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Recordsofthe WesternAustralianMuseum 21; 269-275 (2002). Seasonality of beachwrack at Oakajee in the mid-west region of Western Australia FredE.Wells WesternAustralianMuseumPerth,WesternAustralia6000,Australia Email: [email protected] Abstract - This study examines seasonal fluctuations in beachwrack accumulations near Oakajee, Western Australia (28"34'S; 114°34'E). Twelve monthly samples were made ofbeachwrack concentrations at Drummonds CoveandCoronationBeachfrom5May1998until10April1999.Fourweekly samples were made from 23 July to 12 August 1998 to measure short-term variations inbeachwrack volumes. There was no seasonality in beachwrack accumulations at Drummonds Cove. At Coronation Beach beachwrack concentrations were high in late summer and early winter, but declined sharply from latewinter toearlyspring. There was considerable movement ofwrackontoandoffthebeaches,Beachwrackaccumulationsmigratedalong the beach within Drummonds Cove, but there was no evidence of such longshoremovementontheopencoast. Beachwrackaccumulatesinbaysand other protected areas and at the tip of peninsulas, such as Point Moore. Macroalgae and theseagrassgeneraAmphibolis and Posidonia dominated the wrack. Keywords:beachwrack,macrophytes.WesternAustralia,seagrass,seaweeds, macroalgae INTRODUCTION beachwrack decomposes (Robertson & Hansen, OceanicwatersoffWesternAustraliaarenutrient 1982). This recycling is important in the low poor, at levels characteristic of the open ocean. nutrientenvironmentoffWesternAustralia. Consequently, phytoplankton production is The present study extends our knowledge of minimal (Rochford, 1980; Pearce 1991; 1997). beachwrackaccumulationstoOakajee,justnorthof Instead benthic plants, both seagrass and Geraldton. The study tested the hypotheses that macroalgae, provide most of the primary beachwrack accumulates seasonally, with a production. The plants are tom from the bottom maximum due to winter storms, and once on the during storms and then moved about by currents beach, the beachwrack migrates longshore in andwaves.Aportionistransportedtoshorewhere responsetoprevailingwaveandwinddirections. it accumulates as beachwrack. The beachwrack is reworked by wind and waves, accumulating in THEOAKAJEEMARINEENVIRONMENT some areas andbeing absentin others. It is mobile, often alternatingbetween the waterand thebeach. TheOakajeeregion(Figure1)isanopen,exposed Volumeschangeconsiderablyovershortperiodsof coastline subject to the full force of sea conditions, time(Hansen, 1984). particularly during storms. It is thus a very high Beachwrack in the Perth area develops an energy environment. Virtually the entire shoreline abundant invertebratefaunawhichfeeds on it. The from Geraldton north to the mouth of the Bowes invertebrates are dominated by amphipods, River is composed of intertidal sand. Beachrock particularly AUorchestes compressa (Robertson & platforms occuralongtheshorelinethroughoutthe Lucas, 1983; McLachlan, 1985; Fong, 1999). Oakajee region but are more common north of the Nearshore the beachwrack and associated Oakabella River. They range from small platforms invertebratesprovideshelterandfoodforavariety ofafewsquaremetrestoanextensiveplatformjust of fish species (Lenanton, 1982; Lenanton et al., south ofCoronation Beach. The platforms begin at 1982; Robertson & Lenanton, 1984), including the the low tide level and continue into the subtidal commercially important cobbler Cnidoglanis region. Large portions may be exposed by winter macrocephalus (Lenanton & Caputi, 1989), and wave action then recovered by sand the following abalone (Wells & Keesing, 1989). Nutrients are summer. The platforms at Oakajee have a greatly released back into the water column as the reduced biota, possibly due to the dynamic wave 270 F.E.Wells Figure1 MapoftheOakajeecoastlineshowinglocalitiesmentionedinthetext. action at Oakajee that would physically remove Seaward ofthe reefcrest is a low reliefplatform. much of the macroalgae and fauna. In addition, While the platform surface is not uniform, it tends sand moved about by the waves would provide a to have a gradually increasing depth seaward. considerablescouringforce. Small crevices and depressions occur throughout In the nearshore environment the substrate is the surface of the limestone. The platform is limestone that may or may not be covered with channelled with a very small spur and groove sand. While considerable local variation in depth formation in some areas, where the undulations occurs, there is a steady progression