REPRODUCTION RESEARCH Seasonality, estrous cycle characterization, estrus synchronization, semen cryopreservation, and artificial insemination in the Pacific white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens) T R Robeck1, K J Steinman1,2, M Greenwell3, K Ramirez3, W Van Bonn3, M Yoshioka4, E Katsumata5, L Dalton6, S Osborn6 and J K O’Brien1,7 1SeaWorld and BuschGardensReproductiveResearch Center, BuschEntertainment Corporation,San Diego, California92109, USA, 2Smithsonian Institution, Conservation and Research Center,National ZoologicalPark, Front Royal, Virginia 22630, USA, 3John G.Shedd Aquarium,Chicago, Illinois 60605, USA, 4Laboratoryof Fish Culture, GraduateSchoolofBioresources,Mie University,Tsu, Mie 514-8507,Japan,5Kamogawa SeaWorld, Kamogawa,Chiba 296-0041,Japan,6SeaWorld San Antonio, San Antonio,Texas 78259, USA and 7Facultyof Veterinary Science,Centre for Advanced TechnologiesinAnimalGeneticsandReproduction,UniversityofSydney, Sydney, NewSouthWales 2006, Australia CorrespondenceshouldbeaddressedtoTRRobeck;Email:[email protected] Abstract ThereproductivephysiologyofthePacificwhite-sideddolphin,Lagenorhynchusobliquidens,wascharacterizedtofacilitatethe developmentofartificialinsemination(AI)usingcryopreservedspermatozoa.Specificobjectiveswereto:1)describereproductive seasonalityofthePacificwhitesideddolphins;2)describeurinaryLHandovariansteroidmetabolitesduringtheestrouscycle; 3)correlateLHandovariansteroidalmetabolitepatternstoultrasound-monitoredfolliculargrowthandovulation;and4)assessthe efficacyofsynchronizingestrus,spermcollection/cryopreservation,andintrauterineinsemination.Ovulations(64%,nZ37)and conceptions(83%,nZ18)occurredfromAugusttoOctober.Peakmeanserumtestosterone(24ng/ml),cross-sectionaltesticulararea (41.6cm2),andspermconcentration(144.3!107sperm/ml)occurredinJuly,August,andSeptemberrespectively.Spermatozoawere onlyfoundinejaculatesfromJulytoOctober.Estrouscycles(nZ22)were31dlongandwerecomprisedofa10dfollicularand21d lutealphase.Ovulationoccurred31.2haftertheonsetoftheLHsurgeand19.3haftertheLHpeak.Folliculardiameterand circumferencewithin12hofovulationwere1.52and4.66cmrespectively.Estrussynchronizationattemptswithaltrenogestresultedin 17(22%)ovulatorycycleswithovulationoccurring21dpost-altrenogest.TenAIattemptsusingcryopreservedsemenresultedinfive pregnancies(50%).Themeangestationlengthwas356days(range348–367).ThesedataprovidenewinformationonthePacificwhite- sideddolphin’sreproductivephysiologyandcollectivelyenabledthefirstapplicationofAIinthisspecies. Reproduction(2009)138391–405 Introduction The successes that have been made through natural captivepropagationarecurrentlythreatenedbythelack Although a common species found throughout the of both available breeding males and cooperative northern Pacific, almost nothing is known about the genetic management practices among USA facilities. reproductive physiology of the Pacific white-sided Inbreeding within small captive populations must be dolphin, Lagenorhynchus obliquidens. While these avoided to ensure long-term population health and animals are prevalent in the wild (Hammond et al. enable the development of self-sustaining populations 2008), few have been held in captivity. Out of the (Wildt 1992, Wildt et al.1997). Artificial insemination estimated 119 animals currently maintained in 23 zoos (AI) combined with semen cryopreservation tools may or aquaria around the world, only 10% of this provide the vehicle necessary to avoid inbreeding population are residing in the USA. Despite the small depression within this captive population. However, numbers of animals held in USA aquaria, the majority information on the basic reproductive function of the of successful captive breeding (eight out of ten) species must be obtained before such assisted repro- has occurred in one USA facility with one male. ductive technologies can be implemented. q2009SocietyforReproductionandFertility DOI:10.1530/REP-08-0528 ISSN1470–1626(paper)1741–7899(online) 392 TRRobeckandothers Previous efforts towards describing the reproductive Robeck et al. 2004, 2005a, 2005b, O’Brien & Robeck biology of this species have relied exclusively on post- 2006, 2007). Despite their accessibility in captivity, no mortem analysis of reproductive tracts from animals informationisavailableconcerningsemenproductionor caught as bycatch in fisheries or that died in captivity cryopreservation inthePacific white-sided dolphin. (Harrison et al. 1972, Harrison & McBrearty 1977, Theoverallgoalofthisresearchwastogainasufficient Walkeretal.1986,Ferreroetal.1993,Ferrero&Walker levelofunderstandingofthePacificwhite-sideddolphin’s 1996). Based on the presence of at least one corpus reproductive physiology to develop AI using cryopre- luteum, females reach sexual maturation at around served semen. To accomplish this, specific objectives 11yearsofageand170cminlength.Conceptionoccurs were to: 1) describe reproductive seasonality in captive from June to August with an 11-month gestation male and female Pacific white-sided dolphins; (Harrison