IFIC/04-1 FTUV-04-0107 January 7, 2004 hep-ph/0401031 ∗ Searching for new physics in Upsilon decays Miguel Angel Sanchis-Lozanoa,b† (a) Instituto de F´ısica Corpuscular (IFIC), Centro Mixto Universidad de Valencia-CSIC (b) Departamento de F´ısica Te´orica, Universidad de Valencia 4 Dr. Moliner 50, E-46100 Burjassot, Valencia (Spain) 0 0 2 n Abstract a J Weexaminesomepossibleexperimentalconsequencesofnewphysicsonthespectrumand 7 decaysofbottomoniumstatesbelowBB¯ threshold. Inadditiontoleptonuniversalitybreaking inUpsilondecays,largewidthsofpseudoscalarηb resonancesandmixingwithanon-standard 1 CP-oddlightHiggsbosonmightsmoothandshiftthesignalpeakfromhinderedradiativeM1 v transitionsbetweenΥandηb statesinthephotonenergyspectrum,assearchedbyCLEO.We 1 also stress the relevance of forthcoming results from CLEO onleptonic branching fractions of 3 0 Υ resonances to definitely check our hypothesis. 1 0 PACS numbers: 14.80.Cp, 13.25.Gv, 14.80.-j 4 Keywords: New physics, non-standard Higgs, bottomonium decays, lepton universality 0 / h p The possibility of new physics showing up in leptonic decays of bottomonium was ex- - p amined in [1, 2]. There we advocated the existence of a non-standard (CP-odd) light e h Higgs boson (denoted as A0) mediating the annihilation of the Upsilon vector resonance v: into a lepton pair through an intermediate η∗ state subsequent to a magnetic dipole (M1) b i transition yielding a soft (unobserved) final-state photon. Then an “apparent” breaking of X lepton universality 1 would appear since the Higgs-mediated contribution would be unwit- r a tingly ascribed to the leptonic decay channel in the experimental measurement (notably in the tauonic mode because of the employed missing-energy technique) thereby inducing a dependence of the branching fraction (BF) on the leptonic species. Hitherto, we have assumed in our theoretical analysis that the A0 mass was close to the bottomonium resonances below BB¯ threshold; thus the Higgs propagator in the diagram of Fig.1b should enhance the decay rate ultimately implying moderate values of the pa- rameter tanβ - defined as the ratio of the Higgs vacuum expectation values in a two Higgs doublet model (2HDM) [3] - to account for the postulated new physics effect in Υ lep- tonic decays. In this Letter we relax this condition to some extent, moreover exploring the experimental consequences of our conjecture on bottomonium spectroscopy and hindered radiative transitions from Υ resonances in view of the current failure to detect the η (1S) b and η (2S) states [4, 5]. Admittedly, the lack of such experimental observation in itself can b be hardly used as an argument in favor of new physics, but nonetheless one should keep an open mind in connection with the ideas developed in this work. ∗Research undergrant FPA2002-00612. †Email: [email protected] 1In thesense that once theHiggs contribution were taken intoaccount, lepton universality would berestored 1 - b l (1S) g b l+ - b l g (1S) Aº b l+ Figure 1: (a)[upper panel]: Electromagnetic annihilation of a Υ(1S) resonance into a charged lepton pair through a virtual photon; (b)[lower panel]: Hypothetical annihilation of an interme- diate η∗ state (subsequent to a M1 structural transition yielding a soft photon) into a charged b lepton pair through a CP-odd Higgs particle denoted by A0. In order to assess the relative importance of the postulated new physics contribution, we defined in [1, 2] the BF’s ratio: B R = Υ→γsℓℓ ; ℓ = e,µ,τ (1) ℓ B Υ→ℓℓ where B and B refer to the Higgs-mediated and standard electromagnetic con- Υ→γsℓℓ Υ→ℓℓ tributions to the Υ leptonic decay, respectively. Focusing on the tauonic channel, B Υ→γsττ was estimated as the “excess” B −B with either ℓ = e, µ from available experi- Υ→ττ Υ→ℓℓ mental data [6]; thereby R was found to be of order 10% in both Υ(1S) and Υ(2S) decays τ although with a considerable experimental uncertainty [1, 2]. Nevertheless, we performed a hypothesis test concluding that lepton universality (predicting R = 0) could be rejected τ at a 10% level of significance. Two theoretical approaches were used in [1] to deal with the Υ → γ ℓℓ decay. Firstly, s we applied time-ordered perturbation theory considering a two-step process: a prior M1- ¯ transition yielding a bb pseudoscalar virtual state followed by its annihilation into a lepton pair mediated by the A0 (see Fig.1b). Alternatively, we relied on the separation between long- and short-distance physics in accordance with the main lines of a non-relativistic effective theory like NRQCD [7], albeit replacing a gluon by a photon in the usual Fock decomposition of hadronic bound states. Different results for the final widths come out in each approach, as we shall see below (see [1] for a lengthier discussion). On the one hand, factorization `a la NRQCD [7] of the decay width leads to Γ = PΥ(η∗γ )×Γ (2) Υ→γsℓℓ b s ηb∗→ℓℓ where PΥ(η∗γ ) denotes the probability for a Fock component in the Υ(nS) (n = 1,2,3) b s resonance containing an almost on-shell η∗ state and a soft photon γ ; in Refs.