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Preview Secondary organic material formed by methylglyoxal in aqueous

Atmos. Chem. Phys.,10,997–1016,2010 Atmospheric www.atmos-chem-phys.net/10/997/2010/ Chemistry ©Author(s)2010. Thisworkisdistributedunder theCreativeCommonsAttribution3.0License. and Physics Secondary organic material formed by methylglyoxal in aqueous aerosol mimics N.Sareen,A.N.Schwier,E.L.Shapiro,D.Mitroo,andV.F.McNeill DepartmentofChemicalEngineering,ColumbiaUniversity,NewYork,NY,USA Received: 15July2009–PublishedinAtmos. Chem. Phys.Discuss.: 24July2009 Revised: 13January2010–Accepted: 14January2010–Published: 1February2010 Abstract. We show that methylglyoxal forms light- loway et al., 2009; Shapiro et al., 2009; Fu et al., 2009; El absorbingsecondaryorganicmaterialinaqueousammonium Haddad et al., 2009; De Haan et al., 2009a). There is evi- sulfate and ammonium nitrate solutions mimicking tropo- dencethatSOAformationmayaffectpropertiesoftheseed sphericaerosolparticles.Thekineticswerecharacterizedus- aerosolsuchasCCNactivity(CruzandPandis,1997;Hartz ing UV-Vis spectrophotometry. The results suggest that the etal., 2005; Kingetal., 2007, 2009; Engelhartetal., 2008; bimolecular reaction of methylglyoxal with an ammonium Duplissy et al., 2008; Michaud et al., 2009), optical prop- or hydronium ion is the rate-limiting step for the formation erties (Saathoff et al., 2003; Nozie`re et al., 2007, 2009b; oflight-absorbingspecies,withkII =5×10−6M−1min−1 Nozie`re and Esteve, 2007; Casale et al., 2007; Shapiro et NH4+ and kII ≤10−3M−1min−1. Evidence of aldol con- al., 2009; De Haan et al., 2009a) and heterogeneous re- H3O+ densation products and oligomeric species up to 759amu activity towards gases such as N2O5 (Folkers et al., 2003; was found using chemical ionization mass spectrometry Anttila et al., 2006). A variety of potentially surface-active with a volatilization flow tube inlet (Aerosol-CIMS). Ten- SOAproductshavebeenproposed, includingorganicacids, tativeidentificationsofcarbon-nitrogenspeciesandasulfur- organosulfates, nitrogen-containing organics, aldol conden- containingcompoundwerealsomadeusingAerosol-CIMS. sationproducts,andhighlyoxygenatedoligomericmaterial. Aqueous solutions of methylglyoxal, with and without in- In an aqueous aerosol particle, surface-active products may organic salts, exhibit significant surface tension depression. partition to the gas-particle interface, lowering the surface Theseobservationsaddtothegrowingbodyofevidencethat tension (and thus the critical supersaturation required for dicarbonyl compounds may form secondary organic mate- clouddropletactivation)andactingasabarriertomasstrans- rialintheaerosolaqueousphase,andthatsecondaryorganic port between the gas and aqueous phases. Light-absorbing aerosol formation via heterogeneous processes may affect SOAproductswhichcouldincreasetheabsorptionindexof seedaerosolproperties. theseedaerosolhavealsobeenidentifiedinlaboratorystud- ies. Aldehydes have been reported to undergo aldol con- densation in aqueous aerosol mimics to form π-conjugated species (Nozie`re et al., 2007; Nozie`re and Esteve, 2007; 1 Introduction Casale et al., 2007). We recently reported the formation oflight-absorbing,oligomericmoleculesinaqueousaerosol Laboratoryandfieldstudiessuggestthatcarbonyl-containing mimicscontainingglyoxalandammoniumsalts(Shapiroet volatile organic compounds, when absorbed by aqueous al.,2009).DeHaanetal.(2009a,b)observedbrowningupon aerosol particles or cloud droplets, participate in aqueous- thereactionofglyoxalwithaminoacidsinaerosolandcloud phase chemistry to form low-volatility secondary organic dropletmimics. material (SOA) (Jang et al., 2002; Kroll et al., 2005; Lig- Methylglyoxal (C H O ) is an atmospheric oxidation gioetal.,2005;Volkameretal.,2006,2007,2009;Loeffler 3 4 2 product of many anthropogenic and biogenic volatile or- et al., 2006; Zhao et al., 2006; Gao et al., 2006; Altieri et ganiccompounds(Tuazonetal.,1986;Grosjeanetal.,1993; al.,2008;Carltonetal.,2008;Nozie`reetal.,2009a,b;Gal- Smith et al., 1999). There is mixed evidence in the liter- ature regarding the potential of methylglyoxal to be a di- Correspondenceto: V.F.McNeill rect precursor for heterogeneous SOA formation in aque- ([email protected]) ous aerosols. Methylglyoxal becomes hydrated and forms PublishedbyCopernicusPublicationsonbehalfoftheEuropeanGeosciencesUnion. 998 N.Sareenetal.: SOAformedbymethylglyoxalinaqueousaerosolmimics 2 Methods Aldol Pathway 1 2.1 Bulksolutionpreparation Salt concentrations in atmospheric aerosols at typical rela- tive humidities exceed bulk saturation concentrations (Tang Aldol and Munkelwitz, 1994; Tang et al., 1997). In an effort to mimic atmospheric aerosol compositions to the extent Pathway 2 possible in a bulk solution, solutions were prepared using Milliporewaterandhigh(near-saturation)concentrationsof the salt of interest (3.1M (NH ) SO , 5.1M NaCl, 1.18M Scheme1.Proposedreactionpathwaysformethylglyoxal. 