et al. 1972, Ferrero et al. 1993). Males reach 2) determine the excretory dynamics of urinary LH and sexual maturity at 170–180cm from 10 to 11 years of ovarian steroid metabolites during the estrous cycle; age and exhibit seasonal changes in spermatogenesis 3)correlateLHandovariansteroidalmetabolitepatterns (Harrison etal. 1972, Ferrero& Walker 1996). toultrasound-monitoredfolliculargrowthandovulation; Real-time evaluation of living animals is required to and 4) assess the efficacy of synchronizing estrus, movebeyondthisbasicbiologicalinformationcollected sperm collection/cryopreservation, and intrauterine frompost-mortemdata.Analysisofurinaryreproductive insemination. hormonescombinedwithovarianultrasoundexamshas resulted in describing both follicular dynamics and hormonal profiles during estrous cycles and the perio- Results vulatory period in killer whale (Walker et al. 1988, Seasonality Robeck et al. 1993, 2004), bottlenose dolphin (Robeck et al. 2005b), and beluga (Steinman et al. 2007). The Female description of the periovulatory period allowed for the Based on profiles of serum progesterone (P), a total of development of methods for consistent prediction of 37 ovulations (nZ8 females) resulting in 17 con- ovulation. Ovulation prediction combined with insemi- ceptions were observed from 1980 to 2001 (Table 1). nation trials enabled the development of consistently Twenty-four out of 37 ovulations (64.7%) and 14 out repeatablemethodsforAIinthesethreecetaceanspecies of 17 conceptions (82%) occurred from August to (Robecketal.2004,2005b,O’Brienetal.2008).Despite October (Fig. 1). thesesuccessesinothercetaceans,virtuallynodatahave been published on hormone profiles and follicular Male dynamicsofthePacificwhite-sideddolphin. In addition to ovulation prediction, methods for Meanmonthlytestosterone(T)concentrationspeakedin ovulation control or estrus synchronization allow for July (24.3G1.3ng/ml; nZ52) and were greater practical application of AI to any species. Altrenogest (P!0.05) than the mean value from every other month has been used as both a contraceptive agent and to of the year (range: February 0.09G0.02ng/ml, nZ6, to synchronize estrus for AI in the killer whale, bottlenose June 5.6G3.8ng/ml, nZ7; Fig. 1). Peak cross-sectional dolphin(Young&Huff1996,Robecketal.2004,2005b, testicular area occurred in July and August, with the O’Brien & Robeck 2006), and beluga (Robeck et al. largestsize occurringinAugust(41.6G7.2cm2;Fig.1). 2007,O’Brienetal.2008).Applicationofthistechnique Testicular cross-sectional area in August was larger for ovulation manipulation in the Pacific white-sided (nZ32; P!0.05) than every month except July (36.2 dolphins, if successful, would allow for improved G10.7cm2). The stromal parenchyma remained a management of natural breeding and for synchronizing homogeneous stippled appearance with a well-defined estrusfor AI. mediastinumandanovalcross-sectionalshapethrough- Semen cryopreservation combined with AI enables outtheyear.However,relativetotheechotextureofthe long-term genetic management, since valuable male hypaxialis lumborum muscle (HLM), the overall testi- gametes, particularly from founder animals, can be cularechotexturegraduallychangedfromslightlyiso-to reintroduced into the population long after the male’s hypoechoic during nadir diameter months (January normal reproductive contribution (Wildt 1992, Wildt and February) to hyperechoic during months of maxi- et al. 1997). This approach also maximizes the global mal testosterone excretion (June–September; Fig. 2). geneticexchangeofgametesamongexsitupopulations, Maximum hyperechogenicity subjectively appeared to butsemencryopreservationmethodsmustbeoptimized correlatewithmaximumcross-sectionaltesticulardiam- for AI to reach its full potential as a management tool. eter;whilemaximumhypoechogenicitywasobservedin Methods for semen cryopreservation have been conjunction with minimum testicular diameter (Fig.2). developed for three cetacean species, the bottlenose While differences (P!0.05) between the mean dolphin, the killer whale, and the beluga (Seager et al. amounts of ejaculate collected each month existed, no 1981,Schroeder&Keller1990,Robeck&O’Brien2004, correlation between amount of ejaculate collected and Reproduction(2009)138391–405 Pacificwhite-sideddolphins 393 Table1Descriptionofanimalsusedandsamplescollectedduringthestudy. Animal Facilitya Sex Birthdate Weight(kg) Reproductivehistoryb Contributionc 1 SWT F 1976d 104 Threeabortions P,US 2 SWT F 1978d 124 Twocalves,oneabortion P,US 3 SWT F 1980d 131 Onecalf P,US 4 SWT F 5 SWT F 1978d 118 Fourcalves P,US,UH,ES,AI 6 SWT F 09/1993e 127 Onecalf P,US,UH,ES,AI 7 SWT F 1979d 129 Fourcalves P,US,UH,ES,AI 8 SWT F 10/1996e 107 Onecalf P,US,UH,ES 9 Shedd F 1985d 90 Nulliparous P,US,UH,ES 10 Shedd F 1988d 123 Nulliparous P,US,UH,ES 11 Shedd F 1988d 91 Nulliparous P,US,UH,ES,AI 12 Shedd F 1988d 101 Nulliparous P,US,UH,ES,AI 13 Shedd F 1988d 86 Nulliparous P,US,UH,ES,AI 1 SWT M 1978d 154 Sired12calves Seasonality 2 KSW M 