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Seconda chemical a ary metabolites from natural sour and pharmacological characteriz Dott.ssa ... PDF

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Preview Seconda chemical a ary metabolites from natural sour and pharmacological characteriz Dott.ssa ...

UUUNNNIIIVVVEEERRRSSSIIITTTÀÀÀ DDDEEEGGGLLLIII SSSTTTUUUDDDIII DDDIII NNNAAAPPPOOOLLLIII FFFEEEDDDEEERRRIIICCCOOO IIIIII FACOLTÀ DI FARMACIA DOTTORATO DI RICERCA IN “SCIENZA DEL FARMACO” XXIII CICLO 2007/2010 SSeeccoonnddaaaarryy mmeettaabboolliitteess ffrroomm nnaattuurraall ssoouurrrrcceess:: cchheemmiiccaall aaaanndd pphhaarrmmaaccoollooggiiccaall cchhaarraacctteerriizzzzaattiioonn.. DDootttt..ssssaa CCaarrmmeenn FFeessttaa TTuuttoorr CCoooorrddiinnaattoorreeee Prof. F. ZZoolllloo PPrrooff.. ssssaa MM..VV.. DD’’AAuurriiaa In everything I seek to grasp The fundamental: The daily choice, the daily task, The sentimental. To plumb the essence of the past, The first foundations, The crux, the roots, the inmost hearts, The explanations. And, puzzling out the weave of fate, Events observer, To live, feel, love and meditate And to discover. In ogni cosa ho voglia di arrivare sino alla sostanza. Nel lavoro, cercando la mia strada, nel tumulto del cuore. Sino all’essenza dei giorni passati, sino alla loro ragione, sino ai motivi, sino alle radici, sino al midollo. Eternamente aggrappandomi al filo dei destini, degli avvenimenti, sentire, amare, vivere, pensare effettuare scoperte. Boris L. Pasternak Index INDEX ABSTRACT ................................................................................................ I PRESENTAZIONE DEL LAVORO SVOLTO .................................. III INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 1 CHAPTER 1 RESEARCH STEPS................................................................................... 7 1.1 Isolation procedure of new compounds ............................................. 7 1.2 Structural determination methods .................................................... 11 1.2.1 Mass spectrometry ...................................................................... 11 1.2.2 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy ............................ 13 1.3 Determination of stereochestry ......................................................... 15 1.3.1 Scalar and spatial NMR couplings ........................................... 15 1.3.2 Murata’s method ......................................................................... 17 1.3.3 Marfey’s method ......................................................................... 23 CHAPTER 2 PORIFERA ............................................................................................... 29 2.1 Metabolites isolated from sponges ................................................... 34 2.1.1 Macrolides ................................................................................... 35 2.1.2 Terpenes ....................................................................................... 37 2.1.3 Sterols ........................................................................................... 38 2.1.4 Cyclic peptides ............................................................................ 41 CHAPTER 3 COSCINODERMA MATHEWSI ......................................................... 45 3.1 Isolation of Coscinolactams A and B ............................................... 47 3.2 Structure determination of Coscinolactam A .................................. 48 3.3 Structure determination of Coscinolactam B .................................. 50 3.4 Pharmacological activity .................................................................... 52 Index CHAPTER 4 THEONELLA SWINHOEI ................................................................... 57 4.1 Isolation and purification ................................................................... 59 4.2 Solomonsterols .................................................................................... 60 4.2.1 Solomonsterol A ......................................................................... 61 4.2.2 Solomonsterol B .......................................................................... 63 4.2.3 Pharmacological activity ............................................................ 64 4.2.4 PXR agonism ............................................................................... 66 4.2.5 Docking studies ........................................................................... 68 4.3 The family of perthamides ................................................................ 71 4.3.1 Perthamide C ............................................................................... 71 4.3.2 Perthamide D ............................................................................... 81 4.3.3 Perthamide E and its analogue, Perthamide F ......................... 82 4.3.4 Perthamide G ............................................................................... 84 4.3.5 Perthamides H and I ................................................................... 86 4.3.6 Perthamides J and K ................................................................... 87 4.3.7 Pharmacological activity of Perthamide C .............................. 89 4.4 Solomonamides ................................................................................... 94 4.4.1 Solomonamide A ........................................................................ 94 4.4.2 Solomonamide B .......................................................................... 99 4.4.3 Pharmacological activity of Solomonamide A ..................... 100 4.5 Macrolides from Theonella swinhoei ............................................. 