4 2 4 Scheme 1. Proposed reaction pathways for methylglyoxal Na2SO4, 8.7M NH4NO3). Methylglyoxal concentrations ranged from 0–2.0M, corresponding to ∼0–25wt% of the solute. Methylglyoxalwasintroducedfroma40wt%aque- acetalandhemiacetaloligomersinaqueoussolution(Nemet ous solution (Sigma Aldrich). Mixing time was counted as etal.,2004;Paulsenetal.,2005;Loeffleretal.,2006;Zhao timeafterthe40wt%methylglyoxalsolutionwasintroduced et al., 2006; Krizner et al., 2009). Kalberer et al. (2004) to the aqueous salt solution. The aqueous methylglyoxal suggestedthatmethylglyoxalacetaloligomerscouldexplain stock solution was pH=2.0 (±0.1) when tested with an Ac- their observation of polymeric material in secondary or- cumet model 20 pH/conductivity meter (Fisher Scientific), ganic aerosols formed in a reaction chamber by the pho- andthereactionmixturesthatcontained≥16.2mMmethyl- tooxidationof1,3,5-trimethylbenzene. BarsantiandPankow glyoxalwerepH=2.0(±0.1),withoutbufferingorfurtherad- (2005) and Krizner et al. (2009) predicted that aldol con- ditionofacid. ThisiswithintherangeofpHrelevanttotro- densationshouldbefavorableformethylglyoxalinaerosols. pospheric aerosols (Keene et al., 2004; Zhang et al., 2007). Singly hydrated methylglyoxal has been reported to be the InexperimentsperformedtotesttheeffectofvaryingpH,di- dominantmonomericspeciesinaqueousmethylglyoxalsys- luteHNO wasaddedtothereactionmixturesdropwiseuntil tems (Nemet et al., 2004). Singly hydrated methylglyoxal 3 thedesiredpHwasreached. may participate in self-aldol condensation via two possible pathways initiating with enol formation with the C=C dou- Methylglyoxalstocksolutionisacidicduetothepresence ble bond forming from either terminal carbon, as shown of a small amount of pyruvic acid impurity. Pyruvic acid in Scheme 1. Note that we refer to the overall process of is a relatively strong organic acid, with pKa=2.49. There- aldol addition followed by dehydration as aldol condensa- fore,thefactthatourstocksolutionispH=2correspondsto tion (Muller, 1994). Zhao et al. (2006) measured non-zero averysmall(0.07%bymole)impurityofpyruvicacidinthe methylglyoxaluptakeontoaqueoussulfuricacidsolutionsin methylglyoxalstocksolution. a coated-wall flow tube reactor. However, in aerosol cham- Solutions were prepared in 100mL Pyrex volumetric ber studies Kroll et al. (2005) observed that methylglyoxal fl38asks. Pyrex is opaque to light with wavelengths <280nm uptaketoacidicammoniumsulfateseedaerosolsdidnotlead (Corning, Inc.), but the samples were not further protected tosignificantparticlegrowth. from ambient light except for control experiments as speci- Westudiedtheformationoflight-absorbingsecondaryor- fiedinthetext. Allexperimentswereperformedatambient ganic products in aqueous solutions containing methylgly- temperatureandpressure. oxal and ammonium salts. The kinetics of formation were characterized using UV-Vis spectrophotometry. We also 2.2 UV-Visspectrophotometry characterizedthereactionproductsviaatomizationofdiluted reaction mixtures followed by detection with chemical ion- TheUV-Visabsorptionspectraofthereactionmixtureswere izationmassspectrometrywithavolatilizationflowtubein- measured using an HP 8453 UV-Visible Spectrophotometer let (Aerosol-CIMS). We found evidence of aldol condensa- witha10mmopen-topquartzcuvette. tionproductsandhigh-molecular-weightoligomericspecies, aswellaspossiblesulfur-containingcompoundsandcarbon- nitrogen species. Pendant drop tensiometry measurements 2.3 Surfacetensionmeasurements show that aqueous solutions of methylglyoxal exhibit sur- face tension depression, and the effect is enhanced when Surfacetensionwasmeasuredusingpendantdroptensiome- NaCl or (NH ) SO is present. These observations add to tryasdescribedinShapiroetal.(2009). Briefly,dropletsof 4 2 4 the growing body of evidence that dicarbonyl compounds samplesolutionweresuspendedfromthetipofaglasscap- form secondary organic material in the aqueous phase, and illarytubeusinga100µLsyringemountedinsideachamber thatSOAformationviaheterogeneousprocessesmayaffect withquartzwindows. Imageswerecapturedasdescribedby seedaerosolproperties. Anastasiadisetal.(1987). ThemethodofCanny(1986)was Atmos. Chem. Phys.,10,997–1016,2010 www.atmos-chem-phys.net/10/997/2010/ N.Sareenetal.: SOAformedbymethylglyoxalinaqueousaerosolmimics 999 Quadrupole Mass CI Spectrometer Region VFT n N /CH I o 2 3 i or N /H O ut 2 2 l i d dry N 2 210Po Atomizer TSI 3076 SMPS To pumps Turbo Turbo pump pump   Fig.1. SchematicofAerosol-CIMSsetupforthedetectionofproductsformedduringthereactionsofmethylglyoxalinaqueoussolution with (NH4)2SO4 or NaCl. SMPS: scanning mobility particle sizer, VFT: volatilization flow tube, CI: chemical ionization. See text for details. Figure 1. Schematic of Aerosol-CIMS setup for the detection of products formed during the reactions of methylglyoxal in aqueous solution with (NH ) SO or NaCl. SMPS: scanning 4 2 4 implemented in MATLAB 7.0 (The MathWorks, Inc.) for 2005,2006a,2007;Hearnetal.,2005,2007;McNeilletal., mobility particle sizer, VFT: volatilization flow tube, CI: chemical ionization. See text for edgedetection. Surfacetensionwascalculatedaccordingto: 2007, 2008) andto characterize aerosolsof unknown, com- plexchemicalcomposition(HearnandSmith,2006b). details. 1ρgd2 σ= e (1) Experiments were conducted using a custom-built H Aerosol-CIMSapparatus. Analytemoleculesweredetected astheproductsoftheirinteractionswithI−orH O+.