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Preview Second Look Commission 2012 Annual Report

SCRE IeS = F cu eeeanee CSaeeeee® Second Look Commission 2012 Annual Report “Teunessee Commission on Children und Youth 69) Mainstream Driee Nashville, TN 37243-0800 “eneaiee Cor mision n GF dren aad Wau aathoriasiion number 3.0627. Bucember 2022, 1SS.c0f2 this public ecu ment was promulgated za cost of $0.92 c0ch ‘pace c3¢REVD.AT weinota 90cm ama teen mine] VR:NAéiL ELPA Rale-auua *esiocuetEay1a7%8”* DURATION gmmasres.0e “PAGE 223" ReVD AT 1/bImN19 4:30:51 ata [ontral tanvdard Thne]~VR:NAS4LCLFCz'S* Bale:auad GID-96-84716728 * DURATION amm-ss)o%08 (SCRE IES Taeocnetion The s sna. Look Commission (SLA) was create in 201M by Prhlic Chapler 1060 (coeiZIed as TCA $57-3.801 af eq.) 38 niqce onfity wilh a sirgle p-rpose.-¢ make Endings and rovorsmeadstious regarding wheter severe soune cases are haslled in 4 taney thes provide aadoquate proteotion forthe shiklrer ol Terrioses. The SLC isthe only entity thet brings egetber oproscutatives oF ll key shikehldersn the el prstesior system ia Loanesseer unex tf Ihe Chrunal Aarily, Dayartenent of Cacdven’s Services (DCS), te ersircement tineudiny, ihe Termessee Bureau of lnvestigaticn: id off.cors toma whan rel rure” rene), iret actorneys. general, public defeaders, cou abuse detcction, and ether childrou’sachonatss. The STs Ma o:ty anticy th statwrory authovity t9 wold closed meeting eriGcally zahze confidendal‘ofo-mation in ind sidus ‘onges, and aise wirapel participants the ievestigation andl disposition I ease review lo appear belore its discuss iues acd easwer quostions, The ST. is ihe vehi lie repmenenlsiives o these hey gioups fo meer togethor te roview cases and idens#y sracegies for ieaprowing child protection in Tev-essex, sd advocney comes,» pl ysician sch spevisizes ia child the SIA: revtews cme te vst insides of ehilé suse and aogleer tr Fommesaee, Only the Secand Teak Camisiision reviews cater of ahidron from all aecose ‘Taos expetien and ar scbsecuen:incidenee of e+e tura and he.p other ebilren avoid sinilar Fite. Special, conoantested etforts mst ls be: dovaten so analyzing und respociding ts the egedy of calld abuse. ae S/n eneated’ ax. citalysl to facilitate ienpaoved response ta calle alse. “ae cumprsitiem af De ryeseualves ofall key stakehelders andl disciplines ans] m: and ths Pelittee raueh muda eranmurivacioe xl coTlaoation ssl Tse suse tn dente ays Uo anprave the shar ol the General As Muuy’depesanents, ugenuies, entities and comnnmunlty sae 2ers gre inshved in 2 idea fora proveet Teeaessge's cildsce:from chile abuse and noylocl zw! peezerly respen to suc Asse when isg0eas, In vations degree al manners, ull heve chile adeveates collaborate “= evide beter proteatio for our eailéren. Despite Fein emg elfrls, Tenncagce’sehilecen ars sll raumizel hy he herr experiences of renzcced ineivents of severe eG abuse. The insten regirdiny revere child ave canal be adequately acdressed by 20S, TOCY, il Adercucy Centers, lay enfatcement o- any onc organization, 0” crmrunt agency 2 rudivic al, All slacchaldoes waist come tagetber to ikross his socielal proven faa consdinated, aud concerted mannet, T0198 bmught a drantacie increave in avkiosles gemten: ef child sexual ange and a growiny aware Mn. child pioteccive serviges, le eeforvemet aud Lae ‘rirsnel justice system were nit wrhing wagelle: in iegponse 9 child abuse 1985, the Tennessee General Ascereb’y recognize the cemma.cx msbare of dese eaves wid cle “euistation thal established Calld Pco:setive luvestigitive Teams (CPIT}. CPITS sores ‘he state are composed of veofessicaals why bring u iversly oF skis, vackgrounds and trainin stew, Te a PAGE ste} ReVD AT 1/bInNt9 4:30:51 ata [ental tanvdard Thne]~VR:NAS4LCLFCz'S Bale: aud GIO-96-8871672E * DURATION pmm-ss)o%08 SCS EES (SORE DES cnfoxcmenl, child