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Seaton facility number 1310350 well site survey report PDF

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Preview Seaton facility number 1310350 well site survey report

1553.79 Illinois Division of Public Water Supplies SEAT Environmental 2200 Churchill Road c. 3 Protection Agency Springfield, Illinois 62706 Groundwater Quality Protection Program SEATON FACILITY NUMBER 1310350 WELL SITE SURVEY REPORT Division of Public Water Supplies ILLINOIS DOCUMENTS JUL 16 1991 ILLINOIS STATE LIBRARY i ' IEPA/PWS/91-72 GROUNDWATER QUALITY PROTECTION PROGRAM: SEATON FACILITY NUMBER 1310350 WELL SITE SURVEY REPORT Presented by: Division of Public Water Supplies Published by: Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Springfield, Illinois April, 1991 ILLINOIS STATE LIBRARY Printed on Recycled Peper r A » ' \ .'f V” / i> ' = Mt ™ i'’' m L ’■Ku>' ' ti. 1 r^" . ^- %■ , 4,' « . - ' ' ;>i .. . ♦ ^ ii» ii • * ' 4 , . j..; ’ ■‘ ■ ■'■•'■ - ■,' .■'., ,'i.' y^'' ' ’..■. ‘ , •'•■> ^»- T^- '‘^ , '■ . . *y «■>' ^1,0 rrolRlviti- ,» -H-r ■ ■ ;< 1 A * ^ ' f **V« ^ * * V _, * ir'*l k , i- ^ - i' * f KC'y '■'^'■►v *. :4y v' , . ; . . ■ - 't •* I* ' 't ^ r 4 .*.'#■* -. 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U9W 'lo ■ii'aoTJ'oipoI'wa bns’noiJqli;^ 'filrtSA’! -^ .ir ^ ■ '■ " '* ■' ' '• ■ M ^ vwJatH piiitoJjnoM £>n« efiia.<jii^ l ■ wbiiO^[^J .III‘ * a92Ufc^:k>i<? brtJ5'3bc<ii^ ’v^>niia sSiZ LL^ . ^ ■ .; -Si- , . •^ m 1 o L l/>brieM!I^M • ^ . ,t;,. <.. V 'e^lhnaqgA XiwlfwiaOT"'* , . ,m. ■•i -4 *• * ' QrH oxi<i|6ieo1crW .4' ^ ^ ■ >{)Oi/idV«r bmi nnt:»qiToa©a yfzsimiB (VeSLe) ft Xi^ .X » •«. . ^ >** ' "-sa li Yio^fraVill JtfiO U ^W , .^r.4 ^^1*. , » fS V> » ? ' * !■ ^ ^ ^ yioiaiH ^iiaixnoR S>n6 ?fTii^jns2 bolisi^ ■ •<! iei«l3)l3dW w^tvefl biftssH .3 f - ,!» ',v,‘- r^' ■1: y*^ j^' ;*1 V IS t I" 1 J . ■ ■/■' _ • •>;;;■ ■ .. v *’^'c- <3^ * . *’ Ml i?; ',V| - • ^ . • > - IK ^ ..,'r ‘•H '■■ ■ ^<3 •*' ■*■ -4^-^- y- '■■ .5, y i »- -" I •, ' i* »v ’ F . s. ' • C‘ « a ■1 j * ‘tc: I 0 .< I- '» r. -» , -.1 !# I .t 1* .f> ■ '4'’!' ■A. ■< '■>■■, > .« ’ ^'iS J^., .■, i'.■■■■H: t <• ->• ■^y■ »y ♦ f ^ P- -/^ *■' • 'I* •* ;e. •• >Vs *h* ^S' i». O . C :Kf -i* . • 1 4a A. t , \ •/>j :-Ly- ■•♦ .. *0 t 'p f ' -i. J'' .J I j INTRODUCTION This report has been prepared by the Agency pursuant to Section 17.1 of the Illinois Environmental Protection Act. The report summarizes information about your facility and samples collected and analyzed from your well(s). The well site survey provides an inventory of the area around the well(s) to help increase your awareness of potential hazards to groundwater utilized by your facility. This information and technical data will assist you in developing and implementing local groundwater protection measures authorized by the Act. FACILITY DESCRIPTION AND GEOLOGIC PROFILE OF WELL SITES The Seaton PWS utilizes two public water supply wells. These wells provide approximately 25,000 gpd to 114 service connections (roughly 200 individuals). Well #1 is located in the central portion of town north of Third street Well #2 is located at the east edge of town south of Third Street. The wells produce water from bedrock aquifers. These aquifers are overlain by materials with moderate permeability. Permeability is the ability of a soil or sediment to transmit fluids. A detailed description and geologic profile is found in the Facility Wells Report (Appendix C). Table I describes the wells as follows: __Table I _ Minimum Maximum Capacity Specific Well Well Setback Setback (gpm) Capacity Depth Logs (Ft.) (Ft.) Status (MGD) (gpm/ft) Treatment Aquifer (Ft.) Available Well #1 400 No I,SB 25 Bedrock 244 (31837) Well #2 200 No A 80 Cl, Aer Bedrock 364 — (31838) 0.100 A = Active GROUNDWATER SAMPLING AND MONITORING HISTORY Vfells #1 and #2 were sanpled on August 19, 1986 as part of a Statewide Groundwater Monitoring Program. At this time, they were sampled and analyzed for inorganic chemicals (IOC) and volatile organic/aromatic (VOCAOA) compounds. VOCAOA analysis on Well #1 did not detect quantifiable levels of volatile organic or aromatic compounds. VOC/VOA analysis on Well #2 detected trace amounts of 1,3,1 trichloroethane; follow-up monitoring has not confirmed the presence of this contaminant. Inorganic analysis indicated parameters to be consistent with similar bedrock aquifer wells in the State of Illinois. (For