(H O) where σ is surface tension, 1ρ is the difference in density 3 2 n using a quadrupole mass spectrometer with high mass betweenthesolutionandthegasphase,gisaccelerationdue (≤1000amu) capabilities (Extrel CMS). The two reagent togravity,d istheequatorialdiameterofthedroplet,andH e ionsused,I−andH O+.(H O) ,arecomplementaryintheir istheshapefactor(AdamsonandGast, 1997). Themethod 3 2 n versatility(H O+.(H O) )andselectivity(I−). Aschematic ofseveralselectedplaneswasusedfordeterminingH based 3 2 n oftheexperimentalsystemisshowninFig.1. on the diameter of the drop at five intervals along the drop Mixtures initially containing 1.62M methylglyoxal and axis (Juza, 1997). Solution density was measured using an analyticalbalancereadabletowithin±10µg(DenverInstru- 3.1M (NH4)2SO4 or 5.1M NaCl were prepared using Mil- lipore water as described in the previous section. After the ments). desired reaction time had passed, the mixtures were diluted 2.4 Aerosol-CIMS with Millipore water until the salt concentration was 0.2M. Reaction time was generally >24h, which was sufficient Aerosol-CIMS enables measurements of aerosol composi- time for significant light absorption and surface tension de- tion simultaneously with gas-phase composition, with the pression to develop in the methylglyoxal/(NH4)2SO4 solu- highsensitivity, selectivity, andfasttimeresponseofCIMS tions. Reaction kinetics at short times were investigated as (Hearn and Smith, 2004a, 2006b; McNeill et al., 2007, follows:asmallamountofreactionmixtureinitiallycontain- 2008). This technique allows speciated measurements of ing1.62Mmethylglyoxaland3.1M(NH4)2SO4wasdiluted aerosol organics which are selective based on the choice of 2minaftermixing.Anothersampleofthesamebulkreaction parent ion. Chemical ionization is a relatively soft ioniza- mixture was diluted 38min after mixing. The mass spectra tion technique that results in low fragmentation of organ- ofthesesamplesweremeasuredusingAerosol-CIMSimme- ics, thus simplifying their identification and quantification. diatelyafterdilution. 39 Aerosol-CIMShasbeenusedforlaboratorystudiesoftheox- Two control experiments were performed, the first in idative aging of organic aerosols (Hearn and Smith, 2004b, whicha0.2M(NH ) SO solutionatpH=2andthesecond 4 2 4 www.atmos-chem-phys.net/10/997/2010/ Atmos. Chem. Phys.,10,997–1016,2010 1000 N.Sareenetal.: SOAformedbymethylglyoxalinaqueousaerosolmimics inwhicha0.05Mmethylglyoxalsolutionwasatomizedand H O+.(H O) +R→RH++(H O) (2) 3 2 n 2 n+1 analyzed using Aerosol-CIMS. Additional control experi- ments to test the performance of Aerosol-CIMS in the high orligandswitching(Blakeetal.,2009): mass detection mode were performed using a solution of H O+.(H O) +R→H O+.R+(H O) (3) 0.2MNaCland3.9mMpoly(ethyleneglycol)(PEG)(Sigma 3 2 n 3 2 n Aldrich, 570–630amu) in Millipore water. The instrument and the species are then detected as the protonated analyte wascalibratedusingaerosol-phasesuccinicacid(C4H6O4). moleculeoritsclusterwithH O.IntheI−detectionscheme 2 Aerosolsweregeneratedbyatomizingasolutionof0.001M the analyte molecules form clusters with I− via a ligand- succinicacidinMilliporewater. Sincetheliquidwatercon- switchingreaction: tentoftheaerosolparticleswasnotknown, weassumethat the aerosol mass measured by the SMPS was comprised I−.H O+R→I−.R+H O (4) 2 2 of 100% succinic acid and report the calculated sensitiv- ity and detection limit values as lower and upper limits, re- ortheyareionizedviaprotonabstraction: spectively. The instrument sensitivity to aerosol-phase suc- cinicacidwasmeasuredusingtheI−detectionschemetobe I−+R−H→R−+HI (5) ≥100Hzppt−1 withadetectionlimitof≤0.01µgm−3. Us- IonspassedfromtheCIregionthrougha0.05cm-IDcharged ingtheH3O+.(H2O)nscheme,thesensitivitytosuccinicacid orificeintoacollisionaldissociationchamber(CDC)which was≥66Hzppt−1andthedetectionlimitwas≤0.02µgm−3. was maintained at 5Torr by a mechanical pump (Var- ThedilutesolutionswereaerosolizedwithN2usingacon- ian DS402). Ions may be accelerated through this re- stant output atomizer (TSI 3076), forming submicron parti- gion using a series of biased cylindrical lenses in order to cles. The aerosol stream was combined with a dry N2 di- control clustering. The CDC is separated from the MS lution flow, resulting in a relative humidity of 50–60% as prechamber (∼10−4Torr) by a second charged orifice plate measured with a hygrometer (Vaisala). The particle popu- (ID=0.05cm). The prechamber contains an ion optics as- lation was characterized using a scanning mobility particle sembly (Extrel CMS) and is separated by a 0.2cm-ID ori- sizer (SMPS) (Grimm Technologies, TSI). The aerosol had fice from the final chamber (∼10−7Torr) which houses the a lognormal size distribution with a typical geometric stan- 19mmquadrupoleanddetector(ExtrelCMS).Thefinaltwo dard deviation of 1.8 and a mean volume-weighted particle chambersaredifferentiallypumpedbyidenticalturbomolec- radius of 119±1nm. Typical number concentrations were ular pumps (Varian TV-301 Navigator) backed by a single 7×104cm−3. The aerosol stream passed through a 23cm- mechanical pump (Varian DS302). For regular operation long,1.25cmIDPTFEtubewrappedinheatingtapeinorder the RF operating frequency for the mass spectrometer was to volatilize the organics before entering the chemical ion- 1.2MHz; for high mass mode a 0.88MHz RF supply was ization region of the mass