advocacy conter stu, istic stomeys, -nental heah al juvenile cout. 19 1999, Children's Askeauy Cursers (CACE) dewslped Sr Tennessee a8 child-loveset,fasility- invostigetian, Team mernburs include teprescntatives of child protective services, lee ‘nase proyreias whore repreven aves ‘om CE!Ts work copether te vondcel in rake team decisions regarding severe abuse sane tigations sl Aa ares of these redomis, rzost scxvally ant severely ebusd children ave untereiewod in ede fescudly environments hy piofossiously skied in conducting these interviews. ty ive sand proscontion of tase cases fs a nproved tame Cus] y «event dceades. Des: aus other o that te propoxel resee=tendations of the SI.C wit] be erabraceed und iplemeaced and n2Ml spur chil protectioa smofessicnals © cergnge in mteaningtid dialogue Uist sul produce addisiona: ews for naluciag repeat abuse of eur ildren, elimi, 20020 rorains to be dae. Ut is our hey Ampact of Child Abuse 1 ho: future poospesity of wry society depends cus wbiity to Fostes te how th en wel: being v2 vext gonearioe, “When a society invests wisely im ct hpen 2d “wiles, the ast geceraion that hack through a liferinn oF prodactivily aac scgponsib eciizeaship, wo ‘Pac basiv architect. of ee nam ara ik ensteuolué Mayu an oagomny prices Liat begins before ‘nil al eaptinices fata aluttheed, Lise the ccnussscLon of a bom, the building proves Devin i.th laying the Inurdation, Stara the zooms answering the elec systezn im predictable sequence. Eatly experienves Hteraly 2agpe Low the brain yels builds a eon foundation in the early years inerwmr the protability nf postive outcomes. A weak foundation. jrereases the odds of later dilicullies, Tho !atarct"ve inlluences of gsuss and experience shane The developrag brain, Tre active ingress the “seus and reeurn™ relationships with their _pecears aml ale: caregivess in their fily ur eursmmnity. Like tre process of sere nd rete 2a amos suc a6 zanntis ard volluyhall, young cbildyen eaturally rece out for nenation chrongh batinting ued facial expressions, Wadults co ner segpond ay getting in ye ane doing the same kind of vaca izeng und gesturing bck at hom, the cilt's leacaing process i ixeomplese, Ts Tras nogative implications So ate: lesan ‘Cluonie steeystil cone scfemisis nave call “toxic can Tead to lifelong dffioulies i Teceang, aor-ory ane nel ty xs wxtvene poverty, 2" — en alsa disrupt te ar buses maternal depression what vecrure af the develuping bean, ‘This lation. Chiles sehe experince he tauma of chill vinuse ane eaoce lize to have aitiuiny devercpinus Trust elat oashipa, They ate loss ke y ar he saceessfil in scaoal anal more ely 79 exit behtevior problems, They arc mace Ekaly to Lave ental hee th snd substance abuse treaunert rece, even in aduléiood, they ara mine Tikely to experierce chulleges aaintaining Sebi relationships and employment, Too Hay ent, child abuse ie irtergeneradons;, and effective “PAGE 4023" ReVD AT 1!b!mnt9 4:30:51 ata [ental Sanvdard The] ~VR:NAS4CLFCz'S Bale:aud GIO-96-89716728 * DURATION pmm-ss)0%08 responses 9 Sel isalan 5 of abuse ae sore Hikely ta reduce farnce abs no sy 10 thal inividl chil, out Lo fetare gencrations. reventig child sbuse nae intervening cilia valy when it fre occ are keys to avocding, Tiletong negative consequences from Ubi] sling, Cases reviewed by the Second Look: Connraission makes: abunclmy clear het chere ace gaping holes nthe gysteras responding to hid mecttesrmecs in Tennessee, As a stale, we cau acd se mus idendify and implore stetegios to cnure chilizes eho expecieuce nae wus ave among the mos vulnerable Tenacsscams,rueeive the protection aud rancelation.aseistance they deserve, Renewed Recommendation to Continue due Second Look Commision ‘Tre Cleneral Assoab.y should continue che exstenes: af she Seeoest Lovic Co.umission through 1 SuasetsSoatiss Review Process. The