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Searching for Cosmic Strings in New Observational Windows Robert H. Brandenberger1,∗ 1Physics Department, McGill University, 3600 University Street, Montreal, QC, H3A 2T8, Canada Cosmic strings are predicted in many models beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. In models which admit strings, a network of strings will inevitably be formed in a phase transition in the early universe and will persist to the present time. Strings leave behind distinctive features in cosmology. Searchingforthesesignaturesinnewobservationalwindowsprovidesawaytoconstrain particle physics at the high energy scale and is thus complementary to searches for new physics at the low energy end, for example at the LHC. Specifically, I will discuss signatures of cosmic strings in cosmic microwave background polarization maps and in 21cm redshift surveys. 3 1 0 PACSnumbers: 98.80.Cq 2 n I. INTRODUCTION Infact,currentlimitsoncosmicstringsalready[8]pro- a vide a constraint J 4 Cosmic strings [1] are linear topological defects which Gµ < 1.5×10−7 (1) 1 arise in a range of relativistic quantum field theories (for reviews see e.g [2]). Good analogs of cosmic strings are which rules out certain Grand Unified particle physics ] O vortexlinesinsuperfluidsandsuperconductors. Linede- models with very high scale symmetry breaking. This fectsincrystalscanbeviewedasanotheranalogsystem. C limit comes from the observational upper bound on Cosmic strings form lines of trapped energy density, and the contribution of cosmic strings to the angular . h this energy density can curve space-time and have im- powerspectrumofcosmicmicrowavebackground(CMB) p portant effects in cosmology [3]. anisotropies obtained by combining the results of the - o Cosmic strings are predicted to form in many particle WMAP satellite [9] with those of the South Pole Tele- r physics models beyond the Standard Model. In particu- scope [10] (see also [11] for a comparable limit obtained t s lar, they are predicted to form at the end of inflation in bycombiningresultsfromWMAPandfromtheAtacama a many inflationary models, e.g. supergravity models [4] Cosmology Telescope [12], and [13] for earlier limits). [ and brane inflation models [5]. Cosmic strings may also Giventheconstraintsonparticlephysicsmodelswhich 1 surviveascosmicsuperstringsinalternativestoinflation can be derived from current observations, it is of great v such as “String Gas Cosmology” [6]. The key point for interesttotrytoimprovetheobservationalupperbounds 6 cosmologyisthatinanyfieldtheorymodelwhichadmits on the cosmic string tension since this will allow us to 5 cosmic string solutions, a network of strings inevitably constrain high energy scale particle physics models more 8 forms at some point during the early universe [7], and strongly than what is possible today. 2 . it persists to the present time. Hence, the detection of Cosmic strings can also produce many good things 1 cosmic strings would give us information about particle for cosmology in addition to contributing to cosmolog- 0 physics at very high energy scales. ical structure formation. Cosmic strings may play a role 3 1 Since cosmic strings are relativistic objects, a straight in baryogenesis (see e.g. [14]). Certain types of strings : string is described by one number, namely its mass per can provide a mechanism for the production [15] of seed v i unitlengthµwhichalsoequalsitstension,orequivalently magnetic fields which are coherent on galactic scales 1 X by the dimensionless number Gµ, where G is Newton’s Cusps on cosmic string loops can also yield a contribu- r gravitational constant (we are using units in which the tion to ultra-high-energy cosmic rays [16, 17]. Finally, a speed of light is c = 1). In simple quantum field the- cosmic string loops may assist in the assembly of the ory models the tension is related to the energy scale η at largemassconcentrationsrequiredtoseedsuper-massive whichthestringsareformedviaµ∼η2(seethefollowing black holes. section for a more precise discussion). The cosmological Foralloftheabovereasonsitwouldthusbewonderful signatures of strings are thus more substantial for larger to have evidence for the existence of cosmic strings in valuesofµwhichimplieslargervaluesoftheenergyscale nature. Thesearchforcosmicstringsisthereforeofgreat η. Hence,searchingforcosmologicalsignaturesofstrings interest independent of whether the search in fact finds is a tool to probe particle physics beyond the Standard Modelatthehighestenergyscales(asopposedtoacceler- ator experiments like the LHC which probe new physics at low energy scales). 1 Thechallengeforparticlephysicsmodelsofmagnetogenesisisto obtaintheobservedcoherencelengthsincemicrophysicstypically producescoherencelengthswhicharemuchtoosmall. Inthecase of cosmic string seeds, the increase of the comoving curvature radiusofthelongstringsprovidesthemechanismofobtaininga ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] largemagneticfieldcoherencelength. 