1983d 140 Nosiredcalves Cryopreservedsemen 3 KSW M 1991d 120 Onesiredcalf Cryopreservedsemen P,serumprogesterone;US,ultrasoundexam;UH,urinaryhormones;ES,estroussynchronization;AI,artificialinsemination. aSWT,SeaWorldTexas;Shedd,JohnGSheddAquarium;KSW,KamogawaSeaWorld.bReproductivehistorypriortostartofurinecollectiondatafor animals.cDatathattheanimalcontributedtothestudy.dEstimatedageforwildcaught.eCaptiveborn. the presence of spermatozoa (PO0.05) was detected. greater (P!0.05) than July (86.0G57.3!106sperma- Ejaculates containing spermatozoa were only found tozoa/ml), August(647.8G737.1!106spermatozoa/ml), from July to October. Both mean concentration and orOctober(394.3G202.9!106spermatozoa/ml;Fig.1). total spermatozoa per ejaculate in September (1443.0 G776.4!106spermatozoa/ml) were significantly Endocrine monitoring Hormone (estrogen conjugates (EC), LH, and urinary progestins(UP))profilesduringtheperiovulatoryinterval of 7 natural cycles and 15 post-altrenogest cycles were monitoredduringthestudyinterval.Fouroutoftheseven naturalcyclesoccurredasrepeatcyclesaftertheanimals (females 7, 5, and 8) had a non-conceptive post- altrenogest cycle. Female 13 cycled twice during a season without altrenogest pre-treatment. Based on continuously elevated progesterone and the presence of a CL (as determined by ultrasonography), female 11 had a retained CL post ovulation (August 18, 2002) for 86 days in 2002 and again post AI (August 16, 2003) without any ultrasound evidence of pregnancy for 103daysin2003.Themeanintervalbetweensuccessive ECandLHpeaks(nZ5)was31.0G1.9and30.9G1.7d respectively. The luteal phase between successive ovulationswas 20.8G2.4 d. Fornaturalandsynchronizedestrouscycles,themean length of the follicular phase and luteal phase was 10.0G2.4 d (nZ22, range: 7–14 d) and 20.8G2.4 d (nZ9,range:17–24d)respectively.ThepreovulatoryEC rise was 3.2G1.0 d (nZ22, range: 1–6 d). The interval between peak EC and peak LH was 16.7G12.8h Figure1Demonstratesseasonalvariationsinfemale(topgraph)and (nZ12, range: 0–31h). The interval from the onset of male(lowergraph)reproductiveparameters.Forthefemale(nZ7), the LH surge to peak LH was 13.4G4.8h (nZ7, range: thebarchartsillustratefrequencyoflutealactivityandconceptions. 8.0–18h).TheLHsurgedurationwas27.9G3.1h(nZ6, Forthemale(nZ1),profilesmeanmonthlyserumtestosterone(nZ52), spermconcentration(nZ290),andtesticularcross-sectionalarea range, 24–29h). Peak EC and LH concentrations were (nZ32)asdeterminedbyultrasonography. 14.5G13.0ng/mgCr(nZ22,range:3.8–62.7ng/mgCr) Reproduction(2009)138391–405 394 TRRobeckandothers Figure 2 Transverse (A and C) and longitudinal (BandD)ultrasoundsimagesofthetestesinan adultPacificwhite-sideddolphin,Lagenorhynchus obliquidens,duringFebruary(AandB)andAugust (CandD)ofthesameyear.HLM,hypaxialis lumborummuscle;RAM,rectusabdominus muscle;T,testis;UB,urinarybladder.Scaleforall imagesisincentimeters. and 206.7G174.4ng/mg Cr (nZ22, range: 32.2– Estroussynchronization and follicularrecruitment 672ng/mg Cr) respectively. The interval between peak Out of the 76 altrenogest treatments, 17 (22%) resulted LH and the first discernable post-ovulatory increase in in subsequent ovulation. Three of the females account- UP was 1.8G1.0 d (nZ17, range: 1–4 d). Hormone ing for 19 treatments never ovulated in response to datafromallanimalswerecombinedusingday0asday altrenogestorontheirown.Ifsuchfemalesareremoved of the peak LH to develop a composite dolphin estrous from analyses, the remaining six females responded cycle (Fig.3). 30% (17 ovulations/57 treatments) of the time. For the The canine LH (cLH) test empirical colorimetric females that responded to synchronization, the mean descriptions when corresponding to the quantitative time from the end of altrenogest treatment to the LH (qLH) test were as follows: slightly visible: 2.6 beginning of the follicular phase, the LH surge, and G0.5ng/ml; slightly less than: 15.5ng/ml; equal to: ovulation were 15.2G5.5 d (nZ17, range: 7–22 d), 34.7ng/ml; slightly greater than: 53.4G5.7ng/ml; or 20.6G4.4 d (nZ17, range: 14–29), and 21.6G4.4 d maximal: 88.6G10.0ng/ml. Results also demonstrated (nZ17, range: 15–30) respectively. Out of the 76 that subjective creatinine (Cr) concentrations based on altrenogesttreatments,18wererepeattreatmentswithin urine color (low, medium, and high) were comparable thesameyearinfemalesthatdidnotrespondtothefirst with concentrations determined using the quantitative round or in one case where the animal (female 12) assay (low: 0.22G.03mg Cr; medium: 0.25G0.03mg ovulatedbutwasnotinseminated.Tenovulations(17%, Cr; high: 0.78G0.07mg Cr). 