Sccead Look Gorwnisséon isa viabis and an efficient -echanism to identi weakenatses :n acts severe old abuse cases axe ‘yan! in Tenmensee azel to idenrity sexes to improve cespot a navere Gil hus Cover he Hat two yones, the ST: has Germnistate, cho ablity, wi imugress and desis to full its steratary obligation, Even misre than sinply lf! heg-tsstalutory OME gations, dhe 81. ous gore eve and ey its salulogy obtigatsoas it atlermp ings lo sol jus: get rig,” busts fenetion swith exoellence, The goveming storks rayuires tke SLC to meet at Yeast yusrerly. Since ts ‘nceptien, Exe SLC as held feelve open seeing and auts investigatory weetings. Zach snceting lasts be-weon a his und six a0, ‘The irvustigalory meetings usaaliy “36: lomger hea ope: zaowtinys. Vin members of the SLC have éevored merous hous hr woreing end learning during these aietings, However, the niesings ate just a gortion af the sine and effort ul Tin hy tae memiars ofthe ST.C. Memhars ot the SLC read usc. toview investigatory son -nimg lo the reeelings. Several of the SLC znerabers cand tir ov resoateh isto the mate heing investigatod anil share Cre inceumcatio wita the SIC dating nwoetngs. Several ofthe SLC momers talk is peuple in their geographic arcs wh were involv in the matter being investigabal. DOS Is cor the ouly rrembsr thal regulatty cotzzibutes ta he $2.C cuts.ce af he meatingy. The SLC sa viable Comms. 2 befor Not aly is the $°.C sue, ‘tis pettcient, Ihe SIUC is satciwclly comprised afseventeen terabers The SUC cily has on paid position, the Sinsctus, Tae diceetor performs s suhstsatil porfioe of the alnsinistrlive tance of ie S.C so “he wxeenbers oe sews: heir especive atl Fite rewousces to edéreseing the more suisuantive asposts of he ST.C's purgerse, Moccovsn, Ianto the sappott of the Administraive Ottice ofthe Cour, she SLC has mtinimizod ricel expenses by moking videoconfereriing avaulable in cest and wes! Tene all oflbe mecsirgs 2 bas metasent for “PAGE $23 ReVD AT 1!bImN19 4:30:51 ata [ental Sanvdard Thne]~VR:NAS4CLFCz'S* Bale:aud GIO-N6-8a716728 * DURATION pmm-ss)0%.08 SCS EES ‘The SILC is exiee enticy vob « unig parposes to make sesommendalocts ext Hidings rogatding, whether severe child abuse caves are handled in a manner thal geovides adequate ralection a the children of Te-nesseeby investigating cases im hich childter have beni tre victim a esond oe subsequent incidents of abase, effort este devosol to snalycinyy ard tespoudling to trese Tayeries. The SLE praviles such elTocus with nlsnasl casts ara magineam espe. ‘alos, evflabocative ancl concentra nisac assuriag Tonnes resjwutds effect to child ease and neglect, Thrwuy its knowledges ate and tiverse rieibership aed cow letive eypat Gom various key sakelolders in provontioy chic shuse, he SLC esatiaues to ‘demi several wesknesses xl oypo--unlies for impr memento Tavs te handle severe chi'dahuse eaves a sot forth inthis epurl, Jowexes, ideadtying weeknesses and mgiéng.“eoorsmendations ano Us! the beginning of unpraving haw severe child bese casos sre handled. The desa end various pracosses must be tracks und evalusted over te nine hells cooont oousiions ars iexglementer al rvily howause invelvenert ofall groupe represented on the STC is esse! tr Findings und Recommendations 2012 based on irsighis and haed vous fiom its fist year of existengs: the SIC sea ele te improve pe its previons effete, JT" year the S1.C wae able fe dovate mre ne to eacuming e986 Iecuuve il eid 397 hove to spur u webstnatia: amourt of sire Celerenining How the ces seul tre chosen sSlitimal'y, se SLC decided to review Iewer rats ths year to be ale to devote more tisnc on sach case rev.ewe, ‘Thy SLC vorticues to improve aril eoruinues to Xomtify portunities “0 in:prove tac process dr cli beter infoumarin eu date During 2012, the $1. thoroughly seviewod a simple a czses of chifcten who