103 CHAPTER 5 PLANTS AS PHARMACY ................................................................... 107 CHAPTER 6 CUCUMIS MELO ................................................................................. 109 6.1 Extraction and isolation ................................................................... 111 6.2 Structural characterization of Compound 20 ................................. 111 6.3 Structural characterization of Compound 21 ................................. 114 6.4 Other metabolites isolated ............................................................... 115 Index CHAPTER 7 BORRAGO OFFICINALIS ................................................................. 107 7.1 Extraction and isolation ................................................................... 120 7.2 Structural elucidation of Compound 24 ......................................... 120 CHAPTER 8 RUSCUS ACULEATUS ....................................................................... 125 8.1 Extraction and isolation ................................................................... 127 8.2 Saponins ............................................................................................. 127 8.3 Structural characterization of Compound 25 ................................. 128 8.4 Structural characterization of Compound 26 ................................ 132 8.5 Structural characterization of Compound 27 ................................ 134 CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................ 139 EXPERIMENTAL SECTION I. General experimental procedures .................................................... 141 II. Experimental section of Coscinoderma mathewsi ........................ 142 III. Experimental section of Theonella swinhoei ................................ 151 IV. Experimental section of Cucumis melo ......................................... 190 V. Experimental section of Borrago officinalis ................................. 195 VI. Experimental section of Ruscus aculeatus .................................... 198 REFERENCES .............................................................................................. 209 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................ 227 Abstract ABSTRACT Natural products have long been a source of bioactive metabolites utilized for the treatment of human disease. In spite the impressive progress of new competing methodologies, as for example, combinatorial chemistry and high-throughput screening or genetic engineering, natural products remain a valuable source of bioactive compounds with therapeutic potential. In recent years, the marine environment has been seen as a vast resource for the discovery of structurally unique bioactive secondary metabolites, some belonging to totally novel chemical classes. In particular the Porifera have developed an arsenal of new compounds. Part of my research work is collocated within this area and concerns the investigation of the natural products deriving from marine sponges. In the frame of the project C.R.I.S.P. (Coral Reef Initiative of South Pacific), directed to the chemical investigation and valorisation of the marine invertebrates of South Pacific, particular attention was paid to two sponges: Theonella swinhoei and Coscinoderma mathewsi. From these sponges, several structurally interesting bioactive molecules have been isolated with promising biological activities. Worthy of note are perthamides, a family of cyclic octapeptides, encompassing majority of non-proteogenic amino acids, and solomonamides which represent a new class of cyclic peptides, featuring a potent in vivo anti-inflammatory activity. Solomonsterols have been demonstrated the first examples of sulfated sterols with a truncated side chain from a marine source endowed with a PXR agonistic activity. I Abstract The structure elucidation of these new molecules was performed using the most modern sophisticated spectroscopic techniques (2D-NMR and MS). The main interest in these compounds is related to their strong biological activity, that had led to pharmacological investigations on biomolecular target, the mechanism of action and the pharmacophore useful in the identification of new leads for developing a new generation of drugs. The detailed pharmacological investigation has in some cases required the access to adeguate amount of natural products or of semisynthetic derivatives through chemical synthesis, an issue addressed in a research parallel to the present work. The stereochemical novelty and complexity of some amino acid units of cyclopeptides have required a tailored integrated approach which combined NMR methods, stereoselective synthesis and LC/MS The second part of my research has been employed and addressed on the analysis of plants of Mediterranean area and used as foodstuff and as drugs in the folk medicine, to isolate the active principles with biological activity and nutraceutical property. In this respect, my research objectives have been to identify the chemical constituents from three plants Cucumis melo, Borrago officialis and Ruscus aculeatus. It is clear that Nature continues to be a major source not only of potential chemotherapeutic agents but also of lead compounds that have provided the basis and inspiration for the semisynthesis or total synthesis of effective new drugs; natural product chemistry has enriched both organic chemistry and medicine in a myriad of different ways. II

nel tumulto del cuore. Sino all'essenza dei giorni passati, relation between two protons within a six membered ring, 3. Ja-a~7-9 Hz, and an.
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