spectrometer. The external tem- used(ExtrelCMS). perature of the inlet was maintained at 135◦C using a ther- mocouple and temperature controller (Staco Energy). No 2.5 DFTcalculations increase in signal was observed when the inlet temperature wasincreasedto160◦C.Someexperimentswereperformed Geometry optimizations and energy calculations were per- withnoinletheatinginordertotestforspecieswhichwere formedusingJaguar6.0(Schrodinger,Inc.) withtheChem- volatileatroomtemperature. Bio3D interface (CambridgeSoft) in order to evaluate the Flow through the aerosol inlet into the chemical ioniza- UV-Vis absorption of potential products and the energetics tionregionwasmaintainedat3SLPMusingacriticalorifice. ofreactionpathways,andtoevaluatetheinteractionsofpro- Thechemicalionization(CI)regionconsistsofa3.5cmID posedproductmoleculeswithI− forCIMSdetection. Den- stainlesssteelmanifoldwhichis3.8cmlong. Pressureinthe sityfunctionaltheory(DFT)withtheB3LYPfunctionaland CIregionismaintainedat45–55Torrbyamechanicalpump the cc-pVTZ(-f) basis set (Kendall et al., 1992) was used (Varian DS302). For the negative ion detection scheme, I− to predict the HOMO-LUMO energy difference (and thus reagent ions were generated by flowing dilute CH I (Alfa UV-Vis absorption wavelengths) of proposed products. For 3 Aesar,99.5%)in3SLPMN (TechAir,99.999%)througha purposes of comparison with Krizner et al. (2009) some 2 210Poionizer(NRD).Theionizerwasmountedperpendicu- additional calculations were performed with the 6-311G** lartotheCIregion. FordetectionwithH O+.(H O) , ions basis set and Poisson-Boltzmann solvation (water solvent, 3 2 n weregeneratedbyflowingacombinedstreamof2SLPMN ε=80.37, probe radius=1.40A˚). The Gibbs free energy of 2 bubbledthroughMilliporewaterand3SLPMdryN through solvatedspecieswascalculatedusinghalfthegasphaseen- 2 the ionizer. Ion-neutral reaction times were 20–30ms. For tropyfollowingKrizneretal.(2009). theH O+.(H O) detectionscheme, thepredominantpeaks For the CIMS ion-molecule reaction calculations, DFT 3 2 n inourspectraareH O+.(H O) at55amuandH O+.(H O) wasusedwiththeB3LYPfunctionalandtheERMLER2ba- 3 2 2 3 2 3 at 73amu. The reagent ions react with the neutral species sisset,whichallowsthetreatmentofiodineviatheuseofef- throughprotontransfer(HearnandSmith,2004a): fectivecorepotentials(Lajohnetal.,1987). Thefreeenergy Atmos. Chem. Phys.,10,997–1016,2010 www.atmos-chem-phys.net/10/997/2010/ N.Sareenetal.: SOAformedbymethylglyoxalinaqueousaerosolmimics 1001 a b 4 4 ) AU 3 U) 3 ( 7 min A 3 min ce 1 h e ( 1 h rban 2 312 24h hh banc 2 3919 hh h so 96 h or 27 h Ab 1 Abs 1 4794 hh 98 h 0 0 200 300 400 500 600 200 300 400 500 600 700 Wavelength (nm) Wavelength (nm) U) U) 4 A 4 A ( ( m m 2 n 3 0 n 3 8 5 2 5 at 2 at 2 e e c c n n a 1 a 1 b b r r o o s s b 0 b 0 A A 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 Time (h) Time (h)   Fig.2.UV- Visspectraofaqueoussolutionscontaining3.1M(NH4)2SO4and(a)16.2mMmethylglyoxaland(b)1.62Mmethylglyoxalasa functionoftimeaftermixing.Absorbanceisshownasafunctionofwavelengthintheupperpanels,andabsorbanceatselectedwavelengths isshowninthelowerpanels.Errorbarsreflectuncertaintyinthemeasuredabsorbancesbasedonvariationobservedinthebaselinesignal.   Figure 2. UV-Vis spectra of aqueous solutions containing 3.1M (NH ) SO and a) 16.2 mM change for the ligand-switching reaction or proton abstrac- 3.1 UV-Visabsorptio4n2 4 tionwascmalceuthlaytelgdl.yFooxratlh aenldig ban) d1s.6w2it cMhi nmgertehaycltigolnysosxeavl- as a function of time after mixing. Absorbance is eral geometries for the cluster of the analyte molecule with The products formed by methylglyoxal in aqueous solu- I− were tesshtoedwfno raesa cha spfuecnicetsi,oann doifn swoamveelceansegsths evienr althe utipopnesr copnatanienlisn,g a(nNdH 4a)2bSsOor4baonrcNe Ha4tN Ose3leacbtseodrb light at stableclustergeometries(localminima)werefound. Ineach UVandvisiblewavelengths(ref.Figs.2–3andSupplemen- wavelengths is shown in the lower panels. Error bars reflect uncertainty in the measured case, 1G for the lowest-energy cluster geometry (global tary Information: http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/10/997/ minimum)aibssroerpboarntecde.sT bhaesferde eoenn veragryiavtaiolune sobrespeorrvteedd hiner tehe ba2s0e1li0n/aec spi-g1n0a-9l.9 7-2010-supplement.pdf). arefromtheoutputofthe298.15Kvibrationalfrequencycal- culationandnofurthercorrectionswereapplied. 3.1.1 Experimentalresults Aqueous methylglyoxal solutions with no salt have a broad 3 Resultsanddiscussion absorbancepeakat290nmatambienttemperatures(Nemet et al., 2004). A kinetics study of 16.2mM methylglyoxal Solutions containing ≥0.16M methylglyoxal and in 3.1M (NH ) SO (aq) (Fig. 2a) shows that after a delay 4 2 4 (NH4)2SO4 became visibly colored immediately after of ∼1h, peaks grow in at 213nm and 282nm with roughly mixing and became progressively darker in color with exponential time dependence. The measured absorbance time. Thecolorvariednoticeablywithinitialmethylglyoxal of a solution of 1.62M aqueous methylglyoxal and 3.1M concentration;solutionswithhigherinitialconcentrationsof (NH ) SO initiallyincreasesuponmixingacrossallwave- 4 2 4 methylglyoxalweredarkerincolor. lengths(Fig.2b). Thisinitialincreaseinbaselineabsorption couldindicateeitherformationofatleastonelight-absorbing