10outof58totalfirsttreatments)occurredafterthefirst round of altrenogest treatments, while six ovulations (27%, 6 out of 22) occurred after a second round of treatment, with female 12 ovulating after both the first andsecondtreatments.Outofthe22totalovulations,5 (23%) were repeat ovulations that occurred spon- taneously after the first altrenogest induced ovulation of that season. Ultrasonographic evaluationof ovaries Locationandgeneralappearanceofovariesweresimilar to what has previously been described for bottlenose dolphins and the Indo-Pacific dolphins (Brook 2001, Brook et al. 2004). As with these other species, the Figure3MeanvaluesofthePacificwhite-sideddolphinestrouscycle components,includingurinaryconcentrationsofEC(nZ12),LH ovaries were ovoid in appearance with a relatively (nZ12),UP(nZ9),andnormalprimaryfolliclegrowth. hyperechoichilusandhypoechoiccortex(Fig.4).Inten Reproduction(2009)138391–405 Pacificwhite-sideddolphins 395 Figure4ThePacificwhite-sideddolphinovarian (whitearrowheadsinallimages)anduterine ultrasonographyimages.(A)Normalovarywith hypoechoiccortexandhyperechoicovarianhilus (largearrow);(B)around,turgidpreovulatory folliclewiththickenedwall(longarrows);(C)a corpusluteum(CL:longarrows)ofpregnancy; (D)day87pregnancywithamnioticfluid(A)and thefetus(whitearrows);(E)ovariancyst(white arrows);and(F)cysticfollicles(FC). females,multipleultrasonographicmeasurementsofthe females had two tertiary follicles O0.5cm in diameter. length and width of the right (nZ24) and left ovaries The maximum diameter of secondary follicles was (nZ36) were 4.71G0.8 by 1.6G0.2cm and 4.72G0.9 1.18G0.19cm. While ovulations occurred exclusively by 1.8G0.3cm respectively. No significant differences ontheleftovary,smallfollicles(0.5–0.8cm)wereoften between the sizes of the right and left ovaries were (not quantified) observed on the right or left ovary prior detected (PO0.05). to the development of a dominant follicle. All the The mean number of days required for the eventual secondary and tertiary follicles on the right ovary, preovulatoryfollicle(POF)todevelopfromadiameterof and most on the left ovary, regressed well before 0.8and1.0cmtoovulationwas6.3G1.3d(nZ10)and ovulation (Fig.5). 4.8G1.1d(nZ12)respectively.Thedailygrowthratein Female 3 consistently had multiple (nO5) follicles, circumference and diameter from 6 days prior to and 0.5–1.0cm in diameter, on both ovaries throughout the until ovulation was 0.41 and 0.12cm/d respectively year. Despite the persistence of the ‘cystic’ ovarian (Figs 3 and 5). The POF maximum circumference and structures, the female became pregnant through natural diameterwere4.66G0.50cm(nZ16,range:4.15–5.70) breeding. Female 7 had a large 2.0cm cyst on her right and 1.52G0.16cm (nZ16, range: 1.25–1.83 cm) ovary that was first observed in 1999 and remained respectively. The POF consistently became round prior unchangedthroughout the study(Fig.4). to ovulation and was located on the left ovary 100% of The time of ovulation as determined by ultrasono- thetime. graphyoccurred35.8G9.2,31.2G8.6,and19.4G6.6h Secondary follicles at the time of ovulation on the afterpeakEC,LHsurgeonset,andpeakLHrespectively ipsilateralovary(nZ4)tothePOFwereobservedin31% (Fig. 5). All pregnancies could be confirmed by of the examinations (Fig. 5). In addition, two of these ultrasonography between 6 and 8 weeks post AI. Reproduction(2009)138391–405 396 TRRobeckandothers concentrations, we were able to decrease the number of inseminations prior to ovulation and increase the AI success rate (Table 3). ForallAItrials,themeannumberofinseminationsper cycle was 1.9G1.5. The overall conception rate (five total conceptions/ten estrus periods!100) was 50%. However, if the first two attempts where semen was placedinthecervixareomitted,theconceptionrate(five total conceptions/eight estrus periods!100) was 63%. Four out of the five conceptions occurred after an altrenogest synchronization treatment. The lowest dose of frozen–thawed PM spermatozoa that resulted in conception was 26.6!107spermatozoa, and the mean dose(onlythelastinseminationclosesttoovulationwas used if multiple inseminations per estrus were pre- formed) for conceptive and non-conceptive insemina- tions were 184.7G117.0!107 and 111.98G71.2 !107spermatozoa respectively. The mean time from AItoovulationinconceptiveandnon-conceptivecycles wasK6.0G3.8h(range:K9.5–2.5h)andK6.4G8.2h (range:K15.2–4h)respectively. Females 7, 12, 13, and 6 delivered their calves 367, 358, 354, and 348 (mean 356.7G8.0 d) days post AI respectively. As of March 4, 2009, female 6 has an ultrasonographically normal164-day-old fetus. Figure5Folliculargrowthofprimaryandsecondaryfollicles(top panelonly)inthreeanimalsinrelationshiptourinaryECandLH.The Discussion blackbarrepresentsovulationasdeterminedbyultrasonography. ThePacificwhite-sideddolphin,oneofthesixspeciesin the genus Lagenorhynchus, is found throughout the Ejaculatecharacteristicsofrawandpost-thawedsperm coastal regions of the Northern Pacific Rim from Baja used during the AI trials Californiatothe SeaofJapanand Taiwan(Walker etal. Owing to the over representation of male 1 in the US 1986). Although the species is relatively abundant by population,onlyejaculatescollectedfrommale2and3 International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN; were used for AI. The characteristics of these ten Hammondetal.2008)estimates,thebasicreproductive ejaculates are shown in Table 