experienced second ar subseuuealine.cants of <4 Gill vase. The review process was offen pains mecabers considered the homily experivices endured by Ye children whose cases were reviewed, and through the-eview priwess could see miseed ogpor-unities ther scl awe prevented repost abuse, The SLC cletesainee there ure siyui-icant proble:ns with ve manner hice severc ahd dane eases ate being brndled ir Terese. fc will ake a umceited ad suiseanel efit ur peel aneay tac wing Tayers pl Eas eomplex sets ta ge. to ue care, Additions canted to cempotenity ard adoqately sldyoss the isenes and proalets Fire aml effet ave “The folsowang Fielings and neeoeamondat sus are base oe vases ro L, Reowoarring Fi ‘arventigatioa, ace vo lnprose cam ing: -hote is now Io skeenuthen ie.atioeshias,interzction aac seviecion sud collabora inn to reduce he ines tant impack ol severe chil sbuye fs Terme “PAGE sc} ReVD AT 1!bImnt9 4:30:51 ata [ontral Stanvdard Thne]~VR:NASLCLFCz'S* Bale:auud GIO-N6-8a716728 * DURATION pmm-ss)0%.08 SGC E DES (SOE eS Recoaimendations: Develop Fmpraved joint and sollaborative tring far ll chile abuse investigation siakeaolders hesed on the entific af upportuates to improve practice Monitor aud support, when appmmviat, the effoes of Ie Hozne Tennessee, explanation; During the comse of invesugit ne cases, dhe SLC identiied several ‘opporlunites bx impovve practices and beter profee.chitdeen. Ln oc incident, « Tuy Tixposed Child investigation was sols “Unubie to Complete” dat i ine ace of ssiperition by the Eunily, ‘The DCS ireesgator as ant able fo eomfacl the tamély despite the ft that how enfant way havicg coaciet with Ihe Faiz. ks a eletod inatter, SLC acme etion! Lae entenste-whick: law etoreemen shared tnfemiliom it hil segneding aLegations of exposing The child 70 dregs. ‘The ST. ret ‘he deliveries i: [ze investgat.on ofthis mester presented opporunities for saising hn iavenigeting cases of alleges! Drug Pagosce Child, Doug Pxnoved CReld capes ace ler gssonaye 70 adress ofr ly thst my ixqoac the eatery and well bemgof the EL, Stakeholdecs waZeng with children ara Zacils st Lex lexpoetl Chi'd eaves stuaild be ceost-rnied ip merease stakeholders" syereness oF Lier ‘issues shel cad so bo addressed In another ine-dent, HC receive sera alleging Drog Pxpoweé Child, Revireamentat Nowioet, Piped! Abuse, and Psycketegioal Hier. The vase vas closed 33 Liat 0 Coenpliie heusane Une exiher ard children rere altewsdly in 9 domes fan undisclosed location, This raaier resents oppo-tuaties to impmave anttabration ‘uid commanication s0 BCS vould have verted wher: tho chiklren wet® an 69 20 thoy were see, Apprsimstely seen rion? I farily alleging Lack of Suparswster hy the mazes, DCS investigated “he rater and rovie:e neoessery services mv resurees io addivss tac Leck of Supe-vision rrr [Nothing on the deenmrenluion pros iéad ‘othe SLC :ndisute! NCS inves igcted the previous referal repunting, Eve Doug Exposed Ci. Revéreewnantal Neglect, Physioe! ‘Aouse, and Payutalogical Earn: allegatinrs. “és ruler pecsents aoporunities far ‘ving tr aldness inprosung the quaity oF iavestigariens, winzice shelter SLU noted severe! wectsines ia hie allege! perpetrate refusod to jug samress ut wo luce getion was vikem lo ub air. eopjeation otict ‘The H+ Hm Tennessee initenive apaears 9 uk soree of he tse ‘Lhroagh Tn TTomne Tennesten, a taining cvmrv..um Tass Boea develoned sc 2 skills af THES woskers. (Lac Lateguitiry Assessments skid wacsshep is inkaeke lo en the pacricipanrs to getter asesy wl gs eL te Ue cbildrer acc fies ey serve. The 7 “PAGE 7123 ReVD AT 1!bInNt9 4:30:51 ata ental Stanvdard Thne]~VR:NASLCLFCz'S* Bale: auud GIO-96-88716728 * DURATION pmm-ss)0%08 SCRE eS course is intendee fo enhance the putieipcas ablliy 9 cunducl annplete and accurate ansessuncess of the filly riven. Tris course is also iatended ta address the need