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Seated Facet Release Technique - American Academy of Osteopathy PDF

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Preview Seated Facet Release Technique - American Academy of Osteopathy

SSeeaatteedd FFaacceett RReelleeaassee TTeecchhnniiqquueess from the Still Family AAO Convocation MMaarrcchh, 22001111 Karen M. Steele,, DO,, FAAO 1 OObbjjeeccttiivveess  Be able to diagnose facet joint restriction in a patient in the seated position  Be able to guide the seated patient into treatment position, so tthhaatt tthhee ppaattiieenntt iiss ccoonnttrroolllliinngg tthheeiirr oowwnn wweeiigghhtt wwhhiillee balanced overtheir pelvis  Be able to induce movement in the ppatient so that the entire body is balanced on that one facet joint, while palpating for tissue response and avoiding strain on the operator.  Be able to ascertain when a healing response has occurred 2 OOuuttlliinnee  Palpation for facet joint restrictions in the seated patient  LLuummbbaarr  Pelvis  Sacrum  Controllingg the seated ppatient while gguidingg movement into pperfect balance at one facet  Lumbar  Pelvis  Sacrum  Treatment and recognition of response by maintaining perfect balance through controlled movement at one facet  LLuummbbaarr  Pelvis  Sacrum 3 SSFFRR ttrreeaattmmeenntt ggeenneerraall pprriinncciipplleess  Patient is seated, practitioner standing or seated behind patient  Practitioner gently guides patient into the position which matchhes thhe fforce withhin thhe restrictedd ffacet joint, thhen provides gentle continuous compressive force until the ffaacceett rreelleeaasseess, kkeeeeppiinngg tthhee ppaattiieenntt ppeerrffeeccttllyy bbaallaanncceedd aatt that facet in 360° space 4 IInnddiiccaattiioonnss && CCoonnttrraaiinnddiiccaattiioonnss  Indications Joint restriction in patient of any age  CConttraiinddiicattiions Joint inflammation Fracture SSeevveerree oosstteeooppoorroossiiss Boney malignancy 5 CCaauuttiioonn  Alwayys have a higgh index of susppicion for underlying pathology, as cause of the ssyymmppttoomm  If not better after three treatments, arrange ffor ffurthher evalluatiion ffor undderllyiing cause 6 Review of facet motion 7 FFoorrggeett FFrryyeettttee’’ss ffoorr SSFFRR Pocket Manual of OMT 2006 8 TThhiinkk onlly off open andd cllosedd ffacetts 9 General principles of control of the sseeaatteedd ppaattiieenntt ffoorr eevvaalluuaattiioonn aanndd treatment of the lumbar spine, pelvis aanndd ssaaccrruumm 10

Seated Facet Release Techniques from the Still Family. AAO Convocation. March 2011. March, 2011. Karen M. Steele, DO, FAAO. , ,. 1
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