reaction intermediate that is consumed in later steps of the mechanism,oratransientchangeinthebulkproperties(e.g. 40 refractive index, density) of the solutions. After 1h, the www.atmos-chem-phys.net/10/997/2010/ Atmos. Chem. Phys.,10,997–1016,2010 1002 N.Sareenetal.: SOAformedbymethylglyoxalinaqueousaerosolmimics Table 1. Proposed reaction products. Predictions for the energy A oTfatbheleg 1a.s PprhoapsoeseHdO reMacOti-oLnU pMroOductrtasn. sPirteiodnictainodnst hfoer wthaev eenleenrggyth oof fthe gas phase HOMO-4 ULVU-MViOs tarbasnosritpitoino nanfdro tmhe DwaFvTelBen3gLtYh Pof/c Uc-Vp-vVtzi(s- fa)bssoimrputiloanti ofrnosma DreFT B3LYP/cc-pvtU)z(-f) A sshiomwunla.tRioenfse areren csehsoawrne.i Rndeifcearetendcebsy a:r1e) iNndeimcaetteedt bayl.: (12)0 N04e)m,e2t) eZt haal.o, 2004 2) Zhao et am (l., 23006 etal.(2006),3)Krizneretal.(2009). n 3) Krizner et al., 2009.   2 8 2 Molecule Ref. energy λ at 2 (eV) (nm) e c n a This orb 1 a) 6.757 183.5 s work b A 0 0 1 2 3 4 5x10-2 Initial Methylglyoxal Concentration [M] b) 1,2 5.728 216.5 B U) 4 This A c) 4.574 271.1 m ( work n 3 2 8 2 d) This 3.536 350.6 at 2 work e c n a b 1 This or e) 3.354 369.6 bs work A 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 This pH f) 6.247 198.5 work C 4 This U) A g) work 5.751 215.6 m ( 3 n 2 8 2 h) 3 3.872 320.2 at 2 e nc a b 1 i) 3 3.661 338.7 sor b A 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Initial (NH4)2SO4 concentration [M] absorption spectrum is saturated for λ≤360nm, and the baseline at high wavelengths returns to <0.5AU. With in- Fig. 3. Absorbance at 282nm of aqueous solutions containing ct orelaosninggertwimaev,eltehnegsthatsuarantdedthreegtaioilnshoofwthseinspcreecatrsuinmgeaxbtseonrdps- (galy)o3x.1alM,pF(HNig=H2u4.0r)e2(±S3 O330..41 )Aa,n3bd.s0voahrrybaifantengrcimnei itxiaaitnl gc2.o8n(2bce )nn3tm.r1at Mioonf(s NaoHqf4um)e2eSothOuys4l- ,solutions containing a) 3.1 M (NH4)2SO4 and 1.62mM methylglyoxal, and varying pH 24h after mixing, and tionathighwavelengths(λ>500). Significantabsorptionat varying initial concentrations of methylglyoxal, pH = 2.0(±0.1), 3.0 hr after mixing. b) 3.1 M (c) 16.2mM methylglyoxal and varying initial concentrations of 550nmisexhibitedat<1handafter12h,withabsorptionat (NH4)2SO(N4,H24)hSafOterm1i.x6in2g .mEMrro rmbaersthreyfllgecltyuonxcaerlt,a ianntydi nvtahreying pH 24 hr after mixing, and c) 16.2 mM upto700nmdevelopingwithin2–3days. measuredabso4rb2ances4, basedonvariationobservedinthebaseline The effect of initial methylglyoxal concentration on the signal. methylglyoxal and varying initial concentrations of (NH ) SO , 24 hr after mixing. Error bars 4 2 4 UV-Vis spectra of solutions containing 3.1M (NH ) SO 4 2 4 reflect uncertainty in the measured absorbances based on variation observed in the baseline 24h after mixing is shown in Fig. 3a. The absorbance at 282nmafter3.0hislinearlydependentontheinitialmethyl- Fig.3b.sTihgenaabl.s o rbanceat282nmofsolutionsinitiallycon- glyoxal concentration. The effect of pH on the production taining16.2mMmethylglyoxal24haftermixingislinearly of light-absorbing products in solutions initially containing dependen tontheinitial(NH4)2SO4concentration,asshown 41 1.62mM methylglyoxal and 3.1M (NH ) SO is shown in inFig.3c. 4 2 4 Atmos. Chem. Phys.,10,997–1016,2010 www.atmos-chem-phys.net/10/997/2010/ N.Sareenetal.: SOAformedbymethylglyoxalinaqueousaerosolmimics 1003 Control samples containing 1.62M methylglyoxal and closetoKrizneretal.’svalueof11.9kcalmol−1 forthefor- 5.1M NaCl or 1.18M Na SO exhibited UV-Vis spectra mation of the pathway (2) enol, suggesting that both enol 2 4 similar to aqueous methylglyoxal in the absence of salt af- speciesshouldbepresentinsmallquantitiesatequilibrium. ter 24h. A sample initially containing 1.62M methylgly- Aldol addition via pathway (1) is likely to terminate after oxal and 3.1M (NH ) SO was protected from light until dimer or trimer formation due to the formation of organic 4 2 4 analysisbycoveringthereactionvesselwithaluminumfoil, acidorketoneendgroups(e.g.species(c–g),Table1). Itis and the resulting spectrum at 24h was identical to that of not energetically favorable for aldol addition at ketone end an unprotected solution with the same composition. This groups to continue via pathway (1) due to steric hindrance indicates that the reactions leading to light-absorbing com- from the methyl group. Instead, these ketones may form pounds in this study are not photochemical. The results an enol and follow pathway (2) for continuing aldol addi- of these control experiments can be found in the Supple- tion. Additionally,becauseofthemethylgroup,manyofthe mentaryMaterial(http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/10/997/ products of aldol addition via pathway (1) cannot proceed 2010/acp-10-997-2010-supplement.pdf). withdehydration(e.g.species(g),Table1). Pathway(2)re- sultsincarbonyltermination(e.g.species(h)and(i),Table1) 3.1.2 DFTcalculations andthereforealdolcondensationcouldpropagatebeyondthe trimer. The results of our B3LYP/cc-pVTZ(-f) calculations of the ReferringtoFig.2a,basedonourB3LYP/cc-pvtz(-f)pre- HOMO-LUMOenergydifference(andthusUV-Visabsorp- dictions, the species absorbing at 213nm could correspond tion wavelengths) of several proposed products are