[1, 2] this b s probability was estimated by means of the well-known formula connecting Υ(nS) and η (nS) states through a direct M1-transition: b ΓM1 1 4αQ2 PΥ(η∗γ ) ≈ Υ→γsηb ≃ b ∆E3 ∼ 10−5 −10−3 (3) b s Γ Γ 3m2 hs Υ Υ b 2 tanb tanb 30 150 20 100 10 50 100 200 300 400 500 m (MeV) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 m (GeV) Figure 2: Required tanβ values (shaded area) needed to account for a ∼ 10% breakdown of lepton universality in Υ decays as a function of ∆m according to the factorization (4). The vertical dotted line shows the range of tanβ for ∆m = 250 MeV used in [1] as a reference value. where Γ stands for the resonance full width, α ≃ 1/137 denotes the fine-structure con- Υ stant, Q = 1/3 is the bottom-quark electric charge and m = M /2 ≃ 5 GeV; we took b b Υ the hyperfine Υ−η mass splitting ∆E varying over the broad range 35−150 MeV. Note b hs that the intermediate η∗ state actually should not be too far off-shell because of the small b photon energy given by ∆E . So we will not distinguish between η and η∗ hereafter; hs b b besides η denotes collectively any η (nS) (n = 1,2,3) state though we have focused on b b the η (1S) because of currently more precise data on the leptonic BF of the Υ(1S) [6]. b Thus, the final decay width for the whole process can be re-expressed from Eq.(2) as ΓM1 Γ ≃ Υ→γsηb Γ (4) Υ→γsℓℓ Γ ηb→ℓℓ Υ By requiring the BF’s ratio R in Eq.(1) to be of order 10%, we found in [1] that tanβ τ in a 2HDM(II) has to stay over the range: 7 . tanβ . 21, depending on the value of ∆E , namely from 150 MeV down to 35 MeV. Actually this tanβ interval corresponds hs to a particular choice of the Higgs mass value, in between the Υ(1S) and Υ(2S) masses. Here we relax somewhat this condition: Fig.2 shows the tanβ-range as a function of ∆m, defined as the mass difference between the postulated non-standard Higgs and the η (1S) b resonance [1]. For the largest values of ∆m only the lower area of the shaded region would be likely acceptable - corresponding to the highest estimates of PΥ(η∗γ ) in (3). b s On the other hand, applying second-order time perturbation theory instead of the factorization given by Eq.(2), one obtains that the partial width of the whole decay, in the narrow width approximation (i.e. Γ /2 ≪ ∆E ), reduces to η hs b Γ Γ ≃ ΓM1 ηb→ℓℓ (5) Υ→γsℓℓ Υ→γsηb Γ η b In fact this equation matches a cascade decay taking place via the aforementioned η∗ b intermediate state. Let us remark that Eqs.(4) and (5) are numerically (and conceptually) quite different as one expects Γ ≪ Γ . Thus, in general, tanβ values higher than in Υ ηb the previous approach are required in order to account for the same O(10%) breakdown 3 of lepton universality, while the Higgs mass value has to be kept below BB¯ threshold to enhance the decay rate through the Higgs propagator as already mentioned. Now,sincetheHiggs-mediatedpartialwidthoftheleptonicdecayoftheη statedepends b on the fourth power of tanβ and the leptonic mass squared (see Eq.(20) of Ref.[1]), a large value of the former quantity would imply that the pseudoscalar resonance (which stands below open bottom production) would mainly decay through the tauonic channel, i.e. Γ ≃ Γ (6) η η →ττ b b overwhelming all other decay modes. For example, if tanβ & 35 the full width turns out to be Γ & 30 MeV in contrast with the expected Γ ≃ 4 MeV obtained from the asymptotic η η b b expression Γ ≃ m /m ×[α (m )/α (m )]5 ×Γ , setting Γ = 16±3MeV [6] 2. ηb b c s b s c ηc ηc(1S) Then from Eqs. (5) and (6), the partial width for the tauonic channel approximately coincides with the M1-transition width, i.e. Γ ≃ ΓM1 (7) Υ→γsττ Υ→γsηb because of the almost complete cancellation of the partial and full widths of the η . Next, b dividing both sides of the above approximate equality by the Υ full width, one finds ΓM1 B ≃ Υ→γsηb (8) Υ→γsττ Γ Υ As B ∼ 10−2 [6], the value of the BF’s ratio R of Eq.(1), calculated according Υ→ττ τ to the above expression (8), can indeed reach a 10% order-of-magnitude for the highest estimates from Eq.