SBASOHALIfY AUD BASIS ACJOSfMSMIS IN THE FECZEH COHCBHTSAIEB OBAHGE JDICE FDfOSSS MAEKEf By flLLIAH K. MALICK A DISSSSTATIOK PH2SMTED 10 ^BE GBADUAIE SCflOOl OF TBI 0!3I?ERSIfY OF FLGBIDA IS PARTIAL FDI.FIIIMEST OF THE BECUiaESENTS F02 THE EBGBSl OF BGCICS OF PHILCSOPHY GHIVBlSIfY OF FICEIES 1985 lCKK0KliDG.aiH1S J Ihs author expresses sincere appreciaticn to Dr, B- W. i Ward, Dr. H. R. langhaa. Dr. J. S. ShcD'kwilsr, and Dr. E- C. i Littall for servi-Bg on his advisory coffimittes, Iheir j comments, criticisus, and suggssticns xipcn teviefcing the i drafts of this laaEUscript served to improve it and «€r€ | appreciated. A special note c± thanks is doe Br. B. W. I i Ward, chairiaan ct the advisory cofflmittee, for his suggestions and guidance throughout the study. Graditude is extcjnded to Ijo.nna Fillison and Detliie Barstis for helping with the typing. Appreciation must also be axpressed to the Food and Eesource Economics Departuent for providing financial support throughout the author's graduate studies. 11 TABLE 0? COSlEliTS Page ACKUCSLSDGUSMTS. , ii LIST OF TIBLES . . vii LIST OP riansES. . ix ..... ABSTBACT nil CHAPfEES I MTEODOCTION GeBsral Theoretical Backgxouad .-..-.... TBSfOhcsureotsapuenergaPeerrscoahbnIldnMeaaO•,......,.....'!....*...',*,.,']*.". ^-1j775qgi Overview ig II LITBHATUEE HE?IEW 20 IShteocrraygeofTheNoorrymal.,Backwardation,... 2205 Storage Cost Comfonents -........, 29 Physical storage cos.ts........... 29 S-t.or-ag,e........ 33332201 43in£^i37olo III BEVIEW OF THE MAHD-EISSE KCDSI ......... U6 Contributions 46 Basis Patterns ---...... na The Model Estimated. 52 Model Specificati.on.............. 53 Bisk Preaiuffl 56 iii ............ Convsnicnce yield.............. 57 Market liguidi.ty.............. 58 "Freeae tias. ............ 59 Frssza cccurrenca. ........... 60 Estimation and Ecsults. 61 Impact of Explanatory Variables Over Time . . 63 IV EE¥IS^4 OF Basis SESIDUAI RGVEI^EMS 67 V THEOEETICAL AEJUSfHEKIS TO IHE ICOJ BASIS. ... 8H ................ General Analysis ............ 81 Storage Tiieory Analysis. 93 Hypothesizrd Effect 96 Coavaaience yi.el.d.............. 97 HisK prsffliuia ............. 100 Harkat liguidi.ty.............. 101 Preeze hias. ............ 101 Freeze cccurrencs. 102 Hypothesized DyEaraics of Market Sdjustasents . 102 ....... VI ESTIMATION OF THE JDLY BASIS HODEI 118 Initial Estiiaates. ............ 119 Initial Specification ............ 120 Other Specifica.ti.on.s.............. 128 .Final Bstimates. 133 Eesults and Beview 135 Serial Correlation. ......... 135 Review of Estimaticn Prcileos. 139 Interpretation of the levised lard-Casse Modal . 142 VII SPECIPICATIOIS AHD ESTI.H.AT.IC.H.OF..CC.HS.TA.N.l.PE.BI.CD. FEOe MATOaiTY MCDSIS lUS Constant Period Versus Constant Contract Models, 149 Specifying a Constant Period Model for'.FC.OJ...... 152 Accounting for 152 Data Considerations 154 .Measuring Convenience 156 Review of the Concepts. ..... ..... 156 The Alternative Ireatiaent ........ 157 Model Estimation ......... 15o Initial Model Specification 168 Allowing for .Dynamics and 177 Specification and Bssults. 177 One period lags in the depe.r.dent variable. 178 Yearly lags in the depende,nt variable. . . 183 Yearly and one dOethpeerndevnatriavtairoinasbleof the basic racdel. ... 118854 XV ga<jg ......... I:hsAMFcoidcenolaulntsijcfaregcIifdfooirpctaastdeiaonsic^ 111888966 Alternative Specificaticns. 20S VIII ISTSHPHE.TA.TI.OM..OF.B.BS.UI.IS.C.F.CO.KS.IA.Jil..PE.EI.OE.. MODELS 2U» General Discussi.on....... 214 lPaegrgfeodrmaBnacseis Sesidual,»,. 221151 AHanrtkiectipaltiogruyidiBtiyskanPdremFirueieaze Effects ..... 221I96 HontSfhhtleoyckBaSCstoiofscfklpEcEanfsefinedtcustasl Vari.ab.l.e .. .,....... 222222120 FSrtoecekzeEfBfiaesctsEomSiintbainnceaoatlis --.,..... 223203 Stock 233 Dominance 236 Understan.d-in.g.Di,,s.i.n .Hcnthlj Stock,.s..........1..',.1..', 22222*5444467905 low stock effect. ............." 258 AHvigehragsetocsktocekffeecftfect .....I 226614 BasiIsntSeerssiedausaolnalChacnognevseniCevnecreTiymieeld........ 226763 TCrheanndgses in Stocks --.«,., ........\ 227754 IX IMPilCATIOHS C? THE ESSQITS. . . 278,t,.,... 