2 signals of cosmic strings. If it does, then we will have minimizes the potential. In the above example M is discovered something completely new in the universe. If homotopically equivalent to the circle S1. it does not, then we will have derived tighter constraints In thermal equilibrium, the potential obtains finite on particle physics at very high energy scales. temperature corrections [22, 23] (see e.g. [24] for a re- In this talk I will review recent work on signatures of view). Specifically, there is an extra contribution cosmic strings in new observational windows. Up to the present time, the tightest and most robust constraints ∆VT(φ) ∼ T2|φ|2, (3) on the cosmic string tension have come from analyses of CMB temperature maps. Here, I will focus on the where T is the temperature. Hence, there is a critical signaturesofstringsinCMBpolarizationmapsand21cm temperature Tc above which the lowest potential energy redshift surveys, two emerging windows to explore the state is φ = 0 and the field symmetry (rotation in the cosmos. complex field plane) is unbroken. Thus, in the early uni- versetheaveragevalueofφateachpointinspacewillbe The main points to take away from this talk are the φ = 0, but as the universe cools below the temperature following. Firstly, cosmic strings lead to nonlinearities T thisstatebecomesunstableandateachpointinspace already at very high redshifts. Hence, the signatures of c φ will want to roll down the potential to take on a value cosmic strings are more pronounced at higher than at in M. lower redshifts where they are masked by the nonlineari- The key point is [7] that by causality there can be no tiesproducedbytheGaussiandensityfluctuationswhich correlationbetweenthefieldvaluesinMwhicharetaken must be present and which dominate the total power on at points in space which are out of causal contact, spectrum of cosmological perturbations. Secondly, cos- i.e. which are further apart than the Hubble distance mic strings lead to perturbations which are highly non- t. Hence, there is a probability of order 1 that the field Gaussianandwhichpredictspecificgeometricalpatterns values in M evaluated for a loop C in space of radius t in position space. By computing a power spectrum, in- will form an incontractible loop in M. This implies that formation about these patterns are lost. Hence, tighter there must be a point in space on any disk bounded by limits on the cosmic string tension can be obtained if we C where φ = 0. Around these points there is trapped analyze the data in position space. Thirdly, 21cm red- potential and spatial gradient energy. shift surveys appear to be an ideal window to search for cosmic string signatures [18]. Energy minimization arguments make it obvious that thedistinguishedpointsondifferentdisks(withthesame The outline of this talk is as follows. We first present boundary) form part of a line. This line is the cosmic a brief review of the basics of cosmic strings. In Section string. It is a line of points with φ = 0 surrounded by a 3weintroducethetwomainmechanismswhichwillplay tube of trapped energy. The width w of the tube is de- a role in determining the cosmic string signals in obser- termined by minimizing the sum of potential and spatial vations, namely the Kaiser-Stebbins [19] (see also [20]) gradient energy, leading to the result lensing effect and the cosmic string wake [21]. We also briefly review the well-known resulting signal of strings w =λ−1/2η−1 (4) inCMBtemperaturemaps. Thekeysectionsofthistalk areSections4and5. Inthefirst,wediscussthesignalof such that the resulting mass per unit length µ is inde- a long straight cosmic string in CMB polarization maps, pendent of the coupling constant: and in the second we turn to the signal in 21cm redshift surveys. µ=η2 (5) (up to numerical factors independent of λ). II. COSMIC STRING REVIEW Torecap,causalitytellsusthatatthesymmetrybreak- ing phase transition at time t = t a network of cosmic c In a class of relativistic quantum field theories, cosmic strings will form in any field theory model which admits strings form after a phase transition in the early uni- cosmic string solutions. Cosmic strings are closed - they verse during which an internal symmetry in field space cannot have ends. Hence, they are either string loops is spontaneously broken. Let us consider a simple toy or infinite in length. Note that causality in fact ensures model involving a complex scalar field φ with potential that (in an infinite space) strings of infinite length will be formed. A way to picture the network of strings is as V(φ) = λ(cid:0)|φ|2−η2(cid:1)2 (2) a random walk with typical curvature radius ξ(t) which 4 is bounded from above by the Hubble length t. The same causality argument which is used to predict where η is the vacuum expectation value of the modulus the formation of strings can be used to show that the of φ and λ is a coupling constant. network of strings will survive at all times t>t , includ- c To determine whether a particular field theory admits ingthepresenttime. Hence,cosmicstringsformedinthe cosmic string solutions or not, the key concept is that very early universe will lead to signatures which can be of the vacuum manifold M, the set of field values which searched for in current cosmological observations. 