(3). This result represents a step forward in our investigation using this approach with respect to Ref.[1]. Thus, a large η width (e.g. Γ & 30 MeV) could stem b η b either from (4), or from the alternative factorization (5), for high tanβ in both cases. ¯ Letusobservethatquitebroadpseudoscalarbbresonancesmightexplainwhythereisno evidence found from hindered M1 radiative decays of higher Upsilon resonances into η (1S) b and η (2S) states in the search performed by CLEO [4, 5]. The corresponding signal peak b (which should appear in the photon energy spectrum) could be considerably smoothed - in addition to the spreading from the experimental measurement - and thereby might not be significantly distinguished fromthebackground (arisingprimarlyfromπ0’s). Ofcourse, the matrix elements for hindered transitions are expected to be small and difficult to predict as they are generated by relativistic and finite size corrections. Nevertheless, most of the theoretical calculations (see a compilation in Ref.[10]) are ruled out by CLEO results (at least) at 90% CL, though substancially lower rates are obtained in [11] where exchange currents play an essential role and therefore cannot be currently excluded. Let us finally point out that a large full width of the η resonance would bring negative effects on the b prospects for itsdetection atthe Tevatronthroughthe double-J/ψ decay: η → J/ψ+J/ψ. b Indeed, the expected BF would drop by about one order of magnitude with respect to the range between 7×10−5 and 7×10−3 assumed in [12]. Furthermore, another interesting possibility is linked to a A0 − η mixing [13] which b could sizeably lower the mass of the mixed (physical) η state, especially for high tanβ b 2Let us stress that there are still open windows for relatively light non-standard Higgs masses and moderate tanβ values,still notruled out bydirect searches at LEP[8,9]. Alsonoticethat for ameaningful existenceofthe pseudoscalar state, theη full width should remain smaller than the Υ−η hyperfinesplitting b b 4 values starting from similar masses of the unmixed states [1]. Then the signal peak in the photon energy plot could be (partially) shifted off the search window used by CLEO [4, 5] towards higher γ energies (corresponding to a smaller η mass 3) perhaps contributing b additionally to the failure to find evidence about the existence of the η resonances to date. b As a particular but illustrative example, assuming for the masses of the unmixed states mηb0 ≃ mA00 = 9.4 GeV and the moderate tanβ = 20 value, one gets for the physical states mA0 = 9.56 GeV and mηb = 9.24 GeV respectively 4. On the other hand, CLEO has completed detailed scans of the Υ(nS) (n = 1,2,3) resonances and we want to stress the relevance of these measurements (aside many other applications) for testing more accurately the possible existence of new physics by a more precise determination of the electronic, muonic and tauonic BFs of all three resonances below open bottom threshold. In case no lepton universality breaking is definitely found, some windows in the tanβ-mA0 parametric space for such a non-standard CP-odd light Higgs boson 5 would be closed. Acknowledgements: I thank R. Galik, H. Muramatsu, and T. Skwarnicki for useful comments relatedtoCLEO results. Ialsothank J.Papavassilou andP.Ruizfordiscussions and critical reading of the manuscript. 3This would be the case if the (unmixed) CP-odd Higgs boson had a mass greater than the (unmixed) η b resonance [13]. We work underthis hypothesis throughout this paper 4The mass formula for the physical A0 and ηb states in terms of the unmixed states (denoted as A00 and ηb0 respectively), and the off-diagonal mass matrix element δm2 ≃0.146×tanβ [1], for quite narrow resonances (i.e. Γηb0, ΓA00 ≪mηb0, mA00) reads [1]: m2ηb,A0 ≃ 21(m2A00+m2ηb0) ∓ 21(cid:20)(m2A00−m2ηb0)2+4(δm2)2(cid:21)1/2 which yields in the case of thephysical η and A0 particles for different mass intervals: b mηb,A0 ≃ mηb0 ∓ 2δmmη2b0 ; 0<m2A00−m2ηb0 <<2 δm2 mηb,A0 ≃ mηb0 ∓ 2mηb0((mδm2A002)−2 m2ηb0) ; m2A00−m2ηb0 >>2 δm2 5Likewise, other scenarios and models can be considered, e.g., Higgs bosons with no definedCP [14] 5 References [1] M. A. Sanchis-Lozano, arXiv:hep-ph/0307313. [2] M. A. Sanchis-Lozano, Mod. Phys. Lett. A 17, 2265 (2002) [arXiv:hep- ph/0206156]. [3] J. Gunion et al., The Higgs Hunter’s Guide (Addison-Wesley, 1990). [4] A. H. Mahmood et al. [CLEO Collaboration], arXiv:hep-ex/0207057. [5] T. E. 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