of habitats maybe 30 cm orless in height. The surfaces of the from the intertidalsand beach outto the 20m line. crestareexposedlimestone.Thechamrelsareeither A shallow lagoon up to 5 m deep occurs near the exposed limestoneorarecoveredby athin layerof shore. The lagoon is more distinct south of the sand. Sandaccumulatesinthedepressions,someof Oakajee River. North of the Oakajee, the lagoon is which are large, tens ofmetres across. In some low less distinct and has numerous bombies, many of energy areas of the bottom the entire limestone which nearly reach the sea surface. An indistinct platform is covered by a layer of sand several limestonereefoccursto thewestofthelagoon.The centimetres deep. In deeper waters, where depths reefrunsnorth tosouthparalleltotheshore,andis arebetween 15and20m,theplatformgiveswayto absent only off the mouth of the Oakajee River. In a level bottom that is predominantly covered with mostareas the reefshoals toadepthof2m orless, sand,butthereareexposedareasofflatlimestone. butinsomelocalitiesitislessdistinct. Thebottomhabitatscanchangeconsiderablyover BeachwrackatOakajee 271 a space ofa few metres, particularly in theshallow steppedoffandcomparedwiththenumberofsteps inshorewatersandthehighreliefreef.Overaspace required to cover a known distance. Width and of100to200mgoingseaward,thebottomcanvary depth were measured atconsistent intervals with a from high relief reef with sand patches in the tape measure marked to the nearest 1 cm. The depressions, to a low relief reef dominated by the intervals were calculated to provide at least 6 seagrass Amphibolis antarctica, to areas co- measurements at each of the two localities; usually dominatedbyA.antarcticaand macroalgae,toareas 8-10 measurements were made. Width of whereonlymacroalgaearepresent. Theremayalso beachwrack was measured to the nearest 10 cm besandybottoms whereA. antarctica formsadense from the seaward to the landward edge of the seagrassmeadow. Theability ofA. antarctica tolive beachwrack. Depth was normally measured to the on either sandy or rocky bottoms is well nearest 1 cm at three locations; top of the seaward demonstratedatOakajee. beachwrackcrest, middle of the accumulation, and Shallow vertical columns, which occur near the the landward margin; only two measurements of shore south of the Oakajee River, are one of the depth were made in small accumulations where mostdistinctivefeaturesofthemarineenvironment there was little beachwrack present. Total volume in theOakajee area. Thecolumns, whichmay have ofbeachwrackoneachbeachwasthencalculated. a diameter of 5-10 m or more, emerge vertically To measure the composition ofbeachwrack, four fromsandatadepthofup to5mtonearthelower samples were collected each at Drummonds Cove intertidal level. This is an area of breaking waves and at Coronation Beach on 12 June 1998 and 16 during even moderate seas. The upper surfaces of January 1999, placed in labelled plastic bags and the columns are largely devoid of macroalgae, but frozen until analysis. Samples were collected from may be colonised by small patches of Sargassum freshly deposited areas of wrack to minimise the which are kept to short lengths by the continuous proportion of unidentifiable detritus. The samples waveaction.TheSargassumislongeronthesidesof werewashedinfreshwaterthensortedtofivemajor the columns than on the upper surfaces. On the plant types: macroalgae, the seagrass genera leeward side of the colurrms is a mixture of low Amphibolis,PosidoniaandHalophila,andunidentified encrusting species of macroalgae, including plantmaterial. Individualcomponents wereplaced Caulerpa. The base of the columns is at a depth of on aluminium foil and dried for 48 hours in a approximately 6 m and is surrounded by sand drying oven at 80°C. They were then weighed to mixed with some Amphibolis. There may be small thenearest1mgonaSartoriuselectronicbalance. patchesofSargassum inshore.Invertebratediversity onthetopsofthecolumnsislow. RESULTS Thegreatestaccumulationsfoundduringthefirst MATERIALSANDMETHODS survey on 5 May 1998 were at Drummonds Cove, Twelveaerialflightsweremadeatapproximately where 7559 m^ of beachwrack occurred on the monthly intervals over the coastline at Oakajee shoreline, and at Coronation Beach, where there (28°34'S; 114°34'E) from 5 May 1998 until 10 April was 2477 m^ (Figure 2). Smaller accumulations 1999 using a Cessna 172 aircraft. Most flights were occurred in other areas. Accumulations at madeat140-165kmh' atanaltitudeof100mfrom Drummonds Cove were consistently the largest south of the Port ofGeraldton