3 We will work in terms of a one-scale model [25] of the are in fact discovered or the bounds on the existence of cosmic string distribution which is given by the correla- strings are improved we will have learned a lot about tionlengthξ(t)whichdescribesboththemeancurvature particle physics. radius and the separation of the “long” strings (“long” meaning with length greater than t). Kibble’s causality argument tells us that ξ(t) < t. Dynamical arguments III. KAISER-STEBBINS EFFECT AND COSMIC showthatξ(t)cannotbemuchsmallerthant. Theargu- STRING WAKES mentisasfollows: cosmicstringsarerelativisticobjects. If the curvature radius is smaller than t, then the strings In this talk I will focus on gravitational effects of cos- will move with relativistic speed. Hence, intersections micstrings. Thesearebasedontwomain“actors”,firstly of strings will occur. It can be shown [26] that unless the Kaiser-Stebbins lensing effect [19, 20], and secondly the relative speed of two intersecting string segments is the existence of string wakes [21]. extremelyclosetothespeedoflight, thenthestringseg- Thestringlensingeffectisbasedonthefactthatalong mentswillnotcross,buttheywillintersectandexchange straight cosmic string with equal tension and energy per ends. In this way, the long strings can form string loops, unit length leads to a conical structure of space perpen- which in turn oscillate and decay by emitting gravita- dicular to the string [31]. Unwrapping the cone onto a tional radiation. This process is described by a Boltz- plane leads to a “deficit angle” mann equation (see e.g. [2]) from which it follows that if ξ(t)(cid:28)t then ξ(t)/t will increase, and that there will be α = 8πGµ. (7) a dynamical fixed point scaling solution with Ifwenowconsideracosmicstringwithtransverseveloc- ξ(t) ∼t. (6) ity v and associated relativistic gamma factor γ(v), then if we look at the CMB in direction of the string (see Fig. Theapproachtoascalingsolutionhasbeenconfirmedin 1), then photons passing on the two sides of the string aseriesofnumericalsimulations[27]. Theprocessoflong are observed with a relative Doppler shift string intercommutation leaves behind a distribution of δT cosmic string loops which also achieves a scale-invariant = 8πγ(v)vGµ. (8) form. We will not discuss this issue since we will focus T on the cosmological signatures of the long strings. This leads to a line discontinuity in the CMB sky, the Since cosmic strings carry energy, they can gravitate linear direction corresponding to the projection of the and produce cosmological signals. This was first pointed tangent vector of the string onto our last light cone [19, out in [3]. In the early 1980s cosmic strings were stud- 20]. ied as an alternative to cosmological inflation [25]. Cos- Given a scaling distribution of strings, each string mic string formation produces entropy fluctuations on whichintersectsourpastlightconewillleadtoalinedis- super-Hubble scales which then seed a curvature fluctu- continuity in the CMB sky. As shown in [32], for strings ation which grows on super-Hubble scales. Such fluctu- formed at a phase transition at time t in the early uni- ations are called “active”. They are also “incoherent” c verse(asopposedtoidealizedstringsbeingpresentatall meaning that there are no phase correlations in phase times), the deficit angle at time t has finite depth d(t), space between different Fourier modes [28]. Hence, al- namely thoughcosmicstringspredictaspectrumofdensityfluc- tuations which is scale-invariant and hence an angular d(t) (cid:39) (t−t ) (cid:39) t (9) c powerspectrumofCMBanisotropieswhichisalsoscale- invariant on large angular scales [29], the acoustic oscil- for t (cid:29) t . Hence, the signature of an individual string c lations which are characteristic of models like inflation in the sky corresponds to a rectangle in the sky with the where a scale-invariant spectrum of adiabatic fluctua- above value of δT. The dimensions of the rectangle are tions are generated whose amplitude remains constant theanglesgivenbythecomovingdistancescorresponding on super-Hubble scales are absent [28]. Once the acous- tolengthc tanddeptht, wherec isaconstantoforder 1 1 tic oscillations were discovered by various experiments 1. such as the Boomerang experiment [30], interest in cos- We will be making use of a toy model for the (long) mic strings collapsed. cosmic string scaling first introduced in [33] and widely However, given the realization that cosmic strings are used since then in cosmic string research. We replace produced after inflation in many particle physics mod- the infinite string network at time t by a set of straight els, interest in searching for observational signatures of string segments of length c t whose center of mass posi- 1 cosmic strings as a supplementary (not main) source of tions, tangent vectors and velocity vectors are randomly structure in the universe has increased. The search for distributed and uncorrelated. These string segments live strings in the cosmos is emerging as a promising way to foroneHubbleexpansiontime(theaveragetimebetween probe physics at energy scales much larger than those string intercommutations). In the subsequent Hubble thatcaneverbereachedinterrestrialaccelerators,asal- time steps there are new string segments with larger ready mentioned above. Independent of whether strings length whose centers, tangent and velocity vectors are 4 FIG. 1: Sketch of the geometry of space perpendicular to a long straight string segment. Space is conical which corre- sponds to a deficit angle in the plane. If the string is moving withvelocityvinadirectiontransversetothedirectionofthe string,thenphotonspassingondifferentsidesofthestringare measured with a