listed in toanaldoladditionproductsuchasspecies(f)or(g)inTa- Table 1. When molecules absorb light, their electrons may ble1. Acetalssuchasspecies(b)inTable1mayalsoabsorb be promoted from the HOMO (highest occupied molecular atthiswavelength.Asdescribedabove,weestimatetheerror orbital)totheLUMO(lowestunoccupiedmolecularorbital). rangeofourtheoreticallypredictedabsorbancescomparedto The energy difference between these levels corresponds to theobservedaqueous-phasespectratoberoughly(−12nm, thewavelengthofabsorptionaccordingtoE=hc/λwhereE +42nm). Therefore the absorbance band at 286nm could is the HOMO-LUMO energy difference, h is Planck’s con- correspondtoaspeciespredictedtoabsorbwithintherange stant, c is the speed of light in vacuum, and λ is the wave- 274nm<λ<328nm. Species which lie within this range length. include the pathway (2) aldol addition product species (h), Our calculations were made for gas-phase molecules. which is predicted to absorb at 320nm. Given the approxi- Meller et al. (1991) reported that gas-phase methylglyoxal matenatureoftheselowerandupperbounds,anothercandi- has an absorption peak at 280nm. Our B3LYP/cc-pVTZ(- datespeciescouldbespecies(c)whichispredictedtoabsorb f)calculationspredictthatgas-phase,unhydratedmethylgly- at 271.1nm. Species (c) is the aldol condensation product oxalhasanabsorptionpeakat291.1nm. Thereforeweesti- correspondingtothealdoladditionproduct(f). C=Nbonds matethatourpredictionsforthesemoleculesintheabsence couldalsocontributetotheobservedabsorbance. ofsolventeffectsareaccuratetowithin∼12nm. Furtherde- viation between the theoretical results and experiment may 3.2 Surfacetension resultfromsolventeffects.Thentoπ*excitationbandchar- acteristic of carbonyl compounds appears at ∼290nm and Solutions containing 3.1M (NH4)2SO4 and varying initial is known to shift toward lower wavelengths (blue shift) for concentrations of methylglyoxal exhibit significant surface a molecule in aqueous solvent compared to the gas phase tensiondepressioncomparedto3.1M(NH4)2SO4 solutions (Skoogetal.,1997). Foracetonethisshiftisapproximately withoutorganics(ref.Fig.4).Thesurfacetensiondepression 12nm, and for crotonaldehyde the shift is ∼30nm (Bayliss followsaLangmuir-likedependenceoninitialmethylglyoxal and McRae, 1954). Therefore, we can estimate an error concentration,withaminimum(saturation)surfacetension, range of (−12nm, +42nm) for the predicted absorbances. σmin,of41(±2)dynescm−1 basedonafittothedatausing Note that aqueous methylglyoxal solutions will contain a thefollowingequation: mixtureofmono-anddi-hydratedmethylglyoxal,aldolcon- bM densationproducts,andhemiacetaloligomers(Krizneretal., σ=σ0−S1+bM0 (6) 2009),soitislessstraightforwardtomaptheobservedspec- 0 trumofaqueousmethylglyoxaltothegas-phaseabsorbance where σ is the surface tension, σ is the surface tension of 0 ofasinglemoleculeforpurposesofthisdiscussion. thesolutionwithnomethylglyoxal,M istheinitialmethyl- 0 ReferringtoScheme1, Krizneretal.(2009)showedthat glyoxalconcentration,andSandbarefitparameters. Values aldolpathway(2)isthermodynamicallyfavorableforaque- of σ for (NH ) SO (aq) and NaCl (aq) were taken from 0 4 2 4 ous methylglyoxal (they did not study pathway (1)). Our the International Critical Tables (2003). The physical inter- B3LYP/6-311G**calculationswithPoisson-Boltzmannsol- pretationofSisthesurfacetensiondepressionwhenthesur- vation show that 1G=10.5kcalmol−1 for the formation of faceissaturated,suchthatσ =σ −S,andbisanequilib- min 0 the pathway (1) enol from singly hydrated methylglyoxal, rium coefficient that describes surface-bulk partitioning. A www.atmos-chem-phys.net/10/997/2010/ Atmos. Chem. Phys.,10,997–1016,2010 1004 N.Sareenetal.: SOAformedbymethylglyoxalinaqueousaerosolmimics 1.1 HO 2 (NH ) SO 42 4 1.0 NaCl w 0.9 σ σ/ 0.8 0.7    0.6 Fig. 5. Negative-ion mass spectrum of aerosolized aqueous solu- Ftiigounres 5i. nNietgiaatlilvye-icono nmtaassi nspinecgtrumm eotf hayerlogsollyizoexd aaqluaeolousn seolu(tgiornesy in)itoiarllyw ciotnhtaiNninagC l 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 m(ebthluylegl)yooxarl (aNlonHe 4(g)r2eyS) Oor4 w(itrhe Nda)C(l s(ebleue)t eoxr t(NfHo4r)2SdOe4t a(rields) )(.seeS teexlte cfotr dpertoaidls)u. ct Methylglyoxal initial concentration (M) Ssepleectc pireosduwct espreecieds ewteerce tdeedtecutesdi unsgingI I−- asa tshe trheaegernet aiogn.e Pnetakiso anss.ociPateeda kwsitha Is- saondc i- itas tceludstwer witihth IH−2Oa ans dweiltl sasc thlue smtaesrs-two-icthhargHe 2raOtiosa osf pwroedlulcta pseatkhse arme laabsesle-dt.o -charge ratiosofproductpeaksarelabeled. FFigigu.re4 .4.R Reessuullttss ooff ppeenndadnat ndtrodpr otepnstieomnseitroym meetarsyurmemeeanstsu oref maqeuneotusso mfiaxqtuurees- as a ous mixtures as a function of initial methylglyoxal concentration function of initial methylglyoxal concentration for aqueous solution, 3.1 M (NH4)2SO4 (aq), afnodr 5a.1q Mue NoauCsl s(aoql)u. tTihoen r,a3tio.1 oMf me(aNsuHre4d) s2uSrfOace4 t(eansqio),n aton dthe5 m.1eaMsurNeda sCurlfa(caeq t)e.nsion 1500 Theratioofmeasuredsurfacetensiontothemeasuredsurfaceten- of Millipore water is shown. The measurements were made ≥ 24 h after mixing. Each point sion of Millipore water is shown. The measurements were made r≥efl2ec4tsh thaef wteerigmhteixd ianvger.agEea ocfh fipveo tion teirgehflt meceatssutrhemeewntes,i ganhdt ethde aervreorr abgares roefprfiesveent the sttoandeairgdh dtemviaetiaosnu inre tmhe eranwts d,aatan. dThteh beeestr friot rcubrvaer stor eeapchre dsaetan stett hbeassedta onnd eaqrudatidoen -(6) is ) 1000 avlsioa sthioownni.n therawdata. Thebestfitcurvetoeachdatasetbasedon b. r Eq.