2. Overall, ejaculates biologicdatarequiredtojudgethepotentialforaspecies frombothmaleswereofhighqualitywithprogressively to withstand external pressures are lacking. However, motile (PM) spermatozoa andviability both O88%. For their relative abundance places the species in an ideal the straw-freezing method, total motility (TM), PM, and situation where current ex situ reproductive research viability were all well maintained during the cryopre- efforts may be employed if future environmental servation/thawing process (48, 47, and 64% of initial conditions threaten their survival. For example, the characteristicsrespectively; Table2).Forthe directional recent extinction of the Baiji (Lipotes vexillifer) could freezing method, high levels of TM, PM, and viability not be prevented because ex situ reproductive research were retained following cryopreservation/thawing efforts were delayed until the species was already (94.0, 91.6, and 99.5% of initial characteristics critically endangered (Turvey et al. 2007). Thus, with respectively). nohistoryofsuccessfulexsitubreedingorevenabasic understanding of that species’ biology, little could be done topreventtheirdemise. Artificial inseminations In addition to developing an understanding of normal AI was performed in five females during ten estrous reproductive physiology of an ex situ population, more cyclesfromSeptember2001toOctober2008(Table3). intensivemanagementtools,likegametecryopreservation During the development of AI, initial attempts (2001) andAI, can bedevelopedtohelp maintainandpossibly relied on the presence of POFs after the animals help preserve critically endangered species. In an effort had been administered altrenogest. As we developed towards reaching this goal, this research has used both improved methods for semen deposition (uterine endocrine monitoring, with serum and urine, to charac- versus cervical) and increasingly rapid and accurate terize a range of reproductive events including repro- methods for determining urinary EC and LH ductiveseasonality,preovulatoryfolliculardevelopment, Reproduction(2009)138391–405 Pacificwhite-sideddolphins 397 Table2CharacteristicsofthePacificwhite-sideddolphinsemenusedforartificialinsemination. Neatejaculatemale2a Neatejaculatemale3a Post-thawmale2 Post-thawmale3 Post-thawmale3 Parameter (nZ10) (nZ5) (0h,nZ18) (0h,nZ5) (0h,nZ2) Freezingmethod Straw/LN Straw/LN DSb 2 2 Semencharacteristics Volume(ml) 5.51G4.8 9.8G3.6 11.5G5.4c 14.0G7.0c 8.8G1.1c Spermconcentration 71.3G45.9 53.7G33.0 25.3G11.9 18.7G3.5 19.5G7.0 (!107/ml) Totalspermatozoa 319.1G09.1 614.0G605.6 129.7G102.6 249.3G82.7 171G26.8 perejaculate (!107/ml) Spermcharacteristics Totalmotility 95.3G4.6 88.0G4.5 50.8G9.1 42.5G10.6 82.5G3.5 Percentprogressive 98.1G1.2 98.8G0.4 96.2G2.2 96.5G2.1 96.5G2.1 motility Progressivemotility 93.5G4.6 87.0G4.8 48.9G9.2 40.9G9.3 79.7G5.2 Kineticrating(0–5)d 5G0 5G0 4.1G0.7 4.6G0.1 4.6G0.1 Spermmotilityindexe 467.5G4.9 434.8G24.0 202.3G50.7 185.8G39.6 366.7G35.0 Viability(%) 88.4G1.91 92.2G3.0 70.2G11.8 59G5.7 91.8G0.4 ValuesaremeansGS.D. aAtotaloftenejaculateswerecryopreservedfrommales2and3andusedduring18inseminations.bDS,directionalsolidificationfreezingmethod. cFinalvolumeofinseminationdose.dKineticratingofspermatozoagradedsubjectively:0,nomovement;5,rapidforwardprogression.eSperm motilityindexZprogressivemotility!kineticrating. andovulation.Thecombinationofendocrineevaluation JuneandearlyJuly(SInoue,unpublishedobservations), with the development of semen collection, storage, and while the USA male’s peak seasonality corresponded cryopreservationtechniques,aswellasovarianultrasound withthefemalesinthisstudy.Also,therecentsuccessful evaluation,hasenabledustodevelopthefirstsuccessful natural birth of a Pacific white-sided dolphin in Japan andrepeatableAImethodinthisspecies. (EKatsumata,unpublishedobservations)hasoccurredin Previous to this research, no information had been May. Recent mtDNA evidence suggests that distinct published on the reproductive cycle of Pacific white- genetically isolated population groups exist even sideddolphins.However,methodsusedinthisresearch between the relatively close populations of the Sea of were also developed or in some cases evolved Japan and Northern Pacific coastal animals (Hayano simultaneously from research conducted with the killer et al. 2004). Varying evolutionary pressures based on whale and bottlenose dolphin, the first two cetaceans geographic location have been hypothesized as being where the development of AI was successful (Robeck responsible for the existence of regional differences etal.2004,2005b).Aswithkillerwhalesandbottlenose in peak reproductive activity across populations of dolphins,trainingofthePacificwhite-sideddolphinsfor bottlenose dolphins (Urian et al.1996). daily urine collection was required before endocrine- The seasonal changes in semen production were monitoring techniques could be applied (Walker et al. different from any cetacean described to date, with the 1988, Robecketal.1993,2004). Pacific white-sided