relative Doppler shift. This is the Kaiser- Stebbins effect. assumed to be uncorrelated with those of the string seg- ments in the previous Hubble time step. As a reflection of the scaling of the string network, we consider a fixed number N per string segments in each Hubble volume. The number N can be determined by comparing with numerical simulations. Causality tells us that N ≥ 1. Numerical simulations give values of the order N ∼ 10 FIG.2: CMBanisotropymapfora10o×10o patchofthesky [27]. (cid:48) at 1.5 resolution (the specifications are chosen to be compa- String segments in each Hubble time step contribute rabletothoseoftheSPTandACTtelescopes-infactbothof to the total Kaiser-Stebbins effect. String segments in these telescopes map a larger fraction of the sky) in a model the first Hubble time step after recombination are the in which the fluctuations are given by a scaling distribution mostnumerous. Thesizeintheskyofthecorresponding of cosmic strings. The color coding indicates the amplitude temperature patches is about one degree. Strings from of the temperature anisotropy. laterHubbletimestepsarelessnumerousbutlarger(see Fig. 2). able by using data from the SPT telescope [35] (see also ToidentifythesignalofcosmicstringsinCMBtemper- [36,37]forinitialworkonapplyingtheCannyalgorithm ature maps, good angular resolution is more important to CMB maps). The projected bound is than full sky coverage. Hence, experiments such as SPT and ACT will yield better limits than even the Planck Gµ ≤ 2×10−8. (10) satellite. The second main “actor” in the story presented here The distinctive edges in CMB temperature maps pro- is the cosmic string wake [21], Consider a long straight duced by strings are washed out in the angular power string segment moving through the uniform matter dis- spectrum. Hence, tighter limits can be set on the string tributionoftheearlyuniverse. Fromthepointofviewof tension by analyzing the CMB maps in position space a point behind the moving string, it appears as though using edge detection algorithms rather than by simply matter acquires a velocity perturbation computing a power spectrum. Specifically, by using a numerical implementation of the Canny edge detection δv = 4πvγ(v)Gµ (11) algorithm[34]itappearsthataboundoneorderofmag- nitudestrongerthanthecurrentboundmightbeachiev- fromaboveandbelowtowardstheplanebehindthemov- 5 call q (t,t )) for which the shell is “turning around” at nl i c t time t, i.e. 1 i h˙(q(t),t) = 0. (14) v After turnaround, the shell will virialize at a physical height which is half the turnaround height 2 This viri- 4!Gµtivs"s alized region forms the wake. The result of a straight- forward calculation shows that (in agreement with what follows from linear perturbation theory), the comoving tivs"s height of the wake grows linearly in the scale factor, i.e. a(t) 24π FIG. 3: Geometry of a cosmic string wake. Such a wake is q (t,t ) = vγ(v)Gµ(z(t )+1)−1/2t , (15) extended in the plane spanned by the direction tangential to nl i a(ti) 5 i 0 thestringsegmentandbythevelocityvector,whileitsinitial where the expression on the right hand side is the ratio size perpendicular to this plane is thin. In the figure, v is s the string velocity v, and γ is its related gamma factor. of scale factors multiplying the initial comoving width of s the wake (modulo a factor of order 1). Note that z(t) is thecosmologicalredshift. Inthecontextofcosmicstrings ingstring. Thisinturnleadstoawedge-shapedoverden- this analysis was originally done in [40] (accretion onto sity (twice the background density) behind the string. loops) and [41] (accretion onto wakes). This is the wake. Since the turnaround height itself is half the height Working again in the context of the toy model of [33], theshellwouldhaveifitweresimplytoexpandwiththe each string segment in each Hubble expansion time gen- Hubble flow, the resulting overdensity in the wake is a eratedawake. Considerastringattimet . Thephysical factor of 4. Note that for accretion onto a string loop, i dimension of the induced wake at the time t will be the resulting overdensity is 64 since there is contraction i in all three spatial directions (see e.g. [42]). c1ti×vγ(v)ti×4πvγ(v)Gµti, (12) Let us end this section with a couple of comments. Firstofall, theplanardimensionsofthewakewillretain where the first factor is the size along the tangent vector constant comoving size. Secondly, there is an important of the string, the second factor is the depth (in direction difference between the lensing signal due to string seg- opposite to the string motion), and the third factor is mentsandthewakesignal. Sincethestringsegmentonly the mean width. At the leading edge (the instantaneous lives for one Hubble expansion time, only strings whose location of the string), the width of the wake is zero, finite time world sheet intersects the past light cone lead whereas at the trailing edge (the initial position of the toanobservablesignal. Ontheotherhand,wakespersist string segment) the width is twice the mean width w. evenafterthestringsegmentwhichhasseededthemhas Once formed, a wake will grow in thickness via grav- decayed. Hence, allstringsegmentswithinthepastlight itational accretion. This process can be studied using cone lead to observable wake signals. In the following, it the Zel’dovich approximation [38]. The idea