(6)isalsoshown. (a al   n g 500 Si time series was performed on a solution initially containing 1.62Mmethylglyoxaland3.1M(NH ) SO . Themeasured 4 2 4 surface tension fluctuated for 2.5h before stabilizing at 45 (±1)dynescm−1,thenslowlydecreasedoverthenext21.5h 0 43 to the minimum value (41 (±2) dynescm−1). Control ex- 222 224 226 228 230 m/z (amu) periments were performed in order to evaluate the role of 42   (NH ) SO . For aqueous methylglyoxal solutions with no 4 2 4 saltspresentσ =52(±3)dynescm−1.Therefore,whilehy- Fig. 6.  Detail of a 0.5amu-resolution negative ion mass spec- min dratedmethylglyoxaland/ortheoligomersitformsinaque- trum of aerosolized methylglyoxal/(NH4)2SO4 solution. A peak at225.2Faimguuraen d6a. saDteeltliatiel peoafk aat 202.57. 2aammuu-areresoslhuotwionn. negative ion mass spectrum of aerosolized ous solution are surface-active, the overall surface-tension lowering effect is less than when (NH4)2SO4 is present methylglyoxal/(NH4)2SO4 solution. A peak at 225.2 amu and a satellite peak at 227.2 amu are in solution. Solutions containing 5.1M NaCl and varying observesdhotwone.n h ance the surface tension lowering effects of amounts of methylglyoxal follow a trend similar to that of HULISandorganicdiacids(Shulmanetal.,1996;Kissetal., the (NH ) SO solutions, with σ =43 (±2) dynescm−1 4 2 4 min 2005;Asa-Awukuetal.,2008). (Fig.4). Glyoxalwaspreviouslyobservednottobesurface-active Surface tension depression for methylglyoxal solutions inhydratedformortoformsurface-activeproductsinaque- containing 5.1M NaCl or 3.1M (NH4)2SO4 is greater than ous (NH ) SO solutions (Shapiro et al., 2009). Com- 4 2 4 that observed for aqueous methylglyoxal in the absence of pared with glyoxal, the methyl group adds hydrophobicity salts. Theobservedenhancementinsurfacetensiondepres- tomethylglyoxalanditsoligomerproducts,increasingtheir sion is likely to be a physical effect of the salts rather than surfaceactivity. an effect of especially surface-active products formed by a chemicalreactionofmethylglyoxalwiththesalts. Highsalt 3.3 Aerosol-CIMS concentrationscanresultinadecreasedcriticalmicellecon- centrationduetochargescreening,andthuscauseenhanced Representative Aerosol-CIMS mass spectra for the filmformation(MatijevicandPethica,1958;Lietal.,1998). aqueous methylglyoxal, methylglyoxal/NaCl and Saltscanalsodecreasethesolubilityoforganics,commonly methylglyoxal/(NH ) SO systems using I− or 4 2 4 referredtoas“saltingout”(Setschenow,1889),possiblyre- H O+.(H O) as the reagent ion are shown in Figs. 5– 3 2 n sultinginsurfacefilmformation. Saltshavecommonlybeen 8. The spectra represented in these figures have mass Atmos. Chem. Phys.,10,997–1016,2010 www.atmos-chem-phys.net/10/997/2010/ 44 N.Sareenetal.: SOAformedbymethylglyoxalinaqueousaerosolmimics 1005 resolutionof1amuexceptasnoted; peakassignmentswere madeusing0.5amuresolutionspectra. 3.3.1 NegativeiondetectionwithI− A summary of proposed peak assignments for the mass spectra in Fig. 5 using I− as the reagent ion can be found in Table 2. Significant signal in the aqueous methylglyoxal control spectrum is observed at 173.0, 190.1, 217.3, and 273.5amu. Most of the peaks in the methylglyoxal/(NH ) SO mass spectrum are also 4 2 4    found in the methylglyoxal/NaCl spectrum. Increased signal appears at 271.5, 273.5, and 289.5amu in the FFigiugr.e 77.. PPoossitiitviev ieoni omnasms aspsesctsrpumec otfr uamerosooflizaeedr oaqsuoeloiuzse dsolauqtiuoneso iunistiaslolyl uctoinotanisning mmeetthhyyllggllyyooxxaall//((NNHH44))22SSOO44 isnpcelcutdruem2.25.2Peaankds 2u7n5iq.6uaemtuo. mchioenertmhity(iicNlagalllHyl iyoo4xnca)izl2o aSantiloOotann 4iern e(ai(gngrreeegnydt)m.) T.oerh teHwh miy3tahOls gsN+-ltyao.Co-(clHx h(aab2rllgOueae ))lr anootnirow es( Nao(fHsg s4ret)el2heSyecO)t 4pco rh(orredewdum)ci.t ti Hphcea3aONlk+sai. (oaCHrne2lO ilz(a)bban etlwliueoadesn.) the The peak at 217.3amu is consistent with the cluster of I− reagent. Themass-to-chargeratiosofselectproductpeaksarela- beled. withsinglyhydratedmethylglyoxal. Thepresenceofmulti- plepeaks>217.3amuisindicativeofdimerformation. with volatile species. The signal observed at 173.0amu is DFTcalculations consistentwithformicacid(I−.HCOOH).Gas-phaseformic I− has previously been used as a reagent ion with Aerosol- acidhasbeenpreviouslyobservedtobeanoxidationproduct oforganicacidsinaerosols;itwasdetectedatthismassusing CIMS to detect organic acids in aerosols (McNeill et Aerosol-CIMS with the same ionization scheme used here al., 2007, 2008). Since the product species expected (McNeill et al., 2008). The signal we observe at 190.1amu to be present in this reactive system (methylglyoxal, ac- is consistent with a molecular formula of I−.CH O N, but etal/hemiacetal oligomers, aldol condensation oligomers) 5 2 have not been previously detected via the I− ionization it is more likely due to the water cluster of the formic acid peak. scheme,weperformedabinitiocalculationsinordertochar- acterizetheinteractionofproposedproductspecieswithI−. (Hemi)acetalsandaldolcondensationproducts The results are summarized in Table 3. Optimized geome- triesandcalculatedenergiesforeachspeciescanbefoundin Thepeakat271.5amuisattributedtothemolecularformula the Supplementary Material (http://www.atmos-chem-phys. I−.C H O , which could correspond to the pathway (1) al- net/10/997/2010/acp-10-997-2010-supplement.pdf). Our 6 8 4 calculations show that the formation of clusters between I− dolcondensationdimersorpathway(2)aldoladditionprod-45 ucts (ref. Scheme 1 and Table 2). 