to the mouth of the alongtheshorelinebetweenDrummondsCoveand BowesRiver,adistanceofapproximately40km. A theBowesRiver,some25kmofcoastline. videorecordingwasmadeoftheentireshorelineon the flight north. A still camera was used on the Seasonalvariation flight south to photograph major beachwrack The predicted pattern of seasonality was not accumulations.Fourweeklyflightsweremadefrom clearlydemonstrated atDrummondsCoveduring 23 July to 12 August 1998 to measure short-term the study (Figure 2). The accumulation at variationsinbeachwrackvolumes. Drummonds Cove on 7 May 1998 was spread The only major accumulations ofbeachwrack on over an estimated 1786 m of beach. As expected, the first flight were at Drummonds Cove and at the beachwrack increased to 8510 m^on 12 June, Coronation Beach. As vehicle access to the shore but instead of continuing to increase during the was possible, the two beaches were chosen for winter,wrackvolumesdeclined sharply, reaching ground truthing. On most occasions the two sites a low of 817 m^ on 6 August. Wrack were the locations with the greatest beachwrack accumulations at Drummonds Cove increased to concentrations. Methods used by Hansen (1984) 3154 m^ one week later on 13 August. They wereusedtodeterminebeachwrackvolumesonthe continued to increase until 9 October, when a shoreline. Length and width of beachwrack peak of 7436 m^ was reached. Significant accumulations at Drummonds Cove and at accumulations remained for the remainder of the Coronation Beach were measured. Length was study, varying from 3196 m^ to 5780 m^ over 272 F.E.Wells Drummonds Cove Coronation Beach Figure2 Seasonal patterns of accumulation of beachwrack at Drummonds Cove and Coronation Beach from May 1998toApril1999.Meansandstandarderrorsareshown. summer, declining to 2221 m^ on the final month In contrast to Drummonds, the four week of the survey (10April1999). intensive survey atCoronation Beach showed little In contrast, the pattern at Coronation Beach was v'ariation in beachwrack concentrations (Figure 3). seasonal(Figure2). Accumulationstotalled2477m^ During the first three weeks (23July, 30July and 6 on7May 1998 andwerealong629 mofbeach. The August) there was essentially no beachwrack beachwrackincreasedsignificantlyto7043m^on 12 present. An increase to 1221 m^occurred by 13 June. During the period of late winter to early August. summer beachwrack at Coronation Beach declined to low levels, ranging from 58 m*on 23July to443 Longshoremovement m^ on 11 September. Beachwrack volumes There was no clear evidence of longshore increased sharply to 3647 m^ on 20 February (late movement of beachwrack along the Oakajee summer) and remained relatively high for the coastline, but the rapidly changing volumes, durationofthestudy. particularly during the short term study at Drummonds Cove, showed that there is Short-termvariation considerably flux in wrack between the shore and Considerable short-term variation was found theoffshorewaters. during the four week intensive survey at At the beginning of the study, beachwrack Drummonds Cove (Figure 3). Concentrations at occupied much of the bay at Drummonds Cove. It Drummondstotalled4372m^on23July.Twoweeks moved severalhundred metres to thenorth during later they had dropped to 817 m^. Beachwrack the winter and early spring, but remained in increasedduringthenextweekto3154m^. Drummonds Cove. In spring fresh build-ups BeachwrackatOakajee 273 Drummonds Cove Dates Coronation Beach Figure3 Short-term variations in accumulation ofbeachwrack at Drummonds Cove and Coronation Beach in July andAugust1998.Meansandstandarderrorsareshown. Table1 CompositionofbeachwrackattwolocationsalongtheOakajeecoastlineinwinter1998andsummer1999. Algae Seagrasses Detritus Total Amphibolis Posidonia Halophila DRUMMONDSCOVE Winter1998 Mean(±SE)(gm) 10.5+1.5 3.9±0.3 2.7±0.8 0±0 3.8±1.3 20.9±3.1 Percentage 50.2 18.8 12.9 0.0 18.1 100.0 Summer1999 Mean(±SE)(gm) 11.5±1.7 8.8±1.4 0.7±0.2 0±0 2.3±0.7 23.3±0.9 Percentage 49.4 37.8 3.2 0.0 9.7 100.1 CORONATIONBEACH Winter1998 Mean(±SE)(gm) 12.5±1.2 16.4±1.1 1.0±0.3 0±0 3.4±0.4 33.3±2.2 Percentage 37.6 49.1 3.0 0.0 10.2 99.9 Summer1999 Mean(±SE)(gm) 20.4+3.1 17.3±3.9 3.6±0.4 0±0 3.2±1.4 44.5±5.9 Percentage 45.9 38.8 8.1 0.0 7.2 100.0 274 F.E.Wells developed along the southern shoreline of localconditionsandmayvaryconsiderablyacrossa Drummonds Cove and remained there for the range of time scales (days/months/years) at a durationofthestudy- singlelocation. At Coronation Beach two accumulations during Itwas thoughtthatonceon thebeachatOakajee, May 1998 were