for proner sorvisinn ay challenging supervisoss to think Wao. Inne ley ean sapzort th staff to cahnnce assessment werk Throryh the service exay process, I Home Terressec oot adeess aft ion] innmunivior and collabocation igu.es iden el ky the SLC, DCS sexions have Aeveloped the followmg warkycvupn ation setions; invgrmled Corsmunily Agouey’ Meetings, Kuowledge of Rovources Workgroup and a Comuvurication Workgreap, of issue driven in teaining, inding: Then in eal lo sleess the imporsane copped uy incicenr driven investigations trough Recummendatlou: Mlsicisciglinury training stinald be developed te uédeese te nsed te engage mina: drvvon inwanigations. All cake dens who wart w be involved shoe have an oppentunily lo elp iz che development ofthe waning. Lower, reprencatalive fivan fllowiag agsneies ar oruanisaliors stiould cae the Bein che slevelapment ot the twaining: -he Departmen: of Children's Survioss, Chill Adsoczey Centers, and ths Child Poy ssn tnsest gative Team Explanstion: Case are being ccosed andor fovenigulive and permanency sffsris are lertninules beidce prozer sarder ame: prided beva.sé tae atsi¢eac hut gromplel the snvestigation was addressed withoul addressing che underlying issuos. Aldhong his 0 HHS Mt Fats es an ene ameteod fincing in tre 201 I repo, i: was kdont fied in lass year's report, Tre STC zecognizes the raranoucs impertance of maki sure » childs ‘oe wen investigaticg ond atherwise uédresicy child aouse cases, However, rercoving a child tom a dangerous sisuaem without also addvess:ng che ious whieh exatibuted to and oteatel by the rhusive indent is aot athe best infires! of rechilé. Lseident oven. investigitions produvwl aeactive consequent i sonre of the cescs investigated ia 2011 repeal Thcident driven investigalions van Te lo havent placearetcismprions. Wine: the _pkopce support sysrouns anv servioes far the onicor visi and éhe: plecen en placemant c:areptions are Hkely to eavse more tovama tn Cae chil, Ir w maier investigated by the SLC, che members eonciuded “ha, steed of adnsssing fhe isis royuiring Vary wo ae placed oxtsido of her moLier's home, dhe mer es resolvat! by transferring enstedy' <i! Mary to au cu of state rlstivefo avoid placing i ullew cusloey. Morsever, Mary did not recebve a proper rssessmunt ks denne her nseds befove the exstriy raster vee oud, <All tho partic, nding Ce guardian ad litem, agree. withthe deeisiun to sanster custory cf the child ia he aut-ofstae restive 8 “PAGE Etc} REV AT 1!bIzH19 4:30:51 ata [ental Gtanvdard Thne]~VR:NAS4LCLFCz'S* Bale:auud GIO-N6-8a716728 * DURATION pmm-ss)0%.08 SOS IDES Ailer Wry ffl the State of Tennessee, se apprencty moved thom one stato to zawiher vexd was i and oc. a lester care, Apptoxiimately two years Lats, she ound herselF hack in Tevaester, offlie: sash needed medication, without # home mui in sel. A. Fanily Bie provided as of Mary emmetgency camedy suid stable place for Mary ané obtai In another inatter invsst gate by the ST. Tenailer (a minor avover) und her ebikd Ak. oa in Tho sucisly of DCS due to he abaudonnsens af lenacfer, Jenait living ina romng use wit Alex's fuller. Jonnifer was not sacollec .n school, Two ims Ler, he cage was clased cad ecstody of Faunifer ss temrrel ten al sibling of Jeacifer, Netaing in the Cocamentatior proved na “he ST indicates apguapiae services weve placol ir te home sf the rates, The relative s.lsseqe asked Jemifee fo leave dus ro Tenwilera rstysehavion, WEhin ane yess, cho Young smother relured ther dbus ve elatianstiy wth Alex's facor placing borsoland hor abi acy ‘one of te souscitecive cxponts Jo* Pert, Poy... wks nret wilh the STC: this year cenphasized the eecossity of engaging all he necestary perties. Usain scope sages 2nd proving Ihe necessary se-vies in severe child abuse marters, Tere ‘uit he an iotenLomal ellon. ks eugege Ue caregivers in the ehiléeea’s