is to con- is signals due to wakes which will be discussed. sider a shell of matter which is located initially (at the time t when the wake is laid down) at a physical height i h(t ) = a(t )q above the center of the wake. The quan- i i IV. SIGNATURES OF COSMIC STRINGS IN tity q is the initial comoving height. As a consequence CMB POLARIZATION of the gravitational pull of the matter overdensity in the wake, a comoving displacement ψ(t) gradually builds up When primordial CMB quadrupole radiation scatters (where ψ(t ) = 0). The physical height at time t > t i i off of a gas cloud, the residual free electrons in the cloud then can be written as leadtopolarization. Wakesareregionsofenhancedden- (cid:0) (cid:1) sity, and hence also of enhanced free electron density. h(q,t) = a(t) q−ψ , Photons emitted at the time of recombination acquire extrapolarizationwhentheypassthroughastringwake. where a(t) is the cosmological scale factor. The time It is this signal which we study here [43]. evolutionoftheheightisthendeterminedviaNewtonian There are two polarization modes - E and B modes. gravity A Gaussian random field of density fluctuations leads ∂Φ to pure E-mode polarization. In contrast, cosmic string h¨ = − , (13) ∂h whereΦistheNewtoniangravitationalpotentialwhichis determinedviathePoissonequationintermsofthemass 2 Note that this picture of cosmic string wake growth has been overdensity. We then calculate the value q(t) (which we confirmedbyanEulerianhydrosimulation[39]. 6 wakes lead to a statistically equal distribution of E and B-mode polarization. The reason for the generation of a B-modecomponentisthatthereisadistinguishedvector given by the normal vector to the wake. This vector is independent of the CMB quadrupole vector. The amplitude P of the polarization signal depends on the column density of free electrons which the CMB photons encounter when they cross the wake. If t is the timewhenthephotonsarepassingthroughthewake,the column density is proportional to the residual ionization fractionf(t)attimet,thenumberdensityofbaryonsand thewidthofthewake. ThevalueofP isthendetermined bymultiplyingtheresultwiththescatteringcrosssection σ and the amplitude Q of the CMB quadrupole. The T result is (see [43] for details): P 24π(cid:0) 3 (cid:1)1/2 FIG. 4: The CMB anisotropy polarization pattern (direction Q (cid:39) 25 4π σTf(t)Gµvγ(v) (16) and magnitude indicated by the arrows) produced by a cos- mic string wake. For a wake produced close to the time of ×Ω ρ (t )m−1t (cid:0)z(t)+1(cid:1)2(cid:0)z(t )+1(cid:1)1/2, recombination, the angular size is about one degree. B c 0 p 0 i wheret isthetimewhenthewakeislaiddown,Ω isthe i B fraction of the total energy density which is in baryons, holy grail of inflation” 3. What is usually meant by this and ρ (t ) is the critical energy density (energy density statement is that B-mode polarization is predicted in c 0 of a spatially flat universe) at the present time t . inflationary models from the spectrum of gravitational 0 Note that the induced polarization increases as the waves which inflation generates. Thus, it is claimed that wake formation time decreases. This is because early the detection of B-mode polarization will be a signal of wakes have had time to accrete more matter and are the gravitational waves which inflation predicts. How- thicker than late wakes. The value of P also increases ever, as we have shown above, cosmic strings predict as z(t) increases. This is because the density in a wake direct B-mode polarization independent of gravitational is larger at earlier times than later ones. Inserting the waves. Thus, it is not correct to interpret a potential value of the constants appearing above and evaluating detection of B-mode polarization as being due to gravi- the result in units of the characteristic values z(t)+1= tational waves. z(t )+1=103 we obtain Secondly, there are sources of gravitational waves i which generically lead to a higher amplitude of such P ∼ f(t)Gµvγ(v)Ω (cid:0)z(t)+1(cid:1)2(cid:0)z(ti)+1(cid:1)3107. (17) waves than what is obtained in the simplest single field Q B 103 101/2 slow-roll inflation models. Specifically, the cosmic string loops which are inevitably produced via the dynamics of The residual ionization fraction drops off after recom- the scaling network of long strings will oscillate and de- bination to a value of between 10−5 and 10−4 (see e.g. cay by emitting gravitational waves. Thus, a detection [44]), but increases again at the time of reionization to a of gravitational waves (via B-mode polarization or other value of order unity. However, as can be seen from (17), means)ismorelikelytobeasignalofsomethingdifferent the predicted CMB polarization has an amplitude which from inflation. is suppressed by either f(t) for times t between recombi- There is, in fact, an interesting twist to the story: If nationandreionization,orbythesquareof(z(t)+1)/103 B-mode polarization is discovered and shown to be due for times after reionization. togravitationalwaves,andabluespectrum(morepower Inspiteofthesmallamplitudeofthesignal,thestring- onshorterwavelengths)ismeasured,thenthiswouldrule induced polarization may still be detectable because of out these gravitational waves as being due to inflation. the specific geometry of the signal in position space: a Instead, it would be the confirmation of an