278 Stocks. 279 Seasonal Patterns 280 Imports 284 EHmepdgiirnigcalStrPaedrefgoiremasnc.e.....-..,.,..,...,,.. 229805 Expectations and Forecasting 293 B-Sguared and its Implications 293 SThiemulLaatgignegd BBaassiiss Sfeiessiidduuaall AVdarjiuasbtlmeents ...., 229945 laportance of Stable Parameters. .- 296 V X SOHMAEY, COI5CI0SIOHS, AISB BESIABCE SUGGESTIONS . 298 .................... CSucfnficflfluarsyi-ons- ......................... 229998 Suggestions for lesearcli 301 APPBl^DICES a TIES VaSYING faEAMElES EESUITS 303 B CO¥AEIA.NCE MaiEIClS 307 ,...,..,-......... LlSf 0? EEFSHENCSS 323 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH 326 vx LIST OF TABLES 3.1 ihe Ward-Dasse aodel results- 62 5.1 aeview of relationships i,n the Sard-Dasse aicdel , 109 6.1 Variable means and standard deviations for the 1967-68 through 1973-14 seasons (229 cbservatioBs) 126 6.2 Variable means and standard deviations for the 1957-63 through 1981-82 seasons (489 cbservaticos) 127 6.3 Initial estiaates of the July basis residual model over the original data period (1967-74) . . 129 6.4 Pinal estimates of ths July basis residual modsl. 136 6.5 Beview of variahle definitions* ..,..,.,. 137 7.1 Initial constant period estimates ... 170 7-2 "Variable period model. ^-ji 1.3 Bceosnuslttasntfopreriaoddynuaiomdiecl , the initial ,. T79 7.4 of the 192 7.5 cVoanrsitaabnlet for the.. 193 7.6 Eroeoaduellt.s f.or..a,f.t.he,f,,, 213 8.1'op'.... 218 8.2 Estimated constant and monthly stock components for different periods froK maturity . 224 8.3 Categorizing months as risk preiniuM, convenience yield, free-ze--, doffiinant. 237 vii Tails .I.§a,§ 8.4 Ihe constant and mcnthly Icng run stock componants for different periods from aatarity, . 246 8.5 Bean basis residual values ty different periods from maturity 267 8.6 Monthly comparison of supplies held hy prccessors 276 i.1 liKe varying parameter results for the four month model 304 .... B.I Covariance matrix for the six month model 308 B.2 Covariance matrix fcr the five nccth Bcdel. ... 311 B.3 Covariance matrix fcr the four isonth model. ... 314 B,4 Covariance matrix fcr the three Hicnth BCdel ... 317 .... B.5 Covariance matrix fcr the two month model 320 ViXl IISI OF F1G0BE3 ...... 1-1 Ifflforts of FCCJ by Florida Processors 10 2.1 Ike sapplj of storaga carve and its ccmpoBents- . m 3-1 ^ean July FCOJ tasis residual values 49 3-2 lypical PCOJ basis residual for and key periods during the seascn 50 3-3 ImnitnienrgacttihoenJuolfyexFpClOJanabtaosriys 64 4-1 July FCOJ basis residual Eovsments. 68 4.2 Four fflontii frcm maturity« based on various cash prices. 74 4.3 Various orange industry price mcvenients 78 5-1 Hypothesized effect increase on tha model . 10c 5.2 Hypothesized change in the CY{t} coefficient over time , 112 5.3,he..EP.{t.}.co.e,ff.ic,ie.nt... over 113 5.4 Hypothesize,d.c-ha-ng-e -in.t.he,,ez.e.b.ia.s .. over tiffle nq 5.5 .in.t.he,F.Z,{t},nt... over time 115 7-1 Traditi-on,«,,oc.Jc.s .en.t,he. basis 153 7.2 Comparison of the leg and inverse stock curves- , 161 IX .fiaa£§ Page 7-3 Predicted and actual basis residual values for the six aoath siodel 194 7.a Predicted and actual,.fo.r . tlie five laonth aodel. 197 7.5 Predicted and actual, . the four month model. 200 7.6 predicted and actual . tiie three month modsl 203 7.7 predicted and . the two month model 206 ....... 8.1 An example of freeze bias doaainance 226 8.2 December stock effects for different periods from ffiaturity 229 8.3 Impact of sto.c.ks.f.or..different during May. 231 8.4 Monthly stock,t,s,fi.v,e .month from maturity model- 234 8.5 Stock«ti»ve-t,,y,.t.wc,,mo.nt.h .. effect, 242 8.6 FdiivfefermeonntthS{stt} year giv.e.n.. 244 8.7 fhe effect of stocks on for the six month model 250 8.8 Ihe effect of stocks on seasonal basis patterns for the five Bonth Bodel. 251 8.9 fhe affect of stocks on for the four lEonth asodel. 252 8.10 Ihe effect of stocks on for the three month aodel 253 8.11 fIohre etfhefecttwoofmonstthockmsodeoln^al basis patterns 254 8-12 Coiaj)arison of seasonal effects across models given S£t} eguals 0.8 ., 257 3.13 Implied seasonal cont-ra.c.t{.t}.. eguals 0.8 259