on thenorthern and southern ends thebeachwrackwouldmigratenorthorsouthalong of the beach. The southern accumulation theshore in response toprevailing wave and wind disappeared by June. The beachwrack to the north directions.ThisdidoccurwithinDrummondsCove, increased in June, but then decreased over time. but there was no evidence of such longshore Beachwrackaccumulationsincreasedoversummer, movement on the open coast. Instead, the cmd by February the entire margin of the bay was beachwrack accumulates in bays and other fringedwithbeachwrack. protectedareasand atthetipofpeninsulas,suchas There was no longshore movement of other Point Moore. Working on the northern Perth beachwrack accumulations or drift macroalgae beaches, Hansen (1984) obtained mixed results. viewed during the aerial surveys. In particular, a Some sites had predictable, large quantities of major accumulation of beachwrack south of the beachwrack, which remained in the same area. mouth of the Chapman River remained at Concentrations at other sites were less predictable consistently high levels and maintained a constant and the beachwrack moved along the shoreline. position. The aerial surveys found beachwrack Clear patterns of longshore movement occur in accumulationsonthesouthernshorelineoftheport GeographeBay. Beachwrackreachestheshorefrom of Geraldton, but they were not substantial. The Dunsborough to Busselton and moves northward aerial examination and several shoreline searches along the shoreline until it reaches Port Geographe demonstrated that beachwrack also accumulates (P. Collins, pers. comm.). A major accumulation of along the Geraldton beachesjust north of the port. 70-80,000 m^ occurred along the southern side of The mouth of the Chapman River consistently had thedevelopmentattheendofwinterin1998;itwas the largest accumulations south of Drummonds preventedfrommovingnorthwardsbythegroyne. Cove. These were measured on 5 December 1998, Composition of beachwrack is variable, andhadanestimatedvolumeof4907m^,somewhat dependingonthematerialavailable intheoffshore smaller than the accumulation of 5780 m^ at environment. Beachwrack at Oakajee is a Drummonds Cove on the same day. The western combination of macroalgae and the seagrass tipoftheportofGeraldtonhasasmallbaynearthe Atnphibolis. Hansen(1984) foundbeachwrackin the southern tip of the peninsula; this area regularly northern portion of the Perth area tobe composed trappedbeachwrack. of a variety of constituents, including the kelp Ecklonia radiata, seagrasses and numerous small macroalgae. In Hansen's (1984) study of the Perth DISCUSSION area, £. radiata was dominant over a full year, The pattern ofbeachwrack accumulations varied followed by other macroalgae, then seagrass. between Drummonds Cove and Coronation Beach. Sargassuni was seasonally important during There was no seasonality at Drummonds Cove. In summer. contrast, at Coronation Beach beachwrack Onlyasmallproportionofdetachedmacrophytes concentrations werehigh in latesummerand early ends up on the beach. For example, Kirkman & winter, but declined sharply from late winter to Kendrick (1997) released 5000 tagged Ecklonia early spring. Experience in other areas of Western radiata in the Marmion Lagoon in winter 1985. The Australia has been similarly mixed. Some areas taggedplantstook 15 to23days toreachshore,but havewintermaxima,butothersdonot. Beachwrack only 53 (1%) were recovered on beaches. In her accumulates seasonally during winter at the detailed study of beachwrack in the Perth southerngroyneatPortGeographein Busselton (P. metropolitan area, Hansen (1984) found Collins, pers. comm). Kirkman (1984) reported considerable variation in the amount of considerable interannual variation in beachwrack beachwrack, from 1.3 to 45.3 kg dry weight per quantitiesintheMarmionlagoon.Differentpatterns metre of coastline. On average there was 74 to 80 of seasonality occurred during the years studied. tonnes of carbon per kilometre of coastline, Hansen (1984) examined beachwrack along 46 km equivalent to about 18% of the nearshore of coast from Triggs to Two Rocks, and found macrophyte production. These figures emphasise similar variability between sites, seasonally and that the material in the beachwrack is only a between years. A series of photographs published fraction of total macrophyte production in by Kirkman & Kendrick (1997) also demonstrates nearshorewaters. high short-term variability in beachwrack concentrations. The results of all these studies ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS demonstrate that the timing and magnitude of beachwrackaccumulationsarehighlydependenton Caroline Bodenham of the Central West College BeachwrackatOakajee 275 of Technical and Further Education provided Lenanton, R.C.J. (1982). Alternativ< non-estuarine considerable enthusiastic assistance in the field at nursery habitats for some commercially and Geraldton. In addition, Greg Burrows, Barbara recreationallyimportantfishspeciesofsouthWestern Larkin, Priscilla Rodd, and David Wells each Australia. Australian journal ofMarine and Freshwater assisted on one trip. Contact with TAPE was Research33:881-900. through StevenWebster. Chris Shine and his pilots Lenanton, R.C.J. and Caputi,N.