effect first cosmic string wake leads to a rectangular region in the predicted in the context of superstring theory, namely sky with extra polarization with almost uniform polar- the spectrum induced in the string gas alternative to in- ization axis and with an amplitude which is increasing flationary cosmology [46]. monotonically from the leading edge of the wake (where In conclusion, B-mode polarization can be viewed as thestringislocated)tothetrailingedge(wherethestring the “holy grail” of early universe cosmology, but not as wasatthetimeofwakeformation),andbecausestatisti- the “holy grail” of inflation. cally an equal amount of E-mode and B-mode polariza- tion is generated. In this context, I wish to comment on the statement which is often heard that “B-mode polarization is the 3 Thefollowingparagraphsarebasedon[45]. 7 t V. SIGNATURES OF COSMIC STRINGS IN 21CM SURVEYS The 21cm redshift survey technique is emerging as a promisingtooltoprobecosmology,inparticularthehigh redshift universe, the universe during the “dark ages” (i.e. before the onset of star formation). The physics is the following: after the time of recom- !v’ bination but before reionization the baryonic matter in the universe is mostly in the form of neutral hydrogen. Neutral hydrogen has a hyperfine transition line at a frequency corresponding for 21cm. If we consider the primordial CMB radiation passing through a gas cloud, !v’ then the spectrum at the rest frame frequency of 21cm is changed by excitation or de-excitation of the hyper- fine transition. The primordial 21cm photons can be ab- FIG.5: Space-timesketch(spaceashorizontalaxisandtime sorbed by the gas cloud. In turn, a hot gas cloud will in vertical direction) showing 21cm photons emitted from a emit21cmphotons. Whethertheneteffectisanabsorp- string wake. Looking in a fixed direction in the sky, photons tionoremissioneffectdependsonthetemperatureofthe from the wake will undergo different amount of cosmological gas cloud. redshift and will hence arrive with a frequency dispersion. Any gas cloud which intersects our past light cone at some time between recombination and the present time willyielda21cmsignal. Ifthetimeofintersectioncorre- perature via a collision coefficient x : c sponds to a redshift z(t), then the emission / absorption 1+x signal will be seen at the redshifted wavelength T = c T . (20) S 1+x T /T γ c γ K λ(t) = (z(t)+1)λ , (18) 0 The relative brightness temperature measured by the observer today is where λ is 21cm. Hence, 21cm redshift surveys provide 0 ameans formappingthe distributionofbaryonic matter T (ν)−T (ν) δT (ν) = b γ , (21) as a function of redshift, including at times before the b 1+z onset of star formation. Cosmic string wakes are nonlinear density perturba- where the denominator is due to the redshifting of the tions present at arbitrarily early times with a distinctive temperatures between the time when the gas cloud in- geometric pattern in position space. Thus, as realized in tersects our past light cone and the present time. [18], (see also [47] for early work on cosmic strings and Let us now turn to the application to cosmic string 21cm redshift surveys), cosmic strings predict striking wakes. Fig. 5 presents a sketch of 21cm photons from signals, in particular at redshifts before reionization. a string wake. As indicated, there will be a frequency Let us begin this section with some basic equations dispersion caused by the different times the photons are required to compute the 21cm signal (see [48] for a com- emitted. Its magnitude is proportional to the width of prehehsive review of 21cm cosmology). Let us consider the wake and is given by primordial CMB photons passing through a gas cloud at δν redshift z(t). Then the brightness of the 21cm radiation = 2sin(θ)tan(θ)Hw, (22) ν emerging from the gas cloud is where H is the Hubble expansion rate, w is the wake T (ν) = T (cid:0)1−e−τν(cid:1)+T (ν)e−τν , (19) width, and θ is the angle between the perpendicular to b S γ the plane of the wake and the line of sight towards us. where T is the “spin temperature” of the hydrogen The optical depth for 21cm photons passing through S atoms in the gas cloud, and T is the temperature of the the wake is (in units where c=(cid:126)=k =1) γ B CMB photons before entering the gas cloud. The quan- tityτν istheopticaldepthatthefrequencybeingconsid- τ = 3A10(cid:0) ν (cid:1)NHIφ(ν), (23) ered. The second term in (19) describes the absorption ν 4ν2 T 4 S of the primordial CMB photon due to excitation of the where N is the column number density of hydrogen hydrogenatoms,thefirsttermgivesthecontributiondue HI atoms, A is the spontaneous emission coefficient of the to de-excitation of the hydrogen atoms. 10 21cm transition, and φ(ν) is the line profile Thespintemperatureintroducedabovedeterminesthe excitation level of the hydrogen atoms. It is related to 1 δν δν the gas temperature in the wake and to the CMB tem- φ(ν) = δν for ν(cid:15)[ν10− 2 ,ν10+ 2 ]. (24) 8 Note that the width of the string wake (and hence the t ! dependence on gµ cancels out between the column den- t 0 # sity and the line profile. This will lead to the relative brightness temperature signal being independent of the s 1 string tension. ! 