Hives aed building tclationsaips wich foster patents ané etcr irvviduals, The caregivers abiiyy lo -esgune 1 the stoas ofthe eld is sigificamt. To arorarly ane fora ch, cervice providers rust als work sith the paren ar sexegiver, Wocs.ng wth the parent or categiver sill oflen include workiug with the perpetrator, waieh ig essential frau Faton is sontideree. Additionally, tke cou-otfending pamenl should he essewedl 10 Celerine what sours oF acon or ignition i'n dhe est inleces of Exe child, Tae non-otencing porn isa sig icunl fnfluenee and source of supscat and acotbston for the severely abused 2°10. Any caregiver to: a severely abused cle bas ar cpporstty iy Felp hal ‘hid in histherlcalang 210¢e88, meutely sud pkyseally, They sua! be giver: che proper toels to <a se, Kinding: A more conston! hes pructices side lor Child Protextve Livestigative ‘Deas (CPTT) shuld xe developed ancl implesreated across the take ta reduce: inwanistent CTT preetioes and poe acrooues for exidraw is Temessee. Recommendations: Crozicsn Sluwiike CTT Ceurdinaut: alase only responsibilities ‘wottld be assessing nil inmprasiny the PTT ymacess Hercules Tesessec and rnamitering sarapEanee of die verioas CPITS in Teacescee, Develup a CPV ay socy boast. At minisanan, the CIT Adviso-y Tinund Weld inckace some local CELT caoveunators Pm acts ‘he Sle 4 “PAGE utc} ReVD AT 1!b!mn19 4:30:51 ata ental Standard Thne]~VR:NAS4CLFCz'S* Bale:auud GIO-96-89716728 * DURATION pmm-ss)0%.08 See Dee Acxplnustion; (vor Ihiry yous apo, tae General Assemly recogried the nocessity and potential bonefils ul The ulti-aisuiplinacy appronch fy investigating child abuse, which i the wore of Une CPIT approae’a. The cunrert sialuiory scheme regarciag che sibalichmenl ol CPIVS and hs investigative procets used by them provides waluab’e uiducos, Despite che guidance provided by the salutes, additzonal oversight and isectioa ae needed The SLE continues te reovive mveltalin“eumacion acd goutinuss to see evidence that raises coapeans roger ff all uno key suienw within the various CPIVs, As slaaslin the SLC sepot lest ean, Tule us perdar wil eset. lence inthis proses hae No predictaole wns cangsTeus oateorees. chiceen may be harmed by repealed, sercaticies tauuatic, ftorviews mn ‘evidenos is less likly to bo preserve far future criminal presceutions, ge iEsymrity rom county to county ir the level of inselvertent ‘he ereaton of s § atewide Child Peoteetive Investigate: Lome Coonlinuioe pesitoa vill yrovide re wariaus CPIMTS wile rac av.gpert and resourear eee’ en do che best job pessidle Zor Teasescee's children and fimries. Detow ica id desee pion for the proposed Scatewice Calle Protective Tnvesjantive Teen: Ceord.nater, ‘The sugested job escrigtion wis cevelopei hy 4 eocsultative expert who me Exeortivo Dirsoto of lie Nesivitle Chi Advooary Canter vill Te SLC, 2une"P aes SUGGESTED JOU DESCRIPTION STATEWIDE CHILD PROTECILVE, INVESTIGATIVE THAN COORDINATOR STAT OF TENNESSEE + Prepate and issce mols protnen'ipractive guidelines Sor local mulidsiptinaey too regedacz che caonlinstion of inveczaiion, prosceution end frestmnt of severe child abuse Review and approee »: leares colpracriow srielines prepaced by Lecal ravtidisciptinayy re otald 4 Advise locs' me fdiselplinary leaes oe the investigate end prosecul’vs of bese + Reveive quasterty dart on severe child abuse Row statew.de CEI smd asus annual eq ac suppent specie! prajects relating te the spererioe of Ws specie Iriaing in joint vestigations + Receive and dea ara the eperutions of local esxbYéigciplinary teams and nding 20 mnchidisciplicery cons live se complaints ragirding local mulkidisejplinsyy terms sed mace sproprints reconmueacations ‘phe 1029" ROVD.AT 1/uMN #9 &o:ty soa foendral areal Tine]®VRCNAE4 CLEANS ate:auus*deiO-uEdEaTT Pe DURATION ¢umee:o8®

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