of What To Do Until Love Finds You / Digitized by the Internet Archive 2013 in http://archive.org/details/secretsofirresisOOmcki ecreM AN F McKINNEY HAMMOND HARVESTHOUSEPUBLISHER Eugene, Oregon ^ilAtQI / Verses marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bihle, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. UsedbypermissionofTyndaleHousePublishers, Inc.,Wheaton, Illinois60189.All rightsreserved. VersesmarkedKJVaretakenfromtheKingJamesVersionofthe Bible. Verses marked TLb are takenfromThe Living Bible, Copyright © 1971 owned by assign- ment by Illinois Regional Bank N.A. (as trustee). Used by permission ofT^Tidale House Publishers, Inc.,Wheaton, Illinois60189.Allrightsreserved. VersesmarkedAMParetakenfromTheAmplifiedBible,OldTestament,Copyright©1965 and 1987 by The Zonder\^an Corporation, and from The Amplified New Testament, Copyright© 1954, 1958, 1987 byTheLockmanFoundation.Usedbypermission. VersesmarkedNWaretakenfromtheHolyBible,NewInternationalVersion®.Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society. Usedby permission ofZondervan Publishing House. The "NIV" and "New InternationalVersion" trademarks are registered intheUnitedStatesPatentandTrademarkOfficebyInternationalBibleSociety. VersesmarkedNKJVaretakenfromtheNewKingJamesVersion, Copyright© 1979, 1980, 1982 byThomasNelson, Inc., Publishers.Usedbypermission. ScripturereferencesthatdonothavetheBibleversionnotedaretheauthor'sparaphrase. Coverb^KoechelPetersonandAssociates, Minneapolis, Minnesota. SECRETS OFAN UlRESISTIBLEWOMAN Cop>Tight© 1998byMichelleMcKinney-Hammond PublishedbyHar\'estHouse Publishers. Eugene, Oregon97402 LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData McKiimey-Hammond, Michelle, 1957- Secretsofanirresistiblewoman/MichelleMcKinney-Hammond. p. cm. ISBN 1-56507-843-8 — 1. Mateselection. 2. Man-womanrelationships. 3.Women Conduct oflife. I.Title. HQ801.M4879 1998 646.7'7—DC21 97-29011 CIP Allrightsreserved.Noportionofthisbookmaybereproduced inanyformwithoutthe writtenpermissionofthe Publisher. Printed intheUnited StatesofAmerica. 04 05 06 07 08 09 /BC/ 20 19 18 17 16 15 To God, my Heavenly Father, who lovingly designed all ofthe "rules" for my own good. To my parents who followed suit: George and Charity Hammond and William and Norma McKinney To my uncles and aunts who, to me, personified the niles: Stanley and Eglantine ^XTiite Kow and Marion Aarkah Emesta Branker What wonderful examples you have been to me! To my pastor's wife, Wanda Eckhardt a tmly "Irresistible Woman." Tm watching, learning, and taking notes! To two ofthe most special young ladies I know: Elsie and Nicole Duncan-Williams You'll always be my girls, and you're never too young to learn the rules. C^c£nowfeJ^ments To my sisters Nicole, Ayodele, Annette, Jacqueline, Karen, Yaaba, Anna, Myma, and Ama—perhaps ifwe stick togetherwe can master this thing called "being a woman ofGod." (smile) To my sisters in Christ, too many to name, but some have louder voices thanothers (listed inalphabeticalorder, notinorderofimpor- — tance) Cindy Bastounes, Brenda Blonski, Chariot Fortier, Sheila Frazier, Lydia Garlington, Theresa Hayden, Charlotte Kroot, Karen McDonald, Terri McFadden, Alda Denise Mitchell, Nancy Roberts, Dorothy Ross, Sylvia Sausedo, Susan Sharpe, Jan Shurtz, Michelle Taylor, Sunday Williams, Theresa Williams, Lorraine Williamson, andPhilomina"Bunny"Wilson. Heyladies, thanksfor"getting inmy Kool-aid" and holding me accountable! Couldn'tdo itwithoutyou. — To the entire Harvest House family your enthusiasm is conta- gious and motivating. Thank you for all ofyour support; it has been truly nurturing. 1 Gon/en/s Introduction Chapter 1 All Rules Are Made to Be Broken? I Don't Think So, Girlfriend! 11 Chapter 2 So Who Wrote the Rules Anyway? 15 Chapter 3 A Woman ofSpiritual Principle 21 Principle 1 Take Art Appreciation 29 Principle 2 Stop Playing with Daisies! 