2 "! To determine the relative brightness temperature, we s also need to know the spin temperature of the hydrogen 2 gasinsidethewake. Thisisinturndetermined(20)from 2ti !1 the kinetic temperature of the wake. Assuming that the t i kthineektiincetteicmepneerragtyuraecqisuiorbedtadinuerdingvitahethZeerlm’daolviziachtiocnollfarposme xc x 2 x 1 x2 x1 x c of the wake leads to the result [18] FIG.6: Geometryofthe21cmsignalofacosmicstringwake. T (cid:39) [20 K](Gµ)2(vγ(v))2zi+1, (25) On the left is a space-time sketch (horizontal axis being co- K 6 z+1 moving spatial coordinates and vertical axis being conformal time) of the string wake which is laid down at time t . The i where(Gµ) isthevalueofGµinunitsof10−6, z isthe string segment “lives” until the time 2t . Its initial position 6 i i redshift of wake formation and z is the redshift at which isx ,itsfinalpositionx . Thestringwakeextendsincomov- 1 2 the wake intersects the past light cone. ing coordinates from x1 to x2. Its thickness at x1 vanishes Inserting this result (25) into the expression for the and is maximal at x2. The time t0 is the present time. Our pastlightcone(indicatedbythelinelabelledγ)intersectsthe 21cm brightness temperature (19) yields the following stringwake. Fortheconfigurationshown,thepastlightcone relative brightness temperature intersectstheleading(thin)edgeofthewakeearlierthanthe trailing edge. Hence, 21cm photons from the leading edge δT (ν) = [0.07 K] xc (cid:0)1− Tγ (cid:1)(1+z)1/2 (26) are redshifted more than those from the trailing edge. This b 1+x T c K givesrisetoacharacteristicwedgeofextra21cmabsorption/ emission due to the string wake in 21cm redshift maps. This whose amplitude is of the order wedge is sketched on the left of the figure, a sketch in which thehorizontalaxisisthesamecomovingspatialcoordinateas δT (ν) ∼200mK for , z+1=30 (27) b in the left sketch, and the vertical axis is the detected 21cm frequency. (we have taken the redshift of emission from the wake to belargerthantheredshiftofrionizationsothatwedonot have to bother about nonlinearities from the Gaussian a frequency which has undergone less frequency redshift. fluctuations). Thus, the two “large” dimensions of the wedge are not The amplitude of the cosmic string-induced 21cm sig- exactly perpendicular to the frequency axis. The geom- nal is thus very large. Whether the signal is in emission etry is illustrated in Fig. 6. or absorption dependson which of T or T is larger. In K γ Whereas the amplitude of the brightness temperature the former case (low redshifts) we have an emission sig- signal at a fixed point inside the wedge does not depend nal, in the latter case it is a signal in absorption 4. The to a first approximation on Gµ, the width of the wedge transition between emission and absorption takes place does depend on it. The relative width is given by when (z+1)2 δν = 24πGµv γ (cid:0)z +1(cid:1)1/2(cid:0)z(t)+1(cid:1)−1/2 (Gµ)2 (cid:39) 0.1(vγ(v))−2 . (28) ν 15 s s i 6 z +1 i (cid:39) 3×10−5(Gµ) vγ(v), (29) 6 ForvaluesofGµwhicharecomparableorlowerthanthe current upper bound, the signal is thus more likely to be using zi +1 = 103 and z +1 = 30 in the second line. in absorption rather than in emission. Hence, an instrument with good frequency resolution is Wakes formed after the time of recombination t in- requiredtobeabletomeasurethecosmicstringwakesig- rec tersect the past light cone over a large area in the sky nal at full strength. If the frequency resolution is worse (comparable or greater to a square degree). Each wake than the above value, then the wake signal is still de- willproduceasignalintheformofathinwedgeinthree tectable, but with a reduced effective brightness. dimensional redshift survey space. The leading edge of The analysis presented up to this point has assumed thewedge(wherethecosmicstringsegmentislocatedat thattheinitialthermaltemperatureTg ofthegasisneg- the final time) corresponds to a later time and hence to ligible compared to the temperature acquired during in- fall. For small values of Gµ this assumption will fail. In this case the wake will not experience shocks. The ini- tial thermal velocities will dominate and will lead to a 4 NotethatTγ isadecreasingfunctionoftime,whereasthewake wider but more diffuse wake. The width in the presence temperatureincreasesforafixedwake. of initial gas temperature compared to the width wTg=0 9 zi￿3000Redto1000Blue possible to compute the 21cm signal of a cosmic string ∆Tbze￿20 K loop. Since the overdensity in the region which accretes 0.005 around the string loop is 64 5 for a loop compared to 4 ￿ ￿￿ ￿ for a wake (contraction occurs in all three dimensions), GΜ6 the induced brightness temperature is in fact even larger 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 thanforastringwake[42]. However,therearenospecial ￿0.005 patterns which allow the string loop signal to be teased apartfrombackgroundpointsources. Hence,weconsider ￿0.010 ittobemorepromisingtosearchforthesignalsofstring wakes. ￿0.015 FIG.7: RelativebrightnesstemperatureindegreesKinduced VI. CONCLUSIONS by a cosmic string wake for various values of the formation redshift. The curves from left to right (in the region of low I have discussed the search for cosmic string signals in values of Gµ) correspond to z = 3000,2500,2000,1500 and i 1000. ThehorizontalaxisisthevalueofGµinunitsof10−6. newobservationalwindows. Thereisgoodmotivationfor The two brown almost horizontal lines indicate the expected this