detailed sampling and monitoring results refer to Appendix D.) SURVEY METHODS AND PROCEDURES The detailed well site survey consists of an aerial photographic map and inventory sheets (Appendix B), that relate information about potential sources, routes and possible problem sites to your water supply well(s). The location of potential sources, routes, possible problem sites, water wells, minimum setback zones, and the 1,000' survey area are all displayed on the aerial photographic map. The first fage of each survey consists of a summary description and geologic profile for each well. The secx)nd and following pages of the survey inventory units within and bordering a 1,000' radius of the wellhead. A unit is defined as any device, mechanism, equipment, or area (exclusive of land utilized only for agricultural production). The Agency five-digit well number is associated with a unit or map code, and then classified. The classification codes relate to definitions of potential contamination sources and routes as defined in the Illinois Groundwater Protection Act (see Groundwater Primer pages 18-19). The distance and direction of the unit from the wellhead is also indicated. Survey Results and Findings: The Seaton well site field survey was conducted on November 30, 1989 by Dave McMillan from the Agency's Peoria Regional Office. Seaton Well #1 (31837) (Refer to Aerial Photograph B): The survey area was urban. The area is mostly low density residences. The residents of this municipality utilize single dwelling sewage disposal systems. One potential secondary source of groundwater contamination was observed 200' south of the wellhead. This unit was a gas station with belowground fuel storage in excess of 500 gallons. Map Code 03. In addition, two possible problem sites were observed within 1,000' of the wellhead. Map Code 04 indicates a machine shop 100' southeast of the well. Map Code 02 indicates an abandoned bulk fuel storage area located 800'. southwest of the well. Seaton Well #2 (31838) (Refer to Aerial Photograph B): The survey area was urban. The area was mostly low density residences. The residents of this municipality utilize single dwelling sewage disposal systems. No possible problem sites were observed at the time of the survey. SUMMARY The well site survey and monitoring indicated that there was one potential secondary source of groundwater contamination and two possible problem sites within 1000' of the Seaton Public Water Supply Wells. Trace amounts of VOC's were detected in Well #2, while inorganic analysis were consistent with what would be expected from similar bedrock aquifer wells in the State. The Illinois Environmental Protection Act provides minimum protection zones for your wells. These minimum protection zones are regulated by the lEPA. The Act also authorizes county and municipal officials the opportunity to provide maximum protection zones up to 1,000'. The responsibility for the control would then be assumed by local officials through adoption of a maximum setback zone ordinance. RE(30MMENDATI0NS The Agency strongly urges Seaton to consider establishing a maximum setback zone ordinance for its wells. Maximum setback zones prohibit the siting of new potential primary sources of groundwater contamination. In addition, it could expand regulatory coverage of certain existing and new activities associated with your wells. The controls could be implemented upon adoption of proposed regulation by the Illinois Pollution Control Board A "Maximum Setback Zone Workbook" has been prepared by the Agency which provides detailed case studies of how to establish maximum setback zones. Additional technical assistance is available from the lEPA and the Illinois State Water Survey. DM/lc 0173P TECHNICAL APPENDICES it Uv'l) ■ -uvr: > :^.r -■: arx» * j. 4»rT*f*‘jK" _ -=3 i,Ot -.^«f. -iTiY ^■■’' <■ ‘ . u.';:'.'> ■' V .‘. '^■■ •tf cs‘^ij^v>K, ft X'-iUbi f.- ^ ; ... ■ r. r. pt^^' '•-•tiaa). Af- i. / nv<:-dif^ '.'oie, and * ir. hfi ■ . • V .(. Ttiv r ; I V^V*.i<^3 I ■ j» ' ' . t - .T:'t>- tenti^i (• ''it* fcC ■• .. . •: f ■’fiiio ill the' . • : ''Vc.? : ;v!Vo ;, !'rct<?i.-t:€T, Act' { -e<» ■' |i'''., ' :■ •■ e • ^ • . fj '?>. The j.oiJ ct "he unit Irom A , J . .'- t. * j . . ‘ '. 4^ f .: 1- ji. p J : . . > wvi.i '.%la sucv«y ,^eirtOi 4 ' < vitfily ;/-if •*'•^(.^8- Tt.’# oC, ?!r.« •■«■ ..<> . 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