35 Principle 3 Get a Life! 41 Principle 4 Mind Your Own Business 49 Principle 5 Develop Good Shopping Skills 55 Principle 6 Avoid the Mission Field 61 Principle 7 Protect YourJewels 67 Principle 8 Use a Lot ofSeasoning 75 Principle 9 Know How to Take Advice 81 Principle 10 Learn How to Dress 89 Principle 1 Master the Art ofCooking 95 Principle 12 Know How to Sow 105 Principle 13 Get into Gardening Ill Principle 14 Learn How to Dance 119 Principle 15 Know Who Loves Ya, Baby! 125 Principle 16 Know What You Want 133 Principle 17 Know IfHe's the One 145 Principle 18 Master the Art ofHousekeeping 153 The Pleasure Principle 159 The Final Principle 165 The Principle Recap 171 Recommended Reading 175 Study Guide 177 SJnirocfuciion ^cently a book titled The Rules hit the bookstands and seemed to set the singles community on its ear. As the book's two female authors made the talk show circuit, I sat eyebrows to scalp, quite intrigued by the effect this simple little book was having on men and women alike. I mean people were downright upset about The Rulesl Those who had applied the book's suggestions reported their success while the audience looked on in disgust. The authors themselves seemed befuddled by the insults that were hurled their way by the audi- ence, although I'm sure they laughed all the way to the bankafter- wards. After all, inspite ofpeople's adverse reactions the bookwas a bestseller. After a bit of thought, I realized why so many people were upset by The Rules' suggestions. Most women today had too much free time on their hands, and lacked the self-esteem to be able to put into practice what the authors advised. It was as if the Ten Commandmentshad been introduced alloveragain. Womenwere overwhelmed by their own inability to live up to what seemed to be difficultstandards. I feltas ifeveryone had missed the real point ofthe book, including the authors, who seemed to have a difficult time defending their material other than to respond, "Well,—ifyou want to get married..." The point to me was very simple they werebasically saying, "Get a life!" Ifawomanhad a life, she would automatically do all the things that were suggested in the book. And why were the men upset? As one well-known talk show hostess concluded, "I believe men like womenwho conduct them- selves in this way; they just don't want to know they're following an instruction manual." I was inclined to agree. After The Rules was released, many people felt compelled to write their own version of the book or respond to what these women had written, including myself I felt that their premise for writing the book was well-founded. When it came to dating, mat- ing, and relatingno one seemed toknowwhat to do anymore. The relationship gamehadbecome afree-for-all, witheveryoneplaying it by ear. The results were generally miserable, but no one knew what else to do so they continued playing the same game and blaming any failure on the other person. I believe the entire prob- lem boils down to one simple observation: Women, in their des- peration to have someone in their lives, have forfeited theirpower and have become frustrated victims in affairs ofthe heart. A friend of mine once said, "God gave men testosterone so that they would make a commitment." But, sadly, many women have short-circuited the commitment process by violating all the safeguards God gave them to heighten their desirability and get them happily married. No longer are women considered ires cher^ as the French would say. Cher means "expensive" in French; the same word also means "dear." Insteadofrealizing theirownworth, many women today have put themselves on sale, lowering their value along with their standards, settling for less than the best for themselves. More often than not, they have embraced the philos- ophy that anything is better than nothing. This is what happens when awoman has no idea where she is going or what she is enti- tled to. As the Word says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because youhave rejectedknowl—edge, I alsowillreject you" (Hosea4:6 NKJV). That's deep but true a lackofknowledge will cause us to lose or suffer rejection every time, in every areaof our lives. I realize this relationship thing is more than just anotion, but it was designed to be a whole lot simpler than we've made it. IVe bumped around out here for a long time myselfand made all the classic mistakes. Fortunately, I've lived and learned, which is somethingthatcouldbenefitallofus. Don'tyouthink it's timeyou got it together, too? Your head is too pretty to keep banging it against a wall. So now is the time to throwoutall thatself-destructive behav- ior, and get on with becoming women fiiUy prepared to be blessed with mates who are deserving ofour hand. So pull up a chair and

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