work: detecting a cosmic string in cosmology would thermal noise per pixel of an experiment such as the SKA initselfbeagreatdiscoverywhichmightleadtothesolu- (the Gµ dependence of the horizontal lines comes from the tion of some outstanding problems in cosmology such as choiceoftheoptimalpixelsizeasafunctionofGµ(see[49]). the origin of primordial magnetic fields which are coher- ent on galactic scales. Maybe more importantly, search- ing for cosmic strings in the sky is a way to probe parti- for T =0 is given by [49] g cle physics beyond the Standard Model at energy scales which can never be reached in terrestrial accelerators. T w(t)|TK<Tg = w(t)|Tg=0Tg . (30) Cosmic strings contribute to structure formation and K hence leave imprints in the structure in the universe. Since the hydrogen column density remains unchanged However, the contribution of strings to the total power the temperature at a fixed point in the sky will decrease of cosmological perturbations is already bounded from since the frequency dispersion increases. abovetobelessthanabout5%atthepresenttime. The In Figure 7 we show the brightness temperature ex- bulkofthepowercomesfromalmostGaussianprimordial cess as a function of Gµ for various values of the forma- fluctuations (here called Gaussian “noise”) such as those tion redshift. For large values of Gµ, the relative bright- which could be generated by inflation or its alternatives. ness temperature is positive. For smaller values, it is The first main point to take away from this talk is an absorption effect. The kink point along each curve thatcosmicstringsproducenonlinearitiesalreadyatvery corresponds to the lowest value of Gµ for which there high redshifts (whereas the Gaussian noise does not). is shock-heating. The (brown) almost horizontal lines Hence, the signatures of cosmic strings will be more pro- on the graph correspond to the pixel by pixel sensitiv- nouncedathighredshifts. Hence,CMBanisotropymaps ityofanexperimentsuchastheSquareKilometerArray and21cmredshiftsurveysareidealwindowstoprobefor (SKA), with a pixel size optimized as a function of Gµ strings. (see [49]). We see that the string signal is larger than The second main point is that cosmic strings produce the predicted noise level for values of Gµ substantially fluctuations which are non-Gaussian. More specifically, smaller than the kink value. stringwakesinducesignalswithspecificgeometricalpat- Since the signal of a string wake has a very special terns in position space. Hence, better limits on cosmic pattern in position space, it is possible to search for this strings can be achieved when analyzing the data in po- signal even if the relative brightness temperature at a sition space (e.g. with edge detection algorithms) rather fixed point in the sky is smaller than the pixel noise, than via power spectra computations. in the same way that the line discontinuities caused by Thirdly, the 21cm redshift survey window appears to stringsegmentsinCMBtemperaturemapscanbepicked be extremely promising. Improvements on the existing out for values of Gµ where the pixel by pixel signal is limits by several orders of magnitude should be possible. hidden in the noise. As in the case of CMB temperature Thereareotherwindowstoprobecosmicstrings. One maps, it is important to use position space algorithms isviagravitationalwaves. Oscillatingcosmicstringloops to analyze the maps. For an attempt to use Minkowski emit gravitational radiation [52]. A scaling network on functionals to pick out string signals in 21cm redshift strings will produce a scale-invariant spectrum of grav- maps see [50]. Naturally, it is also possible to compute the power spectrum of the cosmic string wake signal in 21cm red- shiftmaps. Theangularpowerspectrumatafixedvalue 5 Assumingherethattheinitialtranslationalmotionofthestring of the frequency has been computed in [51]. It is also loopisnegligible. 10 itational waves (see e.g. [53]). Cusps on cosmic strings ing work on the effects of cosmic string wakes is ongoing may produce more distinctive signals [54]. However, it is at McGill. expected that back-reaction effects (see e.g. [55]) could greatlyreducethegravitationalwavesignalofcusps,and Acknowledgments hence limits on Gµ derived from cusp signals should be taken with lots of grains of doubt. IwishtothankProf. PauchyHwangfortheinvitation Another window to probe cosmic strings is via high tolectureatCosPA2012andforhiswonderfulhospitality. redshift galaxy surveys. The relative contribution of Iwishtothankallofmycollaboratorsontherecentcos- stringstocorrelationfunctionsofnonlinearmassconcen- micstringwork,andinparticularRebeccaDanosforper- trations in the universe increases as the redshift grows. mission to use various figures drawn for [18, 35, 43], and Hence,itisinterestingtolookforsignalsofcosmicstrings Oscar Hernandez for permission to use Figure 7 which in the high redshift galaxy distribution. Quite recently, is taken from [49]. This research has been supported in the contribution of cosmic string loops to galaxy forma- part by an NSERC Discovery Grant and by funds from tionathighredshiftshasbeenstudied[56]. Correspond- the Canada Research Chair program. [1] T. W. B. Kibble, “Topology of Cosmic Domains and straints from WMAP and the South Pole Telescope,” Strings,” J. 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