dolphin male demonstrating a true Unlike killer whales and bottlenose dolphins, male seasonaldecreaseinserumtestosteroneconcentrations, and female Pacific white-sided dolphins exhibit distinct a corresponding seasonal azoospermia, and an ultra- reproductive seasonality. The data of this study are in sonographically documented significant decrease in supportofpost-mortemresearchfromwildpopulations, testicularsize.Boththebottlenosedolphinandthekiller whichidentifiedadistinct3-monthpatternofreproduc- whale exhibit a diffuse seasonality, where females can tive activity (Harrison et al. 1972, Ferrero et al. 1993). breed throughout the year and males can exhibit However, females of the present study had the highest seasonal peaks in T, which can vary within the animal incidentofbothestrusactivityandcalvingduringAugust and between years among animals. However, sperm to October, while data from the wild Northern Pacific production remains unchanged for both these species ocean population suggest peak reproductive activity (Robeck&O’Brien2004,Robeck&Monfort2006).The occurs from June to August (Ferrero et al. 1993). This beluga,whichhasadefinedandrepeatablereproductive 2-month shift in seasonal reproductive activity may seasonality,undergoesestrusactivityfromMarchtoJune reflect the different geographical origin of founder (Robeck et al. 2005a). A male beluga exhibited periods animals in the captive population. Additional evidence of peak serum T (October–April) and sperm production in support of a geographical influence on seasonal (January–June). While the same male displayed a reproductive patterns is the limited period of semen decrease in serum T and sperm production during T production by the two males located in Japan (inciden- nadir months of July–September, ejaculates were tally caught in fisheries off Japan’s Northern coast) to never azoospermic (O’Brien et al. 2008). The Pacific Reproduction(2009)138391–405 398 TRRobeckandothers n hor 008 Sep202008 6Dir1NA1.47 Luterine 8115.5 Sep202K3.0 4.5 K18 K43K18YesPending e 7 n 0 eri 20 Nov102007 11Str/N21NA1.51 L&Ruthorns25107.7 Nov10K9.75 3 K34.5 K31.5K26.5No– e 8 n 0 eri 20 Aug262007 12Str/N21NA1.45 L&Ruthorns1485.9 Aug27K15.25 8 K31 K43K31No– n or 05 h 0 e 2 Oct162005 6Str/N21NA1.51 Luterin 826.6 Oct16K9.0 4 K26 K32.5K22Yes348 plicable. Datesofartificialinsemination Oct7–8Oct14–1520022005 135Str/NStr/N224212121.371.48 UterinebodyLuterinehorn 12,17,21,2112,7181.3,257.3,58.3,94.1307.0,307.0Oct92002Oct142005KK9.54.75 12 KK4246.5 K–39KK1821YesNo354– directionalfreezing;NA,notap Oct7–82002 12Str/N23121.47 Uterinebody 5,12,1847.3,156.8,187.0 Oct82002K2.5 7 K40 K28.5K15Yes358 plunging;Dir, o Sep5–62002 7Str/N23121.43 Uterinebody 12,4,16128.5,111.7,218.1 Sep62002K3 1.5 K34 K17K9Yes367 10minpriort a. for dat 002 por Table3Pacificwhite-sideddolphinartificialinsemination Sep19–21Aug7Parameter20012002 Femaleinseminated77Str/NCryopreservationmethodStr/N22a41InseminationsperestrusFrequencyofinseminations(h)1.2NAMaximumpreovulatoryfollicle2.841.6diameter(cm)SiteofsemendepositionduringCervixCervixinseminationInseminationvolume(ml)3,9,8,91319.1,71.8,231.2Totalprogressivelymotile36.5,41.0spermatozoaperinsemination7!)(10DayofovulationSep222001Aug72!KThelastinseminationtimeto134ovulation(h)Lengthofobservableestrusprior–1.5toovulation(d)KPeakestrogenconjugatesto–48ovulation(h)StartofLHsurgetoovulation(h)––PeakLHtoovulation(h)––ConceptionNoNoGestationlength(d)–– ,straws(0.5ml)held4.5cmoverliquidnitrogenvaStr/N2aTotalnumberofinseminationsperestrusperiod. Reproduction(2009)138391–405 Pacificwhite-sideddolphins 399 white-sided dolphin in the current study exhibited The use of altrenogest in marine mammals for similar but more pronounced peak sperm production contraception or as a synchronization agent has been with a lag time after peak T production of 60 days. In well documented in killer whales, bottlenose dolphins, contrast, peak testicular diameter had a lag time after and beluga (Young & Huff 1996, Robeck et al. 2001, peak T of only 30 days. This evidence supports a 2004, 2005b, Steinman et al. 2007). However, unlike spermatogenic cycle of 60 days, similar to other killer whales and bottlenose dolphins, at the time of domesticspecies (Amann & Schanbacher1983). study, the Pacific white-sided dolphin was the first Duringthestudy,animalsovulatedtwice during their seasonally estrus cetacean where altrenogest had been season,demonstratingthatthisspeciescanbeseasonally used. As a result, when to administer the hormone polyestrus. The inter-ovulatory interval of 31 d (nZ5) is (beforeorduringtheshortbreedingseason)foroptimum similar in length to that for the Indo-Pacific bottlenose effectivenesswas unknown. dolphin (30 d, Brook et al. 2004) and the Atlantic In the horse, altrenogest is most effective at synchro- bottlenose dolphin (33 days, Robeck et al. 2005b; TR nizingestrusduringthebreedingseasonwithlittleorno Robeck&JKO’Brien 2008, unpublished observations). effect during seasonal anestrus (Webel & Squires 1982, ConsistentdetectionofthestartofthepreovulatoryLH