289.5amu is consistent and several of the acetal and hemiacetal species proposed by Zhao et al. (2006) via ligand switching with I−.H O is withI−.C6H10O5,andthereforecanbematchedtoacetaland 2 hemiacetal dimers proposed by others (Nemet et al., 2004; thermodynamicallyfavorable,particularlywhentwoormore hydroxyl moieties are available to interact with I− simulta- Loeffleretal.,2006;Zhaoetal.,2006)orpathway(1)aldol addition products. Small amountsof signal at bothof these neously. This is also the case for hydrated methylglyoxal massesarepresentinthemethylglyoxal/NaClspectrum,and species. Non-hydrated methylglyoxal is not predicted to formstrongclusterswithorbeionizedbyI−,andtherefore temperature control experiments indicate that these species aresemivolatile. wedonotexpecttodetectitusingthisapproach. Aldolad- Sincesuccinicacid,anorganicdiacid,isexpectedtoclus- dition products from either pathway (e.g. species (d) or (h) terstronglywithI− wemayassumethattheinstrumentsen- from Table 3), if present, should be detected as their clus- ters with I−. The only aldol condensation products which sitivity to succinic acid (100Hzppt−1) is an upper limit for wepredicttoformstrongclusterswithI− arethosespecies thesensitivitytothesespecies.Usingthisassumption,wees- timatelowerboundsfortheproductionratesofthespeciesat which terminate in a carboxylic acid group (e.g. species (f) 271.5and289.5tobe≥10−3Mmin−1and≥10−2Mmin−1, fromTable3). Wedonotexpecttoobserveproductsofaldol respectively. pathway(2)(ref.Scheme1)suchasspecies(c)fromTable3 Thepeaksat273.5and275.6amuareassignedthemolec- withthisionizationscheme. ular formulas I−.C H O and I−.C H O , respectively. 6 10 4 6 12 4 Volatilespecies These molecular formulas, since they each contain six car- bons, are consistent with the addition of two methylgly- The peaks at 173.0, 190.1, and 217.3amu were present in oxal monomers. Possible structures are shown in Ta- thesamemagnitudewhetherthevolatilizationinletheatwas ble 2, but the formation mechanisms of these species in the turned on or off, indicating that these signals are associated methylglyoxal/(NH ) SO systemarenotknown. 4 2 4 www.atmos-chem-phys.net/10/997/2010/ Atmos. Chem. Phys.,10,997–1016,2010 1006 N.Sareenetal.: SOAformedbymethylglyoxalinaqueousaerosolmimics Table 2. Proposed peak assignments for Aerosol-CIMS mass spectra with I- as the reagent − Table2.Proposedpeaikonas. sSigene mteexnt tfsofro dreAtaeirlos.s o l-CIMSmassspectrawithI asthereagention.Seetextfordetails. m/z (amu) Ion Molecular Possible Structure(s) ± 0.5 amu formula formula 217.3 I-.CHO CHO  3 6 3 3 6 3 225.2 CHOS- CH OS  6 9 7 6 10 7     271.5 I-.CHO CHO 6 8 4 6 8 4  273.5 I-.CH O CH O  6 10 4 6 10 4   275.6 I-.CH O CH O  6 12 4 6 12 4     289.5 I-.CH O CH O  6 10 5 6 10 5     800 ratio of the stable isotopes of sulfur 32S and 34S (Fig. 6), suggestingacompoundcontainingsulfur. Eitheramolecule with a molecular weight of 226.2amu (in the case of pro- ) 600 . b ton abstraction) or 98.3amu (in the case of a cluster with r 536.6 (a 400 610.8 I−) would be consistent with the 225.2amu mass-to-charge al 685.2 759.5 ratio. The species with m/z 225.2 was observed to be non- n g volatile at room temperature. One possible molecular for- Si 200 mulaforthisspeciesisC H O S−. Theproposedstructure 6 9 7 fortheC H O S−organosulfatespeci3e4sisshowninTable1. 6 9 7 0 Our DFT calculations predict that proton abstraction from 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 thesulfategroupbyI−,ratherthanclusteringviatheligand- switching reaction, is thermodynamically favorable for this m/z (amu)  species. Kinetics studies show that the signal at 225.2amu developswithinapproximately30minofmixing. Assuming Fig. 8. Detail of a positive ion mass spectrum of an aerosolized Fsmmoigleautsuhtsriyomelng o8.l dy.S eoDpxweeacitlta/th(riNulH mHo3f 4O w)a2+ aSp.s(Oo Htsa4i2ktOsievon)eln u iitnaioso nhnt ih.gmehSar-psemesa cgastseprsnue tmmcitoorwnud.ames wtoafikt hean nH ia3neOrh+oi.gs(Hohl-2iOze)dn amacsna etnthuheepy sprltgeeialmrygloaeixtmneat ilait/o(spNner Hnosd4i)ut2icSvtOiitoy4n orfa1te00ofH≥z4p×pt1−01−f3oMrthmisins−p1e.cieswe Sulfur-containingspecies H2SO4mayclusterwithI−orundergoprotonabstraction. I−.H SO , if present, would also appear at 225.2amu and 2 4 Thepeakat225.2amufeaturesasatellitepeakat227.2amu displayasatellitepeakat227.2amu. Inordertotestforthis withanabundanceroughlyconsistentwiththeexpected95:4 Atmos. Chem. Phys.,10,997–1016,2010 www.atmos-chem-phys.net/10/997/2010/ 46

998 N. Sareen et al.: SOA formed by methylglyoxal in aqueous aerosol mimics 38 Scheme 1. Proposed reaction pathways for methylglyoxal Aldol Pathway1
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