(1989). Therolesoffood andstaffatShineAviationServicesprovidedskilful supplyandshelterintherelationshipbetweenfishes, inparticularCnidoglanismacroceplwlus(Valenciennes), services during the low level overflights of the and detached macrophytes in thesurfzoneofsandy beachesatOakajee.Inadditionthefollowingpeople beaches, journal of Experimental Marine Biology and are thanked for their assistance in providing Ecology128: 165-176. iLenPfroorvmoastti,onLoenProthveosptrojDeactm:esPet&erMCooolrlein;sDarndGaIrayn LenaNnetaorns,hoR.rCe.Ja.c,cRuombuelrattsioonn,sAo.fI.daetnadchHeadnsmeanc,rJo.pAh.y(t1e9s82a).s Kendrick, Department of Botany, University of nurseryareasforfish.MarineEcologyProgressSeries9: Western Australia; and Kim Nardi and Randall 51-57. Owens of Fisheries Western Australia, Geraldton. McLachlan, A. (1985). The biomass of macro- and Dr Gary Kendrick and Dr Anne Brearley kindly interstitial fauna on clean and beachwrack-covered commented on the manuscript, whichsubstantially beaches in Western Australia. Estuarine Coastal and improvedthepaper. SlwlfScience21:597-599. This informationwas originally generated aspart Pearce, A.F. (1991). Eastern boundary currents of the ofastudyofthepotentialeffectsoftheconstruction southern hemisphere. Pp. 35-45. In Pearce, A.F. and of a new deepwater port at Oakajee. It was done Walker, D.I. (Editors.) The Leeuwin Current: An under a contract between the Western Australian Influence on the Coastal Climate and Marine Life of Department of Resources Development and Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of LeProvost Dames & Moore (now part of URS WesternAustralia 74. Australia). I am grateful to DRD for permission to PearHcoeu,tAm.aFn. A(b1r9o9l7)h.osTIhselanLdse.euPpw.in11-C4u6r.reInntWelalnsd, Ft.hEe. pDuabvliidshMetheehainnfoartmDatRiDonfaorndthteoirPceotnesriGdeoroadballelhaenldp A(Ebdriotlohro)s.ITslhaendMs,arWienseteFrlnorAaustarnadliaF.auWneastoefrtnheAuHsotruatlmiaann andencouragementduringtheproject. Museum,Perth.Volume1. Robertson, A.I. and Hansen, J.A. (1982). Decomposing seaweed: a nuisance or a vital link in coastal food REFERENCES chains. CSIRO Marine Laboratories Research Report Fong, T.C.W. (1999). The relationship between seagrass 1979-1981: 75-83. canopy, detritus accumulation and amphipod Robertson, A.I. and Lenanton, R.C.J. (1984). Fish abundanceinThomsonBay,RottnestIsland.Pp.247- communitystructureand foodchaindynamicsinthe 253. In Walker, D.I. and Wells, F.E. (Editors.). The surf-zone of sandy beaches: role of detached seagrass flora and fauna of Rottnest Island, Western macrophyte detritus, journal of Experimental Marine Australia. WesternAustralianMuseum,Perth. BiologyandEcology84:265-283. Hansen, J.A. (1984). Accumulations of macrophyte Robertson, A.I. and Lucas, J.S. (1983). Food choice, beachwrack along sandy beaches in Western Australia: feeding rates and the turnover of macrophyte biomass, decomposition rates and significance in biomass by a surf-zone inhabiting amphipod. journal supporting nearshore production. Unpublished PhD ofExperimentalMarineBiologyandEcology72:99-124. thesis,UniversityofWesternAustralia.93pages. Rochford, D.J. (1980). Nutrient status of the oceans Kirkman, H. (1984). Standing stock and production of around Australia. CSIRO Division of Fisheries and Ecklonia radiata (C.Ag.) J. Agardh. journal of OceanographyAnntialReport1977-79:9-20. ExperimentalMarineBiologyandEcology76; 119-130. Wells, F.E. and Keesing, J.K. (1989). Reproduction and Kirkman, H. and Kendrick, G.A. (1997). Ecological feeding of the abalone Haliotis roei Gray. Australian significance and commercial harvesting of drifting journalofMarineandFreshwaterResearch40: 187-197. and beach-cast macro-algae and seagrasses in Australia: a review, journal ofApplied Phycology 9: 311-326. Manuscriptreceived20February2002;accepted6june2002

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