Squires et al. 1983). Since the Pacific white-sided surge required that urine samples were collected for dolphins exhibited seasonal estrus activity from July to monitoring ata minimum of three times a day. Samples October, no attempts were made to synchronize them collected every 4h were used to define the temporal outside of this period. Even with this targeted adminis- dynamics of the LH surge, which demonstrated an tration plan, the overall success of this administration increase from baseline to peak of 14h, longer than that was only 16%. The reason for this poor response when whichwasobservedforbottlenosedolphins(9h;Robeck compared with bottlenose dolphins, which typically et al. 2005b). However, the length of time from the LH havea50%responsetoregumate(Robecketal.2005b), peak to ovulation in the Pacific white-sided dolphin of is unknown and may simply be an effect of the Pacific 17h was 29 and 55% shorter than that observed for white-sided dolphin’s tight reproductive seasonality. bottlenose dolphins (24h: Robeck et al. 2005b) and The use of altrenogest as a synchronization agent in killerwhales(38h:Robecketal.2004)respectively. the Pacific white-sided dolphins results in a long delay The strategy of inseminating every 12h once estrus from hormone withdrawal to ovulation of 20 d. This and/or a POF has been detected and until ovulation is response is similar to the bottlenose dolphin (Robeck not appropriate for species where semen is of limited etal.2005b).Bothofthesespecieshavesimilarfollicular supplyoruniqueinvalue(e.g.sexedsemen).Toenable dynamics, in that they do not have large numbers of efficient use of semen, accurate prediction of ovulation recruitable follicles present on the ovary at any given timingiscritical.DuringtheinitialdevelopmentofAIfor time (i.e. follicle O4.0–4.5mm for bovine; Guilbault this species, a rapid LH test that could reliably predict etal.1991,Gintheretal.1998).Thus,theydonothave ovulation was not available. Thus, we relied on our continuous waves of follicles from which a portion is onsite EC assay to determine peak estrogen production always receptive for recruitment post-progesterone by the POF, and use this point to predict approaching administration. Since only small, non-growing follicles ovulation. As we improved the speed and portability of (!0.4mmindiameter)areavailableforrecruitment,the the LH assay (Steinman et al. 2003, O’Brien & Robeck lack of continuous follicular waves in dolphins may 2006), we were able to rely on the more accurate and account for the protracted response from progestogen consistent LHsurgetopredictovulation. withdrawaltoovulationwhencomparedtothedomestic Once the LH surge had been characterized (2001– pig (7–9 days; Kraeling et al. 1981, Pursel et al. 1981) 2005), we were able to use three samples per day at and the horse (9 days for the normally cycling horse; 6hourlyintervals(e.g. 0800,1400,and2000h),witha Squiresetal.1983,Daelsetal.1996).Understandingthe 12h gap during the night. However, if the surge mechanism for the initiation of this recruitment may commenced at night during the 12-h-sampling gap, provide the solution for developing a more effective this sampling strategy diminished our ability to accu- estrusinduction and synchronization method. ratelypredictLHsurgeinitiation.Inordertoaddressthis Evaluationofovariesusingtransabdominalultrasono- problem,twomethodswereemployed,1)theuseofthe graphy has been previously reported in other cetacean rapid (20min) qualitative cLH test kit and 2) multiple species including the bottlenose dolphin (Robeck et al. urine tests (every 3–4h) after the first positive test. The 1998, 2005b, Brook 2001), Indo-Pacific humpback analysis of multiple urine samples allowed for a semi- dolphin (Brook et al. 2004), killer whales (Robeck quantitative indicator of the direction in which the LH et al. 2004), and the beluga (Robeck et al. 2007). The concentration was heading (up or down). When this circumferential daily growth rate of 0.41cm and informationwascombinedwiththeknownintervalfrom the maximum POF diameter of 1.5cm in the Pacific LH surge onset to peak LH concentration (14h), we white-sided dolphin were different from the bottlenose could estimate the timing of start of the LH surge, and dolphin of 0.47 and 2.1cm respectively. Since thus predictthetiming ofapproachingovulation. the follicular phase length is similar for both species, Reproduction(2009)138391–405 400 TRRobeckandothers the slightly faster growth ratefor the bottlenose dolphin over the conventional straw method. These findings are is reflective of a larger POF at ovulation. In addition, inagreementwithrecentcryopreservationstudiesusing dominant follicle selection appears to occur around sexed bottlenose dolphin spermatozoa (O’Brien & 0.8cminthePacificwhite-sideddolphinasopposedto Robeck 2006) and non-sexed beluga semen (O’Brien w1cm in the bottlenose dolphin. Similar to bottlenose & Robeck 2007). Clearly, future-controlled experiments dolphins (Robeck et al. 2005b), POF size in the Pacific objectively evaluating the potential of directional white-sided dolphins did not correlate to urinary freezing technology in the Pacific white-sided dolphin estrogen concentrations oranimal body mass. are warranted. Ovulationoccurred100%ofthetimeontheleftovary The mean gestation length of 356 days and range ofthePacificwhite-sideddolphin,thisisanevengreater from 348 to 367 d is the first description of both the degree of unilateralism than what was found in the normallengthandthepotentialrangeofgestationinthis bottlenose dolphin where ovulation occurred 82% on species. The length is slightly shorter than bottlenose the left ovary (Ohsumi 1964, Robecket al. 2005b). The dolphinsthathaveameanof377dandrangefrom357 reason for this unilateralism in ovulation is unknown. to399d(Robecketal.2005b;JKO’Brien&TRRobeck Also, as with bottlenose dolphins and Indo-Pacific unpublished observations). dolphins (Brook et al. 2004), secondary follicles were The combination of years of research on basic observed;however,unlikebottlenosedolphins,second- endocrinology, semen collection, and cryopreservation aryfolliclesdidnotregressbutwerepresentatovulation hasallowedforthefirstsuccessfulapplicationofAIinthe in 31% of the observed ovulations. Cystic follicles Pacific white-sided dolphin. Owing to the small North developedintwodifferentfemalesduringnaturalcycles. American population size, the ability to utilize and Two females had what appeared to be cystic ovaries improvethesetechniqueswilllargelyinfluencewhether throughout the study. One animal had a single large ornotthisspeciesremainsincaptivity.Withthatinmind, ovariancystthatneverchangedinsizeandtheotherhad futureeffortswiththePacificwhite-sideddolphinwillbe multiple small cysts that remained on the ovary focused on the development of methodologies for sex- throughout the year. Abnormal ovarian cysts have been selecting spermatozoa for use with the AI techniques observed in bottlenose dolphins and in a killer whale. described herein. Sex selection will allow for a faster The origin and/or significance of these cysts are increase in the female population or, if necessary, the unknown,butallanimalswherethishasbeenobserved production of a genetically elite male by inseminating (including the animals in this study) were able to theleastrepresentedfemalewithYchromosome-bearing conceive. spermatozoafromanunrepresentedmale(O’Brienetal. Therawejaculatecharacteristicspresentedhereinare 2002,2009).Whilethisspeciesisnotendangeredinthe thefirstpublisheddatafromthisspecies,andduringtheir wild, the degree of genetic and reproductive manage- seasontheyarecomparableinqualityandconcentration ment required to maintain the diversity of this small to those obtained from the bottlenose dolphin ex situ population provides an ideal model for the (Schroeder & Keller 1989, Robeck & O’Brien 2004). restoration of any cetacean species that may become Owing tothe limitednumberand overrepresentation of endangeredinthefuture. themaleavailableforsemencollectionintheUS,allthe inseminations were completed using frozen–thawed semen imported from two males located in Japan. The Materials and Methods minimumeffectivedoseof260millionPMspermatozoa Animals required for conception in the Pacific white-sided dolphin is similar to that of cryopreserved bottlenose Twelve female and three male Pacific white-sided dolphins dolphin semen (270 million PM spermatozoa; Robeck (L.obliquidens)locatedatthreefacilitieswereusedforvarious combinations of endocrine monitoring, semen collection, et al. 2005b), but is considerably more than that and/or insemination trials (Table 1). During the collection of achieved with sex-sorted, cryopreserved bottlenose seasonality data (progesterone and conception data), females dolphin spermatozoa (150 million PM spermatozoa; 1–8hadconstantaccesstoamaleforbreedingpurposes.These O’Brien & Robeck 2006). This suggests that future datawerecollectedfromfemales1–8locatedatSeaWorldof inseminationeffortswiththePacificwhite-sideddolphin Texas(SWT;SanAntonio,TX78251,USA)from1980to2001 mayrequirefewerPM spermatozoa for success. prior to the initiation of the urine collection for cycle The straw method for cryopreserving semen yielded monitoring.OncetheAItrialsbegan,themalewasseparated similar results between the two males evaluated. Since fromcandidatefemales(SWT)foraminimumof1monthprior w50%ofinitialmotilitywasmaintainedpost-thawing,it totheprocedures.Male1andfemales1–8locatedatSWTwere appearsthatthismethodisadequateforgametestorage housed in an w7445m3 manufactured saltwater enclosure and use with AI. While not directly comparable, the (temperature:controlledfrom17to208C).Females8–12were directional freezing method enabled 94% of initial housedina15141m3indoormanufacturedsaltwaterhabitat motility to be maintained post-thaw,therebyillustrating (water temperature from 17 to 208C) at the John G Shedd thepotentialvastimprovementthistechnologycanoffer Aquarium(ChicagoZoologicalSociety,Chicago,IL60605,USA). Reproduction(2009)138391–405